HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-8-1, Page 31 t ' ' mage Rrbree • wE rbul;T y WANT !. modt economical. ',Pkatv hoe been so often that y logo CHICKENS .CCi 4 ,See and here our finest land Now to Web pereonar-•If you would ALBERT ST +�3.�.1[NT N t k; Each week it our Poultry !� Woman's j Footling Plant for the balance 'A itpgip"dens { of i9is, Prices paid according to quality and fancy prices paid aro lightened when she turns to the r! ht for large properly fattened milk luediolne, If her exiatenee is made gloomy by the chroulc weaknessoe, deli. fed chickens, Cate demngemonts; slid painful diaorder� paid our piiicee were unfair that afflict womankind she will And a'a:liof W'1 LAID EGGS_ • and omauefpation from her troubles In Dr. Plerce'a Favorite Prescription, If Wa e4uift'tex she's overworked, nervous, or (`run- Meatlessdays, ire rxaking dou n,,J e finds now life and strength. she1. h. . gs t�,` veryhhgi.pfo-egs 'Al- c Ingain prices, 'are' high It'sa powerful; mvigorating tone andices nervine which was discovered and usedveru by an eminept phye'ieian :far many years, i' H wiil; pay you to' take special inhis large !nodical 'practice among care of your stock of hens and women. For young girls just entering puh`ets: womanhood; for '%Yemen in middle life, Y� the ('Favorite proserlptfon+' is the .only 1 --' medicine put up without a3cohol, and run GOADo lois & Coll,. 'Limited bo had In tablet as well as Uquid•form. It's 'for y not a secret r' Ii eschriptiort its' ih- _ f -t0- to Firm it., t1a grodlents are printed on wrapper.- Send•' 100 for trial package to Ur. 'V. lQ,; Piereei '.H'o .. IqvallirtA tel,,tSarginal Iiietltytef,'13nf C;(iuton 'jBrsancli , I'linrte 19tD falo; �T, Y:;.or branch in Bridgeburlg,+Out; tharltona -, "NV'heni 2r .� ' N. W. Trewartha, Manager rough n1 ¢ig, !ifs, as• , u%eti•e'Z7iss'"o this -kind; I',bogah to, fill IliLeiltht' t. or Holmesvilie R on 442. Lad severe `pMus In rn§iliead;'@ills- a iiille, a , my :back oohed' and Thad listed in tnly aide'.. 1 bic0 who very.' weak andnervous. AA4AA't 4asAbAAAaAAAAAAA1AA I took.; medkou;e 'Without:, getting relief t► until •T` took Dr• j'ierce'e •'Pavoliit'e'pre a. !. modt economical. ',Pkatv hoe been so often that y -ono as painless no poeaible. .CCi 4 ,See and here our finest land Now to Web pereonar-•If you would ALBERT ST +�3.�.1[NT N t New. Stylish designs of General Banking 'I�UaRnmata Don't be tempted to cbuoso cheap jewelery. 'Far better to pay a fair Doherty Pianos and o. pride and know .exactly What von Organs, Drafts leaned. Interest showod r etre getting, t paid our piiicee were unfair ,i -special Values Dm Art r Wa e4uift'tex Cases p Rare$ and Isolated Town Prnlit, P'41108 .and organs relit aor eed. Choice new Edison Phonographs, Music & Y� variety goods. A� sua�ta` iia°118)(61"P 76!!4 R s9 �; Hoare �I g a OYIl°'+J�'"ac•zrrfl�Rrw®vCvrvcv'tr 6W!'v"Yv Mi6'AW�,F'+.+'e,,,.°VMAfAeAb14@M�!� x4r'nBvP'vVM'odRd! 4 PLUMBING, ROOFING T R 0 U G H i N G AND p FURNACE WORK ALL KINDS OF PUMPS ON HAND ELECTRIC WIRING ' t� AND FIXTURES Call or Phone for prices idpyaM00-C., Sutter Phrinbers and Electricians Phone 7. wvvve�wvm,vtrs,r serf? tion-andand this 0d61ne"..b ilhlt me u P to h ealth a d toe n h n 'r . n s a d I cover illi t ou h f� g 11tis erJtiegl pe;hod rn ,a' good healthy state • Women • will; End. Dr: Pieroa's Favorite •;Prescr 01011 Tory •helpful dur. fogs this.. laying Limo„':'-Maa:::Sailea Ceras; 306 Robiml Ave, There' is 'a famine in laundry soap in Copenhagenand other Danish cit- ies,:, Practically none can.now be pur- chased, -though the shop windows are fail of fancy toilet, soap.' Very little fat is available in ,the country for the manufacture of soap, and there is also a -shortage of caustic soda, potash and other ingredients, cW. flb4t11':)fs'oft. RAHUNTRYI BOL'IOT,Taif, NOTARY I'U131.40, ETO ..