HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-9-5, Page 4PAGE 3
1000 HENS
Bch week at our Poultry
Feeding Phut for the balance
of 1918. Prices paid according
to quality and fancy prices paid
for large properly' fattened milk
fed chlakens,
Meatless days' are .making
very high .prices for eggs, Al-
though grain prices are high
it will pay you to take special
care 'of your stock of hens and
Gtlllll-talcs & Co., Limina
' The up-to-date Firm,
Clinton Brunch Phone? 190
N. W. Trewartha, Manager
or 13olmesvflle 4 on 142,
,i 0.9, Ekd fat ate eadeeci esAitA AteAna,A Ai
i See and here our finest
9 New Stylish designs of
1- Doherty Pianos and
a • Organs,
.pedal values it1
le 1'.unos and organs rent
i ed. t:'huice n&. n' Edison
e j,tl,)uut;raphs, Music &
4 v.irety goods.
m �
*err'. vurrvi-vvravervwf-vvavva
� U
.blilStd' E ;:l)til'111111
C. Hoare
MAX, sv ,svnn..,nn3.f�nn:.J.
Call or Phone for prices
Byarn & Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
N'/ V i/vvvvv vv4 Mia vvv V \+ V M Ww;*
Phone 7.
Many people hi Canada have Buffered
from rltaumatisut and kidney troubleand
Lava found Anuric to bo the most sue-
oossful remedy to overeome these painful
and dangorotls alirneete,
The lucky people alto those who Move
heeded Nature's warning signal In time
to correet their trouble with that new dis-
haul of prompt1-' boed, Piereo,a lthtdeye warn± gat
some of winch aro dizzy spells, bnellache,
irregularity of the urine or the painful
twinges of theme/Aisne sciatica or lum-
.bngo. To delay may make peeeible the
dangerous forms of kidney disease, such
es diabetes or stone in the bladder,
ro ile you overcome these g
ehould take plenty of
in tho open air, avoid a heavy meat diet,
drink freely of water and at melt meal
take Dr, Pieree's Anuric Tablets (double
strength). You will, in a short time, find
that you aro one of the firm indorsers of.
$n-u•rie, as aro many of your neighbors.
Send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo N. Y.,
or Iiridgeburg, Ont., 10e for trial pkg.
St; Ca Warblers, Ont,—Taos sevoral
years T suffered
with gravel and
with uric ,acid,
causing rheumatic
p s. Nothing
ever helped me
until I commenced
to take 'Anuric,'
and tbo first tiling
Inoticed was that
the gravel had dig -
appeared and has
Hover made a reappearance. My general
health has improved. and I have a better
nerve condition and my eyesight seams
bettor, too. 1 used to have such dizzy spells
at thnos 1 thought 1 would faint, but these
no longer trouble me. My only regret is
that 1 did not know of Almelo before."
11. MAnaonent, 124 Albert St.
Mount Llama, near Lass Lajas, and
Mount Lanan, near Juin de Las An-
des., Argentina, are reported in vio-
lent eruption,
Matt Crosby, cowboy, Ocata, N. M.,
celebrated his 91st birthday by break-
ing a young horse and roping a three-
year-old steer in four minutes,
el et
st alci$1'T10i BOT4l(IITOD. NOTARY
»•Cdl ifl, • EI;O
Vutary 1'ulile, (lonveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Nice 1a
nur,ntre Companies,
:)iviei011 Court Ofliee.
PIitIto Tutting
Mr, James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that be ie pre-
pared to do tine piano tuning.
tone regulating, and repairing
Orders left at W, Doherty'e ],hone
6.1, will receive prompt attention
1K C •i`ttl I'kii1, 11
Barrister, Seliciteii, Couwryri.r.et r, Rte
0111 `e on A(L.•,... !Meted:, ocn,pied 1p
q \I1•. Renis r. 1.. (11 torr 00 were
•Thar-,1,tv, and on 001 day for which
,pie ttettt.e'r•s ere u, -ole, t fllna hours
riot, t1.e, a-.. t,. ,i ;l ru. A g nut vault in
r0mn, ar i,. -n tc it 'a the. fat e, Ufftao open
w (• t y v'v k d ;y, '' t r, 14 ,,, na iwill to t ke
way 001r..4t.t7 , nt: for ATI.. Centerou,
Better Pay
The Price
Don't he tempted to choose cheap
jewei:'ry. 11.01? hotter to p:; 1 fair
price and know "xantly 1. het You
are getting,
Yon will uoyer be spiry lar as 0
matter of looney, it is wily the
roost economical,
That. has been said en often that
everybody by this time should
know it -(tad 1,1, ,7 ,;oro in no
scarcity of cheep jewelry in the
Now 10 feet personal -1f you tvnuld
like to ntios.t hittenv!: nitogetbCr-
quiv1111 HERE
If you' would like to buy where
nothing het high gnalitiee are
dealt in- ()OMli Bipart.
