HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-25, Page 5i'• PAaa,' r'J are Watches es Our Watches are made o (the beat, mar. terial, Y °eautifullfin- ished and stoutly constructed. Every- thin r insures perm- ancy and accuracy:. O R PRICES are posti ely LOWEST on t e market, and our rantee the broad st,. Select your watch from us. W. !i. ll[t VAR JFWLER & OPTICIAN her of. Ma,_rriage. Licenses THE CLINTON NEW ERA: WWI W. C. T. U. Awa Convention HeId at BIyth (Blyth Standard) the p Convention f � Ant list lust I The •• t *e Union �t ei<u Women's Christian Tuttp 4 met in the Methodist Church, Blyth, Wednesday and Thursday, July loth 9 and 11th. The convention, church trance appearance, ed'charmingp reset t tp ] , draped- with bunting and the flags of our allied nations, and decorated with bright hued flowers; aed'the beautiful white satin Provincial Medal 'Contest Banner won by Huron County for hav- ing held the largest number of con-, tests last year, and the White Rib- boners, who took possession, re - prided these evidences 'of loving 'wel- come, as an augury of good. things to educe,. Devotional exercises were connneit., edby the County President, Mrs. H. Hooper, of Exeter. "All Round the World, the Ribbon White is Twined," was sung with earnest enthusiasm,. Miss Pearl Gidley, organist of. the church, presiding at the piano, The 23rd Psalm was read and commented on by "Mrs, Hooper, and Miss Alain, of Goderich, led in earnest prayer, Minutes of the last County con- vention, were read by the efficient re- cording secretary, ,Miss R, S. ABM, of Goderich, . and on motion were- adopt- ed. This was followed by the roll call of officers and superintendents. Ail e>• gememeaet In the latest issue of Kelly's Lon- don directory, which contains no less than 3526 pages the following new manufactures are listed. Makers of Acriflavine, Adalin, Aircraft dope, Diarsenol, Emetine, Flavine, Guala- <tol compounds, Phenblpthalein, Sul- afhoca.rboletes, Valerianates. Market ports CLINTON MARKETS flogs .. Butter Eggs Wheat$2:40 Oats G5c to 70 Peas Barley .,,,.. $17.50 38c-400 41-•42 $2.50 $1.25 Buckwheat $1.25 Hay $8.00 Bran • Shorts $43.00-$50.00 $•10--•$42 the officers were present except Mrs. Di the Southern States, and the e o r - 5:rP, 0t Exeter, whose absence 'waS responding secretary was requ a t - to retfullY noted.' ed to write hera letterof sympathy Mit 'A, 1,•Caoper, County nor-nfrom her sisters of the convention, responding secretary read the annual) The report on Law Enforcement record and gave a splendid clear-cut was given by• Mr, A. T. -Cooper, of statement of facts and figures of the Cliutop, and showed excellent work. past• years' work, and reported an du e•by this daparuli t . increase in tnetrlbershlp. that was A well rendered quartette by Nies-. most encouraging to the assembled dames Floody, Brown, McElroy and delegates and visitors, • King, entitled "1 would not live with - The treasurer's report which was out Flim if I could," was appreciated an excellent one, showed mucic care, by all. present, ful handling. of the funds' of the Medal 'Contest Report was given organization (In the absence df Mrs. by Miss Sara Bentley, of Blyth, Spteu- Sharp), was read by Mrs, Hastings, of did work Inas. been done in 1-luron Exeter, :red on motionwas adopted County by this department, Medal Then followed the reports Of the Contests held -6 silver, 2 gold and 1 Ctounty superintendents: grand' gold' contest, Fifty-four young Evangelistic Report, Mrs, Kestle, of people have been trained to speak. Exeter, read by Mrs. Baird, Was well. and sing on the public platform, and • received and adopted, each year the interest increases, Re - Flower Mission Report, by Mrs. port adopted with the appreciation of Davidson, of •Goderich,. was a tabulat- the. convention. ed account of: fruit, flowers and del- Report of Prison Reform was pre- icacies to the sick and those in need sented by Mrs. Frank Elliott, of God-, of cheer, Mrs, . Davidson has been erich. Thirty-two had been