HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-6-13, Page 2Always h&c II, Something 0 '1 New NE 78 ;et Wearers d!d ! ve just learned that the beginn- y 1st, next there is to be an ins: he price of,some "NEMO"• Cor. ave not yet been notified which models will be affected .nor lithe increase will be, but we "NEMO" customers to take ad-. f this advanced information, aveput a large stock of all the NEMO" models and are 'prepar- your wants, no matter how ex- • Iey may be. 11 - THE NEW THINGS FIRST Personal Miss Meryle Moore is /siting with • riends in Detroit, ' Miss Shirley- Batvderi has taken a osition in the office of. the Public tilities Commission, Miss Laura •Wilien is visiting her stors in Detroit,' going down on the reyhound excursion. Mrs Struigttam and young son ,of rated) arra visiting at the home of andetrs, J. Wheatley. Mrs. Ct .•tis who itas b.eeu visiting in hit: ep, is • now at the home ofher tughter, Mrs, J, A Mchlurchie, Mr A. T. Cooper was one of the •'legation to wait on the Co.. Council n reference to the Y, M, C. A. grant.' Brussels Post:—Miss Crace Walker vas Clinton at CI for ar theek u. we end. Airs. S. 'Scott supplied for her Monday t school, Mrs. R, W. Moore, of Cochrane, and Hiss Lyl Brown, of Toronto, are the nests of their sister, Mrs. J, Leslie Cerr this 'week, Major Dr, Shaw attended the Co, outwit on Wednesday of last week and tddressed the Councillors on behalf of he Y.M.C.A, fund. ' • Mrs. Vantassel, formerly of Clinton tit who has made ler.honie'in Toronto for some 'time, .will• spend the summer. wilth friends at Meaford, Capt. (Rev,) C. McKinnon, late Chaplain of the 161st Huron Battl,, while in town last Friday was the guets f Major and Mrs. Shaw,. Mayor Thompson eves. in Goderich ast Wednesday afternoon assisting the eicgation front the County to have t grant made .to the Y. M, C. A. for verSeas work, Miss Viola Powell, who has been the bilging clerk et the Plibliq Utilities "omnhssiott's • office, : has reSigMted her Position ancris spendhig the -'saunter ith relatives at Niagara, Mrs, S. T. Meth and daughter, Miss tiby, of Brussels, .were visitors with yliss Roxeli; Onterle StrCet, Air, Plum vho is Reeve'01 Brussels came down TomtJte,C'o, Council and stayed here twee Sunday: , Mt' ;and Mrs. 0, E, Ferguson and ittle Jean, of Toronto, Were visitors 'ith the Editor arid Mrs,, Kerr lass aturday.. They are visiting,, at •she, opner's iiOine at- Wilton, but' will re urn 011 Friday slid speed a few days :rel, 'Rev,, Dr Mark Ruriball, of Morden, Ian., visited -Itis sisters, Mrs,• Jas, A, ord'"and Miss Georgina Meatball, of own acid Mrs. W. Pickard, of Holmes ,Ile; last week. Dr.'Rumbaill-came east o .attend the General Assembly of the rdsbyterian church witch, ismeeting n London,;• . i he B itu s, sols Pest, 1st, in re i)t•tin+ the Ladies M(uistrel. show 'makes the -fol- owing; reference to 'Mrs,' La Peuotier•e; —No small credit t edit s dee to Mrs, de la Penotielie who responded to an invite- ioh• to help so Willingly. She .is pedally interested in Red Cross work is her husband is wearing the King's' •olOrs oveYseils. She not only drilled he talent and Supplied eustiumes,; basic, etc,, ,but took a foremost. part in both evenings and did it So well her trccess and ambition wait ai g reat spur other performers. -Mrs, de la et'iotiere teas, heartily thanked for er vtt<ltsed help and will be very kind- • rremembercd,by, .all. She returned. IChic`lt•diee Mond'ay IE CLINTQN NEW iz ri... • ate Thered .J ul)a.; stile rtriif e Distrix ��IIIIVIIIIIIIII1111011111111111111IIIIIII111iIIIIIIIIIIIiIIli11111111V111111111illlldll Par50.11111 511 othi,r0 items of iljteiest from blew, lira representatives, III111V111i11111iII1111111111G1111111111111111111111111U111111111111111111111111$1111111 ZURICH.; There passed away at his hone 'Tuesday ah short illness