HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-11, Page 5.078 NES WEDDINGS 'Wedding Present is just ;rude different from any m x gift. There is a twoent attached to it, that wren 1s for .a • life time. `:F•AnO.'re, who are going to. ramtke the JUNE BRIDE, the Ikappiest girl in the world, sill likm.. to feel that their gift liras durable quality, and in - sic merit, as welt as the seentiment of remembrance.. Those who choose their Rift from .us are sure of oh- s„ning the quality that en mitres. Vire have CUT GLASS, '^.NINA, SILVER PLATED ARE, CLOCKS, ETiC, pct our stock before buy - n 8o YA �� R Jeweler and Optician -•ls'scter of Marriage, Licenses VE THE CHILDREN lkleathers who keep a box of Baby's 'aeon -ferrets in the house array feel Vita f:Ize lives of their little ones are 'aeasesnabfy'safe during the hot 'wea- • Ide>s. Stomach troubles, cholera in- s .sem and diarrhoea carry off thous- ain riff Tittle ones every summer. In most gases because the mother does stet: leave a safe medicine at 'hand to Titin Promptly. Baby's Own Tablets raze these troubles, of if given occa- straay- to the well'child ill prevent *Rehr coming on The Tablets are nvasCastreed by a government analyst de rte absolutely harmless even to the taw torn babe. They are especially left is summer because they regulate httnwels and keep the stomach sweet ''snd pure, They are sold by n1nr3t•+ne dealers or by mail at 25 t-u17.8s'a ?box from The Dr. Williams' 1!?ir u"netto„._Brodkville, Ont. Vit: w York Maii ,promises that ;Mgne fs to 'be a revival of the old • - ' 'B6W ioned stiff -bosomed dress shirt lits yer'r. A bit of a shock, eh, to - sase al -us Who never wore any other • JULY :ROD AND GUN Rica and 'Gun for July is a special 'g»1lipxag slumber, most of the stories teiakfn2 lo the pursuit of the finny haat; wafts just enough variety_ ,to ann)relke number of interest to 'those wdose allegiance to the piscatorial' art 'ski &traded among other outdoor sports CLINTON MARKETS f1l1,, astral departments are well' Mahe- ladled. lite Trap department contain- -mg an illustrated tyrtte-up of the re- Hogs , . .. , . .. .... , ... $17,50 eon" tournament of the Dominion Butter 36-37 'Noes 'Shooting Association at Hamil- Eggs 39-40 Ylarxs '481ti'fhe Kennel department the Wheat 82.10 Me? aa+ards at the London and Mon- Oats 65c 'to 70 till lows, :`Sniping in France" by Peas 82 50 eraf•Isibiiifl' •Sniper is 'only one of Barley 85.25 5.25 ar Slate articles appearing in the Guns Buckwheat 8 and.00 Rod Flay 8 ecti' tt. ' t8 ' r s o rnitloi ,mt hiss' !arab n s published by -W. J, Taylor, Lim- Bran ... . Ito&at'Woorstock, Ont. Shorts THE CLINTON NEW ERA' WILL. PROCEED !CLINTON COLLEGIATE WITH APPEAL LOWER SCHOOL EXAM, RESULTS. Municipalities Going Ahead In Action Against Toronto General Trusts A meeting of representatives of tine mmunicipalities concerned in the affairs of the Ontario West Shore Railway was held at the town hall on Friday afternoon, The reyreseutstives pre- sent were: • From Goderich—Mr, 0, A. Reid, (eliatrnan), Mayor Wigle, Reeve Lntthwaite, Deputy Reeve Clark, .Kincardine=Mayor 'Malcoljn, Reeve Henry, Councillor 'Coombe and Mr, J. J:Hunter, 'Huron Township—Reeve Ruttle, Messrs. it, Irwin and D, W. Bradley;' Ashfield township—Reeve Dalton, Deputy Reeve Hackett, Councillor Rlohat'dson and ex -Reeve Chas. Stewart. Mr. L. L, KnOx acted as Secretary, Mr, Thos. Stothers, of Dungannon, the official trustee of the railway, and Mr, P. A, Malconison, barrister, of Kincardine, also were in attendance, Mr. Stothers reported that -so far 8115,013.82 had been paid over for. material sold to. the Provincial Hydro Commission, and three carloads had since been slipped. ' The trustee was given power to sell the ties, buildings, the wooden bridge at Port Albert, the •old scrapers and all other loose material in connection with the railway, He was also in- structed to issue a warning to any persons having .material belonging to therailway in their possession to re- turn it forthwith, and on their. failure to do so Within thirty days to take legal action, Promotion Gtraminations-Form I to Form iI tlouours P, MeT tgg;trt, 83.2; A; Holly ar,"76.7; 13. Fell, 75.2, Pass:—D. Nediger, 73,8`; M, Gibbings 73 7; 11. Ball 72; 15. Ferguson 72; C. Hamilton 71.8; B, Murphy 718; 0, Fowler' 69.5; it Carter 69,2; E, Hardy, 69; 1r. Reynolds 681 'A, Reynolds, '67.1; S. Thompson 67.1; 0, Hail 66;4; M. Beaton, 65.3; B. Morish 65; M. MacGregor 63,4t F, Powell 62.8; B, Lindsay 62.3; D, Breunan 62.2; W. Mutch 61; D, Pollock 