inmates superintendent of this very valuable in. the county goal this year, as cons- department of the work for' many pared with fifty-one last year and very years, and many have blessed herlov- few were in for dnunkeness, speaking ing and faithful ministry. well for the, Prohibition Act, Press Work Report was given by Miss R. S, Allin, of Goderich, showi»g the value and importance of this de- partment, for nearly everyone reads our local papers. "Work Among Soh:tiers" was, the next report by Mrs. Beattie, pf'Exeter, This was a detailed, account of the, splendid work done through the year different U One walks in sunlight, another goes lines, ieAn amnianofions tlleomqueyraisc. All wearily in the shade, ed through the silver thimble acid. One trees a path, that's fair, smooth, trinket fund, the grant given,. to the, Another must pray for aid; Women's Christian Temperance Union It costs so little, 1 wonder why by the County :Council, etc., was one We give it so little thought; of the best reports given. This report A smile -kind words -a -glance -a touch, was followed by the Missionary .Re - What magic with thele is wrought port of Miss Bessie Porter, of Clinton; For its better to send a cheap boquet Sailors Work Report by Mrs, Alex. To a living friend this very day, McLean, Goderich ; Anti Narcotics by Than a bushel'of roses white and red, Mrs, Geo, Levis, of Clinton; Scientific To, spread on his casket when he Temperance by Mrs. Myles Young, of is dead. Blyth; Medical Temperance by Mrs, Fowell, of Exeter; all showing good Moral Education and Mothers' workdone and active interest in each Meetings, by Mrs. McGuire, of Brus- department. sels, was read by Mrs, Clark. Much kindly worded address of wel- sympathy was expressed for Mrs. Mc- Guire in the great loss she had recent- ly sustained in the death of her son, who was training for military service How little it costs, if we give it a thot -To make happy some heart each day, Just one kind word or a. tender smile, As we go on our daily way. Perchance a look will suffice to clear Thecloud from a neighbor's face, And thepress of a hand in sympathy A sorrowful tear efface, K' \ li I pilin �i4 b'ul'l .j. - is re.,' 4, f1 Nervous Mothers. Should Profit by the Experience of These Two Women Buffalo, N. Y. -"I am the mother of four children, and for nearly three years I suffered from a female trouble vdtb ,pains. in my back and side, and a general Weakness. I had Pro- fessional attendance ro=fessional'attendance most of that time lint did not seem to' .. get well As a last resort X degide 1 to try Lydia B. ,I ,\ 0', Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which I hsd seen advertised in the. newspapers, and in two weeks noticed a marked improvement. I continued itsuse and am now free from pain and able to do all my house- ' work."- Mrs. B. B. Zasurssy 203 Weiss Street, li Buffalo, N.Y. Portland, Ind."I had. a displacement and suffered so baldly from it at tunes I could not; be, on nay•feet ,• at all. I was all run down and, so steak,' eouid,not do nay housework, or was nervous • and could not lie down at night. I took treatments from a'physician but they did not help me. `bfy Aunt recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C6mpound. I tried it and now, I'am strong. and well again and do, my.• own work" and I gibe Lydia E"Pmkham?s pp„ y 1 Oompound t�li s; creditd'- DM¢YYs. J o s s r a: i.w B, I6 l Street,Port led. �� Ib l 111 Knonasa 986 West Rata. laud, �`1���� . l vCify 9riOk Wolian Should Tiry, is :,_, S LYDIA®PIIS .-,�atgaFre ri� a .5u n1 ct • ,a i 1, VEGET LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE.CO LYNN. MASS, say , j,4. We cordially invite you to our Garage where We ale, specially„ eoiuipp&d to extend prompt and�efftcaent.,Ser,ytce, A• ful>r:line of accessories and repairs carried; Overhauling and Painting our Specialty;,. Phone 80. AUTOMOBII:E, LJVl=R? ' Hopse,. Phone 140 • Bicycle aasd 1lppairing 13acycle• and, general repairing done by. competent wor'kteil. Quidk''ser'vice always.:, T 2nd' HAAD. CM3 FOit;; S,LFt 1.5,.. P,A SEN ER 1S B , 7 PASSENGER UU 'ROADSTER 111 ARAT�#I'l.