The Clinton New Era, 1918-9-12, Page 3PAGE 3
1009 HENS
Bach week at ver Poultry
feeding PAM fol' the balance
Of 1918. Prices paid accenting
tv duality and fancy prices paid
for large properly fattened milk
feel chieeens,
Meatless days are making
very high prices for eggs, Al-
though grain prices are high
it will pay you to take special
care of your stock of hens and
01111l -Langlois & Co., Limited .
The up-to-dateFirm
Clinton grouch Plume 190
N. W. Trewartha, Manager
or Hohnesville 4 on 142.
4,e1441.6,44eAAAiaAAAAAs Aiii84a41,
>6 a
P1111108 0
See and here our finest
New. Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
• .pedal values in. Art
• Cases
• Pianos and ore ans rent
ed.. Uhoice new Edison
ri phonographs, Music &
• variety goods,
�aWeic ll.;Il§)EFr?d1i61
C. Hoare
EeeKeliee 'C96"s
wl*W,h• ,t,7.'Ar^.rC•1r,.Y.'inAn,"V•M� ,M�`Ct
• Call or Phone for prices
Byana & Sutter
e • Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7.
4"1d"ANVev'eNerve ekeve Weer eENVast.
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to cheese cheap
jewelery. Far better a fair
price and know exactly what von
are getting,
Yon will never he sorry -.for as a
matter of money, it ie easily the
most economical. -
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it -and yet there is no
eearoity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get pereoeal-If !elle would
like to miss that sort altogether -
If you world like to bey where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt-in-0OME HERE
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
e p counter
J'eweler and Optician
u er el Marriage l.ieenses
A Carload of
Govt. Standard
Just Arrived
FORD& 1)
Women, Prepare l
Thousands of wonei in Canada have
°raceme their eulferiega, and have been
tieredof weinan'B 4118 by Dr, Pioroa's
Pavorito Preaeription, rep temperance
medieiue, though started nearly hall a
Neter), ago, Bolls meet widely today.
It can now be had'in tablet forst as
well as liquid, and every woman who
suffers from becltaebe, headache, nery-
euenees, should take this "Prescription"
Of 1)r. Pierce's, It is prepared from
nature's roots and herbs and does not
(telltale a pertiele of alcohol or any
narootie. It's nota secret preeeription
for its ingredients are printed on vane -
per. Send 10e for trial. package to Dr.
V. lf, Pierce, Surgical Institute, Buftake
N. Y., or 13ridgeburg, Ont,
Hamilton, Ont,--.'' Whon I reached the
critical period I was
a nervous wreck and
suffered with ho t
flashes and dizzy
s beet 11 to +Pavorito
Proaeriptiou' reliev.
ea no of ell these
ailments and brought
me through this try-
ing tinge safely. For
woman 0 f middle
/ age there is no tone
equal to Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Preaeription, and I never heal.
tate to recommend it to my friends," -
Mae. Aware Somas, 41 llesa St. N.
Stratfordr Ont. -"T was greatly bene-
fited by. taking Dr, Pierce's Favorite Pre-
scription; it was before twine came. I
had become all run-down, was nauseated,
very nervous and weak, and suffered with
backache. Was not able to do anything
for three months, when I began taking
Favorite Prescription.' It soon gave
me relief and it was not long when I was
strong and healthy. 'Favorite Prescrip-
tion.' was surely a great help to me and
I am glad to recommend it." -Mas. L.
1, MANTLE, 01 Hent Lane,
If it were not bordering on • an in-
sult to the women of Canada we would
suggest that the faint hearted gents
who are mutilating themselves so as
not to be able to enlist should have
dresses and pinafores supplied for their
uniforms. The khaki suits could he
handed over to the girls.
t4.a311~Yf u ns
PC834n, ET.,
e r.: Neon
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Pinanoiel and Real Estate
INSURANCE AOENv-Representing 14 Fire 10
sumacs Oompanies.
Division (ionrt Office.
Piano Tilfilnp
51r, James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that be is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty'e ),ihone
61, will receive prompt attention.
Can!?. (m,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, fete
Otli•'e no Albert Si rept., neenpiWi l•y
}If, 13ooper, In (71 1. Len en "very
TLuredey, ani on any day for which
appointments are made, Cfiine hams
from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good ,ault in
connection with the r lit. e. ()Mee open
every week dey, Mr. Iloopee will 101000
any appointments for Mr. Camat'ou,
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Clinton, • -. - Ontario
Office at Residence
Corner High and Kirk Streets.
