HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-6-13, Page 4Page Tluee
We have a 'fewPrairie State In-
eubators left which we will sell et last'
year's prices rather than carry over,
in sizes of 900 egg, t50 egg and 240
egg capacity.
.As there was a shortage, of .Poultry
last year it is expected that high prices
will prevail. for live poultry 'all s'eiion.
We are always in the market for
Iiue', popttry a)td will be, pleased be
quote you prices at any, time,
GpanZ egIaS
nl ., •
"a, :., •& ill
Co. , 11111 ry
•The up-to-date Fire,
Clinton Branch Phone 19e
N: W. Trewartha, Manager
or Holmesville 4 on 142,
i oAtAitAAAALALAOA<fkis®A6isilIA
• Pianos
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of t
Doherty Pianos and e
• q P
special values art �cases
P•:tnos ad org;1nS rent
e.,. .n �It. _ new Edison
phonographs, Music &
vieriety ;cods.
C. -Hoare
Ca or prices
Phone for
1 B �J ami & Butter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7.
etter Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery, " Far better to pay a fair
pribe and know exactly what; von
are getting,
Yon will never be sorry -far ae a
matter of money, It; is eaeily the
most economical.
That has been said en often that.
everybody .by this b'ime should
know it --and vet there is no
(vareity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If you would
like to mise!ehat sortlaltogether-
if you would like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in-OO,li.E HERE
And even at that, no person ever
said tint prices were unfair
W.R. Counter
ilettveler and Optician'
fuer 41.11a:rria 'c I,ieQ�lise
FORD itt .Vele IfAOI)
W0'0 na'm mellinaY'impth Seedg Y
1Gtovernmeltt S anaawd.).
We••sl so have en hand, Alfa)tse,
elsike, and ,Red Clover.
'We aiwaye have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Pelee, Barley and Fend Coen
gig/Agit Musket Pa -tees paid for ldaY
ee3116 'affil eltOtnw,
N Perfect Treatment For This
Distressing Complaint
��'A91Np, ONT.
7t had an attack of Weeping
Eczema; so bad that my clothes
would be wet through at times.
For four mood's, Isuffered terribly.
I. could 'get no relief until I tried
'Fruit-a-tives and 'Soothe Salva' •
The first treatment gave me relief,
Altogether, I have used three
boxes of 'Soothe Sntiva' and two of
'Fruit•a-fives', and ant entirely well"
Both these sterling remedies are
sold dealer at e.a box,8 for
by s 50
$2,50, or soot on receipt of price by
Fruit -a -fives 'Limited„Ottawa.
' "Fruit-a-tives" is also put up in a
trial size which sells for 25e.
Annual Greyhound Excursion from
Goderich to Detroit will take place Tues
day, June s1th, good returning on fol-
lowing Thursday. $2.00 for round trip
Boat leaves Goderich at 10 a.m. and
Detroit at 1 p, m.
17 automobile owners were fined $1
each and costs in Milton for neglecting
to have the tail lights on the cars burn-,
ing. Some motorists about here some-
times forget to "let the lower be burn-
ing" and may be asked to explain why
is this thus.
For Infants and Children
hi Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
iht ea eb Y 405'0 t•.
!iA tt loin !':It Ki;t,fn:'i'o)t; `U$'ARY
P L.�..�tt,
H. T. R R, N ''�.r E.
Ne tory Public, (eon v(Inn et -r•,
lrinaueial and Real E,•t:, s
INSURANCE' AOLNT-Reiresenting,rd Firt, to
5ur0nee Companies.
Division Court Office.
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to i;1-_
form the public that he. is pre -
piano tuning,.
pared to do fine p A g,
tone regulating, and repairing,
Order's left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will .receive prompt attention,
4'aanivroii, It C.
Cali: s'r. Solicitor, Conv'yanerr, Etc
valet; ni; •dJL,o,t Siri•rt, oorupied by
Mr. Hooper. le Clinton on every,
Thursday, and on env day for which
appointments are made, C1i3ce hours
from 11 a rn, to 6 p m. A gond vault in
connection with Use office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointments for dr, Cameron.
