The Clinton New Era, 1918-7-18, Page 2Pit(311 2 PHONE 78 Sum�.i resses heady 4& Wear Fashion' never created' pret rt patterns or divised more *attractive styles than we are 'showing int these pretty cool xfasil dresses. So truly sum- Artery, umArt ry, so attractively smart .and dressy that' you will be charm- ed with - them, made of pretty ausIins, : voiles repps, ging- Maxus and chaiilbrey; .plain ,calors 'anti new shades. All alms, all prices. Special Wu 'House ;Dresses $1.50 THE CLIN'Ii"ON .NEW E` Thursday, July ti8th,• 1.918 ,Always Something New Wash Skirts We passed into stock this week several dozen Ladies wash Skirts made of gabardine, repp, Indianhead, pique. $5 50 4,1.1 prices from $1,50. up to Pretty Cool Neckware for Hot Days ,iti'any new novelties in Ladies neckware and furnishings Have just arrived. Dainty and pretty ideas at all prices and for tatt purposes. We have many exclusive novelties in these Lines. �x,ud�+sactauscenaw.ni;sau�•anery:.• • Croy i1 3:t v d4 rfis thels. 1:a3 an attack of X' -?i izestion interfered K:ulja your wrrju i,r spoiled your pleasure? Good health :,s"?u:io3.i r a Trio} :;' of sound. �^ sounddir'e"tion. 'tlerever you troubled by y ire;ai~, ft.tulence, sour eructations. headache, hilloucneS3 or constipation, takea B'.'oeecil- a ::l'0 Fills. They quickly r "electively correct digestive rlkturhances, u iatr,'the supply of gastrid 'juice azid l4 t ,.: is 11 rx:srR foal :ir b *tau r3:, 1t i u •� a \, , PTine; :,.. ce'i oi.,acial'1''uis:e: to Women ase with Ever r Eox., Saki lay r.'„ egasia:. tfrrossr,ho e0 Chea •tvdrid. • la-asoxes, Wk. UlitIi i'damratsJ•C1CJ"rUttL:ima^.rawcwarcmgeent=norzt ___ f; .. • • BRUSSELS James Bowman, M. P., for North iliirore, has purchased a hone in Tor- tauto, and last week he and Mrs, Bow- nnen moved to it. Their daughter, Vass Vin a, who holds a position in the Sank of Nova Scotia here will short- ly are transferred to one of the Tor- onto, branches, Miss Millie Grewar, who has resign - aril her position as manager of the Central Telephone office, was present- ee).* resent- ent).iy the operators and linemen with aaa address, accompanied by a cut tl'riass. sugar[ and cream set. 111 sashpie of pea vise, grown on the fe%atn of :Alex, : McLauchliu, one tulle ;worth. .of Brussels, was brought to town r,E'iw week, and it measured five feet mine inches tri: length. All. the: Brussels pupils who wrote .nh tilt entrance __ examinations were s,accessfuti' five being : In the honor eta. GI the 34 writing at this centre ;aety. five, failed. The Ford car local agents in the :Maid of Wisconsin .presented Dr. Fred 41111,0isa, the manager. of—the Milwaukee 'axauoh;. -with an elegant'. Hudson, six sedan car, valued; at .$3,;800, It is four gassengen, six -cylinder, 75 horsepower :f re.are, 230 Ford agents in the state mad the gift was as unexpected as it iar.Iiighly appreciated by the. recipient, wsbo hes been renietubered on former niccaeiou•s liy the saint men, Dr. Gil- it6m tis In old Brussels boy, whose par- ents •stili live here. Maitland river is so low that the fatriapiping mill has had to employ steain asastflasi! of'the usual water power. "Warr Anient of toWn .was one of the larize Whiners at the Blyth automobile aaCes. Johtt,JUiden, Son .of Duke Jordan, Morris, TOWnship„.who' underwent an m.3rerhtioit for, appendicitis, is making gc}nd''progrets toward recovery.• 'This week mil finish• upthe season's s +amtf, at the Ardent heading .fntefory. 