HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-25, Page 2nM 33 2 LIlyTON, NEW ARO*, Thursday, July ;.2a"th, ,1918 Coo + New nu,r if at very ries- o:nabi Prices MORE, NEW WASH GOODS FOR THE HOT WEATHER— Never before have we shown as many attractive patterns in Light cool gauzy wash materials. Fancy French Voiles Plain grounds. with Beautiful colored Floral designs in all the new shades. Exclusive dress lengths at $1.00 and ' SL2S a yd. New Reps, Piques, Indian Head, extra good quality. Par- ti:cularly adapted for making Middy Blouses and Skirts. PRICES 35, 50 and 75c a yd. Specials for July and. August 98c, Children Gingham Dresses, .Ages 4 to 12 years, price ehildrens Washable Hats, Values up to 75c for 39c ther jg,1j IIVIIUIViIIIVIIIUIII�IIIlUIIIUIIIIIIIVIVVIVVIIVIIIIpP1�VIIIIIVllIft,' kk ins Gt nikerest from New Ere representatives, IIIIIIIIVpIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIdIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIVIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIp ��r5 �n1 ■4 1}f ti1 Y I lo..,r, 11 lR�al��l , , auroperrawo HENSALL The brass band was recently invited to Centralia to furnish music for a re- ception to a returned soldier, Pte. Bay- man.- Thereception was held at .the parsonage, where .a good program was carried out and a fine supper 'served by the ladies on the lawn. The select floes by our band were imwch enjoyed, The Methodist parsonage is being re- shingledthis week, also Mr, R, Cud- nmore's new dwelling on Main street, while a number of other buildings are being repaired. The new officers of the Rebakah Lodge were installed', by a tears of sisters from Seaforth recently ,' the ceremony being very ably performed. CONSTANCEL Mr. McIntosh, of Toronto, spent a few days the guest of her sister, Mrs. 11. Colclough. Mr. Bernard Hall took a load of young men to Bayfield on Sunday, Misses Govenlock of Seaforth, spent Sunday as the guest of Miss Mayme HULLETT The farin crop§ are in need of rain, Mr. and Mr§, Frank` McCaelghey, of Peterborough, are spending part of their vacation.wlth the. Iattgr's pntrent5, Mr, and. Mrs. J. Shananhan. Mr, and,: Mrs. M. J.:Calhtghan tout children,, of, St, Thomas, are spending their hn Shona nha(n'on jr, tvTh e�ladies and sisters,. c, ATANLEY! Mr. Alexander McEwen• purchased a • new.Chevrolet car from r, zClltic, Red Cross work that was sent out by the Wonen's institute of Zurich, for th'e month of June and July con- sisted of 6 flannel shirts, 77 pair of SEAPORT'''. Mrs, Barton sr;, and Mrs. Ii, R, Scott are visiting frignfls in 'rillsonuurg, The Stratford. Salvation Arniy hand held successful open air' services on Saturday night and Sunday, Upon their socks, value $89.,90,. arrival they were met by the Reeve, The Glee Club of the Northwest- Dr. Harburn, who in the absence of ern College, Naperville,' Ills,, will gi-v welcome to to titrtendered t weled them a cordial a concert in the,'1own ;tall ,Zurich, on Mrs, (Rev,)- H, McPherson, of To- Wednesday fo-Wednesday eveniong, Jtily 31st: ronto, is the guest of Mrs, J, R, Goven- Mr, and Mrs, Sam Geiger, of lock, , Semens, Sask., are visiting at the Miss Dorothy 1lodgins who has been home of the fornier's parepts, Mr. visiting at the manse, has returned to anryl Moses • Mrs, oses iger, M J B Levis of .town her ;tome in Stratford, also his- brother, Mr: John Melsw:an; at present Mr. Geiger fs one of Dr. and Mrs. Ball who were week-, 1130th cars are 490A Chevrolet ,Models, the, prominent merchants in Semaus end visitors at. the home of Mr. and Mlss' Charlotte Johnston, of London and.. has prospered. Mrs. W' D, Bright, Have returned to spent• tlte= wreek.eud with her sister, Very sudden, indeed was the Tornio, Mr's, T, 13 tOamtlpbell, death of Conrad Puss, .one of the Master George Rogers and Miss Dor- Mrs, Din. Campbell and family, of most, widely known farmers of this othey Rogers, -of London, Rite spending Tort. William, are spending a few section. l -le was around as ague; the. holidays with their grandparents, weeks at the'itonne of Mr, -Join Moffat, on. Thursday last, doing his work. Mr, and Mrs, T. Stephens at the. Sarah Dumber of •Kamsack and felt nothing of the end which hotel i Queen' s, M.ss Aran u t Sask., is spending a. couple' "of Weeks was so- near. During the, night he.i i lerest,O event took place at with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Baird. , , be