The Clinton New Era, 1918-8-8, Page 3Page Three THE CLINTON P! , MYR POULTRY WANTED 1000 HENS 1000. CHICKENS 500 DUCKS Each week lit our Poultry i._ • feeding Plant for. the . beleece of 1918, prices paid according to quality and fancy prices paid for large properly fattened milk y' fed chickens, • NEW LAID EGGS Meatless. days, are shaking yery higl{'p;•iees'fo1•,egge. ' A1- .1'110903 grain Prices t are high -,y it ,will pay `you fro' take' special axe•gf yotii stock of liens and ul pullets, • u>io-L ulois It CO,. smites The 'up.tohdate Finn , '47linton: Branch' Phone 190 N. W. Trewartha, Manager or Iiolmesvilie 4 on 142, tAsilLitAAasaaaeaaaaaaaaaAAaa s.a w nos . 1 f e mt See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, special %nines in Atrtt. Cases P'a1 OS and Organs rent ed. (Jkt ict;new Edison phof!O;;r:tphS, Musik.,e t vatfikt:y -glet'ods. :IA sled 4' 'Ell pod inn m re q,. 1 €' Monte P• V,1 l (fere er eniesr everwr'evwvwvev tine ReeelenaeheinneealuvviAieetraneweeheekeite -a FURNACE WORK PLUMRING, ROOFING TROUGHING AND ALL KINDS OF .PUMPS OR HAND ELECTRIC WIRING ANI? FIXTURES Call or Phone for prices werwrowarunissintuat Byam & Sutter Plumbers and 'Electricians Phone ''. yeit>NVV Ovvsavwvwensawwu..t;v..«•yy Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted tn•ch•aoeie cheap jewelery.. Far better to pay a fair price .and !know exactly 'what von are getting, Yon will never be sorry--for,as a matter of money, it is meetly the meet economical. That bas beensaid so often that everybody by this time should know it -and yet there ie no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If yin mould like to miss that sortLaltogetber- COMfI HERE If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -COME tIJlllE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were nntatr W. R. eounter Jeweler and Optician'. i tier ol Maarr9°sav Licenses FORD dt Melf4EOD We're new selling Tin orttiy Seed !Government Standart:la We also :have On hand, Palfst.lfa, A.lsike, and Red Clover. Wo alwaye have on hand-tgooee 'Wheat, Paas, Seeley and Fveed.Corn ieteillealt Market Prices paid for Bay and e81 Gradate • OUR BOY$ III EUROPE AND NOME PROTECTION The mets en the firing line represent the pick of our' country e ,Youth, Manly were rojeeted bocaueo of ppheeteal de. tleieuey, Many COS the kidneye were to bleutc. If wo wish to prevent old ago eornin;; en too doom or if we 'Malt to inerea;e our chanties for a long life, Pr. Pierce oe tbo Surgical lustituto Buffalo, N, says that you should drink plenty of water daily between meals, The pro. emre et a drug store, Anuric (double strength), This "An•u'rio" drays; the Isle acid out and cures baoktiohe and rheumatism. If we wish to keep our kidneys in the best condition a diet of milk and veg.: tables, with only little meat once a day, is the most suitable. Drink plenty of pure water, take Anuric three times a day for a month. Send Dr, Pierce 100 for trial pkg. An. uric -many times more potent than lithia, 'eliminate; uric acid as hot water melte sugar. A short trial will convince you.. Preston, Ont. -"I am pleased to ex• press my experience with Anuric. I have been troubled with f heumatiem in right limb and hand for several years, and lately in left shoulder. The only way T could Ile was on my back. I had great difficulty to sit down and more to get up. Lately I had a very eevore pain in my back. I have taken Dr. Pierces, Golden Medical Dis- covery several times with the most satis- factory results, so I concluded to give his Anuric Tablets a trial. The pain in limb and shoulder has stopped entirely and In right hand it is very slight and getting lees all the time. I can now sit or lie in any position I wish without discom- fort or pain. I recommended the.Anuria. Tablets to two parties and they both claim doeided improvement. I certainly will recommend them to any one troubled with the kidneys; there is nothing nearly so good; I tried them all,"-(•lnoney ;Boos, tor, Duke and Waterloo. A11 the