HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-7-4, Page 2• • •
?AGE 2
feefereureseatzewif !werewolf
day .1
is 1
Fashion Day 1
, AlWays
Ready -to
Fashion, never created pret-
er patterns or divised more
• rattractiVe styles than We are
showing in these pretty cool
wash dresses. • So truly sUna-
. ontry, so attractively smart and
dressy that you will be charm -
ted with them, made of pretty
utuslins, voiles repps, ging-
tarns and ChaMbrey; plain
Colors and new shades. All
.sizes, all prices. Special
House Dresses e Gn
SP 1 .01.,
Wash Skirts
We passed into stock this week several dozen Ladies wash
skirts made of gabardine, repp, Indianhead, pique. $5.50
All prices from $1.50 up to
• Pretty Cool Neckware for Hot
Many new novelties in Ladies neckware and furnishings
'nave just arrived, Dainty and pretty ideas at all prices and for
all purposes.
We have many exclusive novelties in these Lines.
B, Doyle Centre field..Cook
Umpire—B. Potts
The Prize -Winners
Tlie prizes for the procession were
won as follows:
lEfte Disagreeable Weather,Decorated autotnobiles----1 G. J.
However, Reinhart as "Rule Britannia" ; 2 Mrs.
Proves Handicap T. Hetchison, as "Huron's Golden
Everywhere Gate" ; 3 Charles Black, "Tank" ; 4
Miss E. Rush, Wingham "Red Cross
, Nurses."
SlYth, July 1. --The first of JillY Decoreted bicycles -1 Miss Fern
eattlebration held here to -day was ac- Humber, 2 Gertie Lymburner, 3 Ro-
esempanied by very bad weather which land Walker.
Favet the •people from coming to a centhumnians_i G. 1,,, parsons, 2
Idttior extent, but, for All, there was a I Wm. Lumby, 3 James Smith.
tiebisLe crowd and the genies were car- Trades—t A M Glover, 2 atid 3
mod nut pretty well in the morning. Dominion Roads and Machine Corn -
Mt calithumpian and trades proces-
eliau headed by the band, marchedpanyl.
A ter the procession the baby show
lizough the principal streets and was took place on the courthouse park.
.../Thf. of the best ever held, especially The prize -winners were:—Six-months-
.lehe tank, which crawled along with old baby—I Mrs, Robert P. Rutledge,
Tuns firing from the inside, giving a
2 Mrs. Matthew Sprowl.
IMI",N• good idea of the original war ma- One -year -old ---a Mrs, J. F. Thomp-
felidnes. This was followed by a game son, 2 Mrs, CilarleS 'Cook,
04 baseball between Wingham and Following the baby show came the
Iltiestfield, which resulted in a victory boys' and girls' races. These were
Jur the latter team by a score of 19 keenly contested. A bicycle race once
an 5. After dinner a great program of around the square was a feature. The
hittinletic sports were run off, which winners were: 1 Willie Cossey, 2 Fred
were keenly contested, especially the Price, 3. S. MacLean,
tentomobile races, which went the mile
Yea fa.stlime and were won by Taylor, Splendid Races
of. Blyth, with a Ford car, and Dobie, The horse races were keely con -
of Whigham, with a McLaughlin car. tested, $750 in prizes being awarded
:iit the evening a packed house greeted The winners were:
it.ite. crowd. The proceeds amounted to Alfreda, W, 14, Richardson, Strat-
ehoue $1,000 which is for pat- ford.................t .......... . , ... I. 1
olfc purposes. Great credit is due Free Bond, G. Litt, Mitcitell.. - 2 2 3
triose who took such an active part in sid H„ John Mcl•iitosh, Lonckm, 3 3 3
snaking the day such a success tinder , 2:30 class
adverse Circumstances. I
I Charlie Patchen, 5, 0, Hoclgins
Chtudeboye 1 1 1
ti'acrerich, July 1. --The Dominion Royal Dundee, R. MacLean, God-
13ety celebration held here today at- °rich.. .. .. .. . • ...... 2 2 2
