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The Clinton New Era, 1918-5-16, Page 5
1 T' 'ITI ate For a birthday -or as a Wecidin Y � gift -the best .way.. Which you can express' good wibhies is, to• resay ,. it With a watch:" A watch] makes a distinct lively Per- sona( gift; it is'betfi beautiful Dgld u8e'fttl, ti'verbod, need's' a 'watch. y Whether a wrist watch or a pocket watch. For•man,WO. man or child you will find here with. us at its best. ♦ 11. : etyeler and Optician leaner of Marriage Licenses - PORN .IN HURON COUNTY CHARLES may NEW . MANAGING DIRECTOR OF WATERLOO LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Waterloo, May 11, -Charles Ruby, 'who has been appointed managing di - 'rector of the Mutual Life insurance -Company, the position rendered vacant tsy the recent unexpected death of Geo. W'egenast,• has attained to his present position by four successive steps, He entered the service of the company in '1884, was appointed.actuary 1n 1902 secret5s•y in 1907, and general manager 19'tf3• Although the company: has been established nearly 50 years, there have , ',leen but i$'0' managers. since its or-. teeetivuthen ars a legal reserve life coin- p:wee The new general -Ina is -ger was born in Huron County, He received his education at Kitchener high.sclioot, is a cepalde writer anti speaker, with • a:usic es his favorite ,recreatiofl, He, ', Is a member of the 'Beard of Education ".*etre.icitttiener and the preseuf president. FtE the Canadian Club, He also has been tire. treasurer of the Local Belgian Re- lief 11035 since its inception, The Timid Dollar '`1''nr chagrined." complained. the dol- lar, "When' l get inside a store; • Fur 1 feel ,so small and futile And embarrassed -since this ware DRUM 'p s,. ht, funeral Of Gaor6et1 hearty sgjtport of Red Cross' ef'• ""r""`' THE CLINTON NEW 11.ee..eee.111a41l111is063euue00111, The Nstw jS will ire ohl 19 eHc- Henderson, in. �. 1.111 e 4 t Ma wito diel, ,from injuries ey� �Ay, trlr11. Ott./ ova'tuulelt held 3uo- � � Mrs X411' tgekerealtOn of our sohiteu boys day elter",00e 11'1111 tete Minta' Of 0IdA®ltdAtktf00001#AAA'ltMpM6,"$•rMt'" 1 f q'or h Atttitlalydhaol,;, Cemetery a .Sas i m I i 1u' wlss ectlldu,riptt 'by Rkvh W, Staffvi'd, to n ;Whenl ifs " A �lses, iii; brptI3, r, near Wigtlts'op, .to 1115 Sone Storni. Jong 13e Remembered Iv iast''i'rida inal'nin+ this se - The !ll•us'sele Post nils -week specks Y t i.tti torially, tai 111113th Ot "'!'0131 was sweuf by a heavy W3nti;uid JackfoO --a101.13'the ,p,is'inb away• •Of 1131(1 30,31 .largely ;tttelH153L' 111!31 storm, 1'he wind tore 111111 :Ja 'Toes" Jackson 1t ti' It 1n0wti 'resident 'n o r G, Lacj,le, i3, A, who took an ? uud ill shape, of Ctipkoil, no e•uloyv cats `be honor standing Iasi year n1 1113 ex Al 'ty1 l' Wounded 1>s1,3 dmfs memory, than, that Ire was. a 1lnluattonsk 11,31 1,"raiduated s0' be ,celled to tire: bar. in the fall, Andrew McKee, .. of Ethel, had four tullch cows kijied by lightning to Itis' barn, ' Lightning struck the silo, and chilled a hole through the ce. •slept work arid', following the water • e ttto a killed the I s to O t stables, ki i e Pipes' , caws missing, however,' a 1151111ber of calvgs, which were 411100g the. COWS. 'Robert': Leckie, of Brussels, who 11)5 been with the ,G..1. 'R., .in Tor- 011 or 0n10, 11115' been promoted to a more, important, position =with the, railway at Muosejaw; and h'at left for the. Westf. ex• a ntyre wily ' jrue trfend,tO,tiie,11oys and giris.:His na111e end • Wendy spirit well be long re inehlhered, Whp Wilt' weer his'mantle .1 • • Last •week Mrs, Mary M:eIntyrc re. C510ewoi that her stn '.Pie, AIEe ,McIntyre had 'been' admitted into the hospital on April 29th with segue shot wound in ills :foot and leg, Alves s old trieeds will hopefora spspdy recovery, 1uryAbout, i parniers near Orilla are Showing their appreciation of •tate help provided. :by, the citizens