HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-18, Page 3the usfi.iriitt't 411 ie CL" idrea R"'THAT MAINWAA1�F A Qiom Our DuraVAmilttals)• [ , � � Pure Tea, ^pvltth+atrt adr`r►,�tuilrle' .. Ef a hors could talk he waltld havon''�� n�c41 e 1 - - i n)tn thins to nary when suntaneri u �J s liY A Mayn trd Barl atlr 1�11�Y 191C1y fo�^C1 A: U its O r0'IN is y conics; * tt, At fr•. I * d: d :t: Mellon lie would toil his driver that he feels 1'FRU1I-A-IPVRS" Conquered ' (Continued ;Srctirl test Week):. w + to as • e and Restoxgd this; Health' t much as if he could read a thertp the heat on a ver Warta day quite I / , eine- .. ,._ ' �rather lzecalia!' to to n'aislilGr, bub• 1 , suppose it is only nak4! ft ter, : ?�ittlera ')t is.ntturul for thole," stili' �ePl't.ed,lie Vater man ,tiles a days when thelia A boat y, " ds witil emp 111$15, V lore if l 1' 1 `` ,w. Y• S i :• "1 -did not Intend to lac a ..: is intense, but not meet+ at a k t t; 1 meauk liuinan nature gene+} Uy, r e+} iq !vF to I11t 'ii 1 Plitt :. 9 #.huattt4�' o$ �1OL s I have too much raspeet'for` hainaa i fit, ttndez Ills par- Iain Iva if you want.me to.keep well a Tk:. �l�tG9E 1*epllltsLt101tl O " ce Its nlurtGp. don't water ilia too $pon after i have: tk (t3r)" nature generally to believe it as set ,,t yy 4'E' YOU 3II,ti1145. eaten:' 'rryy� ftsb :land :t5 tnereenafy. as•,tbat,. I have 4Te1�t4itf'�j' beWIN QVez'jT �lGket rMAfd t „ ' Me would say,-"Wliep filo. sun is " M.c " learned, one lesson however, i will dol•, S:Gt'but' hot and•- i ant working let.me breathe t' :'` never leave my of g to* to nit' friends, ii entertain Miss Car- the, attorney had helped himself ; 1 tile,beaYeh of t Ronin' by'so doing t, W held!h tov u once in a while in the shade of some ":;<:; : b g endeavored s# I to e _ i oiti elft... you have tb leave ire `. ingl;:rt way, to, m it: tip fo t+ta rile le'ton,-tlpougii it is to be feared she didn't thick that bob looked of )our house or tree, if y ">, j surest way, to, thenr.tottget tire l s on the street leave me in the shade if found hem.riitlrer absent-minded. Ile colo. anxious p e relieve y 3z ir• gssible. Any..thing upon mY:held be; „ x>' "Mas:your experience. -of the last was passkdg out of the -room col+side„ when I gaw youu 1 peaky tell ' :o Orie two my ears, to kelp aff the sun is. few days made you so aynicak• as In a brown study when. some one canstderabte detiaacy about speaking as Oili '?'Ila r F" that >" the attorney inquired, ' again touched his arae, lie turned and I did," t, lTt;,00n'cain6 +bad for me if the air cannot..circulate shill into the' Uri ••lit fair fAce• be i, to tits deuce with your noel- freel underneath it," b saw Merrick. sttlistaliy3. Its [de would 'talk of slippery streets, NEw7rb - '' side him, "What) 'you Are at, liberty, come out sense " the attorney replied, his bb ;b'.3t has id the sensations of falling On cruel N4R: HOaENT N qt Is not cynidism, Mr. Whitney I ' to the rove," the latter said, briefly, ; 1peek flushing as ld to lined his cigar. Y { city ¢ Kittle Ilr ws d'Or, C B. If you lied listened to tlie'twaddi'e that loiy]itttilengr city col7biestones-the pressure of the It is. the plain truth. 1 have always an'd4vas gone before file attorney! 