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
,Clinton, - - Ontario
Office at Residence
Corner High
Kirk Streets.
Clanton Ontario
t21A8„ P. %. AXON
10110 111114T
Chown and Bridge Nuri a Specialty.
Graduate or O,O.D,s... 0hieapo. and 5,0.0.5
tttwileata on hltondlays. nay 150 to I► '
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
tlpsoiel sere taken to make dental treF,
mcrtftan pan5laea se poaeible.
Live stock and general Auction ser
6 atm 1105c sates a 'mecums Olean or t
New Itnnotnna,•Clnntuu,'Imam r.y adroit,tn. Terms reasonable, Partner), dale nos
ET. D, MoTaggate 145, l). heeTagger
McTacnitrt Biros,
fii9114I1 111 '3
&LBERT ST , MAN'l't„ N
tterreral flm,nleing Hnr,tnalr
teen masineed
Drafts tamed. Interne allowed a
The McKillop Mutual
Fixe Insurance eQ.
Pam and lnolated Town Proof
erti Only lowered.
* * * .15
by A. Maynard Barbour
* * * * * * * * 15
(Continued from test Week)
and devote much of 10 leisure time to
its study, It is not only amusing, you
know, but it. is 'of great assistance in
reading and understandin r m fellows
open, and enables me to adapt myself
to my clients, se to Speak,"
(laving satisfactory arranged his be
longings, Hobson locked the d'oor, and,
seating himself behind his desk, appear-
ed ready for business,
"Well, my young friend," he began,
"1 rather expected you, for I 'flatter
myself that 1 understand enough of
human nature to know that there are
very few who will pass by an oppor-
tunity of learning -something for their
advancement of their own interests or
the betterment of their own cpndition
'in life,"
chat may be perfectly natural,"
Scott replied; "but you flatter yourself
altogether to much if you think that
I have come here with any expectation
that you can advance my interests or
better my condttipn,"
"'ghat remains to be seen, Much
also depends upon yourself, for I take
it that a young man of your calibre is
not without embitlonh'
Hobson paused, regarding his visitor
with sharp scrutiny„ but receiving no
reply, continued, "I might add, that to
a young man with ambitious designs
such as yours, 1 would probably be able
to render great assistance,"
' "1 am not aware of any unusual am-
bition on my part."
'OIs, no, nothing unusual. You sim-
ply had no intention of remaining 11ugh
Mainwaring's secretary any longer than
was necessary. That was perfectly
natural, perfectly laudable, my young
friend, and I admire the shrewdness
and foresight with which you set about
to accomplish your designs. At the
same time, 1 believe'5 am in a position
to give you just the information and
advice you t.e y u need in order to insure your
Both linen had the same object ie
view, Each wished to ascertain what
the lather knew concerning himself.
Scott, unable to determine whether
11obson had spoken at random Or with
an inkling of the facts, answered, cold-
"I do
oI-ly,-"Id0 notknow 'to what you refer,
or on whot g
rounds you base
the in-
ference you seem o have
"No? 'Then you will allow me to
remark, Mr, Scott, that such familiar-
ity as Yours with a portion of Hugh
Mainwaring's private correspondence,
extending over a period eriod of fifteen
or more years, taking intoconsidera-
tion the facts that you cannot be much
more than twenty -live years of age,
and have only been about two years in
Mr, ,tlainwaring's employ, would indic-
ate that you had sought to acquaint
yourself with some facts connected
with your employer's early life with
the express purpose of using the'sa,ne
to your own advantage."
"You must see the inconsistency of
such a supposition, when you consider
that I have heen in possession of these
fact for sante time -it is unecessary
to state how tong- and have made no
use of them whatever,"
"Possibly," said Hobson, with em-
phasis, "your: knowledge of the facts
may not have been definite enough to
warrant your Use of them,"
His yoke and manner unconsciously
betrayed the importance which he at-
tached to Scott's reply, The latter
tei eted this, and answered evasive) ,
is sufficiently definite for my own
personal satisfaction in any event."
