HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-6-13, Page 6zeis
Will Offer Those Who Care
To Come For '"he
Their Choice Of A Fewozen
All Linen Hemstitched Tablecloths
$5.75 EACH
The Above Mentioned Goods Were
Made In Great Britain
Dry Goods and ,
kTouse S+'urtiishtugs
'.'hone 87.
Next to Royal Hants
%Nusszswessessassucesusantemeseesz ,masa=__nra,san uctenue=- _.
Mose Bushes Lost new rose bushes this spring which they
'A considerable number of Clinton- Huron Boys Back
had ordered through 'local agencies, Among the Soldiers who returned
lens who were, expecting to put out have been disappointed, Submarines from overseas last Friday were two
Custom .Tailoring
Men' d'tunisitings,
Phone 183:
Opp osit oPuhl tcLi braxy
ocal CWS
AiR nlc at Aytrner; , Bcnrniller and 'Port Albert
° :This week Messrs, W. Jackson, J, t'Aet' Offices To Close
wisetmson Were at R. Sha pUsn dind Fredi ]Jowl- I We understand. that after July let
itis tourney. They stayed in uu(11:tile the rt milfihescat Bertutillar and Port
fourth round, • Albert will be elog0d,
Will Play Doubte-Header, ItFrprovemeirts
Ithe Clinton Ixasepali lean; will plaqMr; Ralph Tiplady has had. a new
at doable header on the est of July. A shingled,eir, roof put' having )tis dw..ee g,
morning •game will:, be playesi In Gade- fid• ion(haru isie a ,cenlecYt
riot land' the afternoon'. genie will be foundation W, under his- house,
played iii 13lyth. Mr, W, S. DOw11s is having a garage
built at his posse,
® Will Sing at Ontario Si.Clsurclx
!i'; Same Old 'frisk
Mr, R, 5, Poster, of•Toroiito 'VP' Marauders are at the same old trick
sip, a solo at the ntoriin; service 11 in the town ofrobbing and destroying
Ontario St. Methodist church on Sue- private flower beds in town. It is. re.
day next, Mr, Foster WAS Is manY ported that garden 'stuff has also
years s 8 very active and Valued member been lifted, and in oue gardenit has
'I will beof ttdelightedato hear hitlismixsge nods been repeated the third Year,
Dccora#ion Service Geta ,His Discharge
The Militia Order of District No, 1,
'I Clinton Lodge, No • 83, 1 0, 0, F,, contained the followings -1-,. Major
will hold, their annual Decoration ser-. John W. Shaw, 0, A. M. C is struck
I vice on Sunday afternoon at 2,30. The off the strength of the C. E P:, in
• Kiltie Bawd will assist at the service. Canada, being surplus in rank, and re-
Mensbers of the adjoining lodges are turns 10 the active unit to which Ile
! e$pected to. be ,present. formerly belonged,
Passed Final Exam. Pictures In Paper
in flit: list oil 'successful medical The evening Free Press, of London,
l students while pnssed their final exam- on Monday, had several pictures of
r) inaction, we see the name of Dr, J. the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire
Cl treifce 1Copp, On of Mr. and Mrs. who visited the Forest City, and a-
1 Jos, Copp of town. The Dr, is now tnohg them was a picture of the twin
.the Medica] Ofticerof the Air Force daughters, (Marion and Eleanor) of
abundance of the motor fuel; but the Mr. Wilbur Manning, formerly of Cline
Toronto. ton, who presented corsagesofsweet
Have You Helped, heart roses to Ladies Dorothy and
Blanche Cavendish, 05 behalf of the
got in their work and •t Couple of Huron Boys:—
thousand hushes went into the trine, Pte, L, J. Huller, Clinton
They. were shipped from Ireland. 1 Ne. P- D; Buchanan, ilensall
M Local
:nor oaa s Purchased Property
I Two is only one by the new Day-, Mr, Lorne Murch has disposed of cis and otiicers of Ontario Street Sun-
light Saving Act. his house on Ontario street to Mr, day school presented Mr, George A.
