HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-5-30, Page 21 7 OUC PHONE 713 ,AlwaYs I $0inetbitig Nnw ies Curitotri$ New drapery gi$51s 'of all i.eryottpg,. Orse,tiplialY9 '1 you Fall an irriTeCt,O,Ur 'Lac. CL. tirt:17. rv to $10.09 5 from 35c up to $125 a Scrims, VOilee,and. Mar- quisettes froina"20c bp to $1 a'yard, Tapestrys from 75c up to $3.00 a yard. • Creteques from 25c up to • 7Sc a yard. Silk Reps and all materials for over drapes are here in a- bundance. nd Spring Displa Of Rugs • Never' before have we offered such a beautiful display of Rikh Glass Rugs including Wiltorts; Velvets, Tapestrys and *tassels:. Besure and see our ilisplay before buying. iitik'S for the`tanich or Bianuneer finale including grass Rug. apone.ttugs, Fibre Rugs, Japanese Rugs, Congolems. Rugs gizes; all ;vices. • stlE STORE THAT SHOWS THE NEW THINGS FIRST .roteeting retie Children p 1o, hard school term drams the vita, lily of growing ren and you wonder why they are listless, Rimy and r4le. lEviery Sokol child will sbow_arked,OnjirlOvenielit en health andgrpt if 41"n • Atslich, unifonn cod liver oil gets into !heir blond and tiv.4s tf:}6tn snap thid it. creates strength to resist sehonl, sicliriesses, oireicerne Oinched fades, sallow coipens and chi I ,eye . ighiqqlotios'ho.xo established alibi and again that cad liv,er:nit`Prornotas giolcith..and energizes the body'and • seat & $nyore, Toronto, Ont. •17-1.5 ite Star Line q. rich "tib' r:ettitn The only boat trip from Gdderich to Detroit this seasoh, "tar .4100Eyiipti1vt), Rctuuig eaves Detroit, l'HURSDAi, Julie 11, June 131h, 1,00 p01 (Detroit a7,40 00 a„ m. (E, '1*,) •time) „ . . ' Aro ,rissppiti required for males ol military age o ttils trip. SimPb' 1,0 '.V)tir ligklike for the Iminigration ()thee Who Wili be ott duty on board teituili.' at Mile mf 'departure. ' • qBxept If ,nen heiO11'g to OieSs . . „called, it will he 'necessary for them to show that they have cpumilied 1,1•Iri!tir the Hiltary servitm regulations and • have the .cOniest of the Registr'm their military district to be:absent from .Canada. , I(JaPP1105 of course only to Male British scbjects between Llo mid 34, 'nelustves 'Whg are alp& ofILre-Wif.10.W erS . Gatiadlaria coming to. Detroit for a teinporary Stay me not . retinitled to . , • A liqad.ta* Or Make it dePoSit. 11,5. 101101g1alion officers111 be tri ftle her ti p1111 eu'r„sioniSis. , 14.„ • AcIFfo.No}rr 0111 �f • go4pooy, 111 a!:.,i7100; 11114 44n0p* 15t ivc4ggsmnli, A fe •eaOgs of 111easles are repoTted in the' • • • Me ,• , Fred PePper is PrePera2, Mips for raising his hare ie the imar, Ito re rche owilsiliP ft; Omejl puepose„eoim. muting all statute Itillor for 1918, with - the Municipality itt the rale of $1,00 Perthat for 198i will"w)lie 0c/i1fect under the' stiperiestop of three superintendents.. The present patImuisters will be reline - ed tor the completion of all Work not done for 1917, and for service arid co- opetation With theCotiucitili keeping the rdails p,itssidole durittg •the winter, An opportunity will begiven; as' far as• PoSsible, tO inv.' persons win) deSire,tb work out the amount of their statute. lbOr, When. it -Will nOI interefere with (Ile regular team contracts, All p.aih-, masters will kilidlY see that the work is completed in their division to 1917. CON'STANd• Mr and Mrs, W. Staniey, of Clintpee visited their daughter, Mrs. Tudor and their riiede Mr, Robert Clark On the 24,th, 'Mrs. Robert Lawson iS thiS week at- attenclieg. the W. 