of thet town eftthe: Hese, ,of the test harvest, by offering .10 plough their gardens there, - I•t'e a good - 'thing that works )loth ways,, Women's 0. v15uty Conductor Gnllehen Hurt . • Condector.Gall5itan of the G. T, fe met with veryPaiufrI'accident a { lore Colborne, While the clew were 'unloading an automobile ,frame from the'exleress .car, it dost;i(sbala�n,ce, end ,before Ire, could ,get out of. the 30115', 315513bt alis' foot, reg4tiriligg'four stitch- es to elOse tip 'the wound, He is laid up fora few days ' , . • ; 409110000.AiMA011fii iiatoun :A The Women's inetittile will meet * A n et. the, home of Mrs James Five n flp Tt 1 ,. 3 rti, d ck' 'I'1' i i' .a he , ani 1 ti1 1 13ee, s 1 't t 'sT. ,uT'he ����n•� �s -, ant for the elect1o11 of officers. . Re. . ,You Cot .Have Health 4 If v;, tale" ,ports Of the year's work will be ;It.,' Blood le • Weali •and Water gii'en:' •at" is also, expected that Mrs, .0494.600,640.0AAtelliAiiel4 Watery • Ksrm.keete,.s•of, Dungannon, 30111 address the Mrs, 'W. ft, 'rouuter is visiting al. ln It Is a hopeless task to try and re.. Brantford store your health 'while your blood 'lluron rroinotron nxaminataons Elliott, • is deficient in. quantity or quality. Public e t towntodi,y The' blood circulates through ever'• 1 alt ,S hoof Promotion ExamMr; and Mrs, Nediger were at Drarit- p'ortton of the -body, It takes eottrisl� xf!ons will be held, on June 24, 25 ford on Sunday. Mrs; 'A, T' Cooper was a visitor at Blyth this•iveek. Co, Treasurer Lade, of Goderich, was In town on Tuesday. Judge E. N; Lewis, of Goderich, was 1neaUS by which medicu3e'��can" reach; .spector,, J. E. `torn, before -June. ist in town last Friday, the nerves. Bence if, the .blood is stating the. number of papers re- Miss McLeod, C.C.I. teacher wits in cool' fine • body - beeoriles'-weak aiid quired for each class, This year, Ern- Goderich on Tuesday. the nerves," shaky, stud. . the - violin pire-Day, May 23rd; should • be fiat- • Mr. 113311 Mrs. George Davids were may -be subject 'to • Iieadadttes' .and ingfy. 'Observed in ellery school sec- week end visitors at Hensel!, dizziness; -poor elevetiie, in'digestiolt, tion. See Empire Day Booklet, Mr, Fred Jaeksoe Made a busteess a constantly tjred feeling ox3 ger. 1$n OId Schoolmate trip to Loudon last Thursday, ;leaps'to: rheuinstigrii; seiafic or` nen- Editor Blake Elllott,•Of the Wist Times, was a visitor in town last Fri- day. Miss B. McGregor, of Brucelleld, was the guest of Mrs. B. R, Higgins last week, Mrs, E, M, Brooks, of Winnipeg,'is the guest of her sister, Mrs, H. Fitz- 111311015, _- Major M, A,. McTaggart, now at Lon- don, spent the week end with his fam- ily here. of Kincardine, Ont., during the hottest Mrs. Graelis returned last week -after - 6 spending a few .weeks- with her dough - part of an action, moved over the 'tern in Detroit. battlefted, succored the wounded, 1 Mrs. (Dr.) Morse, of Boston (nee dressing wounds and leading search Miss Jean Macpherson) was the guest parties night and day, not resting till for a few days with her uncie, Mr, :p. the last mein was brought in. The L, Macpherson. Reverend gentleman was 1111 014 school Exeter Advocate Mr. Dan Prior, of master of Rev. J. A, Agnew, of the Clinton; is visiting here with relatives Ontario Street Church for a few days. Mr. J, H. Wylie, of Toronto, was a and 26, 1918, . Papers ' are being prepared for Junior and Senior Second and, 'third' Classes and for. Junior Fourth . Class, Teachers shall netlfyr the Public 'School In- .avellt from the food end distributes it to the various organs and ants- cies it lakes elso any medication that,• is administered through' fire 1llauth, The blood is the only Kincardine Reviews -We notice in a Canadian Associated Press Cable the n'ane of Rev, Thomas Colwell. bro- ther of 'Councillor Frank Colwell, of town,- as one 'Of the four Canadian Chaplains, who have recently re- ceived the Military Cross for succoring the wounded in the recent struggle. The article* reads as follows, four Canadian Chaplains received the Mili- tary Cross for ,tending wounded under fire, Rev. 