The Clinton New Era, 1918-5-16, Page 3144.`Ke T,I/ren
nYi/4Ye• few :PTairia Sfitteld-
CI40j it whkit We Wilt sell at. Mel
latlees rather thab' carry 'over'.
'tif '100 egg, 150 egg and'24.0
e reapacity, '
" •1 t
;:, • •
Aketliere• Wag a'shiltehge cirknittrY
, last ,yearlt is expected:that higlh pries
4'01' iShVaiTfor live poultry all sellsolt
are always in the market 'for'
IiYe).13Militry and: will; be, piptik'd' td
fjuoiW2fi911'. prides et 'aity
',lilt' a
Phone 190
N. yit:Ii!InriWgrilli, Manager
tfliltheAllie 4 on 142.
THE CW.1414914 .!V•
• rilqm liggloaxnsm?
If you had silfferea fpr years from
Rhennustism and then heel Wints•Ei
treatMeWt that haulebed your patine itati
de yoii t try Q1)91l1 fe'et, thigh more,
sebeld,yan *alit to keep the; railed), . .
sdhiet; orSyettlitton Wept"to piiee!'on
tliVigtioct'aviiidete otiMr elifferees e
it ite an outetanding;featere ^el the '
int' , d retti- Mile:H:6ra received; by .(14.11,r0'
2.41 nil.;tati of ni?inufact,iirg druggist/3
Ili li. flier ,fel.i.i_040fetli11ii1s for the,
el,.ardell,.th,ii,syteli is' eXpreesed to
,,e .04. :: iq,W• gd,6.13•
'Herd' itte,,a ' f enr"10iti'actS' '' that Will
intereetanyoneWbo nhe,Rifctundiiiii&--
Grit it'll -Co
' SOilidettffifttifiloMlidt*IrO are friattlithd
adyiee all sufferere fithi
.B.Iteatitiatient to try Gin Pills." • .•
arrebbninieitet iu Pill'hAo eery-
on8 saffertakee
'etril'ek-eli,it.e" at pleaeure in; reebin.1
Went -lint .0itt, pjfleto..s111.-itifFerere
fkiiarRdiEtunitiain." ' •
If Yon Wthital like tlie n&stt ein1
addreside of these-peoplh'irliti, tiCeite
Imppy. in recommendingGill°4-1014;,.eil'il
filVd. a free sample to trY..00545{irEielf,
siliiiilydarop a line ,teiflf&Nittional Deng
tk;`tOtrenticel..00,01 Canada, I.inaited;
k$rtitilta:Sniddress-Na-Drn Co Inc.
'7.benlers sell 0.11 • a strict
*• rin.tee ol .satitiftietion or your Money
' eldrIradadi;L:444assheAsaliA,11.441111SA hack,' Vid a b oizi;lihrikes fir $AO
, 1 • ...,
, 3
and 'ijere our finest
14. ** ,..13;i isii, de' signs o f . t
7 •-• 6oherty Pianos and:
1 ' ' . Organs,
4 ilw
1 spies:jai VittneS in :if
1'. nli.Seti to
i P a r,os atiti Orghins rent
• e.i. 'tharnce nem' Edison I"
to D.
..1, phtno.a.i.;raphS, Motile eat
variety goods. s.
1. * • Quits Kaiser's Army to, Beaome4A.,
E mark E.; A. 13„ 4'here is'bit`e sinner
.gand. - klead-line. "EviderttlY",,Ye-
' gl" who repenteth."-Detroit News.
n sie. Emporium
4 o
4 r.
4 D..
n P.
4 0.
4 C. Hoare 0..
0 .
. u.
IT 0 U G H.) G
• Hop
Cal or Pune for, prices,'
2 P1(UilltiderS' and Electricians
tflame 7.
Better Ppy
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose isheap
Vat, betterato pay a fair
• p}iee and krovet-exautlywbskirOtly
Are gettirigie
Yoot Withbever be sovvy-for at at'
Matter of motley, i6'hs easily the
utast etionneuical.