�R e Clinton Dara e , PAXMAN come was given by.Mrs. Robt. Wight - man, of Blyth, to the officers, dele- gates and visitors of the convention, which was replied to by Mrs. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton. Mr G M, Elliott, of Goderich, was to Mrs. Sharp, of Exeter? the retiring'I Treasurer of the organization, who has held the office for the past seven years, having given valuable' assist- ance by her faithful service,' Hunch. sympathy was expressed for , her in her recent bereavement by the death of her husband, Rev. F, S, Sharp and regret tor her intended renovai from this County. A very re rtY vote of thanks and appreciation was given the County Superintendent of Medal contests, Miss Sara Bentley, of Blyth, forthe valuable service she has given the Woman's Christian Union the past year, in Planning and conducting the work of the Department. The election of officers and super- intendents took place and resulted as follows:-tlonorarY Presidents; -Mrs, Davidson, Goderich; Mrs, Hooper, Ex- eter, President Mrs,' Beavers, Exeter Vice -Pres, Mrs, Robt, Dark, .Brussels Cor, Sec, Mrs. A,'•T, Copper, Clinton Rec: Sec, Miss R. S. Allan, Goderich' Trews. Miss Sara Bentley, Blyth Superintendents Evangelistic, Mrs. Kestle, Exeter $ystensatic Giving Mrs, Bender, Blyth Flower Mission, Mrs, Davidson, Goderich Moral Education and Mother Meetings Mrs, McGuire, Brussels Law Enforcement, Mr. A. 1', Cooper Clinton Franchise, Miss Leatherdale Brussels Prison Reform, Mrs. Frank Elliott Goderich Anti Narcotics Mrs. G, Lanes' Clinton Medal Contests Miss S. Bentley Blyth Scientific 'Temperance Mrs, Myles Young, Blyth Railroad Employee, Mrs, J. Kermer introduced to the convention and gave an interesting account of the work of the Children's Aid Society in. Huron 'County, The knowledge that a children's shelter had been recently purchased in the . County town of Goderich by our County. council, gave pleasure and satisfac- tion' to tate assembled delegates. • On Wednesday . night the annual Gold Medal Coniests, and in addition to' these a Grand Gold Medal Con- test, was held, when the large auditor- ium of the Methodist Church was filled withan interested and appreciative audience, to hear the well trained and talented -elocutionists and singers com- pete in friendly rivalry for a Gold Medal for elocution, a Gold Medal for singing and a Grand Gold Medal for elocution. Contestants were pre- sent from Goderich, Brussels, els, Clinton, Wnh m and Blyth, and. a splendid program was enjoyed by all present. The contestants were assisted by vocal and instrumental selections from some of Blyth's best local talent. An instrumental duet by' Mrs, Brown and well d Wingham Medical Temperance Mrs. A. Taylor Blyth Sailor's Work Mrs, Alex. Dingman Goderich• Red Cross Work Mrs. (Rev, Ding- man, Wingham Missionary, Miss Bessie Porter Clinton Regret was expressed that Mrs, H. Hooper, one of the veteran Temper- ance workers of Huron County had removed to London. By the unani- mous vote of the convention 'she was an Honorary President of the County organisation. She is still a valued member of Exeter Union and will al- ways be interested in the Teutper- a-ioe work of- the county. She with tine' President, Mrs, Beavers, of Exeter"- were. appointed delegates to the Provincial convention to be held in'Guelph this year. The convention was brought to. a close by a few words from the retiring President Mrs. Hoo- per, with prayer by Mrs . (Rev.) Baird, -of Exeter. • SUMMER HEAT HARD` DR BABY No season of .the year is so danger- ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand, the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother realizes he is 111.; Sumner is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentry and colic are most preval- ent. Any of these troubles may proye deadly if not promptly treated, Dur- ing the summer the