HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-18, Page 5• 'PAM.
A Wedding Present is just
little different from any
a° .1�.H'ift. There is a
lentil s'e4t attached to it, that
•mites for a life time. <;
I:15 a Ste, who areg
oin to
Make the JUNE BRIDE, 'tlhe
appiest girl in the world
ill like to feel that their gift
ssharable quality, and in•
iwa c merit, as well. as • the
attiuent of remembrance.
Those who choose their
&B S :from us are sure of oh-
kegthe quality that en-
We have CUT GLA'SS',
ect our stock before buy -
Jeweler and Optician
-yeller of •Nfarriag'e Licenses
The work of compiling the reglstpa4
tion returns for, North Huron has been
completed M the office of the legis-
trer, la, Bsllltanty, Dung:0111o11, ancC for
the iuforntafion of the •public the re-
sults ;ire lifllUsJ1ed below, A total' of
16067. registered before and ou June
22'--7440 males and 8627 females,
This is regarded as very complete; lu.
fact it'exceeded the. expectation .of.
tate Registratioi.rBoard.at Ottawa olid
made ld'lowauce fop 1 certain pereelt-'
age not' being` 01111 to attend for Re-
glStt'ation because of sickness' etc,
However, due to the. diligence'' of the
capable Deputies and assistants most
of these were looked after prior to Re-
gistration day with the result that it
can be definitely stated there are no
more than 50 unregistered persons int
the Riding to -day. lo. the Townships
11 will be noted the male and female
population .are shout equally divided
but in the towns the females are In
the majority by several hundred, this
being -due to the fact that there are
many husbands overseas,
The following .is the standing of the
various townships, villages and towns
1111.,1., f I
:Ashfield) , ' 737 741111
W. Wawancsb.., , , ,307 , 306
E. Wawanosh 4.69 .515
'Colborne 490 456
Grey 775 789
Morris 597 640
Howick 749 733
Turnberry 542 570
Brussels , ... , , . , 250. 365
Wroxeter 133 180
Gorrie , 135 158
Pordwich . § 130 158
•: Blyth , 221 276
.Dungannon 147 169
Wingliam 618. 951
Goderich , 1130 1630
7440 8627
Grand Total 16,067
Question 13 on the male. cards "Are
you willing to do farm ,wark ?" was
answered by 1300 men in the urban
The Spirit of Thrift, will help
win the war—
Model 90 coincides with the
vital necessity for- efficient, eco-
nomical, personal transportation.•
it is'a quality car selling at a
popular price and backed by a
rear Canadian institution, pre-
pared to take care of all service
and parts requirements now and
Fin pnsntaof Overland n,herioriia
- Appearance, Performance,
Comfort, 'Service and. Price.
Local Dealer . Phone 5
Wlliya •Ciyerland Lfrnitorl' .
Wirlys-Knight and Ovarland Motor care and
Light Commercial Wagons • '
`.fiend Oiinea and Werkt;tYeat Toronto, Oritariir
rery I0c
Packt of.
V,„ ,(10TH OF ANY
Clean to handle. Sold, by all Drug.
gists, Grocers and General Stores.
centrds'tvhb the not' at preselnt enga -
ed in farming but who are twisting
1 to help out if necessary. The total
male population. by the urban centres
Is slightly over lSoq, ,to that the per-
centage is Nearly 70, „ This reflects
wen on the patraotisni.; of the people
of North Huron information on
these cards has beep extracted by, the
Registrar for the Organization of Re-
sources Committee, Of Toronto, who
wi1J make immediate i9'se of the same.
The totals' for the' different' towns
and vlllitges areas• follows;-=•Goderieh
406, 'Wingham 326; B'i•ussels 98, Blue-
wafe 25, Blyth 116, Walton '30 Dun-
gannon 59, Wroxeter' S3, Pordwllch 48;
Gokrie 7.2,, Ethel 34 Belgrave 35.
total 'number' of Deputies tip_.
pointed was 116 and' the number of as-
sistants 260, Thes4 and, others who
offered their services the Registrar
heartily thanks for t'be spleiidfct work
they did during Registration week.