60, The following students who are be- low the line are promoted conditionally —C. F, Libby 59.2; E, Bradshaw 59; C. Matheson 58.7; G. Carter 58.1; D. Rorke 56.81 A, Hurtle 55; J, Rands 55, 0, Shipley 55, The following students are promoted under "farm exemption" regulations— W. Be11, G. Ralthby, G. Watts, There etas considerable discussion as to the 'wisdom or otherwise of pro- ceeding with roceeding>with 'the appeal froiw Justice Sutherland's judgment in the suit a- gainst the Toronto • General 'trusts Corporation for alleged wrongful pay- ment of monies realized from the bonds of the railway which were guaranteed by the municipalities. The appeal was entered some time ago and certain costs have already been incurred, and the weight of • opinion was that the appeal should be vigor- ously prosecuted. A motion to this effect was adopted, Ashfield township dissenting, 1 Another motion , adopted was with reference t,o the right-of-way. This was that the farmers whose farms adjoin the right-of-way be allowed to fence in and use the respective portions of the' right-of-way opposite their farms, upon entering into an agreement in writing with the trustee to deliver up possess- ion thereof on demand, and that the trustee be ins tn cted tohave fences re- moved e- uov d covering the right-of-way where such agreementsreements are renot executed, Themeeting also passed a resolution tion. instructing the secretary to write the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board protesting against the investment of the funds now being realized from the sale of material with the Toronto General Trust Corporation preferring that these funds be invested in Provincial or Do- minion or Canada bonds. Market Reports $40-_•5:42 4143,00—$50.00 GRAND MASONS OF CANADA HAVE DONE A BIG BIT 12,000 Have Enlisted to Help Crush Prussianistn and Militarism The Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada In the Province of Ontario will begrat- ified by the craft's part in the war for world civilization, The sixty-third an- nual communciation commeuced in Windsor on Wednesday, July 1,7, and the reports will show increased stren- gth, exemplified by '25 districts, 460 lodges, and a-memborship of 66,000 as compared to 63,477 Last year. Mas- onic enlistment to fight Prussianism and militarism stands at 12,000, a total that' embraces an impressive proportion of "supreme sacrifices." Major Officers to Stand While the attendance will bre large, contests for ofliees will not effect the major ones. W, H. Wardrope, K, C., of Hamilton, will be grand master for another year and a like honor will be conferred on the depaty grand master, F. W. Harcourt, K. C., of Toronto. The grand treasurer, E, T. Malone, K, C., of Toronto, will have no opposition, and the office of grand senior warden will go to 'a Windsor man. But the offices of ,grand junior warden, grand registrar and grand chaplain may have an interesting number of aspirants, Notice of motion Inas been given which alms to amend the constitution so that the place at which the next annual meeting of grand lodge is to be held shall be determined by ballot at the same time as the vote is taken for election of officers. The Pace selected shall be restricted to the cities of Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton and Lon- don, and shall be the one for which the largest number of votes is cast. if more than one of said cities shall be put in nomination. .ssis•fai•SSDSO•SS$•sss••s• • Huron County News • ' , .aaouoeaen•�eese•ouo•o•ou$u Miss Dora, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Watson, of Belgrave, was quietly marled at the Rectory at Blyth on Wednesday last by Rev. W. B. Haw- kins to Mr. Emerson Holmes, of West Monkton, Jas, Vance, of Usborne, who sustain- ed severe injuries by being kicked by a horserecently, nilY, has su entl recov- ered as to leave the hospital and re- turn to his hone. Clarence Levy, aged 28, residing at Zion Corners, in Usborne Township, committed suicide by shooting himself through t'te head with a revolver, which he had borrowed from his wife's bro- ther. Fle asked for the weapon as he was leaving alter having worked there all day, He had been in poor health for some time. He went out to the barn about 5,30, and soon after his wife got up and got breakfast ready. When didnot return shewent out t en li e and made a search, but could not find him, She called a neighbor, and he made a search, and found the body in the silo. SERVICE We cordially invite you to our Garage