'They. have had a long; busy season. The 4,,'arly apples are .going to be a fair orop, •but the winter fruit will Isd far, short of the average, eta t ONDON ROAD. ..n VAC feW attended the Ontario Mettitodls'ii picnic at Bayfield ori Wednesday, Mr. Harrison Wiltse, addlessed the KiVIri.le 05 'ftiesday night at the Moine cap' Ilte, and MrS, ilodgtOn, He IS 'a1. •aO5'irs e welcome visitor, League meets next Tuesday night at the homie of Milton Wiitse; Mr. Fred Nott and family visited at Bert. Floggartt's.in Hullett on Sunday; BRUCEFIELD, Mr. Charles McLagaun and wife, of Deriver, Col,; ytsited in our 'neighbor- hood last week, He attended the fun- eral of his brother; George in Stratford It is a long time since he has lived to this place, The family lived on the ferns of Mrs. Andrew Davidson, , Ronald McKenzie 'of London' spent the week. end'at his home in our vil- lage, John Snider has purchased a F•ord• Car, Rev, B, 11, Ketchen,_• of Hamilton, visited at his old: home in Stanley last, week, Ile preached in Clinton on .Sup- day and a number from our village at- tended the evening service at, Clinton. Miss Lizzie Aikenhead has gone to resume her position as book-keeper, in London, Three Stanley soldiers left from our station for London this week, Pte. Walter Moffatt, ,Percy Diehl and Greg. McGregor. They expect to go over- seas soon, A number of the fanners have fin- ished haying, The rain on 'Tuesday was a great boon to all, It is a long time since there has been much rain, There was a steady: -.stream of cars etc,, went through our village' to Hensall 011 the lath, Rev, O, McIntosh will leave next week for his vacation, BLYTH. Tlie date for holding . the Union Sunday School ;dente has been changed from July170, as formerly announced to. July 24, to acco117o. date friends who would be busy hay- ing. Mr, Reuben West, Who has been eluployed in Guelph for some months, returned to town Monday evening and expects to leave this week for the West where Ise will, likely engage in the metas paper business, Mrs. West and young son will remain with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, E, Watson, until Mr, West decides in what part lie Will s i1 make his ttOnie. ,h Miss Annie 'Taylor, of the Sarnia teaching staff, is spending her holidays with her mother, Mrs. J, B,, -t~aylor. NOws...of t1 -1Q. BA'YFIELL), • The Rev: Mr, Dickenson, of Sarnia, preached rid St, Andrews Church on Sundgy last, A number of out• citizens 'attend- ed the Orange celebration at Hensall on July 120, Mr. and Mrs, Kneeshaw, of Gode- rich, ylsited at A. Armstrong's 011 Sunday Last; ' Mr, and Mrs. MacKinnon; :of Clin- ton, have found comfortable camp quarters on Mr, Tholuson's river pro- perty. Mr, Thornton Mustard, of Toronto, and family has •returned to his cott- age on the river bank, , • BELGRAVE Rev, Mr. Boyle is slowly improving from the effects of a recent broken limb: a Miss Viola Isard, Wingliem, has been engagedby the Trustees of the village school to teach next year at a salary of (5625.00, Miss Annie Geddes.itas given up her school in Mullett 'township and Inas taken a position in the Bank of Com- merce in Wingham as teller, Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, who for the past 2 years has taught itis S. S. No. 5, Morris, has been successful iu securing a position to teach on the stats' of Grimsby High School. 130 applications were lined up for the position. ,She is now taking a special, Summer course in Art at Toronto. CONSTANCE. Kenneth McIntosh, of Toronto, is spendng his vacation with his cousin Clifford Colclough. We are glad to report that Miss Thelma Dale and Clifford Britton have passed their Entrance examina- tions, Mr, Wm, McIntosh is at present under the Doctor's care. We hope to see kiln fully restored to health, The Adult Bible ' lass will meet this week' at the hone of Mrs. Ed. Britton for Red Cross sewing. Mr. and Mrs, Ephriani Clark spent Sunday the guest of Mr, Cameron,. of Tuckersmith. Pte John Armstrong spent a few days at his parents _and other friends, Quite a number around here took in the 42tla at Hensel!. HENSALL. Farmers of this district having