As soon as thereturns are received
troth Ottawa the Registrar hopes to
publish in the local Press a-listof the
workers showing the' assigned remun-
eration to the Red Cross Fund.
Registrar also. thanks the people of
North Huron for responding so. read-
ily and willingly to the provisions of
the Registration Act,
1 . When a girl—or. • a woman—fields.
her color fading, when her cheeks and
lips grow pale, and she gets short of
breath easily and her heart palpitates
after slight, exertion, or wider the
least excitement, it means that she is
suffering froth anameia—thin, wat-
ery blood. Headache and backache
frequently accompany this condition,
and nerveousness is. often present.
The remedy for tiffs condition is to
build up the blood, and for this pur-
pose.there is no medicine can equal
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. They build
up and renew the blood, bring bright-
ness ,to the eyes, color to the cheeks,
and ;t, general feeling of renewed health
and energy: The only other treatment
needed, is plenty oPsunlight, moderate
exercise and good, plain food. The
girl or woman who gives this treat=
stent a fair trial will: soon find herself
enjoying perfect health.
You.•ean get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in„ tnedicine, or by
nuil'pbst paid at 5e cents a box or
six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr.
Willi'anis' Medicine Co., Brockville,
1 , ,a. ''Hogs .. .. .. $17.50
' , v Butter 38c -40c
Eggs 41 42•
n -I Wheat $2.10
• Oats 65c to 70
I Barley
Hay $8.00
Bran .,,,
Shorts ,:$48.00—$50,00.
$4 0_..-$42
al,- We cordially''invife you to our Garage where we' are: specially
cp.iiP'ped:tfi •ex'terirt prompt and efficient Service.
A fain line ofccessories a
a and repairs earrieil•
Overba❑+ling and Painting our Specialty..
Phone 50 AUTCHWOHILE, i.IVERR'>rse
Mous Phone 10
Bicycles . s y s .and , ii;iran-�,-Bi _.
g c cle and .• n
�1?, 3', general re 191 m done
n by
.'co,napeteti,t, workn3ell, Quick service always.s. •
2nd, HAND CAR5 FOit §.4i1' Mai1'
1' SI`(tl?tin#AK7. PPA E GE .;,
. R
Thursday, Jelly 18th, 1918
• N
14 el
VVVVire"4v*VVYV 'vrvYYV,VVYtYwr)V VrgvvvvYYVYV'V*TV,wait
Ilii Crowd went to Henson St, • PapPs Picnic,
after -
'Clinton was well represented at The Suliday School and Congre-
Henson an the 12t11, The 1.,...0- 1,,,' .gatloial- pig'bte of St, Paul's ch1tr.h
was headed by the Kiltie Pipet's wl1q, will, b'e held on 'July 31St to Bay field.
mad1 a good shoyri'n'g 21, i11l1sall ','A Bey
11111117 went d,ptivis in ,the lftei Minor Locals'
Boon by car, i'Clintlin ayes well represented at I•fen-
Send In The News . , , still on Friday last.
two' rink's of Blyth Bowlers made a
The New Era wood l appreefaie file; 'fnen iii'. visit to town on Hie t211s,
asslstanee and 90'09491111011 ql its"They lost: by 1i shots,
readers its fire nititterof 1111115 of ,' 1ne L^litrauee results, posted at T1he
interest. Lout news, persoltais, wed-, New bra: ofliceon Saturday morning,
dings, letters from••soldiers,overseas-.' was .a busy -'spot for those th;tt tried,
such news as this is always, welcome; .:Huron Deputation Confers:With Board
The New Era's telephone is 30 and at'
night 95. A • deputation.;froth 11290ns County,
`indulin '`Itis ector
Orange, Stand Killed Man, �' ag r, John 'dorrance
A. 7, `Cooper, of Clinton, and S. A,
A platform or graiids,tand 'erected Megaw",of. Godericii conferred i
for the Orange 4tli 'of July celel?riiiori •the, Ontario License Board at Toronto
in Winghalft In 1917, collapsed .arid' on ,Ontario
on the question of a
James Stacey died of his Injuries. Fri- federal order -At -council, passed twodray, at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, a da i1- years ago, 'reversing an order for the
age action wets ]suuncJied l y fie iiaugh- colifiscation of certain intoxicants
ter and the widow against the Orange seized In Huron County. As a result,
Demonstration Catnmittfee, Individhial othf e •thecitizens 'conference it is probable that
include T. R. Bennett, A; G. Smith, of Huron County WY!