� G f Nq`data T. RANCE Notary Public. Couveyaneer, Rinancia) and Real i:et.o.t., INSURANCE &GENT—nepresencins 14 Piro in onranoo Oompanias, 1)lvi,iotn Court Office. PIP -no Tuning Mr, James Doherty wishes to In- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing, Orders left at W, Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention, H, G Capuron, KX. Barrister. SolicUor, Oonvoyanver, lite 0I1i1e on Albert trset, acr upied l y 5rr. Hooper, In Olinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. C:ffice boors from 9 a.m. to B p m. A gooli vault in connection with the office. Oifive open every week day, Mr. Hooper will (nuke any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron. Mt'•f„tF',-•a1, DR. J. C. GANDIER Office at Residence, Victoria Street Clinton, — — Ontario DR. W. GUNN Dflice at Residence Corner Iligh and Kirk Streets. Minton,q.�-- �A, �iop��RXON— Ontario IBR. k. A. DFNTIST grown an,H urtdte •n'ork a Speelauys Iraduato of C.O,D.S„a Gbicaeo, and 11,0.,7.E Toronto. Sayne)d on lllonduva, Maat' AAR to 1: 95 R. it. Pow Liih, DENTIST. MACGINE1 FORMILKIidG Partlners Will Piud That They Are Very Profitable, TO HURT LA13OR SnORTAG6 1 OW to Prevent Bees Swarming -- Hints for tho Glardener and Daily. MAY, In. June -methods by Which to Destroy 'Troublesome Weeds. (Contributod,by OuGtrlo pepartmant or Agrleulture, 'roroato,) 1314 statement'that the milk_ iW.maahine, has nqW • bo - e, o a e.;practical o Jr}.r osl- P p 11n,can now be made With Considerable confidence. Practically all the 4444rd, wakes of, Mnach'AlAp sold', IA, tbliei the • Cheaper ones ,ar ,well 'is tue, more ,expensive, hese,.glying..gpod:.satisfaction In the ;hands, Of a great ”' mauy • dairyiiaea. 13itt • all machines are' acme W44t •colo ;iCgted, ; and, spirevrhat de'licate'of adjustment, so that to be needs of 1n 'tb'eae the of Its more. thn-A tb) rows, if being doubt fiii*ononty. to invest so much money =fit, bmrtllei bird. "It' meq also, be' dotrlitfit economy :to Instal this- nha- clifae Iiia herd of pure brads where much omcial test, work, 'involving Millitog tbree`'or more times per day, Is going dobe,—A, Letich,,, B.S.A„ Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, To Prevent !fees Swarming. June is the swarming . month and time'of supering for the main honey flow which begins between the 10th and the 20th of the month, depend- ing on the season and the latitude. Be sure to give supers enough to' avoid'any crowding which may cause the bees to become discouraged, quit work and swarm excessively. It should be the beekeeper's aim to prevent swarming As math an poa- stbls. This is done by keeping young queens, giving plenty of room and a systematic examinatton of brood - chambers to detect colonies whiten are preparing to swarm. When queen cells are found far advanced they should all be destroyed and the queen herself removed. After the colony has been queenless one week tine •ombs should again be examined and ail cells except one removed. This one will provide them with a queen and if only one is left they will not ;Warm again. Where an improvement of stock is desired the new queen may be glyeu instead of leaving one lueen cell. Natural swarms should be hived on :he old Stand after .removing the parent colony to one side, The Swarms should be given the supers From the old colony, New swarms work with great vigor because they nave no brood to care for during the 3rst week.. Colonies held together without swarming gather more honey :ban those which swarm, It is the reekeepera patriotic duty to reduce :he cost of honey