HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-9-5, Page 6•
EM. II DRIPSf' TROUT q 1WSE 0111111filiiili ,LINENS in 1HE110
Owing to war conditions ,and the scarcity of Mals, pure linens are getting. very
seam, consequently advancing in price. A wise • woman. Whose
"Home Beautiful" and ew omt0a1 auagrisent thereof will consider this Rud
this list carefully and give
it your attention. No ! porhopr you
buythelnn now hen
ht laleetll'of
new lanens at present but f you wish to save moneywill on be shortly. purchases if you don't steed abash
you can get them at about half the price they 1
yourself perhaps you have a young friend who is anticipating a home ta'f (ter own and what
is ,store acceptable than listens,
TABLECLOTHS—Beautiful bleached Irish damask, statin finish, ail round, single Glad double.
borders, a:variety of designs, leaves, spray=s, iteral, figures, dots, etc„ also'.
tabling by the yard. - .
TABLE NAPKINS ---Pure bleached linea, a large range of choice designs..
CES --Hand embroidered and Plauen lace centrepiece and 'doilies 'it dainty pat-
TRAY CLOTHS--Plauen lace, hand embroidered and drawn work, hem -stitched edges, all
pure linen,
TOWELS—A household necessity, always in demand, carefully selected, p,ure linen buck
aback towels, hem -stitched, plain and embroidered damask borders,' guest
and large sizes. AlSo bleached and unbleached turkish towels, With fancy
stripes and all white,
TOWELINGSReliable linen towelings, values that are. thoroughly dep'•endable, checked'
and sstr!ped glass toweling,. heavy crasij, plain linen buck and tea 'cloth.
These materials are steadily .advancing in price. •
BEDSPREADS- -Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects, good
heavy qualities.
Come in and we wail be pleased to show you our stock.
If you don't see what you want ask for it.
Agents for
Dress Goods
SAgents for
Mr. E, E. liunuiford is now the pos-
(Farmer's Sun) I
An extra heavy "runt's of nearly lessor of a Chevrolet car which he
5,000 cattle on Monday sold well at
purchased last week.
steady to strong values.
The top of the markets on Monday i
and 'Tuesday was $3 .50 for a load of
heavy steers.
There was an active inquiry for
stockers and feeders at strong prices. !
Marry visitors to the market on the
holiday were purchasers. . The4Carload of Canada
flogs 'were light receipts and sold l Cement has arrived at Our ware -
steady with last week. i house.
Lambs were plentiful and a Slow sale.
Prices were easy at $17,
Births, Marriages & Deaths
LESAGE—In Little Current, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. L, Lastige' (nee Nor" Blake,
of Clinton) on August 25111, a son,
(Janes Lawrence.)
TlRi145 -- Strictly. Cash. ,
A. j. Holloway!
000Seresissss2+Otlsolis wase.48
Over ' The Teacups
e odea+eemese0000 0evaeseeee
Mrs, Searle is visiting with relatives
iu. London*
Mr, John Sclloenhais was a vlsltor
at Toronto,
" Master Willie Couk, of f11yth spent
Labor. Day' in totem,
Miss Olive Sclioetiiis spent the
Week end In .Wingilam,
Mics Gladys 1'aweett, of Myth, spent
the week end In town,
Master 'Cordon Mason, of 131yt11,
spent Labor Day in. town.
Miss Dolini4 litalSott Was a 1iSitor til.
Mitchell during the past week.
'Mr, 13, J. Gantelon was taking in
the sights .at the 'Toronto, Ex,
Mr. Bob, MpDettaloit Was, a,visito.r
at 'Toronto over the week end,
' Mr, and Ml's, L, 'crouse, of Wood-
stoal:, were.itere for Labor Day.
'Capt, M, 'D, McTaggart spent the
week end with his family in town,
Miss Lizzle McGowan, of Roxborow,
is attending the School of Commerce,
Mr and Mrs, Glen Cornish, of the
Base Line motored 'down to Toronto,
' Misses Elva and Edna Lavis returned
to Toronto to resume their .positions,
If Soldiers' Kin Move.
Numerous telegrams sent by the
department of militia and defence in-
forming relatives of casualties have
been returned narked "undelivered."
•This owing to the fact that the address-
es have changed and there is no avail-
able information as to present ad-
dresses. The department, therefore,
has pointed out the necessity of noti-
fying the Director of Records, Military
Headquarters, Ottawa, when people
who are recorded as next of kin to
members of the C.F.F, change their
place of residence, in order that com-
munications may be delivered with-
out delay.