where we are specially equipped to.eittend prompt and efftsient Service. A full line of accessories and repairs, carried Overhauling and Painting our Specialty, „ Phone _ 80, .. AUTOMOBILE,LiVERY ' House Phone 140 'Bicycles and :Re airin -Bio Cie and general repairing done by competent woiikmel. (�Jliici service always. Clinton Gard e You may be dee some day by an illsits:tiotl o 1 ived B tt4 and possibly you will not detect this imitation' until. the tea -'pot reveals it. Demand always the genuine "tSalada"'in the sealed aluminum packet, and see that you get it if you Want that unique flavour o€ fresh, clean leaves properly prepared and packed. sAwAAAAAo►►►r,Ap►a►it►1►►A►A ►1►A &AAA,a►►A►uliu►a►y Local News 4 41 VY1YYY/YVYYVYVVVVYY/YY11YV' YVY',jYVYYVVVV1YYIr9WYYV VVYV1 q For The Days Of Old Made $50, Strawberries 20 years ago were sell- The W. 0, 'F. U. of town trade 850. ing from 84,00 a crate of 18 boxes to on their "Trinket, Fund" which was in five cents a box. progress during the Winter and spring, The.money goes to supply free drinks Mother Dead to the soldiers overseas, The Hamilton Spectator of last Raspberries to be Scarce Thursday makes the following refer- 'f he raspberry crop will, it is said, ence of the death of Mrs, Lister, Moth- l� . � light ts owirg • • ear itgt o the cool er of Mrs, (Rev.) Rutledge, of Gode- rich, formerly of Clinton:—Ninety-one Years ago Mrs. Emily C. Lister was born in the province of Connaugth, Ireland. This morning, July 3, 1918, she ended the journey of life to john her husband, A Former Clinton Man who preceded her in death thirty-six years ago, She was the widow of Joseph Lister, who came with his par- ents from England to Hamilton in the year 1834, and the daughter of the Rev, Matthew Magill, a clergyman of the English church, who first settled in London when he carte to Canada about the year 1839, Her father was engaged in mercantile business in the early days in this city, where he re- entered the ministry. She was united. in marriage to Joseph Lister in this city in the year 1846, when she was but eighteen years of age, and they were the parents of thirteen children, ten of whom are living. The surviv- ing children are,: Mas. S. F. Lazier, Mrs, W, C. Morton, J, Edmund Lister, Mrs. Robert C. Fearman all of Hamil- ton, and Mrs. (Rev.) W. L. Rutledge, Goderich; Mrs. George Vipond, Mon- treal; Mrs, C. H. Punshon and Mrs. T, E Kaiser, Oshawa, and H, M. Lister, St. Paul, Minn, She leaves 17 great grandchildren and 15 grandchildren. Mrs. Lister was a remarkable woman during her long lifetime keeping tip with flee friends t a large correspondence of her youth, and was a student in the best literature. By keeping her mind active, she retained her youthful habits of life. It can be said of her that she spent her years in doing good, helping the unfortunate, and making life brighter for those who needed help. Last week Mr. FL P. Moore coniplet- In all her benevolence she gave unos- ed his fortieth year as editor and pub- tentatiously. With her husband she lisher of the AC'tion Free Press, Acton, was active in church work, and now Ont. The "Free Press," like its guid- that she has passed on she leaves a , ing head has prospered during those vacancy in local Methodism. Mrs, Lis- years, and is today among the neatest ter and her husband were first con- and, newlest weeklies in .the province. nected with the old King street Meth- Success has not been attained without odist church, then with the brick Meth- a good deal of perseverance, and Mr, odist church on John street, and finally Moore has to his credit one of the best with the Centenary church. She was equipped offices, a magnificent resider- a woman of very hasppy disposition, and tial property and a McLaughlin car— to know her was to respect and love " luxuries " that few newspaper risen her, .She will be missed in social and enjoy, The New Era wishes Mr. Moore church circles. In her ninety-first year many more years of prosperity. she was as bright and cheerful los in _her youthful days, A brief history of this Liked the Band old Hamilton family will not be out of place. Joseph Lister was an English- man by birth, being born in the town of Colne, Lancashire, in the year 1832 His father was a physician of high standing, who carte to Canada with bis family in the year 1832, first settl- ing in Newmarket, In the year 1834 Dr, Lister located in Hamilton, when the town at a population of not more than 2,000, but had retired from the practice of medicine and turned his