HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-8-1, Page 7ekeirseereteeteeteeteee-etee-e, GIVE A DAY'S TIILIIIT, 'OISE 61Iii11111 THE HOME Owing to war conditions and the ,seakity of flag, mire linens are getting very scarce, Consequently advancing' lae.Price. A Wise wer4SID Whos0 Constant thought n; the °Kane Beantifally and the eeenonueal management thereof Will consider this Matter, Read this list carefully and give it your attention, NO perhaps you are ssot ItCall3r in need of now Moons at present but if yarn wish to save money on your p‘U,chases buy them now when you con get them at about half the price the will be shortly, Or if you don't need them yourself whops you have a young friend who is anticipating a flame of her own and what is more acceptable than linens. TABLECLOTHS -Beautiful bleached Irish damask, satin finish, all round, single and double borders, a variety of designs, leaves, sprays, floral, figurq,8, dots, etc,, also tabling by the yard, THE, CLINTON NEW ERA TABLE NApKws-pure bleached linen, .a large range of choice designs, CENTREPIECES --Hand embroidered and Plauen lace centrepiece and doilies in dainty pat ients. TRAY CLOTHS -Platten lace, hand embroidered and drawn work, hem -stitched edges, all pure linen. TOWELS -A household aeceSSity, always in demand, carefully selected, pure linen huck- aback towels, ham -stitched plain and embroidered damask borders, guest and large sizes, Also bleached and unbleached torkish towels, with fancy stripes and all white, TOWELINGS-Reliable linen towelings values that are thoroughly dependable, checked and striped glass toweling, heavy crash, plain linen huck and tea cloth. These materials are steadily advancing in price. BEDSPREADS -Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in florad, spray and figured effects, gond heavy qualities. Come in and we will be pleased to show you our stock. if you don't see what you want ask for it. Agents for Priestley's Dress Goods (ROSSIZENSIOntattenneallulletalar4=1101r Ninnintakezazacitssni Agents for Butterick Patterns " " ANN IVERSAPY 'OF WAR1 issuthose the struggle for the maintenance of e ideals of liberty and 'justice * HURON BELGIAN AND FRENCH * RELIEF FUND * * is * 4 4 * *. * * As so In:Illy Societies at this can. Ire ars undertaking work for the Bel- gian and French refugees; perhaps it would be welt to recall an article in the "Modern Prlscila" in the May number. It is imperative that ref, - gee garments be made , according ta offical Red Cross patterns. The French and Belgian people have very definite ideas of what they want and are must unwilling to change their habits and customs./This is a time to help them in the way in which they want to- be nelped and not try to force our opinions upon ,theni. The oflitilals patterns conform to the itsaea of the majority of people in rranee and Belgium and have been decided on only after consultation en.th many cf the workers in the or- gani?ations abroad, It is useless to send a garment which is not made of she stroneest..and most durable mat - As intt:Teted eome time ago, Soc., ticsnsay obtain official patterns from the Local Seeretary at this cen- tre of the ii.ifowing.- entlerskirt with waist- 771:aerial, tlennel tit- flannelette -no -briht colors, night gown -Material, flan- s:deltic or unbleached 'factory cot- ton, linderwaist:-Material, unbleached cotter or white flannelette. Pinaforest-Material, good quality. black t.: -.teen or galatia or checked and white gingham. No bright Colors. Cape with hood -Material, strong dark colored wooden cloakieg. Garments may be made from. .sec- ond hand clothing if material is wash-, ed end. cut according to official pal - terns, The Societies undertaking this work are assured that all supplies will be shipped through the only regular- ized channel. Canada. All clothing etc„ so shipped is protected against requisition by guarantees given by the German authorities. All money