The Clinton New Era, 1918-6-6, Page 51AW 4 • NTON NEW ERA. ' to' 440iv. 0,140 4„K , sjrii.00$0p episAim et ' lA :11,5 ."011,013EN 0Ak1>1R IG RIA�t Genuine, scoria ,Always Bears the. � r Signature of ribuiVir't 1' TH t esn,u t, vriil {� niott s uta } At'GyFroA r ,,r:N:1.5 • ... ani Use For Over :.ars Thirty Ye ^+.• Of Wrapper. .Te Ftc,$w iwriv N W ,�NYTV. Exact Copy PP *� ,fix', , • ., - Ki' NEW U5E FOR' A CAT Some time • ago an Rent was printed in' a newspaper telling how in staking a visit to a busy lactOry it' was noticed that 'a big affable cat wandered at will • throughout a ;roprthat was crowded with whirring looms • The cat seem-, ed.Weleome' to each of the girl -workers, and each had a pleasant word or a pat fear their pet as it strolled about at will "Doesn't that cat take the girls' at tentidn'from their Work?" "That cat is worth a salary," was the reply of the owner of the mill. "Since it strolled in here It has' in- creased the efficiency of the department by ten per cent,, at leasti" "What does it do=kill mice?" "No. It kills monotony, It keeps ihe• girls good-humored:" There is a flew use for a cat! -The Ladies' World: .Q`hi.tclre,n Cry FOR `FLETCHER'S $'4TRIA. SUNDAY SC. O! Lesson 1 t sly 'fir d ' daOr'w''. ;luta(; 16; 1918. cubes alt InveutQr has patented an eleetrieitl,deyiee t11at, dies its wont with heated Wires, Also {,ting, Jo; it., liper eye Spe- efuhazt, itwhite clothing' Por in sorts Were' tboiisked lit rt geberation here, • would be, taiIP%pek eent,:dtaeraase In the number of peraaus with stefeetive Th4lrsday,• Jultw: 6thr vision, A New Yoe1. tltreeitOe''s reap signal far automobiles raises arSnws point-. ing to the right nr•left to indicate• 1110 direction d .11 is going to 'take or both "arrows 10 �slidw it about to -stop when bottoms ole the steerietb wheel are pressed. ps. GItton 'Root Vo op fa& 4 N e, rclfab(e rerlter(1ti$Th r)}ewl ne, (j pi�t )n t trss dI' ateeeo of streua'i No, t 411 �tlW�rt�it{r'tlkaoafit�iter4; tLt,}y 3411 pp?lep, na �tr. Pi d' PtIPe'} cow 004 ORb$(O, u1+Y:'460100 weniar,) Tug INTEENM1ONAAL SERIES:`. teitt ,9f i es�on;'INwrk'.15s2g 8b *lilt°awo.: ' 'pry' Varae, :lobs 15 13='-Clekleh''4xt Mark 15: sY,- GommeVrt'Fy ' PI ipijri by Rov. 0. M, Btearhe. ',After nisch,'a )night 'ae' novtr before noes ee was'ipasaed'by`iuortal Merli,ln' tlie;gerdea ,anti before•theehlef priests and•Ithe•couaellytheybgnne Jestfe;fland eatlrled hlttt aivay:and^delittebedthitaitee ?11d$kl'tI1I Rbtriiih''Ig4�ej hh, tl t' 10 Might hlivel Wm+'piftr to I;fteatlt, pet a ',malefactor, who Was perverting 'the Mitten, dad ttirbidd(ng tri titi6e t1t11titte tofeaeser tbrvl?liate's b :ted°as ular'tibn'k�tat°t °rtodnd np' �ar{nx'l�il.t r ah rt!aging aialeiet i}y' lits ~vita` sol; tie lime: rap' ehlnt; •10 140 wI bjstm because of adren) she had 1p3betng hire tolgr,at fhat fea'et to'i'e}'eaee,upte'tbetn n 0100140 W1l0in thleylhight eeleeti and having,!a notable • Prisoner who had been fi•tiiurdeker he gave themta`eii"otce bettfeen inafilibas and' "Christ;'lioptldg ttia'tr they iilodldt anrely; ask ?dr 'Christ. ' The''ch4ef WO.* died a r$er s peryicjadad ilia ;multttu a task ' for (Parntibsa, gad• destroy IesUs ;'When Peter re- hepreed tiiis,4u one of'i%le dlacourses'he said, ' Ye'denled the L3c1y One, acid the Met, and' desired a Murderer derer to' be ghrapt"ed un{o"you und't{illed`flie Prinoe of'"Life" (Acts 3;1445). When they edlled for 't'Baratibas,' Pilate asked, 1V('jat will ye'theti that 1 snail do unto tlim;'whom Ye call the .King Of the Jews?' or, ,ae it is .in ,Matt. 24:22, '{What inall,1 do then with:Jesus, who la; 'called • Christ?" They •cried oat, Crudity him" (vbs. 5-14) Piitite'there- fore took water, and washed lila hduds before the nultitude'enying, '}I stint in- (.1'060#:of the blood of t`his'inst jsep ion; 'see' ye to 'It.", Willing tb`'content the. people be released:',Barabbtis .unto tfiern, •and `•delivered Jesus, when •he dad+scourged him, to he erdetited (vs. 15.,and` Matt. 21;24). -0b, bat it •11 bard to -read it' and wrlte'dt. "s'14hat :do a'lI the 'a'tro'cities of jtlils? present war amodnt'fo 'compared with Silo treat- tiinnt' of 'the Stip of Gldd who glyet'h'to all:ulite • and14ibbeath and allilthtggd„ Fplien $lista pard ,Bebotd,your ](1iggl t e chief .