HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-6-13, Page 5vnC;E •..-e'n NEWEDDINOS A 11Vdding Present is just 'Ole different from any gift. There is u sentiment' attached to. it; that remains for a life time. Those, who are going to make the JUNE BRIDE, the happiest girl in the world, will like to feel that their gift has (hirable quality, and in- tt'insic merit, as well as the seentiraent of remembrance. Those who choose their Rifts from us are sure of ob- taining the quality that en - lures. We have CUT GLASS, CHINA, SILVER PLATED. WARE, . CLOCKS, ETC.. Inspect our stock before buy- ing. W. I. ILE:LVAM Jeweler and Optician' -Issuer of Marriage Licenses - W.O.W. HEAD CAMP C HOLDS ANNUAL AL CONVENTION ;Reports are Grat'ifiing:-=Oeder's Finances Show.anilncrease 't f $8,000 in Assets in Year. Nothing' better can bo made JUNE ' SESSI'ON. OF CO COUNCIL EHE CLINTON NEW ERA. Lag neer, Talbot said lit Middlesex County they were seeking to have u road from London to Wtnds011 one. to Sarnia, one to Stratford, ou4 to !Unlit.. ism inti this road to God'elteh and cl>utineed on through St. 1'tlolnus to Port Stanley made Provincial high- ways aL¢ le each case had to get the co—operation of the counties through 2hiehthe toads woald rue, The 1:ttlron CountY'Council aogitimso- ed with the request of the deputation And, decided to join with the Middle - eel; deputation,- Mr. eput ttion,`Mr. Talbot and the other men on the deputation were elven a vote of thanks -by'the Ctruiteii; After the deputation withdrew, the Council '. Adjourned to the hall down- stairs where the Warden unveiled the Memorial tablet 'erected in memory of the late Dr: Holmes The Warden paid a tribute to' the worth of the late Treasurer, and in doing honor to hint the county was' honoring itself. The inscription on the tablet reads as fol- lows ;— In Memory Of DR. W. J. R. HOLMES DIED OCT, .14TH, 1917 Aged 76 Years ',Treasurer of the County of Huron For Thirty' -Three Years ., On returning to the Council chamber addresses appreciative of the late comity treasurer were made by Mr. Wm. Lane and others; ' Wednesday afternoon there was a large delegation from various • points in the county to ask for a grant of $32.$0p to they, M. C. A. A. M. Rob- erison, M, A, introduced the deputa- tion,'; and. Mr. Eland, campaign 0rgtuli.- .zer'for Western Ontario, Major Best, 11 '0 M. C. A., officer returned from the front, Major Shaw, of Clinton, A. H. Musgrove, of Winghanl, and F. W. Gladmail, of 'Exeter, addressed the Council, • Ensign Martin, of London, addressed .the Council asking for a grant to the. Salvation Army Rescue Monte in. Lon- don, and Messrs. Jos, Kidd and J. L. Kilioran presented a claim for eon- sideration for the Canadian Army Hut and.Tent Association conducted large- ly by the Knights of Columbus. Motions to grant $33,000.t9 the Y. M. C. A., $1,500 to' the S. A. resue home and $3,000 to the Knights of Co- lumbus were sent -to. the executive committee, Its y, J1Jn :i itis, CAPT, HFSS1AN RETURNS to CANADA Among the 001881'). who are r c ported to be returning to Toronto is Capt, Hetlry Arthur hessian, it tor'iner Clinton boy, wlto now resides +t I do sroi street, 7 otttlis Cape l l c sHi.tt Grants Made to Y.M,C.A., Knights .of Columbus •,land Salvation Army--Deputalkion . From the County of Middlesex, advocates' Provincial . Highway from Lon- don to Goderich,` At the Ju,ie session of the County Council at Godertcit' , last ''week the Councillors made several generous grants among them being $24,000 to the Y. M. C. A,, 7,000. to the Salva - The twenty-fifth -annual convention •,nf head camp of tbe Woodmen of the 'World opened last Wednesday after- -700015 fter-- 00015 in London. Many delegates from • Canada and the United -States were ,.present. After the regular opening of the ses- sion an address of welcome was given by his worship Mayor 0. R. Somer- •vitla, on behalf of the citizens of London. Tbe 'reports of the officers showed the order to be in;,a most gratifying ;position_ The assets thcreased $8,000 • enuring the year of 1917 wile this year shows a- greater increase than the ;previous year. The report•.'given by l,,ctnary Dr. Frank"S'lndenson; of To ionto, was not satisfactory:_ The delegates in .the evening were ken for an automobile trip around he city, leaving trio Woodmen build - g at 7 o'clock. They proceeded to ringbank Park, where'a,band concert ;as given by the 7th Band. A' patri- eic and Woodmen address` was 'also Ivan in Springbank pavilion by Greed, SIevg, Fraser, of Omaha, Hon 'Army Rescue 'Home at Condon ; and $2,000 to the Knights 91 Columbus for overseas' woek among the soldiers. .Among the communications laid; be- fore the Council was one. front the County.of Welland enclosing'Copy of a resolution passed by that county council memorializing the Legislature' to change the• act so that townships could collect anywhere from $1 to $5 in Commutation of statute labor' in- stead of only 81,50 -as at present piec- ing the townships on the sante basis as cities, town and ' villages el11 this respect. The Welland county council asked co-op erationin this matte. 'Wentworth county counell is op- posedposed to the Daylight Saving nteasut:e, as they 81501eit is a serious handicap to Agriculture, and ask the council of Huron county to co-operate In', op - :position to the Act, • A cheque for $3,5.18.05 has' been' re- celved from the Government . as -tlte .proportion coining to the bounty of road work Hone under the Good Roads, system from July 1917 to December last. Tile County of Perth want this county to co-operate in petitioning the Government to amend the Homestead Regulations, increasing the fees to '81, an acre to settlers from Allied coun- tries, $2 en acre to settlersfroth neute ral countfies,and $3 to Aliens aid that these be .required to take the oath of. allegiance, • ' From M. G, Cameron, K. C making a. claim for damages of $500 on beh:ilf of Rev, E. L. Williams and his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Williams, of Godlericll the result of an accident on the Bay- field rued an April 25th, when the horse they were driving fell into a hole' in the 5ljddIa of the road and both were itjUred, It seems that a culvert had fallen in and no light had been placed:on the spot. • From .the city council, of,Toronto, seeking.co-operation in petitioning the llouliil!4rin 2'iovei•nment for a vete at the next general election 6n the ques- tion of the' abolition of the Senate. FIT. tis; the .Ontaaio slunieipel ASSocia tion, utviting'tlie cOuncl tteeeeffillate with, tse.Association and' :ko• pay%itbe, aims l• membership •fee of to Fr sb;the•-consist} toad•-, sttperentefi '- dent Iglr D Pat#'erson,tnotosllg the ed oe else allow the charge of nns- eshu ales tor riled inurk'as senf'in by .ninfc rmatioti to lie at its own doorstep. the (various' minor muntcipalitiet. $99,340 Surplus. The balance sheet far'De.ceml7er 31,. •1957. shows that after a . specel ' re- serve of $30,000 had been set aside (for war risks, and other contingencies theca .is still a surplus of $99,340.83. 'The delegates are well pleased with .eh.e financial condition of the order. AloseessostmemmAsommomme l�-- 1 News �al+�Ca io. •e rtsaaaaar••••s••••r•aS• d ; O. F., High Court The High Court' of the Canadian -Order of Foresters will be held' in Tor - ,onto next week end M.