HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-11, Page 3, •- Tahac, aw'
F""F" lfitave, Tbreo -
. .,
I 5
W have ti taw; PraiYle , t, at @ ill-
cubators left wl iclh we will sell At last
year's prices ,rather than early over,
in sixes: of• 100 egg, 1$0 egg'Alld 240
egl, capacity,
� �� p0U
As there was a shortage of Poultry
last year it is expected that high prlQQs
1` , will Prevail for live poultry y .qlseason.
We are always fn the market for
live poultry and will be pleased to
I. gltote you prices at any time,
GROARoalois & D., Iflm11601
1 The up-to-date Firm
Clinton Branch Phone 1190
N. W. Trewartha, Manager
or I•loimesville 4 on 142.
41 _ _ -..
All seNkitlati
loots ilk the bl
kcal#rays and ]i!
11140 pony, act as a
these products, Wllou
Guo kidneys are changed or degenerated,
disease -0d i
byor 1 ago, Ilion those poisor s
are rotaioed in the body, If wo wish to
prevent old nigo'ooming'ou too soon, ar if
we want to increase our chances for a
101hd life, Dr. Pierce of Invalids'
Ig Buffalo, N, X,, says that you
alio1lsrink nIonty of watnr daily be-
means to flush the kidneys, Thah
at a drug store, This
Anunc� drives the urie acid out, Scion,
tido mon have learned that In gout,
also rbeu ati
sm poisonous uric acd
crystals are deposited
in or -about the
joints, in the musslos-where in$amma-
tion is sot up, .
If we Wish to keep our kidneys in the
boat condition a, dint of milk and vege-
tables, with only a little most once a'day,
is the most suitable, Drink, plenty of
pure water, -take Anuric three times a
ay for a month,
S'sit can obtain a trial pkg, of Alluvia
by writing Dr, V. M, Pieroo, Buitalo,
N.Y,, or Bridgeburg, Ont., enclosixg
100. rt
131 C,tharinee, Oat. - "ror sixteen lean
I la�W'e been -a, ealfarer a%mkidnisyArIodb)e;
• .eI.
Ill " 'V'• elearw dna IDy alaaaer
Was. (stronger than for
// years, ad the! I was
: �, not diatarbad at nighi4
b�v6, a,l,'4 ha?i
""IttQ4 3f
will always Lie found: helpful pro
. ,r� *her. I always had to
'Ill l7rlailee,
arise several tinted during the night, I only
hope that many will read this and will try
bee and, lyre our finest
it thea -suffer with .ty sort of kidney
yl elf petior•in a good, Boal atwort
aud;the result will lie stronger thio
ors Re
Stylish designs Of
Never In Canada
Doherty Pianos and
it is (lie rat -killing rocuro,
?Ile dog that holds it Is a littleou
browny -yellow Irish terrier of the fern-
There has been circulated through out
� n -
the country a report that the Govern-
Lou, 1 nrilj' . 7y
0, sans,
meat intends to conscript ten per cent,
of all money in the savings banks of
.. IIP01nt� atg
6 I
special i{all►eS in Art.
Canada. This report has been flatly
,� a
denied, and' no such measure will ever
take place in'Cauida,-
: ;
W. 13t3,VOTPl,411 ~--
she accounted for over 100,000 rat's.
Pianos and organs rent
Norah, who is just over three years
ed. Choice new Edison
P001.40, @T04
phonographs, Music (St
dier when she was a aged three
a puppy 6
H. T, �
vi 1gLy gods
Notary Pn1ic GnnveyR,nee1,
F inant Lal and Real Hpritte
- -' --
t ire
$!wsl4 E"llporiliill
1N8UItANCE AGENT-API)msentins l ) Piss It
Canadian Veterinary Corps, kept a re-
cord of her perfosniances, rat by rat,
iJivision Court, Office.
—-- - --'--'
14*119 Tlmlllar �~
There are many other useful canine
rat-catchers on the Western Fronts but
4 e
,9 1 -,
4 - I.
0—"V%FVVVIIv VVI;'iVvvrlevvvevyrvvRi
I"i�ZNt�CE 1NOhK
.> Q
5, Call or Phone for ;Writes (
.Plan nbers and Electricians
Phone 7.