We expect a carload of Canada tut down your living expenses by R. J. Gibbings of Tuckersmitii and Bradshaw with ;t gold -headed engraved
redoing the store news, has purchased Mr, T, Shipley's house umbrella and a letted showing their
There is a shortage of news print. , pr'o,ertytrtwilllieet, The not take placeY wni lyof the •
appreciation for what he had done while
The situation Can he relievedby the property
p in •their midst as superintendent of the
daily papers cutting out poser head- Sunday School.
The W. C, T. U, close their trinket school children. You' can't keep
campaign thts week. The ladies ask Cllntonians from the spot light,
that any brass or plated -ware be left at
the store of Mr, llellyar. Those wish- Huron County Temperance
ing to have them called for will they Convention, June ,181h, 1918,
please notify Mrs, Chas. Wallis, Re- Prohibition" workers are to 'meet
member this is the last week, for their ,Annual Convention in Wesley
Church, Clinton, Tuesday, June 18th,
' Everyone at the C. C. I. is busy these There will be two sessions morn -
days as it will not be long now before ing and afternoon, the morning session
the Departnleutal examinations will be- commencing at nine o'clock,
gin. There will likely be changes in Rev, E. G. Powell,. of London Jos -
the staff next year. Mr, Graham,• the eph Gibson; of Ingersoll and T, L.
cadet instructor intends to enlist, ltanniten of Listowel, will give ad -
Presentation to Mr. G. A. Bradshaw, dresses in additon to several of the
C, G. I, News.
As a mark of their esteem and ap- County clergymen and laymen.
Important items concerning 'the fu-
ture plans. of the Alliance are to he dis-
cussed, and the Convention promises to
be very interesting
Ml- churches and Temperance organ
'rations are asked to send Delegates.
preciation for past services the teach -
Cement about the end of this
tugs, red ink and all big type, Alt such
ntai:allege is a waste, and shnuid be
stopped in war times, The weeklies
•-ah save much paper by cutting off de-
linquent subscribers and feee copies, the 1 own tattler's, tis last year just more recently of Bracehridge, has sold
Can It Be True Sold Out,
Does 'arvia draw the rain ? • les! Mr. • W. J, Tozer, a former well-
) not safe to discuss this question with ' known business matt of 'Clinton, but
A rough estimate of the number of
aster the 'ramie was put on the 'streets out. Before irning int(' business at all
TERMS — Strictly Cash. men to be summoned to the colors we had a heavy rain storm, and during, Mr. 'corer was a popular commercial
by the new order -in -council drafting fhe past week it has rained consider-' traveller, and he Inas decided to go
I of i9 years was made at London mysable t However the Tuella has had to back on the road, and will probably
Way by the deputy registrar's office. It is clrs up this year. as the days were i1tuve his fa'uily to Toronto.
PFIONE 3ry exl ctcrl .to product between 5.000 Can't Send Parcels to U. S. Soldiers I The semi-annual Co. L. 0, L. lodge
and d,0oo soldiers in this `new class. g
Postmaster Scott is our authority for' was held in Clinton on Wednesday of
this week, with a pretty fair attendance
the statement that it is contrary to; The lodge decided to do ail in their
regulations to send parcels to United power to make the 1211) a success at
stales soldiers, without the permission Hensall. The delegation from the
of the commanding officer of the bat-; Southern town were:—Reeve t3. C.
talion, and this authorization has to' Petty, T. Hemphill, L, Clark and John
be attached to the parcel. This is the Berry,
restriction the U, S. Government hue:
seen fit to impose. jAnnual District Meeting,
On Monday, June 17th, i
Band Coucert fo-night, weather• per- stittttes of West Huron will be held at
milting, i Dungannon. The members of that
ronsilitis`has been bothering a num branch are ntakltig elaborate arrange-
bcr of popple, meets for the entertainment of up -
Co, Court opened on Tuesday 0.1 wards of ,100 delegates who are ex -
before the docket,Diekson, There' pected•froum all parts of the district,
are `six eases on the all to be rile meeting will be held at the Agri-
trled without a Jury, 1 cultural Bail and all interested 'in In -
The farmer and the fine growing alituie work are` cordially invited to
weather ipake a combination that 15 attend the sessons, which will be full
helping mightily to ensure the inti -1 of ieterest,,.profit and instruction, A
mate victory of the Allies, lady speaker from Toronto will be
Woman's Institute' Meetings present to give an address.