Clinton Ontario
8113, k+'. R. rBxeN
1400115 and itrtdge 1'nrlt (5 Speelntly,
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and R,0,1.1,1
ila)Osld on Mondays, Slav 100 to D
Oakes over O'NEIL'S store,
'ap.'eiai care taken to make dental Ater.,
moot syn painless as peed1hla,
Live stork and general Auction tee
ant raj 41010 00tee a 00001,11,1 theses a t
Maw lurt8 adios, Manton, pre to t.y
to, Terme reeaonaroe, L'arnreru .alt, .+s•
G. D. 141.c'laggarc
M Ts! q rn
14. 1), MoTtaggav
tt l$11;15''l' E" R S
ALBERT ST , (1.1..(?o145
I-sereral Seeking etnesisteec
011)'_'10 DiellonNT'gL)
Dratls jostled, In°•;res.+ e.11awed n
depoeles •
The tdeKi.lksp i'tRttt t.
Fire insurance h.
Farm and !solutes 'town Itle<aeki
erty Only Inotlrail.
Rend ((('lice-Seaforth, IDrlt
Evans, BecwodVic�P esfdent;
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary-
Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward
Hlnchley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney Egg,
Luandviile; J. W. 'Ye.', (loderich; fit. G
Jarmuth, iroctitr • .
Dr lea
.Wet. Rhin* No. ' 1afortla; JOhn Bei!=
newels, Brorittet rimes tsvahl, heel -
wood; M. Me) etie, Clinton; James
Connally, O e. McGregoro
No. 3, Seaforth, ' ;r Orleve, 54o. 4,
Walton; Rol, rt l'4rrlit, flarlockl Goo.�
M0Cllrtne. No 3,'1.1t -calf;
Now Recognized As the Cheapest
Power for Pumping -
When and Slow It is Used-,Gonlpi4�te
11ltormation Given-'d'tlbetwniter
Cows rt Nemec le Health -410w,
Tt)beee len 'reef (s Made -- 11'h
oral's Fernier to Vet Cattle anal
to Discard Hooters.
(Contributed by 9ntarle i)anertnt0nt or
Alrricultare, Toronto,)
HERE conditions are sue -
able For en hydraulle ram
it is without question the
cheapest and most saris-
factory method of pumping water.
It has one drawbaeit--•ft wastes tar
more water than tt pumps t0 'the
buildings, and hence. can only be In:
'stalled Where the supply is from five
to twenty times as great as required
at the buildings, • The .efficiency of
the ram is from 65 to 90 per cent.,
i,e,, it uses 65 to 90 per cent, of the
energy of the failing water, Suppose
the spring supplies 10 gailuns per
minute and the fall from the spring
to the. ram is live loot. Multiply
these together and then take 05 per
cent, of the product, and we have the
energy available for driving Water to
the buildings.
Energy in this case 65-100 z 10
x 5 toot -gallons -32,5 foot -gallons.
Now divide this by Lhe height of the
buildings above the ram arid we have
the number of gallons the ram will
deliver ,per minute at the buildings.
If, for example, the height is 32.5
feet then
Number of gallons por minute --32,5
divided by 32,5-1 gallon, Which is
1-10 of the water supplied by the
supposed spring.
Number of gallons per day -GO x 24
-1,400 gullets (about 29 barrels).
Consequently with live feet of head
and 32,5 feet of lift the ram will
deliver at the buildings 1-10 of the
Water in the spring, Tho quantity
that will be delivered with other
heads, lifts and spring -flows may be
calculated in a similar way. -
Generally speaking it is found that
for each 10 feet of lift there should
be one foot of head, but there is a
limit -it is seldom advisable to in-
stall rams where the head Is less than
say two feet, although they Have
been known to work with as little as
18 inches. The lengLJ of delve pipe
should not be less than three-quar-
ters of the vertical lift to the build-
ings, nor less than live times Lhe fall
from the spying to Die ram, 11 may
however, be longer, but seldom ex-
ceeds 50 feet, and 75 feet might be
taken as an extreme length for slaws
of ram suitable for farm conditions.
If too long a drive pipe be used, the
extra,frlctien In it prevents the 1v'eLer
from striking as heavily or as fre-
quently as with a drive pipe just
the right length,
Tho Cost of installing 0 ram is not
greet. For. the smallest size et ram
it will run in tate neighborhood of
$25 to $95 and about 311 extra for
each hundred feel between the
spring and the ram. 'Tt us if Ih W'
011181 -Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin,
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
e bottle containing three ouuees of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle and
tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, ab
very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white for a few
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the face, neck, arms and
hands each day and sec how freckles and
blemishes disappear and how clear, soft
and white tate kin becomes, Yes! - Ib
Is harmless.
m .. 1+ x x. dF .g 1 e. y.
