HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-8-22, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 53, No., 8 CLINTON, ONTARIO, TI t U X ►ad, 1.a18,
VY• kh Ker & Son, Editors and Pu4illshera.
unin GOES THE 1.ABELON , A Point
pyly 1'OIIR PAPER READ'd ,'>
o Clintonlig on Labor ><v> >,
' On this
__ . ur 0.414.5r•
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REMEMBER THE BOYS AT. THE Hag NO f3 ell fl. rir
FRONT -send them pictilres of things
at hohte-they are always glad to get gay"j uji •jtI q Q Q x$} ) jfm{ F ' f j}
them. , NSJ 11 L,US'11N iEa d ri
j We have a, good stock of Brownie 9
Cameras and Kodaks from $2.50 up.
Let us do your developing and Print-
ing, You will be pleased with the
results, '
Provincial Fuel Commissioner Harris
has written to Mayor Thompson told
to Mr. A., J. Holloway the local] coal
dealer of town advisingthem that
Clinton's. coal idiot-me/it for the coin-
ing winter will be 3,500 net torts, '
'W. S. R. HOLMES The Letter to Dealer,
Ph til. L3
Toronto, Aug, 15th.
A, J, 'Holloway, Esq.,
.awry', weitp ravb~PstYvwvyvvvvvvvvyvvvvWwloe+v,vvivitowywka Clinton, (Int,
Dear Sir, -The United States fuel
Administration has -this year allotted
to Canada and certain - states of the
Union, a fixed • tonnage of anthracite
coal- based '(1st) on anticipated pro-
duction- of the mines, and (and) on
the conditions in -the 1various 'sections
of the two countries, Air, McGrath,
-Fuel 'Controller, Ottawa; has, in turn
apportioned Cnada's allotment,
Recently an arrangement- was reach-
ed with the U, S, Adininistrstion,
whereby shipments are to be„ made to
points in Ontario according to my
distribution of the supply for the pro-
vince. This distribution has been a
task of some magnitude. It 'was com-
pleted with all possible expedition that
the dealers and municipalities ought
he advised, The distribution list will
be in the hands of the Anthracite Dis-
tributing Committee at Philadelphia
and they are to see that shipments
are made accordingly. livery effort
is to be made to ship 75 per cent of
the supply by Nov. 3011y -the remaining
25 per cent. to come forward during
the following four months.
The allotment to your cum0111 ity is
given above, This tonnage consists
of domestic sizes of antharcite includ-
ing pea size. There is no restriction
as to the quality of steam sizes you
may procure, the importation of which
®' , a r•e :O d is not charged to Canada's allotment
of anthracite. Yon should, therefore,
consider the advisability of endeavor-
ing to place order; at once for a sup-
ply of steam Si/CS, especially No,
1 buckwheat, which can be burned in
certain types of heaters and crus be
mixed with larger sizes for general
use. You are alto at liberty to pro-
cure one and a half tons of anv one
grade of bituminous coal for each tun
of anthracite you are short int this•
season on the quantity received last
season (April 1st, 1ot7, !+, A1.u'cit 31,
1918 ) This supply of bituminous is
additional to your regular require-
ment of such fuel.
You are aware that as far as possible
all coal has to come from 1916 and
1917 sources, If )on cannot obtain
coke and bituminous coal direct from
American shippers, Canadian brokers
and wholesalers will likely be able to
help you.
I have no doubt you fully appreciate
ire responsibility resting upon you in
fleeting the reasonable fuel require-
nents of your community for next
winter, and that you will do everything
cssible to get forward the allotted
apply of antharicte, and to secure
uch quantities of steam sines of an-
tarcite, bituminous coal, coke and
vocxt through the regular trade chan-
els, as will preclude any possibility
f the people suffering. Full and un-
inted co-operation between the deal-
rs land the municipal authorities is
operative for the satisfactory hand-
tg of the fuel situation with which
e country is confronted.
As stated in my letter of April last,
ere is 00 justification whatever, ex -
ting conditions, for a dealer to sup -
y coal to anyone who can obtain
acid, The fuel regulations should also
thoroughly understood and eout-
lied with.
I attach copy of leiter which 1 have
dressed to the mayor or reeve of
ur municipality,
o the Mayor of Clinton:-
Incorporated 1869.
Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000
Capital Paid-up.1400000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 15,000,000
Total Assets 360,000,000
520 Branches with world-wide connections.
General Banking Business Transacted. '
R. E. MANNING, Manager , Clinton Branch
INCORPORATED 1a55I*-'7 ,,,n-t•r
98 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate
H. R. SHARP, Manager Clutton
.rM,1(rY1lII#'.N 6.616.Y1.eRr...arvlf6:/6.Arwl„ra.1s.r..... NOM ),66 ... ..
1 I
1 I;I
Or41,er,ed Hie+:t(le-t:c•tlt'aatr G I l s
into?ri, h.,n,r,,,=,.,.,e_:.o a .
Qu1SSd- - m+•?v
Wil' . pi ➢. "a9, S 1'.^Y
EW l' t /fG t CA.I
[Y1{ Z
J .tt JJ
may" ah Gl
°. f r `' es
zr Y1. .1jY
B[W Clothing
The clothing we are showing was bought
months ago and is priced accordingly for quick
selling. The prices are a sound investment for
anyone who expects to require a suit this year,
or two, or three years hence.
AT $15,00
Young men's Suits of
Grey Tweed, single breasted
belted, patch pockets, cuff
an trousers, sizes 34 1
to 38. Price
AT $22,50
Meti's suits of fancy worst-
ed, three button sack, good
trimmings, well made, trous-
ers with belt loops, plain
bottoms or cuff $22 50
sizes :#'5 to 44 eIA ' arm3
AT $20.00
Men's suits of a variety of
patterns in tweeds and wor-
steds, bench tailored trousers
plain or cuff, sizes 35 2,O
to 44,
AT $25.00
Men's suits of English
worsted, in small check pat.,
.tern, soft roll, semi -fitted
back, big range of patterns
sizes 36 to 46 $25
price ..........
Men's Blue Suits, two or three -button sacks,'
plain Lack, semi fitting or belted, $1 6.50 to $3 2
The MorrishClothing (19,
Agent for 41. P. ttt, Teiegraple Co.
A Square Deal to Every Man
au.i..+.,,sr.awma„ .w•.4.r.a.e+wnonr v...w1e'„ewn w.a,..,.axax•.am
.*,..,,, ...;,,.,,.®„a.*..,......*.:. ,.,.«R<., .,,.*,..****,,... «.:.,1...,4...f.W,,.«,..4.4,..,
Try The
f8r JobWork
Dear Sir: -1' attach herein copy of
letter which has been addressed to
licensed retail coal dealers. It wilt
Inform you as to the plan of distribu-
tion of antharicfe coal this year.
Above you will please note the al-
ldtntent which I have made to your
municipality and the number of licens-
ed dealers therein, Ontario is to re-
ceive approximately 39'5,000'nett tons
of antin'acite •IVTP21 't11 it did last
year. This has rendered it impossible
for me to allot to any municipality the
quantity it wishes to 'obtain. The
above allotment- is 110 doubt insuffici-
ent for your fuel needs, and must be
supplemented by an increased use of
other grades of fuel. Yon will observe
the suggestions f have made to the
dealers in this regard.
The fuel regulations provide for the
app1intnt0nt of a fuel Controller, Com-
missioner or Board of Commissioners
in each -municipality. No municipal -
Continued on Page 5. ,
ran Gems
ruwaatlat*tuvxr-^arsreannaccaaa rRiV„va:,x„aca
1 Well Beaten Egg.
2 Tablespoons Sugar
Cup of Milk
1 Teaspoon of Baking Pow-
l-3 'Teaspoon Salt
1' Tablespoon Melted Butter
Cup.Sifted Flour
1 Cup Kellogg's Bran
Canada l :sort l:. lyd I icetise
Na, - (15,
. „ -•-- ....-,- ,• ,..-...,.,. ...,, W rw « «, .,,.. 9 B
ci eLy i t
Mrs, Geo, Roemer and sou, A tticuhn, Miss ALu•y linter lttenri 11
left for St, Louis Saturday, augua at Goderieh• is Cltaut,
Miss Doris Cullyei', al Htu'lington, Is Mr, J. Kennedy, of Detroit, is visitt,
vi's)ting with old friends in town, log her mother in town,
Mrs J. Wiseman is visiting at ]meets- Nir. Frank J, Libby of the Wingham
ton with hie, and Mrs. J, Cannoly. Knitting Go,, 1s ]managing the Clinton
Mfr C, J, Wallis returned .last sat- factory while his fattier is on his holi-
urday from. his trip to Nova Scotia.. days.
Miss Ida Wilkin, of Detroit, is spend- The Misses Thorton returned to Sea-
ms her vacation at the parental home. forint last week after spending a couple
Dr, Wilt Holloway, of Peterboro, is of weeks, with their aunt, Mrs.: C, II:
spending ft couple of weeks visiting old Bartltff.
acquaintances,Mr and Mrs, C, F. Libby and Mr.
Miss 0, Armstrong, of Brussels, was Et111neraon Libby left on Tuesday for
the guest of Mr. anti Mrs, Luke Lawon Lovell. Mass., and other points, going
last week for „1 few days, . by C, r,
Mrs. McCoy and children of London,
who have been the guests of Mr, and
Mrs A. Wilkin returned to their home
tin Motlday. . i
Mrs. Marshall and two -son and
up and
Mr. Ike Rattenbury of Peterboro and spe ttterthe weektendlwithtthedformer's ,
his sister, Miss Dorothy, are visiting sister, Mrs, Searle •
with relatives and friends in town, Postmaster, Kay, of Stratford; anti •
Mr. and ,Mrs. W. T. O'Neil left with ir1r, Weatherston, District Freight Ag -
Mr, and Mrs. Libby to visit with re- eat, were renewing old acquaintances
natives 'at Buffalo and go on to Boston. in town this week.
Mrs. (Rev ) Hogg and daughters, 1 Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Paisley and
Jean and Ethel, spent Monday the Aiiss Hopper, of Toronto, are here
guest of Rev. and Mrs. Aitkins at Kip- visiting the former's parents, Mr, and
fen. M•rs. W. J Paisley.
Air. and Mrs, J. R. Code, of Trow- Mr. and Mrs. ti, 13, Chant -were called
bridge, Dr, and Mrs, Stewart, Wing- to Chatham owing to the serious illness
]taut, and ,virs, Jackson; Calgary, were of their daughter, Airs. Eli, Ploody.
visitors at the house of Airs, Turner Mr. Chant returned an Saturday, ro-
last week, porting a slight change,
le County
Lev '
Mrs, Frank 134111011 and Mrs, It, M.
McKay, of Blyth, were visitors on Fri-
day with Mrs (Dr.) Axon,
Miss Dorothy Bartliff returned this
week after spending two weeks with
her grandmother at Brussels
The following figures show the amounts tate various manicip1lties in
!Alton are called upon to pay this year as a county levy, The figures in
the first column are 111,1s0 of the general euun.5 rate: the second column
sh ,v,; the c, 1r has, the third ti':' rate for the hr,prote1nent of highways in
the c - . .1 the fourth the intah
C: •Jerien
(Si i.'y
ii„.t is l: 111(0.27;
L'uliett 811.1.10;
.1084. i „2 y.1 i
M riillop ' 130i0 04'.
Stanley 1•f 5.83!
51 p1101 oot:f.0-1:
't net; 0smile' s,3,1',
1 u) 051'.• „7a out
l r1 g
1 h East 54,
W.,... ,.4. West _327871
II..11. 46,5. t_
Myth 803.6;
Brussels ' ((159.5.)
Clinton 2255 52
1x0100 1776 05,1
Goderich 4694,581
liensa11! 826.321
Seat, rth 2.475.00!
Wingham 2121.88
Wroxeter 495.66!
1 C. 15. i i RATE
Is ^ii'rt.l ,) 259),.011;$ 2254'), AO's 13763,04
5022,6o 1527 4'! 1532.00, i(16'..(ill
7218 30 0 2(11,6,);' 11705,51
,,,i.:;'.1 75 2:157.30 •-,in 15144,75
7943,10 2 l LFI' 2107 On 12757.10
t 141.9). 3351.00. 179:.1.07
2:1-1.00' 2571,1,i• 17,026,30
2401.S0j 4'l1 13206 5.1
3.5o 2o78 SJ'' 14197.61
2135.001 213500, 11316,01
3;38 iltf 275: 50 11515.(:-1
9113 3t1 2413 30 -1279(1.49
1630,00 1130,1,1! S63, .00
2417.50; 241.7.5tO 121;1275
1, 04.40. 1601 &i :8505.44
1613,901 161,..,90 ' 8553.67
21-r1It.4U .., n 141.•10 7.19.42
0 90114: 5.2.1
321,001 321.0(1' 1701.;0
684,401 67.1.40 3627.32
538 201 4 20 2552.40,
1122,50 7534.78
250.40. 25u.4)) 1327 13
750 uu So au' 1975 00
03 60I
77t5) 3e. 3729 0^0
150.201 796.06
$140254.621$ 42501.4014 42501.401$ 225257.42
Dr, 131ackall, of 131yth, was in ,town
0n T1105411)', •
uOtOPte, Buitaryller hoIs spital h0ute fo10r tt 051 Ieatheve. . Tor -
Miss Stella 'Copp, of 'Toronto, Is
huule for Iter holidays at the pat'ental
11011Mr, 111151,Mrs. W. S. Downs and child-
ren visited iu Mor1111,gton and Listowel
over .the week e:14.
Mr, and Mrs, L', Lyon, u1 Detroit,
visited at the home of the fnriller's
uncle, Mr, J, 0, Medd.
Miss Olive Hrland of Toronto,- Is
visiting her cousin, Mr, W. 5 Harland
and Aliss Mabel Harland,
Mrs, 0. B, Routley, of aright, VMS
the guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Cook recently,
Mr, Wilbur Ford returned to Peter-
boro last Saturday after a splendid hol-
iday at the parental home.
M,r, A. P, -Gundry, of Galt, former
Principal of the C, C. 1, was renew-
ing old acquaintances in town this
week. '
Air. and Mrs, James .0. Tyre, of
Wingham, and Misses Jessie and Viola
Irving visited their uncle, Mr, W, S.
Harland for a few .days last week.
Goderich Signal: -Mr W. Proudfoot,
Al. P. P., has, been rather seriously ill,
but is now much improved. He is
resting at his summer cottage at Men-
esetung Park,
Mr. H. ft, Sharp spent the week end
at Kincardine. Mrs. Sharp and baby
and her sister, Mrs, McEwen returned
on Monday after spending a coopte of
Weeks at the lakeside.
Miss ,1'41101 Harland visited with her
sister, Mrs., W, 7, Glover, of Fingal,
and her brother Mr. J. W. Calnphell,
of Port Stanley, also her niece, Airs.
James Reid, of Aylmer (nee Gladys
((tire Glover.)
and Airs, Herrington. of Winni-
t+ee, 91311., Were guests of MI', and Mrs.
C. H, BarthiT over the Week -end. It is
2,' y u , since. they hast saw each other
and the 1'I as are of meeting again re -
times to them, •
The 131)1 11 Standard makes ref.'renee
to a forme: ( 111)1.11 resident: -With
1110 tine harm weather Mr. Ben. Mason
may now be seen, some days, enjoy-
ing the ml: rays on the verandah at
his home. It is encouraging to know
that his condi11'' has improved so
couch that i1' 1; r::ah:e;l to enjoy this,
('ne 61 the 5r4etest blessings ''4 the
Cro r t rem( i '
I l \r 4.' :,i, in 'T}ntev:-Rey. J.
1?, Hoag. who has been spending" his
vacation on t mission field near Chau-
vin, was in the cit: 11181. :veei; renew -
1119 acquaintance the
rf Ills many
.ir has Ile occupied the pulpit of
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
evening and preached an interesting
and thoughtful sermon. lie is now
slatlane4 at Clinton, (1)3,1), -
Mr, \',':Ili; m Walker ,f Wilkie, Sask.,
is renewing old acquaintances in town
and 54.11» 'r4 , Mrs, Ito"t,-Wat-
hn. of 5'','ur;rh'1 Mr, Wallace left
part u t - e nrti a'• first settled
inl'ontana, but forthe past 12 years
he las 1.•3 in S?,katche•,van. H0 has
sold his farm and stock, bail expects
1 go ,
t Wet ;ry;aGt so n find Co up in
the Peace River Distric, His old friends
were glad to see him again.
.k x p ,k :N T +k * a n 88
1' 8
More Personal Notes on Page 6 t`
* ffi
W B +& .k H+ *
in esopOtarnia
An open machine gun emplacement,
' Turkish pr'isor\erlt rccentlyr captured];
Pte, L, Robinson, Goderich,
Lieut W. R. Wilson, 1lensaI4,
Lieut, W, H, Burgess, Bluevale
Lieut, Frank Scott, Brussels
Pte, Cleve Denbow, Brussels,
]'light -lt. C. McLean, Wingham. ,
Sergt, N, McGuire, Brussels.
flight Lieut, N. Green, Ethel,
Pts, Bert Blacker, Clinton
Pte. 11, P. McCluskey, Goderich 1
Pte, J, E. McLeod, Seaforth,
Pte. IL Miner, (161st)
Pte. R. S. Shaw, Bluevale,
Pte, S, 'rhibldelul, Brussels,
Pte, Wm, Sloman, Clinton
Pte, Lloyd Wilkin: Clinton,
Pte, P. M«Ivlings, Goderich Twp,
Pte M. L, Torus, Bayfield
Pte, J, 1', Anderson, Seafortlt
Pte. R. Bloomfield, Wingham
Pte, 1', McCauley,. Goderich
Pte, A. McDonald, Goderich
Lieut. F. Fergasoit, -Wingham.
