The Clinton New Era, 1918-9-12, Page 4PAGE 3 LIVE POULTRY WANTED 1000 HENS 1000 CHICKENS 500 DUCK Emelt week at our Poultry • Feeding Plant for the balenee t of 1918. Prices peid according to etiality and fancy prices paid fOr large properly fettenea milk INT chickens. • NEW 1410 EGGS • Meatless days • are making very high prices ,for eggs. Al- though grain Prices are high it will pay you to take special care 9f your stock of hens and •P ell eta. GlIllO-LaBgleis & Co., Wiled Women, Prepare! ThqUaand8.0 W0771811 in Oneida, ham overeome them sefferings, and have been eared of womeuas ilia by Dr. Pierce's mut 0 FM0+141011, %hie teleperance medieine, though started nearly half a ceutury age, sells most widely today. It can 118W bo had in tablet form as well as liquid, and evera womau who suffers+ Iron backache aeadache, noria oneness, isapuld take this "Preemption" of Dr. Pierce's. It is prepared from tlaturea+ roast and blabs and doe not contain a particle of aleolsol or any qhs, It's not a Soar* prescription Per it ingredients are printed on wrap- per, Send 100 for trial package t. Pr. V, M. Pierce, Surgical Xnatttate, Buffalo) N. Y., or Briageburg, Ont, Hamilton, Ont.-" When I reached the critical period I wits ri nervous wreck and suffered with 14 o t flashes and dizzy pells, 'Favorite Preeeription, rollers ed me of all thole ailments and brought M8 through tale teya • • " I( Ing time safely. Foe The up-to-date Firm ti- ,L. ....i woman o f middle ,„ age there is no tonic -aaase, 4 equal to Dr. Floras's! Clinton Branch Phtiltis I** Fayorite Prescription, and I never heat. tate W. Trewaetha, Manager tate to recommend it to my frieeds.”- Mas, ANNIE $01ILES, 41 Hess St. N. or Hohnesville 4 on 142, Or Str 0 t gre tl bane a n y 0.A4ALALAaaaastaAaAAAA,41A644A E PidillOS 2 4 See and here our finest t •ss 4i New Stylish designs of IDoherty Pianus and Ili Organs, 4 41 special' vaines in. Art Cases Pianos and organs rent tihoice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. iiste p Orlin RI C. 1oe ficusyvvvvvvvvvvvvry/ 0 0' 0 afteeeseenstreseeneraneeteemeasseetAreet PLUMBING, ROOFING TROUGHING AND FURNACE WORK ALL KINDS OF PUMPS ON HAND ELECTRIC WIRING 5 AND FIXTURES ....-..../NNW,.....r..WWW`NoW....ww-..• Call or Phone for prices i Byana & Sutter Plumbers and •Electricians Phone 7. taeseas.a.a.+Valeratatieeteveeseaaeavaesaaa Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery, Par better to pay n. fair _ price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry-fnr FM a matter of money, it is easily the most eeononsical. That has been said ao often that everybody by tbie time should know it -and yet there is no susareity of cheap jewelry in the lend Now to get personal-j11bn would like to miss that sort altogether-- UOMB HERE If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt -in -COM 91 1-IiSlaR • .And even at that, no person ever said nor prices were unfair .7...e Re eel/alter Jrovveler and optician er of Marriage Licenses FORD 41Z A Carload of Govt. Standard HOG FEED Just Arrived awl by taking Dr. Pierce's rayorite Pre- scriptient it was before twins Mime. had lemma aR,run-down, was nauseated, -very nervous and weak, and suffered with backache. Was not able to do anything for three months, when 1 began taking 'Favorite Preecriptiona It soon gave nie relief and it was not long when I was strong and healthy. •Sravorite Prescrip- tion' was surely a great help to me and I am glad to recommend it." -Mas. L. J. Means, 61 Kent 1ala0. If it were not bordering gn an I H. Salt to the women of Canada we would suggest that the faint hearted gents who are mptilating themselves so as not to be .able to enlist should have dresses and pinafores supplied for their uniforms. The khaki suits could be handed over to the girls. w. iitt.YOUlig nAgIdISTEll 1+30LIDITOR asOTARY P17+31.10, ET(, Cr.:N.4'0W H. T. R A NOE Notary Public, Oonveyamtee, Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Elm ID summon Ownpanles. Division Court Office, Piano Tuning Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. M. ( Canc;rop, .Barrister, Solicitor, Ootiveyanaer, Etc OtTise on eabert aureet, ocetipisd ey Mr. Hmper. 2i Oli. Lon on every Thortclay, ane• on any day For which appointments are merle, Cffice hours from 9 tam to 6 p In. A geed vault in connection with the aril, e. Office open every week dey, MT'. fi044pel` will make any oppointments foe Mr. Cameron. DR. J. C. GANDIER Office at Residence, Victoria Street Clinton, • - Ontario DR. W. GUNN Office at Residence Corner High and Kirk Streets. Clinton Ontario • OR, R. R. AXON DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a, Speolalty. Graduate of Chicago, and 140.D.h Toronto. 