Itst-has been said n
°filo than
erybody by thief, shoind
know i,11 -and vet .thhre
dettratty of Cheap tielyelil, in the;
Now Meet peeeartal-if 3,oe would
dire tonites ahat, soil; mltoget.liee-
e BERN :
yon wontil like to tiny where;
nothing tint high' qttall00`'Nfe.
dealt in--00ME t1111RB •
it;tul even at that, pereon ever
timid our prices weref einprie. •
W R Coot ter
Slier oi Marnfitre 1.1reitgeg
' • ' '
•F011,11. 4 luel.,1i.look)
now selling .1nciatlay Bend
tierumeni StaUllizet.)1i;"..".
elec.; ta hind; ; Alfoltes;'
"'„W'di always have On band.ita
sVFlit, Peak, itkl60bAig PIO%
gIeat Market:Prides ))tlid flat Sizy
and; 40 arsine;
• IbE0'1
For Infants and Ckildreit
'muse For Oieet0 tears
Always bears '
Sirmanue of • •
V4I, rigs It triad. if,
ftIlrlttR 130.TJECNTOtt l °TAR Y
Bt. 'IPI)
:Ivtary Public • Con veyti neer.
Finiinclal and Real Hamm.
igstrasgplil AGENT, ReProceniica141Nro
. aprancr %spread/3s,
Division ()d'art °Mee.
• ..•.1)(op,Tigrollig,
Mr. d'arties. Doherty wishes to in-
form the nubile that be ie pre-
pared to do -fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doberty'e phone
61, will reeeilie prompt attention.
Cam,. rott,I,Iti C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Corireyandar, Etc
Office on A: herb SI ,et, occupied by
Mr. Hooper, In elii.ton 00 +ivory
Thursday, and on any 'day tor which
appointments are merle, flaee hour
from 9 a.m. to 6 reds good rani': in
connection witb the office. 011ie° open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any appointments for Mr. Qameron.
Office at Residence,- Victoria Street
Clinton, • Ontario
Office at Resideoce
Corner High and Kirk Streets.
Clinton Ontario
DR. F. g. AXON
, IbRiffigT
(40Wil and ardialdge Work a dPaellaMIN
aradatto of 0.0.116... adougo, an410;t1,9-
BAyly1d, on Mondays, nay PCI twe
Whose over D'NEIL'estore.
33peoiet °ere miee. to tsetse dehasl tqa‘
:wises se losinlead ,
Live stork and general Auction 4$'
Itio,rm'etrogiufng. Geed •
New 1a,t 'Alpe; Clinton,t.,TkOlY Y aidand.'!-
to,,'Tbruis,,riuidearle, iTtIrMOVIV NM* not.
f!i9Taggtit 4!. •I',1°Tffik
MeTtii441401 f$046'
ALBERT BT, 1:1:101NA4
/genera:I Inanities uestears.
tt4insiireirnet `, • "
- • f,,..441.-s,F1 e, •
Drafts issued. Interaiiiiiiidd •
deposits, ,
The Nieltilltuttv
ort),*:(0,n1fOinstriTaat; '1,
'Illiaydeillikice,-,•811601sir Oit
Ceiniellyir.Ooder, President 41,014
/*Mani" Bays,. S rahSedril
TreWsutir„ • .44
,416X.'lieliehr140" '_!_,'°•'6.413#44 441414
Seatorth,", WanlialaneyiEg
ohoralVilfe; YY'40,.901.4!14?1'kl.',
•• Olieetorre ' •
Wm. Rine, No; 2, Seefortht '.101eirUne
fieeteis,.tiredhigefte Jailletliffiliaba7160*6
tv�tsd M.'Merlwan, ttitteg
Godericlit 1). McGrftinro
• Walton; Robert Fettle, filirleekl.060.
WLII Arid of These Tables Any Citizen Can Figure Out What 'He
Will Payin 1919 �n,1914
(special to Torimto Star by Reporter) der $6,000, and 6252 over that, 01'114
" 44392. 11(110' . $
111 1 , 0 0 "to $20,OQQ"
The fit*' 00,000 IS '111,Xed:'.$992 (if
no chileren) as above, 'plits; title
owtng additional -ewes: 9; per-
noimal tax'on all Over 010. 000 ; 5
eel; t. 'supertax on tt OVe1.-litiat,d00 ;'1t
comes lit cal-dub/nig 'McCune tax per cent, War' ofi
,tirefollowing rbl'e must behorne TAXES. Bxamplee MmiarrietPeitlett
• 1. ' 'with do children' aye' 04,606.40corne
1, RernSinber that under $6,- will pay astfell0v,v0is .addition to .the
000 there ia"rinly the normai 'tax 613 92 on. the first' t1 :
: to pay, this being .on a 2 and .4
•per cent. basis.