)200 0 0
Pictures of home folks
carry warmth and comfort to
the heart of a soldier.
Send one in the next parcel.
Our prices are the same as
before the war.
Phone 66.
iR4 -..-.
Photographer. x
H E Difference between the sort of shoes we sell and
the "Other Sort" will be perfectly apparent to any- '
one who compares our "GOOD SHOES" with "Just
Our Better Shoes!
- Our Shoes are built up to a standard and Not Down
to a Price!. The result is that our shoes are more econ-
omical than uncertain Shoes.
They wear so much longer and look so much better
than "Bargain Shoes," that they are a Better Investment
Dollar for Dollar, than any shoes which sell for less
The true test of Shoe value is not the First Cost, ,but
the final cost -- not what they cost Per Pair, but what
they Cost per Year.. It is upon this simple test of value
that the successful growth of our'Shoe Business is•based
The New Era columns ore open
to its readers for the expression
of views on all matters of public
interest. The only conditions
are that the communications must
be as brief as possible, must be
plainly written on one side of
the paper only, must contain no
attacks of a personal or iibellous
character, and musthave f
he sig-
i6-nature and address of the writer,
Where a nom -de -plume is used
the Writer must sign his name as
an evidence of good faith. Ad-
dress letters to the Editor, The
New Era.
Mrs, (Rev,) nogg and daughters re-
turned from their visit at. Soutlian,pton,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woods, of To
,E,mato,Latter,were•visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
Miss Ross Lavis left to accept a
millinery position at Niagara Falls for
the season; '
Mrs, Gemmell, of Tuckersmith, was
the guest of Mrs, B. R. Higgins On
Labor Day.
Mrs, L, Paisley and Master Elmer,
returned home Monday evening after
a visit iii Toronto
Master Charlie. Cook wheeled up to
Blyth and spent a couple of hours
'Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. G, D, McTaggart spending family the
returned' Mondayafter
summer at Bayfield,
Mr, James Webster, of Toronto, has
been the guest of his sister, Mrs, G.
13. Saville, last week,
Mr, and Mrs. 13, Lavis took In the
'Toronto Exhibition and .also drove
back a new 'Chevrolet.
Mr', and Airs, E. E, ifunniford and
Miss Stella were visitors at Thedford
on; Sunday and Labor Day.
s- .r
• tb
Rev, 'Thomas Wilso❑ B, D., of Walk-
erton, will. be in the ,pulpit on Sunday.
Baptist Church.
10,30=-S. S. and Service,
7.30—Subject "Blind Bartimeaus."
Salvation Army. •
Capt, M. Scott will be here Sunday
and will conduct the meetings assisted
by Lieut, M, Tucker. Everybody conte
and bring" a friend.
Wesley. church,.
The Pastor will begin a series of
sermons on "'The -Kingdom of iiea-
Next Lord's Day has subject will be
In the morning: -"The Herald."
ill the evening:—"The King." '
Followed by such subjects as:
The Nature of the Kingdom,"
"The Laws of the Kingdom, etc. '
The Sunday School will be held in
the horning for one Sunday more.
Wesley Sunday School will meet
with Ontario Street Sunday School in
the Ontario Street schoolroom for a
grand rally at 2:30 next' Sunday,
The 'Epworth League will hold their
opening meeting next Monday at 8
o'clock, Mrs, Struthers, a Returned.
Missionar fron China will give an ad-
dress oil "Mission work in Chita". All
young people welcome, ,
°untoo Street Church,
Following is. week's program by W.
L. Clark ,Lecturer, Author, Traveller
SUNDAY: -11.00 a, in, Subject:-
"Father and Mother." -
3 30:—Sunday .School Rally Union
7,00 p, nn.—:Subject—"Youth."
MONDAY 4.00 p. m—FOr boys
and girIs. Subject Camas,"
8,00 p, ut,—For Eyerbody. Sub-
ject "Success,"
TUESDAY; -4.00 p. nm—For boys.
Subject, "Boys." 8,00 p. 111, For older
boys and men. Subject "Father. and
WP3DNESDAYs--3.00 p. m.—For Wo-
men, Subject "l'he Boy and the Girl."
4.00 p, ni,--For Everbody, Subject,
"Canada and its Homes," •
THURSDAY: -4.00 p. tn.—For young
sten high school age, Subject, "The
'Teen Age." 8.00 p, ru.--T;or. Ever -
body., ,Subject, ."Is God Dead."
T'RTDAY: 4.c10 p. m.--FOi' young
women, ..Subject, "'Prue Visions.' 8.00
p. .11:meting for everybody,
Subject -•-•"Tho World's Greatest Need"
8 8
eptemher Stb,
Local News
Is Due to go Qverueas.