production and thus AcreaSe the quantity he is called to )reduce as greatly as possible, They Liao Cause the beekeeper less trouble It unexpected times. This may be lone more by swarm prevention than n any other way. Bulletin 233 (On- arfo Department of Agriculture) .akes this matter up thoroughly and should be carefully studied by all ,eekeepers. — Provincial Apiarist, )ntario Agricultural College, Guelpb. taints For the Gardener. Thorough cultivation of the soil nust be practised in the garden. The ;ommon hoe, wheel hoe and the gar - ten cultivator should be kept going mmediatel.y after each rain. Tbs Eeed sown in the field should be thin - led carefully, giving each plant the tmount of space required for goad ,rowth. Use poison bran, Mash to t' h cu arm which will be ac. till out w c ive at this season, The asparagus bed should have the second applica- tion of 100 lbs, per acre of nitrate of sgda. All stocks should be cara- ally cut even it they cannot be used. ��1;w��br Pay Speeisl acre taken to make dental uer,t modt economical. ',Pkatv hoe been so often that y -ono as painless no poeaible. '�° p a "rJ a s` a'd.'bgart Bros, The Price THOMAS GIUNDRY land Now to Web pereonar-•If you would ALBERT ST +�3.�.1[NT N t five stork and general Auction )e- General Banking 'I�UaRnmata Don't be tempted to cbuoso cheap jewelery. 'Far better to pay a fair GODERIChi ONT 1�1,� pride and know .exactly What von balm etoaa sale& a apelUM11J. Oldols of . Drafts leaned. Interest showod r etre getting, NmwEns"Veca ellnton prom: vyatteanto. Terms reaeonah7e, 'b'mrmare• Hole tot paid our piiicee were unfair 'Yon will never be sorry --for as a dlseounted matter of money, it is easily the - - modt economical. ',Pkatv hoe been so often that p+ art itf.19.1rIo5Ta r G. D. McTag1, gg. .said everybody by this time should 'it '�° p a "rJ a s` a'd.'bgart Bros, know -*wand vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the ftlglWiiEli45 land Now to Web pereonar-•If you would ALBERT ST +�3.�.1[NT N t like to mise chat sort' altogether- COME HERE General Banking 'I�UaRnmata If you would• like to boy. where transactded -- aothing ]rut Illgh qualities are A (w dC)�AB DISbOiT1tRTRIT dealt in-�-GOME Drafts leaned. Interest showod r And even at that, no person ever deposits, - paid our piiicee were unfair The McKillutr Mutual Wa e4uift'tex Dire Insurance.ea . Jeweler and Onflelnn' Rare$ and Isolated Town Prnlit, L_8% EUD ACHES UBEFOREHAND Ym4 heVer had a head. dthe when yoel dyers via�8 To !;seep wolf is to keep ME chaxly inside. To irelievbr headachCt .and to priir"r i4 keep ileo livor active Pili hUluetrious and Ole : liawils tits' regular : as ' rnlieeose3 sot► Ouly. Insured, ' IIer Of Va� Mead Office-Seafortb, Out '• t ha FQRD4 AfcLE00 119ite a "Cts r J. Connolly; Goleifsh, Preslden, • Jas. th "We're now eelliug !timothy Beed Evans,. Eeecltwood, 'Vice-Pttesdentl (goverumeat, Rtant lied,)• Thos, E. Hays, Sedforth,: Steretr:ry i "We also hiavison hand, Altait ,, Treasurer. Atloata , A4tiike, iand,afT'ted Mover. , Alex, Leitch; No. i, Cliai nl Edward We alw,aye leave an band -(fools. iilnehley, Seaforth; Win. Chesney, Egg Wheat,- rrl a tboudvlle• J. W. Ye. Goderich' R. G• Rt, sae, Barley. and Seed COr1A l , N o, Jarmuth, Biodbagen. stehes ma'tkmt Prima ,paid top Buy ttireitors' aa0 all' tWrAiee: L '� ... vim.. nn, �Io; Selfori►; .!oleop Bon aid it!el3, ArodWxgcn I JadYes:utes, Beecia Trost!• iYlr 'MCE n,. 'CU7atont .. bxnres '• 1* 4 Cohnofl y.: (;odCrticlh !1.`'ir. McQreg':u't ? p�, p 3 e r fi= J. G. Grtevik'No. •t Q 1V'o S lip t , . V �'11I Waite#t"•ripen Perris;. )1sirl09kl Wvd Efl, WlcCarftes lie. 3; Setitoirll; green, 1'1.OYRSTitjnSp rt !l, :. Ell 6enwrte' Mcgre'' a%ldfrlafrivlc' W trNorkse ffahof,oft en show t0 h�pisd Oe gE hr h14 tip` ""777,1 ,�,�.