'Unpack! Olt a1031.d111% Mil' IVA (I) la DR.1. FOWLE11, DENTIST., Offices over O'NEIVe afore. ,Ipootal oars taken to make dental trap • moot act uttinleaa as poseible. THOMAS .-GUNDRY Live stoat and general Auction ees GODERIOH ONT Es% 0 41.00g '85104 a ops,,uI1 01 Maw ERA fence, photon, primtty autuna 10. Terme reasonable. Fannon dl000nnted G, D. McTaggart el, D. MoTaggav MeTemgarc HANKERS ALI3D1RT sP,0,1,ENT.f teents eel 15a sating 141asel4 nos transeasee elOTEIS letss0011NTE.0 Drafts lamed. lotereet t.110Wed deposit's+ The MiiilipMutual Fire insurance eo. Parton and Isolated Town Pros,. tarty Only Inanred, Itlead Office -Seat with, Out J Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas., Evans, Beechwood, Vice-PreSiderits ThosE, Hays) Seaforth, secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward .1-1111ahlaY+ Seaforth ; Wm. Chesney, Eg, mOndvale; 3, W. Yr,q, Coderlch; Jarmetis, Rhine No, S, lataferth; Jahn Ben - newels, Brocihaan inais Evans, )leech. wood; M. Nisi:wain, Clinton; James Conholia, Gerierica; 0. .F. ricOregor, No. '3, Seatortitt J. G. Orieve, No. 4, Walton; itoD,,r1 bf,rds, Ilifloalt; Geo. McCartne, No. 3, 9,ieforth, USE A HYDRAULIC HAM Now Recognized As the cheapest Power for Pumping. When and Hew It Is Uaed---Vemplete informatien Given - Tubercular Cows a Illenaco Co Health -How Tnaerealtiv Test ts mido--- Peao latrine+, to Test Cettle to Discard Reactors, (Contributeby onsets. Denartrnent or Agriculture, Toronto.) }HIRE mandalone aro utt= able for an hydraulic ram it Is without question the cheapest and most Satis- factory method of pumplag water. It has one draWbaolt-it wastes far more water than it pump to the building, and hoece can only be stalled Where the supply is from five to twenty tithes; as great as required at tbe buildings. The efficiency of the ram is from 65 to 90 per gent., te., it uses 65 to 90 per Cont. of the energy of the falling water, suppose Use spring supplies 10 gallbns per minute and UM fell from the spring to the ram is five -feet. Multiply these together and then take (15 per cont. of the product, and we have the energy available for driving water to the buildings. Energy in this ease 65-100 x 10 x 5 foot -gallons -92.5 foot -gallons, Now dtvlde tins by the height of the buildings above the ram and we have the nuniber of gallons the ram will deliver per minute at the buildings. if, for example, the height is 32.6 feet then Number of gallons por minute -4'12.5 diyided by 32.5-1 gallon, Which is 1-10 of the water supplied by the supposed spring. Number of gallons per day -60 x 24 -1,400 gallons (about 29 barrels). Consequently with five feet of head and 32,5 feet of lift the ram will deliver at the buildings+ 1-10 of the water in the spring. The quantity that will be delivered with other heads, Hits and springsflows may be calculated hi a similar way. Generally speaking 11 10 found that for each 10 feet of lift there should be one foot of head, but there le a limit -it is seldom advisable to in- stall rams where the head is less than say two f eet, although they have been known to work with as tittle as 18 inches. The lengln of Mite pipe should not be less than three-quar- ters of the vertical lift to the build- ings, nor less than five times the fall from the spring to the ram. It may however, ite longer, but seldom ex- ceeds 50 led, and 76 feet might he taken as an extreme length for sizes or ram sultaele for farm conditions, if too long a drive pipe be used, the extra erictien in it prevents the water from striking as heavily or. as fre- quently- as with a drive pipe Just the right length. The cost of installing a ram its not great. For. the smallest size ur rens it will run In the neighborhood of $25 to $36 and about 315 extra for each hundred feel between the spring and the rem. Thus If they SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES _Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle eontaining three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best Heckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any dreg store or toilet colt/Aar will supply three ounces of 'orchard white for a fevr cents, Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, heck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. s Yes: - 36 is harmless. +5 * * Brussels Sept. 17, 18 a * Zurich - Sept. 18, 19 * Seaforth Sept, 19, 