'Al, S.. Convention at Si. Mary's , ' • , Quite a number of young people spent the 241 in Bayfield. • Misses Margaret and Jean Love, 01 Walton, are visitieg.their sister, Mrs. Ed. Britton and other. friends. •Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson and family, of Seaforth, spent Sunday as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Malin sr. Mrs. Wm. McIntosh, Miss Vera and Arnold `Colelough spent Sunday with friends 111Brussels. BLYTti. • Mr E. Watson, who is on the sick list, is ithproving nicely. , Mrs. R. ti. Robinson, who has been quite til, is improving nicely; Mr, Alex. Dingwall went to, London hospital 'where he underwent an dyer - allot) for a minur affliction, . Want was received in Myth by Miss „Lena Plaetzer from Mrs; Andrew Bur- well, of Asquith, Sask., states that fter MOther, Mrs. Thos, Taman, had died on May 1st. The late Mrs. Taman was a resident of Myth until a year ago when with her husband and family moved to Asquith, Sask, She was in the. 63rd year of her age at the time of her demise.The funeral was held on May 3rd from the home of her daughter, Mrs, Burwell, interment taking place in Asquith Cemetery. After preparatory service in St. Andrew's Church here Thursday even- ing, the congregation presented Mr. and Mrs.. Telford with an address mid a purse of $184 on the eve of Ale. Telford's departure for the West. Some time ago the Home Mission Board' sent out a call for ministers to offer their services for a few' months in the Western Mission field's. Mr. T.elford offered himself, the congregation hav- ing iinanimottsly given their consent. The address was read by Mr. C. K. Taylor, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and Mr. R. Somers, Clerk of the Session, made the pres- entation, Mr. Telford replied suit- ably. EXETER. Rev. James Kestle met v,iith a pain- ful accident on Sunday. He was lead- ing a calf a short distance to drink svheii 'the calf playfully scampered a- round at the end of the chain by Which it Was 'held, and winding around Mr. Kestle's legs he was thrown down with the result that one of the bones in his ankle.was broken. It has been stated that Major Hea- man sailed for Canada on the 15th, but the date Is not definitely known asYet When bringing a load of furniture from the station Mr. R. N. Rowe's tearnl driven by Mr. Pinney, Made a break for liberty and jamed the tongue up against a post breaking the tongue. The team clid not get away however. The death ocurred in Toronto on Saturday of Mrs. John Crocker, a form- er well-known resident of Exeter at the' age of 79 years, Deceased had suffered three strcikes of paralysis prior to .her demise, For many years she resided, 'here in the residence now own- ed and occupied by Mr, R, 0 Seldom and she waslighly respected; She Mov- ed to Tent -into about eighteen years kgo. Her husband died suddenly in Mitchell 23 year ago, while a resident Of 'Ex- eter,• and was buried here. Conse- quently tile" remains of Mrs, Crocker were brought here Monday morning and after service in James Street chloch Were interred. in Exeter cen•retery Mon- , day kfternoOmOne son, John, of Buf- falo survives and was present atthe , , funeral. Messres• Harper Rivers, Milton Kydd,' Gordon Davis, and Wm. GaillnerNere In London On Monday •Wile're theytwere exemined for,lhe ,Militia. nal plated in A ll tilisa. Tire' bays' eOme in the 49 Chas and ilreletellsiderlitg, signitt up WW1 (Inc Royal Flyleg Corps. ' s :1104g0.'s' • J.mos gowh;i., 'NI. P,, •shad; . a .warm Nine Oh the sikretta heielaSt-SttturdhY lilt. - A 'large titthlber Of 'Carinthia and fat fherst..Sbria;- affeated•iliY the.iMilitaTY eetvite act, Surrchilided llilin •and `fork flete, seritItts trOlible WaS'I'-thilAtad*Ii. 'titer stelae ;peraltaSioe, 1101Vever, '1,y lie town editStlible and 'eothe lothees the eto1Vd-lia/as "•dfspeteSdd; l'Ar, :BOW- inan 'Made sate 'pediliSet to the ' :fitt- iitet's 'al the , liter dleeHoti cainPaigh *Mel). are lid bding' fulfilled by' ,' the 'Cleivetnineet, , L., ' '• • Sever'al cars oPeCial for. next wilitet'S, suPply have. been .roceiveci Isere: ..