-,gym,. ��., t?' 41 THE E Ct.[xvias 1V B W I /, a'la•11i'sdl All list Corry Calori,, tomiacoes lkua oener tender plants should be, net out tie tills 2. ., should p "twpn q; boot d. A mal •-amount pf 'ire l"•k eo�;:aroud•aol'ery toMUEOo lk'n'ts t6fif�or five -'aa- 'I$er settlag out, will •aid in their growta. Thi p•mortq, 410a@@,the Atfogiiini"of next ad' edlgiv cabbil0i: >chWiftrw6l, •aiud!'Ara4a-wo (r}As h»tied 1q. 11 ;toe Head„ Sowing pt porn and t,ba}ns 'should:' )rti `madcf pyory wee k during this month"', Saifere� gest A) lit( Palns"illli the Stolinac� For Over Three -Years. M Dsird isle tbrq Cliirk7 '�.{ouo}ubbilgdlae N;B,,'t6rntei;: tFor` over thre>j''vdare`7e uayo uuirip i;ely cureft me 1 -flat }yes fourtko>rki o tltaago,^atid'IhdveiVthad the 'slh 'hussy 'fvitu`ra sidco. TN62 best T, u prat:}q'I ran give them ie not snougb. ll�pst•of the misery and ill -health that humanity is burdened Nlth t rise, from disorders cif the 9lgieadh, ivtsr,.'and bowels.' If you' ate feeling dui of •Bbi•ts, :have, pains to the stomach, espcc{ally after, eating, bilious spells, headache:, sourbtorriaclt, coated tongue, water jn ash etc',, lyou should take a few doses of 141 fl! burn s Laxa-Livor Pills. 'You' will be surprised how quiekly;they will fix you up," Milburn's taxa -Li er ill v Pills are 250, a veal at all dealers or mailed direst on re- ceipt of price by 1_he T. Milburn. (fa,, Limited, Toronto, ont, ' 'To Uradicate bad Wett1s. If troubled with mustard in graft: crops, spray with the 20 p.c. solution of iron sulphate, (2 lbs. of iron out- Iphate to each gallon of water). 1t such spraying is to be effective it must be done early Just when, the first mustard pinnts_in the field are coming into flower. Good cu,tivatica followed.by rape sown about the middle of June in drills about 26 inches apart at the rate of 1'/2 pounds per Lars, pro- vides a means of eradicating peren- glal sow thistle and twitch grass, Dalry Pointers for June. Cows in clover or good June -grass pasture require very little attention, i t ideal mouth ter dairy 'Phis s he o y operations, If there are stay hot days, be careful to coal bots milk and cream, by'setting in lee water, or cold well water. Sour milk and cream are too frequently sent to the factory, Don't forget to wash the cream separator and strainer daily, Dr after each time of using. HERE AND THERE Much has been heard of the Princely incomes rf some of the Welsh coal miners and coal rippers, who can, and do, earp up to $70 a week, and now ah award of the Uom- nnittee of Productiov, discloses that almost fabulous wages are being paid h to ship const ructors and ship - wri is engaged at ills Welsh ports on the Bristol Channel, It is shown that in some cases men have received as much as $talo each for one weeks work. ,r,___ it is Ill years since an English army fought in Italy, and won the Battle of Maida over the french. Napoleon had vowed' to conquer Sicily, and pushed on into Calabria, But the English forces for the de- fense of Sicily prepared to deal a blow on the mainland, A force of 5,- 000 men landed in the Bay of St. Euphennia, and, the battalions of the French fell before tile bayonets of the British. Napoleon's hopes were shattered at it stroke, . —0— .1 it has been suggested in England that soldiers who had been blinded Ili the tear might find. suitable brides among girls who were physically so uinottraAttve, otherwise to ire .destined to celibacy: but the "E'ugenics, ire - view,';' notes that of 296 blinded baoh. stars '.enterin.g St. bunstan's Hostel fifty-five had,, mharrlAA$ jslnce their.' disablement„and almost, without',ex- ception their -brides