HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-6-20, Page 6..)f•i;e7,411,1"`" ""'
Will Offer Those Who Care
To Come For Them
Their Choice Of A Few Dozen
All Linen Hemstitched Tablecloths
$5.75 EACH
The Above Mentioned Goods Were
Made In Great Britain
Dry Goods and
House truruishings
Phone 67. •
Next to Royal Bank
tem ememsswasenransmeeaturensuansocsszenrenansozentmomato
The L, 0, L., Scarlet Chapter will No-ricE TO Hydro Off
Custom, Tailoring
Men'e iFurnishings.
Phone 103,
OppositePublicLi brury
meet at S o'clock, ADVERTISERS
Quite a crowd attended the G
State Sale last Saturday,
The New Era has been notified by
the Canada Food Board at Ottawa that
fr all purveyors of food publishing ad-
vertisements in this newspaper must
..4...,,,es insert the number of their license in
The town was in darkness until
after ten o'clock on Tuesday evening
owing to a break in the hydro wires
sume where between here and Strat-
Annual Convention
L0y„01;fl1shoes” Aro On The Joh Lost At Seeferth
wohiee elefeeileoe ore, being flee Four rinks of Clinton bowlere ,were
ployed by the Governmeet tO loege at Seeforth on Wednesday and lost on
viOlatore oe the food regulations in the roads.
Canada, ••
Good Illoncert
The Kiltie Bandigave a good con-
cert Jae/ ThursdaY evening end a hig
I crowd wee down street, Sergt..
Welsh had a ()toy, evening , keeping
the 'roacl clear for traffic,
OflINiorth Trip'
Mr, Albert Mitchell left last week
for Sarnia where he took the boat for
Fort William from which city Ile Will
work around the Lake Superior 'Coast
line in the interests of the Lion Brand
CI i
oth ng, •
As a change has been made
,• Services
The local Lodge with'1 visiting bre-
there will attend Divine woeehip, on
Sunday aftermaths July 7th at 3 o'cloek
at 'Wesley' Church, , •
Severaeof the band hive are assist-
ing the 'S,eaforth band in their Siostlay
hand Concerts. and other elliRgefllellt,S,
The Seaforth boys return the obliga-
tion when called upon by the Kitties.
No. $. S. Lesson
by the
Auxilliary Plant • firm. we secure our Sunday Shoot !d-
ebit from, no lesson will he published
The Public Utilities Cononisson has until July 7th. We regret the absence
installed a gasoline engne, to be used of this special feature.
as an additional auxilliary in case of a ,,
fire should extra power be needed, ....fEcere to be Transferred.
or if hydro power le not available. Word has been received by Capt.
Superintendent Chant says he is now Scott and Lieut, Saunders, of the S. A.
ready for any emergency. forces to be prepared to move, The
young' ladies have been stationed here
A Close Call • a year lied have been doing good work
The young son of Mr, turd Mrs, Wit- both for the Army anid" Patriotic pur-
Ire& Farquhar got a hold of a prepara,. poses,
tion for rats on Tuesday afternoon and
Entrance Exams.
took a 'dose". The doctors •were
called and the young lad.is now gett- The Entrance exams, started on
ing along its good shape, , . Wednesday of this week. 'and continue
today and tomorrow. The exams yes -
Former 'Clinton Boy Honored - 'terday were composition and spelling,
Today -the papers are arithmetic and
Mr. John Torrance, bueiness »nina- literature and Friday grammar, writing
ger of the Lethbridge Herald, and son sna geography. There Is a fairly large
of Mr. and Mrs. John' Torrance of class writing. '
town, was elected Vice -President of -
ii,hieeetinAgibeorftaitiDeivcisaioniai .lellaArrilende.toiny Sturdweddingay.
sociation held in Toronto
Canadian thParesAsnaAusa-1
last week, home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Jarrott,
took place at the
Bass Season Opens '
The bass fishing season IS now was united in marriage to Mr, Welling.
