HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-8-1, Page 2•2 • • `I'ilflr'Silay, August tst,. Aiwa ';s- Socnej:h ng. til e�w i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIpIIIIIIIllgIIIUIIIiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII�Plllhli6l� e r s e) it ill . acid atiterre ltenis of lnfereet from lelew Era represeliteelves.• �IIVIIIIIIIIIiIClllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllil!811111�I1i1!IIIVVIIIUII�VIIIUI •r..�n,:r..,rw I n,x hc1Ii : ver Porl I st u:a t Ri'r is r mole s ateemra 'ix t eeinecol eeeot,5 one i+fin )aa.i MORE NEW WASH GOODS FO t THE HOT WEATHER— . Never before have • we shown as many attractive patterns in light cal gauzy wash materials: (Fancy 'French Voiles Plaits grounds with Beautiful colored Floral designs in all the new shades. Exclusive dress lengths at $1.00 and .$,1.2;"5' a yd. New Reps, Piques, Indian Head, extra good quality. Par- ticularly adapted 'for making Middy Blouses and Skirts. •PRICES 35, 50 and 75c a yd. pecials for July and August. 1 Cfsaldrens Gingham Dresses, • 9.8 c 4 to 12 years, price , I . '"iisxldrens Washable Hats, 7alues up to 7Sc for "`1[�-rxr*'+uwtir�a navcsn eft Ptee�.,..,, 'e7mteteti-'--v1egoGeotae ® o well - :.�..re- „.a Here's a motto web worthy of pre- serving and by practice and precept to pass it on: It comes from the great Abraham Lincoln, whose life and con- duct are so web worthy of emulation: —"l ani bound to win, but 1 am bound to be true. 1 am bound to live up to the light I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right—stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong," 39c l•~id.t�tPh itiliil Notes elo-yeedaarveteetWee300 sn,:;:incetaleural Cetaadia'u wheat crop for 9918 is 'ante 7%a in excess of the previous year arimeetling' to, government returns and aacclwft(istending the boost that has Imre ise the program as to increased production. - ' —0— Sheet, . straight sermons are being exited 4for during the hot weather by •raurious newspaper Editors. This goes tot, chow the generosity and public meta of these brethren. who proffer 'Muse suggestions even if they snooze Uzi the hemmock at home. Pta::Fred, C. Gosling, St. Nlprys, has tveturded from overseas: There are rsane ``dead ducks" who are doing Peter best to miss the outward' voyage, We 5'e hope Fred, will, never Tose: a fes- . Mee —0— Now that a Shelter has been pur chased for Huron County where the Children's Aid Society will have pro- per facilities to care for their' wards better work then ever will be done. It is a cause for congratulation and is a feather in the cap'.of County Secretary Elliott that it is now an established fact, Huron County has set a good example in aiding this Godelike mis- sion of saving the neglected and giv- ng them a square deal. ,New home is located In Gbderich. it CazAdisn win -the -war workers of' all 'Classes from Banks to pariim't.trf using Model 90 cars 1.4 Multiply their usefulness and ,Considering its quality, its rdoth, bcsaity, comfort and the 'efiiciency,':its price is unusually And it is backed hy service that protects yonr investment. • ,Appt:rattoe; Performance, Comfort: Service and, Price TIOOtie Dealer Phone '5 exeeee S AFOR-I H. Miss Agnes McKay, of Auburn, is spending; the holidays al her' bane here, Mr, and Airs, 0, M. Scott and son, Mr, apd Mrs, ,A. Scott and' Mise• Mlar- issa Scott motored to Listowel one clay recently, • BRUSSELS. Daniel McDonald, who purchased the home of J, le, Kerney will move here from Heiman, next month. Be has leas- ed: the betake' shop, in what is .called the QlashIll block, from Mrs, Geo, Jack- son, and will open •up business ie the course of a few months,' A fine new outfit. will he purchased by Mr. Mc - Don Aid. airs. Angus 'McPherson and son,. Douglas, of. Moose 