Hobson shook his head, "It is use,
less to evade the point. You had an
object in looking up that correspond-
ence : you intended to snake a good
thing nut of the facts you got hold of;
and, if your information is sufficiently
complete, you can make a good thing
out: of them yet."
t n anything
'9F I have not attempted y g
in the p
of let
that kind est i be would
i late day?" Scott
likely to try it at this y
• .dwith heair of who i s
o of available sugSstion
Hobson at once assumed a contiden-
tal manner, and, moving at little nearer -
his visitor replied, in a low tone, -
"Look here, Mr, Scott, that's just
tvhs 1 wanted to meet you, You see
I know more about you than you think.
I've taken an unusual interest in you,
too; and, seeing the little game you
Were .playing, and knowing 1 held the
trump card thyself, I naturally would
like to take a hand and help you out
at the same time. Now, the point is
just this, Mr, Scott: What do you really
know concerning the transaction refer-
red to in that correspondence? 1 sup-
pose you_arefamiliars with all the
Plead 011iec-Ssaal'arth, INit
1, Connolly, Godorich, Prebldcs4s J23.
lawn, eteeehwood, VIce-President;
Tlpc:., ! . trays, Scaforth, Secretary-
Al,..x . ' , tch, No. t C,Itflton f lldward
',.r leafartil' WM. Cheattey- E.g
1 u �.,", .e, J, .W. Yeo, Godcrlehl R. C3.
Jas 1, eilhagen,
Wri: ,; ni No, t2, Seaferiki Joon tion+
15t wee. 1 " knell; James t vans, Beech•
toe, el, L n lino Jennie
•Mcwae Clinking Jnt
f , - r
r . addend); t), 1, lVticCCre o
Conant tl 1 ,
No. ,i, 'leafottlt; J. 3, Grieve, NO. 4,
Waltw+.; Robert Perris, Herl:Mkt Geo,
McCtofoe, NO, 3, Seator'tb,
Are You Tied
Up Indoors?
If so, your whole system
naturally gets tied up too.
A lazy liver and consti-
pated bowels are bad
thjngs,dangeroue things.
Exercise as anuch els you
can -but keep your hver
and bowels up to the
remark all the tante.
Take one, pill regularly
-until ;Joao care sure you
rare) 01111 right Xtget3 1s,
. ' al. Ut ti )
lC,rm>alleau 16taB fi arhe
Golurleenfacee, tatkert alien. ides
abzonco of bort Ira the tslood,
Carter's k'c' L Pitts
IP Way thtr emiclitissn.
Zam-Bukends the
polos and clops bleed.,
"lug, Try it!
AI dealers, 50c. Paz,
letters that passed on both 'sides.?"
"Perfectly' so,"
"Certainly. But you will acknow-
ledge, Mr, Scott, that those letters
were expressed in very guarded -terms,
and, with the exception of- possibly
one or two, gave no. hint of the nature
of that transaction, Remember," he
added, impressively, "I have an exact
copy of the correspondence on both
sides, and no one could ever assume
any statement or admissions that were
not there."
"I presumed that, of course," said
Scott, calmly,
"Note my young friend, let us get
down to the actual knowledge which
,you have of the facts, You *re, I sup-
pose,, aware that there was a missing
will Involved in the case t
"1 am ; and that one or two of your
letters purported to show that the
(Continued next week)
When the Blood is Out of Order
the Nerves Are in a Starved
The nerve system is the governing
system of the whole body, controlling
the heart, lungs, digestion and brain;
5o it is not surprising that nervous
disturbances should caese acute dis-
tress. The first stages of nervous de-
bility are notal by irritability and
restlessness, in which the victims
seem to be oppressed by their nerves.
