HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-10-3, Page 3PAGE 3
1000 KEENS
1 ` 1000 CHICKENS
, Each week at our Poultry
Feeding Plant for the betel=
of 1918, Prices paid according
to .quality and fancy. prices paid
for large properly fattened milk
fed chickens, •
Meatless days are making
very high prices for eggs, " Al-
though grain prices 'are high
it will pay you to take special
care of your stock of hens and
pullets. '
Gu u -Lab los & Co,, Limited
The up-to-date Firm,
Chilton Branch Phone 190
N. W. Trewartha, Manager
' or Holmesvilie 4 on 142.
4 _
pedal values in Art
Pianos and organs rent
I ed. Choice new Edison
to phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
C. Hoare:
t�/WiY48iI'.l�i/1�atV/t/�� Oh0'JbR,AMA`tahNlJ•tAF�
Call or Phone for prices
Byam & Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7.
NV WVVvV1NiN VyWyW V Vyt tyvy
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted Co eh0.oee cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price end know exactly what you
are getting,
You will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
everybody S37. this time should
know it -and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If iou would
like to mise chat sort altogether-
If you would.like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in-OOME WIRE'
And even at that, no pereon ever
said our prices were unfair
Jeweler and Optician
u er al Marriage Licenses
A Carload of
Govt. Standard
Just A ivied
t }
The pal:Mollo
spirit and devotion
with which Cana-
dian women have
so far performed
wareeervrce work
and made sacrifices
has never boon
equalled in the
history or any
country. Mothers,
wives and sisters
support this burden
with strength and
fortitude. 130t
those who are al-
ready miserable
from the corn-
plaints and weak-
nessee which are so common to women,
should take the right temperance tonic for
the womanly system, Wni
If a woman is borne down by pain
and sufferings, by nervouene00 pr OAP
spelle, by headache or backache, "Favorite
Prescription" should be taken, It can
now be had in tablet form as well as liquid
at most drug stores, Send to Dr, Pieree'e
Branch at Bridgeburg, Ont,, for a 100
trial pkg, of tablets.
For fifty years Dr, Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets have been most 'satisfactory in
liver and bowel troubles,
Wiadeor, Ont,"Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pre-
eoription made a new
woman of me. For
about six years I suf-
fared with woman's
trouble during which
time I became all run-
down, weak and. nerv-
ous. I would have
severe backaches and
Paine in on, aide. I
dootooed with the,doe
but did not "get
cured of my ailment
�� "• v �1' could a eoaroely thwalk
v • norms the floor whea•I
began taking the 'Prescription,' When I had
taken two bottles I was much improved and four
bottles completely cured me, and I have enjoyed
better health than I ever did before taking this
medicine, It I11lrnly a wonderful medicine. for
•emon.'!—Mrs. Martha Makaeter, 4 Alborg Ft.
Motor cars were first licensed in
Ontario in 1903, when 220 vehicles
were registered. Up to , and includ-
ing 1918• the registration oadvan�ecl to
83,799 vehicles and Canadians , pro-
minent in automobile affairs, say that
despite the war and its burdens, the
close of the present year will see the
.100,000 far exceeded,
w. fitt'ry:t)tYvr
P111410, FTC
Notary Putdfe, Conveyancer,
Fi n..ncial and IR,e,tl 61'411u,
INSURANCE A-GENT–Representing L4 Fire It
sumacs Oompeuios,
Division Court Office. .
Piano Tutting
Mr. James Doherty wishes to So -
form the public that be is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing
Orders left et W. Doherty's phone
81, will receive prompt attentinn
M i<A Cain. -!on,
Barrister, 5•,lieiL05 ('01,vo•yahrrt, Pte
Otlr:•.e or. A'.ltret Street, nr•••npinll ry
,lir', Hooper, Io 011 ton no even,
Tint'<dev, and on any day rue which
appointments are made, ( (Tice hours
from 9 a,nr, lu 6 p rn. A. (rood vault in
connection with the r'ITve. Office "pen
every weak day, a1 r. Hooper will mike
any oppoirtmentsfor Mr. Oauteron.