wheat mills in the Dominion are to be closed for the greater part of August and possibly till the new crop. comes ie. The •tax rate for Listowel this year will lee 38 .mills on the dollar, This is an increase of 4 mills over last year. A 'lot of people talk horse so much by day that they must be sadly tieotibl- ed with nightmare, W. B t Y.I> N O BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC mart TON H. T. RANCE' Notary Public, Oonveyaneer, Financial and Real Eetate INSURANCE AGENT-RepreeentinE 1a Fire In suranne Companies. !Division Court Office. Mute 'hitting • Mr. James ;Doherty wishes to in- form the Iptrbiic that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing, Orders left at W. Doherty'e phone e1, will receive prompt attention. n, G Vara croft, Barrister. solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Ctffico on Albert Street, occupied Cy Mr. Hooper. Lu (nit] ton oa Thursday, and 011 nnv clay for e hien appointments are [made, £ ;fie„ Limes frormpa.m 0 pt' t rn, A. mad 'mai: , in connection 7,1 LI) the mfr"1 e, (Ark, evertcve.kCho, Rn,Hoop'r, otitr."tke any Oppeintatec ofor 3Ii. t'•+lneren. DR. J. C. GANDIRR Office at Residence, Victoria Street Clinton, .- • - ;Ontario DR. W. GUNN Office at Residence Corner High and Kirk Streets. Clinton -- -- - -• Ontario DR, P. R. AXON DERVIRST Cronin and Bridge :Worn a Speolaity. Graduate of Chicago. and 11.0.DM Toronto. .Mayfield en SIonda e, •Stay let te.Ir loll• r!U• POW I.J1324.c Officio over O'NE,IL'S store, 'Special etre taken to make dental igen., nr+eak as painless as noeeible, THOMAS UNDRY Five etoek and. genera A_ucttiorn•• e" G,ODERICH ON i Btu n creed name a moot na. innate in d L4aw End office Clinton prc.+:y set:'nd. 110.. ':erne xeasoanhle, Feaarrearn side not'. diacnanted tl. 1). OM:Taggart 551. d). eile'$aggae Melretsggar,Brox“ tFbNlAiiBQ�R� ALBERT $'2, CL'rf:%"1`'lxli „v Gent rhe 'ISotalktien,p le lenee0.er ttra nu atmeet 'ROTES DISCOUNTED 1)rene sashed, Interest Allow.: n • deposits The . eKilin r alUtfngli. Pare insurance. a za /antra and Isolated Tonal li"r•et;:iv tarty emir teetered.' Dead Oflico-Seafortb• O,et Officers J. Connolly, Goderlcb, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice-president; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary. Treasurer. Agents Mex, Leitch, No, 1, Clinton; Edward (tindtley, Seafoeth; Wm. Chesney Eg mondvillel .l. W. Yeo, Goderlcb; A. G Jarmuth, Brodbagen. • Directors Wm. Rlnn, No. 2, Seafortl; Jobe Bell.( newels, Erodbagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwaf, Clinton; lainee+ i' "'o rl'h D.F McGregor, C.uun t] t1 dC t.M k a ****^ OWm*Vi****iDtr°10*pOpQiltDtl ** EditariaN Notes tr • 00••••••••••04,40004.00,00 If Great Britain will evolve a clew system of reokoning inoney tIte tril- lions of people who have crossed the ocean in the past 4 years will have ac• complislred good, A rapidly geowJng number is now to be found in the Old L1utd who support the dollar and cent method; —0— Poor old battered, storm tossed Rus- sia Is fleeing a bitter experience and possibly the worst is yet to come with the approach of Winter and food short- age, The wise administration of law and kindly sympathy of other nations may aid 3n tate dark days and help them as they seek light and liberty, In more than one town in 'Canada signboard greettinge are extended the travelling public, semh as the name of the place followed by the terse but friendly salutation "We Wecome You." Perhaps on reaching the limits of the corporation the tourist may read "Call Again." It is up to Clinton, and every other town that cares, to make visitors feel hospitality extended, either by the ,mute tabulated sentenre or by the word and deed of the inhabitants. These things +count and evoke many a cont- inent, commendatory or the reverse, It comes natural to some folk to be :genial in their mood and they have much to be thankful for -if it is not overdone -but practice will help ac- quire these little touches that do much to