HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-25, Page 3*t
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J4 #ta41�h! HArr !�
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your kldna ,s .ara the 1111101'0 of the body,
they a,u0 inaativo a Id ;¢ail to outs•
it SAO be Utilize tON t OQ(I 1r0N
, � ���
fr' a '
n a
tsars 1190 waste matter, th.y are apt to
til row e
Oho ala 1
a eohaui
m sen t
of the body,
the hogs, ,, , : .,
Y6 S
v� (it , * .
s (( h 'v
, 4011 week. At our 1'ouitrY
"' .
out of order thus feria poisons cyn ac.
aamilato in L40 system and b. as ds,at. y
"" ' "
MILK IN 7'He WtA1 'C`
w A �
tw[iCbo --iWl l�yfu;
i ; feeding Floret for the balancer
as snake vonolu,
w.Iaoro'";a�•a A .v �• ,,
o i9 8 Pries paid ' ',
i. e a a1d, t
P d 4c g
� to quality and fancy prices paid
.Besides musing u'
s ua.srn the i
a m or '
g n grime t f
b u atie u. a o
q m 1n, eeiatfea,, lumbago and back-
Sebe uegloot of this kiduay0 is Apt to
l' ro or C-0 0.11 a
P A. batty i Products uc t
"Y r 1111
tS X o
8t)mruor, 'OLne-�-�i,'hresbing Qangh
a° ,
, , fpr large properly fattened liiilk
40volo into more corions diseases, such
Will, ,Help to 101love waren rw
no di
� sgase0, .Now Procurable at guy
g drug ore o goad o dDr
r 0 Y. M Pier
:p'.b' fed chickalis,
48 dig, 000 or erose in the bladder.
shortage--w—i' to
• Ce
Inv8lidp" Hotel,Buffalo;N, Y„ of branch
Sid the body of toxic orsons^-4losn
k .
t s 1Bo ftiltrat,
ad'd1►is Year,
rho bladder and kidneys and ours 11110
ba $14 in the winter,
it' Ch�J,aren Cry,
twinges of rheumatism with Anuric and
you win the bails of life,
(Comtributod ley Ontario I9opartmont
Ab"rfcgltur., Targnto,)
or l av
; Meatless, days ,iirg slaking
A .orae @
wa0 rs discovered ver
ed b
1'ierao, and has benafitod thousands of
Any peison who peri anci by re
� you is mightier than the
• •
. (or eggs.
• � Tory high pr,�ie0sMIME
sutforera as well as aplieasad and olfmin•
Sword -- especially when
I lbo-4gil grain:: prices are
at0d the rav'a eq ai the more
g serious lid.
La i
s A P g Ia It. Than u
- „ ,
• , .. ,
( it w1i1, pay You to lake special
r ,, •
no di
� sgase0, .Now Procurable at guy
g drug ore o goad o dDr
r 0 Y. M Pier
ttply that ALG by 40.040.
_ n.
,. ;, . Caro Of yOUY Stack Of hens gild
• Ce
Inv8lidp" Hotel,Buffalo;N, Y„ of branch
li4 Ili Ply this a1in by ;500 lbs., and
bF. e Sae
tib o xo i a n10 i• u
9 µ ,
"'loft 0!p49P' nrtlk, shrillf,j: a),,t Lu.i
, pullets, . :. . ,
e -
91SCO, Bridgeburg, Ont., 10 eats for trial
an totAl of 8,000,000 lbs,
info tine �puly vessel after 1 14
4ye mat no
It vis the rr
A Cd eS
a lubricant
a lubricant holding pad to be sfircstp
ped around) them,
is reaeLed- tyiore pounds of Pont, in-
as this wal .liwly spot! tun Wuulu
'�Y .
iiOH411-Rogloil^Q,"Go:i `Limited
Ul[il +� ,Limited
Thorold, Ont --"I was wonderfully
helped by taking tAnur1 ,P Por about
deed, thaw ,wore exported by Canada
shortly. before this war. yet
the NLUk as hand,, mu11,, talce.l to
"gym sUoould not be ubau lura
$ pli) ut S+
y I had kid.
ney trouble
eault Wad, that huge quantity
y by
>� , except ,t be poauu i,,
Y.., ,,,,,,. „,,1-.,,.I , „
r , ,,,,Th4�,up±to•dato,Fiem • •
and rheu•
.. matism. I ■iw had
' 'backache:
.t� g a'valuable food commodity
then only f'or cooking; m4lk tioto
should be washed as spun us. aim,,
by timely, thorough .arid intelligent
r' spraying with l;ordeaux mixture.
Ig lbnba
at present is almost entirel
and be promptly retua'rlud to ' I
CHutolf Branch Phone )190
open cars can be run and darnyi� +'
bodily on either side,
Apparatus has been invented by
would dwell and I had
rhoumatism in my.
wasted - the garbage of our towns
mdk�'-in no Cage b4ould ihi
battles be used for lay other purpo
rj1I Trowart . li4anagor ., .