• 2.Over. $6,0.00 there' are three
adaddal tageS; Normal, whidli
is, always 4 per cents, and super-
! the and, war surtax, which are
• on a rising scale, .
3.. I he war. surtax is 5 "tax on
taxes." It is reckoned on the .
411411 .of normal andstiperittaX‘es $10r10110s;owith *392 payable op the first
niakes a total lax of 311 182.
an that portion of an °me
• Whiehrexteeds $6,000. •' • Income $20,000 to, $301,000
•. 4. 111 calculating a married Tax of $1,382 on nest $20,000 (if
man's taxes, the simple way is no children). and the following nildt-
to as though there were tional taxes: 4 • per cent,. normal tax
no children and deduct $4 tax ion all over $20,000 ; 8, per cent, super.,
foCeitchIchild. undei` 86 upi tb 5 tax 00 all over $20,000 ; 10 per cent.
children; 'Mid then $8 -for each war surtax on the above two TAXES,
additional child under 16.• Income $30,000 10 sso.,000.
61%1CM:ding a single man's TaX of $2,702 cid first' 41e'3 CV,is a *(1f
tax, the method to be followed no children), and the following' affill-
for small incomes is given below. dome taxes: 4. per cent. •normal -fax
Over $3,000 the simple way is to
on all over 130,000 10 per cent, sit -
add $50 to what the man would p ertak ori all over $30,000 ; 10 per
have to pay if married. •cent war surtax on the, above two
Ottawa May 'There is 110 rea-
son why every citizen 'should not eat..
;ciliate his, lawn new income tax if .he
know how mach money he is isOip8.
to make in 1918. 1lie new tax will,
or course not be payable until 1918,,
0,441 Will be' reckoned -oh' 598 114
Normal tax, 4 per cent on f,1(1,0 0 0
, .... . ... 314 00
Supertax, 5 per cent. mi On 111,10,65d
War surtax, 10 per cent, on $900'Y'90
Single Men's Taxes.
Bearing these rules in mind, the
following simple calculations may be
made, the first compilation here giv,
en being that for unmarried men.
income (Single) $1,e00 to $4500
Eicempt $1,000 and tax remainder
2 per cent.
• Income (Single) $1,500 to ,$3,000
Exempt $1,000; tax $500 at 2 'per
cent,. ($10) and the rest at 4 per cent.
Income (Single) Over $3,000
A single man will In every case pa)
exactly $50 more than a married man
Reckon as instructed for married men
and deduct $50,
Taxes on Married Men
The taxes on, married men may be •fitx of $17,607 on the first $100, -
calculated as follows, with a fur- 000 (if no children,) and the following
ther deduction of $4 taxes per child additional taxes: Normal tax of 4 per
under 16, and 3 for each such child cent. on all over 61000.000; super
over the number af five. -tax of 25 per cent. on all over $100,-
7 Income no to $2,000. 000 ; war surtax of 15 per cent an
All exempt the bero:e.a are
ewov e'rfyaxesfe; h gth e r
Income up to $3,000. . than this in Canada, the taxes on
Exempt $2,000. On the remainder, these being found in the schedule
a tax of 2 per cent. printed elsewhere.
• Income $3,000 to $6,000. In ascertaining a man's income, the
anthem of his payments to Patriotic
Exempt' 62,00, On the first thou -
and Red Cross Funds is of course still
sand dollars of the remainder a tax
to be deducted from his receipts.
of 2 per cent(62 0, and 05 the rest a
tax of four per cent.
Example: -A married man • with no OIRLSI WHITEN YOUR SKIN -
children havan income of $6,000. He •
pays as follt»vs: • . WITH LEMON JUICE
On 82,000.. .. • nil
On 51,000,, at.2-per•cent.. -$20
On $3,0 00;ist 1 per cent.120 Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to
remove tan, freckles, sallowness.
Total tax . ........ 6.140
The above incomes are subject to Your grocer has the lemons and any
only one tax, called the normal I tat.. drug store or toilet counter will supply
Incomes over 86,000 are subject' to you With three ounces Of orchard white
two other taxes, known as the supe-. sl few edits. Squeezethe juice of
tax and war surtax,"the twoffresh lemons into a bottle, than put
to end 'at the conclusion of' the year inithe orchard- white and shake' well.