1 have'all'day, you would be glad to r3shnoIIss 'arising load pushing hum to the fall, the .r"I! was ;a terrible 'sufferer friir>x known that tile., MAinwariugs as a fami 'could' more than bow in reply, talk. to, al'inost any one for a change.' bruised knees and wrenched jousts, nd• Bawels,,aldS feel of eel driver's lash, DysjrositOi dCmisiipatiooforyears. ilk .were ,mercenary ;but I., cereals CHAPTER�Xilt "1n that event, Perhaps you woi7't 3'idiltls aT'Gleep. the mind, talking, to me for A while. Weli, He world tell of the luxury of a fly T lied piuu••.a4ter eating, Uelcliing gas, days;iothat heyttwerethtcapable: of such Theories Wise' And Otherwise � suppose' we go down to the stables; to blanket " net 'when 1t work and a, fly constanfMoadachos,unddiduotsleep „ beastly ingratitude. Half an 'hour later, having excused the-coaclamau's room ; he is probably when standing still in fly season, and of well at`night. I lost so Much weight "Do you mean to say that it is a , himself to Miss Carleton, Mr, Whitney, with, Ills best girl by this time, and we 'the boob to him of screens'in,the stable ofo from 185 pounds to 146 trait of, the entire Mainwaring. familry, ; has to the grove, where ire found will be safe front interruption or eaves - At ; AY`S to keep out the insects that bite and g a onlids-tllaGTUecame alarmed and ale °nquoed�tis Branch to particular?" 2 the deta'ctive sauntering up, and down droppers!' ` sting. p O however,. somewhat amused:, the wlhding', walk, his bands behind That suits die all right so long as He. would plead for as.cocitand com saw severed doctors who, h , All the Mautwarings are noted. for , him in• a reflective mood, absorbed ill Ralph, Masnwaring doesn't think of slol Portable a stabs°. as possible in Which did me no good. Finally, a, friend their worship of the golden. bed,, she thouglih and in enjoyment of a fine looking for me there, That man makes to rest at, aigbt after a day's work un- toldma to try `.Fruit -u -dives',, repliel; with a'low, musical laugh: ; but cigar„ lie nodded pleasantly as the me exceedingly wearyl" der the hot sun, zti a;wCob, dlaere.rr r ifirproveuLend. Ralph, Mainwaring's love: of money is attorney approached, . He would suggest that living throagh planned'Going, to be at liberty for some Kontratted next week.) a warm night in a barrow; stall neither l`ho eonsttpatioaa was corrected ;.and and scbemeda to get that old Piece - O ; time?" he inquired,,,at the same time I _- properly cleaned nor bedded is . suffer,- sgoti I was ffae o£ pale, headaalles En lish' propert into Itis hands for ing for bin) and poor economy for the and tXutt mjseraUlo. feeling that g. , . extending his' cigar -case. years and years, to fact, ever since it "Yes, for any:length. of time you Children owner. a°companies Dyspopafa. I continued was -willed to Hugh Mainwaring' at. the please ase ; !t's a reNef'to get away from Cry Ilk" i He would say utak turning the Itpse to tako;411is,splendtd fruit:,meclicina liana his brother Was disurhe.ritetl; and those eget+ ts" I FOR FLETCHER'S i , ` Years on bim is altogether too risky a thing ave to his son was the + , P> i� Wer •� 1i m said Merrick, as he return- �. +,; to do unless. you. are looking for a sick and, now. T am well, strong and firsttiaazstonee laid to. pave the way to a re cigar -case do his pocket after r., ,. t+.1 . + r" :;, . '" horse. Spraying the legs ,and