Eginondvitle, on Saturday at high noon
, - when -their eldest daughter, Ivy Reita,
open, and reports of good n h, ;.,
-seine on Reid ,Cook, of Hamilton. The
conse from a majority of the favored htidal party entered the verandah to
waters. The related facts should be the strains. of the wedding march,
borne in mind by fishermen that It played by the bride's sister, Miss
is illegal to catch or. take bass of Verna Jarrott and took their places
less than six inches in length 1
atm under the arch of vines and orange
the law makes eight fish the limit blossoms the nuptial knot being tied
of any angler's catch for a single day. by Rev, George McKinley in the pres-
The Canadian Order of Foresters Among the effects of the late Miss looked charming in 1 gown of white
Antiques for Sale. ence of about fifty guests. The bride
each advertisement, as follows:
georgette crepe and carried a bou-
.. -.. holding .,.... ......... .........., - A. Id, Fowler, which will be offered for
Reline+ , mee""e , el sale on Saturday next, are a number
The Carload of Canada
• "Canada Food Board—License No.—'" 11.',,.0.140 '"F
Those under license asked to ab- "' this week. sir, M. Stoney quet of white roses, The groom's
is attending from Clinton. 'rhe sess- of articles of va/ue to anyone interested gale niece Ruth Vas Horne of Heis-
t' • 1'1 •• 1 ' . 1 '
stering silver spoons 135 years old, a
who was given away by her father
Cement has arrived at aur wgre- serve this notice are: Grocers, (whole- .`
ion opened on Wednesday and con- in An iques, among w lie I are severe
sale and retail), bakers, (manufactur-
couple left on the afternon train for
pieces of old silverware, ncluding some sale acted as flower girl. The happy
TERMS — Strictly Cash.
A. 3„ Hollow
mites a week,
mg and retail), manufacturers of
breakfast foods and cereals, millers, re- A Necessary Evil
tail butchers, fish dealers (wholesale
and retail), dealers in fresh fruits and Chief Wheatley has been busy and
vegetables (wholesale and retail). is still busy getting out the tax Met -
canners and packers ; ices for this year. The first payment
The food board earnestly requests due on Saturday, June 29th, .so every -
the fullest cooperation of those in- body who is a tax -payer is warned to
!crested in the observation of this pregared for the day,
reguleseion..Send in your number.
Therr rs
01 War
1 !.-..nne women have nevir realized
'the local lodge of A. F. and A. Mee the real horrors of war, until they
are invited Ip „liensall on Monday ' read'that they are required to state
nigh( their ages in the blanks on the regis-
trade's] cards on Saturday of this week,
WHY net have a photo taken of your family before the
boy is drafted in the army,
CHEER your soldier with the best news from home
Your Photograph,
Make the opportunity to -day.
We do Copying, Enlarging and
.Amateur Finishing.
Minor Locals
Punch ladle over 200 years old, two of confetti and good wishes.
sugate-tongs. very old, land a Cameo
brooch, also an old Engleh pia»o or Closing Recital.
spinet and numerous other articles of
recital given in London feet Thuredav
The London Advertiser, refets to the
Decoraton Service eveninge—Piano pupils of Miss Clete
Ford gave Ther closing recital. at Con -
Sunday afternoon Clinton I, 0. 0.
F., Lodge held their annual decoration servatory Hall, Thursday evenng, those
taking part being Misses Margaret
service at the Clinton Cemetery, The
-- Ovens, Dorothy Morgan, Barbara Daly,
procession started from the Lodge ee„ii mccsuge .3,
rooms headed by the Kittle Band. '"" and Elsie Parker.
Their various piano solos were rendered
The services at the 'Cemetery were w--- wth a style and finish that is not often
conducted by Messrs. J. A. Sutter,
and G. E. Hall, while Rev. J, A. Robin- heard at students' recitals. During the
soil, Past Grand Chaplain made an evening Miss Barbara Daly was pre.;
sentecl with a book, Mr. Willgoose,
appropriate address. Visiting members the principal, making the presentation.
Miss Daly secured the highest used: at
the mid -winter examinations, and has,
therefore, the honor of being a local
centre prizewinner. Mrs. May Rance -
McKinnon, reader, delighted the aud-
ience with her numbers. Whether tell-
ing the beautiful story of "The Littlest
Scout," or eying the child charaeter
sketch of "The School Concert," she
was just as much at ease mid just as
pleasing. Heti group of poems. were
also much appreciated, Miss Myrtl
Robinson, an advanced pupil of Mie
Belle Brave's, has an excellent soprfos
voice and ming with good expression
leer vocal numbers were all artistically
remeered and much enjoyed. Miss
Ford was a capable accompanist.