5 high, and keep the foliage covered
with Bordeaux throughout the sea-
Rectified alcohol,. ethylated 1ir1,
ether and a wag are .,being made A>nrriti
arms and brands; 15fy
hands would swell and
This is the evidence given by
in the house than, for ai,ldiag,milk.
a Prof. FI, A. llean Ontario ALram
• or Holmesviile 4 on 142.
DR �°tll'1di0'LE�
g i 6a �, , .,;
' 1
, •.'
joints would ie so
t sore and stiff I could
commission appointed by the Agri-
oultural Section of the Ontario Or-
tura! Collage, Guelph, Cut, o
l4CA1 • ►O�p�alAAAAAAAAkik�
Scarcely do nay lrurk,
" ' ' They would Pain we
ganfzatlon of Resources Committee,
to Iavettigate the feeding of
something awful. >
doctoral but witiioat relief. r At last I
to swine. The commission consisted
of J; E. Brethvu
upon the season, the "tter the wea-
ther the larger the number. Do not
Put Off spraying because it looks like
rain. It the spray is on the plants
half an hour before the rain comes
saw (Anuria' idvei£iead, I its use
p, Burford; F, W.
Johnson, Walkerville;
From Canadian Army and s'R.bi.W.lt
Spraying as described above should
It is without a doubt the safes; avt+ri
And bottles completely
p y cared 1°B as
all.my rheumatism, and I think rt
Wad Justus
Willer, Toronto. These gentlemen,
Police on Ot'ccotertt of TVifaa9c Fleark
July, but in Ontario It is usually ad- not leave the bowels inaeonst#patet:•nori.
visable to spray for all three. dition. '
A hand pumP barrel sprayer Can Make up your mind to insist ail vett
be vtZ,
Permanent for that was a year And
haws athhis
have lately returned from a tour of,
See and heft our finest
I never had any return of Aft.
mbnt, i ltavo.never'found u modieina ss
cities where garbage is fed
to hogs and age of the opinion that
Mr. Victor A. Tattoo, Indian Fleas
seat,., It is
New Stylish desi � ns Of
g , , „_
good as Anuric , ISas ]i, x. H
Ontkdo ought not to dela In
the y ager in
writes. with pleasure I at
writing to lot you know that I have bee
1loherty Pianos arid
' O)) the occasion of Miss, Mabel
The saiieat points of the report
which has been Prepared regarding
cured of weak by using Milburn
Heart and Nerve Pills.
Baltic's resignation of the position of
their findings are briefly: (1) Tient
garbage has a food value of between
I had been a sufferer for pearl tw
yes with heart trouble and Could ge
teacher in school Section No. 17, West
Wawanosh, a goodly, number of
'$8 and $9 a ton; (2) that it should
be fed entirely
noreliefbyusing other kinds ofinedicini
I had been in the Canadian Army fc
representing ' the schgbi section'. `asp
untreated, i.e., that
it should not be heated, washed or
nearly tea months and was honorabl
6t/CC9ati Yillilt'9 917rI
sembled on $aturday.tast at bee home,
sorted; (3) that residents of towns
and c'tios •where garbage is to
discharged on account of my heart,
I served in the Royal North -Wee
Miss Marie Sproul
p presented
her with a 'handsome china cabinet`
be fed,
must separate their garbage, placing
table refuse only in a separate
Mounted Police, in on and was ala
Honorably diaehargsd on the same ac
I Pianos and organs rent
talner; (4) that for eve 100,000
of Population a minimum
A friend of mine advised me to tr'
. ! ^
tans of garbage is produced each
a each
your pills. After taking three boxes'.
was completely oared. You
ed. Choice new Edison
year, which will feed '3,000 hogs;
(6) that rho double treatment
Can pleas
, use this as you see fit."
phonographs, Music &
ram and virus) for hog Cholera must
Wherever there are people suffering
with weak hearts, they can find no reme,
Variety goods,
I� r�� n
I Ff. T. � E
be given to make the plan feasible,
A small percentage of our garbags
dy that will do so much, to make the
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
N'inancial and Real 1,0staGO
has been fed to hogs already but the
regulattons of the Federal Veterinary
heart regain strength and restore it to c
,normal and healthy ranclitiou as A4i1•
^i 1c
4 a`mst4' 11.,.lporltini
INSURANCE AGIINT-Rnuresentingl4Flre in
Direnter-Qen,eI•al Compelled feedeas
to sterilize garbage by the toiling or
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills,
direct by The T. Mil
r• Dltlsfoat ,.,Pan
steaming process and prohibited the
on receipt of price -
burn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont.
- y� _ --
immuniyfug of hogs by the double
Pf•41no Tuning
hwe re-
aa Y F at cy
C. H �,a,;,.1:
turning toCanadaCholera.