had been "unsu- ally good-looking.” Cases of neurasthenia among wo- men have'deoreaseit fifty poi• cent to England since' the, war, says a report ' of the Chelsea • Hospital for Women. "Women• are so busy on warwork that they have-no,'tims to devote to imaginary ailments,"it , a rte. "They f♦kc '"'not'81f1f' so lntefes •fn their llbaYth'as they, warb: Alhnost all dA4 'tyd now edkl need' skifleri•'treat- "ent, whereas before'the war a large propoftott- were mild 'oases of nerves ” , I.rSoldiers•'in' Fnartce"aa•e edit the on - },y' peoprei-who ,pin. their ialth ctrl chnrrtfs �anrtlY fali5tiians.N ,Pr9rav,dont, NOTHING. WASTED ON,.TNE BATTLEFIELD BUT NOISE THE BRITISH ARMY HAS A COMPLETE SALVAGE SYSTE.Nt W1i1CkI COL, LECTS ALL WORN AND SCATTERED EQUIPMENT AND REPAIRS OR MAKES IT OVER - MANY WOMEN ANO GERMANS ARE ;USED, V n BE only thing on thio battle- live bundred machines x month, and Veld that is wastod is nolle, 'Ile salvage does not end here, for flit writer er s• w t a A e says; As t lite British A t h. Y 1 h ru 'is Y In auntie a not found a way to conserve t shop 1 saw the mess, tat, Man • other b ro- fills pleked up on the battlefield,, clean, h' ) by -pro- ed with potash, handles re-srlderel t?� ducts of war, however, are find cups re coated with block tin, A .being utilized', including odors, . As a whole building was used to repaii ,staff correspondent of the Brooklyn saddles and harness, Here new pack• Eagle writes , from "Somewhere ib saddles wore made out of bid riding .France": saddles, It has been found that to Whiff You don't believe iii transport ammunition, water and food ,Listen to this, Yesterday I made a' to the men that are fighting on newly :visit to the British Army horse hos-` gained territory, pack -saddles are th ;pita) near A --. When the ins es best The ground is too rough, to tion was over we passed . the fere- full of shell. holes for ally other veh- liier-pit, The odor was pretty strong,'. helloes, There is where the motor trap ,r tran- sport fails, and the method used 5,000 When we get to the windward," ears ago is restored to. said the major, 111'11 tell you sunne- Y thing.,, l Another building is required to re - We hurried past to the northwest Trenchair ! women arre employedsto awash corner. 'There the, major stopped and them, whereupon a jury, of expert wo- saidf . men decide whether they are worth "It occurred to the staff• some repairing, If not, the tops are cut time ago that this refuse could be off and' matte into shoe faces, white turned to account, Au expert was tine bottoms are carted into the fur - Calle if nac u d' i for consultation, fie t oder the rifer. B su n hon e. e b Both m and en mad certain . women r e t o boli and • certain v i work o repairing, obs a ce tan utt k n the ep ming, and alytical experiments, whereupon he same of the soles are nailed on by constructed a caisson, pOanted it machines automatically, After that hob - deep down in a pit, 'And then ran nails are driven in and the shoes soak - a pipe from it io our camp kitchei, ed in whale -liver oil, which makes We now cook with the gas. It works them waterproof. On an average 30,•• fine." 000 pairs of shoes are received each To -day 1 have visited the great week, of which about 25,000 are sei,t army salvage plant, at,'C—. An• back repaired• other amiable major was my guide f There are, of course, certain re - "I'll first take you to the boiler- pairs that can be done only hn Eng - roam," he said. He opened a door, land, where the goods orginally came and down under the steam boiler I from. Certain machine guns are saw territorials in uniform feed the very difficult to repair. The heavy fire with a mixture of shavings and artillery is not easy to