•priests Bald; We ;beim .iso kflg,iiut Qaesar (John 19:14-15),. and they have+ball' their : choice ever' eine even till now. nasus to''the'hantls^ot'the'=sodteta `If 'housewh'es who `dislike to find Worm when cutting apples would first put the fruit ie cold water they would' find, that the worms would .leave the apples: and come to the surface, of the water, FOR., rFLg•t ERS 'Ok,R°mss' w`„r7", rt 1-f FULL YOUR •WEIGHT Tommy Pop,' what does camouflage 1 mein? '' TomMy's Pop -, Camouflage. Lmy sop, is -well, ifs like a'girl try.. ing .to 'look swell when she has 'the mumps. You never can tell. Many a man thinks he :has reached the top When he is really •laid .on the shelf. The billows are heaving behind, The breakers are foaming before We need MI the strength we can find Each ounce. yon can put to.the :oar Ate a ypu,rdoiug,.tjte nest that you .can To. keep the 0111 galley afloat? ;,Are, you ,poser 'or freight? Are you pulling your weight-. Are you pulling your weight in the boat? It isn't the task of the few - The pick of the brave and the strong lts`'hse sad it's 1 and it's you Must drive the good vessel•along: W1II you Save? Will you 'work? . Will you fight? Aare'`'you •ready, to take off your coat? Are you serving the State? Are yeu`-jiiilling your weight - Are you pulling your .weight in the boat? -N. Y. Life �,}C �ANn1',It'Il. t��RFkk p{t�P irr `rWm'w Phu o�9,10 r�4'Uk pit} N'1Y .f'' 'y 118 S,g(T§- : i q gNito wATAt-F llNt PK_, ,ARP SSP SP QPR ,tg «►REGI IQ S. 1 eH ail, . , 0i,:: ME -SAVING SHOES An American manufaeterer recelatly placed on the market a line of shoes for electrical workers which are made" to withstand potentials up to 20,000 volts without harm to the wearer, The shoes contain no oenent and have no ;seams but are vulcanized into' solid pieceuit(ler.hil.11 pressure in alentinern, `Maids. A: novel feature of lite shoe is'that the soles are white, and Older the white surface is alayer of red fhb - her.. When the sole has work down to a poll• where the red . is .exposed, lit is a Sign to the wearer that a new halfisole should Immediately be secur led in.place.-Tit Sits,, SEND IN YOUR ,RENEWAL .1 a; k, si ,' ,�yeavva heavy •itanes over Your 'head:* `° what it is, daddy! O, I know Ise and 1 You ,held it: too close , ass s ell .K -'-`t s WRIGLEY'S!" Rishto, sonny -= give Your ,'appetite ,,and disestdon a (rept -4ihdle ;You tckle ►opr swat toroth. " , Mia( ChewIt theta EItCfY � The' Flavonr'Lastst il'ade,'in Cahfiida 1 n I Merited, caoivnedinitiiholtns `s°mitten, 4'1ft niton a rope p'htion 1115 blinding S akt and t4k'ep oft 4iii' n a'dd this tidvn elethes put op',Mtn' ''!gCCic1e. ,and ci+aei bands, and the erose laid an''haat Iiii,e1c, mans One' shedder i,,and s1a g'44, heart, 01:ss'162;l):: Wbktiter'he atumbied'WS are not told, but':lt is 'tube a°'oilte'of relief to fee 1h -o'er -a: tilke.til. •i'oin hle rthlit:etflug . at a 'p tritaki failimis ejtrt erred*Inn p,uibnl,iie a,retltait, $gther;1%rstiii)ized -It ?!p not t :, i,ga ng the place of craclfi don,; he I 1541114' n,pt :fiFpep 1:496 slpet11!fg •Pe - don, but calmly submitted to beeruq- flhdRol .us, made.ar,cutitattr rte'' that We ifilghttttionrilerighl>(n+as122:24 'ClitL 3'133) `'Gun iyal,' deet hfin "ase $e"m ' k1 odr e'hli thio `s 'ami find pain lu lir sf tl 4ka's`Iff asi or e fart` itt to`Nid' haat rsfio' 'gl,oryl',.eavertn