Better Pay
The Price
Don't he tempted to choose cheap
jawelery. Isar better to pay a fair
pricy find know exactly what you
Ire getting; 9
Yon will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most enonomieal.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know ft -and vet there is no
searcity of cheap jewelry in the
NoiV to get personal -If loll, would
like to miss chat sort•,altogether=
If you would like to haiy lvhere
nothing , buts, t�igh .qualities are
dealt in+ -1- P A94AF ' ..
And even at that, no.perlson ever
said our prices weF6 unfair
Jeweler and Optlethlt
t, tier of Marriage Licenses
)iIO+II 6 & Ve'l EOD
We're now aelhng � tmotliy Seed
lGovernment StItil era"iJ.
We fJmo have on band, Alfalfa,
AIA•eeel and 90Ctdvor.
We always have on hand -(loose
wheat, Pdae, Hartel and Feed Corn
-.:-.0 . .
tail�h.oet tlfarkot; P1'iees .pard for Hlhy
aa JAI Griab;s.
D�� ' ,,1"
v 'il .
&k iv s
Mr. James Doherty wiehee 10 in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared Co a tine piano tolling,
tone regulating, and ren i .Ing.
Orders Soft at. W. Doherty1L ),hone
61, will receive Drompt att(::;tinn
,11. G cank>.ron. R t'.
Barrister.Rolicimr. Ootiv,-yatu,r, DX
oflh!e oil .dlhert Street, oc^u;d: d ty
Air. Hoopes. Ill C1i•"mil On pTory
Thovi•day, and on anv Jar lor't 1,;eh
appoil)LtlIWlLs rare blitdc. + ffl i ,u,rc
from 0 a..w, to 0 p In. A Vr red +::,," ill
connection will) the ntlu e, (ll's t•ta
Livery treek d,(y, Ni r. liuolwr ei" rri4.e
any oppointreenLs Por Mr, ihun,r.)n,
Will organize Salle for Whole of
Canada After Now Victor)
ORRIN4, July 2----1t .ls understood
that Sir Herbert Ames lilts been
asked to take charge of the campaign
l sale of i
for the War Savings Stamps
g- p
throughout Canada. '!'his will he the
last yottr that the Canadian Patriotic
Fund wt11 be run ,,is a private enter-
prise, There will be no further
pai hs, arid the Government will qon-
tl bate all or .most of the funds need-
ed, As Sir tlerbert,has been secretary
arid ofthose Canpai.
is, he
viii .h
3 ' time t t the i n devote to this new
enterprise .' ,Sir Herbert has a !z^ellius
for ';oUiw: idl.g, ]nd kJs,•.felt 011i ,he Is
Sir Herbert Ames; who will organize
the sale of war savings stamps. in
an ideal choice for the work.
It is not likely that the campaign
forthe sale of the War Savings
Stamps will be launched until after the
next Victory Loan is floated, about
Oct. 1. it is felt that the sale of the
War Stamps might interfere with the
loan. This is said to have been the ex•
perience of the United States.
Sir Thomas White is busily en gaged
making preparationsfor the loan cam.
paign, which it is hoped will be ar,
even greater success than that of a yecu
ago. The organization is being per-
fected, and it is planned to cove)
thoroughly every portion of the Doin•
inion. While the last Campaign was i
great success, it was organized hurried.
ly and fn settle Provinces, particularly
Ouebec, only the Aarger places were
Loss of appetite during the sum
.nher months is a common trouble
and Indicates that the digestive sys
tem is out of order. Lacking I
healthy ap)fetite many people -es
peCially wonicu-go too long with
Out food, o -r eat sparingly because
food seems to distress them ,and 1
is no wonder that they complain tha
they are constantly fired and unable
y, e ,,I : C, f
. 71.:.:, W�—C: I
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Clinton, - - Ontario
Office at Residence
Corner High and Kirk Streets.',
Clinton _ - - - - Ontario
Crown and Bridge Worn 2611-1121ty.
Graduate of C.C,D.S_ Ghiunr.,o, and ):,O,D.b
Bayfield on alendaVg, stay east to NO
to stand the hot weather. This stun
ply means that the digestive systen
is not doing its proper work, am
that the nutriment that should coin
front the food is not being distribut
ed to the various organs of the body
in other words the blood is growin
thin and watery. .
You need a summer tonic, and ii
all the realm of medicine there is m
tonic au) equal Dr. Williams' Pill
Pills, 'rake a short treatment wit)
these pills now and notice hon
promptly your appetite returns an
your power to digest food improve:
Your food will then do you good
your strength will return and yo'
will no longer complain that the he
weather tires you out.