sent is distributed according to the wish of donors, Letters have been recived by the local Secretary from the Consul Gen- eral for Belgium containing this infor- anation, The Kaiser assureed his troops that they would .be home for Christmas, They will be muoh nearer home in any event, which are the common and sacred cause of the Allies, ALL OF WHICH PREMISES all Our loving subjects and all others whom It doth or may in any wise concern are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly; IN TEST1MONY'WHEREOF we have Mused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our Pro,- vince of Ontario to be hereunto af- fixed, WITNESS: HIS HONOUR .101/111 STRATHEARN NENDRIB, Knight Com- mander of Our Most Distinguished Or. der of St, Michael and St. George, Co- mmander of Our Royal Victorian 0,••• der, a Lieutenant-Colonel In our Mil- itia of Canada, etc , etc., etc., Lieut. enant-GoYernor of our Province of On- tario, at our Government Nouse in our City of Toronto, in our said Province, thie t%vonty!1ith day of July, in the year of Our Lord, One thousand, nine hundred and eighteen, in the ninth year of our reign, By Command, Wm. David McPherson, • Sunday, August 4th, the fourth an- niversary of the declaration of war, has been set aside by proclamation of the lieutenant-governoa, at the request of the Dominion government, as a day to be observed in commemoration of the entrance of the British Empire In- to the war for liberty and civilization. The proclamation is as follows: - PROCLAMATION WHEREAS Sunday, the fourth day of August, 19s8, will be the fourth anni• versary of tine declaration of war, and the occasion calls for fitting recogni- tion throtighout our Province. WE Therefore, -believing it to be right and proper that our people should on that day reaffirm their belief. in the righteousness of the cause for which we are lighting. and their in- flexille determination tri contnue the struggle until victory has beets achiev- ed, have thought tit by and with the tee:vice of our Executive 'Council for the Province, of Ontario to appoint. , AND DO HEREBY APPOINT the said ;thy to he observed throughout our :Province ot Ontario in the manner e- 1 foresaid: AND WE DO HEREBY URGE the sol- emn observance of the said day by the calling id public meetings throughout the Province On the day mentioned for the purpose of recotinizing our de- pendence of Divine guidance and ft.tr stimulating the devotion and patriot- ism td our people and of 'embodying these sentiments in appropriate reso- lutions, and thereby uniting them ef- fectually fur the supreme effort which is necessary to bring to a victorious e The Carload of Canada Cement has arrived at our ware- house. - SOLE AGENT FOR • SCRANTON & D. H. & L. . COAL , TERMS - Strictly Cash. A. J. Holloway PHONE 3w hite F osr.' otwear! BIS season without a doubt, will be the season We're showing the Best White Shoes made of all Seasons for Woolen's White Footwear! and we ask the attention of the women who enjoys wearing Choice White Footwear of Special Merit! White Boots! White Oxfords ! White Pumps! Louis, Military or the New Low Tread Walking Heels. $1.75, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 Our Shoe Service is always painstaking and every wornan We shoe will have well Dressed Haudsralle looking Feet. FRE%;.f. JP4ISSON RAGTICAL SHOEMAN Provincial Secretary, Celaration On Sunday afternoon, Augut 4th, all the citkeens are asked to co-operate in ladding a mass meeting in Recrea- tion Park at 3. 