HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-6-27, Page 1tablislled 186S, 'Vol. 52, No, 52 TA�* A Lok at the Label KE �,, on this Paper torday. 'CLINTQN, r OrsTT 8110, THURSDAY JUNE 27th, 1918 W. il-1, Kerr & $on, )editors and Publisher& Ali TO ,FOR THE Hill PRICE OF DEET iN WE MA DE COlL RATIONE Kg HOWDOES YOUR PAPER READ? Wee , 1*W4Fs9MV'eNiewvbV. eOWi,+WMVeekeeNyMV`ihNe OWdeetiVi REMEMBER THE BOYS PT THE FRONT'—send tlhent pictures Of things at home—they are always glad to gat them, We have .a • good stock Of, Brownie Cameras and Kodaks from $2,50 up, • .Let us do your developiig and prtlrt- MM, You will be pleased with the results, - BEST QUALITY P.RUG STORIS THE REXALL STORE PLENTY SUGAR FO1 OdNO !'Jo Limit to Quantity That May BePurchased for Fruit Preserving. Ottawa, June 20 ,—Orders govern - We S. R.. HOLMES Jug the use of sugar promulgated by the Canada Food Boerd are not to- Phin, 13, tended to restrict the use of sugar in canning or preserving fruit. • there' • is4,,ovvvvvVvyvYyvvvvoovvvvwvvVYVVVvvvvveevVvwavvvyvvvM e . Royal Bark OF CANADA Incorporated .1869 Capital Authorized LL"""" $ 25,000;000 Capital Paid-up . 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits . ..... , , 14,564,000 Total Assets . ', .. .. .. ....:.... , .... 335,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL 450 Branches with world wide connections. General Banking Busiriess Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager ' Clinton Branch is to be no limitation of the quantity of sugar that may be used In preserv- ing or the quantity of preserves which may be made in fact preserving is to be encouraged, Sugar purchased for that purpose, however, must not be emplc yed 111 eoutravention .of the or- ders 'against rdeas'against hoarding, LICENSES FOR PICNICS ARE NOT REQUIRED Nareet- 1'he' C inion. Garage with its display of Tires was photographed. by Rpy Ball this Spring and. IA 'r1'l1e;D,oialinioui", a semi-monthly, published in the interests of the Dominion Rubber System, had the 'above picture in its May number; remarking that 'motorists are assured of • 'quick ser vrcc-at the' Clinton Garage, , Mr. Paxman, the Proprietor, is seed standing in front of the budding'." -nfOr v>�mav mow.. i . (q�q n .:- 7 " ' l II local f people tleit Canada ad Food Eg iLI AN POLICE DECEIVE Tien ff INCORPORATED 1855 HE MOLSO.NS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800 000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate 1-I. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Clinton Boartt that licenses ere not required to hold picnics, lawn socials, 'fair e12- r hibitions, tea meetings etc. This will clear up a lot of misunderstanding as GAINS 666YYY 116 I 60 O NEW FOOD ORDERS .NO RI 999 66 E I manyorganizetion, had put off picnics .:- and other social"'affairsbecause of the trouble anticipated in getting the licen- ses, The letter received here about the ]natter points out, however, that the restrictions in regard to food served must be observed, as these affairs, now come under the control of the Canada- Food Board, ) x •,� * a x. * e 14 r .s ar " H, W.. C. A., NOTES * 9} ie •:4 1 "k a4 4+ -& a al •t aa Supplies received for shipment to London the 19th of June, were as follows:— Varna Patriotic Society:— 23 pair of socks, 7 day shirts, 1 pyjama. Bayfield: -12 pair of socks, 2 -day shirts, 9 trench towels, 3 feather pillows and a quilt. . Unity Club --24 pair of socks. Bethany Society: -14 pail' of socks. Turner's Church: -26 pair of socks. London Road Society: -50 pair of socks, Clinton Women's Patriotic •Society, —44 pair of socks, 1 day shirt, 10 pyjamas, 20 sheets, 1 feather pillow, 20 hospital towels, 64 pillow slips, 96 handkerchiefs, To Our Own Boys Varna Society: -10 pair of socks _ and 5 clay shirts. Bayfield: -30 pair of socks and a , *55,00 mouth eatables. • Ordered Clothtltg 11 etc:Hange"ca1t0-te 41 ear •er .