HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-8-8, Page 2, ,. . . . . .11� i. .�� ''r �LINZON lVl W 'ERp► lIttiNrRAPiirtt+tw+ ;. nggAMp ": n^exr r�m� r .++ J,JI ,- -� w J r Ati�'ttst' lith, 4 tI1 & '? roaery day j Always ._ ..-�^- < «,W ., I 11 ul ,. 4 ' 1. :`':. '„ �;• r0 9.'_+IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIiIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIiIIINiIIIINNIIIIIIIIIIIiIiINI6NIIIrNf . ". ,is"�'W7}NpAI ata&, GI• A"TBW ��1-. �•. �`+:-,+.1, "`0 W► "'� x C Y - Ni s o n a i and other [iIQNE 7$ ))) :, Items at interest trot" . New Era, representatives, , 1. ... , 1 -- ' ' 11111111iliIlNlIIIIINIINIIINIdIIIIINNIIIINIlliINIIIINIIIIIIIIIINl11111IIIII,111N116 - . A VARNA, S`T'ANLEY. , HEN5AL1. � � n.;, i • . Probably the largest trended funeral Mr, ail r , BA�rrTE�.D, ctM b, John ttilcNaug'htati, Mr,' the splendd rain of Mattda 1 s6. s t,' '! in Stanley Powtishii7 was held Sutdat' 'Ritchie St i > � g r 4 at V 'na h M.Nag Iciau aud. Miss Et;ma assisted greatly all crops in this dis� Ott, t tday talc n Jamge ,Patriotic . ' C, ,. dl tt, en ex Reeve and ex• meeting 6 H.tr- 911 jjI Inotoud,,,tp..Stl'attord Iast•'Wa .tract as they were sufferlitg for Want g';tvas•:,gaitilet'ed•'0n Clan' ere g, den Peter W1110lit was bsirfed la.the n0s4�ay, to attdild the funeral of the of it; or Sg14ave; wbenItIN! :Rtiv, gentlettien i' + nm • . conducted metery. The funer4l .was .tale Rcv,J, W; U90glus, The r: Macfarlane, Andersolt'and Everett d- confield, dt the boiite of ills lnotiter Pte, 'Gra , Gri?' or, raspberry crop, turned out.well "dressed „the .it e. ti a • � ff t ! , iit Varna, 1'10 diG'ti at 'laratct o.- g M g Percy Diehl here despite the rpttlrer dr: .wea lick 1' ng'. +.• .r a i r -• o H s and Waiter Moffat have gone overseas. :.and t . he Rev, fi1t,'MacMillan, df Tor_ wi h rain e'.week tel so yago would onto, will ,. ;..0 ., t.; f ,. , petal, wliete I:e had Sane, •ha(yittg far 71tey at'e splendid lneit and will no, .have b r each Elie 'atiniversar ,:•ser.: e.n a record tell; pr Y A ' ' .�,, , ,; . ,: � restoration .to health. Jie was un- doubt be a credit to King, and" Couii-; , y vices in St; Andrews on Sundaynext :. ,Jr,, '. utarried. 3u,d ;Jt Ills year, Rev. J. try; --a5 soldiers of alis Kin' Monday, August 5;'.was' Civic ltsrli- when pougl'as Stsutbu,ry ..,. ,.1 i A, Me'Connell, Of liensall, conducted Mrs, Struthers,• who'gi I been, Y, the ,noted �, • ' day, Aird Ali places of business were Soloist will take part in tite singing,' i " . t, ' the service. vision' her Parents > h closed, The iyarrior Dou las Auld his alr- "- " s g. u L f )ter visited i?ionie parties to the differeat''points ship which was to make a landing F o this week art the haute of Iter aunt,' p B Here t , •. ' Mrs. ;Neil, 'MoG?e or and oilier folks, along the lake stilt cautinue to b'e frottl TarOnto on, Mopday .Iasi did no , t t. USBORNE TOWN" g t Z �` j , she addressed the- Missionnary meet-f"thc day ciisappoilitntent of order of the arrive much to lite a a r f i Mrs,- Thomas Penwarden; over 80 iiigs At •$r4eefidld on Wednesday, Oil Sunday evening last the Rey, lite many who constantly watchedfhe ', ,r i ; t Years Of age, and Mrs, William Smith, Pte, Hugh McGregor :has joined the Mr, • m6Connr�11, of Carvell Prtsb - i eastern : sJcys, 1 . d0 not despair 1 n of the 9th concession of Usborne, nar- • colors.. teriaii 'Churei', and Rev, Mr, Dean, pf however but will continue an easterly ' 80n �le i rowly escaped beutg gored by a vic- the Methodist Church here,;exchang- •°ming of the brave lookout for 'the I'll. � ' tons cow, Mrs, Penwarden went .out G ed duties and both congregation' re Douglas, . Clien to band li Sold b li n • '' �` 0`v?yG�py `'D �asra<:mnt�,p ODERICII. y a rug- s s gists, Crrocers and'Oeneral Stores. ,Into tile pasture field to get her cow ; port splendid