- Hanley, Chief .Jiaftger will represent Clinton Lodge. ,.Are You The Blocker. ? If you can think of anything. that .anis be done to beautify or'build : up, it town, go to:it, Keep your oapital home ; patronize home industries 1 merchants so they can set' a+alp •your t Y '1 tjJ ,t cheaper;. always get your' wark done 18n q0 4rw1i 108' ?' if possible ; sib :scribe aunt patty 101 ribene..papers, don't teal dr borrow tide reading tf them: you ,follow these seg,gestitme, Ind sur' town does not improve and d ,up, it willnot. be your fault Try ANOTHER PROMISE NOT KEPT Deaths ;r 1 MADGi - in, Stalll4y "1 oWus1'1)1, on Sunday, ,hula 9th Welter Madge, aged, 72 years, 2 months end 14 days, ' la'AR'1,.=121 Stanley, on June 6, A. McClinohy,• wife of William Mart, SIMPSON, .lu Brticefield oe .Jute 9 Annie Turner; relict 91 the Pete Thomas Simpson„ aged 86Years WALDRON, le Stanley fov nsltip 011'Wedncsday, lune 1^ Frederick C, 'V✓tiliiron, aged 51 yeas, 1 nto111ch and 7G dttys, ,, Expositor) (Brantford The London Free Press accuses The Expositor of lack of informa- tion•and want of faintness in stating that one of the promises which Sir Robert Borden hes not carried out is that of.. • placing his cabinet on a 'fifty-fifty basis. It declares that the line-up i$.4nine . to nine, with Hon, Mr,'Robertson, the Labor representa- tive, not counted on either side, and that the Liberals, hold the more im- portant fortfolios. The Expositor inay be inaccurate, but as it under- stands the composition of the cab- inet, ,according to party leanings, it is as .follows: - Conservatives=Sir. R, L, Borden, Sir. George' E. Foster, Hon, Arthur Meigheen, 'Sir Thomas White, Hon. Dr. J. D. Reid,', lion. Pr Blondin, C,.- J, Doherty, - lion, A. E. Kemp; I•lon, J. A; Lougheed, lion. T' W,•Crothers, Hon. F. Cochrane, and -'01051•De: 3 Robertson. -12. Liberals -Hon, N. W Rowell, ,lion; F, B, Carvell, lion. S. C. -New- burn, Icon. J, A, Calder, Hon. T. A. Creta•, 11021_ A, K. MacLean, Hon. A, L. Siftoh, Hop, Hugh Guthrie, lion, C, C. Ballaiityhe.-9. • This makes the score stand twelve Conservative's and nine Liberals, or Eleven 'Conservatives and nine Lib- erals if, as our contemporary .damns, Hon. Mr. Robertson, the Labor rep- resentative who was appointed to. office by the late Borden govern- ment, he placed on neither side. ',Our •centettrporary will .please show ,Wherein The Expositor es mis-infornt- icd In The 2ieat 11'• e e 'e eteSf A `xi+rutty aig7y �{e �d t yid, 14,. els cailed to her reward' n Bruns ,fine sVlay, i3#I1;.991trdthe' iS.CrsotS:=df'1�.ellie tl f ed ff'• ofGe H ul Ida tato w o. :lisle beloved c.Y„ t 11fors e Henri, She hl`d heath ill ,o Indian f t t t n ;atinie. Funeral tone •place the Thugs y following iter demise. In addition '0 'tier husband a -sou; Lyle,;tud daligh r Helen survive. Lyle' is a member 0',a Flying Co2ps now trainittq at Totem 1. +Ckl friends here sympathise . with, t e Mrs, Halliday a• •MMee bereaved. s.. Y was a of Mrs. (Dr.) W, Graham, formerly f Clinton, now of Toronto, D•eceas ` 'was an extra fine person Whose ,dee Is deeply regretted, ., ,04 is a el, 13. of Toronto University, of 191G, Went overseas with the C.A:M.C, in June 1916, as a Lieut. ale received his training with the C;O.T.C, of the University: Council held another sleeting 011 Monday evening. In some respects the, weather re- cently ought to ensure at good "water" melon crop, Fibro the :Provincial' • GoVetnntent, Algonquin Park• fuel from AIg THE POWER. QUESTION tvitli regard to the supply wood d foi From the city clerk of London,with a petition for Government provision, for soldiers' insurance. Front rhes office of the Provincial Secretary enclosing the estimate of the cost of enforcing the Canada Tem- uerance Act in this county for the year Maty 1, 191 8, to April 3e, 1919, The figures• are as follows thspectors' salaries $1,400 Inspectors' travelling expenses.. 