The matter requires immediate atten-
tion, for nothing but suitable treat-
ment -Will prevent 11 complete break-
down. The victim, tin ho r need d not
despair for even severe nervous dis-
orders may be cured by improving the
conditions of the blood: It is be-
cause Dr, Williams' Pink Pills actually
make new, rich ..blood that this medi-
cine has cured extreme nervous dis-
orders after :ll other treatment had
failed. The nerves thrive on the new
blood made by these pills; the appe-
tite improves, digestion is better,
sleeplessness no longer troubles the
former nerve -shattered victim, and
life generally takes on a cheerful as-
pect. livery sufferer from nerve
troubles, no natter how slight, should
lose no time in giving Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills a fair trial, thus regaining
their old-time health :end comfort. Airs,
Victor Booth, Parry Sound, Ont , of-
fers proof of the value of Ur. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills in nervous troubles.
She says :-•'Sonne years ago 1 was
taken ill with typhoid fever. the at-
tack was not 0 severe one and after a
few weeks I was around again. But
1 raid not recover my turner strength,
any my nerves began to give me
trouble The trouble went un from one
stage to another until tinnily St. Vitus
dance developed. J was under the
Care of our family phgsiCian but my
condition appeared to be growing
worse, it was at this stage I decided
to try 17r. Williams' Pink fills, and
aftca• taking a couple of boxes 1 could
see they were helping me, 1 continued
taking the pills until 1 had used eight
boxes when my health was fully re-
stored, and I have since continued to
enjoy that blessing, 1 have recom-
mended the pills to others and I al-
ways keep them in the house, having
proved their great value."
Dr. You can get D . Williams' Pink
I i
Pills through any dealer n medicine
n or i
by mai at 50 cents a box six
or I tS
for $2.50 o from TheDr. Wil-
liams' Medicine 'Cm, Brockville, Ont.
Thursday, J'litle,-13'th, 1918
A patch of 1•ourteen 'Hundred by One;
Boy in One Night,
A reference in the Benutiiler Cor-
respondence recently to sucker fishing
at the Maitland Falls moves Cue to -write
of liaising as it was in earlier days.
I remember as a lad standing lu any
lace in rh of a
p a ti, benched or • two
ranged arounil-a beep of suckers on the
green bank above the falls; after a catch
The 'fish were divided up share and
share µlike, 1 went home will, a dozen.
Front far aid near men and boys used
to conte for fish after their day's work,
for the big eatches were .made at night,
An exxclting episode of wheel the old-
timers tell was the big fight at the falls
between the lumbermen who were raft-
ing timber down the river and the Tip-
perary men from Goderich township.
The lumber ) jacks t r' ned to be smart at
the expense of the men who had coma
to fish, but the latter got their Irish up
and gathering In force one night clean-
ed out their tormentors, Few of the
veterans on either side of that great
battle are now left.
As to the fishing, nets or spears were
not needed: The fish were hand-picked,
There were experts in those days. Ned
Slattery, Bill Vanstone and his brother
Sant, Charlie Walters, Jesse Gledhill,
John Oke, John McGibbon the Miller
boys, Red Adams and others whom 1
inight name were famed for their skill
in picking them out.
Fort e benefit
h of those one who never
had the privilege of living within sound
of the tails in the olden time, it may be
said that the fish on their way up the
strean, to their spawning grounds
made the leap over the falls and then
struggled up the flat rock slide through
the swift shallow water near the shore,
gathering in hundreds in the stiller
water near the edge to rest before con -I
Uniting their voyage up stream. dere
they were captured, 'to explain how,
let me tell you my fish story -a story
that some unbelieving present -clay
sports teeat with a contempt which it
does not deserve.