'Jaw,. Sask., is visit- ing her wide, Mi•. Alex, Thomson,. • Mies Sarah Dunbar returned to Goderich Otis week alter visiting her sister, Mrs, I hos; Baird. Mrs. John Baird and daughter, Grace, and Ilerse Alf, Harrison aud daughter Jean, motored from Detroit, and spent BELGRAVE panted by her sister, Mrs, Robson of Rochester, motored from Goderich and spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Campbell, Marnoch. Archie and Colin Campbell, former residents 'of the• 5th line Morris, were calling on scenes -of their ehildhood last week. They both hold lucrative positions • with the Michigan Central with headquarters at Detroit. Pte. Cameron Geddes is home from Carling Heights on a 30 days' leave. The first Sunday of August quarterly corrimunien service will be observed in the Methodist church here. Miss Turnbull of Rock Island, Mass., is visiting at the manse, She is a sister of Mrs. (Rev.) Boyle. klULLETT Leonard Melee visited at the home of Wm, Gray for a few days, He ex- pects to go overseas before long. Mr: Stephen Mathers has returned front the Summer School at St, Thom- as after spending a pleasant week. hlr. William Mills of Hallett has dis- posed of Ids farm to Mr. Yed of Swan Lake, Man, Mr. Mills has not decided where he will locote. Mise Annie Taylor spent ever Sun- day with -Wingham friends. Mr, John Vincent had the misfor- tune to have .his right arm broken while cranking a car. A large number of our citizens at- tended the' Liberal nomination meet- ing at Wingloon on Thursday. Geddee closed down Ms saw mill on Tuesday , -Dr, Elgie spent Sunday with Owen Sound friends. Reeve Taylor made a business trip to London on Thursday. were yieitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McKay op Stoiday. - A' large number of boys and Indians are busy. pelting flax in this vicinity, • While bathing in Cranston's mill pond (formerly •Senetnerville's) on the 1.0th Con. of West Wawanosh, Tuesday • evening of last week, ,Eph- riam enell took crimps and sank in about _nine feet of• water and was was drowned. The. body was nut' re - Covered unlit between three and four o'clock Wednesday morning. Spa was accompanied by two companions —a brother-in-law, Mr. Camebele and Wm.- Humphrey jr, Campbell also took cramps, but Humphrey got him ont, after. which he 'wee unable to find Snell, Ephriam Snell was a youne farmee al,out 22 years of age, hes parents home being mem' Atibuen. K'enneth -Cameron, the apple man. He' lied been drafted ipto ' the army last spring WaS home On leave and had teen lieleing• rather -in -hog at haying. fie eyes .married A few Weeks ago to Miss Campbell; a daugther of Mr, and. Mee, •Neil lealimbell of W. Our local breech 'the Red eeeoss Mr. .Jas, nresident of the Red Cross. here, received e cheque for $40 front:some -unknown person to be used ie 'Oeue Red 'Creme work. it was, the generous &mar may ,be fortunete enouge to see filet it has eeech,ed destination •safely, •• KEEP CHILPOIN 00HiliG HOT MEATIER Every Mother knows hOw fatal the bot summer months are. to small children, Colere Weidner, diarrhoea, rife at 'this dine gild 'often . a. precious illness. -• 'The Mother. who 'keePs safe. The 0,ccaeioffal dee of 'the l'abt. lets .eepreeretets eetoiltach mid' bowel trouldese-eerif the itrOuble dames eerie lets willobring the baby safely. through, They are sold by Medicine 'd'ealet.e oe -by inail at 2,5 ceels a box from The Dr. Williams' - Peledicine Cog Brock., C,*ODERICLI, Mr, And Mrs. W a•'P,fall ligton and three children. of Sodih Beed; lhcfana, / are visiting Mrs Shillington's parents Dr. and Mrs Rutledge, Mr, S, 0, liarrington,,Maneget the Sterling peek, bitegope to the West for two Weeks or so to aiteiRl to''busipees affairs of ,his brother •wi. o was drowned aeeertl at. Attirta 'Market leym. Leckie,. ggebec• Street, had 'a t'eg ,utrputated this Neel, in Torbotn,. 