- . ' '•Pall 'Wheat is aliiioat • ' -a . eomplete failure around here as a. crop..,..WIrekt. fields „left love, barley and .4,1alsi,soveti dn..theiii, farinets hoping' to grow,:a.. • feed crop, . t Grey TowliShip 'Council ;hag purchas- ed a modern steum:pitipshing.. Machine, and will utilize ilre , rough stone,,ta'be, had in lien of ,graVeLiii •,a'dittdtkliking., "..1.' J, Gluin, whOltild'itisiltSEkt 1.' in putated lest% „Inter', is' lkitittrit,r iii -t: / deg°, 'vvherd; '1,1/4•' Went le '' il,e' 'fitte 1 ttiv t4 his. etitlfigia ' pliit„, "`, -• .-' . I,Tawn, op, ,,,iffol Tlid' MiEt t 01,`,Sil 5w, 1.-sitt. :oici 't ie it. .i!,cw r!' . . Dist _tic Militilpill1111111111111410861011111MUSOLA lete°1nrss 0°111" ilitterne4;'4 t ,'°1:00-4"2-r 1TovviNstop L°Otdse!PiCbrraikovviiship 'news is al owaql. Weehme, 'The 'faylor'S Corner Patriotic SO, fliiioie;tfie.v.. 105 111,1iNi 1,as, 0. 011111 05 Weduteadssy Mr, lidies Melyliffan, pne of our prdgt:e.ssive farmers of the 6111, 'come pea'sion, is :having it hide' nest' barn' erected on his farm, 'hili will greatly i1S41$ 1(118 11soit to he a. buipPPf.grep :this season: bhi'n will 5i0,:09t,irtgee( Ind ' floees: tillAlisi°113411reecil oicctiCi istte' :! 4111 Q1i1g 9et014.t,yip.rk,. There- is'iro clopt;t, Htna "iPsetrtsiter.".eirluVirl4de. Wr 111.S15PtilleL f:ISrasilig4ass. Tob,,erected the model. barn for Mr, J. B. .'Reynold, on the Hurair road; just one- sid,r1;eGoadyeerniici3me lt eoerptotrigtoiorti ilia' Uiuita4' Patriotic SoMety held at the libtne• of' bIr 11 L, Salkeld,, va:s justl fairly attended by the 'gentlemen, owing lo. the interest of tlre. G'reater Gbderecli; dinner, Arrangements were- made. for the holding of an "Old' English Fititi,_ 'khout June 27t11, oir, the, grbiiirds Mrs, Henry turwee, Huron road.' The ,following richtl repent; was matlei'cit 0. ?1,C dODERICti. • Mr, .P,11010.,fieStelltil,491 itritki vaieteCP"telatives per.eiepd •tosePh ri lItf 4he lisSl lv0.ettA e FehPlliihd . ivIm has tailtdrt'10 0101 1 Rah • synce jew liqjles,'rePtlirted for militarY do y a ondctil, •, • 'flie direelpt,s • of the, TieviOhlp lesurenee 'bU$1116SS •'meeting...V."1hp v,illitgel pei SathrdaY. It collYefttiCet of lthe Sendity,SOIMols of the Westerir',DiSt4a of,the Ltither-' .M1 eh (frail ,ill , ;held:here .on ;July 71h, •' BENM1LLER ? , • ,•11Ar, AtOroSe"ValiStOp`e litls "a new ear JYlr, 71' barbb an.c,1 Kernigheln iettp,pded, the W. 0., at.. Ottawa May 1"41.11 Pte and- Mrs. Hunt of ,Tororito,. arp are visfti* this week at Mr. Ward Gledhill's, Plc, tient is hoine frOn1 Fridge accoent of ill health caused by sharpfiel Wahnds, • This Comicettity jpin wishing Mts. JaS. korig a very pleasant visit to the West. She,left Saterday'for Lethbridge MrS J. tH Walters Was electettpresident of Benniiller Red Cross during Mrs Lang's absence, 'KIPPEN. • miss &Ina DaYman, of AleKillop, MisS Hoimes, of Tilbury and Mesdames °reeves mid (3rOzier of Loudon, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Jas-MeGlymont of the village and other friends in thiS Air, Edmund Morrison Met with a painful accident last Saturday when tire weight that balanced the lifting door of his garage fell on his shoulder blade and brok it. He Is iinproving nicely Mr. David Kyle was taken seriouSlY 131 one day last week and on advice of his physieian went, to -Victoria Hospital London, *her he was operated on for appendicitis. He is now doing as welt as can be expected. Mr, Geo Taylor, who has been. in St Jasephis Hospital, in London, for some weeks is reported as improving rapidly lately. BRUCEFIELD. Miss Jessie Grainger, nurse, left last week for Toronto to take care of a case there, Messrs, John and Malcolm Aikenhead and fainilies and Dr. John