Toronto' and Ottawa amid a shower
First half of the taxes are due on were Isere from Seaforth, Brueefield
Saturday June 29th, and liens:ill. The graves decorated of
10 more days for the June bride.
Ivy The local branch of the United
PK Farmers of Ontario held. their semi-
monthly meeting last Thursday even-
"insolence" Not Tolerated
One cif the warnings recently is-
sued to motorists by the Deputy
Minister of Highways reads thus
Pertestrairis who have starred to
cross a street at a reasonable dis-
deceased members were:—
W. H. Simpson
11, Ker,
Il-larsC;a1Steep lo
Ri unter
on .
Thomas Leven
John Callender
James Biddlecombe.
Mb, Barge
Thomas Wheatley
Harvey Davis
Id, Dowzer
, rice lioin an approaching motor Was, Mennen
car have the right to proceed on Richard Stonehouse
their way at an Ordinary walk, and Thomas Walker
the motorist has ho right to compel A. 1-1, Manning
peciestrains to rush for safety bee the Win, Foster
insolent sounding of his horn. • Robert Newmarch
Jury Cases Cut Down Richard Heywood
John- Smith
From all parts of the Province '
Edward Grigg
come advices that the members of Thomas Jackson
the judiciary and the bar are accept- Isaac Rattenbury
ing the suggestion of the Attorney- D. B, Kennedy
General and traversing, as many pro. Wm. Mhlr
ceedings requiririg juries as is pos- 'Wm, Foster
sible without injustice or injury to
those concerned. The object is to Back from the Front,
avoid the taking from the work of The Stratford Herald of /Tuesday,
frotdhueoctsiotisi. at .present of the tillers makes the following reference of • the
arrival back from England of Lieut.
Howard 'Clod', son of Rev. and Mrs,
A Iltironlan Honored Cluff, of the Classic City, and well
At the recent annual meeting of the known to Clintontans:— he Canadians
Glissaders Manufacturers Aseociation Red Cross is the best organization and
St, Jude's Church, Roncesvalles
avenue, Toronto, was the scene of a
quiet war wedding Monday afternoon
When the marriage was • solemnized
by the Rev. J. Palesion•Roherts of
Norma Hazel, eldest daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. li Holroyd, . 6 Indian
trail, to Lieut, J.,C, Copp, C. A. M, C.,
M, 0, of Armour Heights,son of Mr.
and Mrs, J. Copp, of Clinton, Ont.
eee held in Montreal,
Mr, John S. Men). most useful of all associations' that Owing to the illness of the bride's
J11111 non, of the firmof ; F, McKinnon & have anything to 'do with this war" mother only -the iintnediete relatives
Co., Tor�uto, was elected second vice- said Lieut, Howard Cluff, Who returned
president, Mr. McKinnon was born home yesterday, after having been
iuu.Ellyth, Where' he was for years con -
White Footwear!
HIS season without a doubt, will be the season
We're shouting the Best White Shoes made'
of all Seasons for Wornen's White Footwear!
and we ask the attention of the women who
• enjoys weating Choice White Footwear of
Special Merit!
• White Boots !
White Oxfords!
White Pumps !'
Louis, Military or the New Lour Tread Walking Heels.
$1.75, $2.00, $5.00,and $4.00
Oast Shoo Service is always woman'we ;shoe VOW lattletre Diesietil I./We/gear* lotshing Fee[.