t5'g c pss of t{l ra 'illy ipr'gh41 uy Atom i:he world fa erne lied unto me, .and 1.uato •the .w.or10,-(Ga1,.1:14).. We enn meditate upon all the agony of that night, sad that day, on which he Made atonement for the stns of the world, and talk of It, and'aing'of it, hut to understand it or-In'any sense:,rentire it is simply impossible. We 'should may from the heart,.:see what it cost trim to redeem me. - Mark ',glveei :the three hours of his-crncbi.xioii, the dank- ness, and his death, the third, slith and ninth hours; :Jewish time, which would he our nine, twelve anti three o'clock (vs. 25, 83). Consider all the Scriptures fulfilled In the, piercing of his hands and feet. the dividing of hie raiment, hla being numbered with tnins- gressors, not a hone of'lilm'broken, and others, and expect as atteral'a fulfill- ment of all Scripture. Consider the re44ing of those who passed by and:of the thieves. and that when he was re- viled he reviled not again (1 1?'et. 2123.24). ' Colistder' h1e:'Seven Words, or sayings, from the cross -Mid their significance. and application to yo(r. . 'The yell of the temple was a symbol of his hod), (Reb.,10 20), and 1.1,11011 'IRO died if was rent in twain from the tip to the bottom ;(vs.'88). It was full :of .figuree'.of'cherubim, syrnbole%ofNila re- deemed, and they ,'being ;rent when: ft was ,rent teach us "that wi:(ep; he died we died with him Ex 36:35; Gal. 2 '3.0; Jima. 6:8, 11) Joseph of Ai<'l o tie` bod and lie Pilate for y rsrathea asked t he and Niendemus,prepated' it for tin, aial,and<laid It InJoseph'p'nov,, tomb and thus ffihllled :soaker -Serlptt{;re w ,bleb said; "They made :his. grave wit]*, the rich in hie death ' '(yes, 42.471 John 19138.42; Ise. 58:9), The'.wohien wtio ministered unto hip 'beheld where lite 'body waif laid, and •retnrned,.c and ,prepared apices and 'ofiitinente, that they might'anptnt Oa body when the Sabbath wap `past, and tliey r4g'ied the,Sabbath day according to. the eommandment (ye; 47'; Luke X28:55, 50).` ' Their, dove was real blit hot belie'vlpg'what he had`eald'abont his rlatng again 'ilia thfed day' it wire love's labor lest. Ntittee: what le^ Written to 'Meth 27 ,92.86 •' about 'sealfhg and ' making sure the tomb, and.eonioder man'I8 Vain thpughts: taontrailt the eltutting•dp snit realms of •the'divit m'the 'iib`yfl/r('0I+p4&. UtiftteaMd.eNote Mire. 20'4.A)4 • • ChildrenChildrenCry FOR FLETCHER'S •CASTOR1A t:t NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE tt tt In a book a Minneapolis mien has invented for children pictures of ani- mals jump out in a life -like manner as the pages are turned, Most of the houses in a Paris sub- urb, are heated by water which flows from an artesian well at a tempera- ture of about 82 degrees. An aeroplane propeller built up of leather on a' nickle steel frame that his been invented in Europe is claim- ed to be indestructible. Within a little more than three years' the number of electric motor trucks in England has increased from about 150 to more than 1000. New eyelets for shoes have an automatic locking device that pre- vents then{ catching in clothing and also holds a shoe lace securely. Chicago has more telephones than 'all France and a single' office build- ing in New York contains more than 'there are in the whole of Greece. For cutting blocks of ice Into stall .1 tr IrW'otxee +�i y The brad i ttOl, d�a1t 'Th4 qnd i ANT rtitth ¢ eh ie ate`' lfflkV �ygs rein ,�yr4icoryo r�i Aloild . Ia oltl`. to no ` (ti i'A ' "CP43 1)cbiU'f AiliaRat aaig.,Bi ia0 , M dr+ Orli Toss fidr .i".e idled, b Ars li .,, irt,„„,e 4p,„„.. lira rt ,ex ix tur5 g0)Ir ! rise, P1) 114101o4NbdiSV10 Ir i a,sre,iir ,i'ilki 11/10.11' Uik&, Pi' tiNltUt Pct Arle"F„...,„,,,..„,.0, d,,,,,4,,,,....."1,0 ' • airoanntor Go.. 10Kosschostx:'(tte.orpot s 9 4DA �n : a s' Registiation. 