sermons and good at- 'to' milli and' when driving tier away A local,bran.ch"of .the,Soldiers' Aid tendance, SEAFORTH. from •a number -of other eattlf another Goninisstont `tva9 formed iii Goder[ch „at Rev. Benjamin Stewart Sait lle, son Miss .Evel ii . MoxleY P cow attacked jeer; throwing her down a mectiit of the late Benjamin Smillie of Hen- Pte, Earl Johnston's home y Y .o St Cathar g. in ,the town. hall at . which, J t froin - toes is the guest of her cousin, :Miss and commenced goring her. Mrs, W. "Lieut, W, W. Shaver, representing ills sall, was recently united 'in marriage London oil leave, Edythe k1 nit in McKillop. Smith; daughter of Mrs. Penwarden, commission, gave a" address and. ex- to Mary Dorothy Galletly, youngest - Mr. C. Sheahan,f Toro 'Mrs, Pare • hitt noticed, the, vicious animal attacking, plaiued the constitution of.the or+qn daughter of Dr, George Gglletly, of Toronto, is here 3 le, of Toronto, is her mother, Immediately ,went to her , izatioii, The .object of file society, 14 .Edhtburgh, Scotland. The • room is visiting at the ho?ine of Me. and Mrs. visiting her parents Mr, and,Mrs, Wil - assistance, when the cow turned ort ' to see that every returning coldle et well and favoribl k o i g " i K. Murless Jones, Goderlch street ' • • • list" Davidson, Goderich Street iter. and used 'her the ams as her a r g s y . ix wn tete and as , Mr. and Mrs; G. F; Rogers, ti proper, reception 'on his return, to engaged as a Missionary iq .the Cana- Nlr:' J, Lockhardt, of Stratford is' of Goa- - *_ iVIQR2E NEiIV WASH GOODS mother. Mrs, Smith; however, manag- assist lion in his reabsorptlot, into ci; dian Presbyterian -Mission Central visiting relatives liere.... ' ,don, are the guests Of;Mr. and Mrs, ' " ed to get away from the enraged brute viiia" life, to act as a go-between in India, Mrs F tt� T, Stephens at the Queen's hotel, ' F'QR THE HOT' WEATHER--- find was carryilrg and dragging her^mo adJustin H: Larkin. and Miss B.ea g .claims of insuflIcfent pen- trice Larkin left on Friday to spend day Larkin left on Thurs- r• er to Arid under the'teu.e, which is lions, delay iti payments of separation the vacation tit Toren o y . Ottawa where 'she has accept- ' : Never before have we shown as , several rods Away, Just as Mrs. Sinitic allowances, etc. The ofieers elected GODD~RIC Th "K t ' ed a position m the civil service' had got her mother under the fettle were: Chairman, George Horfer• viae- H TOWNSHIP a "Keep Watch Celebration held partuient de- many, attractive' patteraas in light on Monday, August Sth, Seaforth's civ_ the cow made a second attack oil her; chairman, Mrs. G, C, Hill,. Secretary Farmers are busy cutting barley, • is holiday, , under tit Scott Cluff, of :j ' t cool gauzy Wash materials. but Mrs. Smith managed to beat her treasurer; A. M, 'Robertson, Reception .Mr. E, H. Wise, of the 44th CQ"66s- 9 e auspices of the Seaforth, drew {{he n local branch of the Navy League in aid lucky ticket for the camisole donated off. Both women were nearly striped fl"u"te and "employment committees lion being the "first in our neighbor- the Sailors of the British Navy and b> Nlrs. Whitley for the Red Cross #: of all their clothing and It was nearly were named with six uaentbers each. hood, tufting a fine field of barley oil Of was the {host sec- The amount realized for the Society y two hours before assistance arrived. Saturda Jul 27th. Binders are I t -'—` Mrs. Penwarden sustained a fractured' , y' y 1 cessful and largely gathering dyer held by the sale of tickets was $55.zO,. as goin freely this week aud-all kinds of I Iter; hip and otherwise badly mongrel, and BRUSSELS graiin turnng ripe, Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Ross and son . I _� it' is doubtful if site will recover front A, 'O. Baeker has sold his poultry A bad accident happened