HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-9-19, Page 113stabilslicti 1865, VOL 53, No, 1.. CLINTON,LINCBlVTA13I0, THURSDAY 5l~P T E M D )4E 19th, 1918 WV« I -I, Kerr son, 'Editors and Puhliehers Advance On 21 mile fro f t towards , , e --W3,000 men .d ri ° .,.^w,n,a+uq waw.rwwnm+w. .+�.wm.wrwxwoiw+w-+4,=aau,w ria'w:aww4y q'VMa...+..."OMI uxa.cw,,o .Ig/,n'V ww,.,au®a O'ao,YIM w ..n•r.apaxa,.mna+w*. IYI.P.A,W..m.VC.W.wuaawrw>sun.R.w+w,.aw»Kvw,is.*+°o...i ..M.I. t w.N..'M..0o-.-,+,.w+. 144040090dOYo,Ar NYX4484'1 '°fW'A/ ,, :t° VklMc'wv.e9%M'rr'tNYhiNM'Wad'aW+nJtVty WW'o'1 REMEMBER THE BOYS AT THE FRONT—send them pictures of things at home—they are always glad to get them, We have a good stock of Brownie Cameras and Kodaks from $2,50 up, Let us do your developing and print- ing, • You will be pleased with the 'results, BEST QUALITY DRUG S1'ORB THE REXALL STORE W. S. R. HOLMES Phm. • } de,MM/vvWvIvoovvviOvvvvvvvvvvvvW V Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.'vY Toe Royal Baptc OF CANADA Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 14,000,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 15,000;000 Total Assets 360,000,000"' HEAD OFFICE, . MONTREAL 520 Branches with world-wide connections. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch INCORPORATED 1855 i NEWTON WYLIE, ''HUMAN DYNAMO Is Editor of Press News and Feature Publicity for Canada's Now Victory Loan—American 'Tribute—Hatt Al- most Unprecedented Privilege Mem" --bars of British Comiuons. The Toronto Star weekly had the following interesting item which refers to a brother of M•s. (Rev.) Hogg, Mr. Wylie has visited here on various oe casions. Dr, Daniel A. Poling, of Bos- ton, Massachusetts, associate president of the.Uuited Society of Chirstian En- deavor, who recently spent several months in France, studying the United • 1'i«#WFaNw:neAK,rtr.lFr.•w�+x+M+r+"-,is.i�caw'em nsm+i 'r-+mmea+wcxsG .:.z::'vaai,. w.rs v :-r crx,.<04cor�wuKK.mn P Mrs, J. I1, Paxntan is visiting in Miss Annice Bartliff was a visitor at Stratford this week. Brussels on Wednesday, Co.. Clerk Holman, of Goderich, was Mr, R. Graham attended the fair at Brussels on Wednesday, Social h d Personal alt town on Mots y, Rev, and Mrs, Wilson, and children Mrs, Searle returned on- Wednesday returned to'London.this week. . front her visit at London, ' M•, Lack Kennedy, of Whtgltam, was Miss i'lot'euee Urquhart ,af Listowel calling on ofd friends in town iastiveek, is visiting` at the -hone . of Mr, and Mrs, W. S. Downs. Postmaster F. S,. Scott, of Brussels, Miss Naomi Ross, of Powasa, Musk - and son .Walter, were in town last Fri - ay; oka, has been the guest of her aunt, Musk- and Mr. John Lashmn, of Londesboro, Fri wasday,calling bn old friends in town last We . are glad to see that Mr, Will Blacker'is able to be of again after his States' soldiers, has just published aoperation, I book on his'experiences, Before going town BarristeronMoCarlinndayg, atoftenEdixengte, a r,. wpolice ' Pr nc he ut i six eek in En - to a _e p u w s g :arm:t case. t, ki underr tan ton of P ri At bur l t d un -Sc tint sea n s. C s a is nt d o d, P g h I arents Mr aqui _ vlsiiin vnt ter t ' it' Edup , h us is f the Prohtb tong tea es o p cational 'Campaign, Mrs. J. Torrance. ` This p g S s MTHE:OLSONS BANK CAFITAY, AND RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR* LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERSR SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate H. R. SHARP, Manager Cliuton .uaa..ba,.Iu.n.a.a.ID"aa .a..a.a o..aW.,fl i Thicam ai n was organized bya MisKathleen McConnell went to representative group of men and wq- Stratford Monday to attend the Normal men for the purpose of bringing School this term., • to the British people testimony as to Mr, Wes. Newcombe, of Detroit, was the actual results accomplished by renewing •old