catnaesed anday;aray He riven in his L the home of Mrs, John 'Carmichael, Mr Jagtes. Cameron;' who is teach- I , g -p Besides lits widow he l Hugh' st:, on Tuesday, July ,16, .when G211 year, �'P in Renfrew H, S., is spending. e d by two sons Henry of her daughter May, was united in mar- s. Attwgod and children, of Ford, • ,Art of his va.catiou with his uncle isiting: the formers parents, Mr: .MY NP or. and Mrs. Ben Riley, ist church • The services at the Method will be at 1,00 for Shnday school and a 2.00 of Attgustrcburch till the ewttinie expires. ilt Mrs, Maclaren, of Detroit, is spend - ng a few days with her brother D. Milson. Mr. Fred' Wakefield now wears the senile that wont come off, because his wife presented hint with a daughter on Monday. Mr fb McGreg • WINGHAM- Tlie farriers are busy at their hay and, although the hay will not be equal to last year, a small shower, which fell some days ago, having given the hay a good start, in fact the crops ', never looked better e r for ' vicinity t in this v a bountiful harvest, although rain is badly needed at the present time. The potatoes are suffering very much for want of rain, and in a num- ber of patches the potato disease has appeared upon the leaves and stocks of the plant, Remedies are being rapidly, applied. The farriers are storing away their hay in large quantities. Garden stuff is also suffering, Acting upon a wire from. Stratford Chief Allen arrested Arthur Henry, of Stratford,, upon a charge of fraud, beat- ing a bill for food and lodging. He was taken back to Stratford by Detec- tive Broadley. The prisoner. is a mar- ried man and has been a resident of Wingham until very recently. Previ- ous to corning to Wingham he lived at Brussels, Miss Lizzie, Hunter, Mrs, John Hun- ter. and son, Robin, of Clinton,, spent' last Friday at the home of Mrs. ,Geo. Baird, sr. Mr, Pete Moffat spent the week -end in Toronto, 'Mr. Will Baird left this week for Ahmic Lake; Parry Sound District, where he will spend the rest of his vacation, HOLMESVILLE. life and faithful ministry are cherished and perpetuated in the reminiscences ifAS MADE GOOD—To the long of his devoted Helpmate, who now tut.: mid highly creditable list of Holmes- vives hien, and who shared all the joys •tJle boys who have made good in pro- and vicissitudes of his forty years of ifes�,Brnadt and other pursuits, should be fntineracy, On July 30th, 1917, John Fbur in eac and o laid down e r Y P j aideidi tlie: name of Rev. Lloyd Smith, his burden. 'fie last .tokens of re- g A„ D.D, M.r. Snaith is pastor of spect were paid hits by a wide circle Itis Elm street church, Toronto, (suc- of his intimate brethren of the minis- sensor to the. late Rev, W. F. Wilson) i try, as the remains lay inside the altar and t^,`. rcn;arded as an able and ex- l aborschad raised.huFroimvtine midst�of ceedingly popular preacher.' lie is the the large congregation he was borne vsnngest man in charge of any of the lovingly away, and quietly laid to rest i!srger Methodist Churches in Toronto. t in Woodland Cemetery, London, iz,xt Wasbo'n in the'parsonage at Hal- I of naesville , during the pastorate of his. RR T • ffI hher, Rev. A, E.'Stnith, now superan- T�� ��oil� 1 TgHi `rallied and living in Toronto. There rattsfi^be something in the atmosphere ads H'oi'mesville that accounts for the sterling ability of so many of•the young wen that -first see the light of day in Ms place, for it has certainly a goodly windier of young men of prominence •ef its credit, OBITUARY: --The Christian Guard- tku' last week had the following obit - Leant; of a former pastor of the Meth- odisr Church here The Rev. John S. Risiini•• was born in Glasgow, 1839, of Scci1clh,' Methodist ancestry, With his parents he emigrated to Canada in t854, and settled on a farm in the €:;tiuirty of Peel, near Drayton, where, atf:'. camp -meeting, held shortly after, Mn was soundly converted to God. '_Seine ten years later he felt called of E,lhe Spirit to the Christian ministry; stent'' went to Hamilton in 1864, where ate spent that year and the following ear -as a student of the first theologi- ealrlclass formed by the late D. Nath- asetaelrBurwash, of saintly memory, He nolo meceived. as a probationer of the 'so' build up your health anew. Po Wesl:eyan.. Methodist Church in the getethis new, rich blood give Dr, Wil- ddltl 