Committee has taken the matter up
Threshing 4UAnbS . 1.'tlA,tarru-
-" •a„
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
1 form the public that be to pre-
With Dr, 'Torrance, however, and has
secured his permission, to allow un-
Farmers aro shorter ut tabor this
year than they have ever ween before,
• o.vv,.rr, •O", t vvvv vvv,pv,vvF�
y pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairtng,
treated garbage to be fed and hogs
:to the given.the double treatment,
1n many cases there muy w out u.lu
man on a term, assisted, rurnaps, uy
Order's left at W. Dollertyle phone
61, will receive prompt attention,Detailed
subject to very reasonable conditions.
information may be aeour-
a boy It will be nGai:sb.Lry, toere-
fuse, to economize labor w every ;t:t
,Fi, r'A^A6o�•'•'V%§Kt'"'•`,0U,4 0VV1 ""kAA
G- Cameron, K.C.
ed by consulting the office of the
Commissioner of Agriculture, Parlia-
Possible in order that tills year's Liar
vest may be taken uft and the tali
n� ,
w Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Eta
ment Buildings, 'Toronto, :
work Completed in prepaxauon l+n
tile 1919 crop,
L U M B 9 N 1
� Ot]ice on Albert Street, occupied ty
Mr. Hooper, in Clinton on every
Supplying hulk for Cite Trade,
While there are objections to U):,
F (
i Thursday, and on anv day for which
appointments are made, (.•dice h,mrs
"Safety first" is a good slogan in
the milk busineas, to make milk
gang IA Uniarho at is t,oi,a,i
to initiate the work un a reasonzOojy
I from 9 a,m, to Q p m. A good vault in
connection with the ofJlee. Office open
safe it must be drawn from healtby
cows - preferably those which have
scale Oils year. The Uutanv
Department of Agricul,ure is maklne
every meek d;tv, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointmeotsfox- Mr. Cameron,
Passed the tuberculin test; the stable,
pasture and all surroundings must
a study of the proposition as it al'te,:ts
the farmer, while the Untario Labor
�O -
clean; the utensils which come i1t
contact with the milk must be clean;
Bureau has agreed to provide u,000
man far threshing
demand for IvV if
'' 11rr'�n� A fin! e� �
the persons handling the milk should
be a living advertisement of exempli-
. suite e
these. Ltifarm suitable
co-operation ll the f
tied cleanliness; the delivery was-
anted the Provitc)Ia!
Department of Agriculture these
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
gens, cans, measures, etc., should be
clean,Inorder that assliraaceofa
should be no difficulty in organizing
Lwga nosiber ofsafety
eangz tail YellHAND
may be doubly sure, it is Ad-
Clinton, - - Ontario
visable to pasteurize the milk, -that
ls, heat It to 140 degrees to 150 de -
gxees V., hold at this temneratuvTe
for twenty. to thirty minutes, then
Office at Residence
cool to 50 degrees F. or below and
hold at this temperature until deliv-
j IA
Bred to the consumer, Pasteurized
For Infants and Children
Corner High and Kirk Streets.
Milk is the safest kind of milk for
liam ,s to drink.
In Use For O9fOC �0YOaI"S'
Call or Thorne for prices
• ' '.1
Clinton - -• - - Ontari
The person buying milk has Certain
Always bears
- o
duties in order to ensure a safe pro-
B�D g� .gg. t-
& Sutter
flDld, F. A. fIXnS]N
iff-E TS8117
duct, especially for children, Among
1Jiese may !w mentioned: Placing the
milk at Once on deltvrry in a refrig-
Signature of ,
. yam
Irhr[E711'Ders and Electricians
Drown and Bridge worry aSpoataltyc
Graduate of C.C.D,B.,a Cbioago. and R,O,D.S
orator or coal cellar pr'ote¢tod from
dost Slid adore, and by ke plug it in
TJsas of Fruits and Vesootables.
a tightly vessel --Preferably in
The drastic regulations get forth
Phone 7.
rtayaleld gar Mondays. HAT gut to n
the mills bvttie covered with an in-
vested glass tambler, or speclutl cov-
by the Canada Food Board lately,
have caused much anxiety to many
I iIIs• , W
or; the tori of the mlilp Daft should
People who fee] that they must now
, �� �AVelglro
1 ,
wiped W remove dust before taking
choose between either being consid-
it from the taint bottle; no more milk
er'ed unpatriotic, or going without
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
should be taken from tke supitdv bvt
sufficient food to nourish their
Better LII' �lle�"
Special Care taken to make dental trett
This is a mistaken idea. In their
mea+as painless me Possible.
they have forgotten for
�1g�� **,,
liA Price
moment to recall the long list of
� gp�
eubgtitutes which can who)-
• . Don't be tempted to Choose cheap
Dive steak and general Auction le+
r i to
repltue the Allies' demapds, and
remember that foremost Along
jewelery. Fax better to pay a Pair
price and know exactly what Vol,
, these
stand ,frults and ±vegetables.
