HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-8-1, Page 6fe
Ir •
Qt1r.W�y�atches;,are ,
inade of the Vest ,;tnta-
'teriai, beautifully fin-
fished annd • • stoutly
constructed. Every-
thing insures perm-
:ancy and accuracy.
postively LOWEST
on the market, and
•our guarantee the .
Select your watch
from us.
c k1c.blf a Vaq May 1
Ascher 4 Marriage 'Licenses
Sia .Pupils Pass From Clinton C. 1.
The candidates named below ,front
'Huron 'County have passed the mid-
-die school examination for entrance
Oro the Normal schools,
Successful 'candidittes who desire to
attendthe coating session of the Nor -
r uiat' schools are advised that their
application for admission must he
made to. the deputy registrar of
"education not later than Tuesday,
It August .20. The Normal schools will
•amen on September 17,
The following pupils trot„ Clinton
Cri1eg1ate pitssed:-
• li, Y, Armstrong
C. IN, Jervis
- L, Livermore (Honors)
C. O., McGill
C.., 1. -Sheeley
V, .1. Snyder.
Those from Huron County who
.passed are:--- •
1..'.'V, Armstrong, L. 0. Adams, J. S.
?Bogie (with L. S. 'Ar(.),M; B. Beech
ter, L. Chesney (honors), G. E.
'Coates, G. M. Craich (honors), l. -?l.
r4�2•E�ItILY AND
Far fibre ei obi than 9ticity Ply
Catchers',' Cjea» to handle, Sold by
1 ruggiete and Grocers everywhere,
Crosier, G, 0. Duncan, F, Deen, G. A.
0, Franck, 1. Goldthrope, It M,
Goodwin (honors), J, A, Hume, M.
0, Harvey, E, P. Ilulne (with L. S.
Arith.) M. A, Hayes (honors) M. M,
Harrison, C M. Jervis, 0, 0 Kaer-
cher,''D, E. (Luntz, V. Kilpatrick,
(honors) 13, S, Livermore (honor's)
' A,' I1. MacQuarrie, C, O. McGill, 0,
fC. MacKay, M, 1, McQuaid, J.
McMillan, G. F., Pocock, D. B. Ross
I (honors) M, T. Ross with 1, S. Art,)
' G. G- Ross, J, F, Rae (with L. S.
Geog), li. M. Stewart (with L, S.
I Art.) 0, i,'Sheeley, V, J, - Snyder,
1 V. Stewart, 13. Wallace, E, M , Wag -
horn (honors), 0, .1, Walker,
Entries Close for Big Event ,With Sec-
'reti,ry ,Creech on August 6, at 8 p. m.
The .8th annual bowling tourney at
Exeter will start on Wednesday Au-
gust 7th,
Entries must be made with the sec-
retary before 8 o'clock on Tuesday
evening, August ¢, and the draw will
appear in the London Free Press on
August 7, in the morning edition, I
'Mere are et 01 the finest bowling •
greens in Ontario available as well as
up-to-date electric llgthing for play at
night; i
London Free Press trophy -Open to.1
four players of the same club, This is!
a handsome silver cup, donated by The
London' Free Press,. to' be `held one
year, and becoming the property of the
club winning the same three times also I
first prize, four handsome mahogany
pedestals; second prize, four beautiful.
cut glass flower baskets. '
South Huron trophy -Donated by J.
J. Merner, -M, P., and H. Enter, Ai, P.
P. Open to other than prize winners
in the first event. Conditions as for
Free Press trophy. First prize, four
portable electric table lamps; second
prize, four.i2-inch table mirrors,
Major W. J, Neaman trophy -Do-
nated by Major Neaman, Open to other
than prize winners in the first and
second events Conditions as for the
other trophies. First prize, four ma-
hogany tea frays; second prize, four
Westinghouse electric irons,
Umpires: W, Lane, of Goderich; J, F.
Bovey, of Clinton; W. Ainent, of Sea -
forth; R, Northgrave, of St. Mary's; A.
M. Beaman, of London Thistles; James
Bell, of . London; Father Forester, of
Ridgeit)wn; S. Mallion, of Stratford; U.
Ross, of Brussels; G, E, McTaggart, of
Blyth; A. Whitesides, of Nensalt; M.