make Life's machinery run smoothly Let us try. —0— Berlin is on the time table of the Allies. "We'll never let tfie old flag fall." Haig and Foch would enjoy nothing better than leading 'a triumph- al entry, Such an event would be the greatest God send to the Teutons as well as the people of every other land. MilItarism's downfall will be a very glad day. —0 --- With all the laudations of other Pro- vinces of this grand old Dominion,. year in and year out, we pat the ban- ner Province of 'Ontario on the back and vote it the right to lead the pro- cession in the fa'nily'septette. We have it in choice of population, on general thrift of our people, in the variation of our possessions, agricultural, mineral, climatic, ' educational, religious and many another asset. Ontario has not been overworked along a boom line but will measure up well when it comes to comparisons, The misunderstood misunderstood "conscentious objectors".are not confined to the fellows who want their place on the battlefield left vacant but in many an- other walk of life people desire to line up in the "do-nothing" column. They should receive a few lessons on Citi- zenship and its constituent elements, —O - Judging by the published results of the Normal Schools and the recent Entrance examinations the scholastic element in our Provincial life is evi- dencing genuine vigor. It is to be hoped under the re -organized educa- tion Department of Ontario that the youth will seek the largest possible at- tainment, Practical education Is most essential for the future wellbeing of Canada. Culture -minus the K is a possession beyond rubies, especially when Christianized, —0 --- Wilhelm says he will let go of Bel- gium if the German colonies now in the care of •the Allies are returned. This is one of the best evidences of the Kaiser Baying "We're lickt." He need not be alarmed, however, Bel- gium will come back all right even 11 the second part of his proposition may be problematic, Considerable rain has fallen in -many districts of the Prairie Provinces last Saturday. CAR'TEIZ I TLEPIER PILLS 41 • No, G. ,r 1a r t• leve No 4 I Sr. fo t! J. vn f r Ii 0 0 I/ M I Ne E. 4 I'. 'erE F ri, ;arta ata eo. , Walton; Rob r e � 1 i,; • f 'ski, ' hlctaarte No, 3, Sca nx , .The Best Ralph In The World is the habit of health. 'The way to get it is to train your bowels, through the liver, to act +naturally, at a fixed lime, every day. Take one pill regularly (mere only If necessary) until you succeed. Then you can stop taking thein, without trouble or annoyance.. 'Phis has been the good-ltealth- , rule for So years. i, CITES' pili.; t54ra&Jo2i: .betasa '.SJgrrfire i CoJorlenofaces often shovethe absentee of !iron he the blood, atti, ;es' gnat Talisa !tolls ttina r.ondition, W ERA, YOUR CHILDREN'S QUESTIONS .5 bright five-year-old boy had occa- sion to accompany his father: and uncle on a twenty -[mile rade In a horse-drawn buggy ••between two cities. As they came within a hundred .yards of a rail- road crossing, a fast passenger train thundered by with the usual ear-split- ting shrieks from the whistle. ry o `Lh ewhistle, daddy?" piped upthe youngster,, with the irre- pressible curiosity characteristic of his age, His father, welt a patience unusual in fathers, took the time and pains to answer, "Why, that's to tell people the train is coining so they can keep off the track if they happen to be go- ing along the road,(' he replied, "The engineer neer aI waYs whistles Just before the train comes to the crossing so people won't get run over. You just listen and we'll hear him.whistle for the next crossing -two long whistles and two short," Almost as he spoke they heard the distant Out distinct blasts, Just as he had predicted, The boy's face tit up. For the next quarter of an hour the father was busy answering the boy's questions. He explained the en- gineer's duties, the ringing of the bell the purpose of the fence and cattle guards, the significance of the various whistles for stations and