FrCS11 vegetables not only sustain '
are getting,
e5hes a anPolaH J'. thders st s
Naw BRA oIDoo, Clinton, prosarmy btand:
to. Terms,
� ' O
higb percentage of WAter--a aecos_
:. Ton will never Y e sorry -for as a
matter of mono it is
xaaeanahlC, Farmers• eaato not.
ar A : ITTLE '
..:%,, als'o,.a
requirement'af our bodies ---but,
large amount,ot m]neral.aalts !
easily the
•moat) economical.
That has been said as oft.n that
G. D. McTaggart 111. N. hiaTaggnr
'7"''1'a,'�t+ ": •I'�ER Vad
5" t , ,•,;i;;a;,I; i►ILLS and
"'lls'Wh1Ch act Aa blood purlflers i
Body regulators;, they also serve
everybody by this time shouldq
: know It -and vet there is no
I@` eTa art 'res
`°' 4
/ R ��fA?�;r`� i;;}'. t'� ... ... ! 110
::s a,",• :''" `?i,; :: :=fu::, food
;Pi+aV•tint .t9f1 great COIIC,ant)•atjen of
ani? thus aid in'the digestive !
lanroity of cheap jewelry w the
:':`n"Y{�.^'•,.,:.: a: ..:ty�"li'r , ...a�"ca`',1.>,,n precast.,
°f"""< i •^ ar
Dried v e
hhud, are rich nbtiiesue,buiiding
Prow toget erso 1 if
+'�te]��ilt'Lr9' � TVFV 8,� .e
`.; li"_t ;i) "::c:•:•rx,•:.. i material,
dried: pons end beans con -
p na --. you would y
' like to UOME miss that sort
yaltogether- . sG ionersitfEnniklimp ftolrasys
If ydu would like to huy where rat]mtsuoted
,nothing but high qqu_alities are. AtCTIAB DJBOOi713Tb7Jty
dealt In -COME liPiLE
• DrsfAs issued. Interest allowed ■
.And even at that, no person ever d0t,osits
said our prices were unfair _ _
The he AndcKwop tVA#lg1((dlI
6'�• . RIe to*41, 11ter .Pias I asteratice eo.
Jeweler and optician', Fisirslm endt'leolnRed Town !Prow
i mer 49 ftrrjage Licenses erty only Insured.
,t� 11aad OQIec-ficaforth, Ont
MUD a MCLE,o I ®"rs
t0tgSIT& now eeMln mano!t4y gleed J. Coanolly, Goderich, Preddant,l Jas,
ernment Stan �a Ooans, . ,Bce�b, 0011,: %G -President
�") Tilos. E: Haysi SeatorfU, Sedretfiry: '
We alien lreve on hand, Allalfsi, Treasurer.
:Alieitke, and Red Clover. Assails
Alex, Leitch, Na, 9, Cllatom; Hdgtard
t )s
*e 41WSY ave an band-tl000eittnchley, Seaiorib• Willi, Chesney gg
Moat, PO", Barley and Feed own tnondvllle; J. W. yeo, Goderlclig !�t Cr ,
-.As : Jarmuthi Brodhagen.
S7iXh01i0`t 'Xftrket Riese plaid tot' Hazy Oiewc ..
and till Qartm, . , , NO'I Alli ', , ,?,,Stlllearti• JShIs Beat '
-=..-•-::� , ,: .neuro -11 01Migetf1 iaL"uoi pia nea4h.
)6 ' .woe : At�E u. td
•,, .i . c ..i.
bi.. sl i ,bAmlea
(,Ew l it��y,pp
yr ,Codeit[dq;{', � 1i ,'Mi;Blr® or•
6 ..
ti. f ,
''e r i
a r
.t G, r
d: 41 to
4 v
r Nin. •d
t � , ri
HD df Ott•
t i'(i1l e
o Sa1Ro,
1VI4'(4tittiaai'I��O,, I•r..t�dirtl�•,. .,..1 .
, :f .
I ;,
i,., • •,
A dam'" yeIIowlifeless
skim- . or Pimple; -and!
er)p#no»ia 'etre tftfilte
Iicotlitofia Bit . mt. atiom
, I lge, nature's own laxa-
tive, is getting intra �o ur
161 'i of paeiig
out , �r0, uyeit ss it
aiirmlil+ll, , ,
This' --A lLo'treiitwt xk 1st aux
oessfal age tor' 50 yearaa,•"ona
Ppill dmily m ) (Move only. Scheer
1. r v1�
rtPfgrdii*6b 4i 4, ` ;vq
"a*`_tvo■fAcesa ot(een abatethe
irMu n® ih '
a,lrsenao ai4 o hl "
a�ctkert' �! ��°�
� lie 0Ni�s
win bap tion lcoxlditac uu
.VGhika; fruit#; tilts thsually a►titod
more for their flavor, minoral .maty
ter aad•vtater tbsWIor anything, 61neit
s -till we austt not f6rget thin• banAh"; a
dines 'Sgt), rattiifits anti 'jprtrrted are t
hlgL in itootl *&Iue some soma , ,lug
hk lifth 69'fi cp c, ,oft oI4, dor flits v
MAnoa`ttuey arle';a vaiRaAbW 0pbpt1; Q
Mte, for Caneiaugar VU' r migHt *oil
ae gtyeo I ptCLidxeak Ia'Place of cirnq,
lyi! nfl rases #K,.V'ed• in„oorubhsab*4 04
withPuddiaga,''ar salads, reduce the. It
tm*WA , sta'at:' needed . Sud add • hi
tauten 'to •fries talus' of tbe,didp , - b)
Yeses qui'•ff” to hila •lt.*A- air
t'harsa iu3d• ,.t fl.o• s.E ail.' Z._..uk Ia
nNi.i ..