+=net —eGT�r�t�THtu T'-�ffie" y'TM�.,. Xnet eMnii2 Farmnar,;nr+R,mar MXVInn u.j' ` r Olaf*. r 4.N` thh ss The clothing we are showing was bought months ago and is priced accordingly for quick selling. The prices are a sound investment for anyone who expects to require a suit this year, or two, or three years .hence. PRICES ARE BOUND TO GO UP AT $15.00 Young men's Suits ot', -Grey Tweed, single breasted belted, patch pockets, cuff on grousers, sues 34 e i 5, to 38. Price AT $22.50 Men's suits of fancy worst- •ed,' three button sack, .good trimmings, well made, trous- ers with belt loops,'plain bottoms .or cuff t sizes 35 to 44 o99 +Kr) AT $2'0,00 Men's sits of a varietyof patterns b tweeds and wo,r-• steds, bench tailored trousers plain or cuff, sizes 35 $20 to44... AT $25.00 Men's suits of English worsted, in small ol3eck pat- 'tern, soft roll, sen 1.4tted 'back, ]lig range of patterns sizes 36 fo 46 $25 price .... , Men's Blue Suits, two or three -button sacks, plain back, semi -fitting or belted, $16.50 to $32 T'h� like Trish C1othin , ti�� Agent lar 0.0"i, 0! Telegraph Oo. A Square .Dead torr Feely Main .-•ai Fs. .� cra .r" K .11111 Given Doctor of Music Degree by Oxford While Prisoner, - in ' Ger- many.—Pursued Studies Lead- ing to Degree While Held in Ruhleben Canip. Friday's Daily Globe 'makes the fol- lowing reference fru Mr;` Ernest Mac- Millan, who is e nephew of Dr, and Mr S. Gunn, t, l:-- n , cwt University 'of Orford has conferr- ed high honor upojl. Mr: Ernest Mac- Millan, a •former. ''prudent ' of . the University of Toronto, ' who was I travelling in Gerumny at the out- break of the war and who has since been held in a German prison camp at Ruhleben, in awarding 'him the degree of • Doctor of Music, lit - formation of the granting of the de- gree was received by cable. Dr. MacMillan is a son of Rei', Alexan- der MacMillan, Toronto. The young student Was able, amid the' hard- shipi. of inhprisonlneet, to carry on and complete the course emitting him tel the Doctor` degree,, I Lr MncMilla 1 oulnnlenced his cor.rse at the Cniversit•r of 1orOntti in Modern History in lel 1, and at the completion of his third year went to Paris, where he uhdertook musical study. Best prior to the declaration •:+i war .he went to Bey - rout, Bavaria, to be present at the Wer r ;iii' 1 d ;vlustc i as held on parr:1J Nure 'err for some t11ne, gild 1 d5 later trtuhsferred to Ruhleben. •n tete. D'. MacMil- lan was grade eed with ,first class honors in ,modern history in the University of Toronto, anti informa- tion of this was sent to bink in Ger- litany. Won Many .Distinctions Many distinctions have been, won by the young .musician, prior to the last, which is the greatest in the British Empire. Ile ie note only twenty-four years of age, and ac- cording to the Message of a well- known English musician who had been his companion and tvho has been transferred to •a neutral coup-, try, Dr, MacMillan has made ex- traordinary strides both as a com- poser and as a conductor, and ven- tures the prediction that he will' achieve rare distinction In 1907 he was .medalist in Ad- • vanced Harmony in the University of Edinburgh, while but thirteen years of age, and Associate of the Royal Cotlege of Organists, London, : In January 1910, he became Fel- low of the Royal' oilege of Organ- ists, on which, occasion he gained the Cart Lefonlane prize awarded by the council to the candidate most distinguished ie all •fihe work theor- etical and practical, Throughout his Imprisonment he has prosecuted itis studies in mod- ern languages .and music. He has compoedl extensively, . prepared the orchestral parts. 