mothers' best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. Th6y f Mrs, e, and , received .awe eserve regulate the bowels, sweeten the encore, and. the ladies quartette from stomach and keep baby healthy. The the Methodist church, and a edcpat- Tablets are sold by medicine dealers aand selection by Miss Mildred Brown or by: snail at'25'cents a box from The d.enjoyed, Aubrey Baintou, were es- Dr. Williams' Medicine' Co., Brock- pecially eA. Pop ville,Ont,' Mr. S. A. Poplestone was the chair- man of the evening, filling the position with credit to himself and with pleas- * * w` * * * * 0 * * ure to the audience. * * The Gold Medal for elocution was ** won by Miss Melda McElroy, of Blyth, * H. W. C. A. and. Red Cross * the title of her selection was "A' Soak s. * * * * * in Rum Barrels." The Gold Medal * for singing was awarded to Miss Lillian. Jackson, the title of her selection was The following is a complete account "Somebody's Boy"; and the Grand of French Red Cross donations:-- Gold onations:-Gold Medal was won by Master James Clinton Girls' Auxiliary ....$225,80 Allen, of Wingham, whose selection, Clinton W. P. S. 225.80 "Made Whole" was one of the finest Bayfield 50.00 masterpieces of eloquence ever listen- Varna • 25.00 to in Huron 'County. Y, L. of S. E. of G. T. 25.00 All the contestants did excellent Turner's 'Church Society 21.00 work, reflecting great credit on those London Road Society . , . , 15.00 ed to in Huron. County,Unity Club 40,00 whotrained them, and showing great and judges would liked to have had a medal for each one but they had to go by the points made and give their de- cision accordingly. While the judges were out snaking their decisions, Mr, A. T, Cooper, Secretary of Huron County Temper- ance Alliance, gave a brief address on the work in the county, ' During the evening the presentation talent and ability, and the committtee Mrs. Beavers, of Exeter. These pins are being presented this year by the, Provincial,Organization to those who secure ten: new ineinl�jfers. T'lis -cap: able aud,,energetic'li y has the honor of whining, thirteen new members this year for Exeter Union. The .present- ation was :n1de by the Comity, Presi- dent, Mrs, H, Hopper, who stated; that 'more than, fifty pins had, been won in the Province .. The Gold Medals., were, peresented by Mrs. G. M Elliott,, pt Goderich ,and Mrs, R. A.• King of, .Blyth, and the Grand Gold Medal by the County Sup- erintendent, Miss. 'Sara Bentley, of„ Blyth. A very hearty vote of, thanks Was. moved by Mrs Frank Elliott, pf God; erieh,'to the judges„ the,contest*nts, ,and chairman of theevening, ther,truq- tees of.' the Methodist Chunehi: for, the, use:.of their beautiful edilice and all those who contributed in titaking the entertainment such a pleasant and sucegssfiul..ode.. ' The motion ;was se-. '`coitded and carried unanimously, and the progr'ani was b.rougbt to: a close: by singing "God. Save Ouc, Kiifg," . aind God Save: Our Splendid t Meng There, was a small adimssion charge and proceeds anioinited 16;$51. 7`hurattay, . Moaning Devotional• exercises were conducted, by Mrs. Robs. Dark of Brussels, Counr ty Vice President; after widely ,a mem- orial. service was held for those meth-. bers, of the Women's Christian Tents perance Union who have exchanged time for their Eternal Reward, and have answered to the call above, Three of the White Ribbon Band have laid down their work in Huron dur- ing the year, "Here theybare the cross There they wear the croWn," A motion Was carried unanimously requesting' the corresponding Secre- Manse, has retuk'tt¢tt to the ,city, tary to Write a letter of appreciation tiolmesville Summerhill Bethany Stanley Maple Leaf 40.00 10,00 5,00 5.00 Total $627,60 Supplies received for shipment to London were:- Vartia:-18 pairs socks; 7 pyjamas; 4 feather pillows; 2 pkgs. old cotton. Bayfr'eid:-22' pairs socks; and two suits pyjamas; Unify' Club: -12 pairs socks; 2 day shirts, Stanley Maple .,Leaf 8 day shirts. Bethany Society: -9 pairs of sock$, Turner's Church Society; 27 