Durkin, of Mitchell; G. Lochhead, o'l
Atwood; "T, Oke, of London; and A.
Climbers, of Aylmer.
I. Locai
vvvrrrrrvYVYvvym rv!rryvvrvr!„rvVVYVVVY'i'sra'vv�'o IFVVVs
Minor t;ocale
I !t rained Mvnday, �` MEN AND EVENTS *
a., ii a dp .g 4i .,:,�., .*. .34, g
* 0 N * * • 4 * * ti' * 9
Council will meet on Tuesday.
Monday will be Clinton's Civic
I The. bowling greeji has s coiiter
whose love for the bowls and the kit
never appear to wane;"
Caterpillars on Trees.
Myriads of caterpillars are r
ported; to be climbing local shad
trees with• the promise of doing
great deal of damage. It has "bee
recommended that the trunks of 'tl
trees be ,painted with some stick
substance as a preteutative. In D
trait, owners put stick fly paper
round the trunk, which Is 'an e
fective means of combatting the ca
War Anniversary,
The Ontario Government ,hall is
sued a royal proclamation calling up
on 'the people of' the province to of
serve 'fittingly the fourth auniverser
of the declaration of war by Gre
Britain upon Germany. The proci;
motion advises holding of public mee
ings everywhere throughout the pro
i wince for tin purpose of strengthen
int; the national will to victory an
passng resolutions reflectng 'the de-
termination of the people of Opted
to continue whole-heartedly in 'sup
port of the tear until 'Germany is. de
teated` and truth and Justice prevail.
4 „ it* ?ti 1, 43 s. if k
'* Blyth Sept, 23, 21
Brussels ,., Sept i7, 18
CLINTON MARKETS . . +r Dungannon Oct: .3; -4
" Fordwich' , ...-. ,..:.Oct. 5
lags ... , ..... .. $1 800 " Goderich Sept. 25-27
(gutter 4oc 0 London(Western .F.)Sept, 6-1d
'Bgg 5 .. .. ..... 4A-4 , Ripley Sept. 24, 25
,,`ks']teat $2.10 Seaforth . Sept, 19, 20
j. " is fiats . 75 to SOc 'Toronto , . Aug, 24 to Sept, 9
' Dariey $1.00 •r Wingham Oct. 8, 9
7iucklvheat $1.00'* Zurich Sept, 58, 19
t Vey • $9,10 '' Bayfield Oct, 1, 2
:ceras $45 t =r* v e a ,, a> 43 W a
Be a Booster.
`The. American Lumberman has sort
timely advice on this subject that is a
applicable 111 our town as auywher
else, it says. that if you vane to se
this town grow you should reinembe
that you are a 'part of it and that it
growth depends as much on you a
on your neighbors. DAn'e g'et th
idea that the future prosperity of.thi
town rests with a few, for it is th
business of the many. Above al
don't criticise those who are building
up the community and do nothing
yourself. They at least have the
proper spirit and just ,aslong as yo
t Anyone losing his or her certificate,
must at once, not later than the day
afer loss is discovered, apply for. new
certificate at the post office. Under no
conditions can. anyone fail to have in
his or her possession a certificate of
registration, as the law does not allow
anyone to supply meals, lodging or
transportation facilities to any person
not aIle to produce such certificate
when required to do so, the only ex-
ception being transportation by street
cars or-fratii cars.
Local Merchants' Opportunity
t❑ conversation with a weekly news-
paperman a few days ago the. repre-
sentative of a Toronto firm expressed
the opinion that the day of the town
merchant had returned if he only real-
ized it. He pointed out the cost of do-
ing business in lie lig cities had mount-
ed so high during the past three years
that the departtneutel stores could no
longer afford to give real bargains any.
more, but that the -country merchant,,
whose costs have not risen in propor-
tion, could undersell the big fellow on
almost any article. • This seems to be a
well founded statement, for. a few
weeks ago the wife of a wage-earner in
a nearby town wanted to get a suit of
clothes for her little boy. She first
visited the local stores that sell that
class of goods, examined the quality
and got prices. She saw an ad. of the
departmental Store making a special
sale of boys' suits :and she went to the
city next day intending to take advan-
tage' of the bargain. In the depart-
mental store she found prices much
higher for a poorer quality of goods.
