HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-9-19, Page 6PAGE G 'l'i-lE CLlNTQf+i' .L tVEA11A113POOH. 01111419n MN tell wing to war conditions and the scarcity of Blas, pure linens are getting very scum, consequently advancing m price, A wise woman whose constant thought is the. "Home Beautiful" and the economical management thereof will consider this matter, Read this last c^ 'efu11Y ;nd give it your attention,Nope h perhaps you are sok really in need n. new linens at present but if you wish to save money on your purchases buy them now when. you can get the at about half the price they will be shortly. Or if you don't need them yourself perhaps you have a young friend who is arnticipaking a home of her own and what is more acceptable than linen's, TABLECLOTHS—Beautiful bleached Irish damask, satin finish, ali.round, single and double borders, a variety of designs, leaves, sprays, floral, figures, dots, etc,, also tabling by the yard. TABLE NAPKINS—Pure bleached. Bile!!, a large' range 'of choice designs, CENTREPIECES—Hand embroidered and Plauen lace centrepiece and doilies in dainty pat- terns:'• TRAY CLOTHS.-P1a21en lace, hand embroidered and drawn work, hent -stitched edges, all pure linen, TOWELS—A household necessity, always in demand, carefully ,selected, pure linen buck- aback towels, hem -stitched, plain and embroidered damask borders, guest and large sizes. Also bleached and unbleached turkish towels, with fancy stripes andall white. TOWELINGS—Reliable linen toweling's, values that are thoroughly dependable, checked and striped glass toweling, heavy crash, plain linen Buck and tea cloth. These materials are steadily advancing in price. BEDSPREADS—Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray arid figured effects, good heavy qualities. Come in and we will be pleased to show you our stock. If you don't see what you want ask for it. Agents for Priestley's Dress Goods Fall Fairs Starting 'tire County Fall Fairs have already commenced. Many of them which were held the first of .October are holding thein next week. Complete list on page 3. i. H jOur Cops are Tame Fort"Collins News—"The owners of dogs are keeping their dogs tied up to avoid the animals being bitten of shot by the police." Clinton. Flour Mills Ontario Street Church. Agents for Butterick Patterns w JRA sagapua000w0a tBa15o0(14 Local News ooccoosoarlicoawr00000r0000tieomet Art' Ear!ior Reduction A rumor says all train service will be reduced 011 Novembe1 t this year, instead of January i, in order to con- serve fuel, A, E. es A, M. Friday The ranular meeting of the flilitot Lodge A, 1', & A, M. win be held on Friday evening. Several degrees are on the program, Going On Poem • To -day Mr, David iiamiltolt and fain- tly leave for to,inake their !tome on n farm which Mr. fltentilion has'putchas- • ed near Auburn, Ms old hone The best wishes go with this family to, their new abode, Gave His Experience At the L. 0, L , Meeting last Friday evening, Mr. F, Tucker, who was' iu valided •hoitte hast Spring gave. his, ex- perience frau leaving Camp Borden, to England, into the trenches and out again, The Royal Arch was. also put on during the evening, Women's Institute The September meeting of the Clin- ton Branch of the Women's Institute will be held at the hone of Mrs, Levis Ion Thrsday Sept, 26111, at 3 o'clock, There wif be a demonstration on sal- . ads al-rads and a paper "The Home Care of the Sick" and an address from the Presi- dent on war work. A good attendance is hoped for, • • WITH TWA CUUURCfI:S. ei • 0 Willis March. Rev, J. G, Stuart, of London, will occupy the pulpit of Willis i hurch on Sunday morning and evening. 1 have just received instructions regarding lite price that 1 can tray fur wheat. It will pay any f:u•uter who has wheat to ,ell. Lo tinct out our wee.. Ai ills 0101 pity the top price where elevators cannot, las tbcy nerve to sell to the. mills at the sante price us the mills can pay the farther for his wheat. I do not Sall any bran or shorts but what I make myself, It: is clean ural wholesome as dere is not ally dirt grouted in with them. l will boy any coarse gralt.s you have to sell anti will pay yon the highest [whs., .ling. I nerd 10 ears oats attd.10 cars barley to make pig feed. 1'otloWing are prices at tete mill:— Bran Shorts North Star Maple Leaf 5.50 " 1 70 per I00 lbs. 1.!10 , „ „ 11(10 " 08 " PHONE NO, S, CANApA FOOD LICENSE' NO..1 376. JOHN H ENHA )200 000 Picture6 •of home: folks carry warmth and coin,,/ort to the heart of a soldier. Send one in the next parcel. Our prices are the same as before the war. ROY BALL * Phone 66. Photographer. 