HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-8-8, Page 4NOB 4 DE "TA NK" A CONQUEROR tl"aelal History Showing F,aCh Stop in Development of the War Machine that Smashed Vein }Hindenburg Line Without rink CJse. of Artillery Fire, ne part, Planed 'by the "tanks" in i'n:'reol5ng the German tine has lifted Slim tie a prominence held by no ot11- 4:r+cr3aevise invented, or improved, since trier. war began. The airplane, the sub - entwine, and every neW weapon -of the €€tata!tans, from the Zeppelin to poison Rimes,roust yield' prcdence, for the dam, at least, to- the new type of ar- maxed cars which, upsetting preced- ent:. ande This official his- teni ;Yells how' the tank ,was contrived snit developed by the• British Govern- ittietni and how crews were trained to fisting all its power as' a. fighting mach - Ste to bear on the gnemy. I -THE NEED OF TANKS 'rite Machine Gun Corps of the Br5tinh Army' as constitutes! in Oc- ,attGux 1915, wits divided into an in, felrtany, a cavalry, and a motor branch, Six months later a new section was named at Bisley, The men for this new section were taken from the pick Sand' the Derby recruits; for the junior Singers two colonels went on a voyage el" discovery to cadet battalions and Hower units and selected promising xou.eg men with a knowledge of inter- ne combustion engines who had given woofs of an adventrous spirit and of :ability to 'snake men move, For some Mao the object of the new unit re- mained a mystery even to those drafted ieto. it, except so far as the qualifica- tions required of the officers accorded :enz inkling;' ; line name given to the new organ. .inion -the Heavy Armored Section :Of the Motor Machine Gun Service - only deepened the mystery, as there venire: no signs of cars, armored or un - armored, and the only training given to the men was foot chill and machine wan practice. However, after some aierre spent in these occupations the nlfafonel in command addressed the corn - penny commanders and some other of- ficers on parade, and after commending elle spirit they had hitherto shown, Male them be of good heart, as a won- stlr'n1ist new car, which would astonish ahem an was shortly to be issued to *ern for service is tike field. At last it was announced that the new car was ready, But it was trot brought to the camp near Aldershot, where the section was stationed- ;dtcat was far too Hauch in the public nye. A site had been chosen in a :.core remote part of the country. there a camp was pitched, carefully screened from inquisitive passers-by; 'it was surrounded by fences and guard- ed by sentries posted at intervals of ION yards, with orders to admit no one. who was not furnished with a special pass, Companies of the Antl- ered Car Section, as soon as their pre- aminary training was completed, were successively drafted to this camp to become familiarized with their weapon an destruction. The new armored car concealed in :ibis lair certainly had all the promis- ed elements of surprise, At first sight it appeared little more than a huge shapelers bulk of metal, It was said a weigh, some 40 tons, was armor paled aft' cv_r, with tiny spy -holes at intervals, fenm some of which peeped Out murakous-looking gun muzzels, and: read no visible means of progres- iion except two small motor wheels et - cached like a tail behind. The wheels behind were found to act only as a ruddier to direot its course, the propul- sive force coining from some internal endinvisible wheels that traveled over 'tang endless metal tracks, extending ass an eliptical shape from the snout so the rump and moving forward as sloe creature advanced. The pace at grinch this strange object moved was stow ---barely three utiles are hour. Pim first company of the. Heavy armored Car Section were delighted :Oh the spectacle of the creature `artrusfed to their care, and prompt- ly adopted the name "Big Willie," with which their new pet had pre- .riousy been christened. The two mete of the same breed to come in ,sere called .Little Willie" and Had Headache For Two ears ;:ti` Barrie Man Tells of Persistent Headaches and Indigestion - Finally Found Hie Way to Good Health. liner two lcng years the writer of dlis letter was subject to severe head. notes. The nervous system got run ikriRa, digestion failed, and there was amattrtued loss' of weight. T'heuse of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food deranged all this, and now with scores ce other Barrie people Mr, Nader is ,arearnmonding the, use of this food grana as the best means of building up #ft:e exhausted nervous system and orr,aing headaches, indigestion and Salt the annoying symptoms of a rum - down: condition. 