make over, shoe-bottouts, but whatever can be saved or made "This Is the refuse from our car- over is utilized, so as to reduce the penter shop acid the soles of shoes demand for new material, that can no longer be repaired," 1 ;aid the major, "The uppers we make + roto boot laces. This mixture makes' I NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE 11 .xcellent heat. We never have to ` 1T nlport any coal from England. The .Angina runs a dynamo, which gives A lot of folks who are asked to con - is our light and power." serve coal would like to have some to All Equipment Reclaimed. conserve with. Gangs of Chinese, Egyptians, Kaffirs, Owing to the new war tax, matches ind Kurds are employed to sort out are now 15 cents a box, These Ile battlefield waste and then load ft could be purchased for 5 cents a box )n railroad cars. Dressing stations, before the war, hospital camps, reserve depots, and I Any present subscriber may send raining grounds are also combined for ; The Clinton New Bra to a NEW sub- vaste material. Tine major called the scriber, a son, daughter, other relative forrespondent's attention to a yard full friend or neighbor, 25 weeks for 25 A tin cans, oil cans, ammunition kegs, i cents to any P, 0, in Canada or Eng - ;hell splinters, empty cartridges, and land. If sent to the U. S, or France •.rushed steel helmets. All this goes to ; 35 cents Send postal note, stamps, he smelter. The writer continues: silver or shinplaster. New Bra Office. Alongside the plle a steam -roller Ij The fill tern of the 'Clinton school vas puffing to and fro. Like a jug- { of Commerce will open Tuesday, Sep- fernaut it was flattening out the bulky tember 3rd. in cans. A Toronto paper says that the first "That works very well," said the nine days of July were the coldest for major, "At one time this pile was ( this period since 1860, bout tell times what it is now. More than 2S, 000,000 gallons of I'he tin cans were so bulky we could. turpentine are produced in tine world i't find freight cars enough to hold every ,year, the United States leading hem. Now we run the steam -roller all the other nations. (ver them first." An English inventor's shaving soap A gang of German) prisoners was is packed in wooden bowls so that a .t work shoveling the flattened cans , cup is not needed and the bowls can nto a freight car on a siding. Be- be thrown away when emptied, ore they are thrown into the smelt- The war has boomed the lead pencil 'r, tine lead, the block tin, and other industry of Japan, ,y -products are melted off and care- q y ully used. 's.+',;I n a r e s Ci r" 6,�' The rags were the flotsam and jet- FOR FLETCHER'S to of tiro battlefield, caps, pcoats, C A -S T O R E A tockings, underwear, knapsacks. e Y traps, buckles, etc., such things as The so -Balled briar pipes are orate nen leave behind them when they ;o over the bop or "go west." of laurel root. quipment doesn't then matter, But The old adage about St. Swithin's iter,on khaki rags bring real money Day weather has been proven untrust- nd are made into new uniforms. It worthy, a rotation of raw material. rhe Wallons outnumber the Flem- rrom the rag -picker's lane we ish in Belgium, though they occupy tumbled into the carpenter's shop, less land, ,here packing cases are made into The proprietor of a large hotel in ortable barracks, tent floors, slats one of the leading cities keeps a big n trench Flooring, smaller packing- nock of chickens on the roof of the ases and at last the smallest strips are' buildifig• awed into tent -pegs. The waste is The hardest palm at all common is hen shovelled into the boiler -pit, California's Trachycarpus excelsus, nixed with the shoe -bottoms, and then known as the