'for musicians who had various_ musical instrttinents when they. were interned, and great happi-`' ness and heartening have been given thereby to the thousands of prisoners, 'Council will meet 'Cuesd'ay evening. Wal led w • A. F; & A. M, meets on Friday even- ing. l - .t,� '--� Patriotic ajrder3 Party 'Under auspices ,,of the, Girls' Auxiliary on the Rectory lawn on Thursday, June 27th. • Supper served from '5 to 7 p.m, Tickets 25c Band in attendamee for the even- ing. DON'T FAiL TO VJSrf THE MIDWAY Special attractions of which 'will be:— FORTUNE e:FORTUNE TELLING SHOOTING GALLERY SOAP BUBBLES SCENIC RAILWAY RINGING CANES FISH POND WEIGHING SCALES SKIPPING ROES ENVELOPE GUIDE and the biggest attraction of :all on the Midway will be the fam- ous KAZOO BAND There wvill also be a. BABY SHOW with ptizes for the best babies. DON'T FORGET THIS BIG EVENT June 27th inea 'pies aw Berries This will be the last Big Week for.,'Piifef5ples. Do bot• miss them for cunning,' flesh Canadian Berries cer- ing in daily, Canada Feod Board License No. 8-2495, , - a• ( 8 1.. { Y b E 't 01'111 X riAiiiMiwwwwwMovil Local News t Letters "Soaked" Several overseas letters received this week were water :soaked, showing that a submselne must have been busy for a short time„ Booze Going Back? Street talk 011 'Wednesday said that the liquor.whieh was seized at Seatorth from. Mr, Webber was to be returned as 6'arrister ;Bose. Was here WW1 the court papers. Nothing has appeared iii the Court news yet. Picture Presented A framed ;group of portraits of the 35 odicers of 16151 Heron Battalion hits been presented to Huron County and is‘hanging in Co, Clerk Holman'soltice, Goderich, The groupwas on view at Fair's bookstore dor selni+etinae, F edson Tractors Marc Tuesday of this week two FohdSon tractors , 1244-25, were delivered in town to Mrs, S. 13,' S'toth'ers, ,Dietrict Agricultural Representative, and are at the lord garage for a .taw days. These tractors ate Ptrclased by the ()Marie Government to help more produotioii' Mid were. supposed to be here 'smile three Weeks ago, 'These two are to be delivered' at Whlghait) and Senf+rtli, Apply to. All Who Serve Others Must produce Proof of Registration Than Family. -To be Enforced' to Secure Railway Soon. — Hours of Different! Tickets. Meals Have. Been Set. 1 Local 'railway ticket: offices were , notified last Friday from Ottawa not Recent regulations issued by the to sell railway tickets later than Satur- Canada , Food Board, automatically day,night to any persons unable to cancelling all former restrictions on produce registration certificates, Whe- meals, to be served at public eating trier all other points of 'enforce - house's, and, including t'such n n i thelist •Wren of the is{ntt i r act, as d n st of t o r a , SS places where ]Weals are served, a much , forbidding food in restaurants or wider field have been received by lodging inrooming-]louses or hotels Chief of Police Wheatley and will go ' will be similarly enforced from Satur- irtto effect shortly. 1 day does not yet appear, but any who While provision has been made for would travel will have to produce. extending over a wider score to in- ` The instructions to the railways elude private boarding houses, picnics, I would appear to indicate that the act lodge dinners and similar social events, ' is 16 be enforced rigorously from the smile amendments have been made said very start. will shortly be published iu The Canada • Gazette, which are +more lenient re- garding the restrictions on the serving of heats. No change has been made CANADA GOES ON WAR in tyre regulations governing the quan- , tity of bread and wheat products to I BREAD QOMINiON AY be served. Those Included By the order received by Chief , CORN, QATS, BARLEY, RICE, POTA- Wheatley, in addition to the public 1 TOES, ETC., MUST BE MIXED WITH eating houses formerly sffected by I WHITE OR 'STANDARD FLOUR -1 orders of the Canada Food Board, in 1 POUND TO NINE TILL JULY 15 the future all edicts issued • will apply, to club -rooms, private