HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-6-20, Page 2Arlin 2
Y day i � , Always
ion Day�i�U�'�V" � New
o C
rse r. s
Read ! Heedr
We have just .learnedthat the begion-
ing of July 1st, next. there is to, be *an ,.in-
crease in the price of, some "NEMO" Cor-
set's. We have not yet been notified which
"NEMO" models • will: be affected nor
how much the increase will be, but we
want our "NEMO" customers to .take ad-
vantage of this advanced information.
We have put a large stock of all the
_ popular "NEMO" models and are prepay-
N°322 ed to fill your wants, no matter how ex-
tensive they may be.
The Last
° as
1l Foy.
Ladieseo ts
We^put on sale Saturday every
Ladies and Misses Suits and Coats
at. big Reductions. This will be
Tour last chance to buy an all -
wool Suit or Coat at these prices.
w Eine.;
'1'1lllrsdav, .Lupe 2.Uth, '191 8
Mr. John Miller, of Flarriston,' is the
est of his brother-in-law, Mr, George
Manley, •
Turner's Church will hold the an -
meta dower service next Sunday after -
mum, when the pastor Rev. J. A.
hila i ew will preach. This. church was
Oat, of the first churches in the country
Peri ohld this yearly service,
The Registration places for Saturday
r',a $,. Nos,. 2; 3; 4; 5 8; 9; 10,
Rev, Eric Anderson, son of Rev,
a Anderson, has been appointed by
flit conference to the Bayfield cir-
ezaef, and will assume duties July t,
'Fhe Registration place for Saturday
ieftl be at the town.hale
There was no services in St, And=
uew's on Sunday last owing- to dis-
(seasation of Sacrament at Bethany,
George 'Castle who has recently been
allied by the M.S.A. visited here last
week end.
It is reported that Fred Watson, who
Was recently married' to Miss McDou-
yrdtl is taken 'from iris home by the M,
t A, and his young wife will be obliged
.a continue the farm work,
f$rs. Spackman who was so danger
out* Tl is slowly recovering. •
*hi Spackman who has been called
Wet* M. S. A. was home on leave for
tilbree days at the first of the week and
made good use of 11is time by securing
Ma bean thrashing outfits ,from Mr.
't0iirtsat,5on's farm and cleaned up three
iners• nthreshing jobs on the Sauble line
and was in time to report at Toronto'
:League meets next Tttesday night at
tike hotne of Mr. John McKnight's.
Mr, George Layton 'lied a horse cut
rut a wire fence this week.
dire; Isaac' Doddsof town was Nisi -
deg on the Road this week,
• The Knitting Bee 011 Thursday after-
aeon at' Miss Lane's.
Stott Davidson Inas a months' leave
f*bin: military service.
Justtt another week to. secure your
dIcllea fon the pictures, now seen at
li'ar's boos stare, where the tickets are
for sate..
t'dr • Davidson had a narrow escape,
rtrt veek. She bad been in to Clinton,
;w& while going it^tne at the Londono
A number from, Zurich and vicinity
were in London to :attend the eeleb tae
liars held there in eonection with t
visit of the Duke of Devonshire, Gov- 1
ernor Geuerat of Canada,
Mr, and Mrs, Jos, Foster, Jr., of
Babylon line, attended the funeral of
the latter's father, Mr, Yost, held at
Kinde,Mich, ache the'Police
Complaint has reaached
Trustees that some auto drivers
greatly exceed the speed limit when
passing through the village.
Miss Wattle Hill, of St, Joseph's
Hospital, spent a few days at her
home last week,
Our police trustees have purchased
a supply of oil for our streets,
Miss Clara Heist has accepted a poli
tion in Feist Bros, store.
Mrs. A. Zwick.er and daughter of
Edmonton, Alta , visited relatives here
last week,
Rev. Baker attended the Conference
at Wialkerville last week,
Mrs. M. Guenther and children, of
Kitchener, visited relatives here dur-
ing the past week. '
!toad br dee a, team of horses coming
behind started to rat l away and one of
the horses jumped 'into the buggy.
Mrs. Davidson escaped unhurt, but the
buggy was badly broken up.
Mrs. Wittinghainl has been on the
sick list for the past couple of weeks.
The funeral of the late Frederick
0, Waldron was held on Friday after-
noon and the services were conducted
by Rev, J. A. Agnew, pastor of the de
ceased. The pallbearers were Messrs.
Geo. Layton, l' Lane, W, Falconer, W.
Stanbury. Interment was made atthe
Clinton cemetery. Deceased was born
in Stanley Township and was the second
son -of the late Thomas Waldron. Fie
was in ill -health for the past two years
or so:
�^ Personal and other'
of t F i 1IIistrict
itespf interesttttJ�L New Era representatives.