a -
TGIS 'fa
i 1 1
wl ika9
s i1 r
j 1 Sato I
Of 'the, ood
1 fes
N o )lion
1111• ad baoltsa
Winch yu_ fy71e els�"►i,�fl pf AiIpW
requlreil. do dn,,Lla,.,llall9 •Ttfrpt! iia#q
engaging iu•lighter oechipgtldn
. • • 1. .
QltCat#p11S an�;tn'}vaCS . a e.
a n ern'
the application .of the laws, govero.
the manufacture, hoportatiol, Amt i
of 1#quor as It effects Ontar# Count
ud r
t to ( •
J. t,tk `
i at it r
C811404 em
P c Apt,
cs fi•ai llln� foreign cvuuUry lutptpG
as�a for beverage urposesl
Answer: No, I Dominion Regu
tions 4.) .
2, Questofl; Cafl liquor be near
.Cru ed
r to Ci
nada a d tli
Answer, n a
t e Y
Yes; but.
Only i
S, r ly nr,iudustri
saerenlental, artistic, meellauicai, sc
titre and medical purposes, and ill
only under government license,
R. 2 and 3,)
Exce '
chess; 1'bo luanufacture
1'a i
y,� g ps wines are. allowed in Ontario u
,.t, ill Dec. 31St, 1918, udder liaellse, at
i tilt Manufacture of liquors in Queb
of until the same date.
)a Made, 3, Querstion: Can cider and horn
wines (such as elderberry al
,t, rhubarb) be made at any plied in
U C. T. A. County?
L, Answer: Not If they contain ino
it, than two ;old one half per -cent -
a proof spirits, (D, R. 2)
'u 4. Quest#on: Can •li
iaedt quor be re-shi
J. Answer; Yes, provided it is shippi
from one place where it may be lel
fully kept and d!elfvered to anothi
place, where it can be lawfully kep
sued, as when a person •changes h
Place of.residence, (0. 1', A, 125)
1, ' 5, Question: Is there any re'strictic
On the sale of "invalid Wines," an
patent medicines, also' essences,"
Answer; Yes, unless sur.11, Wines an
medicine contain sufficient medicatio
I, to prevent them from being used a
a a beverage, their sale is prohibited, 't:
a T. A. t2i. No essence or flavorin
e extract containing more than two all
one half per -cent of proof spirits ca
t be sold in quantities greater than nr�
ounces (unless for 1'lanufacturing Pur
r poses) and each sale' must be recorde!
, in a special book. Essence of"Ginge
can be sold under a doetor's perscrip
tion by a druggist, but only to loca
residents upon an affidavit that it f;
, required for legitimate, purposes ant
in a quantity not exceeding two ovn
ccs, (o.T.A, 125A.)
6, is there any restriction as tc
the use Of liquor, which was par•
cllased legally before April i st, i 9i 8,
and now rn a private home.
Answer: Yes, it can only be used
for personal or family use, (10.T.A.
7 Question -Can a druggist sell
liquor and to whom?
Answer -Yes;, ff a duly quali0ed
doctor considers liquor necessary for
Ofpatient he may prescribe' not more
than feel ounces of liquor 'to be sup-
plied by a qualified druggist. These
Prescriptions must be kept; ,by 'the
druggist, and may be seen at any time
by the Inspedtor,
Note: (A) In Ontario Counties
not under the C.T.A„ doctors may
prescribe larger quantities of liquor
that' 10 ounces to be supplied by Ven-
dors '
en_dors, but this cannot be done legally
in a C.T,A, County,
Note: (B) Penalties for a first of.
fence under the C.T.,1, may be from
$50 ,o $100. Second offences not
more than 'four months in jail.
Note: (C) Section 55 of the O.T,A.
is used in C.T.A. Counties. This sec-'
tion applies to persons "Intoxicated" 1
in a Public place. Penalty $110 to
Note: (D) Cases under the 1C.T.A.
may be laid at any time inside of 3
1 months, but in cases of "intoxicat#on"
where the O.T.A. is used thirty days
is the lilnft.