5lr:. yohn Nader, 58 Penatang street, Mernie, Ont„ writes : 'During the last San !rears I had an attack of indigos- 11vna, accompanied by severe head- atr:laes: I suffered from loss of appe- tEiiflb, and my system became run down. I also lost considerably in '?,Height. I began using D. Chase's Move Food, and, as they helped me I ondi:zed this treatment for some tithes, My condltli n is now greatly :ampyoovod, my headaches are gone and rrter•bealth in general is much better, It cam cheerfully. recommend the use rR A'r:. Chase's•. Nerve Food to those nuda."erfng s5rom • nervousnese of any 'Slee. reason Dr, Chase's Nerve Food ts'ea effective in cases of this kind is tl'aaeuee of its extraordinary blood- 9arintng influence. By creating an abundance of rich, red blood it otvengthens the ;action of the heart, 5i vitaltees thenexhaueted nerves and builds up the eyetett 1n every way. 'Jjhla appetite ds restored, digeation siesiSensves, you fest anis sleep well, and gen mew vigor and energy is felt in eisery organ of. the Minion body, Dr. r~a i4ase's Nerve rood is doing wonders tar men, women and elhl5dven whose annelenn9 have become leech and run a2kswn. 66 !tette a 1i67t, 6 botioe. ton AVMs Sin dealer* on l rnanmen, Bake needeose xtmitodl'1`enettia. r MOTHERS TO RE Should Read Mrs.iVlonyhan's Letter Published by Her Permission,. Mitchell, Ind, --"Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound helped me so much during the time I was lgokingforward to the coming of my little one that I am recommending it to other expectant mothers. Before taking it sorpedays I suffered with nem. 7 ralgis so badly that I thought I could not litre but after taking three bottles of Lydia E. Pin k- hemaVegetable Compound 1 was en+ tireless relieved of neuralgia, 1 bad gained in strength and was able to go . raround, and do all my housework., Mybaby when seven months old •weighed ;19pounds and I feel better than X have for a long time. X never had 'any medicine do me so much good." -Mrs, PEARL MGNYHAN, Mitchell, Ind. Good health during maternity is a most important factor to both mother and child, and many letters have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of health restoredduringthis trying period by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound. "Mother," !n the autnn'n of 1914, when the opponents had settled down to trench warfare, it became obvious that some means of parying the danger of well - directed and well -protected machine gun tire from the German trenches must be discovered if our infantry were to carry out assaults with success. The idea of a self-propelled armored car which could move unscathed over un- protected ground, could crash down wire entanglements, and carry guns with a crew to work then, occurred to several people both in the army and the navy. ' Such an engine, recalling the turns mobilis of Livy and the becroi of the Middle Ages would not only be able to tackle troublesome machine guns in the German trenches, but would also help to clear a way through barbed wire obstacles for the infantry, 2 -THE EVOLUTION OF THE TANK. Even before this war the develop- ment of the caterpillar tractor had suggested to a few far-sighted people the possibility of evolving from this invention a machine capable of offen- sive use over rough country in close warfare. Among the earliest of the more practical suggestions was one by Col. Swinton, the first commanding officer of tine "Heavy Section," in October, 1914, to build armored cars on the Holt tractor system, and American in- vention, or on similiar caterpillar prin- ciple, to smash through wire entangle- ments and climb trenches. This idea was subsequently referred to the com- mittee of imperial defense and the war office, and experiments with various tractors were made on behalf of the war office, for some time without practical result, In the meantime a similar idea had occurred to officers in the Royal Naval Air Service, and Mr, Churchill, then First Lord, took it up warmly, When in June, 1915, the Com- mander in Chief in France sent in a memorandum urging an exhaustive examination of the question, two state departments chiefly concerned had the matter well in hand, Moreover, the Ministry of Munitions, which had re- cently been established was also con- sidering the matter. Through the me- dium of the comnitte of Imperial De- fense the various efforts for the solu- tion of the problem were co-ordinated, and a committee, of which Mr, Church- ill