:tracked one of the largest crowds that Lady Grattan, Frank Reedor,
0..ter gathered in the town, People Parkhill 6 3 3
tweerred in front all over the country Senator Wilkes, A. Cunningham,
!zed the town WAS gay with flags and Clandeboye. , .. .. ...... 3 6 6
streamers to welcome them, The Brino K., James McManus, God-
telebration began with a tnonster erich„ - .. .. .. ...... 4 5 4
trades and labor parade. The pro- Bud Kyle, G, Litt, Wiltchell.... 5 4 5
cession was over a mile lohg, and one j . Green race
eg.the best ever seen. here. The par- -Louie Grattan Thomas Year-
zde was headed by the splendid Kilties ly, Crediton .. .. .. 2 6 1 1 1
Band from !Clinton, which made a big Lady Patchett, Burley Hod-
etit, with its selections, Then came gins Claude boye t 1 2 2 23
Nee i0Wii t011ildli, fire department, a C. Delight, Chas, Flynn, Kin -
line 'of decorated autos, includ- cardlne 5 3 3 3 2
Neer many from Wingham, d'ecorated Little Topsy, Adam Bowman,
Illicycles 'and calithumpian parade. Goderich.. .., , . .. .. 3 2 5 4 4
The sports for the school children Maggie McKinney, M. Mc -
were heldin the courthouse square In
Ilhe afternoon a procession of school
children, heacled.:by' the hand, formed
iett the square, and marched to tile
/agricultural Park; • wilier • fhdy went
titirough a number of drills' and •stteg
cifortams. .
The Highland • piping and dancing,
wader the. direction of Prof. Dan Mar -
fah, was a great sucCess and highly
Appreciated by the crowd on the grand solid.
The baseball match between Clinton
...end Goderich resulted in a score of
8 to 6 in favor of Goderith. The game
WAS A close 011A. alla well played. Bats
fierieer Goderich, W. Luniby and.Jack GODERICH TOWNSHIP
Doyle ; Clinton; Cooper and new-
el:les, •
Mr. 0, A, Forrester just west of
town has about 34 acres of.sugar beets
and Many istriners. have considerable
fields in that crop. In ' othet' parts
IF„ ToWneendy „ ,First Base ..Wurin 01 the township buckwheat 15. faking
ig„, "roWnsend„ , .Second,' BAS6„Stetli
l' '
ii Wiggins... „ .Third Ease, .Mdliel the place15f the I raid bell • 'oi
Shortstop. , . Draper farmers having even 30 or 40 teres
, foltrlSon Left field. ,lilazier of it. it Will likely be needed ilow
lit Altofteson . „ ,R 1 iglit field that flour subaliilltda are ht gOtal des
iI; Doyle , . 'Centre Field - ., Cook mend,
Dougal, Porter's Hill 6 4 4 5 a
Walter Eddy, A. M, Polley,
Goderich ...... .dr
Grey Ghost, V. Aberhardt,
Seaforth , „ .... :dr.
An Interesting speed contest took
place between Hal, B, Jun., the fastest
horse in Canada, and an automobile',
which resulted in a dead heat, Time
A bevy of young girls tagged every
body in aid of the Alexandra and Mar-
ine Hospital and secured a substsan1.
tial fund.
71tus Was as follows
Gbderieh Clinton
;V,. Lumby , Pitcher ... *Cooper
4,11, Moyle, ... ..Catcher „ ,Hawkins
l'Imrsday, Ally 4th, 1918'
Niews. of tDi
'Rev, J, Mawan, wife and femily, re-
turned last week to their home in
Cartwright, Men., efter two weeks'
visit ueder the pereotai roof.
Mr, Peter B. Moffat having finished
his work at the Faculty of liducation.
Toronto, is now applying hiniself to the
labours of the farm.
Mr. William 13aird, of Toronto, is
spending a part of his vacation aseist-
Ing his brother on the term.
The Ladies Md met last week at the
home of Mrs, Chas, McGregor.
Quite it number went to Londesboro
on Monday evening while others went
to Blyth to take in the sports.
Mrs. Edwin Britton and Mrs, W.
Britton and children are spending it
week with relatives at Harwich, St.