and Elmore Mahood, of Wulghatn} fernd a deputation to .Ottawa tb' con
Good Stuff { with > ominion Government 019-
County Clerk Holman has received Water From Boyne Used at Baptism
a letter froin his son Gordon; the I A feature of the 12th of July was
youngest Of two sons now in France the baptizing of .Clark Wallace Chant
in which he says he was offered a. Moody, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
3e ears rend
.furlough recently after 2 w. E. Floody, Chatham, ' Water
y a`srend $ months hard service he from the River Boytie was used. The
declined 'it'Saying he ryas snore -need- father and an aunt Have also beets
ed in France than; across the "water. •
He does not tell this boastingly but Thetlzed
lad is it timed tafter ions f thlatew 1-loer.
he- deserves honorable mention for. it
all the same.n Clark Wallace, who for fourteens
years was grand master of the • Or
ange order, Rey. J. J, Haylock, cou-
sin of the late Mr, Wallace, assisted
NOW that soaps are so high priced Rev, Dr, Daniel in the ceremony.—
it is up to every good housewife to , "The young Orange -man" is a grand-
economize as much as possible. When son' of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chant, of
your cake of soap has been used. down ,town,
so small that you cannot get results,
simply set it beside until you get two I
or more pieces of a like nature, put s`
theta in a cloth, tie a string around n *
them so as they will be bagged, and
then rub the bag as you would al cake :e
of soap and you will have beter re-
sults than if you had a cake of soap
in your hands. Try it,
Legal Weight Of Potatoes •
Under the Dominion Inspection and ,
Sales .Act a bushel of potatoes must
weigh 60 :pounds; a• peck •must. Weigh
15 pounds, and a gallon 75.4 pounds.
A bag of potatoes must }weigh 90
pounds and a barrel must contain 165
pounds of potatoes, A purchaser' of
a bag of potatoes who receives less
than 90. 'pounds may invoke the pen-
alties provided by the Act—for ' the
first offence a line not exceeding $25,
for each subsequent offence a fine of
no less than $50, with imprisonment
in default of payment.
Clinton Won
Two rinks of 1317111 bowlers were
here on the evening of the 12th and
1had a friendly game with the Clin-
ton bowlers, At the finish Clinton was
up 11 shots. Following were the
players and score:— •
Clinton 'Blyth
Bert Hovey J, Hamilton
H. 1., Pollock Dr. Blackall
A. J. Morrish A,_ Robinson
J: E. Hovey,sk,23 G, McTaggart,skt8
W. Johnson R. Somers
13. Cantelon 91. L. Ziegler
W. Grant 1111; W. Tilfer
J. Neidger;sk.19, FL A. Thomas sk 1'
New Provincial Dog Law
A new 'provincial dog law has been
passed 'by the Ontario Legislature
which will put the can on some of the
surplus supply mongrel canines i
Clinton, in the forms of doubling •
the dog tax. 111 future a dog owne
must pay $2
annually Y for elle dog an
$4 for, each additional or $4 for on
bitch and $6 for each additional. Oth
er clauses provide, that any perso
may kill any dog which is found ppr
suing, worrying or wouedingsheep
or any dog which is found.straying be
tweets -sunset and sunrise from 911
premises' on which such dog is habit
ually kept, In the days to colas
when a stray dog appears oe the hors
ion we will Bear farmer Corntasse
sing ''Johnny Get Your Gun,"
4' * :k
'7 4: .4
:n: * * * •.t: * *
Sr Edmund; Walker, presidelit of the
Canadian Bank of 'Coinmerce, will
celebrate the 5oth anniversary of
his connections with that institutioi
on ,.the twenty-fourth day of this
According to an order. issuedli
the 'Canada' Food Board last- week
111 all, bakers, confectioners, public eat-
P ing houses, and private households
r as well are ordered to use sub-
d statutes for wheat' flour on and after
1 July t. If this order means any-
- thing it means that since Monday of
n 1. this week, substitutes such 'as bar-
ley, corn, oats; rice, rye and tapioca
•should be used instead • of wheat
- flour, but itis doubtful indeed if the
e average citizen has made any change
in his private home, or has there
e been any noticeable change in the
- public eating.: houses, These. food
I orders are very puzzling, and cer-
tainly are • lnot given' their due
publicity. When the food controller
issues an order the proclamation
should be Pnblished in Such a way
, that there can be ,no ,doubt • of it
reaching every. last citizen of .the
Dominion. , But, instead; at the
sent time. very few, haye :my . proper
conception .of just what re5!4Ittions.