'rhe best time to begin taking DI
Williams' Pink Pills is the momen
You feel the least bit out of sort:
The sooner you do so the sooner yo
will regain your old time energy
You can get these pills through an
medicine dealer or by mail at 5
$Det;,. H. fly OW i.li,lu,
O1floes over O'NEILT aore,. a
Bpnoial caro taken to make deutst are, 1
-ant ss painless as closdible,
Live stank and general Auodon *e-
A ais.stoag sales 1% apeelhlr, Utdaea .i r
U row ERA oilice, Olinton prr,n, t y astan:.t.
to, Terms reasonable, iarmorn• xalo at,-
f4. D. MOTaggars M. U. MoTaggur
Generut ftfinkliag 11 awlsewr
Draftsissned. Tntelioiiral)oaad a
Thi 19"ll,i killidp Alatnat
ire Itia>Cxir6ace t� o,
Reared andIsolateed;;ToWn Vram'e
ertY Oki li6ilreeed.
llead 0111lce-seaforth. Out,
J: Connolly, Goste�lcb Presiden#; Jas..
Evans, Beechwood Vice-president;' .
Thos. E... Hays, ,Qlorth, �ecretary
Treasurer. .
Ale;; Leitch, ilo, 1', Glinfoh; Edward'
Hiachicy1 Seaf g*�th',NVA Chesney, Eg
lnondvllle; J W. ><eo, Goderich; R, G',
Jarmuth, Brodhagen.
r .
)' m. Alm"., o 2, Seafi rtk;'Joiar3 Ben'F.
newels 11 rdh0ven James tVans, Beech r
Hi, ' • (e "'Almon) James'
. h; fi p MA(Ireg -, .
J (irteve, .No. ,4,;•
Ferns, Ytarlockt Geo.,
. . Sea ortd$
a box or six boxes for $2,51
front The Dr. Williams' Medicin
'Co., Brockville, Ont.
Citizens who stayed home on Doul
nion Day and "kept the hole fire
burning,' had. the best clay,
.—.._ ` j ' aTm�W3�x
ter„ _
Barb results
follow, a -lazy liver:--
Const1patioan- Dit;ori
dered Stomach; Head-
' "O' . Bilioiusnegs, and
other evil, painful,
edanigerouls,ti iOgs.
This' Good Old
9Oil"> e' dy .
Comes , 9- lies*- .UCi
Take,;.•tvya,,, br hree pills '
at iledtame=.;ince; After
that; one each rliiiht; two,
no*aikdthrlhn if necessary.
W, ,
n Ill, u,f
dPnulne bcbr s 'SIA'rref"
Coliorleaa f )areae s often ahemy
the absence of )Iran ill the
�a�a;,,,��lis iron ll�s
Will help dais Condition.
I ` 1Z iq+) -�t _1,. ', vrm: r�. ley rltlll t t8 "�1
I 11Instead Itook Lydia E. Pink•
ham's Vegetable Compound
and Was Cured. .
IBaitimoreMd.--!--" Nearly fou
r yea
sutYeredfrom organic tr oublas eaer
vousness and bead"
aches and every
monthwould have to
stay t in bed most of
he time Treat-
", ments would relieve
e, -G me for a time but
-; my doctor was . al.
Ways urging me to
UN, lave. an operation.
, •:,' My sister asked me
• ,1 totryLydlaia.Pink.
i r' h a m's Vegetable
Co)npound b o f• o r e,
consenting to A;r),
! /�o)eration., 1, t.00.k
five bottles.oi )rand
it has completely
cured me..:nnd any
pork is a pleasure. I toll all lilyy friends
who have any trouble of this.klnd what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable QOm.
ppoound has done for me.'-N1rr+I.tls B:
BRITTING11", 609 Calverton Rd., Bal ti.
more, Md. . ';:.•
It is only natural for any •w,gman to
dread the thought of an operation.:,; So
many women have . been restored. to
health by this famous remedy, Ldia'E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, ;after
an operation has been advised that it
will pay any woman who. suffers from
such ailments to consider trying it -be-
fore submitting to such a trying ordeal.
Fine Weedier Necessary ' "e' 11
They Are Taken From Cellar.
Interesting luforin atiam for Dairy.
men iiegarding :success tri Nevs
Treatments fat Inflammation of
Udder -Late Sparing Huggestious
Icor the Farmer.
(Contributed oy Ontario Doilst"'nent of
Agriatltura, Toronto.)