Thomas and other Points.
Mrs, Adam Nicholson, and Mrs. Mc-
Arthur, of Seafortlt, spent Thursday in
Mrs, W. Moore and son, of Toroeto,
are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Jas. Mann, sr., and other relatives.
The Herald is holidaying this week.
Mrs. 'James Laidlaw and daughter, of
Croswell, Mich.; are visiting relatives
and friends here at present.
Mr, and' Mrs. N. 8, Debuts have
left for Hanover where they will spend
the holidays. Mr, Dahnis will take. a
short course in Toronto University
before he returns to assume his duties
as principal of the public school here,
Miss Irene Douglas, who has taught
ane of the departments of Zurich Pub -
le School very successfully for someyears, years, has resigned and will not take
charge here after the holidays.
Mr. 'Chris, Schrag has purchased
the 81 -acre farm, in Stanley Toven-
ship, adjoining his own from Mr.
C, Zirk. He also has bought the
standing crop on it. Immediate poss-
ession is given,
Hary Wylde, formerly of town, was
a welcome visitor here this week. He
has recently returnedm frooverseas,
having been wounded three times. He
received a hearty welcome at the de-
pot on his arrival.
Miss Cora Speir, youngest daughter
of Jas, and Mrs, Spell', 6th tine, Morris,
wawunited in marriage to Edwin T.
Bell, B. A., of Toronto, at the home of
the bride, the ceremony being per-
formed by Rev. A. J. Mann.
A large and appreciative audience
greeted Rev, Dr. Fraser, of Owen
Sound, in Melville Presbyterian Church
when he delivered his lecture, "With
the Canadians on the Somme." The
lecture was a part of the anniversaryservicea, services, which were conducted by
Dr, Fraser when the church was filled
to overflowing at both services, At
the lecture Rev. A. J. Mann, the pastor,
was presented with a complimentary
address and well-filled purse. The
offerings on Sunday, together with the
lecture proceeds, amounted to 5850.
Mr, and Mrs, Walker and children
from Peterborough, motored up last
week to visit Mrs, Walker's mother,
Mrs. William Ivison, and other friends,
The Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Aitken and
child left on Dominion Day to attend.
the Missionary Convention in Whitby.
They were accompanied by lelisses J.
McLean, E Jarrott and A. Sproat, They
expected fo go as far as Aurora, the
first day. After the convention Dr.
and Mrs. Aitken intend to visit in
Port Perry with Mrs, Aitken's uncle
and the young ladies in Toronto,
Miss Meths and W. G. Strong are re-
engaged to teach in their respective
schools for next year at a salary of
$700 each.
John McMurtrie has purchased a
Chevrolet and John Dietz a Gray -
Dort. These men are both progres-
sive farmers.
On Thursday evening, June 27th, the
Patriotic Society held a very successful
Lawn Social on the Presbyterian
church grounds. From six to eight
o'clock a splendid supper was served.
All then repaired to the church, tilling
it coinfortably, A musical rehearsal
by Miss Foss and her pupils delighted
everyone. The Kipper male quartette
also sang very acceptably several times.
Readings by the Misses Ellis and Shad-
ininitser of Hensel', who is a returned
encores. Rev. Mr. Garrett, Anglican
minister of liestletl,. who is :t returned
soldier from France, told of his ex-
periences in an entertaining Blattner.
After all expenses were paid a balance
of 5105 was left for the society,
Mrs, William Knox Red daughter,
Miss of Hullett, left on an ex-
tended visit with friends in the West.
. Mrs, Robert Ferris , and daughter,
Mrs. Will, Bell and baby, of Mullett,
ed hit 'Monday from a visit wit
Goderich friends, •
A quiet wedding was •solemnized at
the Redtory by Rev, W. E. Hawkins,
Wednesday evening„lune 19th,, when
Miss Ahnie Verna, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Pollard, of Hul-
lett Township, became the wife of Mr.