saved a fine crop of clover in good condition are not. busy cutting the timothy. The showers have interfer- ed with the work, .but were most welcome for the crops and roots. John McEwan, aged 87, died at Isis hone in Hay Township, He is survived by two sons and six daugh- ters. Miss McKay, who has been teaching at Windsor, has been home on a visit with her father, Wm. McKay of the local school, and has secured a splen- did position in Detroit at a decided advance in nay. One of the largest crowds that has ever attended an Orange celebration in this district' was here on Friday. A feature of the program was the Patri- otic concert held in the town hall in the evening. Among those taking part were Miss Elizabeth Rennie, L. L. C, M. of London, assist- ed by her pupils of Hensel) and Zur- ich ; Miss Florence Dewey, F. L. C. Mi of London, violinist, with Miss Gert- rude of Lonclon as accompanist, and Sapper R. Gainer. GODERICH. Pte, Charles Pennington, who went' overseas with the 161st Huron Batta- lion and has been in France for a year, was given a rousing welcome on his return, Owing to illness' Ise was invalided home. A petition which was circulated a- mong the businessmen by the clerks, asking thein to close the stores on Wednesday afternoons, was signed Eby all except three,' Dean Bros, gro- cery, Bern's grocery and Miller's drygoods store, The clerks are, urging that everyone fall in. line, es is done in other towns and cities. The barber shops and butcher shops have had the half holiday since the first of June, and the clerks are somewhat put out at those who did not sign the petition. ZURICH. Mr, F. Hess, Sr., • has • installed a half -horse power motor to pump the water from the well into the supply tank. The motor. . is connect- ,ed with hydro. power • and is , giving excellent satisfaction, Word was received here on Monday of the death of Mrs, Henry: Schroeder (nee. Annie-Dumart,) o, Kitchener, formerly a resident of • this, village. The ,late Mrs. .Schroed Schroed- er visited friends here a few weeks ago and while here had an attack of sickiness, . On Sunday last a bad' accident was narrowly averted at the corner of the Zurich Road and .the Goshen Line, M'b.. Steel; of Brodhageit was turtling' the corner to go south at a fair rate of speed' and in trying to avoid an:- other ni other auto conning down the hill came in .collision with a tree. t,eek- ily the occupants escaped injury but the car, which was a new 'Chevrolet was badly dansaged.' • Mr, Louis J, Kraft, of this village, Lias eceived word from Isis son, Pte. Herbert Kraft, that he was on the vessel, City of Vienna, which struck a tock soon after leavinggialiftx and Sunk, No lives were lost, the troops on board all being safely landed. at Tfali:fax, Mr, C, Fritz lilts planted the acre Of ground, which Ise recently., pur- chased in celery Mr, ,Wm, Meidinger, met with ,t painful accident a few days ,ago i g •which resulted nl a'•broken leg. He was working in the Swamp helping to get out • some wood and, the hngses had been hitched 10 a log, which struck a root and in swing- ing around! . caught Mr. Meiditrger lug h :a d result - - sv the b 'We ty, , R. Hutelsinso oinhiiot' R. J, n, D r Gdv- ernment Ilas' speclalist;. says Ontario will 111'ocInee a bumper crop 01 illlic this year $11ri v'.