families where I THEN ONE POUND TO FOUR. boarders are kept, all boarding houses and schools and all individual members 1 of the family are served with ideals. I Ottawa, Janie 23. --Compulsory use Whereas all parts of pork carcasses were on the prohibited list under' houses andprivate households of sub- order 25, in future several different stitutes for heat flour are prescribed cuts will he exempted, including , tenderloins and spareribs, as cut by in an order' issued today by the Canada the packers. Beef and veal stews,' fond board. made of chucks, briskets, plates, flanks and leftovers, may now be sery- In marking this measure public, Mr, ed: at any midday meal. Thomson emphasized the absolute ne- BueakFnst, the middday meal and cessity for conserving our stock of supper will also :be determined on .a wheat, in order t85st we may share it diff t b tl f t The ry bakers, confectioner a, public eating eren ales may ,be served from de a ore. with our alliesoats, especially during the morning meal snant; next few months, when their food 5:30 until 10 .O'clock and the midday situation will be extremely difficult. meal from f 1:"a0 a, m., until a0 p. m., The order defines as substitutes foe same as hitherto, but the everting wheat flour "pure and wholesome, meal will now be limited to the hours i corn, . , barleyrice between 5:30 and 5:30 o'clock, as ' rye buckwheat, tapioca r potato compared with troy, 6 o'clock to 9 flour ; bran, shorts, oatmeal, rolled 'o'clock as ixaxerlo 1 oats, cornmeal cornstarch, hominy, Canada Food also da III in steal, i corn grits, rye or any mixture the future' will also apply to public : of soma and potatoes." entertainments, Lawn socials; public a Four pounds of potatoes will be lunclhecrans, dinners and picnics, .fairs, ' exhibitions and lodge, club or fraternal ,considered equivalent to nue pound of society meetings, where food, is sery-' the other substitutes, ed ; privanncnIn Effect July I • and picnicste, awdheresemi-primorevate thanlu15 heoper-s The order provides that on ,ru1d ;sons other than members of the fain- i after July 1, bakers, confectioners ily are served, will a{so come bladder and) public -eating places, in slaking the bas, I any bakery products in which the use of substitutes 111 certain definite Too much '"Production", proportions is not prescribed by pre While working In his garden Prhaci-'vious orders o1 tfhes foodstitboard, ust pal Bouck, of: the Clinton Model School use one pound.osubutes to every had the misfortune to sprain an ankle, nine pounds of standard wheat flour. and is going around at present. an crus_ 1 Similarly, persons baking for priv- ches. He -"leaves on Monday to teach ate consumption any product in which at the summer Model School at Brace- white or standard flour is used, roust bridge where he has been,for the ,past use not less than one pound of sub-. three years- i stitutes to every nine pounds of white er standard wheat flour, Seriously ill. 1 On and after July 15, this propor- Mr. George Wett who recently mmiv- tion, so far as places east of Port ed to town from Tuckersmitit Town- Arthur are concerned, must be increas- shipis at psrrsent in St, Joseph's hos- ed to one pound of substitutes to pita],, i_olidon, .seriousl•y i11, He went every four, poutids' of white or stand- ta the hospital for an operation and and flour, this was followed by'plfeumonia, Mrs, The . quantities of substitutes a - Watt was at this bedside, but has re- vailgble west Of Port, Arthur. are 11t turned home, as ]hope is. held out for present 100 uncertain to allow a date his recover•, being trained foralt decrease equal t0 that required for Eastern. Canada; but; Died at. Wi nipeg such increase will be made just as There passed away on Sunday, June so0'5 as the available supply of sub - 16th, at 1Vinehmg, Hugh Harley, of stitutes in Western 'Canada