RE arrival of spring brings
up the question, "WuenoVv $lu and
h hall 1 set bees out
or the Cellar?" to the tarn(!):
of all. farmer beekeepers. 'file an-
swer calls for ludklae:ut un the part
of each beekeeper. The-actills which
must take a part m lorm,ug correct
Judgment are (1) the cellar, (2) Loa-
bees, and (3) the seas011.
The ideal celid,r wr11 p.ralit t:.e
beekeeper to peep his Lot.: CO.,LMULi
much 10119e1' Lhan Will 411 lli,ieNUI-tulc
Cellar. Tllu s is u<'s)raulr. 2, i.Llrly
dry, dark, CU8Ly 1Ci;%1LLLt,.l hi,:1 cLc.Lt-
lated c,i)ar i,uu0 LUb to;.,i.:ratu,c
can be rn:unLaA.i.ai at Ao acyrt.v5
Fahr. is ideal. Very raw 011Lar0
farm cellars well ult•et these rv.qu.re-
ments, how•uver, h0 t11aL Uti weatbt-r
condlLions pluymu more prontlnuaL
part in the farmer-bu,ilteclur's de,:)-
As a rule, the farmer-beeheepi;r
will du well to carefully select up-
porlune weather iLi,d to give the col-
ony some protection aii,Lr aetting out.
Watch the weaLber lorecas4s closely
and when the wand gets around to
the south and east, vvAha prospect
for rain on the iaorrow, 5Lart, ill Lha
evening and move out all it possible.
COn LraCt all elit,11.11Cea to suit size Of
colony, giving strong colonies up -
proximately ',/a in. by 2 in, and ar-
range a cushloh of chap (6 to 8
inchus thick ;it ieacl) over tee brood
chamber, it pays to puck the s;des
Its well, esCi
peal:y in the norLtiC1'n
sections of v:itar.a. t-,i'cL,ui p-cka ig
CUaea of "g nil, WhiOr',Lal ald MWIU 101'
tins purpose, g.v,ng 3 to 4 inches
•h •
packing room. 'toe a 0cL to brood
rearing is very iw.icb reduced by
packlug and Colonies thcrcfure built)
up more raptdly•-W. A, Weir, va-
Lar;o Agricultural ,Dolls ge, Uuelpr,
WI Larlo.
To Treat Inflawed Uddor of Cows.
1Yla.311111tis .or 1111I.LhimatfOn of too
udaur is a common ulh*ea20 in Cowa.
It is caused by irregular wilk-
Lug, exposure to ccI4 abu dampness,
wounds, bruises, ruuga or Careless
uandling dur.ug (nhlilang, eUn., anti
ut many cases app.,kim without wall
sharked cause. .
Sympto)us,—One of more quarters
of the udder bocuuio swollen, hard
and Winner. 11'!)e patient becomes
dull, appetite lessened and temper-
ature increased. 'ihL quality of tno
m1111 is ,more or lase altmrad. in. )n0at
Lases curdled milk hied a thin fluid
resembling whey appears wh,eii rue
teats are drawn, 1u &ante MSG$ a
poi -tion of Curdled milk becomes
igdgb,d-in the malt auct and is selii
at`hard to remove. In 80100 oaa.sea
clotted •blood also appears.
Constitutional ta'eutment consists
to keeping t4e.patient as comfortable
as possible, preterably.'ih ,a roomy,
well -bedded bol st,iil. A brisk purg-
ative og I to 2 les. epsom suit; %. to
l iliac of garnbagt, and 1 to 2' oA.
ginger (according tosine o'f-'patient)
uissolved ill a;quarL ot'w ruff *star
411odid tb0' glvssu, and followed up
,with 4 to 6. drams of nitrate of potas-
slum tWice,daily for tures days. Toe
patient shqu;Xd be fed food, riot patti-
cularly.. incline() .to caps0 m4 Iv pro=
a}rckion, ,uultil the in Ai&matlori is
allayeit. ,
Local tr"buent ednaists in apply -
Zin heat- t,6 ttie ud'd'er, either by keep -
ho't pouli4eell to it or by long
continued 61t$: Yrequahltly repealed
bathing with hot water, ; .Poultic0a
can bssapplied, by iu. ,, a piece of
cloth_gk capvaa, will, nolo out .for
the protrusli, ot,the teeth and fas-
tenlug• it .by. strings of S4,4AP over
the hips and loins. Ins applicatioil
iii "poultices of tip)opAe
e uiry pike-
psiatat, known as 'autlphldstine`"
gives good results. Thal 1141t would
his draiVit frons each quarter' 4. or 5
times daily and alter each milking
ttio udder should be well,, iu.uisaged
and rubbed w)tb Camphorated kill.