'fhe'uperetioe was made.necessary by" calker, developing es the 'result of iektek.by a horse ye,u's as'o•'. The ijurascfn,7ewellery stere'pu'the Square to tiejfg overlla'uied to 'make suitable for`{tie new 'Hyd o office, It wllI be opened in the' course of a few weeks. ' • Major Beck and Mrs. Beek, of Tpr-. onto, are visiting •friends and relaitives in' and ,about; Goderich, They , have been guests. of Mrs. Rhynes .in- town acid of -Mrs. Montgomery, Goderlch To :: Isaacwi»h(p Panner, a farmer of l3oeanciuet township, near Thedfard, was' picked up in Colborne rbwnship : by const- ables on inf9rmation by phone that a man was.acting-st.t•aaegely on• the road,. lie appeared before ,police•.;Magistrate' Reid this morning on.,a charge of in- sanity. He 9Wns a farm in Bosanquet and has two 'tons wearing the, King's uniform, 'He was•rentanded to- ally until.July 29, and his mental condition' was inquired into. , The eve `young meta from the Gov- ernment lighthouse tender . Dollard, who broke into Lynn's ice cream stand, were up before Sedge Dickson for' sen- tence, .and were 'fined' g10 -each and costs, The costs were the big item and by the time Mr. Lynn had his bill paid for repairs to his shop, etc.. the boys had'to put up about $200 all told, ide cream laid soft drinks, come highwhen secured by theft. 04, . Stratford, gets'. 3 4300 tons 1 of Coat lees this year then' last year, ' for wheat, nom. (het are, available in Canute the'. Toode Board hes deferred' eation requireg the use of one pound of. Substitutes to every four pouilds of wheat flour, but all must use one tb of sebstitutes with every nine pounde of wheat dour, • A quiet wedding Wee igelebrated at Knox church manse •Goderich, on Wed- nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, by Rev, R. C, McDermid, the parties being Miss Ireee Harrison, second youngest 'daug- hter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Harrison, of the 4th concession, Goderich, Twp., and Mr. Ernest Townsend, eldest son of Mr. and Airs Albert Townsend, of Mullett Township. The brlde was dressed in cream and carried a bouquet of roses.' Bride and groom were un- attended. After the ceremony they drove to the residence of Mr, and Airs. James Porter, South St., where they had hutch and afterwards to the bride's brother's, Mr. Albert Harrison's, of the 4th concession,• Goderich Township,' for dinner. Mr, and Mrs, Townsend have taken tip etheie reeld'ence 'on 'the groom's farm on the 6113 cone.ession of Goderich Township and many friends unite in wishing them a long, happy and useful life. Alvin Leonard motored down to Bright with friends from Woodstock. bliss Olive M. Johnston. of Wood- stock is spending a month- with Mrs, F. 'elle roads are very dusty these days on account of the dry weather, ' A few weeks ago a cheese weighing 1 00 pounds was made at the themes - villa cheese factory. This is the larg- est cheese thet Was ever made there. Since the Maclaren Imperial Cheese Co, have taken over the business the fac- tory has had naany up -to -dates fixtures added at corisiderable expense to the Co. The home of the cheese -maker, Mr, M. Stock, !lite also recently been repaired and a new addition added to 'Cadet Alvin Townshend spent the week -end at his home in Goderich twp, Mr. Percy Johnstcen and Misses Bess and Halley of Woodetudie and Miss Jes- sie Talbot motored up and spent Sun- CHAIVi Chief Allen had several auto drivers fined for 'not having their cars pro- perly equipped with lights and also for not turning properly around the traffic signal at the corner of Josephine and John streets. Miss Olive M. Rintoul has been en - for the next year, comniencing in Sep - Mr. Joseph