4, *4 '. Ids Purpose' and :Ap !iii at on • A faces'the ;gra+est crisis in her history. Four•yearscof er^jiri ve,takert from vy shortage of man Ile. the s yetd '�lelpilnion a .11ea� y toll in talent and labor,, . despite ag . i'.Allres•still depend Oil Canada to' Maintain her own'fightin'g fortes 'at'full ;polder, ou strengthiand to+irtereose'.her exports of food and war materials so, vital to theory: and. to the stic'ees3f it `prosecution of the war.. iEveryrounce by 1v1 zch ClnadaFap,}pcueasi<,herifood•produot}onland every ounce Canada can,save'in her food, constonp,tiorsis,needed: for export to the.Allies. r. ;cdiitinue `for another year food<cards �and'a rationing systema may hereto• be inst u e'tnlar ,be Instituted, It is the duty.Qf Ganada''to'�ie;'prbparedfoi.vrchafe,?er`situation circumstances • may force upon her. "+ robdble that laefor"e the war "is, won our: C'overnmeritt' may have to place rlt t ilia e U • ,inn which men and women may engage. In such an si:strlctidns upon the f7�culoaftons event the Government' wfshee to. beta is position toJYender 01. possible. assistance in 'keeping-our•:pispulation'nsefull"y aria prufitab y emi3loyed e , Irl � rT:"1 •� e -istraticant>; a.Y, June 22nd These conditions point to the'peeessity of Canada 'knowing the exa81 capabilities of her mem and women, at home, persons residing, in Canada„' male or female, Bnieh or alien of l:'6 years and over,.will be required! ,o a gistef Orr fume 22nd and truthfully answer the question's swith th upon the registration card. 'It rs'dot;the Government's intention to conscript !tabour In any form, but to assist in directing it wisely, . 21 Issued by authority of CanadaRegistration Board ao•that•every-availpble unit of human energymay'be utilized to. the, best advantage. The infofiiation'prdcured"through registration will be used-as.an aid to the -Military Authorities in pro- curing{ the men necessary to maintain. "Canada's, First bine of Defence"='tmmobilize all units of avaiF able:laboe in the•Dominion and direct them:from less. essential to more essentialoccupations-to establi h• and'intelligently'admtmeter a system ofcfoodrationiag should:. that become>necessary. t: fti 1i '1 :u '.1 QTI CE DSO C,: '' E'N t : T BE CARRIED by every male'persan-uv`lia'rs:rrot on active service in AITY e 1lisi jesity's 'Naval ..' or. ititary; Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of any of His Ma esty's Afhaes, and, who appar'eutky, flay be, lir is reasonably 'suspected' Eo 'tie,' -toiiithin -the descrip4:ion6if tle1SS One under the `].e i itary Service Act, 1917, 'i ho' for ariy reason may have Qlaimed that he is not. witthin °Cta ss' ; 'one lander the Act. Not for, is hereby given that, under the provisions of -an differ rn 'l eftiiUil (P.C. 1013), of the 20th April, 1918, upon and after the let day of June, o 1918, every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's NOM, or Military Forces, or in the Napal or Mi'litaryForces!ofi;ti}s 14falesty'e Allies, and who apparently may be, oris reasonably stispectedsto be, within ;the des'ei4,iption of Class. One under the lyliliterY''Servfco Ace,' 1917, b3 who n '44,r on whose behalf, it; is at any time attrrtidd, claim'cd .or allegedtha£ he lii'Itot, whether•by reason of ,age, statue, nafatin>aity, oreeption, or, otber'wisq, satins Claes'One cinder the Military Service Act, 1917, as'defined for ,theltime being 'Or !that, although within the sdid•Classl-heAS aaeinpted ftoiri'of not liable to iliillthry'aiiiV,ice; shall 'have with him upon his person at liil'•tMies•Or in' or upon any building or premises where he at tuiY' time member 'any other noeioty or body, a certificate of, the, flet wigned^by an Nice-holder':competent so to certifyunder the regulations: of the church, order drdenomination, society