was a member, was appointed to Be- side on the distribution of the work. According to the recommendation of this committee the war office laid down the conditions which had to be fulfilled by the ca;. It should be able to climb a fin: -foot parapet and width it had to co.tforni to the mea- surements of standard war office brid- ges and to railway transportation re- quirements. and it must not be too high, for reasons of visibility to the enemy: if must be protected against close -range rifle fire and machine-gun fire, and it must be able to destroy machine gun emplacements, it was agreed. however, that the first exper- In battle. Their periscopes were imenlal work should be left in the hands of the admiralty' committee. A year was spent by the admiralty committee in reasearches and experi- ments before a satisfactory machine was designed and constructed. Fin- ally, from among the numerous types of tractors inspected the most satisfactory was found to be a cater- pillar tractor with an endless self - laid track, over which internal driv- ing wheels could be propelled by the engines, The construction of these new en- gines of warfare was' still Necessarily a slow business, Improvements were Continually being adopted, which nee cessitated. changes in the orginal designs, and then had to be specially trained in the factories for the work required, It was not, therefore, as we have seen, till about July, 1916, that the first consignment arrived at the secret manoeuvre ground to meet the personnel which was to use thein. Then new machines, as delivered at the secret camp, were found to be of two slightly different designs. One, called the male, was armed with two Hotchkiss quick -fire ,guns, with a subsidiary armament of some Ma- chine guns, These were especially designed for dealing et close quarters with the concrete emptacenents for the German machine guns. The other type calledg the female, was armed only with machine guns', nttd was. rrnore suitable for dealingwith machine gun personnel and riflemen than With the cmpa 1 cements. The members of the Heavy Section of the Machine Gun Corps .after ar- riving at their cainp had a good deal of work in front of them before they could hope to take their tanks nn active Service, They had to learn how to drive and Steer tltenn, i0 repair them, aiid to fire off their guns when boxed up within their netrow compass; they even lied to learn 'bow to live at all inside them, Irnagirie a narrow' THA w1.111TON NEW ER.A. cabin some 9 or 10 feet wide, 13 feet long and .four feet high Into which had. to be cremated au engine of over 100 horsepower, two guns, provisions for three days, ammunition and egssipinent, besides a crew of several men, The noise !!lade by the engine made it tm- posisble to hear en order, consequent- ly every commuttoiation had to be made by signs; the armor plating was so effective that one could only see for steering or for alining the guns through the narrowest chinks;, tine mo- tion, too, of the tank over rough ground was not unlike that of a ship in a heavy sea, and this motion, com- bined with the smell of oil, the close atmosphere, the heat and the noise, was at first apt to induce the same symptoms as sometimes affect those uninured to sea voyages, In spite of ell these difficulties, so great was the zea) displayed that at the end of July, 1'916, it was possible to hold two exhibition combats with tanks over the trench system prepared One before General "Staff officers, the other 'before the King. These exhibi- tions showed that the tanks answersd the purposes for which they had been designed, and orders were given for them to be made ready for France, At the end of August, 50 tanks were load- ed at night on the railway at the camp's private siding and sent off to France with all due precaution for secrecy, They were landed at Havre on Aug, '29 and went tip to the front, some by road, others by railway. The tanks sent over were painted all over for the purpose of conceal- ment with wierd colors which added to their grotesque appearance. They were also -given fancy names by the men sometimes illustrated by rough heraldic emblems of the body. Among the names given were•. His Majesty's Landships Cyclops, Chaos, Cafe •au Lott, Champagne, 'Cordon Rouge, Chartreuse, Chablis, Cognac, Curacoa, and Creme de Menthe. There was an H; M, L, S, Dreadnought,' a Daredevil, and a Deadood Dick, 3 -TANKS IN ACTION When the tanks ' arrived at the front they were naturally objects of wonder to all who were privileged to see then. Detachments of tanks were assigned