acquaintances in town the prohibition of beverage liquor in over the week end. Russia, Canada-nad the nutted States. Mainly it took_the form of a great Lieut, Edgar Torrance, who Ls e series of meetings 'throughout the Alflitary Police in North Bay, was home country. It was while engaged in over the week end. this work that Dr, Poling was brought Mr. S. H. Gidley, of Blyth, and well - into' close relations with Mr. Newton known to a great many in town, is Wylie, . of Toronto, who was in the seriously ill at his home. van 01 the .compuign which (it is Dr. f Rev. W. L. Diehl and Miss Florence Poling's opinion) brought war .pro- Diehl of Paisley were guests durng the hibition in Great Britain perceptibly past week with Mrs, McGarva, nearer. - 'MS -is 'what has to -say of, Mr. I Mrs. G. E. McTaggart and daughter, Wylie; "The executive genius of the Dorothy, of Blyth, were visitors with campaign was a brilliant young Can- Miss Jessie Thompson last week, acfian, who led the amazing drive Mr, and Mrs. Ray Rumba'', of Coder - that made the Province of Ontario ich, were visitors in town last week dry, Mr. Newton Wylie, of Toronto, while returning from their holidays. Wylie is a wonder! A broken back Mrs, S. E. Andrews, of Winnipeg, is keeps ]tint out of the army, but, in with 'her daughter, Mrs. B. J. Gibbings, spite of virtually constant suffering, and intends nnaking an extended visit. the is a human dynamo, virile and in- defatigable, with the double person- ! Mr. 'and Mrs. Jas. Reynolds, of God- ality of an inspirational leader and erich, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, an executive; The campaign be gen- J. J. McCaughey during the past week, eralled in Great Britain was u great ' Mr R. C. McCallum and Mr. G. J. success. 11 addessed one miliion Mickle, of the Toonto Hydro Power people from the platform, and mil- Commission, were in town last Thurs- Ilions more through the daily and re- day, liglous press, arrested the attention Mr and Mrs. Thos. !lardy attended of political leaders, destroyed the the funeral of the former's cousin, the sophistries of the trade, answered the late A. Townsend at Goderich on questions of honest doubters, and Monday. overwhelmed the arguments of tihe op- Mrs, (Dr,) Beldon, of Toronto, was position." •t visitor during the past week with Mrs, Chas, 1 I. B ar iiff r t, h Mr. A. Hewitt, of Toronto, and a for bookkeeper wtih'the Doherty Piano Co,, was nailing on old friends in town last week, . Miss Dorothy Rattenbury, who has spent the past year in Peterboro, is back tort linton and will kettendCol. legiate Institute, Miss AWallace and her niece Miss 1V Florence Diehl, of Paisley, were at Lon- don this wegk as the latter went under a slight operation for throat trouble. - Mrs, Ryas of Toronto, who, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. D. Cook, has been seriouslyly ill, but her friends hope for a speedy turn for the better; RECOMMENDED FOR THE CROIX DE•GUERRE LIEUT. DR. MILTON SHAW 15 COM- MENDED FOR BRAVERY. The State Journal of Lansing, Mich., makes reference to Lieut, Dr, Milton Shaw, who had charge of Major Dr. Shaw's practice here, but who has since been on active service in France. The report says: -Lieutenant Dr, Mil- ton Shaw, who is especially commend- ed ommended; for bravery, is a son of Dr, and Mrs, William Shaw of Morrlce. He is a graduate of the Nlotrice high school and later gradpated from the medical department of the U, of M. after which he took up pracitce of medicine in Lansing. - Dr, Shaw was one of the first to enlist and was made a lieuten- ant in the i 19th F, A, Medical corps. Dr. Valliant -Sahw has another son, Sergeant Harold Shaw of the 85th di- vision who is now"overseas.