in,some tiugfn. have returned from a visit to RRn the effect of her injuries, Mrs, Smith farm, which is the largest its the 'Co. mysterious manner to Mr, David EI friends in Toronto and .Port Dover, D1��7,it � � 11' _ _ while gored and bruised, is doing to Walter Rose, • of Teestvater. The y y of last Miss Thelma Pethick is visiting ANT M Nott, Ba field road, Frida g week. lie was driving on the Gut friends in London. t i > new Rogers Proprietor y, j o g e plant Mrs, R. J. French visited friends in Cholera hifant m ' purchased fire g I ,• Rogers pro Ort •, adjoining tile Litre at the time. Just what occurred u is one of the fatal. ' ZURICH. and will get possession on September is not known but the suggestion is Allsa Craig and London, ailments of childhood: -1t •is a trouble Fancy French Voiles I. Mr. Rose is a well-known breeder made that an auto collided with the Miss Alva Graves has returned front that climes on Suddently, es eciall Monday y, g y buggy and overturned it, Mr, Elliott a visit to relatives in Auburn, dgring the sunnmer menti especially t ? Moeda was our Civic tiolidu of White Le horns and, has recet,tl ggY • Mr. P. L. Fincher, of Chatham, will disposed of the Teewater etctrie light Was rendered unconscious and cannot Nlr. and 14irs. Joh» Rankin and Ed- Prompt is ,and unless }t.; Plane, grounds with Beautiful colored Floral designs ip judge the oats in* the Standing Field plant to the corporation. I say what happened, He arrived home p p action is taken the little one In his buggy, will are spending a few days its Lon- may sono be beyond std. Baby's Own I alt tl0.e:new,shades. :JExclusive dress lengths at $2.00 Rand Corp Competition being held under Brussels School .Board has engaged, ggY, which was badly damag-don. Tablets are an ideal medicine' inward- # �+,•7125,'a yd, the auspices of the Zurich Agricultur- Miss Annie Geddes, of Belgrave, as ed, and if the auto accident theory is t Mrs, Robert Johnstone is visiting iug orf this trouble, They regulate al Society, successor to Miss Grace Walker it) the correct, it looks as If the driver of the her daughter Mrs, Middlemost in Hann the bowels and sweeten the, stomach e i'Iew Reps, Piques, Indian Dead, extra good quality. Par- Mr, J. P, Rau, of the Goshen Line entrance class department of Lite public auto must have stopped, 'righted the Ilton, and thus prevent all lite dreaded sum - Skirts. '3ii-cidar.'ly adapted for making Middy Blouses and $kirks. north, recently had the misfortune school, ..buggy, picked up Mr, Elliott and ut, him hack in his bu p Mr. And Mrs Pape, of Brussels, "ter complaints. 'Concerning them to break Hite of his fingers on the The remains of A Rayntann, who ggy and that the were visitors of the home of Mrs. Mrs. Fred Rose, South Bay, Ont, , . `\ PRICES 35, 50 aiid 75c a yd. right hand, He was lowering an ex= died following a stroke of paralysis horse knew the way home. Front the ( Abel, says:—'9 feel Baby's Own Tablets y tension ladder and, his foot caught it, while visiting at the home of his son condition of the buggy it, looks as if, Miss Erie Mitchell, of London, is saved the life of our baby when she the rope, In warding off the ladder to in London, were brought to Brussels it Itis been overturned and dragged visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. had cholera infantum and 1 would not 1 keep it from falling upon himself he the funeral taking place Friday after some distance. Mr. Elliott himself John Kerr, be without them," The Tablets are' Twisted his finger, breaking sustained a bad g a bone, noon, Services were held in Knox , gash it, his head Gunners. McMittain , Becfiley and sold by medicine dealers or .b nt fh A j t Cly � � �tr a��d 11g�1S� Mr. Ed.'ralbot, of near Drysdale has Church, Crinbrook, The funeral was which required several stitches to; Welland were