to the army commander' then engaged in the continuation of the Somme offensive, On Sept. 15 they were let loose for the test of battle. The new offensive, which itega❑ on Sept. 15, was a continuation of the great battle of the Somme that had started in the previous July, The object of this offensive was to drive the Germans out of high ground running east and south of Tihiepval, from which they could enfilade aur newly gained positions. The Ger- mans were strongly intrenched, and had hundreds ' of gigantic wasps' nests scatteded about in the shape of strong concrete emplacements for machine guns. Bitter experience had taught our generals that a success- ful advance under cover of our ar- tillery barrage into the first line trenches was too often doomed to be hung up by the concerted fire from these wasps' nests, which could not be reached by our in- fantry. The chief business of the tanks was to help our infantry by destroying these nests, Sept, 15 was a misty inorning and comparatively few of our troops saw the long line of tanks which the night before had been comfortably parked in a secluded valley, deploy- ing into batl(le position. But when the mists rose and the tanks ap- peared to friend and foe in all their grotesque uncouthness, the effect was as exhilarating to us, as it was dumb- founding to the Germans. When the Germans had recovered their senses sufficiently they direct- ed all the available rifle and ma- chine-gun fire upon them. But the tanks did not mind A war corres- pondent, describing the adventures of Creme de Menthe on the way to Courcetette. narrates that: "The bullets fell from its sides harmlessly, it advanced upon a broken wali, leaned up against it heavily until it fell with a crash of bricks, and then rose on to tine bricks and passed over them, and walked straight into the midst of factory ruins." One tank in another part of the field was in action for 20 consecu- tive hours. Another, getting well ahead of the infantry, on finding it- self alone, turned back to see what had become of its human compan- When Yo Motor to London T THIS store motor parties will find every accommodation and convenience for their comfort while in the city. A free Checkroom in the Basement; where you may have your wraps and luggage taken care of; Ladies' Rest. Room and Lavatories on the second floor; Reatatnant on the fourth floor, where yeti will find continuous service throughout the day. Breakfast --8.31 to 10.30 Course Dinner -11.30 to 2.30 Short Lunches at the Soda Fountain on die Main Flour. Make this store your head- quarters; its many conveni- ences are for the free accent« ruodation of the maturing politic 1 f3t71"SY�t! ea!!� �IAAti -•- a rr LONDON, ONT, ALIF[TIM[OF SOFF[RI8 Prevented by i'Frutta-tit's" The Wonderful Fruit Median , 6311fxisoNS/Xi%S•r., Tint; gnu "In my opinion, no other medicine is so : good as' 1Pruita-tivos' for Indigestion and Constipation. For years,' I 'suffered With these dreaded diseases, trying all '!rinds of treatments until T wits told. 1 was incurable. One day a friend told me to try `Fruit,a-tives':• • To any surprise, I found this medicine gave immediate relief, andin a short time T was all eight again". DONAT LALONI)E 60e, a box, 6 for $2.50, trill size 25e. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tivos Limttod,.pttawa, ions. They were found to be held up by a machine-gun emplacement full of Germans so the tank oblig- ingly sat on the emplacement, shot down the Germans, and led the men on to further victories, It must not, however, be imag- ined that the proceedings of the tanks, were quite as amusing to those inside as they: appeared ' to the British infantry, whc had barbed wire leveled for them and machine gun emplacements crushed as they advanced. The crampled quarters, the head -splitting Heise, and the dif- ficulty of ascertaining what was go- ing on outside made the lives of the tank crew anything but agreeab.e apt to be shot away; the steering gear, never easy, becatne almost im- possible. The mere manual labor of moving the fevers of the engines and turning apparatus was enorm- ous, especially in these early ma- chines. The crew had difficulty in munication with then by the out - world, and had to rely chiefly on two carrier pigeons taken with them on the voyage; as for corn - communicating with the outside side world, this was even harder. The tank, indeed, proved to be an admirable protection against ordin- ary rifle bullets, Even when the tanks themselves were knocked out this was not ne- cessarily fatal to the crews, who often managed