Briefly, I caught fourteen hundred in
one night. 1 have sometimes said
thirteen hundred, to make it easier of
belief, but I am writing for the press
now and I'll tell the whole truth. 'Phe
season was well on, and for some rea-
son there w
as no crowd that night and
no expert catcher. A party had come
from Clinton with a team and wagon
but how to get the fish they did not
know. Another lad and i had gone
down for a night's sport. Could we
catch? '1'o 'be sure we could. My
,tate undertook to manage the light, so
he went ahead with a big torch along
the edge of the water. A proud young
fisherman waded cautiously along be-
hind the light where the lish were nest-
ling with their backs shining almost
above the water as they crowded each
other for room. A gentle movement of
the hand from the rear up among then,
as if it were another tish crowding in
then grip your victim behind the gills
and pull him back and drop into the
bag held near by to receive him. Don't
hurry, but get them all: it was great
sport: The first run gave us a pile of
five hundred on the grassy bank above,
We then sat by the campfire till another
shoal accumulated and repeated the
operation. After the third catch it was
getting daylight and the strangers left
for 'Clinton by the roadway with their
wagon load Of 'fish. We made a short
cut home through the woods, tired and
happy, but with no fish. We already
had a surfeit at home.
extra or
', o f a t e
to the dawn below the s P
Mills a few years after stopped the up -
a rd voyage of the fish, Protests Were
entered and the obstruction was re-
moved, but not until the lisp had found
other haunts. Whatever the reason,
present-day sucker fishing is slim busi
nes,wcompared with the old -tithe sport,
' The question of titles is a very burn-
ing one just now, it will be more
burning still tvhei,ever Sir Wilfrid Laur-
ier's •suggestion of snaking at bonfire
of them in the market place is' acted on,
if ever it is, But hots for Will this en-
thusiasm for'detnocrattc style be camri-
ed?'• Will the judges and the bishops
cease to bp "my lords" (by courtesy)?.
Will the chief officials of our various
societies drop their.titles of honor?
For example, will it be undemocra-
tic to speak of the Most Worshipful:
Grand Master "and Sovereign" of the
Orange Order? • Will all the "Sir
Knights" of the Grand` Mae* Chap-
ter 'of British America of the royal
Black • Knightk• of Ireland' be. reduced
to simple .commoners? Will the same
fate •befall th'c' Kltights of Malta, of
Pythias, and of Sherwgbd • Forest?
And what about the Regents of the
Daughters of 151* Einpirea
Here is a story•in point:
When Joe didn't show up at the
livery stable for work until quite late
in the day his` boss asked' Why,
"Well, you See, boss , I '«'Vas taken
into de lodge last night" :'
"What reason is that you ,should. be'
late, to work .this morning?"
,Well boss, J was elected :to a of-.
fice; 'aneI' l'se busy this mer,ilh'.''
"Sllbeted to 511 elute the trighf you
Were taken into the orders"•
Yes, sir; I was appointed, the ' Vaud
exalted ruler df de universe."
"That's. a pretty high office for a
new Coen, isn't it?"
"No, .sir, ,Grand exalted: rifler *51,
tie universe fs de bery lowest ogics.
what dey., Is; it, dfs lodge.
It Is . not Anita so had as: all that
r5 r„rnnlo, but here'aeo a few of fhd'
i.:, t':udtpg• titles wehtblt a borne'
• ;ills 8f ya5icaia satfatirs;-'a
:' ,profile' CRbnger,
,aft Excellent, Sfr.) night,
•Ghaplpnais idu,,
r vi 1
plaster, t` . .
Most Worshipful Brother,
Grand Regent,
Head Consul Commander,
'Aren't 'we illi pretty iluttnari elle(' Idle
� r. 1
� aJ, tad
>� **era
4 safe, rel in three de
eddaine. .old in phren do
•tie --Na. 1, $1,
No. '2, 55; NNo. boa
Sat 3, SK per
Sold L+Y ell druggists. or nun1
prop:Sd on receipt of pne.a
Prue pamphlet. A/Id,uss
50501400.1331t (Feu,", W,mlmr,;
Known in Nearly all Lands, It Has a
. Famous FaSnily Tree
The name John is one of our best,
also one of our oldest, It is found in
nearly all languages, and no 'matter
how disguised, frau Juan to Johannes,
it is almost certain to be identified.