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Clinton, — Ontario
Office at Residence
CornierHigh and Kirk. Streets.
Clinton. Ontario
Local News
The Coral Scarcity
Tile, situation in Massachusetts is so.
serious that the Friel Controller of the
State has forbidden the lighting of fur -
:laces until December 1, The winter
climate of Massachusetts is no milder
than in Southern Ontario, but a skid -
lar decree in this Province would be
received with consternation, •
New Night Rates for Telephoning
A new schedule of night' rates for
lung distance telephone' service has
been filed with the Hoard of Railway'
Commissioners by the 13e11 Telephone
Company of Canada, to'become effec-
tive October tst next, Eetweent the
hours of 6 1, in, and 8,30 p, m, the
present day rates will apply. Front
8.30 to 11,30 the rate will be from 60
per cent of the day rate, and from
11,30 to 6 a, in, '10 per cent of the
day rate,. It is anticipated 'that this
readjusment of rates, which involves
both an increase and a decrease in pre-
sent charges, will effect such a redistri-
bution in the toad of long-distance tele-
phone traffic as to relieve the 'conger-
tion now existing on the lines.
Newspapers hit Again
Ml printing paper used to print
newspapers is bought at the war prices
f. o. b, at the mill, so the two recent
* # * 4 * * it * 4F di• * *
as Dungannon Oct, 3, 4 e
:, Fordwich ........ Oct. 5 *
Winghain Oct. 8, •9 *
�, e w it ai t+ r •w It e u an
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin.
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle and
tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at
very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white for a ew
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the face, neck, arms and f
hands each day and see how freckles and.
blemishes disappear and how clear, soft
and white the skin becomes. Yes! 4,6
is harmless. t
iE C41 4•TO. dV . I 1 W
lnereeees in railway freight r.jtes hit
the newspapers publishers new Maws.
Besides paper and ink, there fire 500e
one hundred and titteen heals of 0X -
peon in publishing a new,spltper, Of
these, thirty have risen over 209%,
twenty -live others have risen 15o%a,
eighteen others have risen 100%a, for-
ty-two have risen over 75%. Over
250 papers have gone opt of existence,
while over three hundred have raised
their selling price. If the war' Con-
tinues another year every paper in 411
the catlotries will have gone cut of
existence or hare raised its rats. -.--
Publicity, Montreal,
For Infants and Children
in Use For Over 3Oyear,
Always bears P
the 4a
' r!
,5ittnatixre of
Those War Taxes,
The wain taxes on railway passenger
traffic between Canadian and American
points are being' worked out on prtn-
ciples which involve the collection of
taxes for the United States Goveruinent ,
on travel in this country and for the
Dominion 'IGov'ernntent ,on itravdl In
the Republic, all depending on the
place.of purchase of transportation or
sleeper ticket. For example, if a tic-
ket from Toronto to Chicago is pur-
chased here, the amount of the tax
goes to Sir Thomas White's depart-
ment at'Ottawa, even for the travel
between Port Huron or Detroit and
Chicago through a foreign country,
Conversely, -i4 -the traveler wishes to
return, and buys, in Chicago a ticket
for this place, the tax on his travel
through Ontario goes to Mr, McAdoo
in Washington, A more extreme ex-
ample is a Journey between Buffalo
and Detroit via the Michigan Central,
Over 90%a of the travel IS 011 Canadian
soil but as both places of purchase
and departure are in the United States,
all the tax goes to the United .States.
COM; Cotton Root Ccr iporstut
<t e, rcliabte rept. atin5
matzo es. 14,4d in three de,
areas of stresgtn—Po. 1: 88
No. 2,43; No.. a, 05 per bob
Sold by all druggists,or scat
prepaid on recmpe 0f prise,
.Frau pamphlet. Address:
r " TOs0NT0, ear. (Farrar Mattsn)
Gave Perth County Its Name
A Stratford name worthy of respect
and praise is that of J. J. E. Linton,
(`lerk of the Peace (father of Mrs,
Sheriff Hosie), the active friend of
the slave, and worker in moral re-
orms. He is intimately linked wrath
Stratford's history, for in 1847 he
went to Montreal, where Parliament
vas then sitting, with the hope of get -
big legislation to separate this town
Crown and Bridge Nork a Specially.