30 p, in, to commemor- ate the fourth anniversary of the declar Arlon itf war by Great Britain. An ad- dress will be delivered by Rev. Mr, Sin- clair, of Nolmesville and lity prontinent citizens of town, The kiltie Silver Band will be in attendanco ThR :WS The New Era columns are open o its readers for the expression of views on all matters of public interest. The only conditions are that the communications must be as brief as possible, must be , plainly written on one side of the paper only, must contain no attacks of a personal or libellous character,,and must have the sig- nature and address of the writer, Where a nom -de -plume is used the writer must sign his same as an evidence of good faith. Ad. - dress letters to the Editor, The New Era, 13y the way. What about those formidable -looking penalties for the non -presentation of registration cards? Thus far, there is no evidence that the public revenues have been greatly en- riched or the jails of the country over- crowded by reason of their rigid en- forcement, east Palpitated, HMI Ditzy Could Not Werk For 8 Months. Palpitation *5 the heart is otto of the most common of all imarttroubles, and many people are kept in it State of mor- bid' fear of death, becoino weak, worn, and iniserable, , have weak and dizzy spells, their nerves become unstrung and they cannot sleep, Wherever there is: any weakness Of the heart,- Milburn's aeart and Nave Pills will elrengtheil it, and build up ailtrotig healthy system. Mrs. Walt& Grieves, Apsley, Ont) writers: "I had been run downAnd,doe- tees told me was natremi6, but Aid not help use with their inedicioes. I could not Sleep nights, my heart palpitated tiO, arid I could. count every beat. I used td haVe Shell dikZy spells 5 Weald have fe go to, bed. 1'Was not 'able to do my work ' eight Months. A, coueni 'of mine load taken Alithurn's Ileart and Nerve p1111 sod, told'mo what they hail done fiir her. 1 took .sight bloats ,or tbian, and newl ani4bic to bulp, eitory day with the.wtnit,. anigo thankful to;tell others ,what they have done'for me, se that they mays try this great:and wonder- ful residedy.,'1 1lcS tathttay prove good to some one who is suffering ,the nay 5 did," Price; poci.stlax at elf dealers, ailed direct on receipt of, Dries by The Milburn Co., Xamited;TerentO. Dot. Local 'News Lfrtixe :11:IS up by phone, or hold us up on, 1,1:4, New Era. wats alt the news. Hotrod Holidays • the street. Wo're on fire job all the inorMAPIffli_gc4. 71011 4141WAiftl',, The travellers of the • wholesale grocery houses are off for two or three weeks on their vacation and local grocers ere now ordering' their supplies over the phone or by lila, Sold Property Wingilitn1 Advallce:=Mr. Arthur 35, Cook was ,up from Clinton on Monday to vote for the bYlaw, While in town he disposed of his property on Ed- ward St. to Reeve Ttling, The sale was made by Ritchie & Cosens, real estate agents. Send In The News The New Era would appreciate the asaistance and co-operation of ita readers in the matter of Heins of interest. Local news, personals, wed- dings and anything of -di local nature will he published with pleasure. Send In your news ksnis 20% Advance in Freight Rates. • Acting on a report prepared, by the board of railway commissioners, an order-hocouncil has been passed in- creasing freight rates to an, amount sufficient to meet the increas'ed oper- ating cost itnposed on the railways by the new wage schedule. The increase will average about 20%. The con- stitn:ormweTdig illpraaytnlie increase. D • Reader, when you are preparing: to come to town to do some trading, just pick up your home paper, glance at thT adgertisink columns and see who wants the trade, We gaurantee they will save you money, The Mali who advertises certainly has inducements to offer you or he wouldn't ask you to call and see him before buying. Using Hydro Power ' Volume II, of the Tenth Annual Report of the Hydro -Electric Power Commission ,shows that 143 Ontario municipalities are now using hydro wirer, their net debt being only 75 per cent of the total plant value :old the balance being cared for out of earnings, l'he accumulation of re- serves and surplus amounts to 85,980,55'L19, Vindicate His Credit The printer's dollars -where are they? A dollar here and dollar there, scattered over numerous small towns all over the country, miles and miles apart- how shall they be gathered together? Come here, ye truants, to thy father's house ye are wanted. 