HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-5-16, Page 2Thbfrsflay, May 1 tAll, 1 t)1 t
K1ONt 78
) Sonetlhinrv,
da May
• put an ;Safe Saturday,
p Yr y
.ever y S..ii ' nit let al'il
reat; reduction,,
This :will' tie' your' list; chance.
a .
to pity ain• aI1 o'ol snit; dt'thes
'de' .k,w lice 1`17 t: l't a i
1y.',•. , ,p .'S ,t Y.., 1
new :atm n ' �.
Men „ me rd`i a '`�i, at -
i 'titles. Set ',es` �-h'etier•' t i '1
. �� , , c, �, ; st uea,l t,ility
Colors; . Na vy,,131ck,, and
B1,o11il 'Sizes: i 6, t ; 36 38 4.0
anti` •.
f,',Ala da SUi.ts $ 9.5'O; X35 Suits
l :$27•' 3d)-"Shit's'23.50;''2& Stir's
" , 22.50 35•.Siiifs $20.
Just fifteen`Su itsfp' clear, So
come our f''best choice
1IaIEW-1?V SkI: DRESSES -Just toJ1
t hand•ilits `week several r dotizn "
•parcjl:.dresses/ made ''of chambray'
40 Gingli nt,, in all the net
shades; sties t. t 6,. 1 8 and 2 O.
There is no better time to
give attention to this press-
ing natter, for our stock of
new Curtains, Rugs, Lino-
leun'is, Mattings, Curtain
Netts, affords you one of the
finest selections we hove of-
fered for many season.
h3esure and get our prices
'on Rugs and Linoleunis, be-'
fore buying.
The 'death oeeuired Thursday,
towhig a stroke of paralysis, df Cra'ircis`
Marfa'yof Grantpl(..clerk of tire, town-,
ye �p of. UstOtrte, II l t v: ,11 e
"was iU buf,two days and 'wits 65,'y4t,s
of age,i • 'lie was Township 'Clerk'Coi:
Many yeaa's and was ,well kuowP all,
though this' district. • Ile. was a kelich4,
alar, 'mire funeral will be held Erlday.
t(1. Zicm. Cemetery,
i .
Spring crop's in till+"district have
been put in better than lit 'many. years
and, prospects ar e, for a bumper yield.
'Pte,. Orval Buchanan, who enlisted
with the t4 2nd Battalion in March 0f
1046, was killed in ,action on Ap'-it
28, according to a cablegram. received
by his father, Andrew Buehain, of
Tuckersmith, Pte. Buchanan; pre-
vious to' his enlisttuent, worked for
the Bunt Plumbing Company ih 'this.
city, and lived. with his brother; Wil-
frid Buchanan of 10 Rathgar street.
in, the fall of 1916 Orval went over-
seas. ' He was through the battle . of
Viwy•Ridge and several other heavy
engagements, He Was wounded in
April, 1917, and. was in the hospital
till September of that year. Gassed
shortly after returning to the trenches,
he was returned to the hospital, where
he remained until February of this
year. After a short furlough spent in
Scotland, be returned to the trenches
about the first of April, and was killed
in action on April 28. No particulars
have, been received as yet. One bro-
ther, 'Willard, has been ordered to, re-
port for service on May 14.
• Mr, Will Nesbitt niet with quite a
painful aecident. At the request of
a friend" he under took to cut a piece
of loose sole from his shoe, when the.
knife. slipped and made an ugly gash
In his left arm between the wrist and
elbow which necessitated four stitches.
He will be minus the use of his aria
for same 'days.
Rev. Mr, Ford, of Goderich, will
have charge. of the services in the
Methodist Church until Rev. R. J.
McCormick who is 111, is able to ' re -
same the I work•
Miss ern ,.Winston has been carry-
ing her lef...Winston
in •a sling during the
past week, the result of a slight
operation, performed to remove an
abnorerhl growth,
Mrs, R. J, McCormick was called
to' Trowbridge (raving received a mess-
age that her husband, Rev. R. J, who
was with his parents on the farm in.
an endeavor to recuperate his health,
had taken another spell of illness,
W. hi. Westnan, of the Chatham
Malleable iron Company, has purchased
the Exeter Foundry for $4,000. five
�gVle�vt� p t years ago the town loaned the Exeter
Heave Yo f1 L Cid o in New +I'itanufactucei Company $10,ODU and
� s only received back $1,000.