windmill palm. Not .d into the furnace, alone Is it hardy in withstanding lots e if i and ill tem natures but s tough w n b Overhauling end Repairing endure rough treatment, but boxed When used as toasting, -forks bay- it is not a success, say those who nets are apt to ,lose th4ir temper. know, I this case they are sent back to ngland for re -tempering, but if it !e R I A rarely n matter of sharpening they{are gL"!4, ttended to in the armory and sent CASTO ack to the front, The bicycle shop For Infants and Children verhauls and repairs ill) average of tui, tlse For ®ever 3®Yeallrs NOTIER AND CHILD Always Signature of , �$ WITH A recently -patented foot rest for VERY ILR N9 ® anitomobile 'drivers is intended to di- rect the feet to the right pedals when necessary.' �rA ton of sapphires will be used In this year in an American factory where the jewdil'ed bearings of electric me - tens are made, India's present sugar crop is ex - Dysentery is one of the worst forms of ` petted tb''produce 3,200,000 long tons owef.;ornplaint. It comes on suddenly, of raw sugar as compared with 2,128, - he pains in the bowels become intense, .006 toffs' 'last year; this year's pro - he discharges occur with great irapidity, duction' being the greatest on record. ndare very oftanaccompanied byb!roll, Every attempt. that has been made nth the notion on tines stern so weaken- to send' black riiiiit' giants, from which J menthol... and , crystals are derived, Ig that its terminations often' proves, fine Japail eta; the ,United States has anal, ended in failure; ' . When the bowers get loosened up in Douglas fir trees froln ,the United hie way and you wish to check the St tis have been recommended for nnaturai discharge without bringing on i re crest iia W.isstern ' No ''fitly, by an onstrpathon, there la only one comedy to ex.pett 'from that country 31io studied se, and that is Dr. Fowler's Extract of A'meric'an and'Canadlah troll fbr more gild Strawberry. than a year.,. The,;Ufii*drsity of Pantinsylva»nia`has Mr. W. J. Metcalfe, Tofield, Alts., sent ani,expedltion to expAOre.the Sier- ,rites: '01 wish to state that we have 1'ra Pareja mountains in 'Ven'ezuela, sod Dr. Fowler's Extract :of Wild I'winere,.,it' )s `said, no 'white ipan-''ttas trawboM with good results. 1 den Bay ever b.eepl before, hat it can't be beat; It saved my vrife I A French 'veterhnarian'' has demon ad little boy Is$ ktlmmer, when they 'strated that horses can be fed cer- 'ore `vary lox with dysentery. We al- yajn Ifitsdg of. kitchen garbage and saw- ,O,yshitienbvttleotitiniMNouse,And dust, irdm birch or 'popular trees when ,bldd not be without it if it coat five :if is llecessar, tp 'sad, •rain, ollam a bottle," I{ ' An 'electric f of h that 'call- be •' .r. RowiCr'B" re not an experiment held in the lli6id'gW tile obdkiu' is ut a tried and roven remedy that has sen used in Canada for the being dine h ts' treat` dolts in the hot - can 'tom, 'current' bibittg'taupplfsd^ fibnh a� C7i7A• " ` iight socket •tlffoa''gh• a•,COfA , t, There are Many serail tmtitAiNias olid' ht' ,Hiwaii it hs; •bean fogad that abatitatts of this oterlidg• raiaedy on 'weeds, cam be :kip{• down in, sugAr. hemstltet., Bewareof tbeaa anidfadoept planfatiobs by covering {he'•palds;wi'th ply the original when you,(wkitioae 4,, an paper, whisk is: easily penletrated,.by: baso cheap no -Diene, no rirpulataat, xi .elle sharb sugar•G'a,pe s�loofs,'', tltbd ettvii►ib6lry co nail iusy be 'There :still' conttpnes a .pa'pnounced �' anCorottfaa toyrourilcelti Iger' genuien `coolness, betweoft` ds"g ilre weather I putt tip only by The T Wilburn 4,`N acid worse• luck the later' sbows Uo hotbed,, Toronto, lint. moo, 150. disposition to "make sip," One out of every four males, self WAW e way from birth to ninety yaw, fit aim p army man -power of the Britis,,bivs, All the debentures issued' 07gi itffv Town of, Teeswater to pay the azta air" The electric light plant, which hon &mix acquired by the town, have bow.