The Johns have a magnificent family
• There was an apostle named John,
and also :t, John the Baptist. There
have been twenty-two popes and one
anti-pope,jhy the name of John. Three
kings of 'Aragon and Castile; one at
'least of Bohemia and several of Portu-
gal, France and Slighted have borne the
name of John,
There. was John Sobieski, She great-
est of the Poles," There was John, sur-
named Lackland, who was forced to
sign the Magna Charta, There was
John tate Good. Running down the fa -
Maus list, we find. also John the Fortu-
nate, John the Perfect, John the Fear-
less, John the Constant.
If old King John gave England the
Magna Cherie John Hancock helped
togive the United States the Declar-
ation of Independence. If the hiStori-
caf and synfbolical Johns seem too
nnumerOus we might acid John Rocke-
feller and John Doe.
iditke *beauty lotion for s few cents to
romovo tan, lreottiee, eelloutneiie.
Yana grocer hos the lemons and any
drug store or toilet eountor will supply'
you with thine Mitiees of orchard white
dor a few. conte. Sgtteese the Moo of
'Lwo (Mph-lemone into ib bottle,' Bien put
ih.: the orilhard white and Shade, well.
Title make's a quitter prat el'lho yss
hest lotnoiltakin,wIIttcnee end,tioiii3pIodic,.
jleaittifier„ known ., Afft tliil ilea
giJainti, oireawy Idtiun:donde the teepeesfht5t,.atrms and halide alta Atiat.tiee how
5reekloa, tan, sallowness, redness and,
so# t
roughness disap ear., and heir amaotia
tppho akin beaofnes, Teal ud a 9 Ieat
It is harmless, sail taro l tiustiful roaulta
wi 1 gnrptt:ito 5015,
Many people in Canada have suffered
from rheanatetn and'kidney trouble acid
have found Anurie to he the most suer
eeseful remedy to overcome these painful
and dangerous ailments.
The leaky people urs those who have
heeded Nature's warning signal in time
to cornet their trouble withthat new dis-
of Dr P'eree nailed n t '
i a tr
y A t o.
You ho 1 ro
s u d promptly hood these warnings,
sornq of which are dizzy spells, backache,
irregularity of the urine or the painful
twinges of rheumatism, 'sciatica or lum-
bago, To delay n,ay make possible the
dangerous forms of kidney disease, such
us diabetes or stone in the bladder.
To overcome these dititressing condi-
tions you ahould take plenty of exercise
in the open lir, avoid a,heavy meat diet,
drink freely of water and at each meal
take Dr. Fieree'a Ample Tablets (double
strength), You will, fn a short time, find
that you are one of tbo firm indorsers of
An-u•rie, as aro many of your neighbors.
Send Dr. V. M, Pierce, Buffalo, 715.'x,,
or Bridgeburg, Ont., 10c for trial pkg.
St. Catharines,. Ont, -For several
years I suffered
with gravel and
with uric acid,
causing rheumatic
p a i n e. Nothing"
ever helped me
until x commenced
to take 'Anurie,'
and the first thing
T noticed was that
the gravel had die -
appeared and bas
never made a reappearance. My general
health has improved and I have a better
nerve condition and my eyesight seems
better, too. I used to have sued dizzy spells
at times I thought 7: wouldfaint, but these
no longer troublo me. My only regret is
that T did not know of Anurie before."
-Mas. H. MARJORAM, 124 Albert St,
Some of the Regulations
by reason of his non -registration at
the time have incurred.
Furnishing- Ticket alp ng T c et To Unregistered
Person -Penalty
35. Any person who sells, gives or
delivers any railway, steamboat or
other public conveyance ticket, other
than ,a tramcar or Street car ticket. to
an unregistered person after the time
when the. itter person shoulcl have
registered, knowing such person to
be unregistered ; and any person in
charge of any railway, steamboat or
other public conveyance, except a
tramcar nr street car, who permits
a"v unregistered person to travel
thereby after the time when he should
have registered, knowing such person
to be unregistered, shall be guilty of
an offence, and liable to a fine not ex-
ceeding one hundred dollars. '
Registrant Must Carry Certificate, And
Exhibit It On Demand
37. livery person who shall have
registered shall at all times thereafter
carry upon his person his registration
certificate, and shall produce it for in-
spection upon reasonable demand to
any peace officer, police officer nr con-
etttble ; who may in particular, without
limiting the ,generality of this section.