Stalker, Principal of In- gersoll Public School; and foi•merly of Winghain. has lied eicellect success with his entrance class. There were forty candidates; thirty-four of whom were recommended by Principal Stalk- er, and thirty-four passed, twenty-five obtaining honors.. While at his Work in Preston, Mr, le, A, Dinsled, or Wingham, suffered a bad shaking up and some neste. scratches Anil bruises'. When oiling a machine his clothes caught in a belt and he was hurled ,against a beam at the ceiling, and his clothes peetty well torn off. Flex peeing here is at full swine, and large. numbers of buys and girls are empoyed in the fields, A larg'e force of Incliane, both males and females passed through Wingham and epeitched their tents on the different farms where the.large quantities of flax are being. pulled, The rateptiyers of Wingliam voted Monday by 223 to 46 Votes to loan $7,.000 to the Witigham Fertilizer Company, whicli is to' open its .plant in: the 'old 'Button factorte north of . Grand -Tritlik Shalom An aver- age limber ot .1o^ Men will. be em- ployed throughout the. year. eto arid vicinity, broke ,over . day afiernoore The .scorchng heal weeke pest had baked ihe eatilt so that many farm Grope were despeired of; ',,The Second tutting of alfalfa I Wee a failure; but the rain, it is .be. lieved, will hayeesevecl. the second red Clover, crop arid grewth •of the biteleY, bete mice other --emends, and farne crops will be, greatly ..tdcelerated. 1I'here wee little or no -thunder oe, there' from 'Seuthamptop „pelf - flax the Tiplifig and Millseetieldse. elee 'filinitiee *of' •• then,' egOtneli. and' children are fit ''fifork, -More Mebane are expected lo agrivg,. ; 'Clay pipes are coining back into favor. The shortage of briar pipes and their high cost place them beyond the reach Of the We'eefliot staffer With :sunburn og, igat rash if you use Zem:-e3iile, • "Tice Suporintondent 015,A,Fleslx M Orxd 'at Clarkson e,'O0t„;says a+ , k - uply laWem Buatyv' nya 0 t 01' eep Chiladresn'sp'Letupof, WP use it eonstant1y fol' sunburn, ,fimeet,'stinge•acrd.-bitee, aj,'Wo11 as' fee oute,.bruises• end :sores, and be - (love there, is notlitng to equal it.” zioreeenic is'efpeelaily suftabte for . a ebtid's • tis dor• skin,.. owing. toe 1.03 puiate 'of con pestleon fi.centafns .absob,teeiy mme :ef ,eche c4a'se !Mee • argil fat or bash mineral' deem; Mtn in oz'danary ointzuents. g A11 dealera, .50e, .box, eeeegelge BAYF1ELD. The Rev Mee A'nderson preached Aaxniversery services ie the Methodist Church tin SUuday eveuinl; last, A vast, cloxit Attended the Gar.' den party of trinity Church held on' the Rectory lave,, The: p'roceeds were, partly for ,Patriotic purposes.. fie Clinton ili'gi lantl 'Band were 'fn attendanoe and ,were the chief attrac- tion, The recent rains were greatly wel- coined in this vicieity there having been 'none for two months, The Union Sunday, School picnic will be head on Clan Gregor Square whieh is now . the chief. sporting ; place of the .town. FLY WILT: KILL'MDRE FLIES �'NAN $8O!.WORTif OF .ANY STICKY FLY•CATCNER/ • Rev, John We Aedeews; aged 70, one of the well knoWit.filethodist Min- isters inethe London Conference, died at his home in West Lorne after a ' lengthy Illness during' which he had , epent in bed, He was a son of the ILanerk Candy, early , days .were lefe Rev. J H. Andrews, and born in sPent in Belville, and later entered Al- bert College to study foe the Ininietry Since coining to London Conference Miss Helen Cuming has entered Vic- some years ago lee occupied the fol- toria Hospital, London, to learn the lowing chargese—Merlin, Newbury', rofession of nursing ' Down Mills, 'Courtright, Corunna, Lon- - The Girls'. War Auxiliary will hod a desboro, Vienna, Parkhill, Crectiton. Garden Party on Mrs. Chas: Spaffordes ,Bluevale, Fordwich and WeSt Lorne, levee on the evening 9f Tuesday, •Auge Ids last charge. He was a nreinber of 6th, , the Masonic freternity, and known as a•fine speaker. lie leaves his wife and 8 children:—Mrs Forbes and Mrs Mc- EXETER. At a meeting. 