crossings. This father's attitude contrasts strongly with that commonly shown byparents.Children Chi diel everywhere are asking interrogation points, asking endless questions about the world about then!. Parents, On the other hand, are inclined to play the part of the Sphinx making it exceedingly dif- ficult for children to gain a clear idea of the comtnon things about one of the greatest handicaps of the average child is his inability to get answers to his questions, just as one of the great advantages of a few is the manner in which the parents give well throughout answers that show not only facts hitt relationships. A child is in much the same situa- tion as an adult would be if set down in Russia or China, without knowledge of the people or their ways or lan- guage or manners of customs or sur- roundings; when his questions are not answered, he has not even 'the grown person's resourcefulness or experience to fall back upon. Except as parents or others give aid. ite has no key to unlock the thousand and one allurini; but perplexing mysteries about hint. Parents should be very ready to confess ignorance about such things as they do not know, for tate world's scientist 'realest t, are compelled to do the same thing, They should, how- ever, use all proper means to inform themselves, iES a iu 5v PIING SORES. MOULD HOLD HEAD DOWil FAC WAS S1JCI-I A SIGHT. Pimples are ei t sett by the blood being out of order. Thee' festering and run- ning sures apponr 0111 the forehead, the nitre, the chin and .other parts of the body. There is only one way to get rid of this obnoxious shin trouble, and that is by giving the blood a thorough cleansing by the use of that grand old blood purifier Burdock Blood Bittern, Mrs. Victor G. Fry, North liattleford, Sask., writes: "I used Burdock Blood Bitters when I was about 18. .1 was so bad with pimples and running sores that when I went down town 1 would hold my head down when I saw anyone eomiag, my 'face was such .a sight. I got twe bottles and my face began to clear, so I kept on until I heel a beautiful com- plexion. !'recommend it to everyone who is in , a rundown condition, as it builds up the blooel; and when the blood is Al the face is clear." Pun tip by The T. Milburn, Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. RUSHING NEW SUBWAY FOR WESTERN PMR September 8th .to 14th, 1918 Last year the Board of Directors of The Weetern Fair, Loudon, Ont., found themselves up against the problem of providing accommodation for hundreds of automobiles which were driven Ili front the surrounding country, Titis year they ,are fully alive to the situa- tion and are building, at great expense, a subway under the track, which will enable them to park all cars inside the speed ring, The entrance will be at the corner of Egerton and Dundas Streets, where all accommodations, such as a cheek room for wraps, etc,, will be provided A turnstile will be placed so that occu- pants of cars can enter the grounds at this point and the driver, after he has parked his car, can return through the subway to the grounds, A charge of eL00 will be made for'driver and car, which includes parking as long as the owner" wishes to leave it, This is,811 increase of only twenty-five cents`o'ver last year, and it felt that no objections will be made When the accommodation given is taken into.tconsideratian; All inforrnation regarding the Ex- hibiton will be given on application to the Secretary, A, M. Hunt, London, Ont, - 'The latest "Jag" reported is one obtained from cod liver extract. Titat must have gone down just like oil, ,gtrikos and rumors of st.rike's' `fill the air, Butethey they are far' less eine- mendablethan' ban• the striking [alta' brave boys are do'lttg ori the liring.ltl3e, at all hours, at $1.10 per day. , Thursday, August 8th, 19i8 Great Britain on the Job COMES TO EAI' 80 MANY TIMES WHEN A PINCH HIT i$ NEEDED- TRIEUTE FROM A WESTERN AM. ERICAN PAPER. Under the head. 'England on the Job," the Kansas City Times says:•.