John Ferguson also of that township,
The newly married couple will make
their home in litiliett,
The following taken from the Kala-
ittazoo, Miett„ Gazette, refers to a
former resident of Hullett Township
e-9/111. C. J„ Paddock, of this eitY,
will be one or the first K01111111200
womeo to sacrifice the comforts of
home and familst, eitter upon ser-
vice overseas. Mrs. Paddock left
Tuesday night for the.'wine of her
parents in Vvinghatm, Ontario, In
New Yhe ork swits meet her sister,
Mrs. George Griffith and she two 'sis-
ters puirpose to-enhst 'for service as
aurgeon's assistants "OVOF there."
Mrs. Paddock has had considerable
trainilig, and Much experience in this
work, and is 'eager to offer this train -
Mg quid 'experience to help defeat
kaiSerism. Site has not yet definite-
ly decided whether 'She Will entoll with
the Canadian or, the American forees.
Long before a Red Cross chapter
was organized in aft Uy' Mrs, isittf..
dock wits actively engaged in work
for, the Red Crots, and site hg 1'16111
one of the irtoet faithful workert Sint%
tfte Kalantazoo chapter was organized,"
IPteemis. s oli of a lintenrned
he st other
New Era representatives, pi
L, 0. L, No, 306, and No, 18g Will .RtYlirA L. At the minted meetiug of the Myth
:Wend serviee at Middleton's ehurch on Rural Telephone System, held In the
Rev, Moulton will preach, • .
The United Patriotic' fSodieey of •
i all the officers were reselected Mrs
Industry Hall, on Thursday tifternoon,
Slinclay morning at 11 o'clock, Bro.
Curwen's, Huron road, last Thursday
night. As a result the 'Phtriotio funds FAVORITE [11'—ilizm95°. ).-''L7' A quiet wedding WM SOleilltliZed
GOCieriG11 TOWI1S111,P 11e14 A .alost. sue- HAS BEEN
cesdful."ye old country fair" at Mrs. CANADA'S System in a flourishing. condition.
of the Society were increased by -a- YEAST FOR ' at the manse, Brussels, on Thursday
bout .5500.
A very pretty wending was soletn- 3.0,YEARS
MORE THAN] last by the Rev, Mr, Mann, when Miss
nized at high noon Wednesday at the
residence of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Col-
clough, near Clinton, when Miss Hat-
tie was united in the bonds of ' holy
matrimony to Mr, Williain Thacka-
berry, Stratford, The. ceremony,
which was conducted by Rev, Wm,
Moulton, L. Th., was performed under
a floral arch erected on the lawn. After
the wedding breakfast Mr, and Mrs.
Thackaberry left by auto for Goiter -
felt, thence to Stratford where they
will reside. Among the guests present
were Mr, and Mrs. Sours and Miss
Gladys, of Clinton ; Mrs. Alexander,
liensall: Miss I.loy, Avonton ; Miss
Rice, Fullerton ; Mr, Quinlan, Strat-
ford, and Miss Livermore, Clinton.
Last Friday evening a heavy rain and
hail storm passsect over some parts of
Goderich Township Sunday evening.
A general shower passed. over which
will do a inestimable deal of good to
The day of national humiliation tout
prayer was fittingly celebrated in
Goderich Sunday. All the churches
act special services In aceordance
J, E. Bennett was again hired its chief with the proclamation, An offering
operator and Mr, Geo. Garniss as line- was taken in all the cluIrches for the
man, "fhe financial report shoWed the allied prisoners of war fund. At 4
uikw; au,
tta, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
Charter, Blyth became the wife of Mr. as chairman. Reverends Canon Hill,
. able young lacti,es,
, I treat, and Rev, A, L, G. Clarke. There"
, Dr, Routledge, J. It Osterhout anti
' livered' by Rev, Dr. Dickle, of Mon -4
Captain Fox took art i "ti e r
Thomas Laidletv,. of Morrie. The
. Miss Irma Kennedy, ctaugther of Dr, , A quiet weddirig was solemnized at
1 I were about 2,500 present and a most
1 inspifing service was held:
Kennedy, of Wingham, who recently the home of Mr. and Mrs, George
SEAFORTH ? passed her fourth year examination in Bradford on Saturday at high noon,
, medicine at Toronto University, left when their eldest daughter, Mona,
Rev. Mr. H. D, Moyer, pastor of the for Toronto, where she has been tm- Pearl, was united in marriage to John.