�sivhlit4„ 1,4tr JV '„5;; fltitB2 diter gL,3 richtv tf1rIN-77: g'5 am �f I • •rYi ,x „At,tpayucS''sgii-Nfsg, HiLMESVILLE. Next Sunday evening Court. Selwood Canadian Order of Foresters will attend service at .8 o'clock in the Methodist church when Rev, ,Arthur Sinclair will preach a special sermon to Foresters. The choir leader Mr. Lewis Tebbutt is arranging special singing by the men's choir. It is expected that quite a large number of visitors from ,other Courts will also be preesnt, TUCKERSMITI-t. Miss E. Conley of Belleville,. Itas re- turned home after spending, three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W, M, Doig. Mr, and' Mrs. George Williams, 'of Exeter, accompanied by Miss Laura Knight and Master Harry Francis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Doig. Miss .Hattie 'turner is home for the midsunsner vacation. Mr. Frank Crich, of the London Mili- tary camp, was home for Sunday. Miss Irene Terryberry, of Toronto, Is spending a week at her house here. Quite a number from this vicinity picnicked to Bayfield on the 12th, AUBURN. • Mr. harry Marsh, of Detroit, who has been spending a couple of weeks with. his friends here has returned home, Miss McCrea of the Soo; is visiting the (tome of the Blair sisters, Miss Symington, of Blyth, is the guest of her brother, Mr. John Sym- ington. Tlie Auburn branch of the. Red Cross packed thirty three boxes and sent then to the boys overseas or Tuesday last, Mr, Geo. Denstedt and Arthur Fer- guson went to Kitchener on a business trip 'Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Charles McLagan of Denver, who were in attendance at the funeral of the fornrer's brother in Stratford were callers at the Sturdy home on Monday. WINGHAM. William J. Dore, of town, has re- ceived word that Isis other son, Her- bert, has been wounded, suffering from gunshot wounds, Both boys are now in the same hospital. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Rowson are in receipt of a medal awarded their son, Corp, George Howson, for bravery. His brother, Lieut. Richard Howson, wits killed in action some months ago. Ex -Reeve Wn, Isbister has a narrow escape from droving while ,walking along the banks of the river. He was attending a picnic and while walking about the ground gave way under his feet, He was rescued by Wnr, Ander- soUn, ne of the soldiers of the Western Ontario Regiment,'at London, who is stricken 'with spinal' meningitis is Pte. R. nogg, who enlisted' froth Here sev- eral months ago. Word has been ,re- ceived here that Ise is hest expected to live, Janes Allen, Jr., son of Chief Allen, at Blyth, while attending the Woolen's Christian Temperance Union convention, also participated in the competition at the Methodist church in tine evening where the contest took place for the different medals. As el'ocutiouist, Mr, Allen carried orf the grand gold medal. Previous to this, some time ago in Wingahni, Ise. took the silver medal, and at Goderich the gold medal. Ile is bill It young roan. T, R. Bennett and M, J. Graham had close call froin possible serious. injury yesterday wliile out for a motor ride They were in Bennett's car and Graham Was .at. the, ,wJteel learning to drive, They were going down Scott 's'heet, toward the^ GravelMica and on revolting' fife `!atter,, instead of turning to the right; thwisiticlside took'n bead - es' across the. road, leaping across a coilnideruble,.apace and landing in the: ntiirsb „nlongslde of the road and half way. up. There' the ca• remained until recovered by a' number of islet, No. one was injured -by the accident, and' the car. suffered very little damage.' EXCTEI2. Mr's. G. Cochrane has accepted: the position of'orgdnist of 'C4veii. Presby - tartan Church in place of Miss 'Milx- worthy Who moved with her parents 'to Forest. It was feared at tiltie that Miss' Martha- Carling, nurse; had taken pas - sante, on, the llendovery Castle, titch hospital . ship limit was recently tor- pedoed, but it itis been •learned that such wasnest the case; Rev. Dr.' and Mss, 8, Medd and two daughters arrived' to town hast week altd'have takest up their residence 151 .the Main street parsonage, Da Medd .bones from Chatham where he was pastdr, of Victoria Avenue Methodist CIturels. He preached his, inaugural sermon, oil Sunday