'Come here in single file by columns or platoon -so that the printer may send thee forth again, to battle for hint and vindicate his credit. Read- er, if you discover a stray dollar and ti -half around p/ur premises, • send plaecs to put him. him home tenderly. We have many Scotch, Doubles The following is the draw for the week starting July 22nd: - Hovey and l'ollock won from Hey. or end Hunniford Johnston and Cooper won from Libby and Pennebaker 23-11. Axon and Draper won from Bry- done and Tomlin tt Ball end Hall won from Grant .1.1 Stothers 11 to 9. McPherson and Gilchrist WW1 front Jackson and Pollock 1-0. Nediger and Rancewon from Mil- ler and Harland 17 -to, Morrish and Down won from Sharp and Shaw 17-8. Stevenson and Tucker against Shaw and Manning 0-0, Wiltse and Flynn won front AleMur- chie and Reed 18-16. Wiseman and Hardy won from Har- land and Jackson 1-0, Queen's Park Gossip Ontario's population, according to figures of the registrar -general's de- partment, increased by 109,285 from 1913 to 1916. Of this increase 99,- 285 is in Toronto, The population of the province was 2,776,885 in 1 916. Figures for 1917, not yet available are expected to show an increase over 1916. Births in 1916 were 65,264, Marriages have de- creased since 1913, which year had 3,597 more than 1916, ln 1914 there were 24,245 inarriages while in 1915 there were 23,506 and 1916 23,40t, One hundred thousand is now the total of Ontario's registered and operating motor cars, Of this total, powered commercial vehicles form but a very sniall proportion; slightly exceeding five per cent. Tor- onto's contribution to the total regis- tration is approximately 20,009, or 20 per cent. 'Last year 78,193 Cars in. all were licensed In the Province, the year showing a growth. of 28 per cent . Complete figures for the cur- rent year will more than double the aggregate fOr 1516; which ' was 52359. W„,HOGINS,, .t STRATFORD, DEAD Was ,.Rectorof Leading Parishes in Huron Digeese and late Chapliait of 33rd Huron' Regiment Stratford, July 29. -Rev. James khetigins, until recently the rector of St. PituPs church died after an illness extending over many months. He re- ceived ,his education at the Western Univehity" add Huron College, London being ordained deacon in 4883, and priest in 1884, 'After remaining at his first charge, -that of Bayfield for five years, Mr. Ilbdgins went to Seaforth. Here lie, remain ecf trona 1888 to 4903, and then removed to Chatham where he rot:mimed four Years, He was rural dean oflitircin duaing iris stay 11 Sea - forth. Duritag his stay in Heron Co., he Was Chaplain of the 33rd Huron Regi. -ile•went from Chatham to Strat ford as rector of St, , PauPs church, He Preached his farewell Seidlion here on The anniversary of itis coming, January 'George. Edgar Whitney, brothel' of the late • Sir James Whitney, former pventicr of Ontario, died et Oxford Lake, Des. Ile had been in falling health for, some Moe. 400,01,0000000400000.0.00449.,e4 Over The Tacup up ov0.60,96110906.0.-0000'00.,009000; Miss Edna West, of Preston, was a visitor during the past week rdith her old girl friends. ' • Mr, Simon Grant, Of Brussels, was a' visitor with his nephew, Mr. Wm. Grant this week, Mr Yeo of Goderch, was calling on his oid friend, Rev.