Aikenheael, of Toronto spent Empire Das, at their old horae.151 Stanley. Pte, Wilson Berry left on Thursday' last for training in Toronto, Miss King, of Bayfield, has taken the position of bank teller in am bank. the position made vacant by Mr. Pickering leaving for training in Lon- don, Rev. D. W, McIntosh, has purchased a Ford car. Charles Wasman has bought a 'Cher- rotet ear. Witham Swann left on Saturday for overseas. lie will be a doctor's assist- ant in the NaJty • Mrs Toinlison went to London this week to visit her brother. D, Kyle, who is in Victoria Hospital where he underwent an operation for appen- dicitis. WINGHAM. Dr J. P. Kennedy, of town, has sold his hit), acre farm on the Bluevale road to Mr. Ernest Jackson, of Teeswater, who will take possesion early in June. Mr. W. E. Scott, of Betgraye, has purchased the frame residence on Vic- toria street from Mr, Geo, T, Robert- 5015 moulders in the works of the Western Foundry Co, have organized a union and will affiliate with theMould- ers Union of Canada, Mr. Jas, 11 Mitchell 'net with a nasty accident in the Bell factory on Tuesdky forenoon, He was working with a rip saw and it piece of' wood .hit him in the side with great force, . The dates set for the lOhautaugtees visit to Wingliam is from August 3rd to 9th, Pte, Alfred Taylor, a member of the 18th Battalion, arrived home from Eng- land suffering from nervous trouble, lie joined the 1 8th Battalion on May 4, 1915, and went to France in Sep- tember, He also served six months with the stretcher bearers and receiv- ed thfee recommendations for gallan- try. He also served, through the Boer war and all hie -battles never received a scratch, The North Huron Liberal Association Intel hare Wednesday in the town hall, and decided to call a cotiverition on• the of June to decide. whether they will put' tip ' candidate, The meetieg was very largely 'attended, , Inspectrir of, Immigration R. W. Sloan; Whilea.in Winghtiim notified Im- migration Otfcer. Phippen . that men. • adu Id, tie • readily:;supplied .now, fbr the • ferinersOn ,seetion, from 1.5 years up, a numbet of 'them being experienc. ed.. . 11 • g I 1 • .614 iiroi440 is`eipe of, the •:Searet loTthe o1. itqftitiaargiki.e.":13444 un'ad,,t, 444: yen *eve, 4 raw 'debilit!ited , .. • neediffilM3r. tOtt 'to be trouble -0044 lediggettion,ifrytra .will only •a:tialight.ktiVittgu,'ZirtviriZgkt :late theletomaehettp'imict you naay'eitt you, svish. tylflitifit any after -6 • .5, t5" !dZls0tfp1111(c to (ni(nly ,o,f' I§ iNtOt;11. ds , "OWN tja#tmbnsh, 4, tii$Ty 4.0314.;s9liph I dts 5. iu 1101,1* Mr. Donaghy .enterect .tlie, p.ostaL4er, tion in the old igrlOntner seliool ler& At .14. largely at4e00,Pebi0e: ' WO egi ,,,ola.opetliceirethoate.,iDr,00liniLeepaist ollyr.est,liteliists,e0x1- „,,pee AepotetdA, md,,39,4.0kiikiv,,,,,Y..” 1 ,crroirncivetftYulevioeirlindio Witillebtikettellie'roie.Eirte,, , the dislrjet ,will attend, , DometittleS , ()nee it reeperInF ,t.„ 7IJ4 4{ PrQgr'.... wilTheqreXeat.tipa Onl jAibP013flitefirdisilhP:opO°:h11.0P r'l 1 yY which will [five employment to thirty e . 'rt'ithi, ' • • ° ' ' biltil g it.heavy 'eleefriecii stork' lifon day, irig t a ppg di lighthing Struek"the tower cip the eortli-Side ortheG, T YRi station a ed The slate tooliiig. Wits 'Corn off, The builitiog'cild Opt `take fire, Woi, lieliSArt'hur, 'NeWgale'street.,' rd- eelved. word ihat his sop, Rig, Charles Edwot MeArther, artillery,l'iliaS Official' ly Aported,adinittdd. 