require any person present or attend-
ing at any public assembly, place of
public resort or entertainment, ticket
or telegraph office, or post office, or
being in or upon any car, train or
steamboat, to produce his registration
certificate upon that occasion ; and, if
any person :cu required shall, without
reasonable excuse, refuSe, neglect, or
fail to produce his
registration certi-
ficate, he shall incur a penalty of
twenty dollars, and may, if amle per-
son be taken immediately before •t
justi, e of the peace to he dealt with
according to law,
Men May Be Accosted And Questioned
3S, Any uncle person may at any
reasonable time after the day appoint-
ed for registration be accosted by any
peace officer, police officer Or Ion-
to whether
stable an uestioued
, tb d q as
o i• registered ; it shall be the
t r not h e s s d
duty y person v Of an male .c
st accosted
answer truthful) all relevantq
r'n h1
put tohim concerning m, s
and if he answer untruthfuley
or evasively, or if the officer question-
ing shall have reasonable ground to
believe that his answers are untruthful
or evasive, She officer may detain such
person and take him before 'i justice
of the peace to be dealt with accord-
ing to law,
Penalty For Refusal To Answer•
40. if any person upon his registra-
lion refuse to answer any question
submitted by his registration card, he
shall be guilty of an offence and liable
to afine not exceeding one hundred
Penalty For False Answers
45. If any person. upon his regis-
tration wilfully give a false or mislead-
ing answer t0 any ctpestion submitted
by his registration card, he shall be
guilty of an offence, and liable to a
fine not exceeding five hundred dol-
lars and to imprisonment for any term
not exceeding six months,
Penalty For Peeeonasiere
42, • 15 ally person 4alsely represetft
himself to be a person to whom a cer-
tificate of registration has been issued,
he shall be guilty of an offence, and
liable to a penalty not exceeding two
hundred dollars, and not less that fifty
dollars, and to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three months,
y a
5 ' it 11 x' x• p •w •5'
Pit a thing away when you have it
in your hued. Don't lay it down think
ing you will put it away later,
Whenever possible wash dishes that
are used in cooking as you go tflong.,,
it will save much time end confusion
when the dishes from the meal are
to be washed,
Always put pots and pans to soak
as soon as they are emptied. You
will find diem easter to wash if you
do this.
Don't forget to put a he'll,. of water
on the stove to heat, so bete r n not
haveto wait for dish Water t l'' the
meal is finished.
Let the beds air while y .•. . • pre-
paring breakfast, rbn t be
ready to Shake' atter ,;, . vtttt,tit's
Work is done,
Nevdr go upstairs or dean, f Its ,tin-
pty handed when there air 35 ' ns to
be carried above of bolos, ±', chid
Put a newspaper on the hum in front
of the stove when Yoh tt4lrc r"' the ash
part, Should any ashes Be spilled yon
will have less work to 'clean them up.
Favorable Weather and Gene'"
Conditions Promise Excess
Over Last Year,
.The Crop' reporhe for the iuonth. ''s51
May, issued by ih Fruit Commissbas*. '
er's Branch of the Agricifiture flee -
pertinent, states that throughout Oat -
aria the weather has been very 555051 -
able for fruit growing, In Niefes
Scotia it was dry and almost too wtawre
during .the greater part of May, lzo1
heavy rains occurred in the later pact
of the month, followed by cooler wea-
ther. Conditions in British Colu(lSitiiat
were favorable until May 24th, whets is
very heavy frost struck the coast aced!
inland valleys. Tomatoes were par-
ticularly affected and strawbersilas
were also seriously Burt, Damage rbn
reported to stone fruits in certaix,
The repurt states that the Nova
Scotia crop of apples will probably la7i
considerably below that of 1917, while
that in Ontario' protnises.to greatly' ex-
ceed. year's, In .spite of Hie frost
It is quite possible that the total nut
put of apples In British 'Columbia 10115
equal that of last year, owing to the
large number of trees, Just coning in-
to bearing. Reports from the Annaps7i
Valley and Prince Edward Island arc
not generally favorable. The crop an
Quebec is likely to be less than lase
year. Prospects in New Brunswick air
pear favorable.