-. While we are congratulating our- selves on the showing 'shade by our men in France let us not forget to whom we are indebted. for the lift in getting them there, Getting our troops across in ef- fective numbers was a problem that came down to it question of ships, and we didn't have thein, That is where England came to bat again as site has so many tines when a pinch . frit was needed, England had some ships, to be sure, but she also hail use for them , Ships are Eng- land's only guarantee that dinner will be ready at the usual hour, If for any reason they do not keep steadily going between the grocery store and the . kitchen door meals are likely to be mighty irregular -England being in this respect like a family without a refrigerator, England took the risk of interrupt- ing this grocery store deliverey to help get our troops to France in time to block the big drive at Paris and the Channel. She turned food ships into troop transports, took another [titch in her belt and told' the Tamil fortour uor months, during April, May, June and July, there would, figuratively speak- ing, he no jam its the larder, When GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN I WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to , remove tan, freckles, sallowness. I Your grocer has the lemona and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh Lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. Tide makes a quarter pint of the very beet lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the fact, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the akin becomes. Yee! It ie harmlees, and the beautiful results will surprise you. FARM COLD 'STORAGE Sin:+it, Efficient Plant Does Not Cost Much. Simple and Efficient [Binning ;Voter Systems for the f'ai'nt --novo (hili Direct/one Regarding Equipment tend Installation Ma) Bo fiernee.l. (Contributed by Ontario Den4r•twertc cl Agriculture, Toronto.) COLO sloras:e 1.5 n room or bniiding, depending rltutn the size, sill c o r byn tee by some mechanical mine) In short, it is a place for keeping lr, :d products cool in the hot wcnllter. Since the farms protium The 10, 1 and since the cooling or it should be done quickly and iulnredla telt' eller its production, say milk for example In order to keep It in good coni![! :t as long as possible., would it not sr+,nt good business and erouou y to hays: the cold storage on the farm? This applies to our farms partirulnriy since they produce such very par- Ishablo products as milk, butter, eggs, fruit and meat. If there wie no other advantage in having (mei steerage on the farm than that it pro- vides a place in which to keep the daily victuals cool and sweet, there wotrll.scem to be a good reason for Including .it to the farm equipment.. There are many ways of providing a small cold storage on th,3 form, but with the exception of very large fruit or dairy ranee, the sante principle applies to all, namely, that ice is used as the means of cooling. The method of applying the Ice to the best advantage constitutes the prob- lem in each individual case. This is wily no one system can be 1'ecoril • mended for all cases. 1`t Is any intan- t-ion to describe briefly below one type which altould give good servi.:c In many farm homes. The particular nacre of this Sys tern is tlae Thinker system. 11 110,, sista of a small room a few Veer square with a bunker or box or vac:, at one side for holding the take:; o: 1Ce. 'It is separated trona the 10010 by a partition which is Itept a few Inches off the floor and likewise trod, the caning. The bunker bus a slat• toil floor with pan lust below e, t:nleh water which is disposed ',t rendity tltrongh a drain. '191 Is ar• t'angemont provides a. natural means for the cold alr to drop down to the floor, escape into the cooling room evoker null tar the Wit I'M 1111' to pans up (wet the ,partition to the ice, S" lime as this bunker is kept supplied with ice there will be a natural 'flow el cold air through the storage roam, 11 Um- room be eeielle insulated 11 should be possible so',matntaln a tent- Ucrature of about 40:deg. Fahrenheit arut it fairly drytttnnosphere. 