A series of summer meetings will Wins Gold Medal
be held at the following places and ie a typewriting test held en 'foes-
dates, all meetings opening at 2 day, Jute 4th, at School of Commerce,
o'clock in the tfternoon — under the supervision of Mr.. V. J.
Kfutail Hall, Wednesday, June 12tH, Wright, Manager of . the Educational
St, Helens, Thursday, June 13th.. Depau,ttueet of the Remington 'Type-
St, Augustine, at Mrs, W. IrleAllis- writing Company and his assistant,
teris Home,. Friday, June t+lth. Mr. Clendshnning, Miss Marjorie Uti-
Duig:nton, Oddfellows' Hall, Mon- inxu a student oP the, school was suc-
day, June 17th, cessfui in winning"the Got¢ Medal: A
Goderich, Tuesday, Jene 18th, student to obteiin this iriedal ,is re-
Loodesboro,' Wednesday, ,lune 19th quired tie ws•i'te fpr' ten uijt Utes ,at a
Blyth, Oddfellow's Hall, Thursday, net speed pfi'S5; ivords lard not' more
June 20th, than him eKrprc.•. Miss jllnistn's net
Wingllattt. council chambers, Mon- speed was 64 ivords and her paper had
ciao June 3441, p p
o Hollo
r4 V4,
stated that Western Onarto will be hot when it was applied to the roads, i 12th et July et Hensall.
WHY. not have a photo taken of your family before the
boy is drafted in the army:
CHEER your soldier with the best- news from home
ur Photograph.
ake the opportunity to -day.
e ' do Copying, Enlarging and
Amateur Finishing.
HIS season without a doubt, will be the season.
We're showing the Best White Shoes made
of all Seasons for Women's W+I ite Footwear!
and we ask the attention of the women who `
enjoys wearing Choice White Footwear of,,
ecial•Merit!' {rat •{ `
White Boots
White Oxfords !
.Louis, Military or the New Low ' tree..ii�� 'Nils lkin Hee s.. ,
'COS, $2.010,. $3,00 tern i 4..Ob .
ttr Shoe Service as. /Always pa;,txis4taitictu�g' and etre/it iafFulnszt.
We Shoe will have weRif'Driresse.d liaisaaa ' ' h old rti
e f �+ Feat;
G . &'I O E IMi A N ,y;
Minor Localstile Annual
District Meeting of the Women's - In-
will be addressed •uy only 3 ,errors. •Several '1'or•onto
school; alive' cotitpetett'for, this medal
Miss,. Gertrude Gray, Of 'rcironto' a beet •as et' i 0115'0! their stridents ]cave,
graduate •in Domestic Science with t ) 1
wide experience in Institute work. beet, sued esfuf Mics UlLnan is tuber
h' 11 i t i t d h Cess
She is a most sktiifel -der onstratlnn t n cot, ra u a e , Orr er enc.
lecturer grid her talks on ftibds acid lu1d wee the School of, Cginmerce.
• •
fobd values .are genetical, theeresting Old Huron Boy Worked Nev,eIScheme
and easily. understood by •Ibose,:who to Boost War Chest in U. S,
have not givein:such matters any spec-
NI study, Her subjects +' wjlt be: from tire ,,epfingfieid, .Chin, .paper,
Home Defeoce, . Wtmat Wouteu "re we take tile following wlticli'inetas re-
Do%i1g," "Solite Canadian War Nrob- Terence to a:brotherrof Major, Dr. Shaw
,lentsj'1 ,"The .thdivedt1aleaitd the Com- of town:— Mnn"y Utn'iin, the ' Saturday,
;nluutty," 'Are, we giving , Ou'seleme a crowds awl o, had. not already placed
Square Dea1:t their eigttetures on War Chest pledge,
i cards dld.;so Saturday as the result of
t$�S�p 't clever &'Lunt. of•tea4n No. 2 of the re-:
niuc'lkier il5 . SAC twit employes divrsa(1n; . headed by 'F.d-.
gar Il Burgoyne, J. ,i' Keller, jr, and
FLOATING Jle[71ntt@
Colin C >Shaw, of the Edward Wren
F��lher G"66�,akn,�4ia+e� company. A', table find drat, were plec-.
ed et the mine eetranee to the. store,
with pet, nth, blanks arid bit110us,, and
OT51 CIJRtI]' Ifi$r. members of the tette Were on guard
alt. day soliciting from the passing.
