HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-4, Page 5Ileitionawiewnifesearamanserammemenuoineasownow JUNE WEDDINGS Wedding Present is just , different from any other gift. There is a sentiment attached to it, that remains for a life time. Those, who are going to make the JUNE BRIDE, the happiest girl in the world, will tike to feel that their gift has durable quality, and in- trinsic merit, as well as the seentiment of remembrance. Those who choose their gifts from us are sure of ob- taining the quality that en- dures. We have CUT GLASS, CHINA, SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, ETC. Inspect our stock before buy- ing. W. • . OLtLVAR. Jeweler and Optician -Issuer of Marriage Lieenses - GASOLINE SHORTAGE Believed Probable in Canada Before End of Year. Windsor, June 29. - Although at the• present time the gasoline supply • throughout western Ontario, and par- ticularly west of London, is sufficient to meet ordinary' demands, garage men and oil dealers agree that before the year is out a real shortage will be ex- perienced. Tank cars which have been convey- ing to all parts of the country, and a majority of which .ate owned by Amer- ican railroads, are beim; rapidly called • in by the United -States railroad admin- tstration, as they are needed to carry fuel to the seaboard, and this will mean that. many interior points far from the e,.. main arteries of railroad travel will be left without facilities for obtaining gasoline. It will not be 'a shortage of gaso- line itself, but of means of transporting it," said one big garage man here to- day. "Even if we had more storage tanks than we have all"ready. 1.doubt if we could get then filled up, as at pres- ent we are only receiving enough gas 4o keep us going," Prices in Windsor for best quality gasoline remain at 35 cents a gal - :fon, while further east the cost gradually rises. At.,Ridgetown, 80 miles east of Windsor, the price of e• gas is 3S cents, and at London, 140 Julies away, it sells at, 40 cents. Tilf DANGER Of TU! 01.000 1F Not Corrected in its Early .Stages Consumption May • Follow. in no disease is delay or neglect more dangerous than anaemia, a pov- erty of the blood. it is very common Se young girls and in persons who are overworlaed or confined within doors. It makes its approach in so sem/thy -a manner that It is often well developed before its presence is recognized. But taken in time there is a speci- fic, a tonic medicine which increases the number of red blood corpuscles thus enabling the blood to car- •>e. life-giving 'oxygen to all the of the body. Dr. Williams' Pink 1. ' '-` ae4" had unbounded success in thd' treatment of this stubborn diesase because of this wonderful property, The correction of anaemic conditions by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills is as cer- tain as anything in medical sciences. 'Miss Jessie McLean, Trenton, N. S,, says -"1 was as weak as it was possi- ble for any one to be, and yet be able to go about. My blood seemed to have turned almost to water. I was pale, the least exertion would lea've me breathless, and when 1 went up .stairs I would have to stop , and rest on the way. 1 often had severe head - az and at times my heart would ale alarmingly. A good friend reed me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and 1 have reason to be grateful that I took the advice, Soon atter 3be}°inuing tine use of the Pills I began to get stronger, and by the time 1 had taken seven boxes 1 felt that 1 was r health. I think r nod Again enjoying Y g b g Dr; Williams' Pink Pills are a blessing tofwaak girls, and 1 shall always warm- ly recommend them' These Pills are sold by all medicine .dealers or will be sent by snail at 50c a, boa or six boxes for $2,50 by The ;Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., ' Brock- tirille, Ont, Minor Locals Blyth Standard: -Dr, Blacken pur- chased a fine driving mare from • Mr, Graham, on Thursday last. "Don't borrow The New Fra from your neighbor. Subscribe for it and "stave a copy of your own, higher prices on all