As a result she bought her boy a suit
at the local store, This is an actual
happening. But country merchants
have get into a rut and it is really
doubtful if they will wake up a1, take
full advantage of the opportunities that
present themselves today. The war,
which has turned everything upside
down, has created opportunities at
every turn, By intelligent, up-to-date
newspaper advertising the local mer -
0 al Anthem," , P g he gives value and
lives up to his advertising, can. greatly
• ' increase his business. Under present
HON. P. E. BLONDIN, Postmaster Gen-
eral for Canada who has been ap--
' pointed to fill tile' vacancy, In the
Senate caused by the death of Sen-
ator Shehyn of Quebec
Don't Lose Registration Cards
Parents whose children will reach
the age of sixteen within.the next
month or . so must take them to • the
postoftice and have thein registered at
(ire. earliest possible date. This pro
vision of the Registration'Act Is motgenerally known. Parents failing to
have their children register, - even if
they reach the age of id only a month
or two after the'present date, may be
subjected to much annoyance and
trouble, The Registration Act also
r provides that persons who were too ill
s to leave their homes before June 22nd
s or were otherwise legally prevented
e from calling at a registration office can
s comply with the law by registering at
e the postoffice as 50017 as they are able
1 to do so. The losing of a registration
certificate, though lack of proper per -
caution or care, may under certain
conditions, be considered as a serious
u offence and dealth with acocrdingly.
deny them your support, just tha
much harder their work will be. Be
a booster for'the town .and lend your
co-operation to those who had the
nerve to start first. It is never too
earl' to start and it is never too late
to begin,
Before leaving Wyoming for lider-
ton Rev S. J, and Mrs. Allen (formerly
of Clanton) were presented with a
purse of $50,00 as a mark of apprecia-
tion. The Enterprise s;ieaks of it as
follows; -The capacious and comfort-
able home of F, E: and Mrs, Rice, was
the scene of a pleasant assemblage of
about 60 members of the Methodist
congregation who assembled Wednes-
day evening for the -purpose of spend-
ing a last evening together and saying
farewell to their beloved pastor, Rev,
S, J. Allen' and his anniable wife on
the eve of their departure to their new
appointment, The company gathered
in the parlor and Ellerby Steadman,
who presided, called or Mrs. C. Bier
for n piano solo, which was followed
by a duet from F. E, Rice and Mrs.
Bier, and a piano solo by Miss AlmaHallam A kindly framed address was
then theread by Miss Adeline Steadman,
accompanied by the presentation of an
envelope by Miss Alma Hallam contain-
ing 350.00 contributed by those pres-
ent Rev, Allot made a very felicitous
reply expressive of their appreciation
e of the kindness and goodwill evidenced
* by the large representation present,
and regret at parting, He believed
that they had been guided by Provid-
enca, in .having built the new church
•Fas,,,t lear,at'such a comparatively small
cost which if erected now would cost
at least' 82:000 more. Though absent
z' they would continue their interest in
°F - the inc eased prosperity of the Wy-
° outing congregation, itefresments were
served and short complimentary ad-
dresses were given after which a friend
ship circle was formed surroundiiig
0' the guests of honor end a pleasant
i' social event brought to a close by sing-
ing "Auld Lang Syne" and the "Nation -
chant rovidin
We cordially invite you to our Garage where we are specially
equipped to extend'prempt and efficient Service.
A fuii zine of accessories and repairs. carried
Overhauling and Painting our 'Specialty.
Plume SO AU 3TOOOBILE LIVERY' I-Iotise Phone 140
lieycles;. and 1[epairing iicy'cle art i .general. repaifing daft by
COI/ 'IpetenQuickSet vice always;
11.4;ifiAir.HPlq 1110ADSTEtt,
!normal conditions, more so than for
1 years, the town merchant has his op-
portunity to grasp what logically
should, be Ilk owu.-(Walkerton Tele-
'I'he following candidates front Hut -
on 'Countyhavepassed or more parts
of the upper school examination for
entrance into the faculties of education
at the University of Toronto and
Queen's University. Successful condi-
dates who. desire to attend tine coming
session of either faculty of education,
should apply to the dean of the univer-
sity selected for application forms and
all other information: Appeals from
unsuccessful candidates who have been
given leave to appeal by tiie appeal, ex-
comers will be received up' to Sept
ember 1st, if aocompsnied by a fee of
$2 or up to;Sptennber to, accompanied
by a fee of. $5.