home from Petawawa at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil• - J 5 sold his farm to his neighbor, Mr. an exceptionally large one and was close, t p Alex, Etue, who et Camp for the week end , Hams' Medicine Coi .., Borkcvilte, Ont. �"hildrens Gingham Dresses, �L9C gets possession next conducted under rite direction of the �J spring, A. F, 8c A. M, lie was to .his 75th i l t i c"lges4 to 12'years, pride , .. , ... , .... Mr. Jonas Hart[eib, of Dashwood, has, year. - #�,Aol$rens Washable• Hats purchased the 50 -acre farm on the Ba Hats, Won Liyce, flay, being a part of to 6, BLYTH. ,,values up to 15c for .... . ...... . . . . , , , , 39e coir. 9, from Evelyn Broderfch, of the �; Parr Line, Mr. Hartleib gets imine- 1{•lrs. Kelly, who has been visitin < diate possession, her sister, Mrs, Thos, Stewart, and µ ^^^^^^^^^^r^^^ ^^^ ^^�M^� -..r,..,,,� , •� __ brother, Mr. Will. Brown, Hullett,'left a'r awW�fr0ID�0aPB®tp�®E2MOMwee and others joining CREDITON oil Monday for. her hone in Arkansas, 1 I g the ranks as well Dr, F. R Guest left for the Gen- a� ,.. Where are now 2,500 Canadian Pris- Miss LuAu Gaiser has beet, re-engag- eral Hospital, Toronto, where he will ` a Doers of War, attd it takes S600;o0o,, pursue a past graduate course for the ° gg���� y� p+� ppg�@ oo rs keep them just one year ed as principal of Crediton school. 4� utH•tA, 1C Ei YNt9i y Let Mrs.. Geo Holtzman and Mrs. Fred nekt few weeks. He expects to re-' us see to it that the boys from Dis- Hoist visited theirSonsin Detroit last sante practise in Blyth about Sept. s p trict No 4 do not lack for food: Mrs, week, Four of the former's sons are 1st, ^`laAa'r"�vAa�3+Cs2TRr<�n�0t8t4dso W. D. Fair is treasurer for this depart- note in khaki, Mr, and Mrs, N. T. Adams left an i "tent and any money left with her Matt England of near here narrowly Thursday last on a visit to their J 4ief F<:hEs�l reported 86.60 for will be used for This purpose, as death file other day while cu daughter at Yorkton, Salk. friends et.,scales., . ting hay. The team 'ran away and lie will be pleased to know that Mrs, KIPPEN. came. in contact wth . the guards, re- Adams had sufficiently recovered from f l .. W: $ hobbrook reported having i calving bad cuts on the hands and tier illness as to make the trip with 1 nelleived $62,50; $6 for sale of lot; Mi and Mrs. Aitken of Court. arms: safety, W.$) Ei for cafe of ,lots in perp.e#uity; tvright and Miss Rogers of Hsmilion, H, Howald•and his men of Zurich Mr. Frank Metcalf, Dominion Fruit li xtad,So for work. have 'returned home after spending have .finished ilia brickwork on W, Inspector, left Thursday for the West, 1 -----0- a pleasant ten days' visit -In the home Gaiser's rely dwelling. This is his 9th season as inspector ffiu Invoice -has been received for of Rev,. Dr, .Aitken. One of tile most successful township and from reports each Year lie is be- I a The Rev, Mr, Snowden, of Ctififon boys' .work conferences ever held in coaling: more and more valuable in f .lar. of soft coal which is- supposed to preached "lost acceptably on the Var_ Ontario has Just been. concluded in the service of the Fruit Department.. t rrive anyd'ay. na Circuit last Sunday in the absence Crediton, Aniong the leaders who help. The Blyth boy scouts left on Mon- f // •--p.—_ of the pastor, the Rev, Mi. Wilson, Cd to make the conference a success day for Port Albert where they are tialartes for 15 firemen for six' His malty friends were indeed de- were Richard D, Sideitius, of Galt, Rev,, camping this week. 