Hyatt avenue Methodist Church, Lon- pointed house surgeon In the private A. Cameron, of Toronto. The cere-
don, was presented with a check for a pavilion at the general hospital.• • - - molly was performed by Rev, Dr. WC
substantial SUB] by members of the The hay crop, of which much was L, Rutledge, in the' presence of the
governing board of the church and the expected in this district, 'Will Only be' immediate relatives. The bride is a
congregation on Wednesday evening. halt a crap, it having been. • severely very popular Goderich. girl, and active
The presentation was made by Messrs. damaged by frost several weeks ago,, worker in North Street • Methodist
W.' D. Yoe and R, H, 'Chown. Speech- Oats and other grain are 'looking 'well,'Church, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron wilt
es were made by several members of also the garden stuff, . reside in Toronto, where Mr, Cam. -
the board. Alt, C. R. Myrick pi -e- Owing to the impossibility of _ob.. eron is a commercial traveller.
sided. Mr, Moyer completed a sue- tabling help Mrs. Swartz, proprietress The funeral Services of the fate
of the Queen's Hotel has been obliged James Stewart were held on Wednes-,
to curtain accommodation for the day afternoon from his late residence,
travelling public. Travellers will only South street. He came to Goderich
be accommodated with bed and break- vicinity over 60 years ago front Scot -
fast. No dinners or suppers will be land. He was 79 years of age. and
served to any person outside of the leaves his widow and one. son, Rev.
family from this date. The Hotel J. Ure Stewart, of Long Branch, The
Brunswick announced that owing to funeral was conducted by Rev. R.
and fish expected, but whidh cannot C. McDermid, assisted by Rev, Dr.
board, whereby at five dinners per McGilvray, of China, and, Rev, James
week orre cannot serve meats, fowl Hamilton,
if there is no change made in the reg. Wm. Campbell, the veteran assessor•
he obtained here, the proprietor will, and tax collector of Godericlt, cele -
if there Is no change made in the reg. bratecl the anniversary cif Inc birth
mations, be compelled to stop serving on Monday, July t. He was 8+ years
dinners or suppers also. This practi- old and Ile- is hale and hearty and:
furs. W, E, Hoit, who has been a cally closes the hotels of Wingham, walks with. a quick step,
visitor at the home of her parents for which is a most serious matter for the Pte, Thos. Pritchard who is a re -
the past three weeks, returned to New town, i turned soldier and who served' with.
York on Monday. 1 the Princess Pats, has received notice
Mrs, Cowan and son of Detroit, are I of his appointment as fire ranger and
Fraser, 01 port win_ i Chas, 13e11 appeared before Magis-
1 is to report at Cochrane;
lani,,IrisS Avilaslicting at the home of her trate Read here to- day on a charge.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, of assault and was fined $1 and costs.
The yacht Anita, of Londcm. which ' There are two oilier cases before the•
is the property of Mr. Mofatt has court, one of "loafing" under the new.
come to stay and will be another regulations, and the other of false pre -
ornament to the river, • tenses
Dominion Day was wonderfully well • While out canoeing Sunday after -
celebrated here although the day was noon Mike Bowler, the, 15 -year-old son
very oppressive. Many were seen on of Mike Bowler, was disowned. Ile
the river banks in their overcoats was in the water for over an hour,
fishing while a vast imbiber enjoyed and there was no chance of bringing
o'clock, a great mass meeting of the
citizens was held on the courthouse
parlc. Mayor Wigle read the procla-
mation, Rev. R, C, McDermicf acted
bride was one of Myth's most estim- i and very inspiringPaddrenssele's werenle 'tine!
cessful pastorate of three years on
the roots and spring crops. The Sunday, and the following Sunday
ground had become quite dry and the will assume his new duties as pastor
rain was badly needed of a church in Seaforth. He will be
A number attended the County Fair succeeded al London, by Rev. George
which was held last Friday evening on McKfnIty, of S'eafbrth,
the Huron Road near Goderich, Mrs. K. A, Wilson who was called
Large numbers took in the celebra- home owing to the illnes of her father
dons at Goderich and Blyth on Dont- has returned to New York.