` Dr, Shaw walked nonchalantly through the streets of a French village attending. wounded civilians and helped a dozen to safety while the place was under !heavy German fire. He is a candidate for the Croix de Guerre. However, it did not immediately relati• Mr. d Mr Wm Jlcksa and oLh n brie r about prohibition in Great Brit- ves. ain It was, in Net, intended to be relaa e educational rather. than agitational. 1 Mr, and Mrs Roy Piunnsteelnid Mrs. Brrt V ® But it is something to know that, in Perry Plumsteel and two- boy,s were, iI iii .Dr. Poling's view, it brought wartime visitors with Brussels relative and took prohibition "perceptibly nearer." in the Fair, Mr: Wylie has now assumed the ;, Air, John Torrance, business nhana- EACH AND EVERY DAY THE .MOT - duties of a new. post, He is editor ' ger of the Lethbridge Herald, is visiting of the Press • News and Feature' : with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, Tor- FORRLWA PAYS OUT $34,930,000.ME 'l Publicity for the Victory Loan, 191S, ranee of town. WAR EXPENDITURES—SOME 4)rdeeecl Clothing Po Ready -to -Wear Clothing,' S ' Prices i �'i W e BUY e1othin --NOW-- The -NO -_ The clothing we are showing was bought months ago and is priced accordingly for quick selling. The prices are a sound investment for anyone who expects to require a suit this year, or two, or three years hence, PRICES ARE BOUND TO GO UP ' AT $15.00 ' Young hen's Suits of Grey Tweed, single breasted belted, patch pockets, cuff on trousers, sizes 34 $ 1 5 to 38. Price AT $22,50 -men'ssuitb of fancy worst- ed, three button sack, good trimmings, well made, trous- ers wlth rous-ers.wtth beltloops, plain bottoms or cuff $22.50 sizes 35 to 44 AT $20.00 Men's suits of a variety of patterns in tweeds and wor- steds, bench tailored trousers plain or cuft,'sizes 35$20 to 44, AT $25.00 Men's . suits of 13ng1ish worsted, in small check pat- tern, soft roll, semi -fitted back, big range of patterns sizes 36 to 46 $25 price Men's Blue Suits, two or three -button sacks, plain back, semi -fitting or belied, $46.50 to $32 The /Vtlorr s -h Cit:hi>r : Cor Agent for C. P. R. Telegraph Co. A square Deal for E'%er* than a The New: f i oork. '18 the campaign for which has pow got i Sunday 1nr, \V, T. O'Neil received a INTERESTING COMPARISONS well under way. For, the next set,- i rablegram from their son, Lieut. Earl this work as ever a "!human dynamo ,severe fighting.- • err l weeks he will be as busy tvntii O+Neil stating that he was. well after c,,uld well wish, tM s harry Bartliff and Master Bruce Referring' to his prohibition carp- ; r • and Miss Jule Bartliff are visiting -in Brussels. Mr. Harry Bartlif drove them over and took in tine Fair on ' Wednesday, Mr William Taylor, of Chicago, Ill. , is renewing old acquaintances in town this week, its a good many years since Mr. Taylor left for the "Windy City" but always conies back to greet old friends, A welcome visitor in town is Mr. John Watt, of Los Angeles, Cal., who arrived. in town last week. Mr, Watt is looking just. as natural as when he left here 4 years ago. Mr. Watt has been trying out the local greens here again and is able to hold his own with the best of them, Mr. Watt has had charge of a bowling green in the South- ern city ever since he left here. He will visit here for a fes, weeks, Pte, Albert Frances was the guest over the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Schoenhals. The young soldier enlisted 5 days after war was declared and got into ;the trenches where he was wounded and gassed. When he had recovered' he was attached to a Forestry battalion in England where the only other soldier that could speak English was Pte. Melvin Schoenhals, who had gone over to France with the 70th Battl. The young soldier has again signed up with the Siberian troops aind expects 'to leave soon for overseas, pahgn in Great Britain, ,Lt should be mentioned that, in its course, Mr. Wylie, on the 29th of November, on the invitation of the Sergent -at -Arms, addressed dressed the members