'to Hie' genital' • hosprtal at BasingStoke, suffering from a gun -Shot WOuriti in the Welt, , ,,,... .,„ . , . ., .: •'lite campaige for a live up -to -elate 13oard, of Trade Ims,micceeded beyond the hopes of many citizens. Already there are about 150 'imbibers, giving itu ineoine of $3,750 a year, or over $11,009 for the three years, and it 15 confidently expected that the 200 mark May be reached. The new board mill rtow ,get busy for a greater Gocierieh. • At the Meeting 97 the Quarterly Official Board of North Street 1VIetho- dist Church.; g; -fine. camplimentaty re- soLution was adapted. relatiVe tO H. E. liodgene coming depattere torn Code- tich, paying a high: tilibUte to,the good Work Mr. tiongeuS has dine' on. the boards of fhe church. Mr, liodgins wilt be much missed in. church, socia( and civic cireles, ;lie has been a lead- ing citlgen and bus -limas man. , s. As a result of the recent rains and the warm weather, crops'. all through this district are growing so 'fait that tanners declare they can almost see things grow. RrospectS are good for g record grain crop, and fruit will be plentiful. Mrs, J. W. Vareatter, wife at Editor,,, Vannatter of the Goderich Star, free - tined her wrist and was badly Shaken up when she slipped while on her way downstairs. A very successful performance of "Within the Law", was given in the Goderich Opera House, OR Friday even. big by the Seitforth Dramatic Club, Alex. McNiv.en had one of the hones in Iiia right wsist Smashed and his, head and, face badly bruised when he .slipped from a fancier while at Work at the, Western. Canada Flour Mills. Commencing' next Sunday local churches will start their evening ser- vices at 8 o'clock. It is proposed to continue this through (Inc summer months. Professor N. E. McKenzie of ,Woodstock College conducted most • successful anniversary services in the • Baptist Church here Sunday. Pt& WI Ono, who went overseas as orderly with Major Dunlop of the • 75s1 Battation,'Ims. returned, As he arrived. an a late trate an no one knew of his coming; no arrangements were made for a reception. .1, S. inksater, cif Elgin avenue, re- ceived. word that his son, Corp. Charles Lloyd lnksater, of the ' cavalry, was officially reported a, prisioner of war is Litriburg. The message states that up Co the 'time di receiving the cable Corp Inksater had not been reported missing and that inquiries were being made. . ,,Judge Dielcsan 'passed sentence here Monday ou Clarence Naegele, Harold Gerry and Norman Shields of Brussels for a serious offence against a 13 -year - 014 Brussels gui, whose brother is. overseas. Judge Dickson has been con- sidering the case for a week and stated that, while this was the first offence, the young men should be, punished,fde the crime they had committed. He said that the petition with over one. hundred names of ratepayers of Bruss- eels had very little weight in a case, of this kind and he would give it little. consideration in passing sentence.. ,ludge Dickson said that if things h2ct, not turned 'out the .way they had in this case, and on aceofint of the•reputa- tion for good conduct the three young men have, the sentence wouldi home been more severe, with lashes. He said that if any siinilar cases come be- fore him from the county the,re will be little mercy. showmas this was one of the. things that had to be -stopped, IT punishment would do it. Re address- ed Clarence Naegele for about twenty minutes, and then sentenced. hint to three months in the Cpunly jail, and to pay a 4100 fine. The ane must be p,aid within 3.0 days, and 1( 11 is..noe, the peisiotter wit get one. !month extre in jail. The judge then called on Harold Gerry and .Notirtark Shields, arid sajd that the same address, applIqd to their ease, and sentenced thern. to three Months in the coin* lad, with a. fine of ..