warrants. SwanFuneral 'River,took+haaee in frol{i hishis 72landte yeareelr,- denier Oln aslau<ly afterlegally July. 1.5 tlohes liposcensedshave Jn ess- dence'the following Wednesday. .De- ion for sale any wheat or s£andard ceased is euirvived by his wife (who is 1 flour, nuiess he also ,las at alt filves a•siker to Ar, Rutledge of Goderich) 4a sufficient stock of substitutes' to aitd an adult family, Mr, Harley was a , Meet the dornands of his customers at faithful worker in the Metho<list•church reasonable, Vis, fOr long ' years, Labe',' "Victory Bread" On and after July 15 every baker Hada Tumble must place on each loaf of bread Last Friday Herold >Laitgford, son a label or sticker bearing, his name of Councillor and Mrs, Bert 'Langford; and address and the words "Victory h1<i a'ttinxble of about eighteen feet Bread," The tatter explanation will opt of a 'tree at his. ]ionto, He fell ee a guarantee that the prescribed a- cro asked' about twelve feet from the mount of substitute for standard wheat g nand ah n got tg 1e res o • 1 flour required by the Canada Food way struck Bob Hudson which bloke' bos'd has beso' used iri making the the fel) considerable, He was' confuted loaf, ' Btaead which does 1101 bear 55014 to tine house for a 'day or so owing' to. label +51 sticker may be seized Mid for - bruises, but is, able; td, be out once ]Wore felted' 40 his majesty, In Queen Mary's Hospital The order makes it an offence for Dr, Thompson renewed,, Word arty person to sell or have iu itis p pOasesston any bread, rotiIs, pastry, tem his soldier son, Pte, Fred T n:p or• any otherproilict In'whjch velite SO4, is now, in, Queen Mary's' hospital or Standard' whoat flour is cited', which colt aiescing .frc'riri an eiperaliclih of stppandjcitis whicta' was pni'fotmed in. 7 ,'Vi7 hi ^ �r i Ma lath h u 1 ,.Ol- r�aceof, Y r,. .3 $leu 4as' taken ill in the tre.gches, Pte, Charlie 1S Still 111 :the. ircuehes, Fred's. Many friends will hope for it speedy i'ecofcry, docs foran''lo the requirements Of +let . i •',,,o+ b+iti.rd; The pedal0. for vlotatiot, , tui+' nely regulation Is 1 fiue.01 il. ,1c.;,, 1.',i1) i11QO and up to }'l1,00(4,, i 41i'Qntlient for a period 41 11.. .111, Oi' botlh fiufe amt 1151; yr fie George Elvans from 1387lie14 ::,Paha Sunday at his hotue; Mr, William Coats of Goderich, was a Sunday visitorin town, Capt, Doweling 'spentfew .dsryE due town during the past. wa'ek, Mr, William Forrester, of MlicWele was visited' in town last.week. Miss Owen of Southantptche 'i4 hrlva guest of Mrs. J. E. Hogg at the Maiwrv., 111r. and Mrs; J, McDonald, of Bern- sail, were in town ,on Tuesday :mane in'g, Mr, Whitesides, Co,, Constable: efe Hensall, was a visitor in town Reel eeCrieffk, Mr. Edgar, 1•lodges who has bereTee town has returned to his ]hone in ManeManew. Mrs, Veitch and children are spelcdd- ing a few weeks, with ,relatives :xty 'Cornith. Miss Whitley, of God'ehthdh, r'.wat 1hiis Pest of Miss McLeod, C. C .L,.teacls,., er on Monday, Mr, Bert Johnson : wlho has ;fleas teaching at Port Burwell is 'home San; a short vacation. Mr. Fred Forrester, G, T. R., agea•1f± at Dublin, was a visitor in town Mit Thursday evening, • Mr, and Mrs, George Hodges speed the week end with their parents ands friends at Moncrieff, Nliss Hattie Sutherland, of Hensel; was a visitor with Mrs, J. McGee -tee on •'Tuesday evening. Mrs, J, A. Sutter was a visitor ,neMa Mr, and Mrs. C. Sutter at Stea*1rrk"te. fors few days last week, Mr, Erskine S, Evans, who:has hetta working on a farm at Kencariline araant the week end at his home in town. Mrs. R, ,J, Cluff returned hymn from her visit at Hamilton, -ecc»w prudied by her;grandson, Bobs Phoeirize. Mrs, Dunbar d children bar :a u , of IOW a. West are visiting the former's payers, 1Nr, and Mrs, Geo ;Burnett, of tccme. Mr, and Mrs. F.LC. Elford. dein Ottawa, are visiting :in and rtreuent