Brussels Sept. 17, 18
Zurich ^ Sept. 18, 19
Seaforth Sept, 19, 20
Blyth Sept, 23, 24
Sept., 25-27
Bayiieid Oct. 1, 2
Dungannon Oct. 3, 4,
Fordwtcil Oct, 5
Wingham Oct. 8, 9
Thursday, September 12tH, 1914
were 10) fees upart 1(144 tetaa cost
would bo from 349 to 350, but 1f
209 foot then .tram 355 to $32, and
other distances in pr'opoirtion. ho
largest size of etan(10r'e rein (Sark be'
installed at about $100 It the ,rare
sail pump are 100 foot apart, and
3125 if 200 feet apart, --ft, 11, Gra,-
ham, B,S.A„ 0. A, College, Geelph.
'rnberculksls .en Cntele..
Ono reas011 wiry farmers should
have their cattle tested for
tubereuleeis 1s the lleauolal leen
which they suffer by having
tubercular aptmal$ in their herds;
As the disease is at first slow
in development and does not induce
suddep death, like anthrae, black leg
or hog cholera, the farmer does pot
realize the loss, that he endures'by
leaving tnberouloels in Ills herd until
one of more animals develop the dis-
ease in an advanced degree and die
or are slaughtered, when they are at
once seen to bo rotten with the dis-
ease, •Saab animals will have had the
disease a long time without it being l
suspected and Will have been giving
off in their milk, saliva and drop-
pings, large numbers of tuberculosis
bacilli. In this WAY the bacilli are
spread around, the food, pater and
atmosphere in the stable get con-
taminated with them and other mem-
bers of the herd contract the disease
from these contaminated materials.
The tuberculin test will indicate
whether or not an animal is tuber-
cular long before any clinical symp-
toms are visible, thus enabling one
to deal with such an animal before
it becomes a dangerous spreader of
the disease.
When an animal is shown to be
tubercular it should not bo allowed
to mix with the rest of the herd.
When cattle are purchased to add to
the herd it should be only when sub -
Jed to the tuberculin test, ae cattle
may have every visible indication of
good health and yet bo tuberettlar,
the disease not yet having developed
to an advanced degree.
It is therefore strongly recom-
mended that farmers
1st. Have their herds tested for
tuberculosis with the tuberculin test.
2nd. That they slaughter .the ani-
mals that have the disease in an ad-
vanced degree.
3rd, That they separate the cattle
that react to the test from those
which do not react,
4th. That they remove the salvos
from tubercular mothers as soon as
dropped, and teed them on milk from
healthy cows or on their mother's
milk after it has been properly pas-
teurized, Le„ after it has been heated'
to 145 deg. F. for ball an hour.
5th. That they apply the tuber-
culin test to every new purchase of
cattle that are to be piaeed in the
clean herd.
Oth, That the herd he tested with
tuberculin annually,
Obtaining 'Tuberculin );for the Test.
The manufacture and supply or
tuberculin is kept ander the Dom-
inion Government control. It is re-
quired that a veterinarian be em-
ployed by the farmer to make the
test, -Prof, Dan. 15. Jones, Ontario
Agricultural Ob1Iece, Guelph.
Newspaper Bargain
The Clinton New Era s in a position
to offer eesidents of this section a real
bargain in the way of newspapers. We
have concluded an arrangement with
the Family Herald and Weekly Star of1
Montreal, by which we can offer that
great Weekly and The New Era until 11
January 1st, 1919, for the small sum i
of 31,00 in advance
The Family Herald publishers are
offering 3100 in prizes for the best
suggestions to Improve that paper and
the offer is open to all its readers. Or-
ders for the two papers may be left at
at)fce of The New Era. 40 cents gets
The Family Herald for balance of 1918,
O win this' war every ounce of the
1. strength of each of the allied nations
must be put forth to meet the organized,
trained and disciplined efficiency of the Cent -al..
Powers—that gigantic, ruthless forcewhich is the result
of fifty years of planning and preparation:
. And every ounce of every • allied' nation's strength is in
the hands and brains and hearts of the individuals of
each nation, because they . are free peoples.