Where this all Cannot be readily ob-
tsinedits sugu
stuLion'. by goose -
grease gives bond results: -J. 11. 1C.,
Untt'ri0 a\grieulhai f Cbllego.
Allow left over pieces, of bread to
become bone tiny asci they can be roll•,
ed into dry crnuibi.; + a . r''I-•
lent for scalloped +TMs ,' •'s,
gravies, eke,
e .tyros., v,
O I 1.rt
It''leir'at laxt4ai t' iii(
Dive Stock Rainiindors.
b;6 • o(ii on 1 -he
"Dogs of will" are agAill lit the fore.
b�v6, a,l,'4 ha?i
""IttQ4 3f
will always Lie found: helpful pro
front eft the news from the battlefields
17 I M
t}iiCANrapu att-
o�poalt71 dans
'Ill l7rlailee,
,rr ' t
paettiro will he parttiularll
It is timely, aceordhagly, to tell of A
short ggo
this year.,
.. -�
Mares worked prowtous ,to foaling
dog' which holds one of the most litter-
esaing records that has been blocle oil
yl elf petior•in a good, Boal atwort
aud;the result will lie stronger thio
vild; hiftg*.ber y
�A; ybdr1and *6.
i i
the Western l )neat stn., the wet• began.
11 and ehtaif thit
lie. e,, 111 do, D
,ya.icultural Coll(sgia Notes,
' The hyrver "over the top
it is (lie rat -killing rocuro,
?Ile dog that holds it Is a littleou
browny -yellow Irish terrier of the fern-
He smart cit,
� n -
daily. advances at a
duidlig itis way by, shoot foroa•i3f stab
inine sex, whose name, though it ought
At'.timr,:: hci . , . .. Ya
Lou, 1 nrilj' . 7y
His 'Charge i; t'!
Boadicea Amazons
to be o l a o� 1 ai 1 or sume-
r A ,
ri• - n
! vf-- a
-.Noir• � r F,.
thing equally war-liko, Is the eminent-
ly inaidenly one of Norall, Norsdl, till-
.. IIP01nt� atg
6 I
ti her arrival back ht England a few
! i g d
,� a
eek o is been i Fr) two weeks had b.__t n. France for w
ag ,
, 1•tyORT
-O "ode.
, me
years sold ken months and hl that H
: ;
she accounted for over 100,000 rat's.
Norah, who is just over three years
of went to France with British sol-
d,wlt ra ew to i
dier when she was a aged three
a puppy 6
est oa$ can Qf
weeks old„ Before she was nine•weeks
I , �, g .•
old site had killed her first rat, told she
„_ _
has been killing them steadily ever
Once, The best single day's record that
she put up in that time was 628 rodents
- -' --
accounted for. That was near St, Omer
in August last, tier naturally proud
owner, Private Thomas Radford, of the
Efficient Machinery iifld Careful
Canadian Veterinary Corps, kept a re-
cord of her perfosniances, rat by rat,
Cutting Required.
upto August last, what time Norah's
total was the asonishing one of 74,1 19j.
Sitraying for Potato Blight, Begins -
Since then her record has been kepi
largely by estimate.
By Using Iiordetuhx Mixture and
There are many other useful canine
['arts Green Increased Potato
rat-catchers on the Western Fronts but
Orop Will Be 'Harvested.
there isn't -so far as. known -a single
one with a record that even approaches
(Contrlbuted'by Ontario Department of
Agriculture,' Toronto.) .
Noralr's; and probably there Is no other
dog that is recognized promptly andN
a season of labor scarcity hay -
with delight by so many distinguished
Ing .is a problem on the average
officers on leave front France, as well
I farm. It is necessary to make
as no end of other British and Alined
soldiers of less exalted rank.