attention to real estate, in which he made fortune investments, one of then being the Lister block on James street. Joseph Lister, the husband of Mrs. Lister, was educated in the school taught by Dr. Rae and Dr. Tissis, and after his school days entered the mer- cantile business, in which he was very successful, in 1852 he began the er- ection 01 the Lister block, and was the first to bring James street into notice as a buisness center. He was active in church work as well as in public life. The only church in the village of Hamilton when he .first came here was the Methodist. church on the ecrr- ner of King and Wellington streets, Which he attended when a boy and in the first years of his married life, When the brick church on John street (now Wesley) was built in 1842, Mr, and Mrs. Lister were among its most ac= tive and contributing supporters, and •for more than twenty years was its recording steward. When the stone Methodist church was built and de- Goes Weekly to Church weather, but vill be heavyin,price, The ci',' papers are 9501514 them at 30 cents a box and the price is expected to remain high. Mr. George M, Yates, who 'was a former superintendent at the Doherty Piano Factory, but now resides in Guelph, with his rink of bowlers won the Bowman Bowling trophy from Fer- gus and will now defend it against all comers. More Papers to Carry Notice is being sent out by the On- tario License Board to licensed liquor vendors that all pre scriptioits received from doctors must in future bear a certificate to the effect that the quan- tity necessary for the patient's use, An amendment to the Ontario Temperance Act was made last session. It is a now to be rigidly enforced, and doctors are being notified. . Still a Misunderstanding Despite notices re the regulations as to picnics, there is still a misunder- tending relative to the same, The New Era was asked 4f large bodies of pic- nickers did not have to break up into small groups. The idea is erroneus. Where there are more than 15 people having an opting,all that is required that the regulations re neat and other edibles applicable for the day be ob- served as in all public eating places. Forty Years an Editor The Goderich papers had the follow- ing ing complimentary remarks to say a- bout the Kiltie Silver Bands—Goderich Signal The Kiltie band from 'Clinton —twenty strong, inculding two pipers —made a splcnded appearance and dis- pensed excellent music, Its services in the morning and afternoon were much appreciated. A prior engagement for a garden party at Londesboro prevented the band's remaining for the evening. Goderich Star:—The Kitties Band from Clinton, about 20 strong, made a fine impression throughout the day with their Highland costumes and fine music, Thursday, Jelly 15th, 19ig. --. SpecialOrder clothing Qur new set of samples for, ORDERED CLOTHING for Spring is now here and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest sel-. ections of High Grade Woollens we have ever shown. , Our Styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. .1 Come in and look them over and get one of our new style Books. We are also showing some new Natty Styles in Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and' Shirts, See our Table of Men's Boots'at $3.50 a pair. Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits Phone 25. More Business f• THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS • Improvements The store front of J. E. tlovey's drug store, has been brightened with the painter's brush. The painters are busy at the store front of W., C. Brown's Dry goods store, preparing it for a new fell dress, Died In British Columbia 041 Saturday, 'June 29th, David Wood, huska:id of a former 'Clinton lady, Evelyn Turner, daughter of Mrs. Turner, Joseph Street, died at Winlow,',B. C. after an illness of sev- eral • ..weeks Ir'on7 blood -poisoning. They resided in Maple Creek, Saskat- chewan for the past 10 years, The, sympathy of the old friends goes to the widow. Huron Old Boys' Excursion The Annual Excursion of the Huron Old Boys' Association of 'Toronto, will be run to Niagara Fails and Queenston Heights on Wednesday, July 24th. The Annual Picnic and Genies will be held at Queenston Heights, near Brock's Alotument but all the Excursionists wishing to go through to Niagara Falls will be permitted stop -over privileges at Queenston Heights on return trip. Addresses of a patriotic nature will be delivered at Brock's Monument during' the afternoon and a programme of events will be run