SCIATICA or sciatic•
rheuma tiem is attended with pain and tender-
ness alon
the.:' �`
sc otic nerve.
in the hipls- and thighs, and
indicates an exhausted conditionof the nervous system.
.Relief is sometimes obtained by e sternal applicationlis or t1 e t1se
of heat, but At the Slightest 13rovocation'the distressino• gains return
and foto time, to tithe' become'. more severe as .the nervous systeth
becomes. more ,exhatisted.
The :only way to 'obtain actual.
ante, is • by a reconstruction of the
wasted nerve cells, and
this 'i�
acco'plished by Dr. Chase's 'Nerve
'Xoo �t'neednot e09t.,yau musi,to
restdre Vigdr,tb nervoUS.syseln,'.
bitt it wil'I' take a little patience, par,-.,.
ticularly at first. 'Alter ;q'au .• have
POO a;few :boxes and got ,the brute-.
ing-up process established ,you will
find 'in1f rovefnents fi. om,'day' to day
Aich tv111 encqurs> e.'you to keep up
this treatment until the nerttolas,sys=
tern is completely restored.
Nerv'o0s disorders `db not' right
themselvs, but naturally, become
more acute as the system becomes
further e,daaausted. It Its only wise to
,be warned by, sleeplessness, head
aches neuralgic and sciatic' pains and
to .take immediate', action- to restore
the depleted ri,eives,heforeparelysis,
laboirnotor ataxia `o Stun& farm of
het' " '
letisniis' is developed. :.
Dr. Chase's Nerv
50 cents a box ---do net pay, more -at all dealers or I7dntanson, Bates Be Co., Ltd,
Toronto, On ,eVery box of the .genuine yon will find the.ortrait,and a1 nature of A. W.
O1aaset, 1V3,1),,'.the •tatrtous Reoetpt Brook, author'; 10
► ` -1 Distric• .
Lieut. Archie Wells; $ of Mt;; Jolla Mr. Henry Iletdslkan, of De- ' After several days o'extreme heat
tallllllllll)p111111111VIIII11Vl11111II8IIIVIIIIIIIILIIIIIII1.1111 II01J11IIII 01
Personal and other.
,fent; of inters st front
New Oro reprpsent'ltlyes
OUL('BO S'AO '011.4E ',14tOitenei4
iroit, visited Ills p111811Is here over Sup -
day, Mr, Heideman, liad1 oined the
United States army, but received his
discharge on eeeoulat of illness, •
Mr. Kenneth Routledge of town
inlet with an , eeenient of , Saturday in
going down the big hill 00 the Bran-
son Line, 'fie lost control of his ma
chine, and 81111ough he threw 011 the.
brakes he contidnued ,down until ' he
struck the bridge. , The only damage:
done was rt few twlhted gliders on the.
bridge and 'several brillscs for Ken-
nett', _
Mr. Wm,, Pollock, teller • at ' tile.,
local branch of the Molsons.Bank,,1e11
for Belleville where' he will ooetlpy.it
siOlitar position, Mr., Oliver 'Davis,
it ,
will take Itis position, as teller
:The following particulars . are.
taken. 580111 ,the 1918 Assessment of
Hay Township its returned to the
Clerk by .the tissessor,, Mr. E. F.
Klapp; Number of acres; assessed„ resi-
dent, 57,264,1/ ; non-resident, 140 4,,
Acres cleared, 43,732 ; acres wood-
land 2,264 ; ,slash and swamp teed,
6.268X. Assessed value of real
property (exclusive of buildings)
;1,733,935.00 ; ,value of buildings,
$687,395.00 ; Total value of lax -
able rent property, 52,421,330 00 ;
Property exempt front,.taxation,
liable • for local improvements only;
$5.8,175.00 ' Business assessment,
$14,795.00, Taxable income, 57.50,
Total assessment $2,437,075.00. Pop-
ulation of Hay township 27161 Num-
ber of male .persons from 2.1 to 60
,years old, 626. Number of dogs 334.
of bitches 12 ,
.hospital..fe Er:gland, front_ wouittis,
received while in action Lieut,el
W .ti
it eueneeted with the 051Lrdian Mee,
trical Engineering Corps , and 5ume
time. ago won the Military Cross 'for
conspic,upus bravery while mending
conlnu nteitti0n lines under fire, We
Ore all proud of him and pleased to
see him receive this mark of dfstinc-
Report 'of S. S. No, 8, 11ul1ett for
the Months of March and April, Sea-
1er 1V-Perhtitted. to' work on i'arnl
for certificate -Gladys' Grainger 755,
511180ld• Adonis 645, 'Ida Lyon 632.