town. Mr, Elford expects . tc, teams West for the summer. Miss Margaret Schoen•hals is our eie the obliging clerks at W. D, Fareete store having recently resigned treere the Telephone office, Mrs, Wilfrid Pickett underwent txa operation at the Goderich I•lospits7 Ado week, Her many friends in toyer, aeIli hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs, E. ,1, Murray, of Toronie, 0 here attending the funeral of tllr• etete. Mrs, (Diet Thompson, The *three:n, a sister of Dr. Thompson, Mrs, (Rev.) Robinson, Mrs, A 1f; Holloway, Mrs, Rulnbail and Mrs, J X., Ford were at London for a fele bolas: list week. They went by auto, Dr. R. A, Thompson, Principal Bae . tete Hamilton Normal School, wste town to attend the funeral of Ms sistalr- ia-law, the late Mrs. C. W. 'fhonlpsuz:.. Reeve Neil Taylor and Mrs, Teelear of Blyth, accompanied by a wet ted • young people were le town on Them - day evening to attend the Band cog"- cert. Mr, Ray McConnell who was' fan man under the M. S. . A., and who Y.i9Se off a telephone pole in the spring, 3t; now attached to the Depot Company at Toronto, Mr, and hiss, Fred, Fluywouc'leltes Tuesday morning for Vancouver,ile, aloe They resided out there when Mr, Hes-• wood enlisted and went overseas, .mitt had to return on account of ill health. Rev, Fr, hiogan is attending ate 'meet nual retreat at Assumption c;ffiL° , Sandwich, Ont„ which opened' Montt:,.* and will last until' Saturday. Bishopp Schreenbs, of Toledo, Ohio,. will ,altar charge of the sermons and it steectioree, Mr, and Mrs. W. 1', a" itBF.4d.+'µ Bobcaygeon, Ont., announce 't'el'ly en- gagement of their daughter, Ro igdm e L, Boyd, to 'Capt. C. E. Dowding ere, Clinton, Ont. the marriage to take edam quietly at Bohcaygeon on Wednesdays:, June 26th. Principal C, D. Bouck leaves on Mee, - day for Bracebridge, where he -all. teach during the summer in rhe 1Vltidal School in that town, Miss Ethel wiili accompany hill as far as Toronto Lase will go on to Morrisburg and fromne to spend the summer vacation, Rev, H. M. Manning, who has leer some time been supplying the puipieede Eglinton Methodist church near Tun, onto, owing to the illness of the pasttsr_•, Rev. Dr, Rankin, has gone to Peterboraa to take charge of a church. M.r, Mate ning was for four years pastor of Wen - ley church, Clinton, but although mar on the superannuated list, he ,preleni, active work in preference to ittlensee. Mr, and Mrs, J. Moon and Mtastec Jack, Miss Edna Hoffman, Mrs. Moo4141 sister, and Mrs. T, `H, Cole (formevf?r of Londesboro) but now living in Tem" onto, all motored up (ram Toroa418 June 1611', 'hieSieing 1t Sebringviite, Stratfrd arid' Londesboro' relatives steel friends and on their return pa s±d through Clinton and called on * frw friends last Thursday and arrived, lite Toronto Friday evening, Juee 21st, Mil hard a Most enjoyable time and tihe a*111•t ]homes renewing old acquaintances. Rev. W. H. Wrighton, forme* pastor of the Goderich Baptist cltureet, and late pastor of Park clime*, Brantford, Ont„ is now settled fn Mel Solitherls States, He has become pas- tor tor• of the First Baptist church Oeal1l , Florida, a church of about' five hunch members, Hi a letter just to handeem mentioned the fact that a brotlu's"sef Mrs, Wrighton has been killed en et -VI - Mu in France, He enlisted 'in E4mime taocind, Albertatwocdii fn ldre1914, —Caanndsdiala leavesBspfas a ttEe Toronto, 1Vlov ny; , Mr. and Mrs, J, A, Irwin ntovedMe their hole on Cutlet • street last - Mr.:Percy Couch is moving this yell; to tile house vacated by Mt, Irwin, II/Jerrie/1 in London,' ' n Last Wed ie, s day at l•ondolt Rev. R. Genua, former rector of Si, Pant' Clime, Clinton, tied tite Matrimooiul Knot between Mr, J, 'L, Johnson, 14)0 of MTs, T. Johnson of town, in Yies Edith Pantie, of Port Bel'wetl, Heti: bride and groom are now visiting' lar Clinton,