In which the war ends. They..areicat- This makes a quarter pint of the very
ciliated 'as follows;• 4t lemon ekiu whitener and connpleation
Income $6,000 to $10,000.
b)antifier known. Muscat 'this fra-
grant, °rectally lotion daily. into the foes,
'The k normal tlx is paid -on the first ...melt,arms and, hams, mid judece how
$5,000 as reckoned above, it is 81.'740 freckles, tan,- ealgiviless, redness, and
for a married man' will childron,a roughness disappear and how smooth,
'1'o this $140 there ,a,fe the following soft and clear. the' skin bedonies.' Yes!
additions: 4 per ceht. normal tax •
31 le harin1es, and the beautiful results
On income over $0,0p0;'; 2 per rant1 will surprise you.
stmertitaton. Income' over $6;00(f;'. 5
percent. war surtax' on the above
4w0 taxes (not onthe income).- Ex. „
ample: A married man with no *
children and ati income of $to,000
Pays $10' on the • first $6,000, laid
,t1Ten, the following additional • taxes: *
Ronne! tax, 4 per cent, on- $4,000
Incomes $50,000 to $75,000.
Tax of $5,782 (if no children) on
first 50,000 and the following. addi-
tional taxes : Normal tax of 4 per
cent: on all over $50,000 ; supertax of
15 per cent, on all over $50,00 ; war
surtax of 10 per cent, on the above
Incomes $75,000 to • $100,000
Tax of $11007 On first $75,000 (if
no children) and the follbwing. addi-
tional taxes: Normal tax of 4 per
cent, on all Over 317 5,00 0 ; supertax
of 20 per cent, on all over *75,000
was surtax of to per cent, on above
two TAXES,
Incomes $100,000 to $200,000.
. $160 ci
Supertax, 2 per cent.. on $4,00, *
• $240e
War saltbox, 5 per cent. on 8240. 12
$25,2 "
Tlius his total payment is $1 4e un- *.4..
.,141)04 As
Yotilinow-well,enough ;
.'your liver is !„
3.10ifj44 "
CO( ASO* is the first,
,iway,ning;, then you begin 1
iiii'.qehttneart all over."
;, 'Your Skin .Soput gets the ,1
loWittgrows- char,
g4isiliaail4 and tva.
titilentlittrgatives arC slot
• 14,‘.bitleyniti,4,0ed-itatet the
,of this �d.
time standard reutedytt.,
• •
Odablne beard •SIrtfpotaiiP
1' Colorless facts often those':
theabience of Iron ha the
will help this condition.
* 41 *
Up-to-date Parody On Long
Fel• low's Poem • *
. •
The • Villalge Blackleg" is"*
the title of a poem which has 0.
been going the rounds ot
college papers published .*
sier institutions in Indiana. 0
Under the peaceful olive
tree • the German Kaiser *
stands ; a mighty man Of t,
peace is Ile. with Mtge and
sinuous plane; the meaning
* of his peaceful terms is false
*• asa devil's ISan Ilis cloak
" of guile is thick an ctIong, his
. • face is like the lifin ; he's
coattid o'er with Belgian .gore,
* he .robsthe helpless 0115; he
° smite's' ilre whole world in.
* are race, expecting it tb
* "Week; in, week out, from,
* throne' and camp, yon hear •
* his bellows roar; he bellows
* peace,- but all the while •he
o apc'eada his conquests indre,
* You cau't belreVe a word he.
O says.; he's rotten to the Ooret
14 The children all are taught
* 144 school this Kaiser' 10•
• adord--"God ;hit uns,"
Alles," coal' ."Kultur," 'and
• spch-lore. • But he • sows
their bones lo gain his ends
like chaff from a thteshing
* 41""lefie taks tee place of God
* and church; he stretches
* forfh his hands to grasp the
crowit of all ,the.. world, and
14' S., ' :0104-
* tree • 'the cieSkaaiif"C" • Kaiscif '
•1410°4 11;04.tig
/1? 'F 4'4 ie 4'4'l !LAW
a el(471, ii0Aftr /kbattv, Med. a
/414ni7r1a011O}„ 14ail1i10b?1ltOItf S U31.%P1/11444atMPitkgicOPup;
!ppt!a;i. ond, 0401 Meet.;
in, Itlryitt 1
deal 5Oc.*e.