20 Biyth Sept, 23, 24 a Ripley Sept. 24, 25 * Goderich Sept. 25-27 e Bayfield Oct, a, 2 it• Dungannon Oct, 3, 4, * Fordwich Oct, 5 a Winghani Oct, 8, 9 * FALL FAIRS .1918 .51 45 4, 51 45 *- 0 * 41 * 51 11 44 Mures Fi rst Law 00 is order -regularity. ObOy it in your owx body. Keep your liver active and your bowels regu- lar and natural. Good health is possible in no other way. One pill a clay is the regular rule. Two— perhaps three —now and then, if necessary. CARTERS mita OVER PILLS '11k/Odoe boors ,,SVgootore • Colorless faces oftersehow the absence of Iron in the blood. Carteift from Pins ill help this cquelilim, THE CLINTON NEW ERA. were IOU feet tne tom+ goes Would be from 040 to $59, but it 200 feet then arta' 255 to $65, ana ' other distances in proportion. The largeet size or etanderd ram can be Metalled at about $109 if the ram and pump are 100 feet +lima, and. 125 if 200 feet apart, -R, 11, Gra. ham, B.S.A., 0, A, College, Guelph. Tehereulosis In Cattle. Opo reaeosi why, revelers ehottai have their cattle teetea for tuberculosis 15 the snanetat 10011 which they suffer by 11110 2,19 tubercular animals in their herds As Use disease is at era slow in development and does not induce sudden death, like anthrax, black 1eg or hog cbolera, the farmer does not realize the foes that he endures by having tuberculosis In ale herd until one or more animals develop the die, ease in an p.dianced degree and die or are slaughtered, when they are at once seen to be rotten with the die - ease. 'Swat animals 'will have had the disease a long time without it being, suspected and will have been giving off in their milk, saliva and drop- pings, large numberof tuberculosis bacilli, In this way the bacilli are spread around, the food, water and atmosphere in the stable get con- taminated with them and other mem- hers of the herd contract the diseatie from these contaminated materiale, The tuberculin test will indicate whether or not an animal is tuber- cular long before any clinical symp- toms are visible, thus enabling one to deal with such an animal bbfore it becomes a dangerous spreader of the disease. When an animal is shown to be tubercular it should not De allowed to mix with the rest of the herd. When cattle are purchased to'add to the herd it should be only when sub- ject to the tuberculin teat, as Tattle may have every visible indication of good health and yet be tubercular, the disease not yet having developed to go advanced degree. It is therefore strongly recom- mended that farmers 1st. Have their herds tented 2 or tuberculosis with the tubercullu test,' 2ad. That they slaughter the ani- mals that have the disease In an ad- vanced degree, 3rd. Tbat they separate the cattle that react to the test from those which do not react. 4th. That they remove the calves from' tubercular mothers as eoon as dropped, and teed them on milk from healthy cows or on their mother's milk after it has been properly pas- teurized, i.e., after it has been 'heated' to 145 deg. F. for half an hour. Rh. That they apply the tuber- culin test to every new purchase of cattle that are to- 'be placed in the clean herd. 610, That the herd he tested with tuberculin ann ually. Obtabling Tuberculin FM' the Test. The manufacture nnd supply of tuberculin is -kept under the Dom- inion Government control. It is re- quired that a veterinarian be em- ployed by the farmer to make the test, -Prof. Dan. H. Jones, Ontario Agricultural college, Guelph. A Newspaper Bargain , The Clinton New Era >s in a Position to offer residents of this section a real bargain in the way of newspapers, We have concluded an arrangement with the Family Nereid and Weekly Star of Montreal, by which we can offer that great Weekly and The New Era until -January ist, 1919, for the small sum of 21,00 in advance, The Family Herald publishers are offering $100 in prizes for the best suggestions 'to improve that paper and the offer is open to all its readers, Or- ders for the two papers may be left at office of The New Era. 40 cents gets The Family Herald for balance of 1913. Thursday, September 12th, 1918 40; • : k1 ' ••y., ' ,...,.........:4' „ + an a -. , ae • - " 0 win this war every ounce'of the 1 strength of each of the allied nations must be put forth to meet the organized, trained and disciplined efficiency of the Central. - Powers --that gigantic, ruthless force which is the result of fifty years of planning and preparation-. , And every ounce of every, allied' nation's strength is in the hands and brains and hearts of the individuals of each nation, because they are free peoples. Now the.individuals of each nation must live"as well as fight;therefore a proportion of the effort and material • of'each nation must be diverted from war purposes to • living necessities, So the less each individual takes- for himself or herself for personal use the more effort will there be left for fighting and winning ii—e-Tvar. Every cent you spend represents that much effort be - 'cause somebody must do something for you inorderto earn that cent—somebody's eaort must be given to • you instead of to the war. Therefore the less you spend—the less of somebody's effort you take for your individual use—th,e more will .