'Cef the Exeter School Board the -salaries of the Public School teachers were increased $25; and the salaries for the High ,School teachers increased $50 each. Mr. 11. J. Haviland, Principal of the Exeter High School, underwent an op- eration .for .appendicitis et• his home here, Dr. Moore of London and Dr, McGillicuddy performed the operation, and they were assisted by eArs, Bryson of Rockaway Beach Hospital New York, who is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hav- Hand Flex pulling has started in this section and, the flax company drive the workers to the fields. The price, for pulling is $ 5. per acre; The farmerettes of town have been buey during the past week hoeing corn for the Canning factory. The 'Canning factory have about sixty-five acres of corn and this is the second time over. The work of the girls is highly satisfactory, Saturday was en exceedigly hot 'day' and about thirty were on hand in the morning but to- wards the middle of the afternoon Old Sol had put crimp in the ardor of some of the workers and some laid off at three o'clock, :others at four while others hung it out until five o'clock when all emit for the day. A number of the girls have signified their willing- ness to pull flax The Exeter Vieters' Lists, which have just coine off the press, show that there are 5 54 persons entitled to vote at elections to Legislative Assembly and AIR) at Municipal. elections, There are 59 persons entitled to vote al Mu- nicipal Elections only; arid 266 persons entitled to act as jurors. Lyle, the eight-year-old son of Mr. Thos. Dines! of town had the misfor- tune to fall from' a teeter board on Monday evening last, dislocating the elbow Joint of his arm, Rev. Mr. MeConnele of Hensel', who conducte..1 serviees in our church on Sebbath will agein Meld ser- vice on Slimily next at 3 o'clock in the -afternoon. The sad inteleigence reached otir village on Wednesday of the death of James McCully, in Denver, COlorado, brother of Miss Mary imd Joseph Mc- Cully of our village. He was well. known • our midst, Meiling lived. many years with his parents on the - farm of john Pepper, -of Stanley, Much sympathy is expressed to ethe brother and sister in our village. lie leaves. one sue iu Denver, with whom he resided, . Mr, William Roes, near our village has purehased a Ford car. Miss Margaret Grainger is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Grainger of John ..Murdock, of Stanley, •who has have about 5 ton of. honey if this Cormick, .Manitoba; Mrs, Boyce, Lon- don; Mrs, Stringer, Medicine Hat; Mrs. Cornell, Windsor; Mrs: Eggleton, Am- herstburg; George, Alberta; and Rus- sel at home, The 'funeral was held on Saturday afternoon. at .2 o'clock to West Lorne Cemetery. KIPPrN Mrs, Wm. Heeled' lias gone to Por- ter's Hill' to viiit her daughter, Mrs. Sterling McPhail. Dr, and Mrs, Aitken and ,clilld re- turned home last Friday after A pleas- ant visit with frieeds in Port Perry, Toronto, Hamilton and Courtright, On their return home they were ac- companied by the Doctor's parents from Courtright and his cousin, Miss Rogers from Hamilton. On Saturday Dr. Aiken and his father motored up in to Grey Counly to visit old friends and acquaintance& Last Sunday Mr. J, B. MacLean con- ducted services in the Varna and Blake Presbytrian churches in the ab- sence of the Rev. D, Johnston, who is taking the Summer course for minis- ters In Guelph In the Presbyterian churches here and in Hillegreen Mr: Stevenson 01 the Lord's Day Alliance preached last Sunday