Pte, George Jacgnes has been sev-
erely gassed and as a result has lost
his speech. He i$ a Fortner White-'
.church boy and was forsome time'
barbering at Swenson's barber shop..
His wife,' formerly Miss Mamie Cart-
wright, and little daughter reside in
C, L, Brown, • M, A:, Principal of
the .Wingltain Collegiate Institute' has
been appointed. Principal of tate Sar -
t nia Collegiate' Institute,
A large number of Indians were
l hef:e Saturday under Chief .Root from
day will. be the School houses. at see-
' tions, No, 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; 10; 11,
Pollee Magistrate Andrews 0 G n -
ton; has'. handed out his ,.decision in
the case ;against Thomas Coulter, of
Blyth, for being intoxicated and impose
ed a fate of $10 and costs. This case
has been in the court since last Febrtt-
ary, and had been adjourned 15
times for various reasons. The
cost will be• considerable; pwiug to
these adjournments,
A pretty high -noon wedding took
place Saturday. in KitcheneF at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs, B. F.
Stumpf, when their daughter, Miss
Theodosia Beatrice, was married to
Rev, Harold J. Bentley, . of Graven -
burst. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. W. R. Osborne, a brother-in-
law of the groom. The bride was at-
tended by her sister, Miss Marjory
Stumpf, of New Hamburg, and the
groom by Mr. Harold Jeffries, of 'To-
ronto. After a honey -moon trip to
Muskoka Rev and Mrs. Bentley will
take up their residence at Walton,
where Mr, Bentley will be the new
Methodist minister.
Minor Locals
This spring has furnished the best
corn weather in twenty - years, so it
is claimed,
Ontario motorists may now drive
in 26 states in the American' Union
wthout paying any extra, license fee;
There tv111 be another Canadian
Victory loan- next fall, probably in Oc-
tober or November.
•The Government has fixed Sunday,
,June' 3D, as a day of National humilia-
tion aid prayer for the success of the
Hon. G. '0Robertson, Labor rep -
r esentativ4,
in ;the Gom-
a ran to a nt.
stated in -the
House of
that an ar-
r a gement.
had been,
c otn pleted,
by the Unit-
ed States de-'
pertinent'' of
Labor and
the Caneditn.
Depart nteut.
of Innmigta-
Hon,G.Robertson t;,,,, 'anti : cel
onization for the interchange Of
farm' laborers, Several .thousand have
etready entered ,the Canadian. West
under this arrangement. '
The Registration places for Saturday
will be at S, S. No, 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7;
6; 9; 12; U5; Separate 2.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kilbride and Miss
Irene Collins, of Strathroy, were visit-
ors with Mr, and Mrs. J, Shanahan, jr.,
over Sunday. Mrs. Kilbride is a sister
of the hostess,
Send 1n, the news. The New Era
would like a few more live correspon-
dents in this Township.
Mr, Henry Glen, is home for a week
from the London Camp,
Miss Gertrude Marshall, of Walton,
spent last week as the guest of her
friend Miss Margaret Adams.
Miss Verna Graves, who
spending some time with
in Detroit, has returned to
Mrs, Chapman, of Goderich st., left
for Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, where
she will spend the summer.
Mr. W, Smithers, of Montreal, is
visiting friends i n this
Mrs. Purcell, of Seaforth, was in
Birchwood -visiting isitin relative s
Mrs. Kitchen, of Exeter, is a visitor
at the home of her brother, Mr, Ro-
bert Bell.
Mr. C. L. Willis, editor of the Stet -
ter, Alberta, and two children were
here visiting his mother, Mrs, R, Wil-
Mr. A, J. Sproat of Carrington,
North Dakota. Was here visiting rela-
Mrs. W. E. Holt, of New York is a
guest at the home of her parents
Colonel and Mrs, A. Wilson.
Mr, .1. F. Ross, Principal of the Col-
legiate, was in Wingham this week,
presiding at the examinations.
The Presbyterian Manse was the
scene of a quiet but pretty wedding
on Saturday afternoon, when Miss
Edna E. Troyer, youngest daughter of
Mrs, Sarah: Troyer, North Main street;,
was united In marriage to Mr, Sydney
Gemmell, son of Mr, and Mrs. James.
Gemmel/ of Tuckersmith. The cete-•
mono was 'performed by Rev. F. 11.