to escape, and the casualties were small in proportion to the number of tanks put out of action. Those who inaugurated tank tactics in this first battle de- serve all the credit they can receive. Once staving proved their value the tanks carte to stay. Later in the year tanks were sent out to Egypt and were in action at Gaza, In November they were used again in France. Meanwhile more and more tanks were being constructed and an increasing personal to forst the crews and the repair sections were being trained in England, After the first success in France the growing importance of the organ- zation was emphasised by a change of title from "Heavy Section" to "Heavy Branch of the Machine Gun Corps." Finally in July, 1917, the growing size and importance of the trunks organization justified the army council in entirely separ- ating it from the machine gun corps and establishing it as a special tank corps by itself under a direction general, in France the tanks have been in action in successively increasing numbers at each attack delivered on a large scale. At Arras in April, at Messines in June and at the third battle of Ypres in .August they have continued their valuable work. They naturally have not enjoyed the ad- vantages of surprise, so useful in their first engagement, and it could not be expected' that a vigilant enemy like the Germans would not contrive counter-measures. They have now estabiiahed special ob- servers and air planes to wat:h for tanks and signal their appearance, and guns both in the rear and in the trenches to deal with them. Armor -piercing bullets are served out to their riflemen and machine gunners for use at close quarters, and' elaborately concealed tank traps are prepared to enflulf the monsters, It is hardly possible yet to allo- cate all the credit for the hard and persistent work carried out by the pioneers of this . corps. But even if they cannot yet be named, they have the Satisfaction of having help- ed to save the lives of hundreds of brave men, and perhaps to have brought nearer the final victory. It has been truly said that we were first tins time in inventing a new engine of war, an engine at once effective and at the same time, un- like So many of. the German inven- tions, , transgressing none of the hitherto accepted _ conventions of war: ; 1lrifas'i »'WII1012N INTERNATIONAL 001 SON (Ry 1;.EV, Is'. B. FITx'i9ATER, 7Yehher a Etngtisis Bible In the ,Moody bII4e`Institine 01 Chtuago,)• LESSON FOR AUGUST 11 HELPINt3 OTHBR3, 5.EgBON TE%TB-Luke 10:2541; Gala - !limp i:1-10. ©OLAls1N TINKV-130ar ye one another's burd4rls,'Ind se fulfill the law of Christ,-- Gtatatfitns 11:0 ' " • DItVO' IONAL,7tEiAI1iNC^tletutfaie 2i 8:11. , P1g1LART LEd6ON MATWail[.-1,uke lt*Tti.tlY.s7 ' D i Aire � 171'11 lamina* AIDpyrero1'10-Whin needs qunhr, and Sled omit cos br,'b eer; give Itf ArifIrriONA1s MA'P1ajttAL -- Froverbs 17;1f; ,Nattlhew 6:451 Romans 78:18.15: t Corinthians 28.1.11; 1 .reen llilN-if'.' 1, tieing a Neighbor (Luke 30:31!)- 37). The story of the Good 3amarltaa iK t luster s ensures to the lawy'er's mime. Non; Who is our noigebpr? Ise alltfte the ec estion ao asl to showwthadt the supremo eo leorn ie not ho lour neighbor, but whose neightter am I? If 1' am Christ's, my More:no eenearn will be to find those who Rave mod that S may be a neighbor to them.. If we love God supremely, we smell find all aldng life's .highway sons who have been wounded and robbed by sin, whom, we can love as our:lives, To pea neighbor Is to- 1, Sethose about na who need. help (v, 88) Lore la keen to dfacwra need. Let ns be on the lookbnt ��Or those in. need 01 hp. 2.onr Hareelcompassion 0n the Heady 88). Clartat'8 pity was aroused as he earner into contact with those who were Suf., tering and to need. ,A11 those' who have bis nature will be likewise moved, 3. Go to those in need (v. 34). Many are selll1ng to give money t0 help the poor and needy, but are un- willing to personally ndinister to them. Many times the personal touch is more inip�ortant than the material aid, We staobld give onrselves be well as our money. 4.Bind up the wounds (v. 84). ' Many indeed 'are the wonnde today which need our attention. 5. Set thehelpless ones on our beasts while we walk (v. 34). This is a proof that, the love is genu- ine. Christiana will deny themselves in order to have something to give to these' who hive need.' • This kind of sympathy is greatly needed today, 6. Bring to the inn and take care of the unfortunate (v. 84). Genuine love does not leave its serv- ice incomplete. Much Christian serv- ice is spasmodic; helps once and then' leaves a man to care for himself. 