pr. socks, London Road 'Society: -55 pairs of socks, Clinton W. P. S.;--60, pairs of, sock 1, day shirt;11 pyjamas; 8 sheets; 119 Hospital towels; 5/ personal .property bags; 182 handkerchiefs, 2 wash cloths 2 pkgs. old cotton. For Own Boyd Verna: -14 pair of socks and 7 day shirts. Y. L. of S. E. of G T., --8S pairs of ,socks and.,$22,0.0 worth 'of eatables. A number of the Societies have a1+ 'toady decided to take up some. work.. ',toady Belgian and French. people each pnpn.th; Bayfield Patriotic Society and: a :Of;, E, of G, T have each aeon ed Blgian, child givrng. $3.70" a 10i111 for Beth n G ;months, Clinton'.S W. P, ., , Noy and:Varna will male garments,' 04410,4V0,4 ew q... - .0!14;4 4. Town; ar ,de; Country 1ra4s44Ae4sA.44444.N4o4444! BRUPEFIELD. Misses Hazel ,and Muriel Eleoat ,have returned, frons s the. St. Lawrence Saguenay trip, . The pupils who tried' tls8 Entrance exelus. from Miss Eltiott's school; hear our village' Were ail Successful, • Misses' Norma Jeffrey of Seaforth Clinton ar the Higgins 1 of CIi t e Enini t n is and 1 gg guests of Mrs, pan, Ross, Miss Br uckan,' Of Toronto, who was the guest of 'Mrs, McIntosh a( the • `1"1Ialrsday, July 25th, 19113 Sp��.ial Order Clothing samples for ORDERED e set of ERE Our new CLOTHING for , Spring is now here and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest sel- ections of High Grade Woollens we have ever shown. Our Styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come in . and look them over and get one of our new style Books. We 'are also showing some new Natty Styles in Men's, and Women's Boots, Men's Hats,. Ties and Shirts. See our Table of Men's Boots at $3.50 a pair. • PI.t ,steel -s. S11111111Trouts Phone 25. Iliore Business THE STORE TIIAT SELLS FOR LESS Rev. Mr, McConnell, of Hensel', will preach in our village next Sunday. The service will be held in the after- noon. Rev. Me. McIntosh has gone bit his Vacation,' The S, S. picnic , to Bayfield pts Tuesday.; was a very successful one. Many of the parents event to the pic- nic along with the children. Mrs, Alex. Mustard is visiting her mother Mrs, McLaren of Tiverton, who is very ]11. She is over 90 'and is slowly passing away. Miss G. Grainger is spending her vacation at the hone of Mrs. H. Mc- Dougal, of Tiverton, Miss Margaret McKenzie, of Lon- don, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Alex. McKenzie of our village. John Walker has returned from visit Ing his. daughter, Mrs. McDougal, of Tiverton, John Murdock, Stanley, has bought a Ford automobile. • VARNA. The young Girls' Knitting Club had a great success with their garden party on Tuesday 'evening of this week. The excellent music by the Silver Band and Pipers of Clinton, was much ap- preciated by everyone, The proceeds of the evening was $225. Hurrah; for the young ladies. The Society wish to thank all those who'assisted in mak- ing the evening a success. HOUSE FOR SALE A good two-story, eight roomed, frame house. on Townsend Street; heated by furnace; good cellar; soft and town water in house, with bath- room, pantry and summer kitchen, good garden; barn and chicken house. Excellent location. Apply on premises to Mrs. B. A. McDonald. DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Bought and Sold at Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at his Bank. VICTORY LOAN to yield 5,76'% W. BRYDONE,'Clinton FOR -SALE -� 8 -roomed house,, furnace and other comfortable conveniences. Corner of Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. GIRL WANTED For office work at the Ford Garage. Apply to BERT LANGFORD Horses For service ELMER DICKSON 51525 A. T, R. 2295 C.N.R. Modern hotels afford city comforts but. Form A 1. Enrolment No. 4881 many prefer tolive ih tent or log Race redord 2,004 cabin -your ohoice at reasonable The Grand Circuit Race and Show cost. Secure your Parlor or Sleeping car Horse( 1st prize winner at Seaforth.and, accommodation in advance, Clinton 1917 Spring Shows. The only stable in the County of Huron that Full information from any Grand. ever offered' the services of a stallion with -a record., of 2 i0,';or,better. Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning,, !i Passenger Agent, Toronto, Calyea for Sale ' The undersigned has trade arrange- ments to handle a few Shorthorn -grade calves, March and April is the time to secure them as the supply is limited later. • W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 Clinton MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of good reliable sten can secure steady employment on Munition. work. Apply to, The Robt. Bell Engine Sc Thresher Co.,. Seaforth, Ontario. For 5a1e A good frame barn 28x40. Apply to - C. J. Wallis. JUST ARRIVED A CAR -LOAD OF FEED CORN We have also secured a quantity of Choice Seed Corn.' in. the following varieties: SELECTED YELLOW LEAMING GIANT PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- AGE. NSiL AGE. SELECTED RED COB ENSILAGE and also EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE As the season has arrived for the hatching of Baby 'Chicks w.e have on' stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed. which we are selling at reasonable' prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Hull Choice)' and also. our usual line of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed. W.J'�en rns So FLOUR AND FEED ?bona; 199. Residence 0 on 142. tND -1 UN K's �WAY. HIGHLANDS.OF ONTARIO Offers you and all the family the outing of your life. ALGONQUIN. PARK MUSKOKA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY LAKE OF BAYS TIMAGAMI ARE ALL FAMOUS PLAYGROUNDS' ElMer Die sod will stand at iris owls District stable, Commercial Hotel Banns, Blyth with exception of the following route: MONDAY -Will Leave' his own stable - duuo item:turd fie Sots, el ty pessen', audproceed to Auburn for noon; thence ger and Ticket Agents, phone 6,/Y.,: by wa$ of Nile to G. McNali's for night, �, t7. Mattison. station neem TU> SDAY.-W411 proceed to' 'Colt borne; House, Goderich, for uaorn,; and. FACE_ COVERED WITH remaiWy PNESDAY- WV proceed. by l, there until Wednesday noon ' P lliPL.IES h v way of; Bennc]Iier to Blyth. where e.vtll • ,. reiriaiit ntil the following Monday morning.u • ASHAM1ED\ TO GO OUT, IKEt�I iHldl __ 51521A.T.R.twig.4LN Mea e,anotoithehw�y}ap,,beautiful and atti;i . . t tract, rb•faoe•ss. sadl', .marred by unsightljri Forts Ai, Enrolanent N . 2 $ pimples, blotches, , eah„worree and Vara;• t heStat tl;ticleElied Sitp�v arl!d •Tut n , oft. is other blood Alamos, Staililsie Fuit,2,17 er, to D,astyn 2,,,w e a ,bro ,c 4-lp Uh4. and In)�ez M;• 2.4714'. `Wa's show'15' Tvl'apy a..ckt ear. nd, yr n;r time -44 times first and once second. mould of beauty stave boen sadly de-, Ik4,:Meditrin will stand for' the in1- faced, their attraotivoness lost and their.. provement of stock this season as fol- poeseaeor rendored unhappy Lor years. folds? Got rid of; these tineightly gnd obnoxl- s• tebteT11iU,RSDAY -,Will illi leave his.. oownops akin troubles by using Burdock Blood.; y:Blyth, and proceed North to, Bel- •Bite trn ggrave' for noon; then to, tile. Farriers'arise .11iatliprine,.TIcnry, Port Sydneyr Housn;i Wfngltaiu, for night. Ont,, wcilee, "'Iwo flee, ago my taco: • Prl¢'ay-lNtli • proceed to Bluevale to waw so covered llall'S:for noon; thence to Gordon Me- Dotlad's llbtel5 Brussels, for night, SskTtiR15A1' -,- Win proceed to. his odyn stable, Birth, where he Will retrain nntll tate following Thuraday morning. d -with pimploa T tv shamed to go out. X tried several remc- digs, but, Uhey,were.of no use. Al. last aa. {�rlettd advisod me to 'try ;3tirdook lllood; •Slitters.. I got a bottle, and by tate thou, 1t wart used T could see a differeneo 1 then got Om more, and when X bad used theist the pimples were con1�ppletely gone. X can highly reeornnleed l3.13 13 » For furtherparticulars and terms of n quire of � - X'. Nfilisdrii Co., Limited, 'Iorontoy Out: these we it bred Ito r"es see bills or en ',tiro, S1.00 a bottle, Put up by The THOS. COiJL•itR, ?Pop,