0( imp ix —xxxx THE DIFFERENCE IN SHOES! TH E Difference between the sort of shoes we sell and the "Other Sort' will be perfectly apparent to any- one who compares our "GOOD SHOES" with ",lust Shoes!" Our Better Sho es ! Our Shoes are built' up to a standard and Not Down to a Price!. The result is that our shoes are more econ- omical'thrm uncertain Shoes. They wear so muck longer and look so much better than "Bargain Shoes," that they area Better Investment Dollar for Dollar, than any shoes which sell for less !money. The true test of Shoe value is not the First Cost, but the final cost not what they coat Per Pair, but what they cost per Year.. It is upon this simple test of value that the successful growth of our Shoe Business is based. jsfkff3i.R.ira i 74ei'A ON, "°!'t THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAN 0 Rev. Eric Anderson, of Bayfield, gave a very interesting discourse 00 Sunday evening, Rev. Mr. Agnew, be- ing at Sharon preaching Anniversary &.'1.117ots, Last Monday night there was a social evening at the League which was one of the best ever held, Mrs. W. Downs gave a reading and Miss Elva Wiltse slung a solo. All interesting coolest of "Nations". was also one of the features after which all 2ttgaged in a sing song. The meeting closed with a cern roast which was much en- joyed by all present. Next week there will be a special Patriotic programme given. A good programme will be given. Mr, C. D, Iouck, Principal of the Model School is expected to speak on some Patriotic subject. Everyone come and' enjoy the evening, • Salvation Army Sunday School 10 a. in. Holiness Meeting 11 a, tn. Praise Meeting 3' p. nt. . Salvation. !sleeting 7.30 p, nn, Baptist -Church " Special services will be held in the: Clinton Baptist Church. Rev, 0, C. Elliott, Evangelist,' will conduct -ser- vices beginning Sunday, Sept.:22nd at 51 a, n., and ..7.30 p, nt, and each evening at 8 p. in. Bright song ser- vice, All are welcome. Cerne. roF . t The Carload of Canada Cement has arrived at our ware- house. SOLE AGENT FOR ' SCRANTON & D. H. & L. COAL w TERMS — Strictly Cash. A. J. Holloway PHONE 3w Farmer's Attention 1 The Clinton Branch of the United. Fanners will meet on Monday evening, September 23rd it, the Hall of the Dis- trict Representative. Mr. Kernigham, of Goderich, will be present and ad- dress the meeting. Ile is a member of the Central Staff at Toronto. Mem- bers and all interested in Farming are invited to be present. One Way To Help Clinton auto owners have %a chance to turn the money saved by motorless Sundays into the Navy League and Red Cross Funds, If the use of the auto for pleasure riding could be stopped until the end of the war there would be more stoney available for patriotic funds and for the purchase of Victory War Bonds, # * Olt 1 •k PATRIOTIC NOTES * 47 g h The W, P. S, will meet with the ladies of Willis Church wito will serve a hot supper in the Sunday School room on Friday Sept. 20th. Tea will I be served from 5.3o to seven o'clock. Price thirty-five cents. Entire proceeds for the Women's Patriotic Society. There will be a sale of second hand clothing and numerous other articles, in the Palace store, Sattirdsy afternoon beginning at two o'clock. Any donat- ion of any articles in good condition wilt be gratefully received by tite com- mittee, lrirt. Lockarf Cree or' Airs. E. Saville.' Everybody help to stake the sale a success and thus help the boys at the front. • Christmas Already? From London ,comes the request:— And already there. is a special bit of work on hand. It seems strange to be thinking of Christmas when we are still •panting with the remembrance of the summer heat, but Christmas is al- ready on the horizon. We have to be ready , yery early or •Santa Claus will never get across and dodge the sub- maines,. , So we are starting already to get 1,000 Christmas stockings filled and sent 'off just as soon as the work can possibly be done. These are for our boys in our overseas hospitals. As they must be uniform in quality and quantity the packing, and sewing .will all have to be done at headquarters. But headquarters cannot do it alone. They want some nice little donations of sttoney—and they won't object one bit to some big donations, either, Bath stocking is to be made of gay netting, and is to be stuffed until it cracks with all the good things a sick soldier would like, And this is all to be produced for the small sutra of ,$2. So if you can buy only one stocking, why, that will be at least one,soldier made happy, so send the stoney along to Hyman Hall. Each Society should have a hand in this delightful bit of Christmas giving. One thousand stocking will cost $2,- 000, but that isn't much, when it is spread over all Military District Num- ber One, rl e who gives early gives twice• in this "case especially. The Packing will begin just as soon as the stoney comes in, MARIAN KEITH Convener Press Committee I***** *%*****x$****** Fall Millinery -. Display la x � 3r Na►w_Being Shown No orae need have her individual xtaste unsatisfied this season, for every model has a different line. The short rolled back with wide X front is a .generally becoming shape; $ another close to left side with wide )11( right