600 Office rent .. 100 Cost of prosecutions 1,000 O'fice expenses $ 3,250' `Less balance from 1917 1l3 $21 8 68 ,Less amount due by P105411ce 748 53 Don't J -c your stomach. Keep it s0i,.. and well. When food clisal green with . strengthen It with PILL r iex11 M6olnerai0 .� ilk 21le ysifiltsltMida iissg;a 967 21 $42,282.70 The couneil••w's:iestrucied to de 0.. o to credit of the Can - The posit ti 0b t ada T.gmpergseee_ Act Fund for North 1101'011 In i1i :.Dominion Beek at Wing- Y'82.79:for South Huron Emit ''1nd, ,w , i Inty. i Bank .� i o I • n J'd s uti>ytl cos ,,. the was also a statement of tl e eeeeuditure of last year for • the en-: :oreetnent of the Cahada Temperance Act in'Hutoti, .. The chief ileitis mak- ing up the total of. $1;981.3 .,were the .salaries of the tvi'b'in$peCtors and x tliai�r,office 'retit and' other expenses. Sortie members of the council 111009/1 the inspectorswere "pretty w eii paid for the work they did," but, as was pointed out;the council really has no- thing to say in the matter, its only re- sponsibility being for ilia payment of the 'bills.. ' A resolution Of "appreciation of , tate late caretaker of the c0u2t house, Mr. McCreath and of oldolence,ivith the , vote. arse � a stn ndin family off P d Y t . Por- ter moliou taming Mr; Andrew Board iter as meiSber' of fire"G. C. 1,, o was referred to. the Education com- mittee. On'l'uesdaY evening a very' inter-" I Adetu ration 1 washeld, • in : Hess on 1 et s g frtftn Middlesex County was preemie ceensi&ting ,of,. EXWardee Blalkie,.Reeve Township, ' R eeve' Rnlisc?u of London , To v 1 ,. Fitzgerald, of Nissour•i Township and Engineer Talbot, the County Goody Roads Superintendent 'of Middi'esex county, The cOuuty of Middlesex Want to have'the road from London to flodcrich ' readle. n • Provieci d • • highwly. aid thus seeue,e tite,ltlghe> pnop0ltlOn of the eosl'�(60 per cent) funs tile. e hr ask d ' hi' 'de ut11i t Covernnuni,' 1 s � P flu roe County` Coenell•to epaoiint dmput:fion ,to,aecornea:1,y, a 518111111 de- pttetion from Middlese:t Gotliity and urge that this `toed tee, , Leede. a Pro- vincial Couiiiy ,woad, , , , • Births, Marriages & Deaths Births ' CAMERON,. -1n Brucefield on May 31st, to Mr. end Mrs. Flugh' Genierolt, a daughter. ' • YOUNGBLUT.-lit Hallett on June 6th, to Mr, and Mrs, Edward Young- blut, (nee Miss Elsie Brown) a son. Marriages MCMILLAN—McDOWEL1—In Hul- lett, on Wednesday, June, 5th, by Rev, F. H. Larkin, D. D. Helen, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs; John T. McDowell, of McKillop to Mr. John McMillan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Thom- as McMillan, of Hallett, (Goderich Signal) At the sleeting of Centre Huron Lib- erals held at Seaforth last week a res- olution was adopted in the following words: "That we believe that in justice to the iedustrital interests of those por- tions of the Province situated as -Hur- on is et a distance from the source of power at Niagara there should .be a revision of the charges for' power wherebythe discrimination against the outaying districts may be at least to some extent removed, and that we would ask our' lneniber in the Legisla- ture fo bring this question forward fol' consideration." - • This is, not a •party .question and it: •was, brought forward at the, L`ibe al gathering merely to get it before the publicand, through -the action bf the member for the riding before the Pro- vincial Legislature, •Nos •any Nor i hostility, to the Hydro'. electric projeet implied in •the•r esolu- tion. Any person. may criticize, for instance, tile administration .of the 'Postoffice Department. and 1gttate for a change in its methods • without coshing under the .aiccusation' of , try- ing to destroy the' post -office ' es a pu5Jlic ;institution• ' Ste with the Hydro that • defence of t t e system. t. The best y h u n h - h1 `its o Id d in fact, i that e •fitam t s i sy• , minietered' feihly in •the interests - of the whole people, so that no seethe' ' ori community should feel'that it is placed unfairly at d'is advantage as compared with other communities or' •Girl . •Wanted. To go 10 Bayfield for July. and Aug- ust; No .washing or ironing.-. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. M.D. McTaggart NOTICE TO ' CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Jackson. Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that' all per - eons having claims against the estate of Thomas Jackson, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron Manufacturer, deceased, who died on. or about the 7th day of May, 1918, are required to deliver to William Jackson, Clinton, Ont., the Executor of the said estate or 'his solicitor oh or before the 22nd day of June 1918 a full statement of their claims together with particu- lars thereof and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them all duly yerified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said Inst mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst' .the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to such ,claims as he shall have received due notice and in aocord- attce therewith. DATED at Clinton, this 4th day .of June A.D, 4918. ' W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TENDERS FOR COAL, SEALED. TENDERS. addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "'len- der for Coal for the Dominion Build- ings", atthis office iu s" will b g e until • 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, June 27, 1918,- for the supply of coal for tiro Public Buildings throughout the Dominion. Combined specification and forst of'. tender can be obtained at this office and from the caretakers o -f the different DoIOinion Buildings. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless trade on the printed forms supplied and signed with their ,actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 6, 1918. Administrator's Sale of Residence and Furniture, • In the Estate of Alice M, Fowler ' Doceaeed; NOTICE ishereby given thatall per- sons having claims against the estate of, Alice M, Fowler, late of the Town of Clinton, lit the County of Huron, spinster, deceased, who died, on or a- bout the 27tH day of April 1918 are required to deliver .to Russel E. Mann- ing, the Administrator of th,r said es- tate gr hissolicit9L,pJt ar•,laefere the 22nd daY"it. J31ie 1918 u full statement of their claims together with particu- lars thereof and the. nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit, • AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having re- gardhe shall only • to such claims as have received due notice andin accord- ance therewith. DATED at Clinton, this 4th day of June A.D, 1918. W.' BRYDONE, 01011011, Ont. • Solicitor for the said Administrator, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Administrator of the Estate of John Govet, deceased, 'will offer for sale of Public Auction on Saturday, June 15111, 5918, at 2 o'clock p. nt• (Statutory Time) at the premises, the North part of Lot No, 263 on the cor- ner"of William and Princeses Streets, Clinton. ' On the premises is an at- tractive 5 -roost cottage with electric ilighting anti glitter 'dot abrtable ap- purtenances; a barn and stable com- bined with other outbuildings. The property is most conveniently located in a central position and in pleasant surroundings. At the .same time and place will be offered the following chat. teis'and furniture: An aged pony, pony ]farness, buggy, cutter robe, light wag- gon, wheel barrow, lawh mower, set of single harrows, • 14 -foot ladder, 40 cords of .wood more '• or less, end a quantity of garden tools„ a • Happy Thought Range, 6 wooden chairs, 6 dining chairs, a sideboard; -folding table an oval 'centre table, several rocking chairs, 2 beds, and bedding,; 2 wardrobes otte bureau,a lounge, a rug, a heater,. and a quantity of dishes and other small .household, effects. 