or body, to which he belongs;: or - AGE 1f it l •e claimed that he is not within the Maas by meson of age, an official eertifeate of ,the date -of hie birth; or a certificate of hie age signed by .two repgteble citizens residing in the community in which be 7iyee-and having kholvlaUge'of,the fact; or. MARRIAGE 0 f marriage a reason , 's not within the Class byB hal^bei imed t Ititb be...claimed itertilfcatei Tither ofieial or sighed by two reputable citizede iefildugg in the eg •'mmu it,y'iri wipo`h'be lives; and haying nowiedge of the facts, certifying to, fie Caidrrriige andt7ia6..his weife;ie living; ''or ;,i •, r NATIONALITY If}t l t.blehned that he is not wi bin the Class by reason of his natieuality, a;eeetifie tp of lite ntrtionali*y,,signotly a Conoul or Vice -Consul of the foreign State or, C'.,orm'try.td which lie'claims his allegiance is due; ,or a passport issued by ;the Govern tent`of that Cpnhitry establifhing his ilat(oifhlity( or ACTIVE SERVICE EXEMPTION 5' • it'll If it be claimed that he is exempted from or not liable to military service by reason of any exemption granted or claimed or application pehd1 g tender the Military Service Act, 1917, or the, regulations thereunder, Ws exemption papers, or a certificate of the Registrar or Degmty •Eegistrarof'the't}isiriet to which he belongs evidencing the fact; or If it. be Claimed that.he is exdeptedas a member of any of IIis Majestyts Farces of 08 having smile, the 4th August, 1914, served in the Military ori 11;4b 11liorlia of Great Britdin'orher 'Allics saany theatre of actual War and has.', ,Agnbt?nt'i,,ratitydiselettgeii tlicre(toin;ofhtetal dodutiaonts or an ofimal'aertifi. pato evidencing the fact; or , CL'ERGY If rt be•'elpimed that he JO ;oxpeptetl as, a member of the.,elergy, or of any reengttizildiofdur of;'an'e*olue%oidlylreligtaus chartieter, of ir'u initiieter of ant} n : n , xn, or tie being ' OTHER CLASS If it be cicia ted that he ie not within the Class,, otr thot bele exempted, not liable or excepted upon any other ground, a certificate of:tivo,reputable•citisenas' residing in the connsiunity where he•Uvea;imirteg;'knowledge'ofthe fact upon.;r Whioh the claim is founded and certifying thette; FAILURE TO CARRY REQUISITE EVIDENCE If upon or after the lot day of June, 191S, any'such male person be found o in or upon the � ,erEio St certificate aiili4 n 'ertt p ' once r c P. i ftp avid o uP • h r e u s Without th building ' building or premises in'whirh•�he is, he shali,ttiureupon be proaumed to be a Berson at the time liable for military service era to be a deserter or defaulter Without loaves relfEtiSM tl3lydilhf "'b eahotinErl Ganyfta do 20th Augttlrt r tpprlr ,n .5)' t .iii 1 i '41 til PENALTY And he shall also be liable upon summary convioticn to a fore not exceeding 830 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month, or to both such , e and imprisonment; and moreover, any such person may forthwitli'be - en into imilitary custody' and may be there detained obnil'required 10"liar-' iItn military duty in the Canadian Expeditionary Force so long are his services shall be required, unities or until' the feet he established to the satiefactiog of.' dompdtent "authority that he is not liable for military duty. - • FALSE CERTIFICATE The !tee, sigoing'or giving of any such certificate as hereinbefore men- toned shall, if the certificate beim any material respect{also or tnieleading to the'`, 11nowledge of 'the person'bsing, signing, or ,giving the, same, be an olfenoa,,, gw1.10 it}{1if;,tlponzaRren111y cosiyictipn;;by n p nalty not, ekceedfng fivo hundred, ciglhttdliandslrytyihprr4onment for any term; rot exceeding six Iaronth4 and ant,;. linstbiltrdhe moiltitn ;,, , ssxtli•;> '` 1t: xLITAA.V :$ .RVICE BRANCH AFI !Tf4E''iDE?AR'rMI N'T ' hie JUSTICE.