'Those de-• siring plans for edr;st.ueting the type • just outlined or•any other type none receive there free of charge by cool• tnttnieating with the writer. Inform- ation and assistance will bo treely goveu to all applicants. Write us. - R. Grabm,13.8.A., Ontario Agrieul• turttl College, Guelph. • that period is over British ships. will have cert'ied' perhaps, half a, million American soldiers to Franey, and it is now probtible from statements made in ParJifinlent within the last few days that the loop will be kept on the lardett door for another extended per - British ships in other worsts, will continue in our tratnaport service as long as they are needed, or until our own tonnage equals the demand, and. in the ttteantime England will go without the honest roast beef of old England which, as everybody knows comes from Kansas City. We 'owe England a cheer for this. The old girl Is game, She has, In the nautical phrase of one of her own favorite sons ---,and ours -laid a point closer to the wind for us than a man could expect of his own married wife. She has stood by at every crisis from the start. Her destroyer fleet took the seas before ours was ready and battled the submarine at time when it seemed that monster alight dis- pute our passage. She sent us coal last winter, when thousands of tons of ships were tied up in our harbors for want of fuel, Let's not forget it, England's been a good neighbor and a good ally right through the time when most of the flowers we were sending down to the footlights were marked! for her co- star, la belle France. Let's not for- get that she never failed to join her voice to ours in acclaiming that won- derful people -and kept right on doing hard, practical handy jobs for us. oeptlO Tank ror Sewage Disposal. This system consists ordinarily v1 a two -chamber concrete, water -proof tank equipped with an inlet, ovee• flow and vent pipe, and an autotnatir siphon for emptying Cue Cana of the liquid sewage from time to time, and a system of tile, called tlae "absorp• tion bed," consisting of several ptar a41gh rows of 3 or 4 in. land tile laid with open joints, almost level, aim shallow, and hranehing Oft from a main line of sewer pipe wtich coo necte It to tee Cue::, ror the ord:• nary -sized borne each tank simile ne about 3 ft. square and 3 ft, deep, anti 150 to 200 feet of land tile would 1, required tor the absorption bed. Tne vitrified sewer tile is best for to, main and the number of them wil depend upon the dixtaoce of tee em sorption bed from the tank. 11 this system be properly installs., it will dispose of sew age in a ver i eatistactot'y manner and without en- dangering the water supply. Com- plete plane in blue -print form for in stalling it may be secured tor tttt writing from the Department o. Physics, Ontario Agricultural C01lcga, Guelph, Ont. -11. R. Graham, 11.8.e. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelp't, Ontario, rrzs ^D S t. R For Infants and Children �: In I�linea'- For ver 30� �° cill"s Always bears -- lie • Sicnarure of3s(2l rrritish Colnmhtn Timber. In pursuance of the Policy of market expansion in the interests of the lumber industry, undertaken by the l=ion. the Minister of Lauds, two further bulletins, prepared for the I n- formatiou of lumber consumers, have recently been printed. They are en- titled "British Columbia Douglas Fir Dimension," and "British Columbia Western Soft Pine," respectively. The former publication deals with the qualities "t Douglas Fir for struc- tural purposes, and cannot fail to be of Interest to architects, contractors, and others. Tho bulletin is well illustrated, the claims to durability being supported by pertinent refer- ences to sueh buildings aa the Craig - /lower Farm near Victoria, erected in 1831, and the Craigflower Publie School, built in 1863, Douglas Fir having been used