Prepared by the liuron County
Temperance Alliance
Dr. A. J. Irwin, Whigham, President
A. 1', Cooper, Clinton, Secretary
Care of the Weanling Lamb.
Per beat results iambs should be
weaned at between. four and live
months. It has been found that
��e . yQditiony pravailin8 durng the
Iict ,Try ,Months of mid -summer the
ewes will drop off considerably in
their milk flow. Tl .14.Q_s reosiva
compatativeI7 il"ttte nourUBFtmi gad
it is bettor for both ewe and lamb
for them to be separated, When the
lamb& are removed from the ewes
they will miss little the small amount'
of milk they would receive and will
soon learn to dopead upon pasture.,
rhe? 'should receive the very best
Pasture Available. Nothing fits In
setter than A patch of rape sown at
the Proper times so as to be ready
;or pasture when the lambs are wean -
id. Care should be exercised in turn -
ng the lambs on the fresh rape to
Wold bloating and probable death,
I no rape is available fresh clover
pill give satisfactory results, In ad-
fition to pasture a feed of grain -once
t day will Push the lambs along to a
;ood finish. At no time should it be
,eeessary to feed over one-half pound
d grain Per day to each iamb while
m pasture. T. p, Sackville, B,S,A„
ultaria Agricultural College. S
#141TMake this bh ct
eip;lDeallt'y lotion of
,l6,,6164r, and whiten, ynbn skill
_ a
40oeae the ,juice of two lemons ince of
be" contain]ng three oasnavr of ch
Aad white, shake well, and you have la,
quarter pint of the best freckle anis Ce
A loilon, and comptealet beautitier, At .
!ry', very small cost. In
Your grocer has the lemons and any pe
'ug More or toilet counter will supfly to
res o»nees'ef orchard.white ter a few th.
ntii Massage this sweetly fragrhni
Hon 'Info'"'the face, meek, arms and
and see Low freckle# and no
omisbee di.1%.I. and Low e7epr, ''Sofi tut
d whit. the akin bedowee ;3fesJ'at i,)
harmless.. reg
, in the future Ilion discharged from Cr
the Canadian anhy, Will be'allowed.$35
with which to purchase civillao clothes
rr This Is instead of the ;t8'paid when, a
beim man was discharged in the sufnnfer and
ba $14 in the winter,
it' Ch�J,aren Cry,
CA- i- S T 11 O R r A
Any peison who peri anci by re
moves from the address„givap at it,in
of recerif i'e Is rat
t ion mus t thin
w i .s n1
of -
a [
trays no rho' Central RAglstrar 'at syn
Ottawa, giving new aii!dress. There Is
re a heavy line i3f anyone• tlogiai ting 40
• ' as tiglt,
.. .. „ . .
rain comes suflicient of it will stick
to prevent infection, which takes
place during or soon after slat. If
the spraying is left until after a pro -
tonged rain it is very likely to be too
late to do much good,
A. 1011 fess s r3yi4ag never mays
iP'i'r'f+} tid$ou"gh `5r liof" at `a23.n:
?rof. J. H7, liowftt, Ontario Agricul.
'Ural Collflge,
,vs - v .
7'hulstlltya ,illly 2sth,`I,I
111 "�
•�„ ...-
# 4P iA $• N 4< iN.. 911 4, ” Ark 63ij .1 .'�
* 10:
tip the depleted forces.
—1 '
r i 'it,
S01MC,B `11X? TES
C�;-•^: a
• �.. ., _.
ak. e o s IAw, :.
* •w r, " i . rise_
o ton's ret)uired, I;
' � ''s
M a ki d o f ..
dpropose l
t hlr
�e ilaa,ivatUlrt•
�rougbt to die city by all old ctti,'tl
o praduee about 3,00 electrics'
'Clinton and elsewhere 'is the 'ex-
'tation of the public for coal dealers
P v ,
.- ".
,as�,�y,�r r
�/"� � .. �be
,lt a t n
lM 1
Y n a ara t
>; r k a 0 n tear Awn . v
a now kiicbeat cabinet #s ra#sed, t'a'+ltisrya.
eresl fa t11e
�uw _lit ,
must. eouvenicnG i'elgiga
Por a user,
d' magistrate, f0f uttdr#iig' alleged '
itIOU5 'words. •Thby have instruct.