effect; slashed brims in diff- * erent styles. The rolling brim lt[ sailor, also the turban, are featured or this season. Crowns are soft and x draped; soft brims are favored. You are cordially invited to at - * tend. S ILA BAWDEN Clinton elf#IMMOVOMINA, Loeai News Enlarging Glass Kincardine rdlne Revfew:—. PtOf. Iiristotve, has opened a vocal and instrtlmettts! class at moo, ca ds !for w+ words au tih of 011• ranee, Their rt and Int "Greater to an lay do rd of Thanks We wish to thank many frier words of sympathy, shown by d by+letter, to us over the den r soldier !addle--Knox--in 1 eir tnes„ttges were a real comfort use highly appreciated, love hath no 1111111 than that ,t in you his 1115 fo bis friends," • Yours grateftully, Jas, and Mrs, Mair Aailres go to 15 Cents a Week On September 9'st tite three Winni- peg daily newspapers, the Free Press, the Trtbtnne and the 'telegram, raised their subscription rates to 15 cents .a week, This amount to he collected fortnightly' in instalments of 30 cents. The mail rate in Manitoba has been increased from $4 to $6 a year for evening papers and front $6 to $7 a .year for the morning Free Press, The, Regina Leader and the Regina Post have also gone to 15 cents a week, 65 cents a month, $7 a year, Gives Address at Brussels The Brussels Post refers 'to a meet- ing to be held tonight at which Mrs, Struthers, of Clinton, wilt address:— A special meeting of flee Women's Mis- sionary Socletye will be held itt the school room of tate Methodist Church Tititrsday evening, Sept; 19th, 'a 8 o'- clock. An address will be given by Mrs. Struthers, of Clinton, who has been engaged in Missionary work a- mong the Chinese, Ms. Struthers is an interesting speaker, whose husband is a Medical Missionary now at the battle front looking after some thou- sands of Chinese Coolies. In the Big Fight The fol paper item taken frorit a Nlowing Nebraska refers to two nephews T. of Mrs: A. Cooper who are sons of Mr. and hits, G. A. Sellery, former of Kin residents cardiae:—,G, A, -Sellery cablegram received a ram from Itis son Fred morning, this which read, "Rona and I Boit are well," t Mr. Sellery and Mr. believe Vankirk, b this indicates that the been boys have in the recent engage- ments on t Mane battle line and have severe seen the s lighting that has taken for t place therehe last few weeks, It that is known the marines of which are members both boys have been hold- ing their sector of the tine, as Fred that has written they ere close to the front lines time ago, Town owns Team t sonic • that -team steep a� ,Thurs- day for 540 Johnston eswat em de- livered road affect Spens in the summer, busies corn of toss E —Can hear man country the o slot cerin It1A ng cent) d his existing arrogance and n her f non- glare i States and e fail- ure give s. ] ]gene man eek i g and e per- fectly The last repular nieenting of the Children's Aid Society for.. the 4.:ounty 1 Huron, held in the court house, Godeich, on Tuesday, September 10th, vas specially interesting because of he consideration ,of furnishing old ccupying the new shelter, purchased y the county council a few weeks go, The Warden's committee had ex - mined the premises on the ,previous aturday in company with tt committee f the C. A. Society, and some im- rovements & alterations were decided pon, which are to be made forthwith, he committee also agreed to furnish on15 of the staple articles needed in he equipment of the hon ,., Offers 1'001 the Women's Institute cf Gorier. is and Clinton to assist in :trnishing e house have been received and grate Ily acknowledged, and donations of dividual articles and partial sets have so been received from several citizens town. The Society will the glad receive from individuals or organ, ations in sympathy with the work, any part of the county, donations blankets,pillows, sheets, towels, shes and itchen utensils, its fact of ything that will be needed for the mfort and proper care of children, d cash donations or supplies of pro• tots will also be welcome, Write e County Secretary, Mr .G. M, Etli- t, and tell him what you can do for e work, Anyone who had bee" pre - ft at this last meeting t have edify realized the maga end patience of the Society's work, tine ses of ilertected or wayward child - 1 on the c ket being more that old rte cone ii t r .' cafe sitting, it worth wGd� •• ' that three Ses of crucliv tri were. re- elect as dealt tt ing one om the 1,510.,,,,•1.10 Teter Walkerton Exchange—Feeling the new fate of $5.0o for a "t to run to a fire was a little too s of an increase over the old rate of 00 per tire, the town council on night decided to buy a to the 'corporation, and set aside 0 for the purpose, but Mayor Jo n and 'Councillor Lettner secureda splendid team of blacks of Monday from Fred Geddes near Ta er for a less stun and will have th here Tuesday, The con is advertising for a teamster ata yearly salary of 5625, and through doing work