throughout except for the root of red cedar shingles, and practically no parts of the build- ings having had to be repaired: Mod- ern uvea of Douglas dr for structural purposes are instanced by reference to the Arcade Building on Govern. went and View streets, Victoria, erected in 1918 and the new wharf reception room, C. P. R. dock, Van- couver. c T.iictren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOI IA ITEMS OF INTEREST Short Readable Items fee Our lirrneilnrd L. G, Aires;, chief registrar lfer Montreal, announced yesterday that the registration for the district :epi 'taae ed 5000,452. Children Cry, FOR FLETCHER'S C A SS T O R 1 A There have been 3,100 applir•,ltrneeis for war servicebadges from i.nintion district and 1,700 fropt Oilmen nen ceived at Major Fairbank's office, dem%. quarters building, M. D, No L, t 1DiehOS COUCH last ;,. .1 soft, reliable refl. 104c• medicine. Slid ,n likwas Ole v p tth�rice of etre, gbh fs,. , g3 No. 2, 83; No, a, .t15 1CS a Sold h all drttg03srsu.ar.+srr: P]rrapanl on recct Riker., Prce pamphlet.. .rtdite,l4a,:, THE COOM MEOa5arytrF.•L:I,., a " 10501150, 055.71 lfxmilv'tAid,,v John Alexander, an ex -slave Witte escaped to Canada more than tie ryre ago, died at Sandwich East at sehe safe of '1 10 years. hildren Cr! FOR FLETCHEEdf% CASTOR/ :•. A bonus of three months' sea:say-de being sent to civil servants Ina it8.ie Customs department at Nelson attui atlas trict. a. 'G1.1G1�S X� OtS "1S' :a3 The Great Encdishtt.leatseeib 1ones.aud invigorates the •arbtaer neryens a Stem, makes nit' f. el. in olid Veins, Orbre,. 2 -Jo', sxs Debility, Menial and Beath Wort% ik.,ss,c- deny, Loss of Energy, Palpitatiev:. +1fetit.: Heart, Failing M3femory, Peed $1 pts fn= uis-. for $6.0 One will please, eix will oure,gy1'ok0s a,g1 • druggists or mailed fn plain pkg. on zenska5 ,d!' price. Neva pamphletmailedfo•ae: EATG MM. MEDICINE CO..TORONTO.OkN5. Cre n &beau e' Car,tad, at ti4e iJ , 'egb.�i�btsh ,Btu. 23 TORONTO 300,000 adn'rissiotvssold::is { day of i dvanCe Stele. One -el); with the Crowds tothe greed'. .I eat Fapositiottisatited33.50L^.i7 la/Seery of the C. N. E.. i. ,z b_ `•1.t�:"i' t.r A prcr,'t::r:a:t .11 a:crr€:_• nous force and teeeeo with 10000 participants. A.II the coIrful Ourapber• 1,1.'lin of romance and his, rury In the rnakine. 1' . splring, tiro met Ic--,•^; spectacle every Cnnadisr . }-� should see. MOVEMENT .v 1WLLOi A " LIFE„ SPLENDOR. tt Patriotic Thrill in every sc.= Giant livestock and agricultural di3ta?14- Government exhibits -demonstrations v! yaw, tional training by 50 crippled heroes--'fn•'rang, on factory lines: colossal exhibits of Wow. saving devices - Government patsivake bat show - Creators s world.famed band - WA" exhibits of fine arts—AND A WQR1EI Me OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, Price of admission 1$ 25 Q, -•1 unchanged Consult your, local agent regent railroad fares 9.4111 Phil, to attend -- Western Ontario's P itpular Exhibition $30,000 IN PRIZES $1,500 added - 1113s year Full Programme of .Attractions twice Jelly Two Speed Events daily Fireworks each • night Great Pure Food Show in Process Building Plenty of Music, Education, Entertainment and Midway Merriment 11 U1 _LI:'a " Supple a at Sixty Age and ripe experience skean kap- pincss and uuefuliness when mental and bodily powers are preserved by keeping rick blood In the veins. !,1!,9 re's rare nourishment in Scott's E,n tsforr cxc,'tte Stell [vies 1,, wamte Ole body 2nil +tkvtifa0 tflumeue tradnxies, Ito 011foo111mnaa+te, eienylif,tri 10th homy Awl b+Y la. ir is Jd,c 0 hmeaf nett ,Ilk,aula,tt, 'MEZZOS' •E - "3rr til ti:kdi MOVI i LONDON CANADA Sept. ett to 14th I91 N. }3. --New automobile outramee oor.. Dundee and Egerton She tantia' Dion $.1, covers auto'Paul driver, including parking of Can Prize List, Enka"' H° orris, A,pp1lel(1on for Spaces and all tnt1o'r Brion rdstel tiro Socretutp Lt. -Ccs 17)',1;1. Claotfabni',=, ,('reddent dl j?»,.iEL'unt, SeafarrrN trot lo;14:a� a '3 i.yJaa 'lr15'3