46 use of all the modern machinery
To begin Norah's history at the be-
available in order to expedite the
ginning, she was born in the kennels of
Giving of this important crop. First,
Major Richardson, the famous breeder
then, we must emphasize the use of
of police and "sentry" dogs, at Harrow,
machinery In curing and storing.
and was bought by her first soldier own
er and taken by him to France just as a
Men are not to be had in plentiful
supply, but, in most eases some form
." He and I were pals" said Radford;
of co-operation may be resorted to
"and when he found that i was keen on
tit order to obtain the use of tedders,
the pup, he gave her to Inc. As soon
us I saw Iter 1 knew that she would
hay loaders and horse forks to hall-
make a fine ratter. I've had .quite a
dle the bulk of the crop. By all
lot of experience with dogs, especially
means plan to use machinery in
with terriers and bulls, and with `hus-
place of ,leen this year or otherwise
considerable of the crop will not be
kles,' too, in Western Canada, and in
the United States, So 1 set out to train
harvested in the best possible eondt-I
Norah,: and she made good, right from
the start. Yes, she was only about two
It is usually safe to cut atter a'.
months old then, First of all, I taught
rain when the weather appears to
her to shake a bunch of rags.Then I
have cleared. Red clover should be
about one-third of the
gave her some lessons with a live rat
with a string tied to one of its hind
cut when
heads have turned brown. The ted -
legs. After that I got her acquainted
d then a used until the
der soul b
with ferrets; and finally made her let
is dry enough to rake-- a period
one of Ytem bite her,
"That was to get the dog accustomed
which will vary according to the
weight of the cutting, the weather'
to working with strange ferrets, and to
and the amount of sap in the stalk,
while it is possible to make slightly
keep her from going for them instead
of the rats. We send the ferrets into
better hay.by cooking up, this will be
the rat -holes, and they go for the rats
which pour up to the surface, when the
a practice of doubtful valuq.this yegg
in view of the labor shortage. Gather
dogs kill them,
with a side -delivery rake if possible,
"Everybody knows that cornered rats
or in small windrows with an ordl-
nary dump rake. The bay loader
will fight," the soldier went on,
I've often seen Norah with half a dozen
works best with a small windrow.
ofhanging to her head, The day at
By all means us a loader it possible
and facilitate matters a sliding
St. Omer, when she accounted for 628
of them, she was working front t2
rack may be used so that when one -
o'clock till 7 p.m„ and for five days af.
half the rank is landed it may
pulled ahead and the remainder
ter she could scarcely open her mouth,
and 1 had to feed her on milk and eggs,
Her next biggest bag was at the Havre
We mention red clover because it
abattoir, oste day last summer, when
is the commonest and most satisfac-
tory hay Crop, and is used in all gen-
;lie killed- 415 rats; and in one day at
Poperinghe, near Ypres, she killed over
era) farming hay mixtures.
300. Most of her work was done at the
Timothy should first lie cut either after
ti is out of tllo or after
baso camps, where, as a member of the
V.V.C., I was most of the time=though
second blossom has Tallon -gen -
I did stretcher -bearing fora while, too•
teddi the latter. It will require leas
g than clover, Is more easily
But she was borrowed, time after time,
cured in sooner
cured and may
b' officers, and taken u to the front-
y p
tine trenches to polish off sone of the
o of let
after cutting. Do not let it bet too
rats there.
ripe and woody.
Alfalfa should be cut when the
"tlere, you see," added Radford, op-
young shoots are noticed starting out
ening :tea official document, "is a letter
from the axils of the lower leaves on
testifying to the ''valuable work' done
the stalks, and should be handled
by my dog, that was written by Lieut.-
much like red clover, only greater
Colonel John Stewart, of Halifax, the
care is necessary to preserve the
surgeon who operated un King Edward,
leaves ,a very valuable portion of the
and, who is now head of the Dalhousie
plants, -Prof. Wade Toole, Ontario
Hospital, of the'Canadtan Overseas
Agricultural College.
Forces. it was another member oP the
staff of the same hospital, Dr. MacKay,
who analysed a tot of rats killed by
Norah, and frequently found then]
carrying germs of dangerous diseases.
"Several of Norah's pilps have,done
She had in her
good work, too. seven
first litter and six in her second. One
,� _
)�' lI
of iter pups killed his first rat when he
,', —alt
was only seven weeks old."
The strong probability is that Norah's
rapidly seduce human strength
career on the Western Front is at an
end, for her owner may be discharged
and illness is easily contracted,
front the Army. In that case he means
but Scott's .Emulsion will
to return to the little homestead in Al-
promptly relieve the cold and
"Am i going to take Norah Lack to
11, { upbuild your strength to
' �
Canada with me?" said Private Rad-
prevent sickness.
ford. "Sure Oiingl it would take ,it
SCOTT R Bowes,
lot to make me part with Norah. She's
TOao,NT0, onTwmn
one of the greatest little dogs in Inc
world l"
sant tee
good Cropsted of ca.