feet vigorous". ROBERT N.1J'F�!TON. fartwte.' Tite Kind YOU- Have;.Alvlrays, BoUg;ht when lie is not too warm on a hot day Boo. a box,.6.fbr$2,001trialSize-25a. this s Carleton-; t coveted {{ , sed, 'Pardon me, Miss T "�$,e.r# TAIrIR,GOMPANY�l1VR'•M'VORK OITY, lie would find agreeable, _ He would say,•- Please sponge out At all dealers or sent postpaid .on• but you just now alluded re lrber 11 "PEW Fruit-a-tives Ma. brother, 1 re In u e t i my eyes and nose and dock when 1 receipt of price by sone mention was made at the Inquest come in tired and dusty at night,- and Limited, Ottawa, of a brother,• but I supposed it. must• t also sponge me with clean cool water be. an error. Had lie really a, bre- " Holidays Cart be. Extended :under the collar 'and saddle of the, FEIVIS " OF' INTEREST �d eo ruled?w)efe leve ror onners,tnat th•er'1'' r harness." "Ali, yes, and .elder brother ;. and Il By an amendment to aha school law we will• forgive those whir sinned he must have been less avaricious than ' :Sacci Readable Items for Our Readers passed at the 'recent session of the against, »g',as• God iso, willing. to for- the rest of them, as he sacrificed a Ontario Legislature tile' holidays of all give tis' fortune for love, it was quite a little fief' ready for the nextrVictory Loan, schools may 'be extended' until Sept'" �lNpEl1VED,U1Sip011M [Pi1BS19AT10MA1r - q! Ffolinsg and Oioutton� ">;ead' ns 'romance, you know, He and his,bro- i s t regdgsoon: 30th, - If adopted by the rural schbotMS uoti into elliipEatloh'i (v. 4).•, ther Hugh were both.ln love with the but sum- boards it will leave the boys on the Baeause; we: God's dilldrem and :seine lady. The father did not ap= �� Ahead" •7.ily is wall on its way, farm for an additional m,,01101,at, a tine CAre)IIlX14gitwk, depravity of oiir natures, prove, and gave Ills sons their 6holce oaxir as, not yet here; of, the year when they are greatly peed, and the consequent tend'en'cy, to,pralc between love without a fortune or a `hIlCZr en Crit ed, tioel;that which' displeases him; we fortune without love. Hugh. Main- �I FOR- FI.ETCHEWS l•: 1 : el>jgi}i%t,slirinl •i';'om that whie%. it irY Waring, chose -the latter, but Harold,,,a �j �j i uu �S \9 }�y ig ' !Phe elder, was true to his lady, ,and 9, A S �- 0 1 A YYEA K A*01 1}'�y l�' f7 " JJJJJ/LLL►Jt .[:al dells dti ed to woplfl dtshonoi+ ww, was consequently disinherited." 1J s` (Sy Fe v,.,p A,;�tT;,vya,TER, D,. D„ 4, rn ercessoriy (vv: 5; &r, Poor Htigh Maiiiwronring I" coo- 1J��gOp Tires-" �r��'��®ns Keep );our registration card with you Teacher of English Bible •!n the Moody The man, udioi asked' for bread- did. "lite made Ills x,iai2 times. You may be asked for it AFTE, R, Bible Institute of Cfil°ago.) men ted the'attorney ; nob ask for'..himselfd but for• a •friend'. cliolce• for life of a fortune: without �s s8 any tithe. Pra'yep which. pleases God is undell3sh+ .life .must bate been r.0 her 1.)naly and "Special �°'r�'prd�l°nt e�Oang �Tnilz Saturday Evening Post has in- $ER�o'd, YI'`CRRtT�w�; in,its;gtiugstsi lone and a sad life it was, tao :" d¢rrasdret'sts .price from 5' cents to 10 LESSON V0" R: JULY 21 B,,' 1;gFseveFnytc (vv. 8) Miss. Carleton glanced up with, quick wills a copy. >sr�yep„y}hia!) pleases God mud: gets sy)lipathy, "Yes, it seamed to me Ills q_ Todstvate'r