'ferns of sale of house 10%,' cash, balance in3.0 days. Terms of 'sale of chattels, cash strict- ly. For further conditions. apply, t0 Ralph Tiplady W. Bryd ne,, Administrator, Solicitor for Estate George Elliott, Auotioneer,- 004. . ....or -0.0:thin. Our new set of samples for ORDERED CLOTHING for Spring ,is now here' and in . spite of war conditions is -one of the finest sail, ections. of High Grade,Wooliens -We have ever . shown. Our Styles are the latest andtour prices are very moderate. Come in and look themover and get one of our new style Books. - We. arealso showing some new Natty Styles in .Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and Shirts, See our Table of'Men's Boots at $3.50 a pair. lwa11r811sweens In the Estate of John Govet Deceased The power 'of lite waterways of the people •t of the province is the Property 1 p of; the whole Province, but as 'the 1•iydro system is administered the benefits of that, ownership ' accrue al - e1001 entirety to -the 'peteple'of' a small secto'n of the Province, ' 'tide is :not nterely,a theoretical obiectnn ;';ilte re- sults Suits of the present policyare concrete and palpable. if it is continued, the uitimete effect will be the destruction Of`the. inane facie ring industries of those portions of the I'rovilide; , 111 which power rates are 111411, with, niex- ceptions in the case of certain des- triJs Whcli depend, mien, the, existeece, of otter conditions then .elleep power, l'he- Oodericli board 'o f, 'fade las. eene 'of'.tlie. uestion •and taken cOgnu c 4 , will go into tbit thoroughly; lY and Mild' nurnklpah.ftes ut this and' ens' tit her arts of file Froefnee ul5)3,fle,; re.liect n :021'` for co-operation i11 a well organ-. halt movement' for :amelioratibe of 91esetit conditions, Plrustee Snail Profits Phone 25. More Business THE STORE TIIAT SELLS FOR LESS . PRIVATE SALE } GIRL WANTED Of household furniture, including extension table, lounge, sideboard, pictures; curtains, parlor suite, music dabinet, also odd pieces of china and silverware. at the Monte of Mrs. A. Couch, Ontario St„ from 7.30 to 9.30 p 117, o...weurekai :iii} SALESMAN WANTED NOTICE -is hereby given that.all'per- sons having 815111ts against the ,estate of John Govet, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, yeo- man, deceased, who died on or about. the 2nd day of May 191 8, are required to . deliver to Ralph Tiplady, the administrator of the said estate or his solicitor on ' or 'before the 22nd day of June 191.8 a full' statement of their claims together' with particu- lars thereof and the nature. of the se- curities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned .date the said administrator will proceed to .distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims 'ts he shall have received due notice and in accord- ance therewith, - • DATED at Clinton, this 4th day of June A.D. 19i8. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Administrator, Auction Sale fie Admioistlator of the Estate of Alice M, 'Fowler, deceased, will offer. on Saturday 1 7 t Y 'c Atctrn Pubt forsal•b l l e Y. clock' t .at - o 19 S dayJulie tiie228dfJtis+ o p.m, the following properties; Lot No: 166 011Onitau'lo, Street and Lot. No 14S, 011 'Townsend Street in Clinton, cont nng ethel' e13it;lege o± nd 28025 i 01 ,}asstOg, 0.