• Mr. Snowden, last Friday afternoon, • Miss Barbara Mclvor has been spend- ing part of her vacation "down oo the farm ' at Kippen, • . Miss Sloman, of W, C. Brown's Dry Good Store, returned to work Saturday 'after her holidays: Alvin Leonard is spending a couple of •weeks with reltttives in and around Bright and Brantford, Miss Jean Morris, of Detroit, is spending her vacation with her parents Mr, and Mrs, .A. Morris,. Mrs, J. Crich and Mrs, Holloway and children, were the guests of Mrs, E. Epps at Varna last week. Miss Olive Johnston, a cousin 65 Dr. Thompson, is visiting with her friend, Mrs, Fred Leonard. Miss Mabel Cray, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 13, 0, Foote, at the Baptist parsonage, Er. and Mrs, Kay and daughters, of Lapeer, Michigan, are visiting with relatives and friends in town. Mrs. Lack. Kennedy returned to her home in Detroit this morning af- ter spending a month in town Mr. and Mr§, Chesney, of Sertfortb, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. H. Plumsteel one day last. week. Miss Walkinshaw, of the W. C. Brown Staff, is spending her holidays visiting with friends at Blyth. Mrs. Steep of Toronto, is visiting her brother, Mrs, Fred, T. Jackson. aniden:sint,‘lre. 11, Coats, of Ottawa, th ther r,eInviti.'es in the vicinity. Mr. Chief Dominion Co Statistician and n - troller of the Census, is visitiug old fre. R, Rowland, Miss Logan and Ans. W. R. Counter and -Master Nor- man, left far Baytield this mornin, to speriticissG aiclocp telth. Aiamer, to was teach- ing at Onuscl last week has accepted a position as teacher. at Tisdale, Sash We wish her success. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs, Mrs. ?hos, Trick and Mrs. Geo, Roeincr and rou motored to Tiverton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Hawke. Rev. and Mrs, A, E. Jones and daughter, Madeline, leave this week and will holiday at Grand Bend and other points for a month. Mrs. (Rev.) .Diehl and Master Louts returned to their home in Paisley. af- ter spending a month with the tomer's mother, Mrs, Id McGarva. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Irwin and Miss Agnes. of London, and Dr. and Mrs, Wallace Irwin, of Moose Jaw. were calling on old friends on Monday, Mr, Charles Forbes, one of the me. chanical experts of the Royal Flying Corps at Beamsville, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. A, Forges. Miss Marion Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Watson, of Seaforth, and niece tit Mrs. W. 0. Fair, of town, had her arm fractured. when cranking car, Miss Peggy Foley and Misses Betty and Elva Brown, of Toronto, were week -end vsitors with Mrs. J. 'Crich. The Misses Brown are sisters of Mrs. Crimelitis Richards, of Stratford, who has been visiting Mrs, .A. F. Cudinore, re- turns home this week, Miss Margaret Cudmore will return with her to the Classic City. ' Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Ta,ylor and Miss Dell, of Tornto, are spending the week in town, They came via. London by motor and spent a short time on Monday with Rev, and Mrs, Allinitt Ilderton. Mr, W, J. 'Cooper has gone to To- ronto to reside with his son, Fred, at 21 McGill st. His son, George E. Coo- per has rented Mr, Cooper's homestead on Bond st Mr. Cooper now has his sons, Amos and Fred living in Toronto also his only dautghter, Lucy, Rev. W. E, Millson, oflistowel, and well known to the people of the Meth- odist churches, has received the in- vitation to succeed Dr, liaztewood as Field Secretary under the department social service and evangelism of the Methodist Church of Canada, in a recent letter to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Grigg, Pte, Hugh B. Grigg writes that it is not necessary to send sugar 10 th.e soldiers in France as there is ample supply as far as the soldiers are concerned. They have lots of good strengthening food, bacon, cheese, marmaitide, mad other .things ibut of course Hugh was pleased to re- ceive dainties Hut his mother was ,blit to send. Mrs, Sharman Is visiting In SI, C011. ittlns. Miss An Mee Bartlilf is 'visiting old f4len3s at London, Miss Mary Taylor' has.accepted position In l'oronto, Mk, A, Hemphill, of Hensel], was a visitor In town on Friday, Mr. ,Il. Seott, of Seaforth, was a caller in town int Tuesday evening, MI, William &lomat' left hist week to help in the harvest ln the west, 'Mrs, j, Seeley and children were visitors with old friends at Varna last week, w, P. Shillingion of South Bella, Ind„ was calling on friends In town