P�83$1i4 @It 'Llixiimert PILLS. crowds A large sig'n.with white hack
•ground an cl red and:bltietattering read',.
Friends and Patrons -•-Tire, War Chest
Bracy stitnulAte the ejtiggieh liver coo:lrtifiteu has hunt up an ,organization
orblrnes lt(b�fInereaching,o tongue, est eitn ,the irr'
itle Purpose
graw. (
14) every Y
elenndiuuy all Wese p,.wiCi1,u•ankdCu;nttycaSronne,; 'S11).11111
tnate5lrclnuChico, u , etci., ray be missed }verlo 4
Rstwell ae euraalsirl11' 5551 Work of recording, r1
a d1.00, dofed.,nondrtnou. of cthe atoi i,aelh,
r t heldvbeeeelte,
7 ,:
n, i"' l
.T sn t j:
i c p J.'lteliPltli ,.`ntr ilei'.
irr td l'1. '4t!iti9,
On Prescription 'Only.
Patent medicine remedies for yen•
ereal diseases, unless on the pre-
scription of a physician. may °not be
sold by druggists in Ontario after
July 1, This is in effect the state-
ment of Hon, W. D. McPherson, pro-
vincial secretary, in explaining the Act
for the regulation of yedereal diseases
which was passed at the last session of
the Legislature. "Only legally quali-
fied medical practitioners are permitted
to attend patients or prescribe drugs,
medicines and appliahces for allevi-
ating or curing the disease," said Mr.
McPherson. Any person else at-
tempting to do so may subject them-
selves to • a penalty of from 8100 to
$500, Prescriptions are then filled by
chemists and druggists in- the' usual
Are they Stamped?
Many citizens of Clinton are very
much interesred in the rise in the
price of matches that went into ef-
fect in some of the stores on June est,
The government, regulations regarding
the ,halter are that all matches that
were in stock on May est, 1918 are not
not subject to the new tax. All bal-
ance of this stock on hand, however,
oil' July •t, will be subject to the tax,
If the box, of matches offered for sale
bears the government stamp the mene
cl1afrt must charge the extra tax. This
is' one cent for every hundred matches:
or fraction thereof: if before the first
of July the extra tax is levied without
the box bearing the government stamp,,
it is a case of the merchant doing it at
his own discretion. These stamps will
be available at the Inland Revenue 0ff1-
ce after July' 1.
Sun's Eciipse Not Seen
Here—Sky Beclouded
'There was •disap.poiintmeut Ft 01111 -
ton on. Saturday. nigh¢' ateodg those
15110 anticipated an opportuhity 10 wit,
Hess .the. partial eclipse of the sun.
The phenomenon should have been
visible from about 6.20, but at th
hour the sky was 'overcast, .and r
mained.beclouded °until the period •
'obstruction was 'past. `file eclip
vas. observed' in roronto ' where we
thee conditions were- more favorabl�l
and—thousands of ana,tteu• astronotniers
with snioked glass and 'telescopes
were one.to witness the hiding, of the
'sun behind the moon's shadow;. Prof,
K. L, 'Ch1nt; of • the university Of
Toronto, brot'h'er•al •H, B.,iih•tbt, of
town, left- for' Matheson, Colorado,''
,which was in' the path of hlte total'
eclipse, .to make observations .far the
Royal Astronomical Society, ,of Css-
ada, while at the 'Meteorologicol' Ob-
servatory, Eloor Street, 'accurate re-
cords. were made,
E'T us install a'1QAL OIL
HEATER in connection volP4l your
bathroom. Enough hint water t'
a bath in' 20 minutee for the small
sutn of . 1 CENT.
Call and get' prices on Heaters:
Thursday, Julie,
VV v
eels every requirernernt of interior decor
Bets at effectiv'gly.
e frequently proud of their rooms and delight
m re in their homes.
Are relieved in not a few cases at the price and:
pristad at the effect.