'l e , Ray McConnell,
AcCo ttwtali tw
law0nedak,silt ,salonwasat o:tioIs eduewealko
leave with a draft for overseas this
Hydro Off
ll}"dl'O POM�er waS off srllttrdtly 11nt1'll-
ing and pari pf sale afternoon, Power
was off on. Tuesday .morning until '9
o'clock, It was off again an.Wednes-
day noon and :venial'. •
Some Storm
Saturday morning the storm that
'passed over'. this district made the
ground ready for the fail ploughing,
Here and there people were out clean-
ing out the cloged ditches,
News of Casualties
Reuters of the New Era would con-
fer a favor if they would notify the
editor promptly of news of war casu-
alties coming, to) their attention, 1f
brief note telephone The New Era, No.
brief not telephone The New Era, No,
30 or 95 in the evening..
Joining Siberian Forcer.
Miss Phyllis Sp,arkes, of Brantford,
is spending a few days with her sister
Mr. (Rev.) W. 13, Moulton,
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown spent last
Sunday at Guderich visiting the laiter's
daughter, Mrs, J. E, Young,
Mr, and Mrs, E, Miller and baby, of
Hamilton are visiting at the parental
home and. other friends in town,
Lieut, M. Tucker, of the S, !r, Force,
was visiting Capt M. Scott this week
in Stratford for a couple of days,
Mrs. Al, D. McTaggart and children,
who have been spending a couple of
months in Bayfield returned Friday,
Capt. M. Scott, of the S, A.—Force,
who is spending her holidays in Strat-
ford is expected hone on Saturday.
Miss Jitfrey, of Seaforth, and Miss
Margaret Ross, of Brucefield was this
week the guest of Miss Emma Higgins.
Master Fergus Reynolds returned
home Monday evening for school after
spending the holidays around Seaforth.
Miss Lee, of Londeseboro, was vis-
iting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Gibbs over the week -end and holiday.
Miss Hattie Courtice returned on
Monday evening after spending two
weeks bn Toronto, Hamilton and St.
Mr, 12, C. Sidenius, zone supervisor
for the soldiers of the soil movement,
was a visitor in the town Monday and
Mr, and Mrs. Blatchford and son,
motored from London and spent the
week end with the lady's sister, Miss
Graham of town. •
Dr, and Mrs. J, S, Evans motored up
to Tiverton Iasi Saturday, also going
to Chesley on Sunday and returning
home on Monday.
Mrs, R, Jackson, Mr. Geo, Jackson,
tMr.:Std Mrs. Chas, Jackson, and child-
ren were visitor's with Mr. and Mrs,
E, Latter and family,
Mr, and. Mrs, Chas, Holland and
Miss (Mary motored down to London
last Saturday and returned home the
beginning of the week.
Miss Kathleen McConnell is visiting
with Miss Bertha Carter at Stratford
and Front' there is going to Buffalo for
a visit before entering normal at Strat-
Miss Josie Medd daughter of Rev.
Dr. Medd, of Exeter, and Miss Edith
Ross of Williamstown, have been en-
gaged as assistant liiglt School teachers
in Exeter School.
Mrs, J. 0: Medd, who has been
spending the past few days visiting
Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Medd of Exeter; also
Mr, and Mrs; W, G. Medd of Winchel-
sea, has rettl'rined horse,
Miss Nellie Medd, of Constance,
visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J.
G, Medd over the week end also called
on other old friends in town before re-
turning to her' school near Exeter.
Mr, find Mrs. E. G. Matthews and
children, of Auburn, were guests of
Mr, and Mrs, W. S, Downs over the
week end, also patronizing the Labor
Day sports put on by the Y, L, P, A.
Messrs. liars Steep, Livermore, and
McDowell, of Stratford, were in town
on Monday ,helping out ,the Clanton
baseball! team, While in town the' for:
frier two visited their respecitve hones.
Mrs, 0, E. Saville visited her mother,
Mrs. James Webster at Londesboro,
over the week end, She was acorn,
ponied by her little niece, Miss Mary
Webster, who has been visiting her for
a few weeks,
Pte: W, Curl, who went into the
big 'fight with the 33rd Batt!, was
wounded and returned to -Clinton tliis
spring, left on Wednesday to enlist
with the Canadian. Siberian Expedition.
ary Force.. 1 -lis old friends. will hope
that he escapes the bulletts once again.