Larkin, D. D„ in the presence of ar
few of the. immediate relatives, The.
happy couple left on the 3.20 train for
Toronto and Paris. The bride trav-
elled in a suit of sand colored gabar-
dine. with. hat
abardine'with.hat to march,' On' their re-
turn they will reside on their fine farm
lin Trrckeismi'th,'
Many friends here will be pleased
to learn that Principal George
F, Rogers, of the, London 'Collegiate
Institute, has'been atppointed inspec-
tor of Higln•Schools in Ontario•by the
Board of Education, Before going' to,
North Bay: and later to Lond'oh, Mx,
Rogers occupied the position+ of Prin-
cipal of the Seeforth Collegiate insti-
tute for thirteen years Mr. ' Rogers.
is a prominent educationist and the
appointanent is a well merited tribute
to his els/My,
Mrs, 'Titoshpson, of Pern, Mich., it;
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs;
Miss 'Alvin Inas resigned her -posi-
tion on, the Collegiate; staff, and left
for her home Iii 'Burlitsrgton.
Relieve Your Liver.
When your liver is out of order, your head, stomach;
bile and bowels suffer with it That is why a bilious
attack is often serious. Ward it off with a few`dosesof
which • gently arouse a sluggish liver,' and renew the activities ase
itecsseaty t0 ,good health. They :never produce any :disagreeable
sfter.efiectt. Their prompt use Is betteftcial to the syssytem,(ja�nd will
Prevent Bilious y t4 N`9w'
Vtldttill hat tatoo/ea an oto
.:. „attc id,'ee trines atMat
,, a:
Inas been
her sister
her home
Andrew Porter was appointed to the Helrsatl, where they have been work -I
position of Collegiate institute Trus- in6 in; the sugar beet fields. They
The Goderich Baptist- ChurchNee i urdTiy he night.
directors :theThe fair will
. prize list:-
tee,y Ireaelie4 thelr home, Sungreen Sat-
extended a.call to Rev, N. R McLeod ors of thea Winghant Fait
of Mount' Forest. I Fair met in the town hall and revised
Mrs. Campbell has received word be held on October 8 and 9.
td Ma'or Herbert • •
!Campbell, has again reported for
that her husht
t J
duty and is now attached to the 4th
Reserve Battalion, Major, Camp-
bell has been in the hospital since
last November, when,' as the result of
an accident in which several officers
were hurt and one than was killed,',
he sustained serious injury to his
ankle. Although ' still lame,, Major
Campbell hopes ,to be in France this
One of the best programs of sport
ever seen here will be arranged for on
Dominion Day. Some -of the best
steeds in Western Ontario are expect-
ed to compete in. the .races, for which
generous purses will be offered. The
Clinton base hall team will meet, the.
locals in a game which should be an
interesting feature,
Another Goderich veteran returned
from the front in the person of Nor.
man McPhail. He went overseas with
the 161st Battalion and was wounded
in France. The mayor - and a large
number of prominent men of the
town, with autos and cabs decorated
with flags, were at the station this
morning, to give him an enthusiastic
welcome, but owing to his modesty
he left the train before it reached
Goderich and thus missed the wel-
come. He came in unanounced on the
on the evening train.
Mr. Elvin Raithby who lots been at
Norwich cow testing under the
direction of the Holstein Breeder's
Association returned home last Satur-
About two hundred dollars was
realized from the Red Cross concert
IVlonday evening and the weather was
favorable and the hall was filled to
Q.ulte a number from here attended'
the Temperance Convention held in
Clinton ort Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W, 11, Farrow of
Auburn, Ont., announce- the engage-
meat of their eldest daughter, Mar-
garet M:, to Mr, Harvey Treleaven,
son of Mr and Mrs S F Treleaven,
The corner store of the new St.
David's Presbyterlan''Cltu•eh, • which
started as,e mission int eogtieetlon with.
Westininister;Ghproh 'f'oi•Qntp,• was
raid Saturday' efte,t neon ,.The congre-
gation numbers about 100, What
makes it interesting .to this ,section in
the' fact that Rev, .Charles A, Mus
tart!, son of••Mr:t Alex. ,Mustard, is the
, Mrs, McMillen And sister, Miss Mc-
Intosh of
eIntosit.of Perth 'Co visited•4t the home
of Mrs. Broadfoot i tst week.
Rev, Mr. McConnel,'of llensell preach-
ed in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day evening.
•Don't forget to come to the straw •
berry festival that, is to be held on
Tuesday, June 25, on the lawn', of Mrs,'
J. • G, Steepe,-'Con, ' 9, under the
auspices of the Young Ladies Patriotic
Society. -
Pte.. Percy. Gliddon, who was. ' in,
the Military Hospital at London, is
hone ,for a holiday, • ,
Mr, Louis Tebbutt and Win„ Bede
our, of Goderich, Tp., motored down
to Courtright, and spent a few days
with the latter's parents, land other
Goderich du
Mrs, Fred .Ford was in Goder I
in the week,
Haying has already commenced and
by next week the farmers will be busy
at it,'
Mrs. George Crooks went to Gode-
rich and underwent an operation for
appendicitis in the hospital there on.