1866, in 1870 he was ordained liams Pink Pills a ,far; trial,. •anl they l5'.t1tnt:-Punshon, and was married• to will give you new vitality, sound fafl4ss-•Jaite.Rdb.ertson., Since his ordin- health, and the power to resist and anent Ilea travelled the ,following cir- throw off 'disease, . For more than a l r , stannet ii Harmony, Lucknow, generation this favorite medicine has ran } y 1Fnitiarfon, Plattsville; Massagua, Blyth, been in use throughout the world. and l3btthesviite,. Arthur, Attwood, Gorrie, has made many thousands' of weak :tisanSeflt and,Deleware, After spend- despondent, Hien and women brght, alt= ling :forty years in active service he was ive and strong, Pink Pills, superannuated int 1 06, and carie with You can get Dr, Williams' itis estimable and devoted Wife to re- You any dealer in medicine or by: side. in Lambeth,. 1lere'they-spent 1'2 malt at 50 cents a box or six boxes Il.fbpy•and,useful.years. in the service for $2,50 from The Dr, Williams' Medi- Yeartt church id' f him "There it may for Co., Brockville, Orf, t3eifrilly said 'of him There was J'ohn,',r Few Men have inspired great- . BRUSSE • :' t'e atilt. more _genuine respect -,then The Brussels school hoard has en - JO* 8. Fi$hex, • , He was, uniiv,ersally gaged Miss Winnifred Morris, of Pe- cherished e- cherished'wherever kntown'by the 111111- trolea, as the successor of Miss Jar "slay and laa'ty+.•of+ all''detl,ominati0nt,4die; in the continuation department.' ^Every. time you go up stairs you can test your state of health—the condi- tion of your blood, Do you arrive at the top of he stairs breathless and distressed? Does your heart palpitate violently/ Do you • have a pain in your. side? Perhaps you even have to stop half way up, with limbs 'trembling and head dizzy, too exhausted to go fur- ther without resting. These are un- failing signs of anaemia, As soon as your blood becomes improverishcd or impure the stair -case becomes an in- strument of torture, When this is 5o you are unfit for work; your blood is watery and your nerves exhaust you are losing the joy of an active life and' paving- the way for a. further break down and decline. in this con- dition only, one thing can -save you You must put new, rich, red blood in- to your veins witholt further delay and GODERICH. BLYTH. Betty, Mrs, D, W. Boyd and daughterY, of Chicago, also Mrs. Howard W. Adams of Detroit, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Adams, Wednesday was Blyth's 'Civic holi- day. Pte Walter Mason, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. S, Mason, East Wawanosh; re- turned home from England on Satur- day and was met. at the G. 1', R. here and escorted to the Commercial where he had dinner and in the afternoon was taken to his home by Mr. W. N. Watson. Pte, Mason had- the misfor- tune while in England: to be thrown from a motor cycle severely fractur- ing Itis skull which necessitated his being invalided home. Mr,- Jas. - Crawford had the misfor- tune tune to receive a kick on his ankle from a horse on Sunday, which will lay hint off work for some days. Miss lona Stothers left last week for Guernsey, Sask., where she has accepted a school, Mr. W. M. Scott and daughter, Miss Patience, left for Lloydminster, Sask, Miss Scott has secured a -school in that place and. Mr. Scott will remain West for the harvest. At a meeting heid in Industry Halt at which• there was a fairly good rep- resentation of the farmers of this section, a farmer's club was organized with the following officers in charge,—President—Robe. Wight- man•• Vice President—R. Richmond; Secretary - Treasurer—Alex, McGowan. .1 Pollock, R, Rich -1 mond, Duncan McCallum, Wim, Gray, ins Gaming John Coming and Fred . Toll. The name selected for the or- ganization Morris, ai ganizaffon is Wawanosh. Mor Hullett Farmers' Ciub, and the- object of the club is the co-operation• of all the farmers in this section for social 1 and economic improvemenf, it is the intention of the club; as far as possible, both in the purchase of goods ,anid the placing -of .produce, and, livestock before the consumer, to db away with the middlemen by dealing is su true '1 liege to Mr. John Stewart,'a prosper - an d 5 daughters, ceremon was performed by the Rev, chert and Mrs. . Emanuel Reichert, Y and Mrs, Wm. Reichert all of Hay! F• H. Larking D.D., in the presence of Township, and Violet and Margaret, j the immediate relatives. The bride at, home. Three brothers, and two • becomingly attired, In gown of grey' sisters also survive him, Mrs. :Alf Rei- ons young farther near Hensall.. The WILL KILL MARE FLIES THAN $894' WORTH OF. ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER Pte, Charles Bennington, another Goderich- veteran, has arrived home. He went overseas with the 161s1 Hur- ons. He was among the first of the Hurons to go to France and was wounded in. October, 1917. He re- ports at Guelph for further treatment soon, The mayor and a number of citizens inet the returning hero at the. train and escorted him to his home. The square and streets were treated to a coat of tarvie this week, which. will keep down the dust awhile. The new Goderich hoard of Trade has taken a. forward step in appoin rin ivean industrial secretary, who will g his time to booming the town, looking out for industries, etc. W. S. Bowden: of lnegrsotl,' has been appointed to the position at a. salary of $1,200 a year.. ' He .tomes highly recommended midis now on t'he••jeibt - • The• clerks in the Goderich. stores Clean to handle. Sederby all Drug- gists, Grocers and General Stores. a trip to Palmerston, - - Miss Lockhart of Stratford, Is visit,-. ing relatives here. Mr. Adan Dickson has purchased, M. , Mrs. Clarks' residence on North Maid, st,, at present occupied:by Mrs. Troyer: Miss •Henderson of Buffalo, is visit ing friends here, Miss Rena McKenzie of Stratford, Normal, is spending the holidays at. her home here. Mrs.- Vinsickle, of Chicage, is. -Visit- ing isit- ing at the home of her daughter. Mrs. ,wag ecom silk and georgette crepe an wore a L, Bristow. Edward Edwin. Hallett a well-known moss colored picture hat, ;The happy resident of Seaforth, passed away very couple 'left on the 3.15 train for To= unexpectedly on Friday, July 19th, af- WitOXTER ronto and points east. 1 ter a few days illness, pneumonia be - A pageant entitled "The Call of the Miss Grace Walker has returned to ii ing the cause of his death, The de - Country," was well presented in the Rochester to continue her nursing in I ceased was a son of the late sergeant f 11 here recently by the Wrox, the hospital there. and a member of St, Thomas church. town 5, eter Community Improvement Club, 1 A flag dity under the auspices of the thirty-eight young ladies taking part, , Canadian Red Cross Society was held Theproceeds amounted to $80, here last Saturday when about $220 Mrs. W. H. Brawn, a weal -known was raised for the sick and wounded resident of the village, took ill sudden- soldiers in the French hospitals, ly at her home Friday evening, suffer- Mr, L. Chesney, who has been acting ing from appoplexy, and is in a ser - as cashier in the Bank of Commerce, ious condition., h been transferred to Sarnia. ester, is visiting her mother Mrs. J. 1-1, Broad- foot,Miss Kate Broadfoot, of Hamilton, - Mr, and, Mrs. L. Robins, who _were visitors at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. P. M, Chesney, have returned to Rea - has Mr, and, Mrs. James and daughter Mrs. Herr, of Stratford, hills Miller, spent a few days with friends in Stat. of Staffa, and Miss Mahaffy of Clin• ford. . ton, were here on Tuesday attending Mr. and Mrs. Campbell andtwo the .Carmichiael-Stewart wedding. children, of Toroth, are the guests or Mr, C. Aberhart has returned from Mrs, D. Clark, With the exception of 'hay, which is slightly below the average, crops in this locality are in splendid condition. Plenty of farm help is at present avail- able. will not have the usual Wednesday direct with the market centres. .Mr prime mover in getting the club or- ganized, and in so doing, form a connecting link with clubs already organized at Walton ,Auburn and Bel'grave, The club starts out well afternoon holiday this summer, as the merchants refused to sign thepetition for a half Holiday. The three mer- chants who .thus hold up this stove,. meet,' whish nearly everbody in the county adopts, t are Dean Bros Wafter Kernaghan, of Colborne; was the sent from . God,,, whose, name was op s, r + Horn and D. Millar Sc Son o-fficered, and under excellent con - The Goderleh pupils at the high di'tions and we.bespeak for it abund- school entrance examinations did welt ant success. Twenty pupils from Victoria Street - School were successful, four having obtained- honors. Thirteen