1'i) 'IN
• ' • MSPECI LisTrs,
in our littl town, oh! sad to tell,
There IS'a, inerehant'who 'doesn't lcnow
how 10 Sell;
A sass,,ter'Who tioesp'l knosv' how to iaw.
A letelier• *Ito 'doesn't know how to
• teach; • '
,4 preacher who doesn't know how to
• preaell,
A paintei' Whd can't paint very" well,
printer wlib doesn't know how to
Stak111 ;'
nib5ler Who doesn't know how to
A Millet etho daesn't know hoe, to (hill,
A batdher 'whet' deesti't -know how to
' 5ill
A ' who doesn't know how 10 race,
P.Magori who •doesn't hoW 'to' luitee,,
A clocksmith who cannot mend it &Mk'
And' a dtittor vZho 'doeSfet kriosv how
to de,b; •
Ancl,'sinCe none of these are busy men,
Ydte will find them again and yet again
Ever edit anbn and a •feW tithes more,
'Rbluictthe stove in Meedolten's store,
Each.talEilig freely antUthrough his hat,
Doing'the one thing they are expert
Giving advice to farmers
-The Prairie Farmer,
4rid PROLE5
Boils and pimples are'simply evidences
of bad. blood that is cirmilating in the
systeni coaling to the surface.
The only way to 'rid yourself of these
painful and unsightly blood diseases
is to have your blood purified by Burdock
Blood Bitters. It removes every par-
ticle of foul material from the blood, and
the skin becomes clear and smooth, and
free from all eruptions. •
Mr. Roy A. 13cway, Trenton, Ont.,
writcs:-"Two years .ago 1 was very
much troubled with boils and pimples
on my face and body. A friend advised
me to take Burdock Blood Bitters.
got time bottles, and before 1 had
finished the, third oue, my boils and
pimples had all disappeared, and my
face and body were 'ns clear and as
smooth as any *baby's could be.''
Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the
market for over 40 years. You are not
experimenting when you buy it,
Manufactured only by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Each Dealer May Take Out Ware.
house License at Nominal "
OW. •••••••••• •••,..1•••
.It will be good news to those deal-
ers here who are affected by the new
war tax that all tlie taxes do not have
to be paid at once,
Official word was received from Ot-
tawa by Mr. Geo. Rennie, Collector 'of
Inland Revenue, Stratford, that ,each
dealer may obtain a ware house tic,
ease by paying a nominal sum, Deal-
ers so licensed need [1,11 pay the spe-
cial war tax on tlieir goods at •this
time but only as sales ' are acteally
made. Tlius, an automobile dealer,
for -instance, ' becomes in a sense a
Government agent authorized to . col-
lect and at once turn over to the Gov-
ernment Collector • the tax on each
carin his stock at the time same is
sold. The same applies to dealers in
;tea, jewelry, etc,
• 41,r0fil)NEP..
Baby's Own Tablets are a grand.'
teedibilie• for tittle' ostee. They.are a
lietativee-teilti but •therotzgli in 'action
land never fail to regelatellte bowels,
:sweeten 'the stonsach• and Melte baby
Well.' and' ',holly: .tonterning, them
Nits. VratidolS, Fournier, • 'Tourville,
:Que., Wrievar,---"1 have- used • baby's
Own Tabletfor my baby and would
recommelid them to all mothers 'as
they, never fall to benSfit the little
n1es.'4 The 'Tablets are sold by Med-
thine dealers or lay mail at 25 • cents
ct.: box front The Dr. Williams' Medi,
clue Co,, Ont..
Listen, my ,childreit, and you shall hear.