And even at tint, no person ever
said our pelves were unfair
Jeweler and Optician
u (i' o Ma rrh i c l leetisett
FOR) 4 ' 9ltel..).4Gl)
I .Carload of
Govt. Star 47rd
Just Ar„
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Clinton, — — Onterio
Office at Residence
Corner high and Kirk Streets.
Clinton Ontario
DR, P. i3, r2XeN
Crown nod llrtdjr, Work a Specialty.
Orulttxte o1 C.O.D.S.. Chicago, and /1,0,33,k
llnyneId nn ilauaut•b, Star lin to t0
),j lhl a.' a Ver V aF'�7IG.9
Offices over0'ltE1L'P store,
'=,.,ial 100, ta;.en to 111itte dental trap
mew es patnles0 as poaeible,
Live eeeek and t; ':tee tl Auction *e'
'Oa,z 10 01 10,00 0 -et t1a; Ole. at; et
Num, t <rr.r, ',.to( 1aeu. ( i' O1+ n1_
t o. r , 1 re '..'.'n.,. le, P0.,n,rr: ,r,), 127
(1. 1). 14cl aggltrt M. 1), ai^1'ag, '
5ici" ",1}st at' OS
r• rH-t Fe Sl'laa EKE
.&li't fi• .'" ;1
, t");141.14% t r
.etec e"•lr'.3 len at let
.. en:deed
]Orale, 1-aaTe)rlNll'at
ltrafcsr4e^,ied Intens*eel:reed a
The hici,1ilkeil; l't1,,�:p3U1 ,'.
r4ire Insurance 9.r o.
Parra) and 31ol1tC(l Tow , P'ro,,.
arty Only lonarrel.
Ilend7 4)f21cc- Sedt1'orth, dont
J. Connolly; Ooderlclt, President; Jas.
Bvahs, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thos. L. Flays, Seaforth, Secretary-
Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward
111tcliley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney Lg
nrOrrilvilte; J, W. Yeo, Goderflcht R. G
,Inrrttutlt, Brodhagen,
Win, Rini, No, 2, Seaforth; John Ilene
eeWei5, Bro(Ihagen; James Evans, Cr,)ch..
wood: M, Ma1wan, Gilneon; James
Connolly, 0oderlch; 'D.1, McGteg.r,
I Nle 1, SenfOrth; .t 3. Grieve, No, .1,
, Walton; Robert Perris, Tiariceekl Geo,
MoCflrts4, NO. J, Seaforth.
Fall Threshed Crop Must be Ped
801110» Changes of ]reed Particularly
310 Prevented•--t%'nsto of Iraun
Machinery Often Simile Difference
Between Profit and Loss for
Partner '.-- Have Corn Ma41)isery
lin fi'frst=01n4s Order.
(Contrlblited by Ontario Demi etment 08
Agrloniture, Toronto.)
ACR year brings . a 'certain
amount 01' trouble through
the feeding of new grain to',
Bice stock, and in semitone 1111
t e present when rood is scarce and
e supply' of old ,grata has been ex-'
Itnusted before the freshly.tllreshed
g'afn is ready there le a likelihood
that more new grain than 1)101 will
be fed to the live sleek 01111 conse-
quently greater care stibuld be ewer.
cised to avoid digestive derange;
The horse Is generally considered
a little more susceptllile to digestive
troubles following changes in feed-
ing practice than aro other classes
of farm live stock, It to always well
to make changes very gradually and
carefully, 2'lte (Hain grain rend or
the horse in this country is oats, and
new oats should always be fed '4±111
great care. Hard -worked horses
should, if it le at all possible, be fed
old oats and the now grain left to
dry and cure for a few weeks 'after
threshing, At any rate to avoid colic,
acute indigestion and inflammation
new oats should at fleet fora] only a
part of the grain ration, being mixed
with old oats and possibly a little
bran and the percentage of the new
grain gradually increased until the
horses are on full feed. Sudden
changes from old 1.0 now grain are
especially dangerous with the horse
and particularly with the horse at
heavy work and 071 a heavy ebncon-
trate ration. There Is, of course, a
diffefence duo to the time of thresh-
ing. Grain which remains in stack
or mow for several weeks and thus
becomes dry and cured Is not so
dangerous as that threshed directly
from the field or immediately after
As a rule heavy feeding of grain
is not practiced Wilit cattle and sheep
on pasture. Where such is the case,
however, changing from old to new
grain should be done with caro and
the substitution should be, if ens-
sible, gradual. if the ration must,
of necessity, be composed entirely of
newly -threshed grain it should at
dr'st be comparatively light and in-
creased very gradually.