7. Gives money (v. 36). • It costs a good deal to be s neigh- bor. Love is the most expensive thing in the world, It cost God his only Son; it cost Christ his life. May we go and do likewise! !1. Living and Walking 1n the Spir- it (Galatians 6:1-10). Those who are freely justified in Christ will conduct themselves as fol- lows; 1. Restore the sinning brother (v. 1). Restore is a surgical term which means the placing back of a dislocat- ed member to its place. We are mem- bers of the body of Christ, and the sinning of a brother ought to as really give ns pain as the dislocation of a member of our body. This service Is to be done in the spirit of meekness. lest we also be tempted. 2, Bear one another's burdens (vv. 2-4). Many are the burdens of lite, bur. dens of 'weakness, temptation, sorrow, suffering and sin. Christ is the su- preme burden -bearer: When we do this we fnlflll the law of Christ. 3. Bear our own burdens (v. 5)•. There are peculiar burdens incum- bent upon each one to bear. These burdens cannot be borne by others. 4. Support teachers of God's Word' (vv, 6.8). It 1s Incsmbeat union those who are taught in the Word of God to give of their means for the support of the teacher. To repudiate Dais obligation' is mockery of God, for he ordained' that they who preach the Gospel: should live of. the Gospel (1 Cor. 9:14). 5. Be earnest in well -doing (v. 9). Some fail of the reward because they give up when the goal Is about' to be reached. 6. Work for the good of all men (v 10). The one who Is free in•Christ will have sympathies and Interests as wide as the race. Be will especially strive to help those who are members of Christ's body. , * 1: * tc * :k OUR NEW SERIEL THAT MAINWARING y AFFAIR by A, Maynard Barbour * * * * * * * * * (Continued from last Week) principled fellow, find having about run through his own property, 1 under- stand, he has had great expectations regarding this American estate, de- pending upon his share of the swine to retrieve his wasted fortune, i learned yesterday, by cable, that since the de- parture of Ralph Mainwaring and his fancily for this country, his brother leas been missing, and' it is supposed, among his associates in London, that he took the next steamer for America, intending to assert his own ciaincs." "And you ticink—"the sttorney interrupted, breathlessly; but Mer- rick shook his head and continued --- "I have also, to the course of cry investigations, Incidentally discovered Hugh Mainwaring's secret, and, con- sequently, i•Iobson's secret only that I know the real facts in the ease, which Hobson does not know. You, as Malnwarieg's friend, will not care to learn the details and 1 shall not speak of theca now, but I will say this much ; there are probably 111 existence to -day, and perhaps not very far distant, heirs to this proper- ty, having a demi preceding not- only that of Ralph Mainwaring or his son, but of Hugh Mainwaring himself." There was silence for a few inons- ents as the detective paused, Mr, Whitney's surprise rendering him speechless; at last he said, - "Well, you are a truthful fellow, Merrick, and you never jump at con- clusions, so 1 know your statements can be relied upon; but I'll be bless- ed if i understand how or when you have gathered all this information together, i suppose it would be useless to ask your ded'hetions from all this, bet I wish you would answer titre or two questions. Do you think that this tigroid Mainwaring, or those possible heirs you mention, would put in an appearahcc personally, or that they would work through agents Sold emissaries!" "Depends altogether upon eirctirit- stances. Harold Mainwaring would not be likely to appear on the scene unless he were pretty effectually disguised. As to the others, ---if they were to assert their claim,--lt Would be dlffleult to say just what course they might take. 1 have made TittIfsdlly, Aitg'lust 8th, t 9i i Fresh Froin The Ciarderis, Sealed Packets Only Black—Green or Mixed these statements merely to give you a hint of the possibilities Involved in the case, It is now getting rather late but 1 will give yon one or two pointers to ruminate: upon. Don't think that Hobson will run any risks or put himself to any personal incon- venience for Mrs, LaGrange, He is working first and' foremost for Rich- and Hobson, after that for whoever' wilt pay him best. ' Another thing, don't ever for a moment imagine that Hugh Mainwaring's private secretary is lookig for a job, It's my opinion he'll give you fellows one of the hard- est