grades of Writ- ing anal book palters .Went into effect ,at the wholesale houses IaSt Week, ,the increase being from 1 1/,• to 4 cents per .pound, In not a few lines, paper.pric- ,es to -day are nearly double those char- aged before the war, Kincardine and Port Elgin now 'have the 'Curfew Bell and all children under fourteen years of age trust be off the streets or suffer the curse. ..epuences. The rain on Sunday evening will ',certainly help the crops and garden mass. a THE CLINTON NEW ER,. tiOLIi.r6, t' Fl•,If RENE Is gam -Hui says Mr. S, 13, Polk - ins of (Somerville, Mass. ' We hays used it for five years and could not do without it for chafing, heat radix, .insect bites and akin injuries."• Zam,Buk is equally good for sun- burn., blistera, sores, eczema, ring - 'worm, 'ulcers, teething rash, boils, pimples, blood -poisoning and piles. All dealers or Zam-Buk Co., To - route, 50c. Brox, 3 dor $1,26. PUBLICITY THE BUSINESS BACKBONE Are Our Merchants Working to Keep Trade at Home. - New Mail Order House. Oneof the best •proofs of ceaseless advertising was given in .the daily papers last week when the plans for the new T. Eaton Co's: -new trail order building was given publicity. 'A huge $3,000,000 building is not put 'up nowadays by anyone who hesitates wavers, asks does it' pay to advertise ,and finally give up letting the public know what .they have for sale. in- stead of considering cutting down spacee increase it. Do not. give the large city firint the chance to' carry off your .patrons trade, because you are afraid to spend the money letting the people of, your vicinity know a- bout the bargains you can give them at home. * % 'k * * & * * • . r >e MEN AND EVENTS W. L. MacKenzie King, who has re- signed as director of the Rockefeller Foundation. The war prevented prosecution of the foundation's pro- gramme, it is announced, THE FARMERS GO 'FO OTTAWA Ifo Ottawa the fartuers went To interview the • Government They'wished their sons at home to • keep Their. fertile fields to help to reap, Sir Robert Borden met them there And listened to their earnest prayer They told him of hi$ profnise fair, Their stalwart sons he said he'd spare, They urged they should supply the need Of allied countries now who bleed And showed their willingness to work And did not hone production shirk, Sir Robert, honest, just and plain, Told how we had to face the strain The Germans forced our arms to meet When toward the seas they did retreat, 'And if the Germans reached the sea What use would their products be 5 Hence we must send more boys to France ' And farmers' sons should couch the lance. The farmers heard the words so true, "What is there for us all to do, But send our sons so strong and, brave And try ourselves the crops to save?" While some returned with pouting lip, 'The others said they liked the trip ; Townships and clubs expenses paid. And everyone enjoyed the raid, They homeward came, their sons are gone, These honest men look kindly on, Their faithful hearts with pride doth swell, Their boys have gone the war to quell. A few poor fellows still are left Who think they are of all bereft. Of them the resti are quite ashamed Their selfishness is justly blamed. Some day we'll bless the fainters true, We bless them now, of course we do. Our faithful sons steed side by side And all our hearts are filled with pride. Richard. Kinder Serson Births, Marriages & Deaths Births RADFORD-ln i•lullett on Jute 17th to Mr.' and• Mrs, John Radford, a 'duh,, ghter. VODDL"N.-In'fl5llett o,n June 21st to Mr, and Mrs. Charles ,Vodden, a daughter. ,STEPI.1L',NSON.--1n, Teleltersmith on June Atli, t0 Mr, and Mrs. L, Stephen- son, a daughter, SEAFORTH. Mrs. F. ft, Larkin spent a few days With friends in Goderich. A knitting contest, will be held in Victoria Park on Wednesday afternoon in aia of the Red Cross Society, Market Reports CLINTON MARKETS Hogs ^,,..,,,. St 7.50 Eggs 36=37 Butter 35-37 Wheat $2.1.0 Oats 55c to 70 Peas $2.50 Bari.ey $1.40 t0 $150 Buckwheat $1,40 to $1.60 flay $8.00 Brae Shorts .. 