Applying electric currents to ,4 ,
base of tho brain, . s Berlin physid'Ina
� �
has fuund a way to give 6leep,io,lhe
sleepless, .,
e -
p 1 Y •
0 0' t
For it
1 t ,u
t m o i
b ip b l e spriltgs :syr.,
an Inventor has patwelhtl
yV eve t ler i
Fa, r k n s a' •s aro it Y
4ye mat no
It vis the rr
A Cd eS
a lubricant
a lubricant holding pad to be sfircstp
ped around) them,
.. '
,t s llriported frons Asia itmx:,;
n tri e it
d t Aust '
ra i
la with h d ` '=1
success for hauling wagons iia aagiamts e
broking railroads..
d �pruy for Potato link
Labels have been invented tr, %+tae . '
attached to bath room towel rack$,,!&,
a bate blight and rot f0 fila most de
designate which towels are In kemdrr*t
for guests to
gtruottvt disease of potatoes in On-
'e art n wot seasons it fr uentl
An English pateirt has been �•r
, 6 xrr,
d stro s a very large rt y
of tl y g proportion y
the Drop 'and causes a loss of. many
for a fender to, pe' suspended in fnw. ,,,
of an autO'110 is wheel to brush rt4b
thousands of dollars to the farmers
1- of the Province, This is to a large
strucfto!)S away,
Au adding machine with savan •,,Rl,
extent a needless loss, for late
d blight" and "rat" can be prevented
genus, o£ fgures .that, is operatexR b/
the point of"a pencil instead ,of Urr-•
by timely, thorough .arid intelligent
r' spraying with l;ordeaux mixture.
has been patented,
Flat cars have been designed hear'a
S Direattony for Spraying•
railroad in Europe on .which ordirirny
Spray with Bordeaux mixture,
it strength,4 to 6 pounds of copper sul-
open cars can be run and darnyi� +'
bodily on either side,
Apparatus has been invented by
I phate (bluestolee) and 4 pounds of
linae to 40 gallons (Imperial) of wat-
Michigan physician' for measuring Soret
carbon dioxide in the air exhalert/:aiairt
er.. Commence spraying when the
i' pleats are from flue to eight inches
a person's Lungs, ' `.4',
5 high, and keep the foliage covered
with Bordeaux throughout the sea-
Rectified alcohol,. ethylated 1ir1,
ether and a wag are .,being made A>nrriti
son. Forty to 100 gallons or the Har-
I deaux mixture Will be requlred for
sugar mill refuse by a by-prodariss
campany in Natal.
each application, the amount to be
I used depending upon the size of the
Plants. Take special rare to gee that
DR �°tll'1di0'LE�
g i 6a �, , .,;
the spraying is very thoroughly done
U the weather 18 at all damp about
' the 15th of July, as blight often be
)r��t'sT �)F
gins at this time.. Add a Poison when
necessary for potato beetles -arses-
ate of lead paste, 3'% the. to each 40
® tom° pU A Ora'
55 bid B l
gallons of the liquid spray, or Paris
green 2 lbs. to, 46 gallons or a mix-
ture of 2 the; of arsenate of lead
Panto 'and 1 lb, of Paris green to 40
gallons: From three to seven appli-
Cations should be made, depending
upon the season, the "tter the wea-
ther the larger the number. Do not
Put Off spraying because it looks like
rain. It the spray is on the plants
half an hour before the rain comes
Alvo qt t
it will be dry and sufficient of it will
stick to prevent infection, which
takes place during or soon after rain.
Spraying as described above should
It is without a doubt the safes; avt+ri
prevent not only late blight and rot
most reliable remedy in'existenae.
but also early blight and potato
beetles. For late blight and rot only,
It has been a household remedy f'rvr'aw:.
it is not necessary to commence
spraying untli about the 10tb of Its effects are instaneous and iG dQt%l
July, but in Ontario It is usually ad- not leave the bowels inaeonst#patet:•nori.
visable to spray for all three. dition. '
A hand pumP barrel sprayer Can Make up your mind to insist ail vett
be vtZ,
used for small lots of i
potatoes, "Dr. Fowler's" when you ae:: £al: (r:.
Most men who grow any considerable Don't experiment with some no-u,Aartr;,
acreage Of potatoes consider that a saws utation so Called atrawberg9'.
power otato s ra er is a p 'r'c'o'`
P n y good in- pounds that tries to sell on the reputafi,t
vestment. The best results from built
spraying axe obtained with machines
up by Dr, Fowlbr's.
fitted with T -joint attachments so as The genuine isa5o. _.per battl!i, ccsuc.
to insure covering both surfaces of manufactured only by 'Che T. Milk..,
the leaves at each spraying. Co., Limited, Toronto, Out.
Precautions Nenessaay to Insure
Airs. R. Armstrong, Nixon, P: & -
Success, writes: -"Some years ago I )fad r3awrr•
1. Start spraying before the blight brag unfit it became chronic. I Jac (se1.
appears. Spraying Is done to Prevent, with a good doctor, but as soots .ea'C?',
not to cure, stodPi)ad taking his medicine I v,=.," !. ''•
as ever. I became so weak. T orixd�,
2. Spray thoroughly, which can be
done only when the mixture is ap_ hardly walk across the floor alone., ''fi_
told me of Dr. Fowler's ExGcaa�.
plied with a good pressure so as to
Insure covering every portion of the of Wild Strawberry, and less than ;Ga/aa
bottles Cured me to stay
plants cured. I tir7.'oI
S. Do not hesitate to spray be- it is the best medicine for bowel troa�ia,
that Can be
cause it look like rain, If the spray
is on the plants half an hour before
rain comes suflicient of it will stick
to prevent infection, which takes
place during or soon after slat. If
the spraying is left until after a pro -
tonged rain it is very likely to be too
late to do much good,
A. 1011 fess s r3yi4ag never mays
iP'i'r'f+} tid$ou"gh `5r liof" at `a23.n:
?rof. J. H7, liowftt, Ontario Agricul.