Clinton goy Enlists
Erskine S. Evans, eldest son of Dr.
and Mrs, J, S. Evans left for London
to pass the final medical-exaininations
and if successful he intends to sign up
with the Tank Battalion as there are
110 vacancies in the artillery. He has
spent the past four months doing his
bit on the farm but considered it. to be
his duty `to sign up although he is
barely t9 years. this many friends at
the C. 4;, I. and at Ontario St, Church
will be sorry to lose him.
S. S. Opening ..at Ontario St. Church.
Last Sunday was opening day at
the Ontario Street Sunday School, an
open session being held. Solos were
contributed by Miss Marlon Gibhings,
Miss Elva Wiltse, and Airs. W, S. Downs
Miss Margaret Walker gave a short
reading. The school was very glad to
have back with them their old super -
intendant from Toronto, Mr, G. A.
Bradshaw, who spoke to them. The
address of the afternoon was given 1')'
Mr, C. 0, Bouck, principal of the Mo-
del School who spoke 011 the "Secret
of Success." Ile outlined various things
that go to stake a young roan or wo.,
man successful in life and his talk
was well helpful and was well enjoyed
by all present, The collection Nitta'
fur missions was the largest received,
It amounting to over S(1.00,
FormerClinton Lady Dead.
Word was received by Mr. S. Casale
of the death of his daughter-in-law.
Mrs. Janus Casty, formerly Mary -inn
Joy, daughter of the late John Joy, A
paper from Ontario, California, pub
fishes the following obituary:— ;Mrs.
Mary Ann Castle wife of James Castle
died on Stunday morning, August 18th
ut 8 o'clock at the :family home, No.
3045 East A street, after months of
illness and suffering. Mrs. Castle was
in her forty-fifth year and • had two
sons, Gail and Jou. Castle, in the army
and now en route overseas. Mrs.
Castle had made her home in Ontario
for nearly 24 years, conning here as a
bride from Clinton, Canada. She is
survived by a widower and nine child-
ren. Mrs. Hartley Billington, of Ont-
ario and Mrs. Frank Billington of Los
Angeles are sisters. John Joy of New
York, David Joy and Thomas Joy, of
Los Angeles are brothers. The funeral
will be held tomorrow afternoon at
2.30 o'clock from Draper's chapel with
the Rev, Glenn W. Siefarth, pastor of
the Pentecostal Nazarene church, in
charge. Members of the Ontario War
Mothers 'Club, to which Mrs: Castle
belonged, are asked to meet at the
public library, D. street and Euclid
ave, between 2 o'clock and 2.15 to at-
tend the funeral in a body. Internment
in Bellevue cemetery. ,
Got Second Prize in Trophy Contest.
J, E. Ilovey, Dr, Axon, Jas. Miller
and W. Grant took in the Mitchell
Bowling tourney on Labor Day and
succeeded in winning second prize in
the Trophy contest, Tilte Stratford
Beacon makes the following reference
to the final games:—The real Tight was
between McCurdy of Stratford and
Hovey of Clinton, At one time in the
game Bovey was 9 and McCurdy 1, but
in one end the latter added six shots
to their score Now the contest for
"blood" was on and at the beginning of
the tenth end McCurdy was 10 and
Hovey 9: Nearing the finish Clinton
had the best two bowls and McCurdy,
in his last shot failed to draw in close
enough to the kitty to count, so the
western rink won out by one shot.
Downs and Hovey went down into the
Ise first prizes went to
finals, and t
Stratford by one shot. The prizes
were handsome silver casseroles and
the second silver sugar bowl and
cream pitcher. The booth was man-
aged by ladies and the proceeds wilt be
used for patriotic. purposes, Follow-
ing ere the scores of the 'Clinton games
Hovey 10; Wilson, Seaforth, 6
Hovey 6; Sawyer, Mitchell, t1
Hovey t3; Pendleton, Mitchell 7
Hovey 16; Best, Seaforth, 1 1
Hovey 1 t; McCurdy, Stratford 10
Hovey, 10; Downs, Stratford, 1
C C, 1, Opening
The 0. 0, 1, opened on 'Tuesday
morning. for the fall term with a very
good attendance. Although the Vari-
ous forms are not yet quite as large
as last year .the attendance is very
good. Quite a feiv more will be start-
ing shortly, Miss Morgan, the com-
mercial specialist has taken a position
in the Stratford Collegiate and Miss
Kerr of Owen Sotuud is taking her
place, It is likely there tt'ill be a slight
change in the subjects taught by the
various leaellers as Miss Kerr is not a
commerclal specialist but a specialist in
moderns, lit speaking to Ole students
in the Assembly Hall, Mr, J. W.