'rths teas paid which amounts to lighted to see and hear him Alice more NU' Fletcher, of Tornio; Rev, Mr, Me- 4110.00. Mrs, Johnston is this weekvfsiting Intosh, of London; and Rev. Ni. A. J. HULLE1i iii (y,- friends in Clinton and Auburn, Langford, of Mitchell The Standard I _ ft3e• Municipal World was aid A union Sunday School picnic be- Eflicielicy Training Course was expla#n- p ttvas i fire two churches here is to lie- ed and exemplified'; and the boys en- The naunC of Pte, H. trunking, son tltl'S'ftlr forms, etc, t held in Bayfield on Tuesda the 20t1t tared into the studies and of Mr, Thos, Hunktng of Hallett ap-,� �" Y games with peered in the casually fist oil Safer- 1 �inst. rare eiithusiastii• ,.day, The. sataries of the officials were Mlss 'Anna Shanahan is visiting [ter 1lr.1yerxd to be paid for the quarter L-cpinersotn, $125;' Jos , Wheat- Aulgust 1st , In History jlijlNf,'}IAjy], sister, Mrs, Frank JVlaCaughey at r ' $125; R. Welsh, 412.50.. 1 ast Thursday 84 years ago slavery . The 6 -year-old daughter of Mr, mid Peterltoro, ceased in the British colonies. There' passed away at the house of ---0= This net of Justice to the man 'Mrs. Walter Dennis, Lower Winglia.m, .'tier -daughter, Mrs, Robert Rogerson, ylir.- payslfeet to", street work for T -calor o .. justice with the was frightfully burned while playing 4•lullett, on Tuesday morning of last n "a was .$79:07.; names of Lord Bron ham; Fowefl with a box of matches and is now m week,, Emmn M. Dyke, relict of the i --0--_ g Winghant hospital iii it ver late George y ( Buxton, 'Villiers, Wilberforce, Over y Urecar- ge Wheatel The late Mrs. ;5,' J. Andrews was paid .$17,45 for 700 ,000 slaves were bebefitted b ions condition, The child; after secur- Wheatley, was born it, Sumnterset, I this Emancipation act, y in g the matches, weant out doors to Enghand and .cattle to Canada whit Iter I - -0.—_,. ) play in :a buggy standing near tine house.. The matches became ignited parents when quite young, The .brit street lighting amounted to ��'++l!rr pph�ii ��qq y and set fire to her clothing, which as Fiunily on first ca"iiug to this country t4tt,$4; and for hail lighting and .+iiN11lII6 q17 complete) burned off herbed (w; settled at Wltby, later coming to £viz., was $4.16, �AIN■ y y icr Goderich Townsh? fatally has suffered from several pre.- p, (near Clinton) .. "--. I I5 DANGEROUS. vious flies' lately. A short time ago tvlters 54 .years.;tgo fire tate deceased 11+'. T, Hawkins had all account of Sha old and the voegrtg, Hae Strong ,a the house was seriously damaged by .was married to George Wheatley, of X76 for sina(l,repNirg'dbout thti tail. • ,air OtBe,tillStrong ndthe , Hallett. Her husband died tan years bator. ed from an inch- agcr, when she tc ode Iter home with ,., I weak a fire, which .or nat There is not a gmlimer. It) makingrepairs' oil Mr; J. Brooks' ,.?er f,unlly, namely—Mrs, Chas. Low 1. Tire two untinicfi aC'chatrs'for Mayor ` thohAtide df pdoil : • pates J06d'.by,, ihOu rte, Mrs; Robt, -Ro erson 'J Ii. p „ L o befifp •attacked: by. ,1 se .on- Victoria street, . Mr, W. i{, g ;ltd utta}tClerk, gosf,n of ey( as; it -were), alit!, Summer OOm laiat.. Rintoul oil i G.ea, W., Wheatley Ht,llett and Thos paid., 8, Jt•. Monday found a"copy of ., . ws,'DunPorI `ryas 1,Do: fpr. : 1he'prostratioh;.fire T' G. Wh;eatle • McKitlo Tl 1 . 1�4 n verging on.col he Toronto- Dhily Mail, dated June , y, p le titte:Mis, .; lsp'se ;vhY'sits'dtxtetimet;uneompanios'bhis •$x'18.74:: T%e•gaper is, of fodi "'A+es 'W51q`tt1eJ' was a Aly of adn6able ,.9 L — tUsoaSe tiaalCns ft on'o of the_most seridus ,mid,the ani nal ubscrt t - P S 9uaiitiCs, Jiefoved by her ,family and tf, Gari, ck?s Sir and dao er 1.. s U ion :price was , S a a y ;Por July wits ,g olid ao have to oa"re"d with : $6, : Q ciispntcli ,from rOttawa; shows '19ZItia, by all tvlto made ,her nc_ 4.lx.; durin' blco'hotniontlis. the.Dotiiiatign revenue for, Ma 1874' rq,uaintance• The funeral took place: �. �­ NOZY:few people escape an attapk" of ;to' h ve+,b et, n ° Y' ' (Thursday), seruice bete` bei su a e $ ,639,3,43.04, ,{ud fire < „ g d ;at ,.Y, vv, S;6i .brooks salar„fol' delIIa- rmor com,plain't ' It may he slight, -ex ,endittlre rtlle,,hOu„e.at 2._o b Y orihma be p r $1,947,440,:02,„ Tho To- p., n., fbtlowed y ,'6'ry, w s �Htd,,,$516 Y „ severe, but ileiirl, ever brie ron o' uiirkots pf•r hat date silo>ved fall interment lu Clutton Cemetery, e ,'1, .. •isirabler6,jt>_.' i I -,.y Y rite t ,. _ .