from Cen- tral School passed, six getting honors. Nine from the separate school passed, one securing honors, Miss Maud -How- ell,. of the. Central School, wins tire Id medal for the highest number of auiyt, In, malty • of .our Methodist, conn- Brussels Council has decided'to build no,e,le 5 lits. mantle, was as. ointment a cement' tank, 12x12 feet, to be locat devoeltt forth." He. Was a sincerely ed near' the Ainent factory, .for •the devantt 111501 .a faithful and effective purpose of better. fire rofect, u. preacher, an exemplary pastor; espa- p o dally 111 itis sympathetic visttatlI3hs a- Of the 10 candidates from Brussels ``ming'tne,-sick,,,the troubledLLa-int,be- school whowrotweasuccessftrancenceexx... reeved His daily intinerary from ,honal e emination,' f t , home'.was.;cllaractetlxed by.the same then; taking honors, Kathleen 'McLaren evangelistic fervor as liis pulpit minis- :idaded the fist- scoring 53 marks.- , krslipns,, Beneath the outer gracious An accident, which resulted fataily, :cess„ •delicacy.and, tenderness of hs occurred on the farm of Win, Short ells 'tI there moved a strong and reed of the 10th con,cesson of Morris ad without beitlg nugnacious, and re- Mr, Shortreecl's ,eldest son, , John N., x,lute without being. unkind, 'His char" 13 years. of age, as'loading .hay in antt+a' Was to guileless and trattspaterlt the field, a, passing l utouiobile fright- nett:; pervaded by, such a natural virtue • ened his team, causing them to run Vial-- is t literally overcame evil with away, one of the -wheels passing over, good, He Was compassionate with the his abdomen, An operation' Was per - Sinner without extenuating leis sin, and formed on Sunday in the hope of saa- Iitrla with the indifferent Without ex- Ing his life, but the rupture was so OW 'tag- their anatagonism. His native serlouc that he died shortly after. 'The gire<dlress was enlianaed beyond' measure funeral took place Tuesday afternool k predOntinant endOWmeht of fie to Brussels Cemetery. /Ay Spirit, The Memories of g gddty markit in Goder- s obtained' by any p flood, ich, She was two marks behind' the Practically all the farmers have tin- , , highest pupil in the Co. Miss Isabel ished haying now. • The hay crop was 1 very good this year although inn'sonee i GODERICH" TOWNSHIP Mr. anti Mrs. Mini. Bedour attended the Cummings—O'Keip wedding at St. Augustine last Wednesday. • Mr, and. Mrs, William Henry -of Tiv- erton called On friends in the neighbor - Johnson gets the silver medal for high- est standing aunong, the. Victoria, street. School pupils, Doris Woolcombe, the girl who stood highest at the. separate school, is only 10.years of age, The National Shipbuilding bylaw carried, here by a, large majority, 511 votes being cast; for aline by=lfiw totd'1^t against, This company bought the plant originally known as the Doty Engine Works. about a year ago,; and. places., it was rather 511011, ..erg number of the farmers purchased hay loaders this year in order to save lab- ' our. It Will not be long.now until the „wlieatIia vest will be, on as it is ripen- ing fast, Altitough'tiie wheat dict not look very promising in, the spring;; it 1 has conte on nwch better than was. ex- 1 pealed+ On the :light land the barley 1 has been engaged; since in the mem,- tsbeginning,to:ripen. facture. of marine. engines. 'Phe 50111-,. , The }crop o1. wild-raspberries roe' is very pany is milli ihtendistg, to increase• its:. ;good this year. although be oPerations:'aud are gong. to erect . affecieitlly the` dry weather, another boiler shop on :the; Maitland Mrs„:}V Weston has rethrned hoine road,' These plants, are• to= be exempt` after .spending, :a fortnight.:withi her from all ntunicipal;;taxes except school sister at Lucknow' i niisfortune taxes, for• a period. of ten years. The Mr, A McGuire;had t e newly, -organized board of trade at 'its to have his barn burned;' Itis a ser- last meeting made, a resoltttioi' in- ious.loss, as there was abort fifty ton dorsing this bylaw. and pledged, them- of hay.': besides a quantity' of grain. in selves to' give 11 their., enthusiastic, it, rhes were fortunate in saving g, support'. This•1s one -of the first real' their binders as 'they were working • steps the' board of trade has taken, quite; close to the Marti, fie; cause 1 pwith W. 5, Bowden, of Ingersoll♦ of the, file is. supposed to , 'be