•Of., a piftriot's work. he the preSarttyea0;
eideethre the roads at night
TO reuse thh ifeighbees 10 arm tied
But lieweitt to Work with a spittle and
44115 chroe wmacte tee bushltls of 'filter• s
fie theppiithe sweat from his beady
As he tfttdged behind his hand -power
,plow:, •
1-11S.hanas grew toulii and his feet gat
As 11,6"tit;itd ..the 'sitibberu fOrMws
A1111;his, 11°1g/11;01's fatt4land
flathn tttaile, len bilshils 'of 'taters
• Flew. •;, '
and '6.1414 when
I" • •
§ zone,
MeitstS, alvd geeeralS,
, , „
silos bOui 014 in C ocean ,otuel
• this, 1044t and 1,is spade (Old
made ten bushels of 'fliers
No is the time to defeat 'PrUSsia'S A. (311.'"1' 1" 1)114011 Pre4
11411 War...,--W4111'11,treet Journal, • '
Winghaet vicinity is at the Pkeuni
time enjoying,heautifel spring weather. 1
The farmers are busy seeding' ana iIt
Shortly be through. Many,are. putting
in much more than they heve pres,
its es years, 141 fact they are working
the farms to the, fullest capacity, With
the exception of wheat the crops are
looking ',yell 1» ling vicieity, especially I
the hay, Tipling & Mills at the flax •
have a nunther of lealeS" this last
few Weeks out On different' ferias of
targe acreage for the flax Seed also.
The mill is ruhning the full* caPacity.
getting oft last sellsou's crops, . After
the lobe 'Winter the People are glad •
pnee'lltore to be able 10 44140 the cattle •
and stock out on the grass, which is
last growing, I.
The executive of the North Kumla
Conservative Association met at Wing^ a
ham and decided td call a nomination
for Friday,: May 17, 10. oominate a
candidate for the Legislative, to of suc-
cAeP t 1-t1h e Mhi 7110 1)ri
ham. • Quite a numbe names were
mentioned, but it was ,generally con- I,
ceded tha't the nothicatiox- he .'
tendered to George Spolton, of Wing -
ham. Sortie of the farmers, however,
are of the opinion that the new, mem,
ber 511051C1 cane from their class, ,
AnnieS'WAeF2ollftirrlieeeived official
word that her son, Pte. James Arnold
Wescott,' had been adnittted to a
casualty clearing -station suffering from
gunshot wounds in the head and arm.
lie enlisted' with the 1 6 1st Hurons and
has been in the trenches since March.
Atwin brother, Clarence, enlisted with
the battalion ind is also in the
thick of the fight.
Lieut James' Gillespie, son of Mr.
and Mrs; Neil Gillespie, who enlisted
with the 461st Battalion, has arrived
home from England where he has
been engaged as instructor for some
rs R. Boyd, returnecl from vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs, B. Williams,
in Stratford.
On Monday, May 6th, Mrs. Mary E.
Hingston passed peacteful& away at
the home of her neice, Mrs, J. R, Gov-
enlock, North Main-st, aged 30 years.
The deceased bad been confined to bed
lot some time through the infirmities
of old age and the end was not unex-
pected. The .remains were taken to
Oakville on Wednesday for interment,
Mr, J. K. Richardson, Miss Richard-
son, Miss Sclater, Miss Hooper and Mr..
Hooper, of St. Marys, motored over
from St, Marys and spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, J, A. WilS011.
AIM Ferguson. mother of Mrs, J.
Grieve,has gone to Stratford Hos-
pital to have an operation for cataract
performed on her eye.
Miss Hilson has returned from a
trip to Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Fletcher and Mr, and
Miss Evans motored over from St.
Marys and spent Sunday at the eg-
mondville manse, with Rev, and Mrs, 1
S, M. McLean.
Mrs. 1. T. DeLacey left on Friday
for; Toronto to attend the provincial
meeting of the Women's Missionary
Sodietv which is held there this week.
Miss, DeLacey is the 'delegate from the
Hilton presbyterial Society.
Dr; Berkeley, „I, McMillan, R. Sproat
and F. Welland; .whe enlistedwiththe
Oth flattery in Toronto are,,home for
few„clays pn leave.
0 * * 41 15 *
* Many good Canadian.citizens
are under the impression that
* having bought and paid for Vic-
" tory Bonds it is not unpatroitie
*10 dispose of them and they
* have been encouraged in so do-
• ing' by the offers made by menu-
* facturers and tradesmen to take
* them in payment for goods.
'4 Generally speaking, bonds taken
in trade are at once offered for
* sale and tend to, depress the
* price and thus create a condi-
" tion that will adversely affect
* the ,sale of future isaues. As
▪ soon as a Victory • Bend goes
* on the market the seller
* practically shiftshis loan to
•' the Government on to the
*• shoulders or some one else.
* The only Ivo .to help the
* , savings is to- invest, in these.
* bonds and to hold them.
• * * * ct *
Long in,
More Peo1
J?ecause thes
buy 41t.wi
Safety r: