HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-8-15, Page 5fe etches Our Watches aur made of the best me. terra, beautifully fin- - dshed and' • stoutly ' c'onetructed,,i Every thing u,.dniaute,B„.lxorn . .ancy and accuracy. OUR PRICES are piOetively LOWEST on' the Market, and • per suariu*ee.f. the ibro•,adest toe, Select 'your watt* from us. 411.1[1113{11113 4C4 neat :) tIPI,WR J sEWLERfl& OPTICIAN Ionia of Marriage Licenses ormgsminceice let 'r 8 CLINTON• MARKETS 0: tai hogs , $19,00 Butter , , , 40-42. Eggs ,.. 39-40 Wheat $2,4 0, Oats 75 t 800 ' Berley$1 00 whetet • $1.00""e• Hay $9 t0.;4;. Bran See Shorts $45 Milifeed $S0-$55 ) a't „1, +A. )fit,:' 6 Cook's Cotton Root corip &Nconsitiered'tteeessery aid ='pertaining et *are, eeidtyble rcrrn.aetrir: _ tote executive, will be held at the • A-• media:Re. hints le terns dei l areea or etreeete-No, T. V "Goin erciei not. Seafortfi,' on the No. 2. 53: No, 3. 56 par bo,Vt 23rd, da of August, 4918 at 3:30 Id y, an. dru isle, ar !" ' 3' 6 , sepses on receipt of mete o'clock p., 'ni, A 'fiull"attendance is' o., 1lampl los. Address desired, THE COOK MSotcie(r, co, 1 • roams ifisarsv weer.) ' Send ln The News • • The New Era would appreciate the trrNrgseerssrNNrsYSssesDNs assistance and co-operation of its :readers in'the matter of items of. LO^ Cr�ft� w interest, " Local' news, personals, vied= Val 6,r V,Y til :dings and 'anything 'of _A lode! nature (:. will' be published with:pleasure.:Send, eiessessumorr Nsssrrlrrrrw i'n your published 'item; Restrotions'-Retytovefl' r' Have A Right Annottegame(sts;ts ,.roads this (Kincardine Reporter):•—Mr, J. W. ;•..,w morning that restrictions by the King, Bluevale, will contest North O4nada, •Food Board had been re- Huron.In the interest of the Liberal moved on the use of pork at all Party for the. local legislation to fill. meals ..served in licensed eating.. the vacancy caused by the appoint - houses.. The change was generally hent of T. H. Musgrove to the post- apprecfafed among the hotel keepers mastership at Winghant, The Liberals in the town.of North Huron refused to be bound by Mr. Protidfoot's agreement with Centre 'Huron Executive To Meet Mr. Hearst. They claim the right to A meeting of the Executive of fight an election if they please. This 'Centre Huron Reform Association to is as it should be. consider whether or not a nominat- Invest In Advertising ing convention should be called in the near future, and any other business Advertising is an investment—not an expense—and should be treated as such. Because it has been the habit of some merchants to look up- on it as an expense, a wrong view has been gained. Perhaps s the mis- iconception arose from the fact that in bookkeeping it has been the habit to charge advertising to expense. Advertising produces new business —it swells the volume of business and protit—therefore it is an in- vestment. Only the man who looks upon advertising as an expense, who is afraid of it, prejudiced against it, • loses stoney in advertising. The man who treats advertising as an in- vestment required — knows that every dollar rightly invested in this direction yields compound interest— and noire, What A Good Band Means To A Town In speaking about bands, and town bands in particular, wesome- times hear people carelessly Say, "What good is a band in town, an • way?" Well iirst take inventory of the ;.fellow who makes the remark. You may have reason to alh:,',r the silly question to go unanswered. • But regarding the remark more ser- . iously. let us say that a good band is one of the most useful things a town or community can possess. It is one of the best advertisements a town can hare. Emerson says some- thing about the world making ' a beaten path. Well, a good hand will make all the roads leading to the town beaten paths, even though the town's other attractions be not en- ormous Every merchant is bene- fited by a good band. Many people conte to town to attend the delight- . fel entertainments, and they combine shopping with this pleasure, 'Phe promoters of business and municipal enterprizes always have the satisfac- tion of knowing that their civic dem- onstrations from time to' time will be successful, because they have a first class band to lead the way and • attract the crowd. The churches are provided with orchestras and special musical numbers on a river- ' sary and jubilee occasions. The • social functions of a community are more satisfactory and decidly more pleasant because musicians equal• to any occasion are just close by. A band, composed of able players, is a tower of strength to any town or sec- tion of country, 1t cultivates the public ear to a high ctass.• of music, fl .Model 90 cars are helping many .Canadians to do more work, save :time a to save money. . ' Considering the quality of Model 90, e i1 is priced unusually low. is i • No ane knows how far the shortage of ,material will go. But you do know that we are un- - usually well prepared to to lee care of all service and parts requirements. • Even extraordinary requirements Can 'be.prompil,ir s eepi,ied fro;n our Toronto 'factary.or nearly i;ranc,ws. Firs foists of Orrrls"d sureri..rity Aeol arance., Pcrfornaiwc, Comfort, Service and Price R. GRAHAM - . Local Dealer Phone 5 .Willya-Overland, LimiI9d . Willya-Knight and Overland Motor Cara end ` - Light Commercial Wagons Head Office and Works, Wase Toronto, Ontario 'ru.E. G.LINTON 01EW EiRA, and dfretl” tt eight etteYaur"'dadr,'toate Piro", enterPrialng eltizen will boost+ the band elf shift ttawn• , wjlatever gh,Qs The Can »duff PNndeMett, Fernlike, Soldiers''On'I LeaVe.. •Atl ,bona -lids • fertngrs who. are In '+ khaki have been given leave for llari l Vest andemany passed through town last week on a month's leave Didn't Have Card,tL.wids on Prairie {I A clergyman holding high o1'041t Mauitooa, Rev. J, W, prestt :dent • of • • the Menitgba' Methodist, Conference, attempted to purchase) e tfcket from the Canadian Nonth ern conductor, frpin ;Winnipeg Lo'. Portage la Praiele,"but w'as' unable; to prodfuce hie • regtstrati',on card; and was deposited Oft thee • prairie with his baggage • several';miles' oft ott. Winnipeg, --Rev. John Wesley'Churcli;' ill, the Minister reforred'to, ,was born, and raised in Goderich T4wifsiiiiar where he still has relatives still ilnng,, Obey Tho Laws, : "t1k'r'r <w,resy ta ami We cordially invite you to our Garage where we are specially equipped to extend prompt and efficient Service. A full line of accessories and repairs carried O'-erhauiing and Painting our Specialty. Phone 80.AUTOMOBILE LIVERY House Phone 140 Bicycles and »repairing• --Bicycle and general repairing done br 'competent worknleli, Quick service always. 2r14 HAND CARS' FOR SALE ---1 McLAUGHLiN' 5 PASSENGER 1 STUDEBAKER, 7 PASSENGER 1 MARATHON ROADSTER The Clinton a AXt•. auaaam,axns,x There is said to 'be geverel autoist$x in 'town and vicinity who disobey thgs rules and regulations of • the Motoa Vehicles Act. ' Motorists'' :should 'user. •.every precaufion ..to avoid ,accidents:' Pedestrains ,tiso, should •be. careful', when crossing the street at other than ;•the' regular crossings:and should ex- • ereise vigilance on all octiaslons, Many childlretr • have formed the habit of renniteg across, the street in front of cars, • which • is a dangerous prace tice and parents are derelict of their duty in Mot warning them of the dang-, er1. We are pleased to note that auto- ists, as a rule, arecareful in running their cars on . streets and highways, Drivers of all kinds of vehicles should be careful in observing the rules of the road traffic and keep on their pro- per side.. • Business Honor (Kincardine Reporter) :—Kincar- dine Kincar- dine has suffered in times gone bye front its unfair treatment by teach- ers employed by the Board of Edu- cation. We wonder if the teachers who sign a contract to teach and then in a month break that contract have any conception of "Business honor.' We believe that many of them do not give it •t second thought, This gives one of the leading professions a black eye andonly if teachers could hear the expressions used in connection with their breaking of these contracts they would think twice• before signing them. We have no objeection to a teacher choosing the hest position in sight, but we do object to them signing it contract, and the local Board' then basing their estimates on said contract, a few weeks Mier finds Itself in a very embarassing position by having some of the staff resign be. cause they have secured a better just. If such an action took place in business life a man would be ratable to secure a position. teachers seem to think it is the proper thing to look out for Nn.1, 'ihe signing of a con- trail by some e1 them seems in carry no moral obligation. Surely the directors of our young should have thi hie her code 0f honor tiant many of them disNay. I BY' S EHEri Ei GEH DISE HT WEBER More little o las fife dorm, hot weather than at any ether any time of the year, Diar-hoea, dvsentry chol- era infantunt 31 ..1 stomach Uuut+les conte without w,t•niug, and wt. en a nnedicine is nor at hand et give promptly the short delay tut frequent- ly means that the child itas passed beyond aid, Baby's Own Tablets should always 1', kept in hont.,s where there etre you: g children. An occas- ional dose of time Tablets will prevent stomach and •rowel troublei; or if these troubles come suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will curia the baby. The Tablets ate sold lot: medicine dealers or by ';tail at 2f cents a box from The Dr, William,' Medicine Ce,, Brockville, Ont. MANY i'URON'S TAKE HONORS • Results of Pass and Honor Matricula- tion Examinations for Toronto University BUK ,;r i s• i'r N rd ,r holy gens». --mi poisons Is a iss Aul IepIIt--f1Nn frac4.paispt 1090..M%f R10t411daad'sauflial;'eUat t4rj744,fo !I 1011 a (1,18.1.01.cidc limas all rfs.All, $0e, Sox,seTJ wtdista arid. At -ft, Ion English literature, English come ,positakm,, laeatrshtelli teenadtati history, ancient ,history, algetsre, geometry, Latin authors, Latin composition, to gether,,witit the` four —papers,, fn tine two of, the follp,wiiig •stitbaects• Exp,et'1- memtal science, • '(physic•, end • cltethi4- try,) `French (aut1i rg•'and compos';: tion), German (authors :end compost. trot}) .Greek (authors SOd! composi- .teen) , ;',- r ,'' Iuibiainp 11, tinder counties', &YeW- en the names of those candidates who) have passed on at least eine' of the papers required for complete rnatricylI- ation, and have obtained the minimum required on the whole examination. They have therefore, failed in not more than three papers. These Mena,are indicated in 'brackets 'after • the candidate's nainest Full ' paeticeslags will be shown on their .certificates; to order to complete their matriculation they • must pass on all the- papers in- dicated, at one examination, the stele:l- ard pass being forty per cent of marks assigned to each paper. 111 Group 111, under counties, age given the -names .of those candidates• who have failed to obtain a mininiune required on the whole examination' but who have obtained forty per cent: on each of the least eight papers, with, an ever: gee of sixty per cent, on • the. same. Succi' candidates' have been- as warded partial matriculation, and in order to complete their matriculation. must obtain at one examination forty per cetrt. on each of tate remaining papers, with ea average of sixty per cent, on the same. The papers re- quired For conipl'efe arts matriculation are indicated in brackets' atter the candidates' names, Candidates For matriculation tto the Fatuity of Ap- plied. - rlie ' Science lin have obtained pass standing on at least eight papers, with an average of sixty per cent. on the same, are reported in this group. The honor standing of such candidates in mathematics will be fodnaf in the honor matriculation results. The results of the examinations in the cases at triose candidates writing un fewer than eight papers are not reported in tha list% given betbw. All such caiditlatet must wait 'nr the re- ceipt of Their statements of marks in order to ascertain the result •t1 their ex:iminativu. Certiticaies and 5t:tt,'titents of the ntdrks obtained by unsaccessfal candi- dates are in cntrse of tn•eparrion and will be mailed in due coarse to the f rinL p ds. In the case of those Sandi • University e wilt atnil r F dates who e flee U �L s > , m its tell- beint 1, rt nit heir stala a 1. t to tee Peegiilrar of that institution. %mttidates will apply iu 111, s,; utli- cials for the reports ie dela., Huron (..roup 1._.-.1. S Bogie. L. 1:itesnel L•.:ioldtlu'ige, 11 .\. G,nikin, M, A. Bass, E. P. flume, V. Kileetrick, 0. S. Livermore, G. E. Pocock. D. 0. R.,a, V S .swarf. J. S. S W:}lace, E, M Wag turn. .;roup 1'.-1'. A. Vineland (11 and C'. hist.): h :t. Higgins(ge•,n:.1 Group 1.1.-1 N t,:ahers (2n. 11 21, Lal , A., Lat, i „ fr. C.) ,,\l 1 B,techler tale.); G. G. Durran (alit., Lat. C.):. G A. (:. Gralits (Lar A., 1'r, re). 11, W. Graham, (ane. hist.): Vi G, 11 trvay (1.sa. A. l..t, C. 1; ,11acQuarrie (Lat. A. Lat., 1'r. C. ); M. I.- McQtriod (:tnc. hist.) ; u. C. Middle- ton (geom., phee.. Lat. A., Lat. 4.) 11 P. fiance (ane. hist, ,uk.. 1.:u. C. )•„ .(3. (3. Russ (Lat. A.); M. T. Noss (Lat. A,. Lat, C., Fr, d.); Al, A. Shap (Ens. C, Eng. lit., geom., pars.) • H. M. Stewart (anc. hist,); E. Mack. Wilst'r. (ane. his., geom., Lilt, A, Lat., C.) The Clinton C. 1, Students who passed their Junior Honor Matricula- tion Examination are:—S.A, Bush, Fr. I; li Cantclot, Fr, 1; M. McMath, Fr. 11; R. P. McMath Fr. 1; S. F, Potter, Math 111; Latin 111; Fr, 111, Biol, Ili, '• Those who passed the Junior Met- ric in the various groups are:— Group t --.E. S. Livermore; V. S. Snider. Group 11--F. A, Fingltnd, (B, and 'C, Hist) 11, A, Higgins. (Geom.) Group 111-0. W. Graham, (Anc. History,) 1, C. Middleton, (Geon; Phys; Lat, A, Lat C,) ; 1.1. P. Rance (Anc History; Alg; Lat. C) The results of the examinations for honor junior matriculation are given below. The standing obtained in each subject is indicated after a can- didate's name—I indicating first-class honors; 11, second class honors, and 111, third class honors, respectively. The .statement or standing of all candidates will be mailed in the course of a few days to the principals or inspectors. In the case of those who wrote at the University of 'for - onto, their statemeents will be sent to the Registrar of that institution: Candidates should apply to these par- ties for further information. Bruce and Huron S. A. Bush, Fr, 1; la, Cantelon, 1'r. 1, i;, Churchill, Fr. 111; B, el. Ken- nedy, Latin Hi; Fr. 11, Ger, lilt A. C. McCool, Fr. 1; M. McMath, Fr, ti; R. P. McMath, Fr. 1,; 11. F. Potter, Math, til., Latin iii, Fr.ill., biol, Its.; J, R. Taylor, Fr. I. Pass Junior Matriculation Examine. tion, 1918, The following list contains the nein- es, under counties, of the candidates who were successful in whole or in partantionnatlett. the. PassMiddlJugeior ScltMooatriculatitNornosaln Ex Entrance candidates fur tnatiiculation have been considered lin the results. in Group I., under counties, are giv- en tate natnes of those candidates who have obtained complete matrieulation by passing on the twelve required ex- amiltatlod papers, wlticlf are as rel. Births, Marriages & Deaths 13irths IISARD—In Clinton, on Sunday, August 11th, to Pte. and Mrs. L. Heard, a daughter, (Evelyn Grace,) TWITCHELL—In Windsor, on Fri- day August 9th, to Mr, and Mrs,'Harry Twitchell, a daughter, (Elizabeth Allen.) COOK—Int Clinton, on Saturday. August 10111, to Mr, and Mrs. Gree 'Cook, a d'xughter. CLEMENT—In Clinton on Saturday, August tOth to Mr. and Mrs. WNliahn Clement, •t daughter. • NORTi•t—In Clinton, on Saturday, August 101h, 'to Mr, and Mrs, W. North, Hayfield' Line, a daughter. TFiur'sda ,'•August 13th, 4940 Two runaways occurred in Usborne on Tuesday with more or less serious results, Mr, Geo Pulleyplank's horse ran away and Mr, Pulleyplank was flittown out and quirts considerably bruised, about the legs. Mr. George Kellett had some ribs fractured when his horse made a dash for liberty, Thomas Morley of Whalen cut a field of oats on Monday that will easily yield him 6o bushels per acre, Mr Tim Collins near Dashwaad sold 13 pigs, the average weight of each being 26n pounds, all of the sante lit- ter, and the amount realized was 8606. Who says that pigs do not pay well? ' A Desirable Property Fbr Sale By lnve,e48tg ikstone of the Iallewiag "SPECXALL,Y'PRICED" lines 9f good staple, merchandise Prices are still advancing' EC;don't fail to take advantage of these • low prices. , , About 5 doom Work shirts ins bl'ue,, khaki and t+)C black and white stlttipo •Special Price .. , , , , , •, i 3 doz carpenter's aprons, striped cottonade at half the priceof material •used, Each , , , . , . , , ... 39 pairs Woments Split Oxfords solid leather shoo: (" Regular price $1.519;,• Special price . . $1.1 1 hilgn's harvest boots in Mole Skin,, .tspfit.leather, l;liyck or tan's Special price•. , , $2.50. 2 doz. pairs Men's Trousers in striped. Worsted , Special Price DON'T FAIL TO INVESTQGATE THESE IJNES---••—YOLS WILL FIND) THEM C0CiD BUYING ''omeneenomr• e• ' l ipmsteel :Bros. Streatll Pinata Phone 25. More i atsitness ate STORE THAT 55103 FOR LESS ASSiGNEB• SALE Of Houses in. Clinton The Assig-tee of die L.;tate of CFnar- i',is B. Hale has instr.ul;dedi George Ell alt, Auctioneer; to• offer for sale ,at to't'e Town Hs51; Clinton, Cin Friday, the 3'lth day of Augusts. 59'18, 'et 2.30: e°alock p. nn. (Stettagry :dyne) the fvt- Ir.wing perces:s,. viz: • Parcel 1—East halves of Lots 15.5 atilt 16o sout'i,side 'af Otidtrio street; Parcel 2—The West halves erf Lot:,. t fi and 160 South tidecu Ontario St. ;In each a :the shove t.. err^sed a. ,o ,,• S comfortable •: t able 1 •ick e/ to ge (one elect- ric- lectric lighted) tuppli eft: wire. weeeer; 6 rooms and vrry desirable as a small lt,ittw: Parcel 3-11'e. E:tu1 hall of Lt rr 259 S'aurh side P•incess. Slretai A cont- fteable and well preseevevd frame critit're with •.ellar, wuodsased ere and 6 rooms, occupies this iurcel .rliiclt et+1i2;ns iii rattan acee of and Parcel 4 --'!fife W 1st ha t of 0 r 259 S, uric side of Prise mss street. ?, acre ur la -td with a co•nforta?ale brisk 6 - ins cottage in a:rcllen: repa'•: and y,, ss centrad. 41i these p :reels offer .ppnrt.ertities t,, s:rswts tiasirin{ steed hones of g,:at quality lad Ientral lucatirti. :'e•; terms and condi.-:ons o t sale , a:;as to tit. Br•tydone„ A. agnee. EXECUTCSVS .'SALE OF FARM i -- 1 Pursuant 1.' the pro'isiuus :,1 the 1:3t will id 1t�•x:.nder c',ttt er ,-n de- .t teeed, there sil. be otrersd 1:•r sale;' a.. public :tustinn by '1 Minas titular .'ut.rioneer oo.PRIDA1' AUGUST a3 rd 1,1, at 2:0: o'clnek 31. ( ttatatorr clm), at the .,remises, the smith hat , es Lal No. Conu,ssitn e in tl e Lot No, 37, 'Concaoi ,tt in time Township et Fast Wt:'sanosh in tee aunty of !:iron. '1 his (aril conta'ns t air acres n,c re nr 1:ss, is all cleared, veil lenced and in a good s.ate,of tee- iratinn. le is wel watered and Ilan 1` a spring %trek running throng!, it. I l: !'he imps ement.s include a inane, house and barn, a good 1 rebard, etc, 'For terms and c,nditioms ni sal; and outer inft. enation apply nu W. Bridono, Barrister; Clinton or Pro'dfoot Killoran & Cooke Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the vendor FLsOUR AND FEED 'Above 199 Recidetee. a no i1 A two storey brick resideence on Huron street, just West of the Baptist church. Good cellar and furnace; also the one storey cottage for ,stile or to rent on Rattenbury street; west of the English Church, For particulars ap- ply to Mrs, 0, McCoi'vie, at the Huron St.; residetice. • MACHINISTS WANTED HOUSE. FOR. SALE , A good two-story, eight roomed, frame house on Townsend Street; heated by furnace; good cellar; soft and town water in house, with bath- room, pantry and summer kitchen, good garden; barn and chicken house. Excellent location, Apply on premises to Mrs. B. A. McDonald. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION. WORK. A number of good reliable men cam; secure steady employment on Munition work, .Apply to, The Robt, Ball Engine & Thresher Co., Seatorth, Ontario. For Sale A good frame barn 25x40. Apply to C. J, Wallis. Minimum wage fifty-five cents the hour with higher scale to more, competent men• Modern shop con: ditions. Apply to MUNITIONS DEPARTMENT, TAYLOR FORBES COMPANY I irnitto�, Ottelphy Onta$r IhtPlt. s 0 -roomed {ngrtse, ftirltace and other eonsfortable' conveniences, Cor er'61 Mill' alit 13eech strrbets,' Apiliy 'W. erydotie, Cllntotl • ; . JUST V E 1) A CAR -LOM) OF FEED CORN We have ils secured a quantity of Choice Seed Coro iu the tollttving ,'at'ietl e5: SELECTED YELLOW LEASHING GIANT PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL• ACE. SELECTED RED COB ENSILAGE end also EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE 4s the season has arrived for the hef btu; of Baby 'Chicks we have on stock a qu.ntity of Baby Chicle Feed, which -.ve are selling at re:so:sable ces. 0sc.i Buckwheat, (Silver }full telt t ice/ and also our usual litre of Hour, Bran, Shorts and Feed W. Jenkin s t& DOMINIION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Bought and Sold at Market Prices Delivered free 'of charge to the pur- chaser or at his Bank, VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 °o W. BRYDONE, Clinton Horses for Service ELMER DICKSON 51525 A, T, R. 2295 C.N.R. Form A 1. Enrolment No. 4881 Race t•edord 2.06% 'rhe Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse( 1st prize winner at Seatorth and Clinton 1917 Spring Shows, The only stable in the County of Huron that ever offered the services of a stallion with a record of 2,10 or better. Elmer Dickson will stand at his own stable, Commercial Hotel Barns, Blyth with exception of the following route: MONDAY—Will leave his own stable andproceed to Auburn for noon; thence by way of Nile to G. McNall's for night, TUESDAY—Will proceed to Core borne House, Goderich, for noon, and remain there until Wednesday noon. WEDNESDAY— Will proceed by way of Bennniller to Blyth where he will remain until the following Monday morning. IKE MEDIUM 51522 A.T.R. 1070 C.N.R. , Form Al. Enrolment No. 2936. The Standard Bred Show and Trotting Stltllion. Pull brother to Dustyn 2.14 and Inez M 2.1714.. Was show 65 tunes -14 times first and once second, Ike Medium will stand for the im- provement of stock this season as fol- lows: THURSDAY —Will leave his own stable, Blyth, and proceed North to Bel - grave for noon; then to. the ranters'House, Wingham, for night, Fridays --Will proceed to Bluevale to Hall's for noon; thence to Gordon Mc- Donald's Hotel, Brussels, for night. SATURDAY -- Will proceed to his own stable, Blyth, where Ire will remain until the following Thursday morning. For furihet particulars arid tends of these well bred horses see bills or en.. gUtre Of HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $12,00 TO WINNIPEG Plus 3t c per mile beyond AUGUST 20TH AND 29TH From all stations between Lyn, Out, and Toronto, Weston. Meaford and Palgra'e, inclusive, also from stations north of Toronto to and including Huntsville. AUGUST 22ND AND 29TH • From Toronto and all stations west and south thereof in' Ontario. Fur further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. HORNING, District Passenger' Agent, Toronto. Win lianttor,t &Son, city passes•- a'• l' and Tleket Agents. phone h.. h Vett 51111on went WEAK tilta NERVOUS AiFTEI3 SERIOUS DPEDAMI1 After any serious operation or sick- ness, the nervous system is generally felt in an extremely weakened uondition, anti a course of 11'lilburn's heart and Nerve Pills will do more timer s building it up than anything else. Mr. W. 0. Grafton, 44 Davenport ' Road, Toronto, Ont., writes: "I14y wilt% , underwent a very serious oneration three years ago, After ictvin8'-the 'I'ormttto General hospital sho yetis 111. a weak, nett- vous condition. Having tried numerates medicines, from which she received prac- tically no satisfaction f derided to try lvlilburn's Heart and »terve Pills, 1 ant very pleased to stty that they proved very satisfactory, She slept anti ate well, and, her whole physical condition improved wonderfully. 1 have always kcptn box in"4015 Borate, and find them 'very useful to cases'of h(lrt'ollettess, Sleeplossuetts and fatigue." Milbtlrn:'f Meet t and Nerve Pills are 65015. a box lti, ell. dealere or mailed direct. on receipt of price by The T. Milburei Co., Linuttd, Toronto, Out, 1'Hl#$, COMMA !hop. �,