t have gone forth hams ;the food board.
The people are very anxious to con-
form to the very lett to .'any laws
rthat•are laid doors tib! fhe,,, pr per.
autiioritles, but k pnbylanl#ltogs'
tinust'be'•'very exphdif Sidi Issued. in
such a Nay that they will 'lie seen'
by; everybody. So far as the present
order 1s ,concerned, the price of
wheat flour is soaring so higji that.
most 'people will be glad to tise sortie
substitute, but more information is
needed from the food controller as
to what substitutes- are recommend-
ed s tall
e ei• since. most, f those
Suggested in the intihntion of last
week are too high in• ppries, and corn,
for example, is ilnport•ed very largely
from • the United States;' Orders
• nliist be obeyed and,
they will be.
cheerfully, but this not possible
Winless they etre properly understood.
The penalties imposedfor violation
of the •view. regulations are very
severe, and consequently Canadians
Italie a right to demand the nisost
complete information at once front
tine food controiier as to jtist what
his . desires are and what his Man -
'dales' mean,
Bought and SohtI at Market Prices
"The Heiman Ostrich" Married
The London Advertiser of Friday
reports the marriage of Prof, Pegg
who was here this Spring and enter
twined the citizens ,of his • po'ers as
a human ostrich, and also With his
songs, Tlie 'Advertiser says: --
A pretty wedding, took- place at Por
Stanley. on July S, -when Pearl Red-
wing was united in mhrria'ge to Prof,
William Foster Pegg,. of Stratirroy,
the ceremony taking place at Trinity
Church,' Reit; Mark Turnbull official=
141g. , The yqupg' couple wvill:'be at
house, •t'd •tlfeir friends at ,'geddpville
cottage, Port Stanley, after July 12111.
Prof. Pegg and bride arrived in town
yest'errday and are stayinfg at the
Quecnn's' Hotel, The 'tnittriage• is the
Sequel :to a romance; Miss Redwing
saved• fids life When he was bathing' at
'the th1 .
5un1iuer. Th
e r fess "
p o .or
is well known an • this part being'
knotVia' 11 the "iceman ostrich," boing
able toeat glass, fare and metals, half-
ling the scientists of the country,
Win Highest Honors:. ,
The Quebbk:'ChroIficle reports .the
• Winning •of the] two Highest Honor's,
by son's 66 • Rev, Is aic Couch; 21160 is
a a,ousin-of Mrs; GoVch sr'., of towii
--tis results of ekaonuations of Qt
taws Collegiate hlstifute, "Harold'• and
Herbert, sons of Rev,,•isaitc Coticif,
M. X."13. D,, pastiir, Quebec lylet1124ist
4hul'ch figure prominently. _ The
boys, took disable cotire95 in Flottor
and Jpoior Matriculation work, re-
spectively. I lalolfl;,''elder brother,
took first Noss lioi(ors in,.•18 fi'dbjec s,
carrying Off the "General PrOffciedcy
Gold Medal"—highest award nn' gift
of Collegiate—gold medal in misfit&
mattes, first award anti 11iedai'i'ti Eng-
lish, and -ifs science, first award and
honor diploma in French and Get•i9iait,
first 'aivithd aad honor • diplotlta ih La.,.