'rhos, Cot welI, ralgia , Poor.btood is' the .forrunner 01' nearly -'every allineitt "to which mankind-. is . subject,. and 'you cap Only : enjoy ,robust health by ' keep ing the blood rich, red and 'pure, To keep - the blood in this' condition no medicine yet discovered 0511 equal Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, Every dose helps to make new, richt blood which carries new health and new strength to every part of the body, When one becomes weak and pale Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills restore the blood, bring the glow 6f health to the cheek, and 'make Weak, ailing people energetic and strong. Mrs. Stephen 1.1, Williams, Kitchener, Ont„ says -"Some years ago my health start• ed to fail, : The Doctor said my- bfuod was •tilil and watery; but the medicine I took did not do me any good hay joints and limes would ache and swell, until it was, almost impossible . for me to get up ' and down, and no one knows hots much I suffered or how discouraged 1 was, Reading of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills one day- 1 decided to try them. 1 got introduce to Minton audiences their Mrs. Kennedy and her mother, Mrs, a couple of boxes, and by the time Anniversary week following special Colqulton were visitors at Mitchell dur- services on Sunday May 19. The ing the past week. prune object Iras been to secure art- 'Rey. J. E. Hogg and Dr, Stewart ,l- ists and lecturers of recoginzed worth tended the Huron Presbytery meeting in music and oratory. A week of such at Hensall nn Tuesday. entertainments espcially for this our- Mr, and Mrs, ii. R. Sharpe and Mr. pose merits a well filled auditorium and Mrs, Juhn Wiseman were visitors every night and it is hoped that the at SI. Marys on Sunday. people of Clinton and surrounding Mr. and Mrs. A, J. McMurray were country will show their appreciation at Mitchell Wednesday attending the Brooks-Calquhon wedding. Postmaster A, M. Kay, of Stratford was in town on Friday attending the funeral of the late "rhos, Jackson, Fix -conductor Quirk, of Winghlun, was here last Friday attending the funeral of the late Tilos. Jackson, Paramount Week week end visitor with his daughter, In the Presbyterian Church Mrs. J. 8, Hogg. It is with confidence The Girl's. Mrs, R. W. Matheson, of Edmonton, Club who are desirous of eradicating was the guest of her sister, Mrs, A. Mc - a long standing debt in the Church, Kenzie this week. I had taken, them felt an improve- 'inent, I then got six boxes more. and before I- had taken them all felt like a new woman in every way, i cogid -do my housework without feeling tired, and in fact 1 was en- joying better' health titan I had dune for years, You may be sure 1 will 111'wa'ys reco111mend Dr. • Williams' Phhk Pills to all other of their effort. The public are ad - sufferers." wised to secure their tickets early for • You• can get these pills through any or all of above entertainments. Any', dealer 111 medicine or by' trail Part of the proceeds of the cantata at 50 cents a box or six bores for j will be in aid of the Girls' Patriotic 82.55 front The, Dr, Williams' Med- Auxilliary. See the weeks' program icine Co;, Brockville, Ont, f in this issue. • aid and comfort toe enemy? ? Any householder in your neighborhood who rhas..a garden plot; or who owns a piece of sultalle vacant land that is not being put Under cultivation in order to increase food production, .is (though he or she Tay not believe it) giving aid and comfort to the eu:erily in'restraining' food production, as -really as Is the Submarine Commander' whoysinks an 'Alli'ed ship lad'en with food. The difference, is only one of degree, not' of kind. , Look around you! around' you ;, ou have;5Qt xvt &Aided tgiplant'a vegetal a garden eke Opt,YOgr ntind,to ow. You' will not re et 't: There it 1 ' , ' _ Xs stillilors:of.