Mothers if your little ones are cnn-
stipatert; if their little stomach auri"e
bowels are out of order; if they cry m.
great deal and are cross and peevisf,
give them a dose of Baby's Own Tab...
lets -the ideal medicine for little
ones. The Tablets are a gentle bele
thorough laxative and never fail to 'e
right the minor disorders of childhood.
Coucer"ing them Mrs. Noble A. Pyr,.
Eden Secum, el, S., writes: -"My baby
was terribly constipated but onlaysa
Own 'Tablets soon relieved her and '5
now think them a splendid medicine
for little ones," The Tablets are so,
by medicine dealers or by mail at +!:+
cents a lox from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Go,. Brockville, Ont.
Local NEWS . c,:
War Bond Interest
The interest payment which is'una
on Canadian domestic war loans wigi •
• ilment to over $16,000,000. Tisas
large sum, which will be -paid cut
chiefly In Canada, represents the Os::
interest payment on the• Victory Lem
and the regular payment on the 1923
loan. Considerable amounts of these
bonds are held in 'Clinton and coo -
pons ,have
*,'pou5,have been presented during the
past week,
Children Cry
A S -r 0 R I A,
May Re -Examine Everybody.
A large e n not er t men throwg hoa�5
this military district, who have been.
raised to higher medical categorieis.k5•
ter re-examinations. are being o recut
before tribunals "These men will Ire,
given an opportunity of snaking claim
for exemption on some other grounds,
as they cannot be exempted on tneIit••
cal category grounds elongeojesperaleo
either in A or B categorid'. Premia -
tions are being made for general no
throughout the di,ttrarn
examination throeb
when medical boards will sit io a ta
ler of towns and cities.
What a "Watt" Really is.
A current of electricity fowl'.ari
through a wire is like a stream eh
water flowing through a pipe. Ant
the pressure of the water, the speed
with which it dvtise we call the.
"volts" or the voltage of the eleclefe•
city says "The House Beautiful"'
Tile size of the stream of water in +Poi`
or two-inch pipe is "atnpers" Wheel wee
measure the same size of al elect'
current. But Che ' actua um
water that is flowing tit
is so many gallons while
city we measure to "we
watts for an hour or s
Bronchitis comes (rem aneglected o,i ',
and starts with a short, painful, der
eough, accompanied with rapid wheezing.
and a feeling of oppression or tightoes,
through the chest,
You have, no doubt, wakened ftp sa
the morning and have had to ways,
several times to raise the phlegm ,1r„tev
the bronchial tubes, and have found'ar
of a yellowish or gray, greenlet' ceiaa;
and you have received relief right me+tr.
This is a form of bronrhttle, .tvh t5ss51
net cured immediately may .turn retia:
pneumonia or some more serious trouble,
Cure the cold with ]h'. Wood's Nor'w :
Pine Syrup and thereby prevent braes
chide and Roumania taking hold; of
your system.
Mr, E. Jarvi New Finland, Boa,
'writes:--•".L was is 1 ubled, ftrr years,'vpitI,
Bronchitis end could t not find anya'elid.
11 was especially bad on a clamp ,day^.
I went to ls, druggist and asked hnn,frr
something to 51035 the eoagh coed our:
*ant tickling in my throat„ Ile gatint
are a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pao
Syrup, which I found gave me mut*,
relief, i think it fs thti beat ,redo " e
for bn'otidhitis I know of. Slaw b1 51
oars! always have a bottle of it waiting -4
Do not accept It substitute foxx"'51Rs
Wood's.'" It ,s put tip in
wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade„
pruse glo. and diOn, ` mauulaetn'
�` 1fi13 urnC.a
by Cie �, t i „7t,itiiiirxlr