845,00 LIVE STOCK IVIARKET FEATURES. (Toronto Weekly Sun) 'Tice ' abattoir, buyers almost refuse to look . at medium and common butcher' cows, This' cattle of any sort are hard to cash: Good cattle are slightly lower, but selling fairly well at declined prices. kind. Sheep are slow, especially '';e fat Spring Iamb's and yearlings are active. Calves are steady to strong and meeting a brisk demand, 1 Milkers are not very active and prices are lower than two and three weeks ago, but about steady with last week's quotations. The hog market is steady on the $18 fed and Watered basis. The future of the hog market is very promising, owing to the strength of the Amerism markets, am•••••••••••o•••••••eaeeee • • Odds and Ends of council • • e.•••••••••••seaease•e•e•eses The pay sheet for womk•on streets for June amounted to $177.75. • -0- For tile S. J. Andrews was paid $23.86 and W. Coats for drayin,g Lite 50c. -0-. Street • lighting cost 5135.54 and for hall $2.35, --0- Mrs. Carter was paid $5.00 for scrubbing hall, --0-- The Bell Telephone Co„ had rental charge of $11.50, - 0- Joseph Ryder, Esq., was paid 25c for splicing rope. - 0- Percy Wheatley had an account of 867.80 for sand, which was paid. Four days rental of tank cost the town $8.00. - 0- Pay sheet to Property account was $34.42, --�•--0- H, Carrick's salary for June was $54.17. --0- J. W. Shobbrook, salary was 850. -0- Chas. Lovett was paid $34,88 for work' at Cemetery. -0- The W. D. Fair Co:, had an account of 559.58. -0-- Municipal World was paid $4.63 for supplies. -0- The Gutta Percha 'Co, was paid $1,30 for washers. -0-- 7r 11 ,TI ursday, July 4th, 4'998 This Adyertiseroent 1114y induce you to try •the first packet of but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour and quality to make you a permanent customer. We will even offer to give this first trial free if you will drop us a postal to Toronto. B113 WICITI J® Convention at Blythluly 111 & 11 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 1.30 -Opening Exercises by President Mrs, H. Hooper Minutes by Recording Secretary Miss R. S. Allin Roll -call of Officers and Superintendents Report of Corresponding Secretary Mrs: A. T. Cooper Report of Treasurer " Report of Departments by Superintendents 1 -Evangelistic Mrs. Kestle, Exeter 2 -Flower Mission Mrs. Davidson, Goderich 3 -Moral Education and Mothers' Meteeings Mrs, McGuire, Brussels 4 -Parlor Meetings Mrs. Field, Wingham 5 -Law Enforcement Mr. A. T. Cooper, Clinton Ladies' Quartette. 6 -Franchise Mrs. Dark, Brussels 7 -Medal Contests Miss Sara Bentley, Blyth 8 -Prison Reform Mrs. Frank Elliott, Goderich 9• -Press Work Miss R. S. Ailin, Goderich 10 -,Temperance in Sabbath Schools Miss Shapton, Exeter 11 ---Work among Soldiers Mrs.'Beavers, Exeter 92-Lumberman's Mission Miss Bessie Porter, Clinton 13-9iilor's Work Mrs. Alex. McLean, Goderich 14 -Railroad Employees Mrs, Armour, Wingham 15 -Anti -Narcotics Mrs. George Lavis, Clinton 16 --Scientific Temperance Mrs. Myles Young, Blyth 17 -Systematic Giving Mrs. (Rev.) McCormick, Blyth 18 -Medical Temperance Mrs. Fon ell, Exeter Question Drawer WEDNESDAY EVENING 8.00 -(Sharp) Opening Exercises Ladies Quartette Address of Welcome Gold Medal Contests in Elocution and Vocal Music Grand Gold Medal Contest in Elocution Admission -25c Adults; 10c Children GOD SAVE THE KING GOD SAVE OUR MEN THURSDAY MORNING 9.00 -Opening Exercises Unfinished Business Memorial Service Election of Officers Appointing Superintendents of Departments Closing Words. The New Era had an account of 700 persons failed to comply with the 410.50. Kitchener. -0_____ Austrian soldiers are eating bread The Royal Insurance Co., was paid containing 68 per cent of wood fiber, straw and hay, Canadians would be sure to say `neigh" to that sort of fare. Canada is to be allotted 70 % of last year's total supply of coffee this tear. $51.40 for insurance on lire appli- ances. --0- The pay sheet for street oiling was $159.32. -0- Chief Wheatley reported $2,75 col- lected at town scales and $2,00 for hall rent. -0•- Superintendent Shobrook reported $57.50 for