$100, to be paid' in 3,0; days,, Or in, default of payment?. aar.eciditional month' be added, kbohe ot $5i1g..for each for behavidr for a‘per,f8d a two years sfeat-, ford, died suttel,erdy 1-1140,9 , 011, WddtleSdifY ti.Vehing, .Mt. Venlig* was initis 7711s Year." ty rhhe.treland,, anid?.ultfire 'AO 'Strait-. fad wIreiVgnite'34YPYII,Vb,o,Y.1;0.WITh' Itis father., Receiving -Die elintvilWa-: fab (11 Vice and WAS, clerk in the Old pdst office gt the time of Whaph., ,1411.01,i101 1111.6(1;ii,t;:ce,...odtsht,0,4; Went to the printing business and learn- ed the trade chth :141:09alt..!:.,1 Leav- ing "there 'MT, 'Donaghy Hien took °Vet the inatiagitaimit,,Pf Hie dzitteri'dh'IStar, 3vhich he condtteled until, it was,burnt put •Deserting the • jeurnaliitle field for 41te government seeVi4 f),ona- serVed wili lhe 'Customs department 111 ,Sonthaniplon, ,(Wilftlsof„.•tind ' Handl- 'too. About 1 4,..years, he retired. He bad been sick since, jan ,but "bad ,kparently recovered so that his death 18a1 MOM 1111eXp`edied WaS a 'cledided shock, As an ,Qddfellow he was yery .well known; bel`ntr eharter nieniber of flunciittodge, No, 462, godefieli. in,religien be w,as, a Presbyterian gild a: ineniber Of St Rhin's' &bitten, Handl-. too. Mr Doi agliy was anarried twice his first Wife bailer a -daughter of the late eo,. Slot e, -of Stratford,. His 'seed d"wife d four ehildren survive,' Mamely William, a OcIslon ; si.1.40yft,esiterii(01 ld'itl :11"foti:4iiiiastear '1st sMt: st, IVIanitethe .; George, a druggi$t HENSALL ,Pl:9114s." P4V3' w4S. 491c1 tie ViCloria litt the toqi jtPil lt;trili lltiela he loci beeil engaged shiogling, Ilewks tirsV theught (nal he Iliad fallen. off tire barn, bin three doctors examined Itint end :they 'eMild*liot, fled' The beltel Is held that ..kfter. Neelling the grotind front 'the tpe; , thxit ',am the ',,,,geff ma.. was: gt000m h'eart..; failure, was.'lkid.'1.0 rest,' on Sat- urderAtettl'Pflh, . Sap per'', IRK , who . has,. 'leen. invalided" hole et.fiie Ovetsetis,"ItddreSsl' ed plitribtic '160,eting, .tlensall 9515 SandaY.1111111 in the tewrs Mason!' were here from seTroundiug towes ICO attend divine. service on buti iday, evening: tvlien,Rev. MeeifeMelt 01 the Presbyteritto church preached to the Hensall Lodge: ' • STANLEY: Miss Lyda Simms,. of .Blyttr,„ is at present visiting her uncles, 10.114 and Gold): Graham, , Mr. Peter. M'offtiti netminedi to. Tor - (into on Monctay after spending a few days at his home in StanleY,. Mr. and Mrs, Angus Minion and Mr. and Mrs, JiiirteS Haydeo, of Ash- field •visited at the:home off Mr.. Thos. 13airci on the 24th. . • William Forrest lias bought 100 acre forte of William Henry, his son Lawrence Forrest will move on to it, in the fall, it i$ a good' ;farm, 0, McGregor and Walter. , Moffatt left this week for Londe for training. Both young titan will bel'rinieh misted 111 our neighborhood. They .are .both Sunday School' teachers. fhtird"s. Sun- day schdol; which was 'started by 04 late Geo, Baird about 56, yeaers ago, when he. continue,d being. Superinten- dent until iiiS death: Peter Ploffat spent Empire- Day at his home: The country is at present looking its best, the. crops show every hope of a good crop, and hay is growing well, since the rains have C011Te. SEAFORTH. Mr, Fred' Davis; .181'. I'. P.,. Mrs. Davis and daughter; Dorothy, of Calgary, Alta., were visiting at the home of Mrs. Davis' fattier; Mr,. Alexander Davidson. Miss 1-1;1. Graham. has been appoiet- ed a delegate -from First Presbyterian Chuteli 'Sunday Schou] to the Interna-' Hone! Sunday Seli001. Convention to be held in Buffalo, on Suite 19'fft, The. London- High. Sehool Club has decided to. found' a library lir memory of the late Mrs, Frinces Pwrker; daugh-, ter of Mrs, Win. ditvenlock of Seafcirth, and will use the historical hooks of Mrs. Parker's. as a nucleus. The 'library will be added to year by year. The London Advertiser says such a memorial is a fitting one for one who spent so much Hine. hi (Inc history department and gave so much of herself to her students The Girls' Club. which. wait formed by .her effOrts will also, publish a booklet .contailillig articles and pictures Wilier -work, as a personal form of remethbrenc.e.