Now the'ndividuals of each nation must Le.' *as well as
'fi ht,'therefore a proportion of the effort and material
of each nation must be diverted from war purposes to
living necessities, p
So the less each individual takes. for himself or hersel
for personal use the more effort will there be left fo
fighting and winning e e war,
Every cent you spend represents that much effort be
cause somebody must do something for you in order t
earn that cent—solnebody's eifo.rt must be given t
you instead of to the war.
Therefore the less you spend—the less of somebody'
effort you take for your individual use -the more wil
you leave in the national surplus for war effort.
The war can be won only by the surplus strength of
the allied nations. The money each individual saves
represents that surplus strength.
So the truly loyal Canadian will use less, spend less,
and save more, to help to win the war.
Published under the Authority of
The Minister of Finance
of Canada.
..:u�-�: .-•av�:�:ti..sG;d .caie.,.eovr,�' ...'aii�c�'.xK�-�'Z&�L: �"r`. L �',"�,'`��t,�+ti'�3
ac U i c
r,Ja, a es
First ��ws
ra°, La. 8`
s order -regularity.
Obey it in your own
Keep your liver active
and your bowels regu-
lar and na.tural. Good
health is possible in no
other way.
One pill a day is the
regular rule. Two—
perhaps three— now
and then, if necessary.
Colorless faces often show
the absence of Iron in the
Cartai% kohl PRN
Will help this condition.
Okanagan Lake and Kettle Valley Railway. Inserted is a O. P, steamer rentieton, on the Okanagan Lake.
very place names aye musical and at
tractive: such as Kelowna, Poach -
land, Serail:102.11(nd, with many a
charming In-between settlement
Then there fits in to the landsrark
franks the cosy, picturesque bungalow
of tbe rancher farmer es frettgrover,
get in a maden and facing au Masan.
parable view.
Down at the wharves, the steamer
receives its freightage et crated fret/
that will feed many mouths in many
a distant honie for the eve/ .
Okanagan Lae/ is mad
Wheit an suggestiee place
Flre•t locate it on the map. Down
In Southern Teritleb Columbia; due
south from Slearuous, on the main
line of the Canadian Pacific RailwaY;
duo south too from pleterasque Ver -
moo; clue north from Pentieton, in
the bointeaey county of British Co-
Betweet Iternbn and Pete
ticton Bea Jake known 00 Okanse
Okanagan lb a lake ot rarest beauty,
oven in a low or takes or rarest
beauty. Each mile of its length a
m.6.44 r1 leenic loveliness, each league
of ih• a league of 'varied. charm,
sy over the ,lent and
1.41411tg 511) 10 tees up for the bight
peottefoie 14. comfortoble boat it'
a comfortable day M travel
follows as the panorama of ports
The bhiraraering watere that reflect
every paseirtg sun ray or carresslug,
fleecy cloud, ate bordered by green'
garbed mountains. At their bees+ roet
tier on tier of bench lands that soon
Heti fertility, for they bear the trialte
thee twee spread the fame mid name
Of Okanagan for Afield, Hoe, the ere
feasta smiling orcharde and vibe.
yards, fos the' month feeste on their
lesoloue crops, Down the steep slopes'
corers the '<oohed !Odell that lite
gate When exid where Irrigation
heeded, the Ilk -giving etreante being
halted On ttee itta vine end gerdee
with wonderful resetete.
Metes Make eheelterboard ef
white the water.stelo Wrote add their
'note of hunted Coninitinietn, /lair
01.1P way near the crests of the 0410110.
eee fu a bird's eye view of the entire
lake hendrrels of feet below, needling
like a crystal gem In He granite basin,
tiug SIM COYn its carpet ot sheet on
the waters. Marti clueter et homes
peeled of foliage or forest, motor
ereft Axed along, looking tory small
in the wide space of waters and
, glimpses of shore roaewene Slew
an eager eustomet. for the p oche"! file traveller could circle the
and peers, the apples and the e •,. by lead if he so desired,
of tine favored truitiahd conntre , the :rain dins from the
eo One. drinks In the honey 10 tee rower lersir, Dern the
Mattawan trom the clerk r' 1'. .• '11 ertefe le 1. eftecine twee le .1
etekener during a jeurhey thei• if' se am eon dons t feene work, tits
In, 001 of elm Deeded hours oe er.; Medea 03'0 Oral 10W1118' On the henni),
And se ono may tfal101 Tkikvvo 011, fel world ot alw,r and lenn
lake over a 'wonderful etreteh of ,nreeirmen, amt the ;Ake the (More
wee, for the Kettle Velley Ube. (len e elasee, 11,0e HIE tfatert, And be,