Mr. Turnbull WAS well-known throughout the town- ship and some years etgo wits •t member of the municipal. council, His death will be, deeply regretted IVmany relatives tinci'ftiencls,. While filling his car by the light of tite lantern, Mr, PeterKropf had' a nal'rOW esc;tpe of ' being severely burned, He was- doing' some work at the farm of Mr. John A, $niith,. south of Zurich, and in the evening ,procured :t five gallon can of gasoline, 111 filling up the tank the fumes caught flre and Mr; Kroft in attempting to .carry the blazing can from the driving shed was Beverly burned on the hands. Solite of the gasoline ,had run over on the -floor of the . shed, but.with tite aid cif blankets the blaze was ex- tinguished .before Much damage was done.on the the Saub(e Line wt evening, Mr. Robert 'Turnbull atter BENMILLER The Beuiniller beef ring opened its season last week. Herman Maedel is butcher and the inspectors are Flet- cher Fisher, Arthur Straughan and Samuel Gardner. Fletcher Fisher had the misfortune to lose a fine young colt when one of our local speed demobs ran it down, Miss Beta Young, of Nile, spent Sun- day with Miss Irene Long, A number of boys reported at Lon- don for service on Saturday after be- ing home on leave: Wm. Mugford, Russell Kirkpatrick, Jonathan Fisher, Albert Kurschenski and Harvey Fis- her. We wish to call to the Attention of the council the very bad condition of the bridge and roadway at Pfrimmer's darn. The road has been washed away until vehicles can pass only with diffi- culty. Something should be done -be- fore an accident occurs. Mr. Roy Moore, of the Sterling Bank staff, has been transferred to Sudbury, The death occured early Wednesday morning, under most distressing cir- cumstances, . of Benjamin Allen, the six- teen -year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Joshua Allen. Last Friday 'the team he was driving ran away, and he was thrown from the wagon and his arm was very badly cut, possibly by some wire that he was carrying in the wagon.' Tetanus, (or lockjaw) set in, and the boy endured great agony until Wednesday morning, when he passed away. Besides his parents he leaves five brothers : Maitland, of Auburn ; Harrold and Secord, in France ; Nor- man and Clifford, at home. Another brother, Lorne, was killed about a year ago in France. The keenest sympathy is felt for the parents and other rel- atives in their very sad bereavement. The funeral took place on Friday tri Colborne cemetery. CONSTANCE. fir. and Mrs. D. Cole, of Ethel, spent. Sunday in the village. Miss Bella McCully is visiig her mother in Stratford for a few days, Master 'Clifford Britton is at present under the Doctor's care. Mrs. Adam Nicholson and nephew, W. Moore are visiting his another, Mrs, Moore in Toronto. Me, and Mrs. Fred Stephenson, Mrs. W. Cole and daughter, Mrs. W. Step- heuson,,of Brassels, Spent Sunday in the village,' Mr, James Thuell,.of Brussels, is' visiting his sister, Mrs, 11. Cotdoegh. • HULLETT An interesting event toots place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. McDowell, on Wednesday afternoon when their eldest daughter,. Helen and Mr, John McMillan, , son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMillan, Huliett, were united i marriage. The ceremony in marrE; y was performed by Rev. F. li. Larkin, D. D. The bride wito was given away by her father, wore a gown of silk em- broidered crepe de chene and carried a bogaet of cream roses, Margaret McMillan, the littlesister of the - groom, acting as flower girl,, WINGHAM. There are at present 22 patients in the Winghant hospitaL The com- mittee is considering the advisability of again adding another addition; Several citizens have been complain- ing to Mayor Binkley that the town flag was not flying on the King's birth- day. The property committee will see. that this