of for which liberal prizes will be awarded to the success- ful competitors, Though 99 Years old, GiRL WANTED For office work at the Ford Garage. Apply to BERT LANGFORD FOR SALE 8 -roomed house, furnace and other comfortable conveniences. Corner of Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Bought and Sold at Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at his Bank. VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 % W. BRYDONE,'Clinton FOR SALE A farm bargain with this year's crop now in ground for 81100 c•tsh, balance on a mortgage, will let y01t in on this place, Possession immediate- ly, ly, 100 acres at Clifford, Ontario, 35 acres grain, 3 acres corn, rr,• here potatoes, 2 acres' turnips. Stock and grain farm with plenty of good water. Creek and never failing spring. Good buildings, 80 acres workable, 10 acres more can be broken up, balance bush. Soil clay loam. ' Good ' fall wheat soil. Good buildings. Brick house 7 rooms, divided cellar, oement floors, Bank barn 72x48, slings and hayfork., Cement silo 30x121/i. Driv- ing shed, Price for farm including crop $5500, $1,1100 cash, balance of mortgage. This year's crop will help make your payment. THE WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY, treorgetown Ontario dicated In the year .1854 Mr, and Mrs. i An unusual event occurred Sunday Lister united with that body, and he morning at Welkt'nd Avenue Methodist was at once pressed. into the Service Church, St, Catharines, when Rev. R. as recording steward, which position D. Hamilton, on behalf of friends in he held for more than twenty-five years the colgregakiot, resented a large bou- and till the time of his death in 1882 quet of flowers to Daniel Plumsteel, when his place was filled by his soli -in- Who has reached the age of 99 years, law, Stephen Lazier, K)C. Mr. Lister and regularly attends tihs church Sun - was frequently chosen to - represent day mornings. To be within one year Hamilton Methodism at the general of the century mark and still go out conference of the church, Mr. Lister each Sabbath to worship was made the took an active part in civic affairs, and occasion of many complimentary re - tion when the Central school was built was a member of the board of educe marks ,by the pastor, Mr, Plumsteel is air uncle of Mr, henry Plumsteel, Ht was a member of the board of Clinton, and is, kale and hearty being wdter commissioners that built for Ham . able to walk to and front chureli;' ilton its splendid system of waterworks, 1 , The only surviving member of that 'Fifty-two Yearn boned is Posmastei' Adam Brown, When i The War Cry last week spoke editor- people t, Ali scion ved, fled Tally' as folloWsa—lt is now fifty two people of St, Andrews ,ward nsis years ago since' lin Founder of The Sat- upon his acceptance as theirrepresent.;place atiott Artily took his stand on Mile End alive in the city cotmcil, .a place he fall- Waste and started the Campaign fobr ed with credit to himself and in the God and souls, which resulted in the' Lest interests of the city.'When Joseph formation of the world -Wide Organize - lost diedSept,itjn, 1r Mrs, Her who. tion isle which, udder Divine blessing, diedet a worthy citizen, Lister who that brave endeavour.has grown; Vain last r, Robert Magill, eaves tndaed,:wduid be agy•attempt to sum one brother, Robert 1r, Magill, who has a the-blessin s and.benefats which for' malty years been a prosperous 'bust - have come to the world with The Sal- em nett .in Oakland Gal. vation Army. Salvationists everywhere. There Wash very large attendance will at this time finite in praising God at.iih took i l place Mas. Emily C, Lister, 10' all l.lis, goodness and in renewal of which ucoSid nce Friday afietuDr, Sftan- Consec!alon to the great purposes for 33 ling, assist d. ayenue, Rev. ed wink .assisted. by l'ie'u. Dr. 5edgetttick wino The' rtrttty Iran, we believe, beets. • findthe Rev, 'W, L. Rutledge, offdiated, called into .being.. Neither will the The pall -bearers Were:, George Vipond, ocuassiohJ we are sure be 'allowed to. Rev, W, L, Rutledge, R bet•t C. tear' iiass• without fervent petitions being: man, P. 11. Punshonr •Wtiliam 0. Mor-' nude to Cod for The General and Mrs. ton and Dr. 