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Cbreago, and 11,0,13.t
Ilayseld on Mondays, May tat to D
DR: "sl. FOWLER,
Offices over O'NEIL'S atone.
:Special Dare taken to make dental trey •
men* as painless as poastble.
Live stock and general Auction .e-
.arm atoms soles a epoomlr„ Otters n .
NEW End areae, Clinton, prt,,m t:.y astene.
to, Terme reasonable. fainters erne not
G. D, McTaggart M. D. MnTaggsr
McTaggitl.ri Bros.
4eneral Benkinit lintines.1
Drafts leered. Interest allowed e
The McKilliop Mutual
Fire Insurance 6o.
Paris and Isolated Town Prop,
erty Only insured.
Head Office-Seaforth, Ont
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas.
Evans, Beechwood, Vice,President;
Thos: E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary-
Alex. Leitch'No. t, Clinton; Edward
Hinchiey, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney' Eg
morolvilie• J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G
Jarmuth, brodhagen.
Wm. Rinn, No, 2, Seatorth; John Ben,
neweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech-
'" °4rliwan. James
1, .serichi D. 5. Clinton;McGregor,
th• J: G. Grieve, M. 4,
.)�+', trt Ferris, oarlock; Geo.
, 3. Saaforth, .
e +
fib' .rsday, Septermbcr 26th, 191$
To do your duty 'du'ring these trying
times your health should be your first
consideration. These two women
tell how, they found health.
.lI'Iellare, Pa, --"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg.
etable. Compound for female troubles and a die-
placement. X felt all rundown and Was very weak.
1 bad been treated by a physiolan without results,
6e494}ded to gape L die E. Finlcbj.m's Vegetable Compound
t3 trial, andel felt"kiotter igia away. 1 6431 •keeping hottse
since last .April and doing all nay housework, where before
I was unable to do any work. Lydia E, Plnkham's Vega -
table ()compound is certainly the best medicine a woman can
take when in this condition, I give you permission to publish
this tetter."—Mrs. E. 1t. CRumxrl•TG, 11. No. 1, Iiellam, Pa,
Lowell, Mich. --"I suffered from cramps and dragging
down pains, was irregular and had female weakness and
displacement. X began to take Lydia E, Pinkham'e Vege-
table Oompound which gave me relief at once and restored
my health. � 1 should like to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'sremedies t;o a41 suffering women who are troubled in a simi-
lar *ay.' '-=j�ra, $LIssa Elfram,B,No. 6, Box 83,Lowell,Mioh,
Why Not Try
and country 'from Huron, Not then
succeeding he tried again in 1849, and
although the business was difficult to
do because of the hot politics of that
day, which culminated in the burning
of the House and mobbing of the Gov-
ernor, he succeeded in getting a sep-
aration, and had the honor of naming
the county"Perth," out of respect to
the first and successful emigrants to
North Easthope who came from
Glengwaich, Perthshire, Scotland,
That honor was his only reward. He
occasionally issued at his Own expense,
from April, 1854, to at least as lite
as 1863, "The Challenge," a pro-
hibitory retail liquor license paper,
specimens of which must now be very
rare as I have not see,, a copy. 1f 1n
the garret you have some of these
Journals would it not be a nice thing
to give them to your public library?—
J, D. B.
An A..v:rtise * ent
by} harles Dickens
LLW'I �i �►�' -
CHARLES DICKENS is one of the world's great teachers.
Here is what he has to say in one of his books:
"My other piece of advice, Copperfleld," said Mr.
Micawber, "you know. Annual income £20, annual
expenditure £19. 19. 6—result, happiness. Annual
income £20, annual expenditure £20, 0. 6—result,
misery. The blossom is blighted, the leaf is withered,
the God of Day goes down upon' the dreary scene,
and -and in churl you are forever,flooreed, As I am."
The saving of a part of .one's. in-
Come was always a good policy.