% . A new telephone doble 'roil• 141 st laid connecting Windsor and Aeri4ttcif3„ at a cost of $5300, Sir Robert Falconer, pnefiiflievt f6f the University of 'Toronto, gels uoxA1'•. seas to the Khaki University,. A large cargo of relief supir ucia -4r to be despatched Fran fesfr.t l States t a o Russia h' s at t earliest e T women, Agitation continues throiubgtvvitl ,+• press of Canada for tine retusx "Aft cabin ministers from London-ta r0- awa, the seat of government fob.C:an- ads, and where fhe •ministers cam 6Z more good than they can by Ili hg,, feted in England, MAKE YOUR511f KTR People with strong constttu'fivws x& - cape most of the minor ills tho xdafi x life miserable for others. Don"ft -Vsxr: envy the friend who does :ucu if''wmw what a heartache is, whose dig+es7rlmr,`,i;, perfect, and who sleeps souilitjy ate night? 1 taw far d g o you coin(• 14:nuxls this description?' Have you ever nudle an earnest effort to strengthen+ -lam constitution, to build up your -syiltsmi. to t6aid off discomfort and , dss*eu;6i1 Unless you have an organic dist:$ ik is generally possible to so impw mx your physical condition that ;peolsWl. health will be yours, ' The first iq'rWgt to be done is to build up your ta5ly4u;: as poor blood is the source of Bwap- sical weakness, To build up the Atlar:d Dr, Williams' Pink Pills is juss atr' medicine you need. Every dose k rpt to stake new -blood which reuehm y nerve ,twv- er n • i e v e a id very part of bringing color to the Cheek, brig'svates: to the eyes, it steadiness to the. krsxEta; a good appetite and splendid :trraM Thousands throughout the coomim, whose condition once made rht.ri: A- spair, owe their present good, lsar&i ` to this medicine. If you are cvt ,o tine weak and ailing give Dr. '*M- lianns' Pink Pills a fair trial ane"' aaft. flue daily gain in new heap l: Avut abounding vitality, You Can get these pills througb :vxp medicine dealer or by mail past ,h'tlt`+d at 50 cents a box or six brxim ffir «2.50 from The Dr, W115ams' M.e645,m^ Co., Brockville, Ont, Be patriotic even if the paualrnur,: and patrimonv go to somebody !hm-, There are weightier things than rl- iaN its in National life. , A WORD FOR GT: It is wrong for mothers to r:.c their aches and pains and sufra•ir isrf silence -this leads to chronicsirJ'=w- and often shortens life. „ If your work is tiring; ilyourwamw areexcitable; if you feel languid,vraxrTir or depressed, Scott's Emulsion rJr+wf comes just such conditions. It possesses in coicentratefi _11aiati the very elements to fnvigorax- tffrt blood strengthen e �l s the tissues, :mvarar the nerves and build up your strt%l„ i. Scott & nowne, Toronto, out, _ Canadian EAlifick'a Aug. 26 TORONTO "•5'os}+t-T 300,000 admrssiolt3 -sold day of advaiioq sate (Io nve with thecrowdstoth,gxen s' estE�posF o:itxa3 irl �Sla dS y"� history of the (l * }i .,•i�.�scu,�ifhnryyu.-'�. {a �+p��-p�.q LIF ,� it 8`1JVEEdgVJLyV,- TVy�R �.a,7•�L.LJI'3. �I� 1LiJCr1"tl.lyOR o-1 d Pa trio 91 will in eterysreie, Giant livestock . and os icultudmi AVAw ••• Government exhibits--demodutratiom of w 4m. do") , trawng 'rn• 50 Gippled licroea fakag +p on fodory 4031 cola.:? I ,. glawl itl .of WnP ►doing ' dcvhcts—.Govemment: patriotic. /Xo'I k*— Ctegrora a warld•fairtttl baud—'riisx y oidiibhts of fin6 alta—Alm"A WtOlt➢;e :t,Tf^ Off`IIER 3PECiAL,ATTRACTIONS, lint 'ed ,rl'it•� of ndtllatla9tw7ei ?a . •�L"" {:,,.i O,.Arlrettlf aewtv.f'f %• dap - rogardt?,( l ra .ro .., tad•oe .