does not occur again, upon orders of Mayor Binkley, The Winghain merchants will ob- serve their first Wednesday half hol- iday of the season on Wednesday next, GOD,EI2 CH TOWNSHIP': 14OI�TER'S BILL Miss Fingland is spending her vsca- Mr. Charles/'''McGregor or s orfs a I,. Anniversary services will be held tioii with a sberyis vere g p Airs, Louiisbcry is visiting her ino- it fine new buggy, rn Bethituy or' Sunday June sills gat we: at Delhi,' Miss 'Alda McDonald, of Detroit; l 11.30 a, pi., lead of 7,30 p. nr., the Mrs, Taylor of 'Corento, is visiting' who has Aida McDoil h.Y"'ItDethe" reit, Rev, Mr, Smith, formerly of lietisall '-41 tJte ii nip o1' Mr, J, eaghaln• hill cotiduet the service's, wiles: Mrs, Belt svito s e p, James a-been'in, sof Porter's Hill'15- P,tit the fist two ' weeks with: London friends las re- turned hoiiie last weeL i ' turned, - 4 i M,tster Johtiute ,'owiiseuii,;' §un of BRUCEFIELLI, ! Mr, and' Mrs Ambler I'QWnseltd, of'. Goderich,.underwent an operation' far Mrs, dill of our village is ill of . • ,:K11PPEN: appendieitls last week, Itis ninny; nt,irslalar rheuntatisnt, .- friends writ' be pleased;to know lie is ' The Red. Cross 'offering for May was • . Mrs, Chaanbers, : of „Clinton, ,,was - doing nicely, 133 jtair of, so fks ltd 7 setof pajamas, ''visiting her niece, 'Mrs, Fretddh, before 1 Nurse Anderson, of Detroit, spent,) Jeft last week .to altelld slse went West; f two weeks with her parents on fhe the meeting of the Presbyterian As -'.•Mr. and Mrs: 'Brock, of Brucefield, 1 lake Shore road returning oil the Grey- selnbly:, itt 'London, ; were here hist: 'Monday attending' the hound-Tuesdtt'y morning,,, which we A mutter frgm our.ntldsf took 1'01 late Mr I'ayolr's funeral Mr, . and wish her' a' pleasant trip, the "'Moonlight lixcurstott ' at :Gode- tate Mr Taylor's funeral.'A Mr, and' Mrs,' S, Clark And children who has rich on Monday, MYs, Blackford, ref London . were here been visiting her father; Mr. A . Mc One : of ow, village passed away .for l:he Baine purpose. Guire for a month returned on Satur- Sunday last,' Mrs, Simpson who tras day to her home in tlagersville, been a resident for a. long time.. She Robert Thompson Jr,, inti ,family li'trs, A.,Robinson, of Detroit, is visit- had been ill for a long time so that. spent a day in Stratford this week nig friends its . this neighborhood. bar death was not unexpected. She 'tint Mrs. Thotiison'S parents, Mr, and Mr, and Mrs, Robert Russell and was • e member of the • Presbyterian Mrs, Duneau ,of Hay, Mr, and Mrs. Ogle Russell, of Glamis, church of our village, and seldom Mrs. Detweeler and family visited motored down on Sunday and. paid' missed. a service when able to 'attend. friends in Moorefield this week,. their friends a short visit, She was kind and obliging and much, Miss Margaret McLean, Mr,' ` and Rev. Dr; Stewart conducted the Ser- Pissed by' many. friends. She had. Mrs.,: Wesley French. and Miss Easter, vices in aayfield and Bethany on Sun- no family, but one adopted daughter Moore, of Cromarty, left on Tuesday da'. Itis many friends were glad to' Mrs; Hunt, •of Clinton, Wito was at her of this week for, a prolonged visit in see the Dr., agilit , Home for some time, She had reach- the West. 1'he Scarlet Chipter will be opened ed the age of 86 years and was buried Mrs„ William Hart, of the fifth Con- In L, 0, C„ 145, Goderich Township, on. Tuesday at Baird's cemetery, cession of Stanley died rather unex- oft the 14th' of June at 7:30 (newt pected'ly last Thursday marring. She Con - time.) had been ill for some time. The fun - on John Townsend, son of Mr, and Mrs: Aral on Saturday to Baird's cemetery Arthur Townsend, ,formerly of Code- i' Rev, Mr, Fair, a former Pastor here, was largely attended.. There were said -rich, but now living with his uncle i wino has served the Methodist