is voting on the question I After aiij 'sertbtYY'operation or.,aick PR"ING TO GOD.' recti y ;, imiab, pl ate,. persevered un- sad," best ���t O��ejF tires �na� hiring their electric plant, .The bass, the nervously term is gamer,+ left' There was a pause, andr she added " aX ltfi is$;Oob,. ttlittlie dbnntis tie111eved'. ! in'3tnextteluelyhVen ened cbndi�oit Ahd. LE890N'Th1RT-Paalmal4$:78, is; Luke z - "A+nd did he »ever speak to you, Itis. a course's) if' a earC,arid SVtprve Iv. Edodtir`agFmentr to Ptd (Lttice a�i t Intimate friend, of his brother 3." h�q�� b�(an tn�; ��A-�j�+a+ Yrrlt!id'd 'd 'l�l6b U R00t P .011111 11;1OL r i " e • Pills wtIl'db'noore tUwaids Uutldlhg t ,uji GOLDEN TEXT -Let ue tlieretore adore 11 e, to "Stever e i' - d-sa�a, `r .faht4•ret hrµtd+Gfl than an&t1"' else. " -- boldly unto the, throng of grace, that- 1n b, i + '7 ' " mpY.,Obtafn marcY..and'flnd.-'grace fo'heip . , tTt•nh tpraSer cannot Tied: of an: Rn- - +rade of; etre bth No;:1. &1, "Mra Wq,;1+; rj?.toll 44,l avem art tire others, after all, and thought of + .. p ' In,tlrm or figpd„ 1JebreW� 4:1ti . s"rv-beealise ,God deflnitelyt promisee ;.No.s,.35daclio� Ro noro t4 p�tvt\vAit4a'r,`11'U'vde nothing but molnar." e^. Sold by ail drngg,ets, or sem a# III a Vew. aerfous operation three DED' 7 - A ' REA`Di,TNL,�R T.rn�k0 7?�,�OR t t; c v pus. Chat asketh reeeiveth, 11ji { cannot believe that of. Hugh i6 p e� -Y.. praise+ an rusc,pt of pr'n:o. and W Y _ :nD $ 1tF•; .P ante S ® he Road e. grog pampblut: ndrireast years -ago�. After leaving the Toronto TEXdHHN#-'•P6alina1'1?4-5; Matthetd 7:7 he.rthit sGeketh f,hdeth,. and to: him. :Maintvaring," the attorney replied, a - - i ospital she was in a weak, nor- °rinthiania l2:if a•'Jamda>4s-s Tsfe eOoec tuicibsmeis co, General H n: 3I C that ltnne),pbh, ll• snail; be opened: loyally ; filen added, "What became t TORONTO.ONT. tFstw,l- W"-dr+r,t l voua condition. Having tried numerous PRIM:ARx MEMORY �v.>vzYSE�-+rehouse , : of the brother, Miss Carleton 7" t l i'rr.r'Hlndenberg, his Gorman troops ` iriedfcines,'fromwhiehshereceived prat- Is. nigh .unto all them that call upon him '). The estiinlilx a8' an, earthlg fh „�z was lost at sea, He had, start- 9 hccs=4> titre+ inIluenza and' Fock seems to tieAly nq satisfaction, I decided to try 'BTOImtY11618TTvRIAL--Matthew 14.28-26; thei',f-'v 13�i3)• .ed for Africa, to make a fortune for A9�' ❑ i . Wave them Ili his grip (p'a); M,1lburn'q Heart and Nerve Pills. I am Acta 12:1-12, Nn father -dill give a. stone to, his: himself, but bee' boat was wrecked in :Pumas Dail Times and I very'plepsedtosaythattlieypxovedvery INTLrRM%DIATE, SENIOR AND stili w'ho rislteth for brpad, or•a serpenb t storm and every one on. hoard was The St', ! q Y l sattafartoiy. She slept and ate well, and ADULT TOPIC -Why and how to pray Instead' o? fG ft --b; mer 'ti Seet+pion, in ;Last " i r ;ataittring T ciu: nal.'have been amAlgdamated her -whole physt°al coedition Improved and the results, stolid' (If an egg. God. is talichitty "And his family,what. of them t �T ag fi Aa rimes-Jburnall Independent, wonderfully. I Have always kept a• hot more -villin to craswer Site nrnyers. ! ueried the attorey, "He had uo ` � U l v L O P �• lipt'iV tb the congestion on the in the house, and find them very useful Prayer ought to be a matter of great of Itis chilfiir'en than ea:rtbly Parents• .