care in perpetuity; and $24.75 for work at cemetery. W. Coats for drawing hose to the There is a falling off of one-third to one-half in the lobster catch in Prince ' Edward Island. paid it is, estimated that between 600 and oder of the Registration Board at Doherty fire was pard $3,00. -0-- William Coats, Registrar, was 50 cents for Search at Office. GIRL WANTED For office work at the Ford Garage. Apply to '1 BERT LANGFORD FOR SALE 8 -roomed house, furnace and other comfortable conveniences. Corner of Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. SERVICE We cordially invite you to our Garage where we,are specially equipped to extend prompt and efficient Service. A full line of accessories and repairs carried Overhauling and Painting our Specialty. Phone 80. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY House ,Phone 140 Bicycles and Repairing -Bicycle and general repairing done ' by competent workmen. Quick service always. The Clinton Garage J,• Rille. Special Order Clothing Our new set of samples for ORDERED CLOTHING for Spring is now here and in , spite of war conditions is one of the finest sell- ections of High Grade Woollens we have ever shown. Our Styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come in and look them over and get one of our new style Books. We are also showing some new Natty Styles in Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and Shirts, _ .... . -- See our Table of Men's Boots at $3.50 a pair. P! msteel Bros. Small Profits Phone 25. More Business '1118 STORE TiIAT SELLS FOR LESS FALL WHEAT SEED ANNOUNCEMENT In view of the partial failure of the Fall wheat crop' in this Province this year it will be necessary for farmers to make early arrangements for the supply of seed which they ,will need for fall sowing. Under these circum- stances farmers who have on hand quantities of wheat suitable for fall seeding are urged to conserve them for this purpose. 11 there is no de- mand locally, the information should be supplied to this Department or to the Local Office of this Department in your County 5o that every effort may be made to have ;in equitable and satisfactory distribution. The need of food stuffs justifies a large acreage of Fall wheat in this Province again this year, and the co-operation of the farmers in tIse metallization and dis- tribution of the available seed supplies is invited. Ontario Department of Agriculture S, B. STOTHERS Agriculture Representative Clinton, Ontario Geo. S. Henry, Minister of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings -• _Toronto, Ontario • DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Bought and Sold at Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at his Bank. VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 % W. BRYDONE, 'Clinton FOR SALE A farm bargain with this year's crop now in ground for 81 100 Cash, balance on a mortgage, will tit you in on this place. Possession immediate- ly. 100 acres at Clifford, Ontario. 35 acres grain, 3 acres corn, 34 acre potatoes, 2 acres turnips Stock and grain farm with plenty of good water. Creek and never failing spring. Good buildings, 80 acres workable, 10 acres more can be broken up, balance bush. Soil clay loam. Good fall wheat soil. Good buildings. Brick house 7 rooms, divided cellar, cement floors. Bank barn 72x48, slings and hayfork. Cement silo 30x12341. Driv- ing shed. Price for farm including crop $5500, $1100 cash, balance on mortgage. This year's crop will help make your payment. THE•WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY, Georgetown Ontario Horses for Service ELMER DICKSON 51525 A. T, R. 2295 C.N.R. Form A 1. Enrolment No. 4881 Race resloe'd 2.0634 The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse( 1st prize winner at Seafortlt and Clinton 1917 Spring Shows. The only stable in the County of Huron that ever offered the services of a stallion with a record of 2.10 or better, Elsner Dickson will stand at his own stable, Connnercial Hotel Barns, Blyth with exception of the following route: MONDAY -Will leave