HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-11, Page 6LE t.w, '' S SC R C GO DS .d4N .. I L i4 IA r rl. I CE TCH ti INGERING YARN $2.40 LB. FLANEL T E BLANKETS $2.40 pair. 11-4• WOMAN'S STORE Dry rood and House Furnishings Phone ,67, Next to Royal Bank oxseissanumerszciasonme. MEN% STORE, Custom Tailoring Men'= Surii slings, Phono 103, O ositoPubi:cLihenry emstts000sta oaeoeattvms000e®mage s ever The Teacups seoeseSenevOteffenemeoffeetensaenCsoWarden Elliott, of Huron County, was in town on Monday, Crown -Attorney Seager, of Goderich was in town on Monday. Mr, Best Kemp, of London .spent Sunday with Mr, Sant Kemp. Mr, Archie Agnew, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives in town. Mrs. (Dr i McBride, of Welland, is the guest at the parental home. Miss Ethel Wylie, is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs; J. E, Hogg, at the Manse, Mrs, Sadie Johnston and daughter, Isabelle are visiting Mrs, T. Trick, Barrister Best, of Seaforth, was in town on a court case on Monday, Miss Marjorie Ulnian, spent the past week with friends in Woodstock, Miss Rudd leaves this week to visit her :Aster in .4 tnne.losa, ,Miss Ethelwyn'Scott, of Clifford, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. S. Downs, Miss Margery Agnew, of Medicine Hat, is visiting with relatives in town. Rev. E. G, Powell, who is now stat- ioned at Lucan was in town o❑ Monday, Master Frank McCaughey, of Blyth is holidaying with Kenneth Roberton, Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Seaforth, was calling on friends in town on Monday. Dr. Hunter, of Goderich, was calling on old friends in town Lost Friday even- ing Mr, and Mrs, S. Agnew and children, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives in town . Miss Ruby Irwin, of Toronto, is spending her vacation at the parental home, Mr, and Mrs, 'Chas, Conner spent Sunday at the former's home at Mount Forest, Mr, Stephenson of Loudon spent Sunday with his father, Mr. J. Step- henson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J, McMurray spent Sunday with the former's parents near Mitchell, Mrs Dieb) and Master Louis were visitors for a day or so with relatives at Varna. Dr, and Mrsr McGill and Miss Jean, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Dr, and A1rs• Arco Mrs Moore of Hot is visiting her sister, at the Manse, Mt Richard Seldon family motored front itir, T. Trick a visit. Mrs, B, R. Higgins, be at home the first day of each month. Springs, Virginia, Mrs. J. E. Bugg, and son and their Ipgleson to pay High street, will and third Thurs- Mrs, McGregor of Brucefield, was last week the guest of Mrs. W. Crich and other friends, Mrs. H. Plumsteel and Miss Emma Plunisteel etre spending the week with friends at Brucefield, Miss Nora McCaughey, of Blyth, was a visitor with her cousins the Misses McCaughey last week, Miss M, A. Stone, of the School of Commerce Staff, is spending her vaca- tion at her home in .Essex, Rev, Harvey Colclough of Lloyd - town, was a visitor with relatives and friends this week in town, Dr. Roy Ball, of Toronto, and a for- mer Clinton Old Boy has been renew- ing old acquaintances in town, Miss Marjorie Gilkinson of Chicago, Is a visitor this week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W, S, Downs. Mrs, Higgins, wife of the tate Rev. Joseph Higgins, is visiting at the home til Mrs. Wm. Graham, who is i11. Miss Turner returned home last week after attending the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Crane, of Trowbridge, Mitchell Advocate Mr. Truman Stone and sister Miss Vera Stone spent the holiday in Clinton with friends. Mrs, (Col.) 11, B. Combe and chit -1 dren visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Cull, of Mitchell, this week. Mrs. Alex. McGuire was called to Monroe, Mich„ owing to the sudden 3 death of her eldest daughter, Mrs. Sa- vage. a- va e. g colm, front St. Louis, are visiting her Mrs. George Roemer and son, Ma1.1 mother Mrs, T, Trick for the month of July. Mr, Cliff Beaton