and his message was well received, The Methodist Church was closed last Sunday on account of the Quar- terly eneeting services in the Goshen CI h The shower of rain on Monday of this week. was very acceptable.' Crops here are simply magnificent in appearance, though the hot weather will result in some light weight oats. There are crops here that are worthy of le. R. Sams' best work in photo- graphy. Clean to lth`•'tl'5 eee€eileelfee'a11 Drug- gists, Grocers -end -General Stores. SEAFORTH. Mrs, J. F., Willis and son Fred are visiting friends in Goderich. • Mrs, William 'Chapman, has left for nneento to loin the Flying Corps. •.• The Pelisses elaeel and Muriel El - Mr, Mil,ton Chesney or the Dominion Bank left on Tuesday for Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, C Holmes,. of Toron- to, are ,visiting earents Mi. and Mr. Newton McTevish of. the Cana- dian Magazine, is visiting his brother •Mr. Stehle McTavish. The trustees of the Seaforth Separ- ate School are making improvements Inspector of Bakeries for this dis- itnr tett': e buildings and grounds. Mr. W, A Crich has been appointed Air. John L. Brown and family of London, spent the week -end with re- latives here, Mr: NV, McKay, barrister of Toronto was a visitor at his home here. Mrs, Finlayson, ;sr., left last Tees - day on a trip to Regina, and the Mr. John Melville, of Lonctesboro, was a visitor at the home of his sis- ter, Mrs: J. Warwich. Miss Annie Ross, of Toronto, is vis- • Ring Dr, and Mrs. Cooper. . Mrs, L, L. McFaue has returned from visith3g her son, Dr, J, H. Mc- Faul, of Toronto. Mr. Earl 'Chesney of the Bank of 'Commerce staff left this week for W•iteniciisssor.Violet Cluff and little niece, Violet Moore, of Toronto, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sainu.el 'Cirehflfr*, Angus McQuaig has purchased htuerriea, street. spending the holidays at her home - Miss Irene Carbert. of Toronto, is Mrs. W111 Charters, of Oklohomae Mr. John Rankin is havine a new verandah erected at hie residence on Market street. Miss Norma Jeffrey is visiting Miss Margaret in Brucefield. Miss Marion Watscm, daughter of Air, James Watson. had the miefortune to fracture her arm cranking a car, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Beatty and Mr, and Mrs. William J. Beatty of Erie, Penn., are visiting relatives here. f friends in Gode- coat of Tuckersmith, have returi3ed front the St Lawrence-Saguinay trip. t (Intended for last week) returned eom g LONDON ROAD. ,, The pupils of St. James Separate school have made a very successful record agein this year at the entrance examinations, nine out of ten passing, Miss Lucy Eckhaet with honors, The The London Road League attended school has a very efficient staff of tea- • the barn on the, hay rope pulley. chers. The town scholershm was wore week. A good time was enjoyed by highest marks of the town of Clinton. last veer by Miss Mary O'Leary, a pupil •Last Thursday the London . Road- Ti:A.rcliriseloE'wjh,o of this school, she haying obtaineclethe Turner's Picnic - on Wednesday of this Kpittting Bee WaS beld at the home:. oat weeks -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs, H. Livermore, Mrs. Mee . •- . K.eith McLean, left on Monday to eisit relatives in Stratford'. Knight, Sr , and Mrs. . James Nott, the League will meet next week. at the home of Arthur Wiltse and Miss Elva Nutt will have the topic. The little daughter of Mr. and Airs. Jos. Shipley had her head hurt in ' Me. DeLacy, of Toronto, is visit - 'Mrs, (Rev.) 5. McLean and Miss Meilen McLean. of Egmondville, are pictures, and Mrs. ti, Livermore was the lucky one for the summer scene. in Holland and Geo: McLefinan W011 the Parliament Building& We •hope visiting relative.s in Barrie. . , that the day is wit far gone when elle W. 1-1, Myers, of Stratford, Geerge will have ,m, p., added to Ids • spent Sundae at -the home of Mr. and name and have a seat as the speaker. Mrs, li 'Ai -cleave , .