of the British House of Commons. This almost un- precedented privilege was accorded hint as the results of arrangement made by an exceptionally strong com- mittee, headed by Sir Ernest Lamb and Sir Herbert Roberts. He spoke for forty minutes on "Prohibition in Can- ada and. Great Britain," and, 'at the close of his address answered questions asked him by various M P.'s for an !hour and a [half. * 0, 1 * * ii * * i} .: 0 C. C. 1., NEWS a• k h Last week the Athletic Association met at the C. C, 1., and elected their officers for the ensuing . year, The following were .appointed. Presidents—Harvey Stewart Vice-President—Harold Kitty Secretary-Treasurer—Harry Rance Representatives Staff—Mr. S. H. Grahamn, Forni IV—Fred Wallace Form 111-0 Murphy. Form Il—W, Mutch, Form I—F, ENhott Gets 10% Raise The Jackson Co, notified their em- ployees on Saturday that a 10% raise of wages Would commence on Monday, ICreaCream of m Barley The New Breakfast Food cook• ed in three minutes. Try a Package @ 25cts. Also • , Ralston Food Wheat with a flavor all its own. Package 30cts. - . 0°. oINEIL 7t`ME HUB GROCER Photo 411 Canada Food Board License No, 8.2495. "We have won with the silver bullets before We " financed Europe in the greatest war ive ever fought, and that is what won. Of course, British tenacity and British courage always come in, and always will, but let us re- member that British cash told too. When the others were absolutely exhausted, we were getting our second breath, and our third, and our fourth, and we shall have to spend our last before we are beaten." These words were spoken by Mr. Lloyd George on Sept, 1 Stb, 1914. After nearly four years of exhaust- ing war, Britian's credit is still un- impaired, Her "silver bullets" are being turned out by the hundred million, and every one is finding its billet. Her people are cheerfully bearing the ever-increasing strain which has been placed upon their .shoulders, and will spare no effort in blood or treasure till victory is assured. Britain's national debt has in- creased front. $3,225,000,000 to $39,900,000,000. --And yet she is paying ani—and much more than all —her debt charges out of current taxation, while the new taxation raised in Germany is not . enough to pay the interest accumulated upon her war debt. The population of Germany is half as Continued on Page 5. Special Services at the Clinton Baptist Church Rev. D. C. Elliott Evangelist Beginning , 22nd Sunday, September at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. and each evening except Satur- day atS'p.m. Bright Song Service • Comfit lits KILLED IN ACTION Pte, 1'. C, Graelis, Clinton, Pte, W. Carling, Toronto,` (Clinton old boy. Pte, L, Stevens, Hullett top„ Pte. K, Currie, Bayfield Pte, G. 1°, Ross; Wnngham, Pte, Jos. Doyle,, of F„dmonton, (for- merly of Exeter, Pte, Frank Gerry, Brussels, Pte. T. D. Savage, Wroxeter, Pte. C. 'Corrigan, Belmore, Pte, 11. Huffman, Wingham, Driver '1', Sunbury, •Goderich, Pte, R. M, Smith, Wroxeter Pte, 0, Jackson Brussels, Pte; G. Cameron, Cranbrook, ' Pte, J. W. Denman, Brussels Pte,PGillesb' Gillespie, Wigh an Liet. AT. ird, Wingahnt, Pte, A, Grattan], Howich Twp. DIED OF WOUNDS Pte A. L. Fisher, Clinton Sergt, Jas, McNaughton, Blusvale, J,:McDouggli, Goderich, Pte. S. 1.1. Dorrance, Seaforth, MISSING Pte, W. J. Hall, Bluevale, Pte, 11, McCullough, Wroxeter, GASSED Pte. F, C. Nixon, Blytlh, Pte. E, A. Warner, Goderich, WOUNDED Pte, Fred O, Ford, Clinton. Pte A, Fearon, Clinton, Sergt. J. Seeley,, Clinton. Pte, Chas. P, Lockwood, 'Clinton. Pte, H. M. Whitmore, Clinton. Pte. 1.1. Guest, Wingham Pte. H, 1-1, Eyre, Seaforth Pte, Robt, T. Fisher, Clinton Pte, W. L. Feagon, Benmiiler. Pte. G. Hooper, 'Exeter. Pte, W. Stewart, Exeter. Lieut, W. C. Oliver, Seaforth. Pte. T, Thompson, Wroxeter, Pte R, W. Stanlake, Grand' Bend, , Pte.,G, W. Murray, Goderich, Pte, F. 