inion Day. Mrs, Arthur Forbes, of Clinton, spent
Bayfield was another resort for a a few days with. friends in town,
day's outing but the day was rather Rev.F, Larkin, D. D., conducted.
coot to be very enjoyable, Anniversay services in the Presbyter -
Mrs, Fred Warning, Mrs, Fred Leon- Ian church, Westminister, last Sabbath,
and and Miss Mary Crooks were in God- Rev, Mr. Crawford, of Westminister,
erich on Friday and Saturday of last supplying for Dr, Larki».
The barley is out in head now and
the fall wheat is out in flowed so it is
likely' harvest will be early, The
spring wheat is looking fine in most
localities and is already out in head, visiting Mrs, Cowan's mother, Mrs.
The farmers will be starting cutting Joseph Fisher,
clover this week, It is a good crop. Mr, W. II. Willis, of Wingham, was
The acreage sown in beans this a Seaforth visitor,
year is much less than last as many of Aiiss C, B. McKinley of the Colleg-
the farmers bought seed at e very iate Staff, is spending her vacation
high price and then could not sell with a sister in Edmonton.
their beans in the fall. This year Mrs, Donald McLean, who was a
sugar beets and buckwheat are the guest at the horne of Col, and Mrs.
Most of the road work has been dWolillson, returned last Friday to Lon -
finished and some of the ruads have Dr. and Mrs. Donald IvicGillvray and
been graded, daughter Edith, of Shanghai, China,
We think everyone registered on who are at present on farlough, were
Registration Day, If the didn't they
will perhaps wish they had.
Goderielt Township Council met
June 29th with all members present.
Minutes of last meeting as read were
approved. A petition signed by Mr.
Albert Townsend and t,ventv-two
other gravel pit owners was read, ask-
ing that the price of cenieut gravel be
twenty cents per yard and road gravel
be ten cents per yard. On motion of
'Councillors Vanderburg and Ginn that
part of petitioe asking for twenty
cents per yard for cement gravel be
not considered, as concractors find
their own gravel, the part of petition
asking for to cents per yard for road
purposes be considered, the Council
agreeing to pay 10 cents per yard
with the understanding the owners of
pits keep pits open, also keep roads
in good repair through farm, etc., to
pit without any extra cost to Town-
ship (carried). 0 11 motion of Coun-
fiiltiors Lindsay and Holland. the folios' -
accounts were paid,
Pedlar People corrugated culverts
Hiram 11111, Cement work, "Ru5n513711
Bridge" 101,12
Geo. Holland, overseeing work.. 16,00
Joseph Wilson deviation road.... 3.00
Clarence Potter, lighting lantern at
Rumball's bridge 3.50
R Brown, iron S.10
Oswald Ginn, overseeing cement
work.. ...... 14.00
Weston Bro., Cement work on Wilsons
Ree‘,eaild• • C. ..•onseryic2e5sM0
road commissioners.. .. , .129.00
J. Leslie Cox damages, to autornibiles
Ott motion of Holland and Lindsay,
Council adjourned to meet ist Mon-
day in August 1918.
Adam Cantelon
the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Larkin at
the manse,
Mrs, I -I Meyers, of Stratford, is a
visitor at 'her home here,
Mr. T. S. Smith has returned from
a business trip to Montreal.
Mr, R. H. Archibald, ol Dunnville,
was a week -end.' visitor at the home
of Isis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Ross and little
son are spending their vacation with
Mrs. Ross' parents in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. T, fe, Case spent a
days with Mrs. Frank , Case at
Mrs, M. Y. McLean has returned
front a visit to friends in Toronto.
Mr, Robert Gemmell left last week
on a trip to Edmonton,
Miss Towel', of Guelph, IS a visitor
at the home. of Major and Airs. R. S.
Mr, 0, L. Williams is spending the
holiday in Toro»to,
hint to, Theo, Bullard, a young corn -
the sports cm Clan Gregor Square.