• • Rev, J, A, Agnew took the League day night. • Many friends will regret to learn; of the illness of Mr. W. Sclater. Mrs. 11. Beattie and sons hive re. turned from a holiday, visit to rele.• VARNA. tires in Harriston. ton, have returned home after spend- I T. Willis. Miss Muriel Willis. of Detroit, is. Rev. A. W. Brown and hunily, Kirk- visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. ing their holidays at the home of V- Die A. Atkieson and Mr. Casey Atke Merin, of Detroit, were town visitors. • Miss Herbert, at Montreal is ee guest at the' Moine of 'Mr: and Mrs. Mr. W. Freeman has Accepted' position as stenagraglier with tt prominent legal firm M Toronto; Airs. • McKenzie and daughter Ger- trude, of Erussele, are Nitaiting Mrs. John Rankin. Market .Street • family left cm Filday for Claresholm, rr.t att. Mg and Mrs. Wee White and nd Ws. W. McQueen from the West are visiting h• parents iVir ..unt Mr% John Powell. The Silver Thigible and Trinket rued Committee have just 'closed ea. very successfeil campaign, .the proe which' will provide • the boys• the trenches with hot tee, coffee end NMI to thae amount,. The committee Mr • and Mrs, li. Childs and family, of Lcindon, epent the past week at the Varna Civic Holiday which was spent 1 at Bayfield on Tuesday, July 30th, missed off very successfelly, During the atterrioon.we had 0111 annual races, The folloveing are the 'names of HAM HIM W011:—Little Tots:. 1st 'Willie Dun - 'cam end Vera Steen, 3rd Gladys Cole- man. "5 Mut 6 yeatie: est Doreen Far- quhar, enct Ada Steep, 3ed Gordon Ritthweli 7 :old .8. years, Gels: ist, Cassie fohnston, 2nd Grace Coleniem. ;led' Irene Chuter, 9 years girls: 1st and under: tst Alex Spatting, and IT. LAIlti Coleman, 3ed Flossie Hayter_ Edgipher, Young Married Women's i their libel! donatione. • ., Mrs, John Stewart has returned front visiting relatives in .Egeter. , eently ill connection with the eolcliers Although the news wase not Alto. ed with sincere sorrow' of the death of the Rev. J. W, llodgins,' until re- teintly rechee. , of St, Paul's church, Stratford, end a former rettor of St. ing the, Sixteen- yeles of his faithful and snceessfel pastorate here.' Mr. fection !and ,estemn, 115C Only of hiS owe perishlonees, but cif the entire McConnell. 3rci Cieo, Johnston, Die, community. , iVtueh sympathy is 00 - fence Was 3 Vie ft, Judges—Geo, Cole pressed with his widow and family in man end Chas. Steich, 4, Horner, SOO, their bereavement. ,. Prince Arthur, of Ccoi'llattirht, nOW ill Canada, IS' eldeet toe ot 1 e Duke or Connaught, foiener. toyer - 'nor -general of Canade, and wits' Ad married the- Detehess-Of Fife 00:• Ocleber 5, 013% This is, the Mat visit of the Prince M Canada, 'Which lie makes on his re- turn from elepane, wbereehe has been on 'a speciel Mission' for the British 'rho prince', who Is a Personal aide- de-camp to his first cousim King George V., Is a brothel. of the Princees Patricia tied the Crown Princess „pf Sweden,. formerly Princess Margarei, Race! tst .Mrs. David Johnston,. 2nd Mrs. Alfred lugs, 3 rd; Mrs. Chas, Far- quhar, Young Married Men's Race: 1st Jack Reid, 2nd Ed. Faeter, 3rd leece: 1st Geo, Coleman, 2nd John T. Reid, 3rd Ralph Stephenson. Free for alt. men's 14 ice; tst Cecil Wiley, eend Lloyd Edigoither. and Lee eAcConriell, He, Girls' Potato Race 1st Bella Snale, 2115 Flossie Alakins, 3rd Roxie. clough. Men's Potato Race: ist Geo. • Reid, eitte ;Alfred legs, 3rd Gee, John - Ed, Foster, led Mrs; Jas. Steep, 3rd test: 1st Geo., Johnston. attd..las; Steen,. 3rd Chas, Parilultar, , liop,• Step and Jumnl• 1st William. Johnston, mid i.e4