­� .. , v at,.selhrng' alt. -to - 1,30 r I lou pa,nnot,tell, when it,.setzes you, bushe � $ . Re h . , I, aprirag wheat, : 4,20 to, $1 2a; . • , r i2. days',-,iVark: at Cemetery QwABr>ly,end.. o $ B UCEF1EGiy,. CW. .lZtes', L6vett,yvas paid .$2$,43, Let.at go, or, a ,or; ,o onl ars, ."s2e.,to .53 c, ,Iiarl,ey,y75c;.;peas, • see l;oiv w'aka d y #w aud ,7oc:to 7,2c, -1ti{y,..$ft8 ,to. $24, per ton Ple, •Wilson 'Berrie visited at. holt e nd t >, as e ' , -o , you,•'•' p5 lint it Wil olive ;,!;A :dispute tial been,coritiauo for ''thus; tvedk, Acle .carne front 'Petawaw” rrtiinr l3gl<I liar ryas std ' 3.35 -for sezferal r t wile ,a . . p 8 ,Iyer ..is' T a a s be wg,eu zthe T ,witsh 'f r. he • haS s. cut tl a suit ' ;IIralvin a ,o . R y.. olio Rafe vy'y to curo•lit R ..p o p 1. tmer i; ft y. at Cemetery, s is tnt iW, lwanosh.abd, fir .T. `t sl' tranli i . He _.. tl t,is U , Dr.,r. 1er.s'u e .9it t a of'T;urn 1g expects la leave soOit p :__;:� ,:., d } ii:.': t;a b9 laq , Itra,ut ti}� ;ber*,Oyer tiie,,Sellaii;in f ih':lno itid- for :bvetseas: . tS .1 ,f 1, , los been 4n. the $ 4 .. a ,., , , Wr , r I ai Gt or t e� 1last �2,�yearn ary.road• bittveon;t1''e;t q' ills Will. Swann Who has beet) ractis- d u sr at s •x it ; ,r •s * a ' �, ,t3.: 1,.,, , 'tafl;l, sta!a - in ,Lb v' r;: , ha , s,... , i U Mi litgved; d; uripd., y u c�o not e - g • t.¢ ..W,tltghaltt up;$o .p{ ng au 'a,Jiospital •zn Landon England, . �. pm?m��4elSJ. be ", q'u bit, .. 9 ` x : boultdar,y, .olid j h. Po W, �Y ,. gging, to;, Wli teuhitr bas.'hane,oti n war .sltipx rota • ;< • I3CthotaCde „ ,« Y. T,uriyJaerr 'cs con: It f BATItIUTIC N07t's.S n •pl,a§it stituteotimitation, Y • Vit,.:ic�rt,iS 't tat. I{i11 s „ Pie, .R.dsse7 ,TJallas, .of London, . tea•, los -titan .of thd6c no right; ,to,;• 1 e', It i y - ritay'he" ositivel ;d'an• tA_, w Qiei; raa+, a a- "v!sited at alfs, (name this t: ek . 11 W s a , tSo ai i r st. w t st n oy u a s, nO P. arhe[1 R. k e ail y % rr, e . Zu f t n l v, 3 0 . i� l Mr Lar. it art b t n h o Larkin D:,D av? 1s ar � or fd:` n s >` Sea a th aP r . n B u, :1.F u i " w V It" i t A' t ^ � r 4ot' 3s 1t does tint leave the Uparentiy;the matter li1s.]ietn,p{i pt ached` in ilio Presbyteritin"iChurcli o`kfn `to• tilt, hot we'at'her i p g 1> g there b4p.�elf'C,OnstY diad. iusted,lreEw@> n, th In ,sat'S£aptor;Y; ,ez la tit Sabbath last. .The services will Nlrss T. JI' 1;0, atsili a : a ar ' ,W .. p •.to -,do,. ltulf; aiu of ,: . i I virA be no n eta $g ty, Al oma Mills Ont. ? J Copy u," J,e d on 5unnday next at i i o'clock l Ilw6e the ",tF`; P. S,; w "tea:. j1•Jc, us, r olmne , ,En ane n • Pate •s i ', r" tU.' ,week, •ti, . . 'week from Frida Q• tX, a, G Rd, your )tori g e t ton will, ntsiTce pre ai; ,aiid' .1t 7 iib' itt `cite-eveiiiu t , Y 14w1er's , 7Jx atto , $ * T - g ••v t � ,: - tr p oil Wa d. �b bort . ns fol the; volt . o a _. , Alf+:,. N lI nest tri the Couitcq Cliam- , "jt •• 14 t .. .,� r F•rW ,, Y t st,Yt ,ts ,sAo,{i , Elie RCd t,ross supplies for July 4 , „ • 1 §n,lP?Y• tttlb oy,w s A year •tt d two its, Possibie,,.: Mi': tra talieit tie supplies for rite mollttt t .• R CiaY!ti.ilsant.of Low iver0 4t5,'liair.ot socks, t.3 set of atlbki,11. CilcT b t �r%d:ati4c ,oust, .r Winghatn, will have the su 'er to usk'ezrt0 be braugh# tit dud agood ,m rib:._ la , k' N U VistQn pajatnAs.., , of g " t,.: I oEttie,zior, o of file work , >,,: attfat,'iirlatice'asked fbr; ) ,, .. ,, ,t, randato k L. ,14iyy, rite 8'Yeai' old sou ,of Mr. a ahb,hl � emedt.mC .ands Rbji 'rt„ McGill 11ew s stem , ,uF 'na , ,,,_,. tiidif fiat e cliedrint Turnber bn .M b he. r �4 Y for the etre of, the , Ly Y a out- villa a is ver ill ;of Wbtrlti ht , G y . . .. in o �itisorters of W:u•-.has been taken it .." '"'o ,..