The Clinton pupils ores-
.. Cantelon, Part 1.
E, Churchill, Part i,
M. M, `F,dmunds, Part
J. P, S. Ferguson, Part -11.
L, A, MacKay, Part 11,
Ruttt. P. Mceiath, Part i,,
B. P, Scott, Part 11 (honors),
J. R, Taylor; Part 1 (honors)
14. 0, Ulntan, '•Part L
W .W, Ament.(Pt, 11.), W, 0. Arm-
strong '
rm-strong' (Pt. 11,), 11, Cantelon (Pt L),.
liChurchill (Pt 1.), D, 0, Douglas ('P1.
11) M, F; Edge (Pt, 11,, honors), M: M.
Edmunds (P.t. l,) J, P. 5, Ferguson
(Pt. 11,), J, H,'Geddes (Pt, 11, honors),
N. A. Gracey.-(Pt, IL), 0, 11, Johnson
(Pt, II.), L, IL Johnston (Pt, 1, hon.),
13, J, Larkin (Pt,. 11.), A, 11, Macllwen
(Pt. I.), J. M. MCl:W1n (Pt. i, honor's)
1.0 13. McIGnley (Pt, II„ honors) L C.
i Miller (Pt 1., honors), L, A Maclay
: (Pt 11 ), M; A, Nicholson (Pt 1 ), 0,
Al Pinder (Pt. I,) A. 1). Rankin (Pl.
11 ), 1 P, Scott (Pt, 1I., honors) L W.
I Turnbull (Pt. 11, with Pt, 1., Eng Lit.
), M, B, ;Turnbull (Pt, 11,, horrors). J.
11 'Taylor (Pt, 1, !femora), M,.1). Ulivatl
(Pt, 1,), 11 (3 Weller (Pt. IL).
'l'liurstiay, Allg'ti
i si, 191a,
From $nfrering by Getting
Pittsburgh, Pa, -0 Far manerenonehs,
I. eves not able to do my work Owing to
41(40 galled .111Y
Attentiddtb one 'Of
your newspapser
advertisemente and
'V t able Cent-
ppuod.for rete.
After taking 'tevo
betties felt Cne
nd my troubles caused by that weak-
ness are a thing of he past. All worneti
JAs. Ronetenno, 620 Knapp
Women ,vello,SUfferfrom any, form of
'ithe blues," should accept MrS. Rohr -
berg's euggestion and, stye Lydia p.
thorough trial.
For oyer forty yeast; it has been
correcting such ailments. If you' have
mysterious Complleatione write. ,for
advice to Lydia '11k Pinkhate Merlieine
The Canada Plax Milt Co. has in the
vicinity of Seaforth 61 0 acres of flax
and Mr, J, J. Merner has several -hun-
dred aores in addition,
C. W. McRae and daughter, of Hie
Canadian Sault, are here on a holiday
visit with II. and Mrs, Mathers, Ether.
vale, Mr. McRae is City Treastirer.
He was a former resident of NItirris
township, .
390 boxes of tlie June make of
'cheese were shipped from Silver Cor-
ners factory, Grey Township to R.
Johnston, Woodstock. Price was 23'
Last week the Trustee of the
Miller school, 5th line, Morris engag-
ed the Capable services of Miss Amy
Roe, Brussels, as teacher for the ccmi-
ing year, at a salary of $625.00, Miss
Roe has met with splendld success in
her work and will no doubt co»tinue
it in her new post.
'rhe Howick• Township Council at"
its last meeting granted $100 to the
Gorrie Patriotic Sewing Circle. for
which the Society are very thankful.
John Alexander, the eldest son of
the late Alexander and Mrs, Parker,
passed away. The deceased was al-
most sixteen years of age, having been
born Jely 16, 1902. About three weeks
before his death 111 contracted rheu-
matic fever and in spite of all that
could be done for him he passed away.
MiSs Foley, of Bayfield; nes been
engaged by the trustees of S. S. -No.
6, Hay,. as teacher for the fall term,
her duties ta commence after the sum-
mer hoildeys.