Prudent` men and women have
always maintained a Margin r+
But to -day we must go farther in
our efforts to save than evif before._
Td -day it is a matter of the
gra'vest importance that each
Canadian seek ways and' lileazie,
to e.conomlzeby ` cutting down ex-
penditures for unnecessary things,
t saving the money he spends on
things he could do without, so
that when the Nation needs to
borrow money he will be in a posi-
tion to do his full duty.
There is war -shortening work wait-
ing for every dollar that can be
TF Charles Dickens were writing
to.' Cfinadians to -day he would
probibly..give us advice, to this
"My other ice of advice, Canadians,
you know. No matter what percentage
of your annual •income you have pre-
viously saved, your efforts to -clay should
be to save more. The advantage of so
doing is threefold: By the practice of
economy you conserve 'the material and
labor which must be devoted to the grins
task before us; you cultivate the priceless
habit of thrift; you gather snore and
more money to lend to the Nation .for the
prosecution of the war to a guch and
certain Victory,"
Publish .,t : rider the authority of the
Altint, • ,:r .: f Finance of Canada
wet vez.en
Husband—Shaw Wedding
At St. Alban's Cathedral, Toronto.
at half -past seven Thursday evening,
of last week, decorated with mauve
' and white asters, was the scene of a
very pretty wedding, when Edith
Rosalind, second daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Janes Shaw, became the bride of
A. R. Husband, eldest son of Mrs, J, A.
Husband, Ingersoll, and brother of
Mrs. K. Chowen and Mrs. Ray Rum -
ball, the officiating clergyman being
Rev, Dr, Ribourg. The bride, who
was escorted to the alter by her father,
wore her traveling suit of purple
broadcloth, with hat 'to match, and
corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses.
She also wore the groom's gift, a
white fox fur. Miss Adeline V. Shaw
was her sister's bridesmaid, and was
very prettily gowned lit peach color-
, n
carriededsatin11 bouquet oflarge Amblackericanhat, Beaatyd
roses. Mr. Bert Ashlield, who went
to France with the same unit as the
groom, was best ratan; the ushers be-
ing Mr, Bert Haight and Mr. Cecil
Saunders, Tile nephew of the bride,
Master Ross Haight, made a charm-
ing ring -bearer, the ring being sfrs-
pended from the basket of pink roses.
Immediately after the ceremony a,, re
ception was held at the 'home of the
bride's parents, Davenport road
which was tastefully decorated with
mauve and white 'mums, smilax and
ferns; the bride's mother receiving
in an amethyst gown with corsage
ho.toeaet of .sueleurst ,reser_. Among
the out-of-town guests were: Mrs. 3'
A. Husband, Ingersoll; Mrs, T, Wint-
erton, East Orange, N. J.; and rs, K.
Chown, Hamilton. The bride and
groan left later amid showers of
confetti and wishes
York and Easterngood paintsise, for New
Letter From Palestine 1
The following are extracts from a
letter from Lieut. J. R, Livingstone,
R. F. A. He is a son of the late Rev.
Janes Livingstone, a former Ratten-
bury Street pastor, and was familiar-
ly known as Reg:—"You will notice
that Palestine is 1115' present ab e
and i ant not very far away rom
Jaffa (Joppa), where Simon the goner
lived, and 1 also believe, but Van( not
quite sure, that Jaffa was elle
where old Jonah was swallowed bylthe
whsle. It a vary uninter sting place
as it has no harbour and t e population
is chiefly composed of Bedouins and
Arabs, although one P' where the
Jews live is very utodrryyrn and up -to -
+ to -
date We get plenty of fruit out there
such as oranges, le�ions, bananas, figs,
dates, melons, apes peaches,prickly
pears. (This $ear grows he the hig
-1, ' iiis plants t,td is very delicious
I when y� o` to ir'someone to take the
1 pricks off for you) also all kinds of
vegetables. Nott' 1 must not go on or
you will be wanting to come out here
1 and i 15111 not in the "Real Estate," VJe
are also in •1 very delightful climate
as the sun shines all day long (except-
ing in the winter time when it rains)
and 1 am tanned as black as a nigger.