A N<O,W,
Happy' in having satisfied customers, pleasant ,and
profitable business.
he,W. o Fair ..
Oft1n thQ'(�lhea est xtryatle fles¢
• A' `Tested,Len$..--
An Accurate Shutter—
Simple Operation--
peration -•
Good' Pictures--
All these are astsured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures:with aKodak or Brownie. We
have thein from 11:00 up.' Come in and let us show you
how easy they 'are to use.
. --We do developing and printing and guarantee good results.
Despensing Chemist
year ecce e:&gr emeereeer caunetS ecein reneaeseem; ;.s<,'y'atSu•••.,
e,sumunmeanm,aa .r_re=rev ,T,,,,
' ltd IFeaI ttoreg eV Our
tinY tt 1i5
To which we invite $, pedal attention
ane its beauty, its assured comfort, its
solid cobstruetien, and lis below the
114441.11 prices. Any on,, of these points
would 110 altillcient to earn it your
pm'efetv4cr01'. When they are all' coin•
tined we feel sure you Drill revlima,
that this is a furniture buying oppox•
tunny you cannot tilford to ignore,
1140, IR R
lin 11e•rtalccr anti Fitncrstl I:Director. I°lioetr, 9441.
Night anti Rnn/la)' Calls answered at, i :siders- e1 over stere
Everybody has his or her likes or.
dislikes, but most people enjoy Corn
Flakes. Our stock is fresh and crispy
Try"uQme with your Next order, Look
over this list of Breakfast roods:
Do and after June tet, 1918, we+
respectfully , ask our Patrons and
friends to adhere strictly to 2 -week
:setueinent of their accounts, by doing
so enables us to buy to,better advant-
age for your benefit:
Respectfully Yours,
Canadien Food Corirtol Retail Grocer License Number 8-7241
Pdiene 3,11
13 �,
1'hone!?romptl! Attended to
tieevr Inrten*ion . Rotai,rr 'tl4upture
Without Knife, Dung., or l?i;in,.
Ole-tashtoned• galling, sitpping. trusses had
Orel tun ur
S alt deriu 'the s
g I ai ate f as away With
Uy lire wehiic}rfnr hivcntioh of a. OaualgSle,
spoeNitt VIkci AAA' d VAted yens to this tare,
ettedy fetidentreelettta lieS5,Sgait "til1Ra'fkllSr''
gt'vos iestal)tie55 tuba; text sand beonrlty;an)trtl
otlters.)tovc•talad, Ipprevosteiltlirritetlon,
50S1Ares isvtii'y, 4irirG u> X0,0 naturli),lxrBy1llou'a.
oi, .beep solicited, CiU l iiS relate, t Adbrn»M11..11.u,taliaSil shI.stile.-Lrmes tire:.
fi. ,y v t..t tertlwnaway,.•3tgkn't ecuratrns" lainteee 41
Taft -folic service 1iy. giving ynt; 1' n r. 1 td'aa i@tntGUkketa.aloso tilc rpeninglntho,,,,,,
,� fi� � W
nletlge Anter iia yfcret Fen. inti rt F parents �Dicks3� Dorn ill t l Nd J rid
1, 121 ,ytiilt .[ dnnborlbde.oat SSiBr1rUL.lti9lnatprlLlrotehttVa
F v
ost tiro i 6 n i
terc-andIr n t utir,an ' ' .�
11» i ar.ttidn Rd' ut.
g S l I.. J a.
ir:', i'p1YfaJ1.dQUt "Citbtiitlfrn3als.frdti n t�btunahil
caM `
the 'Tent>er }y
{i it`16ni` 6t fair t w: ,s. N
9 t rh ,i$�9.tfo-,, tl,,@, ; ' '-liltlthdF :xt"odhfs iS t`�'rdaili ' ' :f ,.