who has been teach- ing school near Mfllbrooke, while about home last week fell and fractured his left arm. '1 he Carload of Canada Cement has arrived at our Ware- house. SOLE AGENT FOR • SCRANTON & D. Ht & L.1 TERMS -- Strictly Cash., i A. J. Holloway PPIONE 3w White Footwear!' HIS season without a doubt, will be the season We're showing the Best. , White Shoes made. of all Seasons for Women's White Footweart and we ask the attention of the women who, enjoys wearing Choice''Wlite Footwear o Special Merit! Wilhite Boots,! White Oxfords-! White Wt e umps . , Louis, Military or: the' New Low Tread Walking Heels. $1.75, , $2.6O, .$3.OQ emit,; $400:. Our Shoe Service is always painstak' • arid .o cry. woman we shoe will. have well. Dressed Ha>tatiSnme looking Feet.' R , D4 JACKSON - TRE PRACTICAL all:''F A. t' Mr. H. Bellamy of Dungannon, who was Registrar` for the recent Registrat- ion for North Huron, was in town on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Aikenhead and babe, anal Miss Aikenhead, of London, spent Tuesdey at the home of Mr, Chas. Bartliff. Winghani Times: -Miss Turner, of Clinton, visited for over the week -end with her cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) 11. L. Stewart, Dr, alid Mrs. J. W. Milne and daugh- ters and Mrs. R. A1, McKay of Blyth, were visitors in town on Monday ;af- ternoon Miss 'Gertrude Osborne, of Stratford returned home on Tuesday after spend- ing a couple of weeks with her aunt, !,ant - Mr. C. J, Wallis returned from Roti - town, Sask., lust week. The crop out- look in that district is not the best, we are sorry to learn, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Manning and children of Brussels, were week end visitors with Miss Annie Rozell of town, and other relatives Mrs, J. W. Kilbride, of Strathroy, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. 3, Shanahan, jr.,of Hallett, has been renewing old friendships in town. Mrs. M. McIntyre left on Monday to spend auo couple e nt months with relatives and friends in the West, raking Cal - at' .iter re. g Y he,dquarte,s Airs, hawks, Mrs, (:holds and dau- ghter and also Mrs. Hicks motored from 'Tiverton paying Mrs, T, Trick a visit for a few days. Brussels Pust:--Mrs, de la Penotiere of Kincardine, and Mrs. (Rev.) Robin son, Clinton, were visitors with Mrs. W, I.1, Kerr this week, Mr. D. C:uttelont motored to Strat- ford with his daughter, Mrs. Weather - wax, to meet her husband, who is holt.; dttyitag in town now, Mr, Howard M Levy who has been spending a few weeks with his brother Mr. A, 0, Levy, leaves to -day to visit his sister, Mrs, Bartja, of Moncton. Mr. and Mrs, R, Jamieson and Miss Isabella of . Constance, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, W. Johnston and other friends in town on Sunday, Mrs, J, F, Brooks who has been visiting her sisters and mother of town for the past two months returned to her home in Winnipeg on Monday, We are glad to hear that Mr, George David is able to be moved about it little these fine days and his many friends hone that he may, soon be about as us- ual, M.rs, E, Kennedy of Ontario street accompanied her sister, Mrs. 3, F, Brooks to Stratford and was the guest of Mrs, Thomas •Mtech while its the city. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Ball and daughter, and Mr, and Mrs, C. Conner leave this week for the former's home at Sombre. The ladies will extend their visit for a week or so. Winghant Times: --Our highly es, - teemed townsman, Mr, John Quirk, celebrated his SSth. birthday on Mon- day, His large circle of friends will wish Itissi many more .ani.fversaries. Rev. Mr. Snowden, who, has supera- notated from the Methodist 'Church, and who has purchased Mrs, Couch's hone on Ontario Street; was in town this weals, -We welcome him to town, • Mr, and .Mrs, Sage, of Louden, Miss Paxmati of Parkhill' Miss Gillies of Lon- don, Red ott-don,-slid Dr Mclntosh, of Detroit, ail. of whom ,ate camping„at Greed Belfd, Were visitors With Mr. and' Mrs Paxtnarl 'on