I tun sure 1 would create a sensation in
Ithe Maie Street. We get a slap at
John Turk occasionally, and I have
a splendid gun which is very accurate,
but 1 must give the Turk credit, for
he excels at gunnery and shows fair-
ly good,pluek, 1 forgot to tell you I
have real live Indians under ire and I
have been learning Hindustani which
is a great combination of a dozen or
more Eastern languages. Ail the boys
and girls in this part of the world suf-
fer with their eyes, and it is caused
simply through filth. You cannot help
pitying the little beggars for they are
teeny very cute."
' There are about 80 operations' fn
the manufacture of a gold pen,
An Electric light attachment S,or
safety razors ha; been invented.
Several planters in Sumatra are
experimenthig with camphor cultlta-
Beneath the removable top of a new
dressing table. for babies is a diminu-
tive bath tub.
New Zealand has 4,391 registered
apiaries, representing more than 50,-
000 colonies of bees,
A distillery d st lery has been built in
Mexico for the production of alcohol
from sato!, a native pleat,
for testing plumbing for leaks ap-
paratus producting smoke by chemi- Bittern.
cal means has beet] invented, Airs, Katherine Henry, Port Sydneys;
government To ]lain solve its foal prcblei,i ng Out,, writes) "Two ears m Inco,
theplaof Brazil is encouraging shamed so covered witiyears agos I was n,•
the planting vi eucalyptus trees, to go out. 1 tried several res,ne
Among ill. . ,ahold novelties is dies, but they were of no neo. Itt last st
n porous t 1 dish which keeps friend advised Ineto try Burdoelt B1 loodl':
lis content ,.; by evaporation, Bitters, I gota'hottk, and by the iJxno
A new finger Wing is hollow and 1t wee used I,could see 11 diiferennc, 1
can be. filled with 1 perfume, which ! then got two more and when i bed meed'
slowly, Peat'', fl _f .:, quantities, r 1 thorns (bo pimples more,
ere rom >h tcly guns.'
I ,L , ,;fates for the I can highly recommend :i13 Ii."'
5+ 5 'h 'p M %F !4 •w to '5 * •N..
I * .a.
o o a x• an -e
Almost every known variety of
iron ore is found in Newfoundland.
A French engineer has de
a petroleum motor in which
buretor is needed.
A prize for the best bulb digging
machine has been offered by a Dutch
bulb culture society.
A single wheeler motor cycle has
been invented in which balance is
provided by a gyroscope.
Australians are experimenting with
a mammoth oil driven harvester which•
strips grain fields at a rate about
60 acres a day.
To enable pers,ans to see cleat.:
work which must be watched closely
an inventor has patented spectacles
surrounded by small incandescent
lamps. -
The :Tri:•0;
55 •t1 ^'C::: 0»0 j:'Tc7
as Ig,+vcs. g Cui:3'_'iC°_t
l: ? 3 ai.act:) d•oits own
Wo:'ir, arra do it well.
TL.P.: ` 0%.e Fifa regt.lariy,
L:-;.:1 you f rsc w you are
911 .5,5
Cc:oriess f aced often show
[Se absence of Iron in the
Carter's- iron Prii
will help this condition.,
Extra plates can be added to, new
dumb -belle to •increase their 01eiiylt±
when •i user wants a little more ex-
ercise than usual,
Agri'cuttUral stations, especially for
the education of orphans and, abandon-
ed children will' -be established by tore'
government, of Braiil, .,
A,t •a railroad terminus in a New'
Jersey porta concrete shed has been
built in which. 42 tars of .frozen coa4
can be thawed in' en hour.'
Many .all otherwise .beautiful and et. -
tractive face is sadly nlnr'red by unsightly
purples, blotohbs, fledli: vorine anti "irl s-
one other blood' diseases.
Many a cheek and, brow cast in the
mould of beauty have been sadly do -
faced, their attractiveness lost and their:
possessor rendered unhappy for years.
Get rid of these ase unsightly and obnoxi-
ous skin troubles by tieing Burdock Blood.,
pier a ti,.; •e for building Price $1 .00 a bottle Put up by "rho
ti itf second i T. Miliittre Co., Limited, Toronto, 'OaZ