�lxttie ,,.t'.ataiesand beans �Itay do�Q n Sr, r}�, ,, . henplanted up to Ante lst and;thee are the best sul>'stitutes`for wheat and:meat. Fox gogrd,' ' ralet;eal' wtafdyice upon' how to lay, out ;and'eultivate a ,Vegetable 'Gardeni 'write ni' a `flee- cdpiy of the booklet entitled:, • A Vegetable Garden :Everytl!,iontey' ThisA'}ta°s be"eii=prepared by the Ontario:U.gpaitn ent of'Agrlcult re for ,tle,guidance Of citizens who,;will respond -to this call for' inereaseN. production. 'isCowin' .NOW. am w.0.1.4......4-10.41 mat organization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Dear .Sirs ' Please send ane a dopy of youx' heo>i;let 53 A Vegetable Garden for Every. �m Name MINA ,..n . .� wi�.q. ww,v ^130 ww,Yn OM. 33."".!3.:.3.,, • .,,.'"` snail � at4if • .i4i`ayilTliOltd« OF R.ESOURCES COMMITTEE Xu co•(Dpetai oft with Canad:. Food •Board,. OreirAiii Misses QJA1tyS anti 1Sebelle Ch0Vectu SPelit .the week elect at Whttelthilreb. Mrs. Agnea Is visiting hes eons U1 R©klsalt Qae of the bays is about to go"'eVerseas with Ufrele'Sapt'S tredp's." AMI, acrd Mrs; Harry Fitzsitebes and phildren were Jtt Mitchell Attending the I3rbokse.--,COlgphou wedding on Wett- ,iel*dity, .' Mrs, W. Watson and'slattghters,-Miss- et; Lillian and' Marler Of the Nita, were guests . sly 'ot' Mr, and Mrs, A, McCartney List week, Mr and Mrs. fhb' Nliiitlsteel, ;Miss A. Mizell and little fence a'n:dnephew ,Miss . Meda id 'Albert Salter Were week end: visitors at Brussels. Mr A, Alexander, of Leaden a for, Fier employee of the Jackson Ittlfg,,,Co.,, wits in•,tow' altepedtng„the funeral oil, ;th'e late Thotnas Jackson, Mr, ,fo .Clark, r @ k one of the Editorialria , a 1 waiters 01 the•Torouto Duly Star, was iu town on Fridayattendieg,thefiit1eral -en the kite ;Chollas aetcks011, . Mr, 8, 8,.Stothers,',Distriet Repress 'entative wits al' his home in Dungannon. oil Sunday to atte'nd'-tire 1, 0,' '0, T. church service on Sueday evening. ' Messrs, 0. Johnson, A, Porter and. W. Walker; of,Goderich, uufl all former. ',wl!ntonians,: were' here to attend the funeral -of the late Tleouuts Jackson last„ Friday, Mr. N. F, McLean, city Passenger agent''gf the White Star Line, Detroit, gave The New Era a call On Mondtty,.He ,Wtes stere in connection with the Grey hoend trip, . W,ilsop, Major tiayt, Mr, E. Holna$telid, Mr, 0, flail, anti Mr ,j C. Greig, of Seefortle, were In Clinton on Friday attending the: funeral Of. the late Thomas Jackson. Mr. 0, Gilchrist and .family moved to town from Ayr sill have settled with 'A1iss Gilchrist, Mr. Gilchrist is now on the road most of the 1ear, We wel- come the flew eitizens to -town, Kincardine Reviews -Rev, T. A,,' Symington; M, A., of Orillia, who has been supplyhig for the Rev, F. A. And- erson for the past two years, will con- duct the services in Knox church on qundlty next. Rev, and Mrs. R. 8, Stevenson, and Master Harold. of Stratford, visited at Mlle home of the for-mer's sister, Mrs, W. 8, Downs on Tuesday of this week, taking Miss Muriel Downs hack to Stratford with them on their return. • Exeter' Advocate: -Mr. Wm, Dickson' showed us a curiosity on Friday and probably not another one is In exist- ence in Exeter to -day. it was a Coi11 plimeutary invitation card to attend the celebration of the opening of the Con- don, Huron & Bruce Railway., in Lon- don 037 Jana 11, 1876. ' The invitation was signed' by Benj, Cronyu, Mayor. -Nlr, Dickson was then living in Clinton, Rev. J. A, Macdonald, 'rur•onto divine, publicist and editor, formerly of 'the Toronto,.' Wettminister and the Globe, now traveler, lecturer and citizen of the world, has became en- amored of Japan, where he has been for several weeks and has decided to spend the summer at least among the cherry trees. He and Mrs, Macdonald bave•laken a house