tin Herbert obtained first class hon-
ors in &ely Subject,' tbo, Winning
"General Prolieiency Medal". in, Ids
class, Fisher prize, capturing elf that
was ayallabte tip' his • year, Ottawa,
llegtate is 1159 1 rgeSt in Ontario,
th 33 teachers and attendance of
er dlevest handfed. • Brydone, Clinton,
,Delivered free .of charge; to the par-
cisaaer Or at his. Bank,
' VICTORY, LOAN 'to y,1el11 5.76
W. fgY1 ONE, 'Gl'thkUn
8 -roomed house, furnii.ce and outer,
comfortable 00nv06
641115, Center of
Mill;and Beech'streets. "'AMOY td `W
Mrd :
Our new set of samples for . ORDERED,
CLOTHING for Spring is now stere. and .ii►
spite of war conditions is one of the finest sel-
ections of High Grade Woollens we have ever
Our Styles are the latest and our pricesare
very moderate. •
Come in and look thesis over and get one
of our new style Books. '
We are also showing some. new Natty
Styles in Men's and Women's Boots Men'
Hats, Ties and Shirts: •
See our Table of Men's Boots at $3.5014 pair.
Piumsteel Bros.
Phone 25, More 851ainaess
Small Profits
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the
. undersigned, and, endorsed "Ten-
der for Renewal of South Pier' at Baty
field, Ont.," will be received at this
office until. 12 o'clock, noon, on Wed-
nesday, August 7, 1918, for the com-
pletion of renewal of _ South Pier at
Bayfield, Huron 'County, Ont,
Plans and forms. of contract can be
seen and specification and forms of
tentfer obtained at this, Department
and at the office of the District En-
gineer,.Equity Building, Toronto, Ont.,
and at the,Postoflice, Bayfield, Ont,
Tenders .will not be. considered un-
less made 'on printed forms supplied
by- the Department and in accordance
With conditions contained therein.
Each .teird'er must be accompanied
by _an accepted cheque on a chartered
bank, payable to the order of the Min-
ister of Public Works, equal to 10%
of the :amount of the tender.
Note --Blue prints can be obtained
at .this Department by depositing an
accepted bank cheque for the sum of
$10, payable to the order of the Min-
ister of: Public Works, which will be
returned if the intending bidder sub-
mit a regular bid.
By order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, July 15, 1918..
For- office work at the Ford Garage•
Apply- to •
A farm bargainwith this year's
crop now in ground for $1100 cash,
balance on a mortgage, will let you in
on this place. Possession immediate-
ly. 100 acres at Clifford, Ontario.
35 acres grain, 3 acres corn, „ acre
.potatoes, 2 acres turnips• Stock and
grain farm with plenty of good water.
Creek and never failing spring. Good
buildings, 80 acres workable, 10
sumer ;more can be broken up, balance
bush. Soil clay loam. Good fall
wheat soil. Goad buildings. Brick •
Calves for Sale
The undersigned has inside arrange-
ments to handle a few Shorthorn -grade
calves. Mardi and April is the time
to secure them as the supply is limited
Phone 14"'on' 166 - Clinton
A number of good reliable 111111 cad
secure steady employment on Munition
work, Apply to,
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co.,
Seaforth, Ontario.
For dale'
A good frame barn 28x40, Apply to: '
C. J. Wallis.
We have also secured a quantity of ,
Choice Seed Corn in the following
AGE. '
and also'
As the season has arrived for the
) hatching of Baby 'Chicks we have on
stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed,
which we are selling at reasonable
Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Hutt
Ciioice) and also our usual line of
Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed, •
W.cJPrioCs k'tnn
7rooms divided cellar, cement FLOUR AND' FEED
Phone 1'19 Reaideaow -A ou 148
floors. Bank barn 72x48, slings and
hayfork. Cement silo 30x1254. Driv-
ing Shed; Price for farm in -eluding
crop $5500,' $9100 cash, balance on
mortgage, This year's crop will help
slake your payment.