jobs you ever tackled; and, un- less I'm, greatly mistaken, he's got brains enough and backing enough to carry through whatever He' under- takes." "Say' I don't know as I' exactly catch your, meaning; but flat's one thing 1 wanted to ask you: What do you think of that young man, any- way? I can't make him' out:" "I noticed that you had not as- signed him any place in that theory of yours." "No; ire's been a mystery to ate, a perfect mystery; but this evening a new idea has occurred to tne; and ' would like your Judgment on it Has he ever reminded you of any one? That is, can you recall any one whom he resembles?" "Well; t should say there was a marked resemblance. I've often won- dered where your eyes were that you had not seen it." "You have noticed it, then? Well so have I; but it has puzzled me; for though the look was familiar, I was unable to recall whose it was until to -night. Now that 1 Have recalled' it, that taken in connection wilt some other things 1 have observed, has led ane to wonder whether it were possible that he is a son of Hugh Mainwaring's, of whose existence• no one in this country has ever known." ; "Hugh Mainwaring! I don't under- • stand you." "Why, you just acknowledged' you had noticed the resemblence Between . thein!" "1 beg your pardon; but you must recollect that I have never seen Hugh , Mainwaring living, and have little idea how he looked." "By George! that's a fact. Well, then. who in the dickens do yon think he resembles?" I•he coachman's step was freard at" that instant on the stairs, and Mer- rick's reply was necessarily brief. '. "Laying aside expression, take ' feature fur feature, and yoe• have the face of Mrs. LaGrange," CHAPTER XIV The Exit Of Scott, The Seevetery One of the first duties which the . secretary was called upon to perform, . during his brief stay at Fair Oaks, was to snake a copy of his lost will. He still retained in his possession the stenographic notes of the original document as; it had' been dictated by Hugh Mainwaring on that last morn- ing of his life, and it was but the work of an hour or two to again transcribe them in his clear chiro- graphy, Engaged in this work, he•was seated' at the large desk in the tower.room, which had that morning been opened' for use for the first time since the death of its owner. He wrote' rapidly, and the document was nearly com- pleted when Mr. Whitney and' Ralph; Malnwaring together entered the ad- joining room, 'Egad!" he heard the latter exclaim, angerfly, "If that blasted' seoundlel' thinks he has any hold on' me, or that' he can keep ire on the rack as he did' Hugh, he'll find he has madb•the big« gest mistake of Isis life. It is nothing , but a blackmailing scheme, abd more than half a mind to sift the whole platter to the bottom and land that beggarly imposter where• he bee longs." • "1 hardly know just what to ad 1 vise under the circumstances," Mr, Whitney answered, quietly, for 1, naturally have solve personal feeling in this matter, and 1 am forced to be- lieve, Mr, M'afrlwaring that there is' something back of all thin neither you' nor I would care to have given pub- licfty. But, laying aside that consider•. anon, 1 am of the opinion that it' might not be to your interest to push this ma'tfer too closely," On what grounds, sir; do you base. your opinion?"' Mr. M'athwaring de- manded. The attorney's reply, however, was lost upon Scott, whose attention had been suddenly arrested by the imprint of a peculiar signature across one corner of the blotter upon which ire was drying his. work, now' complet- ed. Instantly oblivion's to every- thing else, Ise' carefully examined the blotter: 1t was a large' one, fasten- ed to the top of the desk', and had been in use bot a contparativety short time, It bore traces both of Hugh Mainwaring's writing aud'of his own, but tiffs name standing out boldly on one. corner was utterly unlike either. Nor did It resetnbte• any of the signatures attached to Hie •will on the memorable day when ttfe desk with its parapliernafie had been last used. Considerably perplexed' Scott sud- denly retailed 1 smalf pocket mirror• (Continmed next week.) r$ hejc y a icer"' ,.a{ct and ffresht rewards th an ,'‘vrio eef1 the laws 'f' k'astlE150 and keep the behlts regu- lar a 1'.asimnrtSele e,5 ens Medieiao 1a the World: beth evexywuero. M busna. d:ic. -the benefit- the pleasure. the economyj. of a 5c Package of WRIGLEY'S —has made it the fa- vorite "sweet ration"; of the dallied armies. --it's the, handiest. longest -lasting re- freshment he can carry, CHEW (T AFTER EVERY MEAL THREE HINDS