wounded, "They look after the men
netted With his father, the late D. 13, in every Poeseble way and. they certain -
McKinnon, in :business. The Can ly do feed you well so that you recover
mercial And industrial organization in Lieut. Cluff is looking well. His wound
khan Mahufacturer's Association is your strength as rapidly as possible. 1
the strongest and, most influmitial corn- cannot compliment them too highly,"
the Dominion, and it is rid small honor has left his left knee stiff and from his
to be elected 10 ' one orlii highest
ax -
line for the presidency later on, left • feet , several toes • have been an,-
- also, Lbirukt.enClufaffttilexer-
- c s' s - - - - ,
pIPCPue'itaotsnetdIt'shate in 'thee the foot Mu be all
OM e a it puree, istr. McKinnon in
,• right but is doubtful if the knee will
ee itekemeide• eeee, ever be supple again for half of the
WEAK Aim if tr(VU,1113 cal) is gone. He also lost some toes
off the jlght foot. "It's ell rot about
AFTER , . the Morale of the tr0oPs ,gone," Said
tient, Cluir.' "It is too. early yet to
sEmicus OPEIIIITION. talk aboat that for alther.side with the
Germans making the 'big push they
did:" Lieut. Gluff is quite confident
_ •
of the outcome of the War and says 11
jr any serious' operateen or slake the hetglits Where the British are now
nem, the nervous eYetem is generally left held there is 00 danger, for the north-
iu an extremely weakened conditim ,1 and ern defenies, whch were abondoned,
a degree of Iviiiburnee Heart WOW NfWrO were never any good. It is a matter of
J'illa will do more towards building it up Preventing the perillan centre frons ad-
thah anything eine. * ' VancissIi to join his WhIgs, ,lie sits{
AUBURN, June 17—Two popular
local young people were • married at
the home of' the bride's soother, Mrs,
5. YoungbInt, when her daughter
Margaret became the bride of John
Arthur. Rey, R. J, Ross, pastor of
Knox Church, • officiated, The bride
;wore her traveling suit of taupe silk,
and hat to Match, and Carried a
hodquet of American Beauty rases,
She was attended by her sister, MIs
Alma. Aftec. the ceremony Mr, and
Mrs. Arthur motored to Goderich and
took. the G, T, R. train for a, trip to
Niagara Falls, Toronto and London,
and on their return will . make , their
residence, In Auburn, .
Goderich, June 17,—A quiet wed-
ding Was soltionized at. the home of
Mr, and Mrs W111, Waiee, of the Bay-
field road,when their eldest, daughter,
Mice,- was united in tnarriage to 'John
F. Robinson, . of Brooklin Get The
Ttoad, Tofouto, Ont,:;,"writest "My wife here ancLirdking about the acteal fight- R. C. McDer
Mr. W. 3.11. Oration, 44 Dderenport There eno use 01 a man coming back earensony wnittid, peTrfhoetnbsreiddebytooRkeeva.
tnidevwent very tern)," opermeoi twee ing,' he said, "per you cannot see two eharmilig it a dress of brews' ',satin,
• Years ag0, After leerthie the ,Tdeoate, hundred yards from your own particit- draped with ninon and trimmed with
General Hospital oho reelh, a *Oak, here lar lthle and if , you get ,up to ,try and gold bettaX. Mier a dainty tun cheOn
vette condition, lanvnie ereedltuneenine I mac more it will likely be the end df the young couple left for , their new
naedieines, from whiekel o,reeeived Yo,ur seeing anything.' • trecauhe h
se of tome at Brophlia, Om bride : traVell-
tiCally satiefget,10, ;domed try pre of ate wounde, Lieut. tittff wre ing 111 5. suit of. navy broadcloth.
1kfilburn's Mart anotNCrk Pills, g Ohl 'WV; kept 111 England for ver Y long, He • * '51 0u'
trolcarsedtosaythattlacy proverl-eerr lass wbundett on the hinth of March ' STONE,÷411.0.SON
pst.efaclarry, 131uaalejsts id ate welt, mad and spent only a fewv, weeks in Biwa:land. • seetorth, June eauerriege
eoei whole .pitysical condition improved Ile just Inissed a big air 1'45(1 °Vet LOW. nf Miss Susie Hudson, to Allan Leory
wontlogfully, hl,.,1),y kept a box doe as he left few days before it•took afone, operator et the P.,..etation
• hit the itotlea,land fired them very estiefol glace. be Weir voyage over the ship here, took ,place at the hauteof the
101.cases rwervousness; sleeplessness and travehed 4,d06 milts tai escepe the bricle's mother in "Eginiendville
fintigele." „ „ „ sublearines, Lieist, Cluff reports that afternoon, Rev,' Mn, mel.oau offitiMed,
.1 414i/burn's mad Nerve Nits are 81$ Neither, Rex. (16114.)Fe
, is ifs ance doth bride end groom ere popolitte the
„ .