Pigs usualty handle newly -thresh -
Make this beauty lotion cheaply for
your face, neck, arms and hands.
At the cost of a small jar of ordinary
cold cream one can prepare a full quar-
ter pint of the most Wonderful lemon
skin softener end complexion beautifier,
by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem-
ons 10t0 a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white Care sitotdd be taken
to strain the juice through a fine cloth
so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo-
tion will keep fresh for months. Every
woman knows that lemon juice is used
to bleach and remove soon b1em181101 as
freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it! Get three ounces of
orelined white eh any drug store and
two lemons from the 8rocor and makeup
a quarter pint of this sweetly fragran±
lemon lotion and massage it daily into
the face, neck, arms and hands. It is
marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands,
'k * 1 •W 4: v:• :P :2 * '1 M
Sept, 23, 24 >:•
Sept. 17, 18
Oct, 3, 4, 40
Oct, 5 ar
Guderich Sept. 25-27 *
London(Western F )Se pt, 6 14 a
Ripley sept. 24, 25
Seaforth Sept, 19, 20
Toronto ., Aug, 24 to Sept, 9
Wingham Oct, 8, 9
Zurich Sept. 18, t9
Bayfield Oct. 1, 2
i➢ [4(fi oyArtIdoll
vet grain without tliuca trouble, al-
though if .on very heavy rations when
finishing for market a little care
should bo taken that they be not
thrown off their feed, 'Newly -thresh-
ed grain Is difficult to grind fine and
is not easily stored olid large quan-
tities of the ground grain may not
bo stored in bulk as heating and
rousting will result in lowering the
feeding value of the grain by ren-
dering it unpalatable and less digest-
ible. Musty grain 1s more clangorous
than clean, new grain,—Prof. W.
Toole,oOntar'io Agricultural College,
Get Vont 13inder In Shape.
To handle the corn crop expedi-
tiously, economically, and suceessfel-
ly some an kind
absolutenecessity, raon l itvmust be
in good working order. Various
cheap machines have been tried and
found wanting, but the corn binder
has become a permanent fixture on a
larvincge,e number of rams in this pro -
There aro several kinds of corn
binders on the market, and while
each kind may have its special merit
as to the arrangement of its essential
Parts trouble must arise If these
Parts are not properly cleaned, oiled
and kept in alignment.
The advancing part of the corn
binder consists of two diverging jaws
which may be raised or lowered by
an arrangement of levers. Attached
to each jaw are two or three travel-
ling drains, furnished with fingers.
Their function is to convey the stalks
to the binding dock in an upright
position as the machine advances.
The chains should not be too loose
or they will ride the teeth of the
sprocket and slip clown the teeth,
Machines having packers, --to pre-
vent ears beim knocked off by jam-
ming the statics behind the needle;
see to it that the packers yield
slightly while the bundle is being
tied. Too many bundles crowding
the carrier will interfere with the
binding attachment properly treeing
itself. The knotter and the needle
cannot do their wore enletenrly when
covered with rust. Polish theca with
tine emery cloth. 1f the knife of the
knotter is dull sharpen it or it hili
cause trouble by pulling the twine
from the hook before the knot is
made. As it requires c0nsiterabte
power to cut the sappy stubble, and
not tear it up by the 1.001s, the knife
should bo thoroughly been, otherwise
It will clog with grass and weeds.
The stubble -cutter should also be
kept in good condition. it Is- a use-
ful device, and when rightly sharp-
ened and adjusted dues not add very
much to the draft.