Mrs. Thomas Penwarden, over 80
years of age, and Mrs, William Smith
a vicious cow on Senday evening, July
rowly escaped being gored to death by
The death oceurred in Victoria Hos-
pital London, on felomiay, 'July 220d,
of a well-known young man of Stephen
Township, in the pers,m of mr, Edwin
Triebner, SOD of Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Trielener of the 4th remeession at the
had been ill ofi' end on tor the past
four years.
The Colborne Towiiship vutere' lists
for t 9 1 8 were issued last week, being
first posted. on• the 25th of •July. There
are ‘1.05 voters eligible to Vote et both
municipal and legislative elections and
82 to vote ftt municipal elections only.
Aggregate number of persons to serve
on jury 336.
Thos. Stoners, the trustee of the
West Shore Railroad, and T G. Allen,
of Dungannon, and J, J. Hunter,. of
Kincardine, were' busy Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday tit last week in
connection with the auction sale of
the remaining material belonging to
the old road. J. J. Hunter, of Killeen -
cline, a good auctioneer, as well as a
good newspaper inan, received the bids
of those who took advantage of the
low prices prevailing for the ties, bri-
dge, trestle work, etc, A little over
62,000 was realized from the sale, All
that, ie left now as a menument to
Moyes' rascality is the greding and the
heavy tax bills every year. '
The ,50 acre farm of Victor Sperling,
12th Cott., 01 Grey, has been perches -
ed by Peter 13aker whose farm adjoins
the newly purehased propeety. -Price
was 32,600, This:will give Mr, Baker
a fine farm of 125 acres and. we hope
many a tine crop may be garnered.
Mr. Sperling expects to buy another
farm, probably 100 or 1 50 acres,
A Newspaper Bargain
The Clintoa Now Era is in a position
to offer residents of this section it real
bargain- in the way of newspaper's, We
have conducted an arrangement' with
the 'Validly Herald and WeeklY Star of
Montreal, by which we ban offer Oaf
great., Weekly and' The -INIeW' 'Era u ntil
January 1St, .1919, fot'..the small stint
of 51:00 in adVattee, ,
e The Family Herald publishers ate
offering $500 iu prizes for the best
suggestions to Improve that paper and
thwolTer is open to all its re:leers, Or-
ders for the twe papers may 'be left at
office of `ThO Now' Bra. '40 'emits gets
The Family Herald FOr balaece" of '1 914.;
LaSt Wednesday evening at
Baptist Parsonage 'by' Rev. E,
Porde, Mrs, Sarah Jordan and 3Mr.
John Brown were united i» marriage.
'the 'best 'wiShes are eetentled to the
bride and goalie •
Moen Evidertee
The caSe of W. T, Grieve vs the
Township Of thiliett/ was enlarged on
I3y investing in swine of the ollowing SPECIALLY PRICED" lines
of good etaple merchandise,
Prices two still advancing so don't fail to take advantage of those
low prices.
About 5 dos: work ehirts in blue, khaki and
black and white stripe Special Price
• 3 dos, carpenter's aprons, striped cottonade
at half the Price of material used, Each
30 pairs Womon's Split Oxfords solid leather shoe tt 1 1
Regular price 51.$0; Srecial price , , ... , ‘1, JLCF
1Viert's harvest hoots in Mule Skin,
.put leather, black or tem Special price , ....... , 4,4 4•41
2 doz. palirs Men's Trousers in striped Worsted $2.25
Special Price
Small Profite' Phone 25. More Busineee
Wedneseihy afternoon svhen Judge
Lewis heard some expert evidence
by Engineers, etc. He has reserved
his' decision, ,
Miss M, Straith,"representIng the'
Ontarlo.Government women's firm de-
partment, was 40 town last week look-
ing into' the farm labor, situation
this neighborhood and the opportuni-
ties for the employment of "farmere-
Hes.' Thottgh the fruits crop is par-
ticularly poor this season, and there
will not be Much demand for help in
the orchards, Miss Straith discovered
some • places in which women's help
may be welcomed at 'the right time,
May Cul Shade Trees for Fuel.