Friday, • Mrs George Watt, of town, ,who etas. Been for five weeks in St,,Joscplt s. hospital,' London, js sloWly, imptov,u; and expects to return Mime soon I•le. had a critical '-operationafter -which ha had ata attack of piieuinonil:, • Miss 'Grace Welker' luno, IS -a valued member of. Brussels Ladies Mintstrels', went to ,B•elggave ,;Tuesday: evetii'ztg%, where the 'itntertaiuinent was presented: for the hinetit of Red Cross,Mzs tie le, Penotiere, Kincardine, took' , a promtjie$t. mart in ilteprogratit_ also. Setgt, "Laci Kenaiedy Of the U. Si' A,; forces, twartrelnilik at the big Military Camp a1. Virgnii t, is'.Itllnie on• a 10 days ienve Lack has' been `pr"osioted. to :a .first-class Sergeint tit the E'ngineerinig. Corps; sod' is sine of the ipttiudtort, his'•platoon.thete'lre men' front every• state' of the Union, tie has no idea when heWill -be• sent over to tit=s firing.: lfne 1)i i . h ' •i day s t J iE I , saltnieneapyaTti:lh air ssetgk,s lPidiiis'cfY ti,olc,fld.ioveleGllwobaiut ohNts,tauirnhtTntwZrr"re slgfuittmh •.'.a;t• e•l+It'-? ,.'dd frogs s odiestr`itie Speeal'Sy inoutil.tg, T1:IE CLIPITON -,1-_r• ...... .--,-.,..e:,,F.,,fir•.-..+.•„••+rmn= " MllpullllluUlllVuululludli011ifllpllllVpulUpulpuiilll ilUl ( IV III II VIViiIIIdUI14111110UIVI IIUu00.1UUiIVIIUIogI IIVtWI IpIIII IIIViI II uIIIIp mililu h oc.r News iIIIIUIIIIIIUuuulipillulusiilUlllialluuulimilUllllulliinti VIIIIIIIIIuti uulUlPWIIII Illi1110111111Ull1110IIIIIUIIu111111IIIl0I111111111R111ulllllluuu111[11 1111lulUlllllllllllll I1II Presentation to Mrs, Birks, 1•iava Yvu Mr, Business Man 7. Mrs, (Rev,) A, K, Birks on rernoving. front Biggins. Falls, , to Toronto was presented by the L,tti'ies' Aid of 'Mor- rison street church with a beautiful Set of ivory toilet articles, and Arthur •Birks with a handsome club bag, Mrs,• •'irks had been living in the parsonage in•Niagara Falls sihce the death of her ilsbend e year ago and doing !mach work among the congregation, Not Called Yet ' Assistant Deputy Registrar Beres- ford announced: at London that; while there is no likelihood of Category. 13 men being called up for -a considerable length of time yet, there is,no definite guarantee that they will . not he util- ized for military service in the future, The above. advice was given ou't for time benefit of both employes end em- ployers Involved under the military service act A .Busy Week District Deputy Grand Master Hall and his htstallatitet team of tit 1, 0, 0. F. expect td'have a busy time for sa couple of weeks, iastalliug the newly elected officers of the various Odd- fel4ows' Lodges in this Distriet, They expect to be at Goderich on the 15th ; Seaforth 17th;Hensall 19th ; Ex- eter 23. ; and ungannon Aug. 13th. They installed the new officers of Clinton Lodge on Tuesday. night and' are nt Brucefield, to -night.' Hospital Bags Arrived Safe This week a letter has been receiv- ed by the 'Clinton Women's institute from Lady Smith, Dorrin, thanking thein most gratefully for thet'1'los- pital Bags" safely received June 13th. They are a beautiful lot, perfectly made and most acceptable as the 'Bags' are in greater demand than ever, They are now on "active service" in the t{ospital helping to comfort a wound- ed or sick soldier. As this shipment was send overseas in April 15th by the Clinton Women's institute the Ladies were very pleased to hear of the quick and safe, arrival :it the hospital, I, 0, 0. F„ Officers 'rhe newly elected officers of 'Clin- ton Lodge 1.' 0. 0. F, No. 83 were installed by D. D, G. M. Ball and his insktlIing team on 'Tuesday of this week, and the following were those installed: - Past Noble Grand ,1 A. Sutter Noble Grand.......T. A. Managhan Vice Grand Carl Draper Recording Secretary, W. 1-1. Gould Financial Secretary, , , ,J. Wiseman Treasurer 11 B. Chant Warden Thos. Hardy Conductor E E. Hunniford R. S. N. • G i' Watson L. S. N. 0 J, L. Kerr R, S, V. 0 Jas. Livermore L, S. V, G Lorne Murch R. S S. W 11, Heilyar L. S, S. E Sehoetthttls Chaplain G E. Hall Inside Guard A. C:udmore Outside Guard H, B, Kerr Off onSteseedeoneese. see tsiesetentes" CORM 5F i I MEETING 6 e Off aiet$00000tosenOff l.'"3:?