morning, July 7th, as pastor of Maim street church and during the day preached two very as- • ceptable cartoons. Dr. Medd eOnt- ntenced lits Ministry as a probationer oil - the Ellttiville circuit . nut several ,yea ago was ,pastor at,tleu:sall, Miss tgg'a tit teabhifr iii the 1•f.. S. • y �� t e g • at „ ^a' t..'elcothe Ur. Medd at-'VUinlgltanS, We w and fatuity to our town, and hope that his pastorate will be a blessing to the choral and comlmunity and a pleasure to thettseives stri IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIVIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIlI1911pIUIVIIf� � ” Personal and other items of interest from New Rra 'representatives, - IDIIIIfiIIIIi�IIIiIIIIIIIhII11iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIillelIIUII 5EAFORTFL F, Faulklter, ledgerkeeper, Domin- ion Flank here, has been transferred to 51 .similar position in the saltie bank at Windsor, Ldw•tid'` Sp irling' aged 86, is old; McKillop Township resident,: is. dead at Isis home near' Seaforth, He stiffe•ed a stroke sik weeks ago, The Canadian Flax Mills shipped seven teams of horses to;Seatortlr on Saturday from Bramptoia to be used In harvesting their' heavy . crop of flax ifs ,thus: district, Many friends will' regret to learn , of the death at Leeds Hospital, Eisg, ;laud, on July 60, of Lieut, Donald P. Gibson, 'Royal Air 'Forces, .eldest :son of Mr. A, E. Gibson, of Guelph, form- erly manager of the Dominion' Bank' at Seaforth, , Mr, and Mr. W. 11, Plant end yodng son sent the week -end at Mr, Plant's hone in Acton, Miss Marion Watson, of New York,. hospital, is spending the vacation et the Home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jetties Watson A well attended and successful mus- ical was given by the Ladies Aid Soc- iety of First Presbyterian Church on Wedneday evening on the lawn of Mrs, J. C, Laidlaw. Mrs, E. J. Trots and two children '01 TMcLean,oronto, are the guests of Mrs. Keith Mr. and Mrs. J; C. Doherty left on Tuesday for Calgary and other points in the West. Mrs, J. Quail and daughter spent the week -end with friends in Stratford, Mr. Roy Everett, of London, visited at his home Isere this week, Miss Gertrude Boehter, of Toronto, and Miss Mary Jordan, of Ogdensr. burg, are guests at the hone of Mrs. M. Williams, Miss Angela .Ryan of Port Rowan, and Miss Gertrude Ryan, of Perth, are visiting their lister, Mrs. W. Broder- ick, East Goderich st, Mrs. Smith and Mrs, Rands, of Brussels were visitors at the hone of Mr. and Mr. W. J. Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Milton, Naylor, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Naylor. Miss Margaret Pinkney, daughter of Mr, D, T, Pinkney, of Stratford, visit- ed relatives here. Mrs, W. Hanes, and granddaughter Miss Lillian Davis, of Los Angeles, California, left last Week for Toronto and the Thousand Islands after a short visit with Mrs. F. Robinson in $gmondville. Miss Hilda G.oldhawk is visiting friends in Hensel!, Mrs, R. Murless Jones has return- ed from a visit to relatives in Toronto. Mrs, Lawson and Bernice, of Au- burn, were visitors at the home of her parents,, Mr ,and Mrs. W. Sclater, Mrs. James Stewart and grandson Gerald Stewart left last week to visit relatives in Moose Jaw and Calgary. Mr, and Mrs,Mole, Auburn, spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mole, James street. Mr, and Mrs. W, Gillespie, Brussels, were visitors at the home of bus par- ents Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie James Street. Mrs, MaQuaig and Russsel left last Saturday to visit friends in St. Marys. Mrs, J, Patterson is visiting friends in Hensall, Miss Olive Rankin has accepted a position in Stewart Bros- store. 