Church to be about 50 cars in the procession Albert Harris Goderich Township, faithfully and well for a good many Mr. Geo, Taylor, who went to Lon, ' underwent an .operation for apendi- years, and is now at Atwood, has ask- don for treatment a few weeks ago chis on Monday of Last week, We ed for superannuation, at least for a died on Friday the 7th inst.' Two are glad to report he is 'doing nicely. year or so, operations were hound to be necessary Miss Hazel Wilson, of Goderich, Miss Gray, of Guelph, will give an and the last one proved too much for spent Sunday with iter cousin, Mrs. address at the Women's Institute on him. He gradually sank until his Bert Orr.' ' June a9th, We hope there will be.a death. His funeral on Monday was Mr. Goldie Newton and Mr. Reg. good attendance. All are welcome. largely attended. The services in Sturdy each sold a splendid horse to The service last, Sunday in the the absence of his pastor, the Rev. Geo. Jenkins, of Clinton, to go out 'to Methodist Church was taken by the J, E. Jones, was conducted by the the Prairie Provinces, Women's Missionary Society, when Rev_ Mx. Hart, of Brucefield, a for - The Taylor's Corner Patriotic Soc- the delegate, Miss L. Brigham, to the mer minister here: He. leaves to mourn iety held a sewing Meeting at thje� home London branch meeting gave the re- his foss, his bereaved partner, 'three of Mrs, Wm. McCabe on Wednesday. Poet, daughters, Mrs. Pope, of British Mr. James Johnston, of the Truroti The church service was taken in the Columbia, Mrs, S. Thomson, of Stan - Road, had a heavy loss when -itis cows evening by the Rev, Mr, Abery, ley and Mrs. Troyer, of Hay and four broke on to the road and wandered up Rev. Mr, !Caine who has been atteend sons,. Edwin, of Saskatchewan, Frank Polley's sideroad and one of tate best ing. conference at Walkerville, will re- of Michigan, and Fred and Bert. of Lon - of the herd was killed by the train. tern home .Friday, don. One daughter, Mrs, Pepper, died Mrs, Isaac Salkeld, accompanied by Mr, Will Brundson who has been un- last year. 'rhe late Mr. Taylor was Miss Silverthorn, of Toronto is visit- der tite doctor's care for the past week born in Devonshire, England, 74 years Mg at Fall River, Mass., and other is able to be Out again, ago, lord fifty years ago last Marcia he places in the New England States, and Mrs. W Lyon is confined to the and Mrs, Taylor were married, sailing. will be away for a month, house. foe Canada in June. They located in entre Huron Situation As Mr. Proudfoot Views It. (Toronto Globe May 3.1) Liberals- of .Centre Huron, who at provincial elections, but bore the brunt deal: of forbearance and toleration.' of the campaign in Mr. Proudfoot's be- Liberals who stood, with tite Laurier half, and to the Liberals in Centre party will be surprised that there blttrron it seems incredible that Mr; Mc- should be a tendency graciously to Millan slioutd be charged with being cosalascendl to•, receive theta back again t11 ca e f t Alt ubl T 1 e convention held a few days •tlro; Theeras in blies sold, qunse who have beers acs passed a resolution censuring their ex restre eir tat feel drain regboard to linked efrequently by the Liberals representative in the , lacal house; express their tree feelingsbin regard ve. web went sato the Unionist party Mr. William Proudfoot, K, C„ the Op -thea other of conthestituencies member andlbelieve to ani a this attitude, of the difficult many othea constitnenefes woutdbe act -to understand. One of he questions position Leader, did not represent Legtee in the common good if they would that is certain to be: debated sooner or the whole riding, according to the, statement of Mr. Proudfoot to The, Globe yesterday. The resolution found fault with the Opposition Leader for his attitude durtng the• Dominion elections last December According