To allaul'0 gaud craps of carrots,
maugiLs, sugar Deets, potatoes and
corn, Lbe laud suould be well pre-
rheOld and the Young, the Strand and the
pared anti seed should be secured of
Weak. are an affected the same.
trill nigilLaL gnaiiL3. Under average
the !lieu Cobbler variety
There is nota summer passes without
h 'Iran
(early potatoes) an the Grace
thousands of eotle-bein attacked b
p 1 g Y
Sumnier Cpmplaint..
1v[ountilin (tato pntatues) aro recom-
NhaAp'O.9 )'atioli, often. �erging.on,i,ol-
mended for Uuturtu. secure pest
results with the ifOlAtq crop, it is
„, ,f J, soinei,inlosaeedint(7antos.thig
Jia. ,,g males it, one of' the,most. serious
alwayu batter to plant them not later
than the of May. This year
aggriiaugQlotas je ha) e,to.contend with
du'rr,ing the clot lllentlip
plant half your Rawl- tell days earlier
. 1.;.'Ifse� iow,',•poollie escape. in attack of
than you have been accustomed to,
and plant the . otber half at the
summer co.. I I , ., .It. may leo slight,
,usual time, Tile uxperiment will
.0r,it, nay , 9over0, but nearly everyone
rbllialt'le to eat -,
prove to your sati.:tACtiou the value
Ynn cannot tall, q,heYl it 8elaea you,
hott�lt"rnay dn'd, '
of early planting. !f: the potato
planter and api'Ry'el' have not already
int I . o tor' a day or two only, and
so0-hod'tV�diale aild prostrate it will loave
been overhauled, a rainy day may
be very profitably Lblployed in this
,C.i . U,wr.y r: ,,
work. .
e .tyros., v,
O I 1.rt
It''leir'at laxt4ai t' iii(
Dive Stock Rainiindors.
b;6 • o(ii on 1 -he
A regular and ample supply of soh
b�v6, a,l,'4 ha?i
""IttQ4 3f
will always Lie found: helpful pro
not, ell
F, N_t
meting the tbrtft :ol; live stock..
When pasture is.providod foil pigi
t}iiCANrapu att-
o�poalt71 dans
much leas, concenCrtatud, food is ,re
quired.. in view of ,flia present lab'o)
fps',st oq'hdyup
paettiro will he parttiularll
ses hot Iotlye,t{ie
short ggo
this year.,
lc_- .>t n is-,
Mi�?,'Is, Ant.,
Mares worked prowtous ,to foaling
iinond• ydur: I)r.
yl elf petior•in a good, Boal atwort
aud;the result will lie stronger thio
vild; hiftg*.ber y
�A; ybdr1and *6.
•the= with,l'e t margo,
t Pita is a gist to snot
Lk sesta 7(' or. cord-
e doat'ar ithd' lto
.. y lilt(: a
start, it will, aarky tiioro stock tbar
!t eater, liars from the start,,-Onta,ri(
11 and ehtaif thit
lie. e,, 111 do, D
,ya.icultural Coll(sgia Notes,
W y 11 11t Off
4ra'dtiy8. •tyY,l,', �f )e
' The hyrver "over the top
He smart cit,
Ila orry,and
daily. advances at a
duidlig itis way by, shoot foroa•i3f stab
At'.timr,:: hci . , . .. Ya
Lou, 1 nrilj' . 7y
His 'Charge i; t'!
asnttods .toront0,
ri• - n
Without ,lily r., ,1111
Jlraper Rodding Mould iiuwo hvo
vented $331,400 Los .
(1R14n9 for 'Idu)48 lit tllealling,... 11 1,•
frrent Ways Frults and Ve,
t+lblgs inlay Be Used its Hubsilantm
or •E oil • Our n te< ' iv Z
f O 4 ) ) kill. l (t1A `�,
Army 1
(contributed' by Ontario Uopartmewxate'
Agriculture. 'loronta.)
f Loll! )rolls Alva 0 dl ea i
S t t n o n o ax
AM from oli invesrigat!na, wi
have found that. If a , r
bnildfngs in rural OptX14':
r resided more per arae`
we a dde at than 85 p >"
of the annual damage to• bujids.fasgt
by ligbtping would be prey ;;�.