0. Glenn, Dungannon, Pte. A. McDougall, Goderich, Pte, J. Weiss, Goderich. Pte, 8, Ervine, Goderich Pte, W. Bridle, Goderich, Pte, E. S. Green, Grand Bend, Pte, W. 11, Harness, Exeter. Pte, J McNaughton, Bluevale Pte. W, R. Walpole, Goderich, Pte. W, J. Richards, Bayfield. - Pte. S. F. Ward, Goderich, Pte. G. Linfred, Winghani, Pte. C. Patterson, Winghani, Pte, G, A. Elliott, Winghain, Pte, J. Curson, Goderfch, Pte, W, T. Bile, Goderich, Lieut. A. F. Sturdy, Goderich. Pte, A, Goddard, Lienn411er, Pte, J. A, Young, Gorrie. Pte. W, J. Robinson, Godettich, Pte. F, G. Sorters, Blyth,, Pte. M. R. Shields,Brussels, Pte, E. C.: Weliwood, Win'ghtun.' Pte. J, C. McTavish, Wtnghant, Pte. J A. Foilick, Exeter Pte. E. J. Ryan, Walton. Pte J, A, McIntosh, Du'ugannon. Pte, W. W. Richards, Bayfield, Pte. T. H. Wilkinson, Exeter Pte. H. D. Chesney, Seaforth, Pte, W. Irwin, Gorrie Pte. F. L. Carruth, Wingham, Pte, J M u cLa chlin Brussels Pte, W, 0, Br r Brussels. , of n Pte. J. Barron, Brussels. Pte, W. Veal, Ellin -011e Pte. J, N. Willis, Enreler. Pte. J, Cornish, lilihiville • PTE. F. C. GRAELiS KILLED Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Graelis received word on Saturday that their second son, Pte. Clifford. Grealis, had been killed in• action, The" young soldier enlisted with the tdist Battl. and when they were broken up went over to France. PTE. FEARON WOUNDED This young soldier signed up with the 161st and gave his residence as Clinton. Thos. Cronyn, of Goderich Township is an uncle. PTE. H. M. WHITMORE WOUNDED Word was received on Monday that this young soldier was wounded. He enlisted with the 161st Battl, The Misses Whitmore of town are sisters. FRED FORD WOUNDED Reeve Ford received official word last Thursday afternoon stating that his son, Pte. Fred Ford, had been wounded in the face and nose and ,vas allniitted to the hospital on the 3 of September. Fred enlisted with the 161st Battl, and was the 30th one to sign up in 'Clinton, 1 -le was transferred to a machine gun section, 1 -lis old friends hope that good news will Soon come sating that the wounds are not of a serious nature. PTE. CHAS. LOCKWOOD WOUNDED Mr, Fred Lockwood received word on Saturday that his son, Pte, Charles F. Lockwood had been wounded in the shoulder on the 2nd of Sept. Charlie e cogducted a barber business before signing up with the 161st Battl. An- other son was killed in action only a month ago. SEIkGT.-MAJOR SEELEY WOUNDED Mrs. J, Seeley received official word on Saturday that her,husband, Sergt. Jack Seeley had been wooi:rted in the chest, Sergt-Major Seeley wan an old English veteran and served duritag the Whole South African war. The Sergt. has 2 medals and 9'bars. He dame out to Canada six years ago and took up farmining. After the war broke out he signed up with the 71st Battl., but was transferred to the 161st Is drill Ser- geant and provided' an efficient non- commissioned officer, ONE BOY DIED ANOTHER WOUNDED Word hat been received in, Clint, from Mr, aid Mrs, Seth Fisher t.' , gerton, Alta„ of the death c; eldest son, Pte A, L, Fisher v of wounds and also ON 1 Pte Fishes, hid been inns t .1 with wounds in hack i Ai.: AT HE LOCAL NEWS Itetaas of Interest Picked Up I'Iere atad There About the Town. Meeting To.Night The W, C. T, U., will meet at the home ofrsday)aMrs,t A.8 p, T. mCooper, to.nightt (Thu: Picnic Postponed The Y. L. P. Ar, picnic which was to be held on Friday to Bayfield has been postponed indefinitely, Motor Signs Up The motor signs 'ordered by the Council werei t put up at the outsk lis. of the town on Friday last, Teachers' Convention The annual convention of the .East Huron Teacher's Institute will, be hent in Brussels on October loth and 11tH, the Thursday and Friday preceeding Thanksgiving Day. Were At Goderich Mayor Thompson, Reeve Ford, C. F, Libby of the Knitting Company and S. S. Cooper