to ,Mr. Proudffoot, only aboftt 30 or 40 people were at the (Friday May 31) conventibu, which was arranged by also express their opinion on the course: pursued by their representatives, _.p_ London Advertiser Editorial Mr. Thomas McMillian. Mr, Proud- ' The Liberals of Centre Huron held', foot attributes two reasons for tiil's. a meeting the other day., .No man or When Mr, •Proudfoot was •first noun- newspaper has yet disputed..ilieir right. inated for Centre Heron he defeated to call themselves Libeerals. The Mr. McMillan, although since ;Y that time the latter has constituted the regularly organized) supported the . Opposition Leud- er. "The Other reason was t a 5 tltAt I' spoke against hint on the platform, in the Domintou election," said M'r, Proudfoot, "If' he had been• tine Union Government candidate, T cer- tainly would have supported hint He simply got a ,lumber of his friends around and they putthe motion through. About 2e.gr is: the proper representation," Mr, Proudfoot pointed out that al- though the convention passed ,t res- olution -of censue, they also passed another resolution asking him toy do certain things do coptxectiott: will, Hydro mutters, Mr, Proudfoot denied that he. ever made •th'e statement asaile,ged, that all those who• voted• against Union Government Were traitors. "Cha -the contrary," said Mr. .Proudfbok, "1 said,, that everyone desire that tenon Government' ,should prove to be a ,success and if it was it would be in. the interehts of ell'.the peoples ,of the, Province of Clfttttnio; and that we would show by our, actions that we The hog market is taking a slide, were prepared to back up the boys Despite the high cost of beans, cer- at the front" ' tain indiscreet and unpatriotic people --0--- continue to —U—continueto Spill them occasionally; Another Side oftle:Questtor , Seafortlt,'Julie.'5; ,i',reference' to HAD BOILS -and:PIMPLES � ON 'F A CE AND BODY. Boils and pimples are Bim sly evidences, of bad bided' t Itat is ao' trctt �atrn" g in the system coming 10 the•sitrface.' The enl Way to si ' o , w d tit y y y self. ofthese painful and nneightly blood diseases is to have your blood purified by Burdock Blood Bitters, Til removes revery, par - tide of foul material.from the blood, and the eicin beconiee clear and smooth, and free from all eruptions, Mr, Roy Bevay, � Bb a Trenton, yr Ont., writes:—"Two yeere a(Go 1 was very r».uoh troubled with bode Mad ,pimples on my face and body. A friend advised me to take Burdock Blood Bitters, 1 got three bottles and before..I had. finished the. third .onc m bona [ti ep „had d inn l e and � d pLeared, and my time' and Wye i e- clear e smooth all Aslyybaby?a,eoiud,bo;" • nd • as Burdock Bleed Bitters hits reen on'the- mark t for oiler l40t era r.` �ou ' Q $' e aro trot•, experimentaege i;rliott;Trott Fbuy it„ IVIanvfart urcd• on1 7.`l1h T. v!)y ?di • t>tiirn Co, itupited, '("dietttto, Chit, the published tritettyirew :with W. Proud - foot, M,l°.P; teethe l'orotto'.:G1pbe."re- ceatly, in regard to• the 'Centre Huron Liberal meeting al Seefortb'last week, tate following facts coverittg the meet-; ing are given .but by' M'. Mul•die, .pres- later is as to whether or not there cats be a. reconcilittlbn Sir 'Wilft'id would be. the one. .titan. to achieve it. No other has appeared with a shadow of the• unifying influence of the old chieftain of his party. ' -- "101 HIS FACE.' (W'edueesdisy"s Advertiser) "1e the Liberal party in Canada is so slittrply divided; that v provincial gathering known its a Liberal conven- leader, may be bi'fteriy assailed by res - !time and without fear of favor the otirtion to his face, as was the fact . in !spoke right upand told I 11 Centre- Huron,, who have the members p g to d w tat was on, of the art' ,thank "—L t to 7 ondaii Free their minds,: party They passed a resolution. of