„ Mr; and Mrs, E. of Tilson. bungs spent Sunday at the home of Davidson Mr: and Mrs. A. A_. Naylor and fam- ily spent the holidays with friends in Auliu rni Mrs, Gillespie, Sr,, is itsiting with itiends in Cromarty. The. Welton ',led Cross sent 4100 to the Red Trangle, which goes to show ,tlie deep interest tire people have in tins cause Mrs. Willoughby :tint the Misses Gordon and Campbell visited friends in Me1:11Top. Postmaster Rogers, or Toronto, who died surld'eniy to that city recently, 1V4S tprother of Mr. D. McGregor, GOdertch street, Arr executive meeting of the Huron County Red Cross ,and War Contin- gent Association will be held in Clinton on. June tst, Mrs, (Dr.) Tufford, who was a visit- or at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. ID. Sutherland, has returned to her home. tsn Cronnirty. , Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan has returned: from visiting friends in Winghain. Rev, F. H. Larkin, 1), 'D., was Lucknow on the Sabbath conducting, Anniversary services in the Presbytem hin church there, Miss A. Stewart visited friends ire Stratford, • Miss Agnes McKay, of Auburn,.waS a visitor at her homelier& • Miss Kate Brogdfoot, 91 liendltorr, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J'. Broadfooti ,'.holss Edith McKay and Miss Mel McKay were in' StratfOrd on Friday visiting their sster Mrs, bl, Meyers, Mr, W. McKay, barrister, of Terron. to; spent the holiday at his hothe here. Mr. and Mrs, H. Soeere.and Mr: and Mrs, El. Sheave,. IMPOOtl, are the guests 01' Mrs. S. Barton, An"Altt, Tripes tee and prokmessive; eirchrs,was tifyi .klie afternoon tord. eVening, en Uslit,esday„ et' the ,:re„ai-' (fence of tRr, land Mrs. it„ ID, &Wier-. rand ttitcler'the kapicies Of the Red: eitossqbefeey. 'Presbyterian Manse on Tuesday, Muyt A quiet wedding 'tblik *plit'eti al 21, when Miss •Iyy fkciBroy; setond date - pier of Mrs. MeGloy was. united 111 ihrtigge tcr Mr, Nilltirm Edgar Bottif oj Kip.p.e„ii, The. ceneemoy \y&s perforto 41 by, the, Rev, F; IT:Larkin, D, PririCipal of Montreal, atitnyerSary ,seryices. in Mit Presbyteriah. chMeli Julte ,' Ws, and eliildren Of Coder- Iqh were Week end viattorvat the harm; of Mr, and Mrs, T. 0, Habkirk, p u r ay. • Miss"- Wilda Voirester, Of Kineardind ib the guest of. Mrs. G, Chesney, °ode- stteet., • Many frienda, will regret to learn of the death on May -23rd 'at th TOronto General Hospital, private patientS Pi1V- Him) of hlilalieth Jackson,- .W.Ife .t.he • late'Rev, Wesley GOSsan, a former PIN- tbt of the Seeforth Methodist chinch, The funeral took place from Broadway ',Tabernacle, TOronto,‘ op, &Miley af- lereoon to Mount Pleasant cemetery. ,MiSs Minnie liabkirk is visiting her sister, Airs, 'Harold D, Dale, 'Hilbert, , Pte. Villay Smart, of Strafford spent tim holiday With lipti Mother,. Mrs. ht, 8niar.t, Jelin street, , , Miss Linst, Harris, of Stretford, is PlItt D.00Y fiknin,n4, • how the m neS, has been 'received spent from Dec, 19, 1917, to May Tsc,, 1918: Received by subscription's; $276,70; from thecounty council; $1,..1.112.2; ys6B;oWar Prisoners" Entertainme4; 44 Social' evening, $3 7. ; fees, and donations, $57168. Total $486.76. Expehditures: Yait,,and sewing mater - $448.13i Mance. .on. hand, la!, $428.43:.WariPrtsoners' Fund, puL. $3 8. d3. clown to iLondon otzi Sunday and spen . . Mr, -and -Mrs, Herli,..lenkins. mobil the day there, Mr. R,ees Jenkins visited in Toronto, over the holiday season. . . Nearly all freittrees liave.been load- ed with blossom this year and iudicat- ions point to a good' crop