The river and Lake was much too panion, had a narrow escape. He
rough for boating, was with young Bowler, but clung to
the canoe until a man went out or a.
motorboat and picked film up. He
AUBURN. let go of the canoe just as the fellow
grabbed him by the braces. It took
Aeburn was almost the deserted a little tbne to bring him around:
village on Monday, Goderich and Blyth This is the first drowning of the. sea -
being the centre of attractiott. son here.
Miss Erratt spent the week end with
friends, itr Goderich.
Miss. Fibgland, of Londesboro, gave
addresses on "Missions in Korea" in
the Methodist and Presbyterion Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hodgens and
schools last Sunday, daughter and Mr, and Mrs. Carson, or
The members of the Methodist Sun- Kincardine, motored down to Mr,
day school' held a Garden Partv at the
twine of Mr. G. L, Sturdy Oil Wednes-
Mr, James Johnston has sold his
fartn to Itis brother-in-law, Mr. David
Hamilton., of 'Clinton.
Robert Gemmell left last week for
the. West where he will stop for the
LONDON ROAD. summer near Edmonton.
Wilt Reid jr., of Stanley who re -
The feather cleaner at Brucefield is cently had an operation for appendici-
doing a rushing business tliese days. tis is slowly improving.
Quite a number from here were at The 1st of July was rather a clisap-
Bayfield on the tat, • pointment to many, the weathei. being
The League will meet at the home of so cold. However many found their
Mr, Will Moffatt next 'ruesday, way to Hayfield,
The highest honors were conferred Pte. Russel Dallas who is training in
on Mr, and Mrs. L. Stephenson last London, spent the week end at his
Friday when a baby girl' arrived at their home in Tuckersmith.
home. Mr, Madden and family spent the
The rain has done a tot of good, and week end visiting friends near Grand
whet is good for the farmer is good for Bend
everybody. 136 pairs of socks and 20 pyjamas
Sunday evening an auto front Lon- were sent for June to the Red 4-..s.ross.
don caught tire near Mr. Biggins' home John Snider sold a motor cycle to
but was extinguished before any great Roy Denan of Varna.
damage was done. One of the ladies Joe Grey, Hamilton visited in our
MS overcome in the excitement and village last week. His many old friends, The potato bug crop is quite a.
Vanderburgh s last week.
Miss Florence McDonald is spending
her vacation ,vith her brothers, of'
Porter's Hill,
Miss Pearl Potter is home from Tor-
onto for the holidays.
Mrs, Moore, of Munroe, has return-
ed home after visiting with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston.
Mr. and Airs. Wm, Proctor and fam-
ily, of Clinton, spent Sutsdey at Alt,.
Wesley Vanderburgh's.
Mr, and Mrs, Alex, McDonald and
daughter from the West are visiting
in the neighborhood.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Werry and sone,
of Woodstock, and' nephew's of Mr,
'Currie's motored to 0. W. Potter's ore
Saturday and Mrs. Potter accompanied
thein to Port Elgin on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Tabor and fam-
ily of Trowbridge motored to Vito.
Johnsion's on Sitturday,
Mr. Will Morgan, of Port Stanley, is,
tisiting in the neighborhood,
Mr, and Mrs. Gliddon, of Dunlop,
visited at ca. -W. Potter's last week.
Clerk medicial aid had to be summoned, were pleased to see him again, heavy one just eow,
°SUNK 8 lvt]L'ed
.,SoUT.H or
PASTligsl.` ROCK
' Ltead-Fr 1-400&E'
*iota" etivrotk,
Tht sinking of the Canadian Hospital ship "Llitedovery Castle" last 'Phu ysday evening by a German submarine was anOthtl tiestidlIth i'tilltt` 0( 11W IN?.
001Y 24 of the dDi persons on board were saved, and prattically all the doct ors and nurses and 'LAC., were Cana diens. the toto thole shone trw
toot whore the Lustiania was sunk and where the Liandovery Castle was torpedoed, I° miles front Vasinet Rock Lighthouse, Whit is slim la 14,,S- Wm*