°n" - t-heself lands arela. a comfor$itbi8 8-100111 cottage and a .fuel house and,barn.' The property is most desirably a td centrally Y .located and, 5)01ld beconsidered an unusually ae- ceptable - ceptabie.foranyone desiring aaill •House'. with cOilventi•pnt outbuildings'. :Ai the sante time and plaicethere will offered forsale the following ;and he s 011101 articles of, ftirnituren Ball stand, hanging lamps, s coal te Eel• book sc and‘secretary, work fable, dining table, , .clocks, condi, sideboard, 3 'beds olid suites, t-lap,py Thought Range, chests of .drawers,pictures, laundry basket 1aw•11 mower, . gardentobls, dressers, mirrors, Chinewa•e; cutlery; • cruets; batter dishes; card frays;; ;glassware; table h110111'crurtains. etc etc. I nspect- ient will be permitted 00 20111 and 21st 110111 7 10 d eon. 'Terms of sale 0f real • estate, 1 0% cash, balance In .111 dayst daysof furniture etc., cash,� sericite: tettra rt-, ' Jnoval, ' farttr rdmie, W. `B R: E„sAlann y Administrator, Solicitor for }:state' George '> 115011, Auctioneer, Horses for. Service Lubricating Oil, Grease, Specialties, paint, part or whole time. Commis- sion basis. Man with car or rig pre- ferred: • • Riverside Refining Co. 'Cleveland, Ohio HOUSE FOR SALE - 'd0. , thlW House 101' sale on Mary street, Five rooms, summer kitchen, wash robot and pantry, electric lights, furnace, hard and soft water and a small gar- den, and all modern conveniences, G. A. Bradshaw, WANTED. For office work at the. Ford Garage. Apply to BERT LANGFORD $20,00 WEEKLY Showing samples for Large Groik- ery 'Corporation, all goods sold at,, Factory prices to consumers, granulat- ed sugar 6%o. Pure lard 5. pound pail $1,00, Sunlight, Gold or Surprise 25c.in Soap 7 for Everything at cut rates, Men wanted everywhere. Sam- ple case free. The Consumers' Association, Windsor, w�lci_fitkxr Ontario onstw .�. WANTED ,xi rr f "'' A good capable strong woman as housekeeper for family of two, maul with invalid wife, must be kind and wtllitlg to help . wife. Wages • liberal . and position permanent. Appy to J. J. Gilpin, Brussels, Ont. _ _. .k,-. y Cnlvea 1°F. $gle • ei'si !, cited 11d4 ]Bede a.franee- 1rs, `i'he wad Woman by the day. Apply to h M, D. McTaggart. . stents to handle a few S{iolttidi'lieglade - ' calves. March and April' is the time FOR SALE sited in supply Is Ut a e tosecure them t ) a s pP. later. 8 -roomed house, furnace and other comfortable conveniences, Corner of Mill and Beech ,streets. Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. ' W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on n166 Clinton MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION SEED BEANS FOR SALE WORK. First class seed Beans for sale. Har • • vested before rain last Fall. Price on application, apply to John Shanahan, R. R. No, 1, '0101ton, P.O. Phoned -637 DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS ELMER DICKSON 51525 A, T..R, • 2295 C.N.R. Form A 1. Enrolment No. 4881 Race relerd, 2.0614 The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse( 1st prize winner at Seaforth and 0//251021 1917 Spring Shows. The onfy staple in the C-ounty of, Huron that ever offered the services ,of a stallion with at record of 2,10 01' better,' Elmer Dickson 'ill stand at his own etable,;Colunr,ercial Hotel Beres, Blyth` • with exceptio' of the following route: MON1A.Y—•Will 'ieave' his Own stable aiidproceed to, Aubprn for noon; thence, by wale of Nrle,tb G. Mcleall'y for night; C•UESDAY� y 111 (proceed; 11101 ;,Gotle borne Mouse, Goderich, for no011, and i ednesdu remain there until Wednesday moon. re WEDNESDAY— Will proceed by h it Flet will 1 � Blyth e and et n i e • of Beu t We Y J rennin until the folloicut}, Monday morning,. Bought and Sold at Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at his Bank. VICTORY LOAN to yieid 5.76 % W. BRYDONE,'Clintdn For dale A number of good reliable Wren can secure steady employment 011 Munition- work. Apply to, The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforth, Ontario. BARRED ROCK EGGS From Park and Guilds -200 eggs bred to hay strain eggs mostly from yearling and two year old hens, $2.0 per 15 unfertile eggs replaced free. H. A. HOVEY, Clin JUST ARRIVED ED A CAR -LOAD OF FEED CORN 0 x40 At barn -3 A 'and truoie l gC. J. We have also secured a' quantity of Chbice Seed Corn in the fallowing varieties: SELECTED YELLOW LEAMING GIANT 'PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- AGE, SELECTED RED • COB ENSILAGE and also EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE As the season Alas' arrivedfor the hatching of Baby 'Chicks we have on stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed, which we axe selling at reasonable pries. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver' Hull Choice) and also our usual.. tole of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed. • We � skins.. Son FLOUIIt AND FEED ` • 155 one 199. Residnbea a On 142 • IK,E MEDIUM 51522 A.T.R. 1070 C.N.R. 936. E r i e t oimnAl. nom n N . F Thio Standard Bred,Show;nnd0 Trott2ing 1 �.14 i sn 'uli ;Other Dust 2 Stilt c b t0 tt /4 and tree,"2,17';4. Wits show IS t times -14 titres first and Once second. Ike Medium will, stand .'for the int- pinvemeit ofstock this settemi as fol- lows: i • own 7 tiURS' Dt+Y —Will iii helve, his stable, Blyth, and proceed North. to Bel grave for noon; then to the Farmers' House,`W1119114111, for night, Friday Will proceed to Bluevale to llahI'i, 1ot n001);;thence to 06111011 MC- Donald's. Hotel, Brussg18,.for .nigiit.: ,: SATURDAY —= Will procead in ,h11', onus atah1e, 131yt1i tille)ir feyvill retsina/' arta n * i I o ri•' lit' $ tt t i fl. Il.wm it sunt 1 .le f !, , S y' !; 'For ftuther pSrtiCUIars .1)18' 144r915 ef ilneee Well erod'hor •es• sect hi115 011'eeee Tt10S. CO3LJ1I`h51, CHOPPING The Clinton Flour Mills will do chopping every ' SATURDAY at 8 cents a bag Have you tried our NQRTH STAR: ? Made � TA�R�'FLOUR. a3 from pure Manitoba No. 1 Hard Wheat: ' TERMS S' , S'T'RICTLY 'CASH.. SCHO EE NHALS l Plsone , N8s $' ,• Clmto HIGHLANDS. OF .0 Offers you and all the bum • of your life. ALGONQUIN. PARK MUSKOKA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY LAKE' OF BAYS TIMAGAMI ARE ALL FAMOUS P Modern hotels afford cit many prefer to live cabin- •yout5 choice cost, Secure your Parlor o accOltllntndatiOtl in advent. from Full ]ttfortnatiun fr o Trunk. Ticket Agent, or C District Passenger Agent, T emelt Hanalord Hot, mil. ger and Tieket Agsnte, ph 4,0. Pattison etatiuii agent t Trod! Had ��� � For WOULD GO INTO FITS Through cue 541155 or another' a large Majority of bile eosle are troubled,more i y p t or less with acute farm of heart trouble. Little atteiit+ion is paid to the slight ,weakness until the, beset starts to beat • 'irregularly, and theysuddenly feel Minhanddizzy,an'd•feed ai s f they were smother- ],Itg, i)n gany the flrst�'fi u of weakness 6 ru cart andNerve tt><e )168,AdVlilhu f ,I,l 1\Te e P5315-gliou]dabo taken,,' mad thus soon prompt and pt,rmanent 051101, 'bks. W.11, Fuirier, 501118%de, Ont. Writeeee-" I wag t:roubledl, with'n±.y hear 10 ., and was so b' it won for flv tutr9 ad l years, feted me into fite and eltnnhlterieg, eoti(d not; do tiny work While I was faded, heat eller, taking three boxes Milburn s Xieare ilnC1, Nerve Filie have regained any hetel5h.” t i t a TCr rh and or o 1>hi 'M but,, u adN' v . �.r Wi(et pen boic at all dealers or mane' on Wool:Ot,t-f price by The 'V, Co,, Lital11etl, 'Parente Otto;