of fruit. Mr. George Crooks, of the Base Line. spent is short visit' with hissister alt Allenford and with other relatives in. Bruce County: 'Cadet Alvin 'Pownsend, son. of Albert) Townsheindi jdf dodetlelt Township; spent a short visit at his Mini& over the holidey. Mr. MoffattiAilten, of Allenfotd, call. eci on relatives- in this district lash week, This vicinity was' visited by a very severe eleetricirl anti rain Storm eni Sunday night. The'raiirivill do a lot of good as theiground•was getting quite' dry. Lavergne Chap -chill; onfy son ot Mr.. and Mrs. David Churchill, of Gocterich Township, lefft Wednesday to join tho air Corps. Ntr, Churchill was 'teach- ing soffoilst out West: but ;returned home and enlisted in the air service. Bert Rocrden youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Rewdenalto left Wedbeactity, morning. Bert didn't. Wait until ,te kvas. old enough= to be' called but enlisted himself. He. expects to join, the artil.-- lery at Nitigma Camp. Hi's older bro- ther, Cecil, will also be signing up in a few days as his exemption.lias been -can- celled. Mr, a .ndiL'A6irik4s.bJEi. J:BEaltatlini)a.nd fainn, of Torontot. motored up to Londesboro- on Friday to spend Hieweek end with Mrs J: Tamblyn, Miss Josie' B. Medd, High School teach'er of Winghanr, visited at the 110111e of her aunt; Mrs, It Tainblyn over •tIte. week end The- Londeslioro branch of the. Wo- men's Institute wilt be held' at the. home, of Mrs. Albert' Weymeiuth oa Thursday, June 6111. Everybody wet- MiSs 'Phillips, of Londesboro, has been. engaged as teacher at Ebenezer; near Dungannon, to coMprete the schoall term as successor to Ernest Hall„ who reported for service' last 1:::kMay 240; A good program was .1 The Missibnary- Society hit eld very Successful "At Home" last Friday even- igiven consisting of a quartette from myth, and a quartette a. home! tatent ; violin selections by Miss J:ackson, of Bllyth ; readings, etc., and afterwards lunch was served. Everyone present had an enjoyable evening, -Mr, and Mrs, .1, Eatos . and fatuity, of Toronto, spent a few days the guest of Mrs.- John Tainblyin Miss L. Brigham, is, attending, the Convention at St. Maryl's this week,. being sent by. the Missionary Society as a delegate, Dr McCallum, a former doctor call- ed on friends here on. Monday last. Master Bert Barnes was very sick this week wth rnerrSel& Mr:. and Mrs, McDonald, of Torontm Fwrerez,;yrguests of Mr. Johm n Lasha idlaSt Mr. Ernest Adams disposed of lits fine griet,,..;;For'th'e sum of 415(1. The increased east of fiee-teas has tempted, stiMe to ,try ,Cheap, InferibT tees to thetr sorroye, 11 ;is ti steal e onto.tx.tO. use, slu.,2pA 113'A; since ci fjelkiti4 fa'r 'greater Mumber tsps tge pdund and,•besides,. has that ittniqii`e satisfying 'flavor, SAYS. PUALIC opuBtFtiv , In Toronto.,reeen'lly.1‘,, Thom- son tr;ld' the -petiole that here' was no dMiger of famine -in Cssada. 11..1•elsspl''etss,4'glee;\,tillse'reciatTiiSr1P4,1ga'sltsesreadll by placards, 'Save dr Starve,"Such inconsistencies make the public doubtful- of tile. ,sineerity ,of, , the food -saving campaign. --, Toronto • Mail and Empire, - . , 'Elie Mail and Empire- can charge the government" willi saicineonsistenify iils food eainpdignriiciotlilg.i 1IaLthetiew:vi4thotiit4d 71iabdim'ehinhetif it Aicultbe . jumped on immediately by the suit:4- [03ml Tory press and referred to ,05 pro-Gernign,, . friend of the Kai4r, etc. Examples of this sart of ab se Were many in the last federal 0(30- (1011 caMpitign, - We are glad to 1 „te that the Man and Enipire has dire ,t- ed attention to the ineonsistencies, 'of the fork), .150ard,, The pliblic wittil&. be indebted to 'the Mail if it wei0d, c dl id!' frit'sLe rliipll ailcatcttaocl1.1,10 5haras°uoobAbtItoi, .