itis own stable andproceed to Auburn for noon; thence by way of Nile to G. McNall's for night. TUESDAY,-Wfilt :proceed: He IColl- borne House, Goderich, for noon, and remain there until Wednesday noon. WEDNESDAY- Will proceed by way of Benmillee to Blyth where he will remain milli the following Monday morning. IKE MEDIUM 51522 A.T.R. 1070 C N.R, Form Al. Enrolment No. 2936. The Standard Bred Show and Trotting Stallion, Pull brother to Dustyn 2,14Y and Inc'',, M, 2.17 )4. Was show 15 times -14 times first and once second, Ike Medium Will stand' for the im- provetnent of stock this season as fol- lows: THURSDAY-=yIf11 leave' hisown stat>le, Blyth, and proceed North to Bel - grave for noon; then to the Farmers' House, Wingham, for night, Fridaye -+W1tl proceed to Bluevale to Hall's,for noon; thence to Gordon Mc- Donald's Hpte1, Brussels, for night., SATU19)AY -•- Will proceed to his own stable, Myth,, where lie will remain until the following Thursday morning. Por further particulars and terns of these web bred horses see bills or en- quire of Tito&. CoULmt, Prop. Calves for Sale The undersigned has made arrange- ments to handle a few Shorthorn -grade calves. March and April is the time to secure them as the supply is limited later. W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 Clinton MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition work, Apply to, The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforih, Ontario. For Sale A good frame barn 23x40, Apply to C. J. Wallia- JUST ARRIVED A CAR -LOAD OF FEED CORN We have also secured a quantity of Choice Seed Corn in the following varieties: SELECTED YELLOW LEAMING GIANT. PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- AGE, SELECTED RED COB ENSILAGE and also EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE As the season has arrived for the hatching of Baby 'Chicks we have ou stock a quantity Of Baby Chick Feed, which we are selling at reasonable prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Hull Choice) and also our usual line of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed. \V.Jenkr s&ton FLOUR AND FEED Phone 599 Residence. 9 on 145 NOT:RUNKsA w" HIGHLANDS. OF .ONTARIO Offers you and all the family the outing of your life. ALGONQUIN. PARK MUSKOKA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY LAKE OF BAYS TIMAGAMI ARP. ALL FAMOUS PLAYGROUNDS Modern hotels afford city comforts but Homy prefer to live iii tent or log cabin-youq ohoice et reasonable. cost. •• Secure your Parlor or Sleeping can accommodation in advance. Full Information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning; District Passenger Agent, Toronto. John Ranatord &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 e, 0. Pattison. station aeeut Head Palpitated, Had Dizzy Spells,,I, Could Not Work For 8 Months. Palpitation of the heart to one of'tlis most common of all heart troubles, and many people are kept in a state of mor- bid fear of death, become weak worn, • and miserable, have weak and diary spells, their nerves become unstrung and they cannot sleep. Wherever there is any weakness' of the heart, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will strengtlien it, and build up a strong healthy system. Mrs. Walter Grieves, Apsley, Ont,, writes: "I had been run down and doc- tors told me I was.anmmic, but did not, help me with their medicines, 1 eoult4{ not sleep nights, my heart palpitated eo and 1 could count every beat. I use4E to have such ditty spells I. would have to go to bed, I. was not able to do my work for eight months, A cousin of mine had taken Milhure's Heart and Nerve Pills and told me what they had done for her, I took eight boxes of them, and nowt am dile to help every day with the work, I am so thankful to tellli others what they btsve done for me, so brat they may try this great and wonder- ful remedy, I hope this may prove good tosome one who is suffering the Way 1 did, Prion, 84c.abox atafl dealers, or manea tlfimet on receipt of »rico by Tho 'I Millburn Cu.. Limited, 'r'otottto, Orli.