censure: l?resS, ' • upon Mr, Wiyliant Proudfoot, M, P.., P,, for his remarks supporting Union, 'Ii ta,,u a tete words, is indicated n Government, and in which inferentially net the, e great differences between he "condemned Sir Wilfrid Lausier, the:, Conservative or Unioaist'.party and end at the same time they piacedltlletn- the Liberals: • To the Liberal mind selves on record as supporters of Sir nothisrg le more natural, when a repre ' Wilfrid Laurier, They have received s'entative has committed scrum act of, mild rebukes from newspapers, that which his, constituents do bot approve, supported the Union Government, hut than to caft beineto, account, and, pass a they will .not be inclined to shed, any 'resolution, in his presence or '-"to his tears over the attempts to discipline face", expressing disapprobation. their expressions on the questions oe "Who (or whom) haveathe members the day, of th,e party to blank ?" No one ;they Who should be the sheep, and wee), hove, to thank, and do thank, the,Liber- should be the goats of Liheralisiat: was; al principals which dictate such action a question debated in these, sante news- wiper occasion .equities it, • papers some, time .ago.. ,The incliner• How foreign to the Conservatives' Bon was to take. the . arbetrar•.y stands astute is this open .expression of that anyone. who had. ,utat supported! opiiliou 1 'Their plan, udder similar Union Government. was. me lotug'er• is circumstances, would be to declare ,Liberal, that ,Sir,Wilfrid: tdaurief;,could loudly that their eepresedtative was no longer.' claim to Jae e,Liberat leader, right and could do' no eiroeg.eindthee and. that all ,true .Liberals .bad iloeked to -,get hila quietly ipso ,A,corner •null over with Mr. Rowell, et, al, ,This^feti- warn him not' to make. the same mis dency is not so marked at the'present • take in future.' The :members of • Pat' time. The Liberal Oppositicin lefty; .lament sent to Ottawa by the Tory Sir Wilfrid, made: a goodeskawiiig,e:at .party work along the satire lines:• if the Iasi session.:. tt was. a-gooct.,tlti g ' they'diffei,froth, their appointed leader: for the country thatthis oppositioneuas and ,master in opiniott, they 01R5 'whis- thei'e.; more nefarious acts`ttettiiflidse AO' their ideas in caucus, batt never carne tyould:the, dream .of I,�eing so .indis creel or bold as to oppose hint en the open„ They may desire to see titles abolished in Canada, but at the crack of the 'leader's whip they .vote. to retain them.;' It the creed of. the party, ideal of .Ire assoliatron; ; and 'J, D. •111 .a trifle a l4• daes net +•seeht ^to be Throughout .the country districts, perpetrated' would ,have beet. „ d out but -.for fear of the uttdaunted,feiv ,typo faced the power -swollen majority.. re. swallowing of that abomination ,called; the war times election act has ;made a good many former. Liberals just: liinchley, third vice-president. wholesome food to: them„ the culling of young • tarnters to the Mr, Proudfoot "stated that there were And from the countryside they will , army;has aroused a storm of; in'digna- only,•thitt'y%'er-eoa•ty present; the fact is, there were oder`,otie' lrutidred. at the meeting,,and in Mr, lV•oudtoot's open legletntitpsbe congratulated the as- so.ciation oli-thtlai,ge' ettendiusce.end the iiui•oh- Expositor', with•nopolitical leitning, at • tire" 1511 election; ;in its .re port of the:leeettig; said.it was'lafgely. attended. • Mr. Prottdfopt. also stated the, meeting was niaiiaged.15 Thomas McMtl stn.hoihi t c old be ftrrt teY from 1 t o f 1 b 1. thetri the troth. 