Treleaven gave a name of the re-
sults of the work of the past year. In
the Lower School there were more
failures in spelling than in any other
subject. The principal in speaking
gavethat as „AO example of students
• Mr. Erskine S Evans of town re-
turned from steal` Kincardine wliei'e bit
has been' spending the past four'
monnths fast week, Misses Ruth and
Gard 'Ljvaans also came home* With nit
'Titey'11'ad speilt a mouths' holidays 11
their tittcle's there;
Mrs, W. L, Wad^ who has been visit-
ing fr-iends in l't e+' sn .left last week
for Port Huron whore she will visit her
sisters before re.'rrning to her Item:
in Port W lil,;m Many of iter old
friends lte.o wire pleased to hear her
m1111 aaaiit itt the On•tavlo St. church
ex est
13e ready when the bell rino
--We are readyfor you wi
Complete assortment of general
supplies ,as well as' all regular
text books. We invite you to
bring your needs t -O us and have
thein satisfied..
Ellen the heshwa'---Tilwaysthe Best
'4+Rerb'�srav,raetao a -m[.+.5 cGy` =^?m =mnat1anu s ,g Sa ,y
v,._.-1818 --
ii•—m.armenrwaua .wnecwnveoarvn6a:, ...- , 666,6 .. .,-060_.18.
moa craami10sasra==
A Tested Lens ------
An Accurate Shutter—
Simple Operation. ----
Good Pictures—
All these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use,
—We do developing and printing and guarantee good results—
Despensing Chemist
The Features et Our
9'n wh1Ch w' irlvrre spacial :,tleutiOO
cafe its remit y, its x• silted cote fart, biz
solid emstauct cn, :rd its 3 1.low tate
must patesIter, i c., 110,1' pointy
vauuld 6e .utleit'itt t.. t•xui it your
pr,fi•reurr Win they it- tai tour--
lintd we fill salla y,r it :'i tel
that tine 1sa ruin': m ' t1 0 eirum.
tunity you cannot :.trot.:, to r. r.ore
Undertaker stud Funereal Director. 1'itottr `214.
?fight and 3ialaadat3 Calls answered at Residence over s.tore
Pickling Season
The busy housewife certainly takes Sed, Mustard
a pride in making of her sickles and WHOLE MIXED PICKLE SPICES IN
this year is a year they should pickle
everthing possible as our lines of Sp5c or lOc Packagesecial Crystal Pickling Vinegar that
spices are of tit: best and can be de- can be depended on and will add thu
pended on so you will not be taking flavor to your pickles.
any chances of your Pickles spoiling PARKES & PARKES special pickle
by getting your supplies Of spices at , mixture on hand now.
NEEDED 3 bars Pure Laundry soap for 20 cents
Ground Allspice, Luneric, Celery seed 2 pkgs Jelly Powder for 20e
Ginger Between the hours of 7:30 to 8:30
Ground cloves, Curry Powder, Mustard P. M. only,
Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-7241
The Corner. Grocery
Is C
prepared, p
areal, b
having your old
furnace overhaul-
ed or a new one
installed by ,
Tei '"kis
Flume 53
Agent for HECLA Furnaces
Shop - over ItWWI and's liar (War
Piping And Fittings Alwaay's On
You Will Always
Find 'Us Busy
but neves' too busy to give our
strict attention. We value your trade.
E. E. tiuriniford
Canadian Food Control License
No. 8-31:7.3.
failing in supposed easy subject, lie
pointed 011t to the 551101515 that not
one of the candidates who came below
their forty per 'cent required succeeded Arrives
in getting their total and urged tlteni Arrives
to make sure of every subject. 1
The results of tate Department Ex-
amination were not as good as natal
in the middle and Lower Schools but
in the Upper School there Was only
one failure, • Although quite a number
failed lit some subject the majority of
unsuccessful candidates, failed 10 ob-
tain the necessary 60 per Cent on the
Trains from East.
11,10 i6 in. 'Leaves 1 1,1 0 a.m.
6.08 p.m. Leaves 6,45 p.m.
1.1,48 pan Leaves 41.18 p.nt
Trains from West
6.18 a.m. Leaves 4„18
2.58 pan. Leaves 2.S8 p.in
Trains from North
Arrives 7,33 a.m Leaves 7 5o a,m.
Arrives 4.15 p.m. Leaves 4.15 Pant
Trait ' from Small
Arrives ie,30'a,�n: Leaver. 13.53 a.m.
Arrives 6.40 p.m. Leaves 43 40 p.ld