near "I'okio and will remain for some time, Miss Grace Welker, of town; who holds -a good position as teacher on the staff of Brussels school, has been elect- ed Captain of the Girl Guides of the carpet town. As an introdection to her duties the Guides undertook a sale of cut flowers last Saturday, anticipat- ory to Mothers' Day, and cleared up nearly $25.00 for the Red Cross. The +lowers were donated. The salesladies wore the Red Cross enlbient in their canvas. Good for Captain Walker, GODERICH TOWNSHIP COURT OF REVISION Notice is. hereby ' given that the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll, for Goderich Township for the near 1918, will be held in Volumes' Hall, Holmesville on Saturday May 25th at 1U a, in., for the purpose of hearing gild settling complaints against the said Assessment Roll Parties hav- ing business at the Court will attend al. the said time and p1a3e without fur- ther notice, Adam Cantelon Clerk All dogs reported not destroyed on or before the 25th of May will be charged on the roll. Holmesville, May 15111, 1918, CENTRE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION The Annual meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association .will be held at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday May 2811i, at 3:30 p. n1. A large at- tendance is desired, 'Michael Murdie President James L. Killoran Secretary WANTED • A. good capable strong woman as housekeeper for ,family. of two, ratan with invalid hire, must be kind and wilting :to help, wife, Wages liberal and position permanent, . Apply. to J. J. Gilpin, Brussels, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE House• for sale on Mary street, Five rooms, summer ki h a tc en, wash room ',and paltry,' electric lights, • furnace, hoard and soft water and el sinail ga.r- ,den, and 'all modern conveniences, • . • C. A..Brad'saw.' The 'Clinton j'lour itlilSs` will' do', chopping everyi LA1IRDA at 8 cents, a bag .. Halve y+ourtried our NORTH STAR : FLOU,R? ;Made from are Manitaba No. 1, I1at•d iOeat. TERM, STRICTLY' CASH;, Phone, No 8 Cli ttoi • 1 Qui. new new set of samples for 0RoE RE D CLOTHING ' for Spring is now here and 'art spite of war conditions is one of the finest sea- gctions of High Grade' Woollens we have ever shown. Our Styles are the latest and our prices aro '• very moderate, , • .3.33.,,„ . s.3,si vl Come in and look them over and get one of our new style Books, We .are also showing Some new Natty Styles in Men's' and Women's 13oots, Men's Hats, Ties add Shit't& anw51I5tsi n,,,asr:tti See our Table of Men's Boots at ,$3.50 a pair. Jimmamatomearrano PI el Bros.s Small Prolitr. Plume 23« afore leustness THE STORE TIIAT SELLS FOR L1:S5 .XOR SALE i Radiant Home 'Heater; 1 •Good Cheer Heater, with overly f Happy Thought Range; All in good repairs, A bargain if sold at once as l need the room for outer stock. Apply to T. Hawkins, WANTED: Woman by the day. Apply to Mrs, 311, D'Mc1'uggart, FOR SALE 8 -roomed house, furnace and other 'comfortable conveniences. Corner oi. Mill and Beech streets. Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. • SEED BEANS FOR SALE First class seed Beans for sale, flax vested before rain last Fall,. 'Price on tpplicaticn, apply to John Shanahan, R. It, No. 1, Clinton, P.0, Phone 1-63.7 • FOR SALE. A team of work horses, harness 'earl vagon, Apply to Isaac BezzO, Clinton, DOMINION., PROVINCIAL and ' MUNICIPAL . BONDS Bought and Sold at Market Prices Delivered free of charge to the pur- chaser or at his 'Bank.' VICTORY LOAN to yield 5.76 % W. BRYDONE, Lliltfm JUST ARRIVED A CAR -LOAD OF FEED CORN • We have also secured a quantity of Choice Seed Corn' in the following, varieties: SELECTED YELLOW • LEAMING GIANT PROLIFIC SOUTHERN ENSIL- AGE, SELECTED RED COB. ENSILAGE and also EARLY AMBER SUGAR CANE As the season has arrived for the thatching of Baby '.hicks we have on stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed, which we• are selling - at' 'reasonable prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Bull Choice) and also our .usual :cine of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed, W.Jenktns&Sore FLOUR AND FEED Pbtine„199.Reeiideoom 1 on 342 The Food Althatyg1 the American .Gov,ernuteut placed an embargo on their fertilizers, and while it took a considerable'alltount al•persuasion to get, them to'.reah2e, :that BUFFALO BRANDS wereAb- solutely necessary, in greater food pro.: duction for,the allies -slid the eventual: winuntg of the war, e'e have silcceeded', .in • 11501135 11 lifted, 'and now have a' eemplefe Stokk On stand fen:'yiidr ver=`. i0us crops; lied: at ver$' low proportion ate pHces.• '' y Of all years this is your golden op- portueity to inerease trrofits, as well 1s foodstuffs by applying a 1iberal''supply". of BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZERS, We, also have a' fresh supply of the genuine CANADA CEMENT, the reeo3- meed .standard, • Gate us• -a call';wiren ' In the market' fol' Lumlier, Shingles, or env of our various lines, as we will be pie:teed to. meet you • ashes GIRL '✓ANTED For office work at 'the Ford Garage. Apply to BERT LANGFORD LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE Tree litters of little pigs for sale. Ready for delivery the first week of May. Also about 200 bushels of Amer- ican Banner seed oats and fifty bushel of potatoes, LEWIS CRICH, Huron Road, Clinton P. 0- Cabres for Sale T -he undersigned has evade arr;tnge- ments to handle a few Shorthorn -grade calves, March and .April is tete time: to secure them as the supply is limited later, W. MARQUIS. Phone 14 on 166 Clinton MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of good reliable leen can..' secure steady employment on Mueltiou work. Apply to, • The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforth, Ontario. 1000 MUSKRAT SKINS WANTED Open season 1st of March closed 21 of April. Market price. Strangers send them in 1,y parcel post we will re- mit postage and express order by re- turn, mail. Jas. Steep' & Co. Clinton P,0, Box 192. " Phone 126 BARRED ROCK'EGGS • From Park and Guilds -200 eggs bred to lay strain eggs mostly. front yearling and two year old hem 82;00 .per 5.5 uiiferttte eggs rerlaeed free.: H, :A., HOVEY,Clinton •For Sale • �_.. - '110. .4 good frame barn" 21x40. Apply til 0; J Wallis. UR` NJ iRUN1( 44 wAv A SUGGESTION.FOR YOUR SUMMER, HOLIDAY THIS YEAR ALGONQU'T'N, •PARI( 1-LIGHLAND OF ONTARIO , An ideal spot for. your Summer Vacation midst wild and delightful scenery: • Ex C11ellt Hotel'service 2t'"Ole 'Highland' Inti," Fell information • from any Grant, Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agents Termite, tunrl Ranslurd &Son, .city paseen- get and •Tic1 *at :.agents, phone 64 1, 0. Piittitv0ti ;tvtittioo agent Daughter, SOUR STO IA H Mather,. FLO''ATrNN SRECN; `Fil�tE ' EYES ,,BOTH,1i UREI$''A'% ,;,MtLiURNzs il'4x IVER .PILLS. • Thoy,» seimulat5f the sllggish liver, teleran, bile 'canted tongue, evateetcn the' breath, elan away ell u•rteto and poidoh- ous ma.itene,fleird the system, nncl prct+iebt as wolf flet t urtt all eieknese arising fropt a disertlera.d (condition of.the etteniii'h, Il4or anvil buwt 1s, 1tlts +TosepI1 Fr. Theripau, • Saultier• valla3 1 +,moi,, W1itiee:- ' f'.was irOu(iled with i1 son' coma":h enol took five v iels t of illilletteole > awliver Pills, omit Otey i wishes, lbfy i ienlht r talno heed therm for fleeting e}y fete•,tefnt e "hu at'yeq mired They re d hr,r alto artier hntvvar; taken four vials, We Loth,. Alight -ye recionirnetsd theta to 'all e11 fetetre from n t ci' ti olblee.' lulllin'n's 1 iva..fric3 Title Ore 293x. per. tu31114nil dettleff.401Mailed direction. 'receipt of t>ripe 83''lntl 1'. i,:tilbiira 3"30.3 Liinitesl, "Toronto:, Dat." • iitatte It 01 6 i 8 � and lit; ucetield, •