spoil- ' and, wt �+l r thin s appear ttaneous . combustion from overheated 1 as,mdu5trial secretary„ gp't post on, , tmasfeffttl character, "1 e Was determin- Township,.on•Saturday evening, While to 'be on :the move for, a circle cr Y.. .hay, High twistable - W;hitesides :and, • Mr. J,. Little. and. daughter, H1gel, 'county Constable Gundry •roundedup., also. Mx, and, Miss Shower rtnotorsa a bunch. of young 'men 'recently ,a?111• from: Wi ngllaIYn to visit J', To t ed them, with not being, cm- Mr. and,;fills. Alex; McDeinaidir•of 1 charged - in any useful occupation. Tango, N. 0.; at!e.'visiting MAIM neigh, . They also appeared in police, court boyhood. and Were instructed to find useful Rain is needed very badly at pfjes-' work and return to their respective enI as .everything -As getting, very dry, laces, They are t0 report once.' a- If rain ,does. not soon come the harvest week, and also •to report to. the ,court will be early%. on a .ceratin date. Fred Meehan ail- Mrs, A Robinson went to Kincardine geared, before Magistrate' Reed, here On MotdaY to . see her brothel', Robt. and the ,evidence being. taken int coni- Russel'; tvho, was seriotisiy. hurt one day nectioft With the breaking:• into. and last week, His. Many old friends.hgl'e stealing from the Ocean douse, 'al will be glad to hear of his speedy the harbor. He was sent up for trial'.covert', ' • . oung uteri whin •appeared Mrsi,Morgf; i.til Godel'is(t is 'visiting �rlti i� tl trgter M6s n Betties, Another y before Magistrate- Reed oh'- two + eltsit+» ges of false pretences, was also sent up for trial before a judge, Faiadta,stililtff ;dttitUily`tlliian,.Mgf i tgall returned horde after spending a week nt Brussel x .,, ,x: 1 •r a e Mr Douglas McDaugall fell from the District News on, Page 5 * top cif the barn and received quite a or ti io w r, a * it .o- a shaken in. Single Feat we S.,t, c ” More.Mi11esperGai'don" "More Miles on. Tires" MotorMaxwell Cars 5 -Passenger Car - - 51175 Roa,inttr ' '1175 5Possenanr, with Ail -Weather Top - 1350 5 -Puss. &clan - - - 2155 V• -Pass. Coupe - - - ae65 A11 prim. L. o.l,, IVI 1,0r, eat. Wirtt„l'.ISSedaagnlnr aeulpmona SEELEY AND. BA a _ 1 ' ' TL '61 ii, PHONE 1, CLINTON 711' n 7/1 Paist T. BAKER EXETER, ONT ELGIN CLOSE SEAFORTkI • re Couid fficiency We said recently that this Marvell; Motor Car is a "featureless car."' By that we meant that no one feature was better than any other—ane; none less efficient or effective. Uniformity is the outstanding quality of Maxwell design and construction. Apropos that, we are frequently asked what par - ocular detail of the motor is responsible for the tremendous mileage per gallon of gasoline obtained by Maxwell owners. If you ask an owner he will almost invariably give the carburetor most of the credit. Now, obviously the carburetor must be a good one. If it were not, it would prevent, even if it did not accomplish the result. But a good carburetor does not make a good motor car—nor an efficient mixing valve alone anefficient motor. The factors that made that famous "Non -Stop" record possible, and the test in which 3,000 owner - driven Maxwell Motor Cars averaged 35.2 miles per gallon of gasoline—were many. Every detail of motor design had to be right— every proportion just right in relation to every other one. Piston displacement, valve dimensions and valve lift, compression, balance—everything, in precise ratio and correct relation to every other. detail. 'Tw,ould require a volume to tell, !tow Maxwell engineers achieved that splendid result.. Just,as it required- long years of practical manufacturing experience to know how. Of course,tbe,carburetor helps—but equally, so, does the electrical system. By the way, if this were the kind of Motor car in , which any one feature stood out above others, we. would etnphastze that electrical system., But it isn't MVTaxwell,results are uniform. Those. .results are the'prOduct of a ctbmbination'of; many features—not of., one or two, only. Similarly, if one owner achieved a sensational mile- age or a high degree of reliability, that would prove nothing. That happens with all makes of cars --the poorest included` Bttt for 31000; owners to .. average 35.2 miles per gallon -of gasoline; ` . to run 22 022 -miles--44 con - For the. seine, model in �-tlttdt secutive,. days and nights without stopP g car must be a Maxwell., ,-3 .al��