=I, I, and no one ever knew what fsti{tsxys-suni mer has seemingly not in cases of nervousness, sleeplessness and concern to every believer (Psalms 145: are w give good gifts to their ellif- !became of his wife. The Mahawar- Wx✓✓ JV Vvwvyvww v fv:!i.Veel},able 'to return from the Sunity' I fatigue:-' 18)" lags are a very prosaic family ; that it+kflF 14lilburn's heart and Nerve Pills axe Prayer is a matter but little under- div The. True Goal of All W4aysefr ' is lite only bit, of romanpe in, their A .cpal famine next winter more boo. a box at all dealers or mailed direct stood by Christians; in -tact, only as ' history ; but i always enjoyed. that, , ';ZFeii thh,an last winter's is possible, on receipt of Tice by The T. Milburn dktine,ald is given can Nye really pray. (tetra 11:13). i except that it ended so sadly, and I f ESery eflbrt should be made to get nt t Co•, Limited, Torontp, Ont.,, The range o£ prayer is from the G'lif�'s gift is himself in file person ; always admired Harold Main-varing: I itpply i depths of the soul to the Yery of itis :Hoty Spirit. A11 those who ;=like to meet such a man as Ilei' ++ " P raetice the pit will 3e, fcod!s Z9hasylia+�0; thoughts. of God. ' There *his sortie- P Why, I should say there was it ro- p, g malice in progress at present. in the ', t '4'he Oa•rat PnplasA�Itrriea9/. I Killing Dogs in Britain thing abort the praying of Jesus that tan ht to t171s model prayer: shiiti tis R ,l a:� Tones and invigorates the whole SaPt}ri i'60d-the: dibelVles that they hles,pr;d, With the girt nr the Holy Split~ ..Mainwaring family,', said Mr, Whitney, j . n-rvouss stpm,wa}[esnewB.lood It is estimated that there are between P , pray It, Clod's best gift to mn5s- stalling. - la old -sine, 09ki-es Neruni,n tour and. five -coition dogs in the United regYidsieti, him.. to' teitc :' tlinm "to .p y "What I Hugh and Edith. Thorn- ., Nwie7M Mental and Br,as,L Woiril, lies on • ria Lon6,10f,.,i+),ry piififltP! i�t;lto'a;te,e Kingdali7 and. 0. committee has been (L 'kt�'"1� 19t �vAnoil%ht~ra Todd' of N, ,,,�, ,,,,r,,,,,,,,,,,__„„,,,,,,,..,. {011 7"T She .laughed again,- -1 wonder- Lo onder- iRord; Me,nov considering the question of rationing tli'e)n ,ns t1 til tb. {Mich' thero.'itow fulhy musical, rippling laugh, the fta'1i5'!NiOFo.711t.nt®Races4milud-:.!'dnld!Imitpi�" dogs and of killing off a certain. per to pie'u 5:.Fraying is,mtore iinpdrtfint met'`' gyp, Nervous q attorney thought. "Oh, there is no r;ygg,9,.a .oc mnilpd.ra ,ql`m py;,a,� �iYro t� p �L _.�.Y.J tl�A W.A, gg y fire, _ N ao ln»taih2tt.nrhit�dfMfP49.0,aitOODI �' ceaifage, Many dogs have already been than pr'eaching'.. No. onq Is.flt tp teach more romance there than there is in �!'a ' S at sar�Td co.:T090MTIL NIT- 04sddrWild"" destroyed .in Order to serve food, There op.proach,•wlj4,doeslnpt,lthow how to that marble," and she pointed to a !a te Witch thong, otato,_bugs, They are are some around 'Clinton that aroano iso pray, gay,each one enroll; at on M. beautiful Cupid and. Psyche embracing reasons s friend: abusually abwUlpaut this year and their good to man nor beagt that -night Id the•schbol of, prayer with Christ as �� � each other in, the centre of a ni15s of Ia/�7 pva Fvt for destruction has by no means be destroyed: oar teacher He is a +most wlIIing unto brilliant geraniums and coleas, They Rimnishetl., _�.