Action has been taken by the In-
gersoll Council to protect citizens 11
possible ip the matter of fuel supply
for the coming winter. immediate
action was deemed necessary owing
to the order of the Ontario Govern-
meot, which cuts off the gas sepply
from public buildings, stores and other
places. A committee was appointed
to investigate the fuel conditions and
report at the' next meeting of the
council. Members of the council ex•
pressed the (minion that the shade
trees of the town might advantageously
be reduc,ed and hundreds of cords of
wood provided by the process.
Calves for Sala
The undersigned has made arrange-.
enentS to handle a few. Shorthorn -grade
calves, lidar.,ell and April, is the ante
to secure them •as the supply is Ihnited
Phone -14 on 166 .• Clinton
A number of good reliable men can
secure steady employment 011 Munition
work, Apply. to,
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co,..
Seaforth, Ontario,
For Sale
A good frame barn 28x40. Apply to
We have afso secured a quantity of
A good two-story, eight roomed,
Choice Seed Corn in the following
frame house on Townsend Street;
heated by Pomace; good cellar; soft varieties;
and town water in house, with bath- SELECTED YELLOW LEAM1NG
room, pantry and summer kitchen,
good garden; barn and chicken house.
Excellent location. Apply on premises
tee Mrs. B. A, McDonald.
Bought and Sold at Market Prices
Delivered free of charge to the pur-
chaser or at his Bank.
VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 %
W. BRYDONE, 'Clinton
8 -roomed house, furnace and other
comfortable conveniences. Corner of
Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W.
Brydone, Clinton.
For office work at the Ford Garage.
Ape* to
Horses for Service
Form A 1. Enrolment No, 4881
Race rectord 2.06;4
The Grand Circuit Race and Show
Horse( 1st prize winner at Seatorth and
Clinton 1917 Spring Shows, The only
stable in the County, of Huron that
ever offered the services of a stallion
with a record of 2,.1 0 or better,
Elmer Diakson will stand at his own
stable, CornmerCial Hotel Barns, Blyth
with exception of, the following route:
MONDAY, -,Will leave his own stable
an dproceed to' Anburn foe noon thence
by way of Nile to a McNall's for night,
TUESDAY -Will proceed to Coe -
borne House, Goderlch, for noon, and
remain there until Wednesday boon:
WEDNESDAY- Will proceed bY
way' of Benntiller to Myth where he will
morning. .
proyeinent of stock this season aS fol.' ,
Stallion, Full brothel' 1.0) Duslyn 2.1 4 34
and Inez M, 2.17g., Was show 13
tiotes-1 4 times first and once second,
, Form Al. Eneolvecnt No. 2936,
The Standerd Bred Show and Trotting
Ike Medium will stand for the Ire-
,l'HURSDAY -Will leave his own '
le Blyth and proceed North to Bel- ,
for noon; then to the Farmers' f
Ai WIngharn, for night, 1
ts for noon; thenee 10 Gordon Mc- ';
ald's Hotel, Brussels, for night. I
,4A FUEDAN ,--. Will proceed to his
own stable, Blyth, where he will remain
until . the following Thursday morning,
Por Further perticulars and terM
thas0 well bred horSes Sea bills or
and also .
As the season ,has arrived for the
M'hiCII we are selling at reasonable
Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Hull
Choice) and .also our usuai line of
Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed,.
Phone 19g ReR,i.1141.... on 14
, • ,•i•
Offers you, and all the family the outing
of your life, ,
Modern hotels afford city comforts bin
many prefer to live lit tent or lag
cabin -your choice at. reasonable
Secure your Parlor or Sleeping car
accommodation in advance,
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Tleket Agent, or C. 0. Horning,
District Passenger Agent, Torohto.
ger and Tiekot A gents. Inane
Women are.the greatest sufferere front
weak, 'lame and netting backs owing to
the continual stooping, bending and lift-
ing so neeeseary to perform their house -
Women should not despair evon if they
ftro,teoublect th severe pains in. the side
or back, and not able 1 attend to 1 lesee
delaeqe,Imi,01 3110jr le•ed to do to make the
bouts strong and. well again is to etimu-•
late the kidneys with Dean's Ridoey
Mrs. John Sinunotte, Coleman, P.m",
writps feel it my duty to recommend.
Doan's Kidney Pills to easy one having
weak kidneys, as they have itcen of great,
help to tr.
Somo tune men my kid, e
I had awe
and it was
to bed,
sent f
1 too'