'Ural Collflge,
,vs - v .
the extreme weakness often visults In
impaired hearing, weakened eyesight,
bronchitis and other troubles, but If
scott's E'n awon is given promptly,
It carries strength to the Organs
and cerates rich blood to build
tip the depleted forces.
00dren thrlw an scott's Emulsion.
ama�Nee from riarm[ul Brags.
tort'Readable Items for Our Readers t
The ntario rt I
O Dove 'meat has Ar- a
nged with millers of the Province i
make. feed, Arid already ]lave I
ntra'cted for 12,000 tons of the i 5,- t
o ton's ret)uired, I;
The first War fleet Byer possessed by v
British overseas dominion consisted t:
four thinly armored boats pur-
ased and, equipped by the New Zea -
id . Governpient; more than half a
itury ago,
What aggravates the fuel situation
'Clinton and elsewhere 'is the 'ex-
'tation of the public for coal dealers
furhish.a year's supply, within about ar
so months. *
rhe Sulntfier School 10Y teachers,
v' in session at the Ontario Agricul-
al'College, I149 tome•'four, hundred
attendance; the largest number' on k
' •
rhe United rartiters of Out'aAb have bi
lded ,to appeal the case of John F. d
who will; fined ;$50o by A Brant-
d' magistrate, f0f uttdr#iig' alleged '
itIOU5 'words. •Thby have instruct.
Jordon Waldron; a .Torohto bawls' br
-to dntdr an appeal at once;
horib'red "fweffth' of July" is w)
Never in the history ief this of
Or are Orangemen more loyal to ill
British crown or )Ab,re'flrfia in their
principle 6COlival .ecligious r;
tS 110 all, Art
06 •again' FfinddViburg 4s Nported ttf
yV eve t ler i
Fa, r k n s a' •s aro it Y
4ye mat no
It vis the rr
A Cd eS
p Andents' ,.
out a. 'Story ,•about dithdir
or op lrliudenbu,g boluit
ill, Rut
t people eeWe froltt hiissodri
Since Confederaion Loss Amountt ,fu
Bilion Dolarx
" 4•
Foyesf Mires til Canada since -ailw-•
federation have destroyed vastly nesse
Of the nation's wealth than All cnklacr
kinds of fires put together.
The fire losses paid by rusurama.4
companies in Canada since 5'1867,-
mounted to $272,250,777 says r�
Canadian Forestry Journal, "The :acct.•
ual property loss Is ascertainawia.abt
about 25 %.over the foregoing figu=.
This refers to ordinary propel%
houses, factories, etch, and iuclaiam'e
practically no standing timber whldlt
only in rare instances is insurablearott
Thatonly during the past few years.
it has been generally accepted gas
t modest estimate that for every foo
of timber ever cut in Canada, ,sem,
lave been desroyed,by fire.
Placing .government stumpage Blues
:t the very low rate of 5o cellts:ia
housand feet, it is not urireasonsivfw_;
:o assume that the public revenues'b4w,r
uffered by scores of millions of 4A1
ars as does the Montreal FSnnnd,ifii
'lines because government dues mraillft
lot have been collected liy any nicans
.n all the timber that has gone up i"m
tnoke, although every square mareft
ubiic-owned forest must be regnir"',
s pos8esing potential public rev6anasi.
one considers the actual and pcUaat••
tl sources of gain to the governananf:
reasuries, probably -'a billion dbllaus:i#s
of extreme as the total of the pennlby
isited upon, the Ganadian peoloc
trough forest fires.
Childrbin 'Crr ,,:,
C A S T, t M •:~�t;:
at• * * * k * * 4 * tF 4r,
x * m 9 .4 4 * .k. x. ,y at
Palm trees have been known to iter
r,2,50 Tears
Alcohol for Industrial purposeslhis'
en produced In SWitzerland.fronwcalr
im carbide,
r sudden Change df tehlpdratulle,xcni..
064% .the , metal may somblk"s
use 'the inasnspring •.df ;i ';waticb :to
oak, -
A. Danish physician trained •Svislft
:o has made, many artificlai legs ao*ri
papier ruche, is nolo ma4ting at •
at feet of of paper pulp.
Double -ended plows that calrl'biviop+
%nq cab !well Ill elt6of' d1irectiolt1i
onf p oye;ti On the sugar a@Dab-
s Pottb ie
o .. o.
, Cp' d
. .. r ? ^ ar,-r tr,.
. '. • FOR PLETCHE'R S <'