- ° pblyl 4aoli$r In response' to the have been engaged ever since their„ Eight lr"lasses of.,wluske3 aitdt,'.a ,-, ��[jj(ist"he oiltllti�d Ilia fol- Nerves Wrecked by Aueidont - days of long dresses and, high-chairs, of elates kill'dd' a IZhilde.' isCillid; + , + dis!Fi s , . another of R a 1 p h Main.waring's matt the other div. Omit j`tist Gati't`-13�; + -? ldtvins' piitici)SI'es $t'lriuYur: Was Afraid to Go in m Crowd schemes i You kilow Edith is Hugh's of eating alamsl 1' I. The Right Relationship of the Oita or to Star ,Alone-Telk cousin, an, only child, and her fathea: -Steadies nerves rThe-bmllage of 'Teeswatep has made ? . a Praying (Luke 11:2): Of His Cure. is immensely rich 1 O.h, no ; if i Wits careful '["lie of D for a fuel supply next will- 1. Fa1-"Father:' ever have a rmnance' of my own, it 111, osi.purchasing 30 acres of bush in t t In order to pray to Clod, the: 4VA • trust spring right up spontaneousiy, � �-'Eiis��� Thirst (2tiirpss,;Ipr,'.a# a cost of $695, i:. q. pliant must be a child of God. C:dd and grow. in spite of all opposition: A'' _Aldi a��ettte The iiitieteen-year-olds are not slack - Is n father; his. gifts and,blessings aro : Much sympathy was felt In this city Not one. of the sora' blast Itis been x; urs. „(war ninety-eight percent -of the for Mr. Dorsey, who rrset with a` dia- fostered in a bot -house until Its life for his children. This reintrOhship [� tn,�ted' possible total of this class tresaing accident when his foot was is dearly stifled out of it." 4 -'Helps digestion tfhrotighout file Domnnfob registered. can only be entered into -through re- ' am++ahed in an elevator. lanced in admiration r• Mr.Whitneyg e t areal ep le will '(ind the : - r .„ generatltin. Not all men.hayen:>lght; The shook to the nervous system g 5--X�ep8 teeth clean A } a y p p N'. to say, "Our Father" when address .was so great that IN r. Dorsey was is at the, bait English face beside tlm 6t dx; vi day, all unattainable: luxury this J " ` it pitiable. corrdtbi'on far a long time, glowing with phd,slcal and {nteileo cal, "'other varftles'of Snail fruitIng God, Only these who are cliiislreu 8e duds. lllte a child in that he rs- beauty: Then a moment later, as t --I(t� e�i��t7el Ehtef"ons Yes, the situation is "berry" ,i of God b ,,faith in Jesus Christ, aiult qu{red his motkter''s care nearly all {lily pressed down tide long Ball i» ro , t4o sides him, It is not on profes.l�- }h. time: Ifs feared a crowd, could spon6e to the sut7nnons to dinner, the i a t , 'Foca' Board relti'inds churches She •., , .:... � + he caught a glimpse, in one o the reg- {ng,tp.:he, Oild;en.bnt Ifvfng iko; add s : +tot stay, alone and could not sleep widt father orgamzatiotis that g becauso , o the -serves. and excited -. " ' chgi#goq. ,Children have, rights s ante" condlflnn oflits nerves. prorusi a a tolerablylinin good nearly forty, rrfatfans. must 'be strictly "Observed -in When You rivllog's.which aro denied to btlaellst ! Detroit doctors did what they could prnFsasional geiitle7i7an of nearlys forty; 04 wt� socials, public luncheons and p 2t Fr ternaI---1Our Father.'