u0e,a, box at all dettla4 or malted direst, • Haynie gone over witde . he was- ' hr. former being a trusted elllPloYee .or
. ,
ott reedipt of Rice ,by The. L 4i1ltii f Bugitowd, wae in good health Mid ihe W. E. Sanford, Clothing Company
Co,videtited Toronto Ont • ••
.saiti. that wouida't atlas being in here, They left on lbw aftertou tram'
„ low," said Lieut. OW, - • for a short wedding to Moutreal,
Thursda y, Joie 201:11: 1918
Meets eVerY reqUirentent a interior decoration
meets it effectively, . •
• Are frequently proud of their rooms and delight
more in their homes.
• Are reileved in not a few cases at the price
prised at the effect.
Happy in having satisfied customers, pleasant and
profitable business.
na stw-
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often the eheapest—Always the ese
A Tested Lens --
An Accurate Shutter--
Sitnple Operation........,.
All these are assured when you purchase aKodalk
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from MOO up. Come In and let us show you
how easy they are to use,
—We do developing and printing and guarantee good results—.
Vameasu smezenceir
4.T. :EL :E-1071"M*Y"
Despensing Chemist
The Features t 01.1r
To which we Melte special attendee's
51-1' 115 beauty, its atteured comfort, '
solid cow,s1 Inctiou, end its below the
usual prices. Any 0150 01 there point*.
neuld be euffielent to earn it your
pi a ferenee, When they are all coro.-
105,,t1 we feel sore you will realms
ilott t his IS It firoli ere buy Me °ppm,
:nutty you cannot eiford co ignore,
Iinotertater and Fattier:0 Director. Phone 210.
Night anti Sunday Palls answered at Residence over store
N'T 1-S
This opportunity to secure a sup-
ply of our Quality Blend Tea at the old
Popular Price,' 1
Our Quality Blend Teas are kept
uniform by expert Blenders and we
were fortunate to secure a supply be- •
fore the war tax was added. Which we
offer to you—the benefit of our buying
for a limited time.
Black or Mixed, Soc ped tb, Sibs
for • $2.25
Black or Mixed, 60c per tb, 5 tbs
for $2.76
Black or mixed, 70c per lb, 5 Zs
Canadian Food Courtel Retail Grocer Lioense Number 8-7243
Phone 111
Li E T us install a COAL OIL
HEATER in connection with your
bathroom. Enough hot water for
a bath in 20 minutes for the small
smo I CENT.
Call and get prices on Heaters.
Phone 53
Agent for HECLA Furritscve;
Shop—o' Rosalind's Hardware
d And Fittings Alwayst
Phone Promptly Attended to '
I The Corner. Grocery -
,up.TATEitwintepenostsedpoorn pToe:wiss4P.uts prissy
Having irad w go0B stinek e.
we will sell at the old prices o
limited timei--
50e, 60c, and 66, centa per pelma
' Black or Missal f
Not more than ten pounds 'to' one
E.. E flunniford
Canadian Food' Control Lico.s
No. 8-3123. •
• ,enioNr, 44
Butter 35t to 37
,Eggs 3et to 35
'dogs $17.2S
Wheld $2,10
Cate 65e to 70
I .4ewrives
. Peas ...,••PliV•• vi•Vaif itv'Us $2.50
Brim ,,, ,, c t40 Arrives
Shorts 44 fro/4“...441,40,.. :$4,5%,(10 ArtiVee
1 -lay /MOO
Barley 141.40 to Ilt'Sq • Arrives 1
deekswheet +1,S $1,4010 $1,40 Arrives
NEW Scittpuu
Tedrow from, Eat.
1.1.10 Le wee 1 e,16
MS powLealres, 6,45 It.ct
14.46 p.m Y4javes IP t•'\5014
ketito Waal!
4.1g kat: :.E4 at
ZS& p,tn, Leaves' paw.
Tracts Atom North
7.13 eau. Leaves 7 54 4.1W
4,1 g p,m, Leaves 4 111 ilmta
Tintins kern &with
0.30 5,10. Loaves 11.11 05.
6,40 pan. heaVeS 5.40 pare