® yS'teretsie THE BYLAW COMMITTE The Following changes were made in Cemetery Bylaw and passed on motion of Cooper and Langford: - That Rule 6 of schedule in Bylaw No. 15 for 1593 be cancelled and the following substituted: - (6) The price to be paid by any person for each full lot shall be six- teen dollars, and for a half lot eight dollars, when the purchased• thereof is a ratepayer of the town of gin - ton ; and when the purchaser is other than a rate -payer, of the said town of Clinton, the price of each full lot shall be twenty ,dollars and for each half lot ten dollars, ' That Rule 13 be cancelled, and the following substituted, (13) Public lots shall be provided in which single graves may be taken 'at the price -of five dollars for a per- son over ten years of age, and three dollars for children under ten years of age, • That Rule 33 be cancelled and the following sabstitnted:-- (33) .1I interments shall be sub- ject to the herein : after mentioned charges for opening graves, the amount whereof must in each case be paid to the superintendent as hereinafter pro- moted; that Is to say: - Adult graves in depth 6 feet $4,00 and $3.00. Fifty cents extra for each additional. foot, • •Children's graves under 10 years $3. and $2,00. ' . That the .charges for taking care of. the lots be as follows; Full lot $1,25 per year, Half ,lot 75'c per year. .411 but last clause came:into effect on July 9th, .and last clause re care 10 Come tido effect, on January 1st, 1919. • STREET COMMITTEE Your 'Committee wishes to submit the following report: -We have had all streets grsded, 'recorninended in for- mer repdrt also that Hort of Fulton between King avid iseac; also had 611 or 'o 'bails of cinders from organ factory drawn . and placed os streets; C,le teed ditches .at side of the road leading its from,the north side of town. Grtveiled- that portion of Queen st„ rechtitpehded, in, 'former ,report, had grass and' Needs cut on streets, Would •recoelmend,that culvert be put in at Dr'Avon'$ corner, Also that remainder of t%tvisi'in tisk be out, on the worst ' parte to ot;,.King nod Victoria streets and that e, porion of'Rniten.bury street be el:Pa ted; That' 4.9.00 toward G inch tile'for draining as request of Jas, Mc- Neil' . . • PROPERTY COMMITTEE Your PropertyCommittee report as Tallows--n'o.. new chairs Have been 'supplied for the Mayor's platform, The Council .Chamber has heeh-cleaned, also the, hall entrance ,end stairway, We recoinniicnd that the front' doors of the iotrol be taut in a'satisfactory condition and -'xtft'dilig` to Jaw, • • Leis tl had ti plumed to secure 2 hardwood at the. price of ter ,rt foe four foot woad and 'on • ;iitcq Was ordered to -look der itt' once,• '5111 adjourned, T11111'Stdny, July 1'1'tlir 191$: dustless then should have two signs _one on the building' they occupy and. one In the local ucwpepers, Going To Bayfield ARV ,of our citiztt a are moving out 10 Bayfield to their summer cot- tages, Otlreas will fellow hater, That important Question. "Have you• the Entrance results yeti" is the question that we are ask- ed every day, comnteitetlig last Fri. day. We don't excel. to have the list before next week, if the Department sends it then, Get Your Name On This is the season when women folk, Who have aright to vete should' see that their names are properly placed upon the voters' list so that when the time conies -for them to mark their ballot they will possess the full privil- ege, Who's Who in Legislature. There are In the Onterib ••Lebila- titre twenty-six.farmers, twenty-six lawyers,, nine manufacturers, five merchants, eight doctors •seven lutn- bermen, four insurance agents,. two "workingmen," two agents; an .u•11- dertaker, an auctioneer, one "gen- tleman," a realty agent, an account- ant, a dentist, a contractor,- aYeterinary surgeon and a clergyman. Former Clinton Man lipids Office