with the team expect to a a big saving in the their yearly expense sheet. Witat,with snow plowing winter and road work in the su r, that team promises to be the. t thing' in the corporation and the t- en's action in buying it is one the best stoves that has been put ac n years. Should Use Dimmers, Woodstock Sentinel -Review: t - plaints are continually being d of the negligence of a great y motorists, especially on the c y roads, to use their dimmers, ify Have them, or if they haven't, t v down their engines when meeting other cars or vehiciles. Otte n was just telling us of meeting as many as nine automobiles recently and only one motorist ditnme s lights. This is a condition a g', either out of ignorance or art e on the part of the drivel's a+ o law would be more welcome e than the cuntpulsory adoption 0 glare headlights. Such a law- n force throughout the United d good results are reported, Another all too frequent occurrence is th of many local motorists t warning at the street crossing f only offenders' lives were endangered by this, no one could object but y seem to delight in taking pot -It n turning a corner without warnin di rushing into a collislot with sots law abiding and harmless pedes- trian or horse and buggy, The New Children's Shelter 0 0 b a a S P u T 5 f is th fu in al of to iz in of di co an vis tan of tat set re fm ca ren co tits ea yr l'o )110)010/01( �C A ( ln%* which was parttettt,t; tt r e e .�..ti''�� n g Be ready when the bell r' 6 —W e are ready for you with a. complete assortment of general suppliesas . well as all regular text books. We invite you to bring your needs to us and have them satisfied. a he .4 ® D. Fair o. Often the cheapest-Pilways the Best EOM A Tested Lens. ---- An Accurate Shutter— Simple Operation Good Pictures.= All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pretures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and guarantee good results.—., kr. w 1-10777P72- Despensing Chemist izzsr . sn acs ps i. The Features of Cllr FIS r is t k - re. To which we invite special attention. are its beauty, its assured comfort, its solid construction, and its below the usual prices. Any one of these pointe would be sufficient to earn it your preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sure you•wiil realize that this is a furniture haying oppor. tunity you cannot afford to ignore Its 1 >ane1ertakeir anti Funeral Director. Phone 23. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store ..��.._ -a,c • are with us again and there is very few who does not enjoy a good. cup of Warni Tea tokeep us warns and is very invigorating, This week we will offer you Black or Mixed Tea that is an excellent draw and extra ;good qual- ity as Special Price, BLACK OR MIXED 65c per Ili, . 5 15 for $3.00 Ys some extra good special and ones you can save some money by buying: now i n i—LAUNDRY . AND TOILET SOAPS LAUNDRY SOAP 3 Bars for 20c or 15 Bars for. $1.00 3 CAKES TOILET SOAP t?tt , , .. , , 250 BE FARSIGHTED AND. GET SOME AT THESE PRICES CAUSTIC SODA for making HOME And also as we are going to'' give j MADE SOAP 1•8c er tr,, 5 tine 90c. HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Canadian Food. Control Retail Grocer License Nunmher ".8-7244 V MNSON & e • TERMS --SETTLEMENT OF ALL AccoiNTS TWICE A MONTH -PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO loaolimmoomsmanotm000staos Cold Weather Is Corning Be prepared by having your old furnace overhaul- ed or a new one installed by T. Hawkins Phone 53 Agent for HECLA Furnaces Shop—over Itowtand's Hardware Piping And Fittings Always On nand. • The Corner Grocery "LIVE AND LET LIVE" You Will Always • Find Us Busy but never too busy to give our strict attention.. We value your trails. CUT OUT THE HOT SIFOVE--AND USE 'COOKED MEATS—WE HAVE: --- COOKED HAM JELLIED TON413E. JELLIED HOCKS. VEAL. LOAF, end BOLOGNA. FRUIT and VEGETABLES AP q PEACHES : ORANGES : LEhj BANANAS :TOMATOES :CUCil1MBER$ CELERY Nand POTATOES. E. E. Lh nniford BUTTER and EGGS WANTED Canadian' Food Control License No. 8-3123. PRONE 451 which the defendatnt pleaded guilty and paid a stiff penalty. This too, is a work the Society prosecutes earnestly. It is hoped the new shelter wilt be sufficiently ready for use early in Oct- ober, and tete formai public opening will take place during County Council week in December, when the Provin- cial Superintendent, Mr, J. J. Kelso and outer workers are expected to be present, Miss Eliza Fraser, of Gode- rich, wtio has had several years' ex- perience in the work in targe centres, has been engaged as matron for the NEW SCHE'vtJLE Trains from East. Arrives 15.10 a,1n. Leaves Arrives 6,08 p,nt. Leave$ Arrives 15.18 p,tn Leaves. Trains from West Arrives Arrives Arrives Arrive; 11,10 a,nt, 6,45 p,tn, 11,18 p.in 6,18 s.ttt, Leaves a.'iS 8.111. 2.58 p.tn. Leaves "8. pan Trains from North 7.33 a,nt, 1 ;RV,'"is 4 i I, 4,- Ar1tve1 10 Arrives 5,4e tt p