were at Goderich on Sat- urday for examination in regards to the suit of Connell vs. Mary Street drain, Buys House In Town Mr, and Mrs, James Stevens have purchased the house of Mrs. McDonald on Townsend Street and will move soon from the London Road. The house was formerly occupied by ' Mr. Fred Hill, A Good Crowd to London - Clinton was well represented at the Western Fair last week, Over 8o tick- ets were sold at the up -town ticket' office, whole others purchased their cardboard at the station. Many others Went down by auo. Did You See.The Map? The New Era has placed a map showing the whole battle -line front Channel to Switzerland and has it marked where the various Allies are at present. Many have referred to the map already this week. Buys' Cottage Last week Mr, John F. Reynolds purchased the cottage on Albert Street. front MrT. A, Greig, Mr. Reynolds Move Will not to town until' Spring but will make some improvements to. the place in the meantime. Wheal came off Last Thursday morning Mr. D. Sours, while turning at the Normandie corner, , going towards the station, one of the hind wheel of his Ford car came off. No one was hurt and the car was towed to the Motor works for repair, Nephew Injured) A press report from Sarnia states that James Patterson, son of Rev. J. J Patterson, 'while playing a game of football fell and dislocated his left r t shoulder. The young gentleman s a nephew of Mrs, W. D. Fair, of town. Got a bad Crack Last Friday morning while working at a saw in the Doherty Piano Co., Mr: l-haryey McBrien was struck over the eye by a block of wood, He re- ceived a bad cut and was unable to see out of the eye until the evening. A doctor was called to attend to the in- jury, No Flower Show The directors of the Horticultural Society' decided that no flower show would be held, it would' have to be puk on this week, as the continued wet weather was damaging the flowers, The directors felt that this would be out of question so dropped the show this year. . Did You Notice the Change? On Saturday evening a notable change could be seen on the face of. - Ex -warden David Cantelon, The bar- ber put the razor to his face, the first: time in 40 years, and our worthy citi- zen only sports a moustache and chiir whisker at present. How many noticed the change, - Some Used Gas Last Sunday was Canada's first gas- less day and the Editor of The New Era thought everybody would cheer=- fully respond to the Government's re, - quest, but about 3.30 p. m. some cars, began to run and up till the evening: 7 different cars passed up Ontario St,,, and some of them were out for plea- sure. However nearly every'Clintoniais who had a car obeyed the call, Are Now Provincial Co, Roads Co, Clerk Holman, of Goderich, re- ceived word from the Good Roads As- sociation stating that the Ontario Gov- ernment will take over the London Road from its southerly boundary to Wingham and the Huron Road from, Goderich to its Easterly boundary and make them Provincial County Roads, This means that the County of Huron will receive 60% of all money spent our construction and maintenance from the Provincial Government. Centre Hurn Sunday School Convention The new General Secretary for Sun- day Schools, Rev, T. A, Halpentnny, of Toronto, and formerly of Ottawa, has been secured to give addresses, both. afternoon and evening, in connectietr with the Centre HurOn Sudsy School ' 'Convention, which is to be held on Tuesday, October 1st, in the Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich: Tine Sunday Schools of Centre 1-luron com- prise those schools in Goderich, Gode- rich Township, Colborne, fiullett, Mc- part of Tuckersnpith, also Sea- t .t,hi Clinton loth, young then enlisted with the 161 1E'1 f while working intown, It rc Torted that Pte, Bob's wounds are not , erious. Mrs, J, Ashton, of the London Read is a sister of the boys.