.' for himi but he could not'Cet back hie Ile wondered why he suddenly felt so - thinners, etc, } "' „ God'. lib§ more than one °hlid.. HIS sltrengtIx and vigor until he fortunate- nurcR Older than ever before. ` $�g da,.,exeniption cards are to be QtOr {,o Lwnaoil' .,, v,,r .. d u to' ether kh na•• Ay heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. !cuss Carleton was seated; besia'e• " ir' M to Catego7y B man, who are ex- hiillren are #toim P g; It is no mere accident that Dr. blin at dinner; while nearly opposite. F n tedAem orarily, ill order that they - TTHIS store motor tare find., interests: Even i'ti azar se,- '�haae,a, Nerve Pbod proves to be. ax- lues Barry. Scott, conversing with d Rr p P•., e their .statuts when accosted ptirtiesw;tlfi'i5devdry ret:'+prher-i+e• sh 'nld aitdreas, latm as.. tictly ss^.hat is heeded in so mAiiiy oaf+es , r.o,i;ig Mmnwa7!ing. He vYts : gmetfy' _ Kee t19�. soldiers in'd Prov � r r 'tiut elegantly ' , and 'his (tell Sall by.;t'tte• police, accommodation abd i,i ifiatlte{ whicTt is a reoogtiitkon of of exlixusteti nerves. It ie oompoaerl a I , dressed emenoefortheircomFort of the ingredients which nature g physique and noble bearing, ,as w om•5 supplied! Wllb wrote ttte.most, Dickehs, War- ecru the iiitorlSts of others, alongside ofIK tQn„ ,;ti'ul'wert Warren wrote "Now, while Ill the city. 4uires to form nervi blood and create as the striking beauty of Iris dark face, - " , Uvt Ours+, : new nerve force. Pork this, reason it tau4 1ljietu'?;, Bulwer wrote Night and p frde' Check"room in tea II'., The Right Attitude IC prayer. seemed more, +narked tliatt usual. Mr. I,pir,!y E;ttyrnfng"; and DlekeilS wrote All the Basement, where you may ryaitauct Pali and for this reason 1t aiac-, A' have our-Vrtt sandhi pnie (Lu1se1.14) deeds when ardlnaty medicines fail. Whitney watched „"� young esplaytaof Sealed s hear, Q rotntd. Y p gRoke x: Revgrllnt Adorntl0n. Mr. Laurence E. DorseY, 89 ptazrloy n.trrowl,y. L' PST phe•;ia-"•'says that ,t is just as colt- takei8 care oh Ladles' rest, London, Ont., writes: "About his features seemed half familiar, and t T frup, v t e •to carr their RoomantlLayatorieson the As,.elr;ldren we have c*rtain pity ses`Pk,RF }ggi dry for; won 1 n y holy, revereuee becomes;, il�Li�ree years, ago I Cot my foot smsehed• vet gave him a strange sense of pain, tight registration As'men. When- second floor; Restaurant Ileges,a�tlyeth°y in an,elevator in Detroit, which coin- bili why, he could not determine, ;r .'•'"' WAI;Ltes of reg .• o , reduce it they must the fau�tli ffoor;_ where you' ties. "� e,'s{iould hallow als.naine;,we giietely wrecked. mY nerves. T dor- ' Mr, Whitney," said Miss 'Caarleton, i���t ""�"'�"�y ee2r asked i - p l will find continuous service, �$1� .� • s it ort hand'. : t stioitl iid6e him as flim et. k faded• Dred with the.aoctors these, but they ift a low tone, "did you ever observe r' v ►ir'en .nearly• tliiou bout the day. if , id not seem to be able to help me. a -resemblance at times betwiten Alt, e, i 1�t h ( �� virf watt has not s !n o.t,^i,..g i, y My nerves were in such a state thgt I Jvax ,ears.: w: duration; the-( , Ulbll Q'pravitig to G°d we should' could not ¢o dosivil town Algns Or go Scdtt diad your friend, Mr. Hugh ' to have 200,000 amen short-, Breal &St --8.30 to 10.30 e° ) „neo t e w ; ; Crowd;' Mainwaring2'? G )gpfnj nsulag. rdme' -titH ilii!" situ,ft of. idynllryy ZvjiiclP ttnY1�P 44W.