TIYe method.•by:which this cono7lis 6
Was a. I .d at was as follows 41
1912 eighteen insurance eaal;Id4'31x`t
In Ontario kept special recor,�r. viler
us; 'roioi their roports we legal'
that out of, eve) y ,7,000 , urkr9s)Atiaa,
buildings ina'u 4e bey 't'hem 'l'7 ,r"A
struck by. lightiling; while :in'o*07
7,000 rodded ones only two: aw' ''-
struek by lightning. ',C.he. rods. 4vrt4.
vented damage in 35 cases outor
expectancy of 37, allowing an O,Al
ciency of - at.7 p.c. Since tlhai siva+
have determine(] the eliiclenay fn, t,*Pm•
years 1913, 1914 and 1915, 1'thr,
results for the four years are.•aur
follows; r
Year. of Rods
1912 .............. 9Q.
1913 92.0
191,4 .............. 99.r
1916 88.2.
Average for four years, 97.2
To apply these figures: The reralet.
of ,the Superintendent of Insura ,,m
shows that in 1912 the lnsuraavry-,
paid on losses caused by Iigh<atAx,
writs $26'2,282. No Joubt the aeul
loss exceeded the insurance by,pes-•
haps I-3 or. ?<. If so, the aT.tua4.
loss was $350,000 or over, 94.7 gm,
cent, oP.this equals $331,450, wtran
represents the saving that worx;di
have been effected that year if all tarts
buildings bad been rodded.
Lnvestlgations along Similac (a.,,vi,'
inlows have shown an etHcienOy ,if
98.7 p.c.
for rods in that state, ba,ea.fl
on the report of 55 mutual vA-K'
•)allies each year for eight •yeah-, for
3lichigan the efficiency of 11911ta3ap::
dsas be
•0 h n shown to be tr
orr ?~E
) o
to 99 P.C.
These few farts, which are all LrzAd
Mrs of record in published repovo4-
establish beyond question the r.oncir-
sign first given, that if all bulle..in+jm
in rural Ontario were rodded fie v -:r,
of the annual lightning damar,e rn.
buildings would be eliminated.-•
Prof. W. 11• Day, Outa.io .4911emi,zaaa'.
Jollege. -.— .
Make a beauty lotion for a few carftI3
remove tan, freckles, sailowri&a.
Your grocer has the lemons and +rt(sy
drug store or toilet counter will m aIJ
you with three ounces of orchard va'ri,le...
for a few cents. Squeeze the ju o&
two fresh lemons into a bottle, then. Indi
in the, orchard white and shake va&L
This mattes a quarter pint of &lie ve'e'
beat lemon skin whitener and complelimt
beautifier known. Massap thio :ba -
grant, creamy lotion daily into the ream.
neck, arms and hands and just see t4cnv
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness sta41
roughness disappear and how srmo,4fik„
soft and clear the skin becomes. Yo2l
It is harmless, and the beautiful rew1k,
will surprise you. _ _
* a• a n• x m, f .. a s• u
r w
X, .k
Spokane, Wash., is the first sik,
dila, in the country to have w<un,rr
fire fighters.
New Jersey women have just iw-
ganized a division of the Coul)Q1 •Lib*
National defense.
, Ile work of keeping soma (O Ow
biggest golf courses fn the cotn-,ltaly
in condition is now being done O&
Since the passage of the wOi'iknt
spy bill by Congress ntauy ijer9ml
women have been )Interned.
The women police of New York h41
be conunanded by a woman depnley
CASTOIf"11 1A,
For Infants and Childress
In Use For
Always bears ser.•
the'= ,,
Si rnature of �1��eld. rC
Like a Large Family
A town is like a large fainly. Wi%i
are ail interested in each Oliver's WN( -
fare, or should be. A cul-thrcma ,
every -man -for -himself policy' :mel*)
ruin for any community. 1t aii0-5
retrogression and failure. The T=%!
lesson that any family must )caret its
that to be happy and successful - f1'ii
unity and mutual a'ssistande,
same applies to the business We df lu
town and the more generally %. iul
obeyed the more abundant wh'l U'
the t'own's prosperity. Stand l'Y:'Y
each, other, particularly the 'hmm'
�iV'l�r#�.i a, �Gulev,
a Box
The speediest remedy for 4AA,,
'headache, biliousness and b&gestion is a dose or two of
l cares t Sate of Any )Hod -cin" la lho'igMA%
Sok) ovorrwhoro. In Uonm, 2rrs,