lInt Friday. Mrs, Annie Varcoe, of Toronto, IS visiting her paresis, Mr, and Mrs, E. Rathwell, Blytit Standard: -Miss Livermore; of Clinton, is the guest of her cousin Miss Susie Fawcett. Mn. and Mrs, J. K, Raker, of Ethel, were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. C. Hoare. - Non, Drj D. Re id HON. DR, J. Et., NEW, Minister of Rait-' wn, "."4's order for 0. N. R. con. sou, • ., Sete Vancoliver island '• „,, to procea • ALL PAPER Tbursday, Augtist 1St) 1918. Meets every requirement 9 interior deetarati09 Meetit effectively, WIVES Are frequently proud ef their rooms awl delight more in their homes. HU SBA N DS Are relleVed in not a few gases at the price4"aur- ' Prised at the effect, AND WE • Happy in having satisfied CUStosne:re, pleasant and profitable business. IT IS FREQUENTLY SO AFTER: A VISIT TO OUR WALL PAPER DEPARTMENT The W. De Fair Co Often the eheapest-Atways the et Mee A Tested Lens ----- An Accurate Shutter - Ample Operation. -- Good Pictures - wesnosuat enat15 All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures With aKodak or Erownie. We have them from $1.00 up, Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results -4 Despensing Chernist 21237ZSMIME3=2=22=012522aszataziam&snhiihntinIMIntEngtia The Feature2o Our F. e 'Pt.) which we invite special attention 711'1' i 19 beatify, its assured comfort, Its solid coLetructten, and Us below the pain. Any One of. these point would he suilieient to earn it your preferenee, . When they aro all cont- inued we fuel nitre yOtt will real,tte that this is a furnit tare buying ()ppm, futility you cannot itiford to ignore, J%5"3 DUNFC RD unnerlaker and Funeral Director. Phone 254, Night and Sunday Culls :town ered ot Residence over stoim ees.aaeeateatte,......tette,==.,,...Oouta Pack Y re Troubles in your cdd Kit Bag and Smile is the slogan of the Boys at the Front and we must do likewise in the using of Wheat Substitutes. We will have. in stock this week the Necessary Substitutes at Popular Prices. Corn Flour; Barley Flour; Rye Flour; Rice Flour; Corn Meal; and Oatmeal GET YOUR SUPPLIES AT OUR STORE ONE HOUR SPECIAL -7.30 to 8.30 ONLY Between 7.30 and 8.30 p. in., Saturday, we will put on sale at Special price a 16 oz. Package of Seeded Raisins for 110e BETWEEN HOURS MENTIONED ONLY 2 PACKAGES 15 LIMIT WITH YOUR ORDER • HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nuntiker 8-7241 ett' TERMS -SETTLEMENT OF ALL ACCOUNTS TWICE A MONTH -PHONE allo. PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO L - The Corner Grocery "IIVE AND LET E T us install a COAL OIL HEATER in connection with your bathroom. Enough hot water for a bath in 20 minutes for the small sur" 1 CENT. Call and get prices on Ileatek?'s. Thos.ilawkins Phone 53 Agent for HECLA Furnaces Shop -over Rowland's liKordware Piping And Fittings Always On Hand. Canada produced 55 per cent of all the sharpnei; 42 per cent, of all the 4.5 inch shells and 27 per cent. of all the 6 -Inch shells used by the British army est year, That is an achievement of which every Condi:in has a tight to be proud. t Major 'rho). Roosevelt, Jr., Son .•1 the'fbrmer United Stdtes President has been slightly wounded and is iu hoSpital Paris. Canada's revenue front April 1st to July 10111 totalled $74,000,o00, pared with ;l69,000,000 in the carrc. poudimg• period 'Iasi year, WE SELL ALL THE Breakfast Foods all the Dinner & Supper 'FOODS SPECIALS ORANGES LEMONS flANAI BERRIES NEW (Jr. NEW POTAlrik Tf9AIA2 E. E. Hanniford BUTTER and EGGS WANTED Canadian Food Control License No, 8-3123. PliiiONt 45 NEW SCHENULE Trains from East. Arrives 11.10 a m. Leaves 41.10 Arrives 6.08 p.m. Leaves 6.45 p.m, Arrives 41,18 pan Leaves 11.18 pan Trains from West rrives 6.18 a.m. Leaves 6.18 tan. Arrives' 2.58 p.m, Loaves 2,58 pan Trains from North Arrives '7.33 ams; Leaves 7.50 ion. arr1/-. 4 44 pan, Leaves 4.1.5 pm :us from South 0 ' ,m. Leaves 11-11 A.M. ,013. LedVe11 6.40 p,in