... . , t _ Y .,, �mn;rir tr''u . • _ . y tar • ng.ts_lfvdsthgr:ce,,
t . alltptlli cs Sittkn f i,v.;7' Pilil and;-'.Vio'' : ie isc ' , , I Y , . „ , x v r ":"1:
, pnl8 Yk.mar+ t0,danxr4;iurt ow is trio aims to
: , .,+ , • , r{ , i,: , r ,ti i.,. rtt { .tag irOJi! n' ,i;n7t r !'. r; . . �,j axttynursAit. 719stdali +fitfd+G. ort drill �w rk:
+., yCi t.. t ,eg . a,•n ,,." Y , t' 5r q
••••The t0tlti, Antouttf'','tftku'ati i t � t3f.�1i bf�dtsit�rltp hoW �l1db hxtlrifihETat'r
1Vi 4tt04i cr oleo need diet• r'i : •
} I t he, Lauiirtt4tpr7 Wilbur f ot401 bJ<. ,:
'ed.) nr - � r s,.'. d K>gaQNSP iiL1, ,'lyJis Vt$Ix`rtliA'Yb'Wbd:
tl 1 Ql o life eyes, .1lzey eniPtl.iur 'street, a barefoot ' iirtrsbo, bels r •b
i i 11 0 neaps tl � and b'tA 111
n,ft,r having tleke1 ftitti"viitls.': We fiveJ'teilts a'iitontlt`And put li.,:., than rbain;I,h 9, 'inittttroxmee.#c"t'tir�
+are cons fendlien, o l: 'first . t ,toalft, Not , Stec :. r "•
p them al i st a ment'in i
e l eumd,
lrvol'tiptli114s,'.;; ' ta$ Debating Society, coiner t, rl , :
;, ttoifh;t ttesen'`s Hotel. June 19
V4itl4tnt's Taxa-f,ivdf :?ilia gee -Bee ()red hoys,,subscribed $30 'to bt; paid " Gt.,'erlelt, Bedford Hotel. Juice 20
D4 07 l JrliAlls tfI11{I5+':trrtn1411151 aired oft out: 0f their combined earnings this C�'Ltlf'PON lttaAtenb5lx House i
col iP alr1,i'Me by f'11s 41', ilfiftsorll.cre,, sunimer> Subscribers generally ex. friday" I(ltll day; and night:)
Litaitetly J'orflnlo, m46. " Ilressed pleasure at the opportunity : 1' day only, ---JUN>; 2'lst
given theltl of doing their duty,
Thos« td ,wk.rn .
I''.11o1ue I+ 43:f3
Agent tor' HECLA Furnacea
Alilokn•,r7ry4'r 1ttUurtan l'g itarcdware
tri Ido Andt.
f ilii B .#Ir i
1 salr v a s r►
�" 1
The Corner Grocery-
rocery"LIVE NCH ' LIVE"
7A f imposed cin; 'Teas loots pri'
up. RI'l -.dents per pound;
Il :frig 1154 1,'sbod 'cs rk oe ' hand
we 111 sell at the old: prices for a
01, 80a, and 65' cents per pound
Black ot• Milted
1,1t more than ten pounds 'to
tJ'CTER and E,C'rGS W \.NrrE:L1
Ca .i "t �A3• „
Ca i I! 1` .?6 `1t8
fid' i�t�t ,"'B o
tq '� l`
� iC ,
'No, 3>12S.
elA .40
t.fi i�gY �4 4 4
l�ia�'1w.B„ ar.�,tfgi;
G L 1ttiro2y 1VX11 4f`,?�
13 t
u ter ,..,.+ .,... 38 to. .40
Eggs , . , .. : ,.. .34..-_38 Arrfv
tlr•egs • ., a $t i1.5 .Arniv
Wheat . , , . .$2,,0to 2.15
oats.. , , , , . , , . .. .75. ACI iV
Pea . , $2,0 Atriv
Bran ., ,� 454(1 Arf;ly
Shoe t5 , , 845.00 Arniv
Hay ., .$10.to;411j
sS !
t lIt1`: '.' ,:ryes ux15,M441,
l , 1t vca+ t i:it ,iasis.
7 h t
6. is .t.t;'; ":s 6.18'4�rrrr
2e,18 hi+r.,•' • ,'5,)c:: /.78 l :i
447',: :iVes 4.13g1tm
ft tied :, lrntlx
ise ley a r . , . $1.40 to 1, 4;5 Arrives 10,30 8,11) r ayes 11,11 Stud,
Buckwheat , $1.40 to $1,60 Anilwea 6,40 11,11' tvea 6.40 p.tn, `<-