1t was Altana. nleetist, +. e of the YIlia Centre. I#ut'olf Liberal Associat- ion, the Attie of whicis. is fixed by the constiiitttoe 011 the' last 'Tuesday, . in May, atnd'Ibe notices and advertise- M.v enti Vel'c ;kelt ,elef':Tront. Mr;. Plonk. foots btv#i Adige; •i1ft);,t 90$ thetd was a itosniii latgs .00t ypittioti 1t�iere''.'gtea the two to i'" ' eke 'PI•li cifo t atilt ,t of c'S^� ,lNi', � t 0 Mi', Mctti tail", the Ovate e :iii+, the i.yialre plan, Win iliS •tisnliVc3 l frbf: 'lilud foot, : 141, ; Mc illaif.4I&, lti"b et r select ion' GI dill "d c � i, t'Riad e l 7 4 ably gave;itis support in thetlast 411lee • sly' rent/del, there writ 11e a gaud p .• hear ;the voice of Libetalisiri 'sounded ton. ;Bitter things are, maid 'privately by many outer orgaaizaliotis.like the against, thte.;.Goyernpienl's action, but Centre Huron -Liberals, The rpen,wlio the, gr3od >iory who is going around e are", C.itierttls, wilt deuidtt' the iquestiati- tvitlr il,petitititr"tb'1 rave "-alt x ce trp rill. of the shoe acid tite oats. The will ,made ie favor of, his own sou (tits noth call Liberal pconventiO s and, 'discover ing to say in public against his '• party who dontirtates these ' couyentions,'.ttt Parliament which broke all the ;pro• leturierites or Rowetlites, The coon- arises' made hint:: ` There is no 'shirr division~ of the try will' .cairn ]tow stlrong.a force is, the ''' V Liberalism that- with a 'fair, fightiti'g 1 Lilieral party t the fact that members, chance would have giden it .Worthy of ft reprove "'their represent, tiv es pub - acco u t of' itself in ()Mario last re. •licl Y'(s a proof o f its c'o ne lof. It tS camber. a party of principals and -it does net 0111 -noto sounded, from, paper �i hesitate to assert. these •principals n,a iqu a 1 Pe. which' Supported Union Goverment is vigorous mariner when advisable. new to the `situation, 'rite B'rantfard. The paper from which the ry,uota- eetii ti to the' tiltsee at the beginning of this article EsnoSilorttfler caliittg Atte„ i 1. ' t ' Liberals wits taken states that the elan weep is action of the.Centre Hoop, 1 •} s imaginaryiv i n is 'regarding N91', Proudfoot anti Sir Wil- i to b1a lie for the d iso feet Laurie', has tile follbwiitg to ear ; Sir Wilfrid Laurier, because he toteed 7.oss- ' ,.•"These are matters t•egarclirtg which an eJeltian in 19 i Just what b. ..'there , sp rit fttralfy be a difference of stile coni eetiOn there ban' be, reader's v,. a must pirzele out for tltetutselves,' Nei - which' ie pa tybct'1 e' 'speed. We, 1101 tlit local l'ory:jlaper, 1511 whiclrif the party is to bl 'speed bel tlt�tn ROYAL YEAST CAKES MADE IN CANADA Kipper' on the fine farm of 150 acres where they have resided ever Sinee:- He was a man of considerable force of character and made things go. Prof. essor ':,urrelly, of Toronto IJttiveesity is a nephew and the late Mr. Treble of the same city, a half brother. ' SEAFORTH Mrs. M, Y, McLean is visiting with friends in Toronto: Miss Heileman, of Goderich, is vis- iting Miss Sproat, n Egmondville. Mrs, and Miss Cuthill are visiting friends. in Brussels:. The Auto Sales' Company have re- moved to their new premises on Main Street, Mr; T 13, Anderson, of Listowel, was the guest of M'r. add Mrs. C. E. Smith over . Sunday Bishop Williams will hold continua - Hoe in St. Thomas church at the morn- ing service on. Sunday, June ,6th. Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Colson and Mr. Norman :Brown, of St, Thomas, spent the week -end with friends in town, Mrs, Earnest Murray and little dau'gliter, of Regina who have been spending several weeks at the hone of Mrs. Wm, Murray left on Thursday to visit her parents in Montreal. The following from, the Canadian Weekly Journal will be read with in- terest by many friends stere. The an- nouncement of the engagement of Lieut, W. Pearson Grieve, Canadians, to Miss Vera Terrace, of i01 West- borough Terrace, Hyde Park, London, and "Scotlands," Haselmere, Surrey, has been delayed owing to the death last December of Mr. W. A. Sargeant. Rev, George McKinley is attending the annual conference of