�V . n,. ,hick aa, Th attorney looked up Ill surprise," i3�titre+ssaims, ,bapiigt be; acctisad of r1eS ottt"tTh3 kingdom cone, - Co rile �Qumiker--ll,10 to aql im v. racth woul iiyb tp e Y j twat. of. deliliurattou., Q" qubfnfsston-"Thy Vvill be' flbhe" It'^k d' fli 'oat a fii` iIg-hJ1' and „Way, no, Miss Carleton, 1 Ould not s ;, ift in au alarm,ciock ,y 3 i 1h.e, ISte.t th g.. 30 ,. v t5 r.t ...--�" + Si c ,should hove' no tvtll of;1 our.. u-yu. crit tir6efliitico flim Haat g¢ittite I4c� rq think is much darker alitti hb�efeat rtes i, Its• id rrbdktivance .that eimts a honk at all. But one y 4,. Scott s. J Qi2E tt,.?::i t he -sin from ° ' lachis rneLrilb of God, 1vaAbould.'. area altogether differnoh" A, vadkingAfte sleeper. hint *01{ I - s using Dr, Cftrtisa's Piorvued -t d, FiNADA - , lie gets out of inenoed „ autdmal7le, Arid e $ , • 'LU;bC�e' let' title dlrgc,� us in all thlytgs,, „ ,: ,and before T7ia"ii ooitilsletcly.,used'the 'sl?h, (did Epi refer t0 any rosem- ho an • i 1. +tit I 1. at the,$oda Fountain on the 111. The 'Bight twiklt (I'llice 11;i -(t), ;it ked ,Ttd4u 4 sills 'h+tifiinorvi q I"tn blance of feature or complexion, but ` IaP.tCrvnth,a.stngde.jU p Ross "r, e d :tlie:'late Mr., John M 1n Fleo 1. Dependant Faith "Give us our h r ,eqz), Idllpp�, k, Soi�tl .}}�d..ustn tieee : ills nfanner, anti sometimes his ox- p)i3 t£he estat f lin ,•g , , y,, fi14e)fAe rsUhtb slid:` Thte:4,, It bVeis < of • tits Evening dell :bread (vt s)• simiinr. ft tiartsan„ proprietor MAlte rYus;atore:your•head y e pression, strikes me as cry e i 0001000. , _ ..fii- . , " , ... >.'onl 1fold lBitffl..d&f f#b'p dnarituNhttbetter, earl associated • i tat+: ,,, �10 ritIll,'tsivalued at.oveY 8. , artere. ,iia many.corlvcm _e sboald., reailto th'nt act y { _ , K ,.. M, • t Suppose because he was to the q.• rues liilgklaIl:+itlbhti.4iii%ko,uu iceti'e' 'with hint so much, you knntvl' 7 btlSlilkof it well,L'tetttuall go Feet o,pccgm what wO'hare, but•Hfe ibself ipionNs• it .,d`4ttfm $i�t:$tl? i til! y ,enF is.l3*e. he Fre._avolliii ' a '. s i17, . d }o` P Mr, Whitney's .05 again -wandered ishitatibr SiewChildren, mMhtl0n. of the tr ¢. to onioy:boeause Of him',,andAlist,ho tie o eo e, i,, t p . a ; ,la7idedri ltaly, i tl* tf rh r CYid ' lyllf o, to :tile face of tile. secretary. lid SO t- fidKtlrrdtcan.tradps.h Ve tv pit hat, !s u to tp d ssfrius e$iee<ltXi{fivl'pbuh- ^qtS r t+ i3 blia ' • "B George •1 lie- lux rise if the h ,..,9 .. , . Le$ t ed mvol:untarily. Y b. iYa: 3 tit; ..not .occasion ,p a :11 t u ►ctb, A tick irribr (Ind l dautlY a eye tail that w ({lv qtl . 41tti t,tl.tnithifi811t1iKrfblatl?..' r y i thKt an AmetG an .. .• o;acutatetl. mentally "Hugh Maiuwat•-.; It i •." �$�'f�� ����+� h��°i#� noi9J!minbuhcealcut s aria to co-' :tO , .'A�t11 i asitilltalra3 also •lknitrtlf ill ,Sib s �lgPl 'Ove-`}b+or11413f AOI . *aeafe with the Japanese.. � t-.atN+rro our i1clRb ttdv; Df. ay o,i 4i, r e n GY r trWe shout l : rotne t0 Iilm i�ealizinb' WW JI ;_,"it,s;'3�NDON ON17. that we hove 811140d, land Ory unto him FOR 'FLETCHER:S " forgiveness, Otir hearts should *� - . .. -�( ttftoa lnsti'fttionst ortlir diea>ypi�iht: iii a std' /� fqe as 1 live I N'ot a feature' the' Same expre5S1011. mean t Can it lie, sltitply 3f great bewilderment lie The Flavour L.asts