1 silk sweater coat for the Navy Fund and a cut glass pitcher with sit ver nwuntiugs for the Red Cross Fund donated by Miss Fuhrs are on ex- hibition at J. MacTavish's store. Mrs. Graham and Miss Graham, of Cleveland, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs J. J. Alerner, Miss Thelma Johnson is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Middlemost in tlamilton, A report of the international Sunday. school convention held recently in Buffalo was read at the evening ser- vice in First Presbyterian church on Sunday by the delegate Miss H. I. 'Graham. Miss Sadie Holman, of Goderich, ited friends Isere • Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and family, of Lucan, • spent a few days at, the home of Mr. and Mrs, A, Modeland, Father Eckert, of. Minneapolis, is visiting relatives here. Mrs, Allen, of Detroit, and Mrs. Ross, of Kirktoi are visiting Mrs. Robert Jon'ks, Church street. Haymaking has been• held up by cold and drizzly weather. Messrs. Govenlock and , Brown, hay pressers, are making large •siupuients to the American war 'board 'of 'tile' 'United States, n n r Adan Dickson, who sold Isis farm in McKillop and moved into 'town ins"the spriug, , has now purchased the resi- dence of Mrs, ,James Troyer, North Main street, ' Three cars of export battle were slipped front here to the Buffalo' mar- ket, A Flag Day, under the auspices of the Canadian Red Cross Society was held on Saturday, July 53.t11, for tine sick and wounded soldiers In the Preach hospitals, as well es the French prisoners of war, Captains and their assistants canvased the town and suburbs, The financial report of the Red Cross for June shows reset -pis of 8505,21, and ei\peuditures of $179. 70, which with 828.53 on' hand trona the previous month, ,leaves a balance on hind of $286,98, The following donations are acknowledged, 132 snits of pyjauttas, 30 flannel shirts, 126 pairs of socks, 174 towels,, 30 per- sonal property bagS, Prank Gutteridge; North Front Street, .Sarniit, diedonSaturday, after- noon -afte an illness extetdiug oval. the Bast year; He was one of the most tsrominent building contraotorS of Sarnia, and Was of the firm of Gutteridge & • Grace. Ile Went here from Seaforth several years ago,. i•Ie is Survived by his widow and one daughter;. Nirs,•Reginald Bell. The funeral was held of Monday after- noon to .Lakeview Censetery, gues?et ,, a(Dr,), MrsBaW. ll, RofB, Toronto, is thnge t fnd Mrs0, right, W.. Plaist,atd sots have retttrned frons visiting lils parents 'at Aetou Miss Margaret Cep;«art ,IS holidaying in Muskoka, ' , Miss Jean Croyetiiocle, of Calgary, is spending the vacation at the hoose Of her brother, Mia Robert Govenlock, Miss Agnes Sproat, of Ripper, spent the week -end with Mrs, Eary 13511. CLEANS—DISINFECTS-USED FOR SOFTENING WATER -FOR MAKING HARD AND. $OFT SOAP —!FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH CAN. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Quite a number of people took in the 1;2th at Mensal!. Miss Edna Beattie, teacher, . spent a few days in the neighborhood. Mrs, James Switzer who ,underwent an operation in the Goderich Hos- pital is improving. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Butt, of Toronto,; Ss visiting at Sam Etnnersou's. Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter' 'McDougall spent the week end at Brussels, Capt, R. R. Sloan and wife have come to their farm to stay for some time, What might of proved a serious accident happended to Fraser Stirling while raking hay the tongue of the. rake fell down aad the horses be- came unmanageable and run away, throwing him off the rake. He escaped with a severe shaking up and a number of bruises. Mr B, Sharman, motored from Cltt- cago and is spending ttvo weeks at the home of his uncle, Mr. Walter F. Hick. Quite a number of the young people of this vicinity motored to London to see our