Mr, J. R. Forbes, of Waterford, and son of Mrs. A, Forbes, of town who left here a bitty years ago to assume the management of tie rural phone system of that town, has been elected second, vice president of the Western Counties Telephone Association, at the eigth an- nual meeting held at London,last week. Mr, Forbes constructed many phone systems in this province before accept- ing his present position. Died in Michigan Owing to the sudden death of their eldest daughter, Ada Willa, Mr, and Mrs, Alex McGuire were called to M011 - roe, Mich., on Thursday last, Mrs. Savage had not been in the best of health for several mouths past but her death was unexpected and dune as a shock to her family. She leaves besides her husband a little daughter eight months old, !vlrs. Savage in her young- er days was a valued member of The New Era staff, Judgment Reserved in Damage Action The case of W, T. Grieve vs. the Township of Buffett was heard before Judge Lewis, of Goderich. Grieve entered action against the township for injuries sustained. by being thrown from his -cutter on account of his horse shying on a narrow road at a time when the road was flooded by a spring freshet, W. Brydone, of Clinton, act- ed for the Township, and J. M. Best of Seaforth G• Grieve, Judgment re- served for further argument at Gode- rich. Wife of Fred Davis, M,P.P., Is Dead At Mitchell Mrs, Davis, wife of Fred Davis, M. P. P., Gleichen, Alberta, died sudden- ly at ,Mitchell last Thursday morning, from heart trouble, With her hus- band she had been visiting Mr. Davis' father, W. R. Davis, editor of The Mitchell Advocate, Her home was in Seaforth before her marriage, Mrs. Davis was a daughter of Alex. David- son, of Seaforth, who survives her, be- sides two sisters and two brothers, Abraham Davidson, of Seaforth, and Joseph, of Mitchell. Enters Law Office The Wetaskiwin Times makes ref- erence to a son of Mr. and Mrs, W. Doherty, of town:- Mr, A. Stewart Watt is leaving Wetaskiwin for Scot- land with his two children at an early date. Mr, Watt's intention is to loin. the British Army, in which Ise expects to obtain a eomnlieiio•n, The busi- ness of Watt & Watt will be carried on in future by Mr, J, S, Watt, with whom will be associated lflr, C. V. Doherty, lately- in the office of Messrs. Greisbaclt & O'Connor, Edmonton, Mr. Doherty recently returned from France, invalided, having served in the war for nearly two years as a member of the 0, E, F, Exeter Rink Had 1 up A rink of Exeter Bowlers motored motored up on Friday evennig and had a friendly game with a Clinton rink, Mr, De John, of Hensall, who was in town was invited to play N11,1th the Clin- ton risk, At the end of the 22nd end Exeter had one to the good. Following were the players:- Exetef• Clinton R. N. Rowe W, Grant R, G, Seldo:t J. De John R; N, Creech br, Axon W, J. Tatitan,sk.19 A. J. Morrish, sk1 S The scores by ends Avast -- Exeter -0100100s i 0212102031030-19 vast-Exeter-0100100110212102031030-19 Clinton -2012051001000010100301-13 A Friend to Thi Aged,. 73 Years OKI and Feels Pines Militurrt's Heart and Nerve; Pills A Coon to Those Up in Veers. As the years areal) on, the heart be- comes weak, the efrcttletion.. poor, and the vitality on the wake. Little soak- nessee and nthnentsscom harder to shake off than formerly rind here and 'there evidences of a breaf downbegin to appear, Those who wish to anaintain their healthand vigor and retain their energy unimpaired should use .M'ilburn's Belot and Nerve Pills, Mr. J. Bronson, Swift Creek, B.C., writes; "1 had a weals heart, and was ad- vised by soy .neighbor to try Milburn'e Heartland 7 etve Pills. 1 got two boxes and took them regularly, and felt I was getting better, 1 sent for two more and now 1 en•a go Oat and'ss,W Wood and gat t0 it1' 1 feeling tired and war r w lot t fit t t d a ld weak. I am now 73 yotire old and; foci fine. 1 clan hij,hlyy;reeemmend your ills to any- one 1 .. pills Otln Who has a.