--ijii-reave in the national surplus for war effort. The war can be won only by the surplus strength of the allied nations. The Money each individual saves represents that surplus strength. So the truly loyal Canadian will use less, spend less, and save more, to help to win the war. Published under the Authority of The Minister of Finance of Canada. 4 Irtt4 I Si kpispg ettl,•..s....4.04" , ss, • ' A. Lovely ,alce on the 00' • 51 0''. '.4 eseansessessestensessen ' Okanagan Lake and Kettle Valle ailw I - oicanatran take! What aR 81144111M 1144gg0StIVO plate name la Fleet locate it on the map. Ilbwn In Southern Brittelt Columbia; due south from Ricamone, on the main 11m of the Canadian Pacific Railway; date south toe from pictureeque Ver- non; due smith from Penticton, In tae boundary county of Dritish tumbles Between Vernon anti Pens tleton lies the lake known as MAIM" gate • Okanagan 18 a laire'of rarest beauty, even la a land of lakes of rareat beauty. Each mile Of its length 4 rens+ ef +Menlo loveliness, each league of He at -se a Magee of varied charm, ;she etnie My over the long and vinidlag 114,h,0 18 4 day's J2turney of unique Ifitereat, 41001. the motuent the'steafver beitrdoti et Okanagan 1140v41dne VII it sloe up for the night , at, paattctott,14 oongortePle boat 11' is, and a comfortable day of travM folleWs as the panorama of Torts pubes ba. The nature pMture is coraplete. The sshinunerin.g 'waters that reeled every passing 81111 ray or carressing, fleecy cloud, are bordered by green - garbed tnountains. At their Vase root tier cm tier of' bench feeds that spell rich fertility, for theyLbene the fruits that have spread the fame and tame of Okanagan tor afield. flow the eye feasts ott smelling orchards and vine- yards, as Dim mouth feasts 6ri taeir luscious cream, Down the steep slept! come the leashed Waters that Ora itato when ana '07 here • Irrigation is needed, the life-giving strame being traleed on tree arid vine and gs.rden with werdertut results. • Piston of grain and batches of grass make a, checker-1)0+1.rd ea enter, While the wster.sfild 14410014 add their 'note of hutualit eorranuintion, Their • very place names are musical and at tractive: such rio Itelogne, Peach* land, Shnunerland, with rawly a charming in-between settlement, Then (here fits in to the landscape frame the cosy, picturesene bungalow of the rancher farmer or rriat grower, set in a garden.and facing ne amens - parable 'rlew. Down at the wharves, the steamer receives its freightage of Orated fruit that will reed many mouths in ninny a distant home, tor the great, wast 10 an eager customer for the matches an Pears, the apples and the s;,••••.., et this favored fruitisted sountre So else arinks its the beam), +a 1 a, Oltaitegan from the desk eq` 5' steamer duringA lourhey ti' 18 meat of else lighted hours+ of s.il y, Asal ee one may travel above fly lake (net a Winoictrui stretch or new, for the Nettle Valley' Lltia, dea mg nature's obstacle/0, Maketlit$ 444 on, on the Okanagan Lake. ' ous way near the crests of the moue. WIDE. A. thrilling" scene greets the eye in a bird's eye 'view of the entire lake hundreds of feet below, nestling like a crystal gem in its granite Mein, and- taking "1:1 ri silver hue as the set. tint, sun lays Ito carnet ot sheett en the waters. Each cluster or homes stands out 11earle agniast Ite back. 9001:24 of folinge or forest, motor craft .iiieed along, looking very email in OM wide space of waters, and glannses of shore ropeleveya thew the traveller could estate Use 1 by land 12 be so dessired, y, the train dies from (itis ' debt* to the Tower levels!, from the . 11 creels 10 antis:ton (ewe, Tee men stas done Rs lavas worla the ;Natio++ ere A113110'Nf04 ith the NI World of Water and (oast east mettratilit, ani the Lake of the ()trestle eats Nampa, ilae afl nature aol 60.‘ wtttatie,