The annversary services held on
Sunday by the Bethany church, was a
grand success. The Rev, Mr, Smith
of Ltican, preached two very able ser-
mons, the church being crowded. Miss
Mclvor sang a solo at both morning,
and evening services, which everybody
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDougall and
family, accompanied by Mrs. Robibsotr
and Mrs. Emmerson motored up to
Clematis on 'Tuesday td visit friends
this week,
Miss Flossie Harrison is visiting at her
brothers, Mr, Albert Harrison,
Mn. Henry lvison and family visit-
ed over Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. Sterl-
ing McPhail's,
Reeve Lobb and Miss Lulu took in
the Greyhound Excursion last week.
The Ebenezer Methodist church will
hold a Garden Party at the homeof Mr,
and Mrs, John Tebbutt, on Friday even-
ing of this week, June 21st. There
will be a musical and literary program
besides a supper.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Haggue and' Mr, and
Mrs. Jos, Haggue, of Preston and Mr
and Mrs, Souder and children, were
visitors with Mr and Mrs,.John Teb
butt and other friends. The visitor
Pte, Scott 'Davidson has been given
a mouths' leave of absesce, to work on
Mrs..MeGilvary and child, and sister
Miss Nicholson, of North Bruce, are
etsiting at the home of their sister, Mrs.
McIntosh at the Manse.'
Joe. Payne and wife of 'Kansas are
the guests of. their sister, Mrs, John
Kaiser. They carne from Kansas in an
automobile, taking 8 days for the trip.
Mr. Payne is a native of this place, his
parents moving South.many-years ago.
Sydney Gemmell was married on
Saturday to Miss Troyer ,gf,Seaforth.
His friends in our midst extend hearty
Th Registration places for Saturday
The g
S,S,Nos. 1;3;4N 5; 7; 9; 10; 13; 14;
U1 Drysdale; town hall, Varna,
Mrs Pearson is visiting friends at
Mrs, Bryant,'of 'l'oronto, who is visit
ing her brother, John McCowan•, has
returned home. She has a son, Pte.
James Bryant,, returned from the front
, invalided, while another son Pte. Johan
has worn the khaki for three years, and
is now but 19 years old, He spent a
year in England' and two in France.
Peter McDougall and family and Mrs,
Stun, Emerson sire visiting at "Kincardine
this wtek,
•MISsEdmunsou, of Holmes -Ale spent
Sunday et Charles McPhail's,
of Dungannon, the marriage to, take are cousins of Mrs. Tebbutt,
• Mrs, Robertson, of Detroit, is visit-
ipg,in' the neighborhood. -
Flatvey and Lilian Potter spent Sun -
(ley, at Winghant, -
Miss Minnie Joliitson was called
home, on Monday from Trowbridge
owing to:the illness of her mother.
0, W. Potter is spending a few days
in Toronto being Sent as a delegate at
tire. mutual session of the C. O. F.
Mr. A. Sloan and wife of Winghatn
end Captain Sloan and wife spent Sun-
day et John Torrances', ' - • „ -
Mr. lvison and daughter and Mrs.
Brownleeand son of Kippen, visited at
''Sterling McPhaiVs on' Sunday, -
HOW to. make a creamy beauty lotion
for a few cents:
'The juice of two fresh lemons strained
; into 5, bottle containing three ounces of
' orchard whito makes a whole quarter'
1 pint of the most remarkable lemon skin
• beautifier at about the cost one must.
pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold
creams. Care should he taken to. strain
the lemon juice through a fine cloth so
i no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion.
Iwill keep freak for months. Every
woman knows that lemon juice is used
' to bleach and remove such blemishes as
1 freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal akin• eoftencr, whitener and
1 beautifier,
Just try its Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drag store and
- I tivo•lemens from the grocer and make• up
s e quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant
lemon, lotion and massage it tinily- tanto.