• weak heart, for theyare " a tood,ro:nedy. Milbnril's liettvl and Nerve :Pills tyre 60o. a box at all denims, or nailed direct ortreebiptofprice hiyThe T.lyl'nll,tµrs:i *., Linaitedy'aoi•orltn, tStlt. WALL PAPER Meets every resiwirerutent a1F interripr .det<oroark meets it effectively. WW i V.E S Ar'e fretluenlly prowl more in. their 110100, • IIUSBA-NDS , of their roorina an deli Are relieved in not a fow'case s at the price MilAro- prised prised at the effect.' . AND WE , ..°lava Happy in having satisfied crrstdmers, pleasant profitable business: IT. IS FREQUENTLY SO AFTER •A VISIT TO, OIWI WALL . PAPER DEPARTMENT esssossennescasszsv The W. D. i wao®ttraxoaa Often the eheapest-Always tete Best A Tested Lens - An Accurate Shutter Simple Operation, Good Pictures Ali these are assured when you purchase aKodak. Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. V have then! from $1,00 up. Come in and let us show yen • how easy they are to use: -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results'-,• .A LB_ mL vi . cD -VET Despensing Chemist 'tri "-nalMN..tA=at 6611712.4108%. TTuie Features ? zr.. Fur hhu e To which we invite special nttPr193t>.x- are its beauty, its•assured coo,fterl, aft, solid ootcstauettott,end its beblw 131x• usu'il prices. .Aly one of these papas would he sutlielent to earn 31 :rimy preference, When they are alt tains. hinvd we feel sine you will renlit'a that this is a furniture buying 0))50s • sanity you canuotatl'ord to ignore. i'nderlciltet' and Funeral Director. IV'iwbt and Fundi}^Coils answered at Residence over store saturut.•e, ""..,rs..a r+car, v:;o.aaeT,w.auvmseseeeeeeeeesess000eoase--'-osees+eescaawfe: au I'lsone fiS'es., Pack Your ro FM . les In your old - 1G1 Bag end Smile is the slogan on the Boys at the Flew.,'; and we must do likewise in the using of Wheat Substitutes. We will hares in stuck this week the Necessary Substitutes at Popular Prices. Corn Flour @ ioc per It; Barley Flour @ 10c per lb; Rye Flour s ' 10e por lei; Rice Flour @ 13c per It; Corn Meal @ 3 Its for 25c; and. Oatmeal @ 3V2 its for 25c. GET YOUR SUPPLIES AT OUR STORE ONE HOUR SPECIAL -7.30 to 8.30 ONLY Between 7.30 and 8.30 p.m„ Saturday, we will put on Sate .at Special price a 16 oz Package of Seeded Raisins for BETWEEN HOURS MENTIONED ONLY 2 PACKAGES IS LIMIT WITH YOUR ORDER HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Canadian Food Comrtol Retail Grocer License Number 8-7241 °Oc &'➢zoite 3 3 1 Phone Promptly Attended to • E T us install a COAL 011,, HEATER ire connection with your bathroom. Enough hot water for a bath in 20 minutes for the small sutra of 1 ; CENT. ( all arni get prices on Heaters. s i s PLomte Fra Agent for HECLA Furnaces The Corner Grocery "LIVE AN LET VVVE" WE SELL ALL THE Breakfast Food ', all the Dinner & Supper FOODS SPECIALS ORANGES L11Y10NS BANANAS SLII,AW133,1.1RIES NEW POT:tLTh3R NEW 0A13 TOMATO E. E. filunniford :Skop-overItowlaitd's Ilardware • Piping And 1FiLttneffs Always On nand. BUTTER attd EGGS WAaNi'tir Canadian Food Control LicerasO No. 3.3'123„ PHONIC 45: MM. NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. Arrives 11,10 amt. Leaves 11-1Tsa,6n, Arrives 6.08 p,m, Leaves 6.45 a,sa, Arrives 11,13 p,m Leaves fi.a:S iadw Trains from West Must Work Police Magistrate Andrews had a fellow named, Walpe,', of Zurich; before Itiu on Monday, under the new "must work law,"' After Learing much evids. cncc the Mdgisfrate let the defende ate off'O)i suspended SC etel c 1 e, but he must report to the '00. Constable- at lteltsall,; once a mobile stating the time he is working, •Crown -Attorney Seager pro- secuted end gave warding that it Was reported there were mane ut between the ages of ;c i ' r., were'. not engaged in al o`'•e •. i • . n,',, thep had better Start sine ;.r • i y, Arrives 6,13 a,ut, Leaves 6.16 Sala, Arrives 2.53 0,121. Leaves 2.•S11 lesefes 'l'raane from North Arrives 7.33 5.01, leaves; 71,St,1'gn. Arrives 4..15 p,m, Leaves. 4.0S ,ass 7`i resat trete Soots ,Arrives. 10.30 I,it, Le'tvo4-0 toil 6dt, N :Mrives 6,40 p.m, Learned 6451