-B, ti,11c eou[tI do,�o Rr,dli�sdny, Tiie .Tu6i;�s�ial left:t e, p- blood Poisoning, I. •„ 2 a>ioro r l m. rx wr $b'to m a s:ideti f hi > " 1 ''y <• r ,, .. Y ilio' '-d cps o s sO,la W. A,, ,c,Al• t ,. „{ .11 ""brat stnct+ix expected ,y,� i?tC..acixtt a @son a5 Y, . d1 , pe t.ed . tdlft lid was 1 < tb'} : 3.5 co tc , 4 ,, , l was, last- t nil a _,... ii o C m It tlo .., .ssta,t 9 -furan ii, .. �, �Q.•,ti., ,.."`it. S�. .. ,.. el _,. ...f. ,.. .e rrtat.J�i.-tl t e •p: 1 t'`dre ,.OfAlte ,gris,vl iers. ftAin bn. , ..Sfid s.nt fill. ,. 9: Y 1, li : r,U;letyr t ,dKWali Ia., v tilt wttpit ltttl a iaC district .iii. ri'ae f . , . d b ibis of la .e on, ,l,l iday ; ,..lil.tcrit,?ant was atjnde, !t sr. n0f tr fe i f o aI . r p a...foad,tta ler,a xtra. of Wild tk114"iSelfr'}''liYiiY I Gerrie cemetCr'. 'l t, ,, „ lgr f, ,,ii,,l , p.v seas, riisert so "recti that t now:fikes iS. 1 3 y S utt,,, ! .. , . 1. ,. 041, gliY�qave lien four tlosta tvlt.n �ie, Waa Mrs, Atlnle Mcrwau,, died 'ifi' I3Xrit, ,'`a,' fir t „. •. i' iaep 41p One prtsolter for,' title WaT etely dtirltd.. ,P, certainly se,ved m Alta:- o t ' Cj village is \ iy quiet eveiy: .£ 1 • or. er: iii , r Y y u Saturday, 5'ufy• z7. ,She wits one bus harvttsting, The Crops n , h Jt., d at we Inay do' 019 14IR6, the widow of tits late Wni, Andersoh good, y b ps re sharywe illi: tltC help of bur 'rip./ Slid, ;tianufaeturod only by of Gienannan and was in tier 57,01;• 4 RCv, James FootC i ts' b s v ttrntg at �<ts 3•n :Rias wih'it, tial,§e already flip `;1Vlalhurn Co..,Intuited, iCartlnto, year; hntertneiit was in Winghalti c.tm 'his,litinfc .Itr, will :shnril o ,to Bx- rte daLtie perhaps a little "thin dn$� etery, etcf wltei'.'tie lists 'receved a `C1IL PROCLAMATION GEORGE tIae FIFTH, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britai i and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, KING,'O fender of the Faith, Emperor of India.. . To all to whom these presents Shall come or whom, the same may in any wise concern,—GREETING: A Proclamation of conditional amnesty respecting inn belonging to Class i under the 1lrlilitary Service Act, 1917, who Have disobeyed our PrOClam'ation of 13th October, 1917, or their orders to report for duty, or are deserters or absent without leave from the Canadian Expedi-. tionary Force. E. L. NEWCOMBE', ) 4UHEREAS consider- AND WE Do HEREBY STRICTLY Deputy A4inigorof.iusuce. WARN AND SOLEMNLY ..IMPRESS t'ntiadn. able numbers r men UPON ALL SUCH MEN, and as well those belonging t1 Class I under our Military Ser- yVho employ, 'ha.rbour; conceal or assist them vice Cana Canadian called out on active. servici in ..in their disobedience, that, if they persist in our Canadian Expeditionary Force for the their failure to report, absence or desertion defence of Canada under Our Proclamation of 13th October, 1917, although they have thus until the expiry of the last mentioned day, become by law soldiers enlisted in the Military they will be pursued and punished with all the rigour and severity of�the law, SU13 Service of Canada, .1ECT TO . ' THE JUDGMENT OF OUR COURTS .Have failed to report for duty as lawfully ,MARTIAL WHICH WILL BE CON - required of them under the said Military Ser. 'VENED TO TRX SUCFI CASES or other vice A%C4*d *tile regulations thereunder,. in, competent tribunals: and also that those who eluding the,Order in Council duly passed on employ, harbour, conceal or assist such men - ,A�rJI 20 last ' ' ' ' will be held strictly accountable as offenders . Or have deserted, and subject to the pains, penaibes. and forfei- ' , Or' apsent'ed:• themselves without . leave tures in that behalf by law provided for their from out,Canadian E, xpeditionary Force, slid offence, ' An mitt reprgs "ted that the'v r serious Provided however that nothing contained >d 4: i y serious in this Our Proclamation is intended to reletasd :riDd t�n£rortunate $iluatiort in which these meta , ,the. inen,' af6resaid fiat" .their. 