brave soldier boys, Mr, B. H, Willings, of Toronto, has returned after a two weeks' visit at the Bone of Mr. R. A. Thompson. Miss. Jean 1•ludie and Miss Maude Thompson have returned home after a three week's visit at Kincardine and Ripley, On Friday, June 28, the closing day of school, Miss B. Nicholas, who has resigned her position as teacher of S. S. No. 2, was presented by her pupils with an ivory tray and picture and an address expressing appreciation of her services and good wishes for the fut- ure. PRESENTATION—Mrs, Snyder who itas been teacher of the Summerhill' school, has resigned the position, That she holds a high place in. the esteem end respect of bot'it school and section was shown' by the presentation of a beautiful silver cakedish from her grad- uation class and the following letter from the trustee board: Dear Mrs, Snyder We as a school hoard desire to express in a few word's our appreciation to you for valuable services rendered during the time which you have taught tit our school. We have found you to. be punctual, energetic and proficient in school work and it is through your untiring efforts and thorough methods in teaching that the pupils have made such rapid pro- of your life upon the minds of the pupils may continue to blossom and'. that your life in future may be marked. with happiness and prosperity. Wm. Norman Ball, Chairman, Oliver J. Jervis, Sec.-Treas. Russell G, Neal, Clinton, June 27, 1918. ' Mrs. Snyder, who. has always put a great deal of herself into her work, can not but feel gratified by these expres- sions of appreciation. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Ject was as follows: Reading—Alice Mustard 47 Merica. Writing—Madeline MacKay, 45, Spelling — Ethel Jowett, Maude Rowell, Marie McIntosh, J, Osterhout,' John Wallace, Earl Westbrook, Doris, Woollcombe, Alice Mustard, Edith Zettel, Theodore Wagner, perfect, Literature—Etliel Jowett, 90 Arithmetic—Verde Vale, 100, Gr nsntar—Maud Howell, 97, Composition—Leona Webster, 86, Geography Stuart Stanbury, 87. The highest total—Stewart Stanbury, Maude Howell having two marks less, Pupils obtaining certificates by farm employment cannot be reported pistil about' August 23rd, when all 'certifi- cates from their employers must be in the possession of the public school inspector, Hartnell (H); Jno, Hartnell; Margaret Henderson; Van Hopper; Kirkwsood Hutton; Tessie Irving; Arthur. Irwin (11); Norma isard; Lezetta Johnson, (H); Sparting Johnson; Verna Joynt; Lyle Lever; Louise McKenzie, Anna Morrison; Tony Nichol, (H) ; Howard Pocock; Minnie Pringle; Addie Proc- ter, • (H) ; Muriel .Redmond, (11); Eva Riuttoul, `(11) • Arvin Snaith; Max. Ste- wart, (11); Lewis Stone house; Hazel Vanstoue; Margaret ° Vatstone' (1.1) ; Norman Varey (H); Isabel Watson (11) Helen Wilson, Donald Young, WROXETER Margaret Ashton;- Alice Ball; Alba Carson; Dora 'Callers; Cora Coles; Nellie Dane (11); 1•lazei Foster, (11) ; Lennie Fraliek; Knowison Hueston; -Ethel Hindman' Velpia. Lotyry; , Mary McMichael; Aller Munroe; Williams `Rae, (11) Mabel Ross, (11); Myrtle Short, (11); Lyda Sperling; Evelyn 'Stephens, Lousie White, 'FORDWICIi Eva Cowden, Haroid Cowden, (iii); Eldon •Dettmnts, Reta Harris, (11) Clara Morton; Bessie, Ken;t Margaret McKenzie, Agnes Mahood; Reita MstpletQft, . Lotuse Matthews, William Mostgon ery, Lyla. R1itz, .