'r, E. Kaiser„ alt sonwin-lows porins, and nil 'associated with (tient in1 Of the deceased, The matey iieatttiful thja directionbestowed f Sffai!i thgraceatw pon 115061 floral Offerings attested to the lore and, y esteem InWillett the late Mrs, Lister o utmheeded ltsrecponsiliititics i charge or tite leFva. wet held, upon thein; V-:.rw�.ir Horses For Service ELMER DICKSON Calves for Sale The undersigned has made arrange- ments to handle a few Shorthorn -grade calves. March and April is the time to secure them as the supply is limited later. W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 Clinton 51525 A; 'T. R, 2295 C.N.R. Form A 1. Enrolment No, 4881 Race redor'd 2.06 The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse( 1st prize winner at Seaforth and Clinton 1917 Spring Shows. The only stable in the County of Hinton that Full information from any Grand ever offered the services of a stallion with a record of 2.10 dr better, !'rank Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning, . Elmer Dickson will stand at his own District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Grand - stable, Commercial Hotel Barns, Blyth with exception of the- following route: MONDAY -Will leave his own stable andproceed to Auburn for noon; thence by way of Nileto 0, McNall's for night, 'TUESDAY,—WB) proceed to 'Coll - MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION' WORK. A number of good reliable men can • secure steady employment on Munition work, Apply to, The Robt. Bell Engine &' Thresher Co.. Seaforth, Ontario. For Sale A good frame barn 28x40, Apply to C..1, Wallis. JUST ARRIVED d A CAR -LOAD OF .FEED CORN We have also secured a quantity of Choice Seed Corn in the following varieties: SELECTED YELLOW LEAMING GIANT PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- AGE. SELECTED RED COB ENSILAGE' and also EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE As the season has arrived for the hatching of Baby 'Chicks we have an stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed, which we are selling at reasonable prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver dull Choice) and also our usual line of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed. ns&Son W.Jenki FLOUR AND FEED Phone te0, Reeideoce a on 142 WAY GRAND•TRUNK YRA1 HIGHLANDS•OF .ONTARIO Offers you and all the family the outing of your life. ALGONQUIN. PARK MUSKOKA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY LAKE OF BAYS TIMAGAMI ARE ALL FAMOUS PLAYGROUNDS Modern hotels afford city, comforts but many prefer to live in tent or log cabin—your choice at reasonable cost. Secure your Parlor or Sleeping car aceoumlodatlou in advance. luau Rana tord-&Son, city paeson' er and Ticket Agents, phone 67,, t.0 Paatison station siren - borne !louse Goderich, for noon, and --LIP THE ILLS OF LIFE: remain there until Wenesday noon. HAL. WEDNESDAY- Will proceed - by way of Benmiller to Blyth where he will ARE CAUSED BY remain until the following Monday neorning. CONSTIPATION. IKE MEDIUM when the bowels become constipated, 1070. G.N.R. the stomaoh ggets out ofasrder, the liver 61522 A.T.R. dose rat Wnrk properly, and thou .col- The ol- Forst Al, Enrolmetit'I2936. Iowa the violent seek nee rte JOs, eaurnesn T; Ili Standard Bred Show and Trotti41 of the stomach, belehing of wind, ltcart- Stallion. Full brother to Dustyu 2,14 burn, waterbrash, biliotisnses, Ole, and Inez M, 2.17/. Was silo ofd Scoop your bowels regular by Hain ace .eCwilt, filn0S- 44 times first and o 1ltiSCoel, sour bo els reins..-7'huy Ike Medium will stand for the ion- clear hway all rho eti015 :find poisdnuus• provement of stock this season as fol- matterwhtchhascollectedinthesystem,, to THff SDAY Will leave his ow gt:vo you a froo., oast' and natural model -a own of tie howols every dt>,y,stort 11110 sing.' stable, Dlytlt, and proceed North to Bel- gish liver working, and givd tone and grave for 110011; then to the Farmers vitality to the whole intestinal tract. House, Winghani, for Might, 1 ' Mrs, Joe, Labrce Iodise Apts., Cal- Friday—Will proceed to Biuevale to gar. ,Alta.,svritest I have been troubled Hall's for noon; thence to Gordon MC= With constipation for alto Inst two years, Donald's Hotel, Brussels, for night, i 1 have trted nonncrous tt istmesM but SATURDAY -- Will Proceed to lslS havo rover been relieved by anyEhliitg , own stable Myth, where ile Will remain until.1 used Milburn's Laxa-Liver Iiliti, until the following Thursday tnorlling: which aro helping me wonderfully." • lMilburn's 1,axtt-Liver Pills nre i fie, , th se bredby .Clio 'l.'. Milbu n , For further particulars and terms Of Viai. ,llor sale yv nli raggiSie am c- on ens or inaidetl direct on re6etpt of nen theac qu boi'ses see bills (11' en- ,r Co. :iitwrtcal lee of . °314 Qn4. Td•IOS. COtJIu`1C;GIl, Prop,