Pte, L, Drummond, Wingham.
Pte. 1', Galt, Wingham.
Pte, J. Taylor, Goderich,
Pte, T. Kell, Goderich
Pte. G L. Joynt, Seaforth,
Pte, J. E. Young, Clinton
Pte. W. E. Jeffery, Exeter,
Corp, Scott Atnent, Brussels,
Pte. A. McKenzie, Dungannon,
Pte. E. ti Porter, Brussels,
Pte, W. J. Shaddick, Meusall,
Pte, C Webb, Goderich,
Pte, J. C. Wttltamson, Etttel,
Pte, E. liedden, Crediton,
Pte, C. Clark, Seaforth,
Pte O. Querin, Brussels,
Pte, F. J, Simmons, Mensal!.
Pte. J. Taylor, Goderich,
Pte, E. 12. McArthur, H,ensall
Pte, 41, Jane, Goderich
Pte. W, II. McGratten, Goderich
Pte, A. J. Brindley, Goderich,
Pte. L. 1'. Atkinson, Seaforth,
Items of Interest Picked Up Here
and There About the Town.
Model i Schoof
The Clinton !Model School term,
opened don Monday with 6 pupils, N1ore
aro expected by September 1st.
W111 Attend Tourney At Seaforth
Clinton will be represented at the
Scotch Doubles tournament at Sea -
forth 0n Wednesday of next week,
Loot at Hensel] .
Clinton Bowlers lost at Hensel! 011
\Vedilesday Last. The Bowlers expect
to find the score cards by next Thurs-
Pte, Sloman Wounded,
Pte, Will Slommn received a buitett
wound 'in the''a,ecent battle, according
to a calegl au1 `3 eceived by his father
in t0W4K'..17 Tu1ltt,ay,
a'tt1: "
driving ,
two year.
the Baby
the millions
Ice Crea Sec
let c
vho has been
for the past
'sfor one of
isv among
so to\aka
The is
I Seeley',
tate Salvatt
cess, The
all expenses
at Success.
Weld on Mrs.
auspices of „
•a great Sim -
It and
sue-Itand after
was left.
Lloyd Wilkin',,
Air, A. Wilkin
('1 Monday that hr
Wilkin had i gull'.,,
arm. Lloyd went'',;,
161st Huron Battl
with the Nlolson s
friends will hope for nos
The Right Kind•Of Tema
Last Saturday Mr, Snaith
teller for Dr, Gaudier broil
the New Era office a bunch
toes 18111511 weighed 6 lbs 3 o•,,
had 22 on the bunch. Mr, smith
ed that he had over too plants
and 1'1111)' had bigger ones than tai
one he showed. I'he varity was': 5.S$'),
known as the "Bonny Bess.' On)
tomato picked this year t, eigit 1 a ib
and 34'. Mr, Smith stated that -.last
year they were even better than tlttS
Nephew Killed in Action
The Brussels Post makes reference to
a nephew of Mr, .4. McGuire, of Olin..
ton, who was a ellow-worker with the
Editor on the Brussels Post: -The news
from tine battlefront is particularly sad
as it relates to the people of this
community, as the third death is re-
ported this week of former Brussels
boys, Wednesday of this week A. and
Mrs, McGuire, William street, received
the • angels!. notification that Norman, .
their youngest son, made the supreme
Sacrifice. He was on tiro staff of the
Milverton Sun at the tithe of eni t '-'';t
in the 7tst Battalion and ;,
customary training in Canada, ..s.,
the Ailatl115 and continued itis '(lit in
1'ngtand for some time before -'(•
;he 71.0509 battktiteds lie w:,< th-.
'al + r naspoudent and kept 1:•.,i ,(i1
well posted by his usually good des.,
rill -lions of occurrences overse •. lit
1':s boyhood days he Was 11(t sin 0 1:,:•5
a `Tire Post Publishing (1 '.c, •, w '.
always lolly as he purSuc. 1 •
ytSili 1y