Horses For Service
51525 A. T. R. 2295 C.N.R.
Form. A 1. Enrolment No. 4881
Race reclord 2,06%
The Grand Circuit Race and • Show
Horse( 1st prize winner it Seaforth end
Clintons 1917 Spring Shows, The,ouly
'stable in the County of Hnntols 'that
ever offered the services of a: stallion
with a record of 2.10 or better,
,Elmer Dickson will stand at- his'own
stable, Coptnsercial Hotel Barns, Blyth
with exceptions of the foilowinig routes
MONDh7e —Will leave his ownstable
al11proceed, to Auburn fos noon; thence
by w1Y of :Nile to G, McNeil's for ili5gBt,
TUESDAY—WlJl ;p'rocehd ,to 'Goll
borne House,
Godericii fo • o
r non and
remain there until Wednesday 11005,
WEDNESDAY— Will .proceed by
way of Benlntller to Blyth Where he will.
remain until the following' Monday
51522 A.T.R. 1070 C.N.R.
.' Fornni Al. • Enrolment No. '2036.•
The Standard Bred Show and Trotting
Stallion, Full brother to Dustyn 2.64%
and Inez IVh, 2.17'4. Was show 15
times•-••-t4'times first' and once second,
Ike Medium will Stand for the fist»
provelitent of stock this season as fon
THURSDAY —Will leave his own
stable, Biyth, and proceed North to Bel.
grave for noon; then to the Farmers'
House, Wingham, for night:
Friday -,Will proceed to.Bluevele to.
Flap's, for noon; thence to 0024011Mc.
Donald's Hotel, Brussels, for night,
SA °URDAY Will proceed to his
owin,a gble5,.;Blyth, where he will remain
until he -fora Id
t w g T1turSdaytntorning.
Fir further particulars and ternss of
thdSe'Well bred horses see bilis or ani-.
quire of
, Prop.
Offers you and all the family the outing
of your life,
Modern hotels afford city comforts but
many prefer to live in tent or log
cabin—your choice at reasonable
Secure your 911110r or Sleeping car
accommodation in advance.
Full• information from any Gran&
Trunk Ticket -Agent, or C. E, Horning,
District •PasSenger Agent, Toronto.
212111 ttunstordecSon. city .paesen•
ger. and; Ticket A.gonts, phone 1l$
9, 0. Pettiscto station agent
Irate in life the body is likely to show
bigns of wear. Often the kidneys are the,
first organs to weaken. That's why
Many elderly fonts slitter from backache,
l tame back, poor eyesight,, rheumatic,
;pains,, gravel, dropsy and inability ta,,
1 control, tha »ripe.
Doan's Massey ?file have made life
Wore comfortable for thousands of old.
folks, as they stimulate tike lddneys and
, tends fro 2,llevit4to rheumatic joints, j,ack
• utileand too fre tleh itrinatlou. When
' peat middla ago it a goodplan to use.
Dow�n's I%idnoy Pills occasionally, lust
to keep the lddnays.5acalthy,
Mr, John Cameron,llallctWin, Ont,,
writes; "1 was troublewith my ltidneya
for throe years and tried several doctors,
1 got better for a little while, bat the
same trouble came beak; A friend told
r e
me to get a box o£ Dda1r'4 li do y Pills,
and before 1 had taken thein I folt better
and kept on until 1 had taken live boxes,
r am'Seventy, years old and had 51951;21P
than; there' wag aa.n1 hells fbr mo, bttt
01411118 to t'boahl's' 1 have been oared. "
" price dOcr a box, a1 sill cloalorai or
Mailed diroot on receipt of price, by -Chcfi
T. Milburn Co,, Iiimfted, Toronto,Ont..
See that ottr trade Mark it "Maple
r ea£" sgpesrs ors the waappoti.. .' .