Do not depend on a superficial
Oxantination or the machine to ac-
quaint yourself if it need:. repairing,
because if you do, you will surely
miss some small, but vital part need-
ing attention, If not replacing, 1f
these break during the busy season
they will cause greater breakages
and Serious foes,
Clean the machine thoroughly w-it!r
benzine, gasoline or kerosene. Ge
over every part of the tem -bine, and
while doing this you will locate loose
bolts and worn or broken parts. 01t -
holes and wells should be cleaned
out, and new waste, if required, put
into the wells. Genii the grease
cups; in short, renew and repair any-
thing and everything that requires
attention, — Prof, John Evans, On-
tario Agricultural College, Guelph,
. tF
11 DER 13
Mothers who keep •t box tit Baby's
')nn Tablets in the house may feel
that the 'fres of their little one; are
e. reasonat'ly safe during the hut'twea-
.r. tier, Stomach troubles, cholera in -
.z fantum and diarrhoea carry off thous-
ands ,l little ones every summer. In
most cases because the mother does
not tutwe a safe Medicine at hand to
give i`remptly, Baby's Own Tablets
cure these (roubles, or if given occa-
sionally to the well child will 1)1414111
their coming on, The 'Tablets, are
gaarenleed by a government analyst
t-1 be absolutely harmless even to the
newl,orn babe. 'fliey are especially,
year] in summer because they regulate
the bowel., and keep the stomash sweet
and pure, They are sold by medicine
dealers or ley mail at 25 cents tt box
from The Dr. Williams' elediclne Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
n• 4i i* * -5 tD $ (( 01 ii 4t
isn't just a purgative.
tiQuite the contrary.
At makes purgatives un-
necessary by keeping
the liver lively.
Take small doses regU-
lat'Iy--a larger dose only
if you're sure you kneed it.
That's Leen the rule of
hearty, sprightly, happy
fours for 50 years.
Ge>u/ne bears 'Signatory
Colos'Lseo _ .
are aaaoor
Ali ri Er
C8'nrl 1. :
And How a Person in Lifting Weight
May Extend That Force
it has been estimated that to lift
550 pounds one font In one second
requires what is lkngivn as "IQ horse-,,
power, Similarly ln0rsepm,er is able
to ..lige t(vl: e, that Weight one Lot :n
twice the time or once -half foot in
just that time, ,Moreover, it can raise
half '550 pounds ane foot in. half a
second 4,r two feet in a seemed, and so
on, -Therefore, if you 1111 one-quarter
of that weight, 1 3 7 4i pounds, four
feet (n one second you are exerting a
Horsepower. •
Accordingly, when n person who
Weighs 13777 pound's runs upstairs at
the *rate mf four feet a second he is
exerting the equivalents of a horse-
power. For a mail weighin7 twlee that
mucin, 275 polrnds, it would he Access
ary to climb at the rate of only two
feet a second to exert n horse -power,
It is postoble to do lunch more. As
n: Net, a horse' nftzn exerts
.meg i horsepower. The aver
sg,' horse talc draw a (000011 "u) a hili
ink, ten 1loreepoWet• engine with 111e
:ma would fail Alie
e present tate greatest leo-
y strength of the average horse,
ai (')."tante of the power which
t e'rit- contin'Ously,
Short Readable Items far Our Readers
London car and 040111bus strikers
are estimated at i4,0oo.
Nicaragua and Honduras ere re-
ported lk odds again over the border
Prench ofllee)s have ordered their
troops to plity baseball as a part of
their physical training,
We will be asked in the fall to 11013
our supply of sugar to one-third of
what we are using now,
Sweden's population in 191.7 was 5,-
8000;847, rhe biirth,.was higher and
1eltth rate lowest recorded,
Many women school teachers have
entered into the railway mall service
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, ,
July production of the Chile Cop-
per Co. amounted to 7,551,000
pounds compared with 9,280,000 in
rhe importation of typewriters
into Japan last year totalled 8125,-
79d compared with '570,663 for 1911.
The American army in France is
using 1,250,00 pounds of butter and
700,000 pounds of oleomargarine a
A British aeroplane carrying its:
crew and nine passengers flew from
the Arterior of Prance to the interior of
England Al half an hour,
Municipal authorities of Buenos
Aires have taken over the sale of
meat to the public on orders of Pre-
sident trogoyen to combat the high
At the urgent request of the Ne-
therlands Government,. 't cargo of
10,000 tolls of cereals will be carried
from this country to Holland on the
Dutch steamer Nieuw Amsterdam,
Lord Reading, British Ambassador
to the United States? denied the re-
port that he had returned to Britain
to draft the tern's of an offensive and
-defensive alliance between the two
llElllA i O
People with thin blood are much
more subject to headaches than full-
blooded persons, and the forth of ana-
emia that afflicts growing girls is al-
most always accompanied by head-
aches, together with di010012 Ace of
the digestive organs,
Whenever you have constant Or re-
curring headaches and pallor or the
face, they show that the blood is thin
and your efroets should be directed to-
ward building up the blood, A fair
treatment with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
will do this effectively, and tihe rich,
red blood made by these pillet will re-
move the headaches.