'find, theins' * ' is dire Xii many uses to rite obligation to ' fact that 4lv.,ei t i t report. for duty. as soon as possible or to grant ia.,tsticdi tg the information ., tryhem 'mmunity from arrest pr .detention in they' ,LVat73iit ' �COntained in Our Proclamation at,6 :' said, they Have misunderstood their meantime for the purpose of compelling them . heir duty or . , to perform their military duty; Our intention obligation, or have been misled by, the, advice being merely to fore o or-mmit,t a .. of ill disposed, clisioyal or sedntious .persons. < 3 ,the .Penalties z lit retofore iiapamed for ,failure, tq:. report, . absence without ;leave or desertio4l..itictrrred b: .AND WHEREAS we rte ire, if., ss•ble to •..' .. '• •-' ' ,. ,y • • • . ., s pG,�,I >, , , osg . men ,of .descra i n .a car s avoai th;tniiFtio lithe heave e 1 e wh Pt o f ,•� std., w]�o heavy ua,tr.s ich tit shall be m the, tilic I ntv ui� es, . k the offences of Which 'these' ' t x ,proper, da§claarae of,kt>eir militagy Pus ditties on or'before'the sa 4 twenty-fourth day ' S 1, * rs have flies been gpiity; and to afford of August, 1918: them an opportunity withitn a' limited =tune. to., .. Of all of *hi ' report anii-mi;;ike thbiv%ervices. available in Our ' th Out; loving subjects and all Canadian. F,i e, i i ii .{ • ` otklers whom these resents., may Concern are ti,tiQnary l alga its is by.laW presents. Y. 9 11 i t'lketr brie d hereby required ro, faire notice and govern u, gli;c�uty, and as..is necessary £or,.the •. h0hlsol es.i ccordikY i` ,'. . defence of Our 17ominioii tit' Canada, x V a •-L+y'• . IN =STIMONY wHIg12FOF, tits have caused these Our. L ,tte4s. to be, ode Patent and ilio. Great Slat NOW $;iVORV YE nthati We in the axe cis of Caned . , r e a to be tie -*Withems •06u of •CQuh ,powers,' And of Oita good will, and Right Trusty and Right. Entirely Beloved Cousin � pleasure in that behatf, do ii�re»jr prockaim and nd Counsellor, ,P,ictoc Chriatiat William,`• buke of ' GNariahire, Mar• cess of: Hartington; , ',. 4v6n Of del declare an 't e d cause � i 1 a to .be ub.., t , t �d t a rd ma e d b 0 A eV n air c a $t Irl tbn in 1� ro a n � Ca n i n ve d h mn s known THAT -TETE _ . PLAN Az.T �s S O,F : o f. THE' 1�ardwick '' e 13arotY Cavendish of Ketglnley. , LAW WILL NOT BE � imposED OR Knight of Our Moo N'ttltle •Order of the Gar5ert E C :F, One of Our Most, aria r ' c k� 1"EI7 as against rite ixtetr vYfha belong' � u obi Privy Council; 1. 9:0 Clr.ss 1 under Oqt' Nx IiYtir Sty�'vit F A.N Knight Grand Cross of our most Distinguiahed 1 y Ordnr of Saint Michael aud saint George; knight' 1,917, arta who have disobeyed £71rr PrOeiafn Gra n l Crass of Our Royal 'Victorian .Order: Gov. ' n'tion aforesaid ; or Who ba ,o reyeived notice ernor Gmoal and Commander -in -Chief of our ' ttom any of•Our rof istrat's or deouty registrars •Dominion of Canacht. to repot'tfor duty on a da noWtr•p'ast and have At Our GovernmentllotimIn: Our Ci of." Y City I 1 AWA,, ftiited so, to re):lort ;, or whp, havAag 1p , i'trd this F1PST day of AUGUST, in the. your. of Our ,t t,ord n I izi'id etbtaiited•leave ar' enbsP.liL 3 1taVc f .4icci n ,ttbustlgtl,. Ina fiuildred and fill btocn. and r I . .n, ' ., ff : „ lA it, Ute At Pith yeq, Or Oat Pie n... :n' „ , Ig repo;t at •t[ e..:,ekpirsy of: their lent, Gr Have become ao,serters, from oiiv, ,1~;•x ihdit'ld%j'Ar t#q Command, .. - :ky• Y . z IParcd, Pr'' OVIDI;I7 TiiPnt I,�,I'Ci.i�T FOR 1)TJAT ON, OR' IIUF 1R1, T IIE, '�`V` , <'S' Tt . ��'"&ai ;