. n and: ha�ada,
lace' about the middle of June, The Registration boot s r au tee, teem, meek, ems, M v ^
Mrs. Henry lvison has returned -
home after spending.a pleasant week
with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) McKtlt-
lion, in Woodham,
Mr: and Mrs; J, J. O'Brien, of Huron -
dale, were visiting in the home of
Mr, and Mrs. - W. H. Johnston- last
Mr, and Mrs. Verne Terryberry, of
Turner's, Tuckersmith, were the
guests of Mrs.' Terryberry's parent's,
Mr, and Mrs, James McClymont last
week. He left on Thursday to join
the colors in London. •
i ode -
Dr: and Mrs. Aitken were n G
rich last Thursday. In the early part
of the week they were in London at
the Assembly,
The Rev. John Hart, of Brucefield,
was in our village calling on friends,
one day last week. His many freinds.
here are always glad to greet him.
Miss Marjory McIvor was a welcome
visitor here this week.
All were pleased to see Mrs„ (Rev.)
Richardson on Sunday. She is here
visiting her mother, Mrs.. Andrew Belt,,
Sr., and other friend:.
Miss Hawkins, of Exeter, is spend-
ing a pleasant visit with her friends,
Mrs. Johnston.
M'rs, Albert Taylor is returning -to:
London this week after spending two,
weeks with her mother-in-law, Mrs,
Geo. Taylor.
Dr. Mary Johnston left on Monday
for Moorefield to take Dr. tails En's,
practice for a. short lane,
The Presbyterians are holding a
picnic Friday afternoon of this week
in Mr. Jarrott's grove,
•The Patriotic Society purpose hold-
ing, a lawn. social and concert, Titers•
day evening June 27th. Supper will
be served from 6 t'o 8 o'clock, The
concert will commence at 8:30 and
will consist of a musical rehearsal,
given by Miss Foss and her pupils and
readings by Misses Shaddick and Ellis
and Mrs. Love, of Hensall. An ad-
dress wilt also be given by the Rev:
A. R, Garrett, a returned' soldier; Ad-
mission 50 cents for adults and 35
cents. for children.
Mt. •Froward Flartry, of London, was
with' his pare its, Mr, and Mrs. William
Harfry, over the -'week- rite
Mrs. G F. •.Rogers and daughter
Alice. of ' London, spent Sunday with
her patents, Mr, and Mrs,`i', Stephens
at the'Queed's Hotel,
Mr, A, K. Chrittenden'left on Mon-
day foe Fort Saskatchewan.
' Mies Kate Costate has returned from.
'Winona. '
Mr. 6, Mote was iu• Niagara its cOn
nection with tine hydro
Mr. J, A. Wilson i5 spending ' tris
vacation 'in •Piattsville
Mr, and Mrs, Miller, of Brantford
are visitors at the llonie of Mr, aed '
Mrs Stiles,' Godefiell street,
• Miss Bessie McMichael ,spent Satin -
day with ,friends in Stratford,
copf--•-I1(1L1)R1) i f). At St, ;lucie'a
( hutch, Roncesvailes evened, on+Mon-
day June 17, 1918, by ti esRev, J,•.P.
'Pulestoi Roberts, Noam.1 `Flare(, eld-
t et daughter of Mr aid Mea H floid-
royd, 6 Indian Trail; Toronto,,, e to
Ife,It,r 1, C. tope 0 •A, Son ; 0.. M;O,
it'll' Ar J.oiCopp,off'Clintoiipf Out, sli•
"More Miles Per Gallon"
" More Miles on Tires"
5.1Pesarnger Car .. $1045
Roadster i , ,,', 1045
5:7.3fiss. with eali-
Vileather Top . 1200
5 -ass, Bcdatt. .. —1670
6'i'nss 'l'own Car.. 1670
Atllpriconf, a:Ir. Wisrdsere Ont.
Wire; wbeota rstular ectetpnet t
wflni Cedar and 'fawn Car
Perhaps you have observed that we seldom feature
any one . detail of design or construction in a
Maxwell Motor Car.
There is a reason for that.
In a product where excellence is uniform, there 18
no Opportunity—no temptation-'toemphasize any
one feature, to the exclusion of others.
Today' there are more than 250,000 cars of this
same model in use. -
For dive years it has been manufactured in prac -
-tidally its present forma.
If there ever was a weak lirlk in .the chain, it was
long sixnee strengtt ened.
But there Wasn't—Trona the first this proved 'to be a •
wonderfully reliable, e'wep'b1onally economical and.
altogether a most satisfactory automobile.
Special features are all right..
It permissible, of course, to emphasize any
tage a
car ma y possess over its rivals.
But in the case of this M well we feel, the strong-
est thing vv -e can say is, that it is dust as good at one
point; as at another—good all over and all through.
In a word, featureless ----a standardized, dependable
motor car.
You an'' go wrong when you select a Maxwell
oto:t" Gar for yours,
250,000 0thS,7l C;u1t'eftii buyer, aimd experienced motor-
aw 14v 'endorse your judgment