More disturbance to the health are
caused by their blood than most peo-
ple have any idea of. When your blood
is impoverished, the nerves suffer from
lack of nourishment and you may he
troubled with insomnia, neuritis neu-
ralgia or sciatic. Muscles subject to
strain are under -nourished and you
may have: muscular rheumatism or lum-
bago. If your blood is thin and you
begin to show symptoms of any of
these disorders, try building up the
blond with. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
and as the blood is restored to its nor-
mal condition `every symptom of the
trouble will disappear, There are more
people wino owe their present state of
good health to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
than to any other medicine, and most
of them do not hesitate to say so,
You can got Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2,50 from The Dr, William Medicine
Co., Brockville, 0111.
Food Control Board Permits But
10 Per Cent. Fat.
.1 ]recipe That I -las l'roven Sueecsernt
—Stake \'ines mud Trim Leaves
to Crow Fligb-Colored Tomatoes,
(Gentribeted. ny Mon 1 l I`k•to4, (room of
AdrIeul to re. Toronto.)
0115:11' many inquiries have
recently mime to the Dairy
Department of the Ontario
Agriculture] Col 1egcaregard in
the new regulalion fr0t0 the Canada
Fond 1300rd with reference to the
manufacture of Ice-cream, and also.
as to mc•tho,ls of testing Ice-cream
fm' fat,
Gr'lc:r No. 34, svelter' 8, issued by
the Carman Food 11(lnrd Feu111: '0:,
and nater 11ny let, 1018, no person
in Canaria sh,:il ore in Ihe mlunul'ae-
lut•c of ')1(Y-el',ut I10n•C 111101 1(1 p,;
cell 1a11 01 fa Is, (11,,:hit' .2. 0ninol1 0:
01' '.7014101(11 01(5;)1; 01' wore than
SIX pounds 01 cane sags 1., to (f5in
gallons 11' Ice -Preens''
As a 17..11111 ul' l,r(mI [11771))l^,,tlOn:.
made in the Dairy Dem 11la, .nl 01 1I'•-
0. A. 0(11,',;', le 01,.1rs.
PRIMO, 1111,1 :Bins ,]till, r, ul' iho Deo-.
Stat]', we: ran m:10m1'0e00 the 1'0110•,{.
il,l; to) 1(lubt or ((ripe. for o het,» e,
this whleh en! Ol nhic(• a1', „t teie-e! 1
811111(7)1 of ±'(1,117 !tf l:l t010
quality and %vim,11 will come
lip r(:gt 11, lions as 11.1,1 down by 4h, .
Food 1`o11,1:
44?k the. (It, 0llmis) cr,.1em t( s,
•;,, ., 1 r1- r.
1'impli s aro cn11:0d h\ the blood bring
out of order, 'I:hr e fe 4tering and run-
ning sores appear on 1110 ftneheed, the
mile, the •ehin and other ports of the
0051s ratty one 1u1'y,10 get (iii of this
obnoxious shin trouble, tint]"(het is by
giving the bleeda thorough clenrisiu7117'
the use of that grand ottl blood purifier
13utdocic Blood Bitters,
Mrs, Victor G, Fey, North liniticford
Sask., writes:"1 nand Burdock blood
lint -,s 0(1 (1. 1 was about 18 1 -was so
bald with pimples and running sores Hutt
when. ievent,dawn tot n i o1 ui hold n1, "
Imam dawn when I raw 00.,rom coming,:
v :('0 w la EMI n *1.rt.. 1 rnt•tw'o:..
111i.emc 11r f11.01 begm.,totl ,
lams 00 0:1±1 1 ht,cl it 1,e11. ft,1
1•,.e.001 1 )4•1ue .19.0.1 l'.
2 n7111,ltAvn ('>1)1,1101,IS if hu '
I(1011, and whet, 11,4 00,1,1
.8 clean' i,
Put up 1)7 The r', Milbur ., '
Toronto, Ont, ev