the Metho- dist church in Windsor. We under- stand that Mr, McKinley has accepted a call to a church in London. His many friends here will sincerly regret the removal of • himself and -family from Seafortlt. It is expected. that Rev. H. B, Moyer, of London, will be the new pastor here. A very successful meeting was held stere in the town hail at which the Seafortlt branch of the Navy League of Canada was organized. What the audience lacked in numbers it made up in enthusiasm. Mr. F, G. Holm - stead was in the chair and made a short but forciable speech with refer- ence to the dogged courage and reso- lution of the men of the Navy and Merchant Marine, Lieut, Carnegie then gave a brief history of the. League of Britain and Canada also stating the aims and objects and the necessity for a large and ever growing membership. - Titen followed the election of officers for the focal branch which resulted as follows: Chairman, Mr, F. G. Hohn-. sted ; secretary, Mr, A A. Naylor ;. treasurer, Mrs. Alex, McLennan ; com- mittee, Mr. A, D, Sutherland, Miss Lakes, Mr. Thos, Stevens, Mrs. Holtnestead, with power to add tb',.. their committee. The following despatch fro,tn Wolf-' ville, Nova Scotia, which appeared in • the daily papers on Thursday last wilt be read with much interest by many; friends of Mr, MacTavish who a fortifier well-kown Seaforth s boy, and.' a brother of Mr. John MacTavish, and ' also a nephew of, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward McFaul of this town: "Newton . MacTavish, editor of the .Canadian , Magazine, Toronto, received the hon- orary degree of Master of Arts at the•'; graduating convocation of Acadia oh 'Thursday, May 30th, The honor was conferred ori Mr, MacTavish for dis-ij ti.taction in !Revery and pictorial critic- j; isms. Mr, Newton' MacTavish, editor of the Canadian Magazine, whose' home is at 152 Bowland avenue and ;' who is a wellrknown Canadian journ- • alist, Ives born near Seaforth 30 years � ago and was educated at McGill UM- iii; varsity. For many years he was a ••` niettiber of the editorial staff' of the et. Toronto Globe with lteadquttrters at ! Montreal. During the past ten years he has .resided with his family in 'To- •rt roitto, Books and pictures may be. Ai said eo be tlfe life work and hobby as. well Of Mr, MacTavish. At the pnese tit time a volume by hint entitled Ate tit, Canada". is ilii the hands of tire' publish- ers, He is a member of Bioor'SStreet, je Presbyterian church, the Acts and' ef .Letters Club,. and. the Ontario -Chat, Mr, MacTavish is. making a collecttoe• I„ of ;pictures'by Canadian artists, lre {1i believes •flint art patrons .cats get ae.. good picut-r:e s In Ca nada, as anywhere' lit' -'the world and a •I a to C'anadiit t artists: ! a b oy 1 t fit ' has many first editions of'.famous ' books and' his hotite bit elowlmid web - nue is evidence of his• great, t-- inpictures and books.' The 'resident ,. of cadia University, Rev, Geer 6re Cul ! tor''D. D. in offering Mr, M acTavis t the degr e silted the( the UntversitY had watched. his work•in art acid liter - i ,ature witlt•.great interest Mid the only way they could show apprecieti'ouwas by conferring a dagree'upon hint, 'Mrs, Mac".ravish, foruteri Miss Kate Johns y stone is a graduate of Alma Collegek St, Thomas where she was. boar. Mr, MacTavish is being congratulated by a .lost of friends who fie. the . l oeor conferred is a distinction well earned, Low-priced' tea, is u';delusiotr for it ields so, poorly in the tett rOt 1 -hat it Y . waif 1. a t .'extrava `s tc 1: cont areae is .act . Y n g't e p. Withe the genuine Salads Tea, which ' ,1 yields so generously and has Such a de. hetotis flavor. A riot at Halifax was caused by a cake of soap. Stitall Ixrys Who list. e "1 the sight of so51> Will agree at i flu • t Is enough to cause trouble iny'titrte.