(31); Daniel Waalkoi, (H), Junior P. S. Gradivation Diploma Ex- amination, GO.RRi1 Ahna Nash; htarga•e1 Page; Wihittnr Ross; Emuse•snn Sher; George Wylie. FORDWI'CH Orme Corbett; Wilton Deninierlistg, WEST HURON ENTRANCE The following candidates for Junior high school entrance certificates in West Huron have been passed by the board of examines and approved, by the Department of Education, In Au- gust the certificates for each school will be sent 10 the teacher or to tile secretary of the school board, The marks .obtained in each subject wilt be sent to each unsuccessful can- didate, The standing required to pass is 40% in each subject and a total of - 390 marks For honors a total Of 487 narks is necessary, Mott of the failures were in gramm- ar and geography, especially the latter, The higglest statiding in each sub. GOODRICH Central School. ` , Isabel Brownlee, (1.1',); Jean Cooke, (11)'r Mabel' Edwards, (11,)r Beatrice Hunter, (H); Maude Howell, (11);. Madeline' .MacKay, ' (11) ; Catherine Hays; Leona Webster; Fred Fidler; Leolla Hern; Harold Cooper; Robert. Tape; 'Earl Westbrook, . • Victoria. Sahool' 'Morrison Baker, (11); Percy Barker; Worthy Black; Julia. Beeyers; George; Bowra, Clyde Carter; Helen Flowrie; Clarence Johnston; Isabel Johnston, (11); Marguerite Lymburner; Norma MacDonald; John Osterhout, (11),; El- aine Proudfoot„ Robt. Praudfoot, (H)'; George M. Ross; John Wallace; Lillian' Wallis; Fred Weston; Ethel Whitely; Harold Murray. Separate School Edwin Baechier; Jean• Lynii Cecil Lynn; Marie Maelntosh; James Ryan; Mary Ryan; Hilda d Walbank; Rita Woollcombe; Doris Woollcombe, (11) (40 years).,. EXETER PUBLIC sCHOBL Elizabeth Brown, (H)1 Grace Creech Caroline Davis; Mary ElWnrthy; Anna NI, Qladnan; Philippa harness; Mit d'red,.'Norry; Mildred Rowe;' Stuart Stanbury (H).;. Harry Seldon; Fern Short.t; Verde Vale. HAYFIELD Annie Dewar, (11)' Frank Erwin; Ethel Geminhardt; May Howard; Reta Harrison; Ethel Jowett, (Ft); Jean Woods.. CREDITLON Martha Hauch, (11);.Trellis Hodgins; Lyla Kuhn; Garnet Sirals;. Gladys Wolfe. ASHFIELD No. 1—Minnie Dickson; Hazel Green;; Viola. ifoy,. No, 3—Harold: Colifnsoi, No. 4—Jean Finlayson, (11).. No: 10—Harold Ferguson. No,. 1u—Mary .L, Ross_ No. 15—Bessie Grant. •COLBORNE No. 4—Nellie NI., Mugford. No.S—Agnes Morris No., 8—Viola Arlin, U,. No. 1—Amelia Hetherington. GOODRICH No, t—Dolores Laithwaite. No. 5—Erl.uaed Betties. No: 10—Viola Hutchings. • HAY No, 2—Eddle Aldworth;.Peter Case; Lucy Greb; Benson Tuckey. No, 3• --Mary C„ Forrest, No. to—Sybil Ea.crett. No. 41—Sara Ducha•me, No,. `14—Myrtle Brownlee. STAN.LEY U. No, 1 Theophilus Dertomme, No, 4 Mortis—Bessie 1. Watson. No. $ Elinor McKinley; May PoI- lock, flaj. No. 7—Verna Reid. No, 13—Melvin 'Clark, STEPHEN No. 1—Ruth Robinson. No, 2—Langford Jones; William King. No, 3—John A. Christie. No, 4 -Carl Morlock (H); Lulu Morlock, No. 8—Iva Hamilton, Ilde Ravelle. No. 12—Herman Ireland; Marjorie Jennison, USBORNE No. t—Harold Wood. No. 2 Gertrude Stewart, No, 5.—Amy Fisher, No. 6—Mina Cornish; Wesley Hey.• wood, No, 7—Edna Pyne, No, 10—Edward Alexander (Hon,); Edgar Thompson. DASHWOOD• Verdi .Fassold; Lorisa Graupner; Rose Guenther, DUNGANNON Ilia Brown ; Genevieve Hamilton; Laverne Pentland; Laura Savage, • •HENSALL . • Ferris Cantelon�Hr; Ola Cook; Joseph GeTonotte' D ecu Murdock; Go'dbn MCC0sneli; Samuel Rennie; Logie Steacy; William Stone; Violet Whiteside; Anna Wood, KINGSi3RIDG I Bert Martin; Monica Martin; Victor O'Reilly; .Agatha 'O'Connor; 'Monica. O'Connor, (H). . SALT.1'ORD May Curren; Fred Fritzley; Howard. Fowler, (H); Mary Morris (H). BRUCE. IELO' Joliet Aikenhead; Alice Mustard (H) Edna McCowan; Ade' Reid; Dudley Ro- gers. „ '7-URII 1l Dorothy Canphelt; Iva Kalbtl,eish; (vert Kalblibish; Bruce Knopp' (11); Theodore Wagner; Lillian Weseloli; Edna Zeftel, VARNA Roxie Colclough; Margaret McCort. hell; William Ortaveitt; Ester Pilgrint, MOUNT CARMEL Gertrude Dietrich, Marie Fischer;. Evelyn Ryan. UKE,RBMI'CH No. t-T.StaCnley Mitchell; Nettie : Pepper; Grace Pepper; John Pepper, WEST WAWANOSH NN0o, 43-- aerloe tar TWheibmbn o; t, , No: 12 Verna Phillips; Do Dorothy Webster. Nn; 14 --Margaret O'Callaghan, . No, IS—Samuel Jefferson. EAST W AWAN Sri W O No. 8 --Myrtle Henry,