Promoted .10 Junior IV -Lillie Garrett'
450; Melborne Keine' 442, Laura Gar-
rett 4.25, Edwin Woods 416 (on trial)
Vera . Shobbrook 350, Junior .III
'(Names i11 'order of merit), -Mar-
jorie Lyon, Hattie Grey, Mary Woods,
Annie Carnett, l4(trol'd Richards, 1st
Class -Fred Sampson, Arthur Lyon,
Bertha Webster, Ruth Shaddick, Ruth
Armstrong, 13. Class -Bert Grey,
Lpl1 Grey, Emily Little.
. Holmes
far 'tltis `Lime of the year, a violent
tietl storm, lC Op'I1i'd by a h'67
wind from the southwest raged for
hours last 111lll'sday evening and ended'
ep in a tremendous hail -storm. Several
chimneys were damaged by the winst,
and, some trees a were blown down..
Many 111011ght that their 'windows.; Would.
be smashed. in; but'very little glass, so
far as rePOrted, 'hoe been damaged,
John N
Jo Cgcnpbetl,Victoria Street,while Cranking an'auto broke ,is right
arm a; the Wrist; :
The Conservatives of Ngrt `.lin ren
will bold a nominating''(lonvenlfon oli
Friday iib. Wingham, -Among,, file-
henames mentioned are;. --George Spot -
toll, WinI,hani,' Peter -W. Scott, Bast
Wawanosit ;, Matthew Locklut, of
Auburn, Dr. Case; of Dungannon, Mr,
Dudley Holmes K. C., Dt;, R, C, Red-
mond, Dr, Irwin, W. J. Greer •of Wing -
ham and Mr, John Joynt, of . West
Wawarnosh •
I',, ,J, MacLean; c, is busy
completing arra»gemcontraerits fortorthe pairing'of the road between Wingltani
and'Biyth, The' road wilt be graded
and put in good shape. . This is one
of the a1.•ain roads and has been in bad
shape •for some time. -
P;te. R, 1', Cowell, of Wingl>,ani, who
went overseas with . the - 161st 'Bette-,
lion,' and Is now with a forestry batta-
lion, iS 'htationed -at' Dbrnorch, , ,S.cot-.
land. tie says the • men work frau
5 o'clock in the morning' to 12 o'clock
noon in the bush, and'fram.1 .to..6
o'clock in the saw mill, getting out
timber for use in i'rane,e: Pte.'Cowell'
has been appointed organist' in the
Dornoch Cathedral during his stay
in that place. The cathedral is one
of the oldest in Scotland and has a
fine organ.
Police Magistrate J, A, Morton, of
Wingliani, has received offiuial notice
of his appointment 81 police magis-
trate for the village of Wroxeter,
B13-111, Brussels and townships of
FIowick, Turnberry and Morris. This
will be in addition to Mr. Morton's
duties for the town of Winghanl,
The Bowlers held an enthusiastic or-
ganization .meeting in the Council
Chamber on Thursday evening. Offi-
cers were elected its follows:^tion.
Pres, -A: E. Smith, President -A.
'ripling, Vice President -Wm. Holmes,
Secretary -Treasurer -C, P, Smith,
Major Sinclair returned from over-
seas and is again in civilan clothes
He enlisted on Dec 5th, 1.915 with
the 161st Battalion,
and went overseas
with them as company comnrandent in
October 1916. Ile remained with them
for a time after they became a part of
the 5th 'Crain Division and ialer Joined
the Imperial Army, reverting to a
Lieut's pay to do so. With the Im-
perial troops he went to France in
July 191: and was given brigade dot -
les for a time. • lie was afterwards
made area commandant on the Somme
of a brigade sector between the front
line trenches and the artillery lines.
He was complimented by the brigade.
staff for his splendid organization
methods which brought his men
through the shell swept region with
the fewest casualties,
Rev, James Abery, who is Grand
'Chaplain of the I. C). O. ,11.,' 05 Out-
tario, preached a special sermon to
the Dungannon Lodge last Sunday
Mrs. J, N. Campbell, of Westfield, is
visiting at the hotile of her sisters Ml's.
James Elsley and Mrs, J. Tamblyn.
The W. M. S. will hold their annual
At-home i11 the basement of the Metho-
dist church, Friday; May 24th, A
;good programme will be given, and
light refreshments at the close,
James Boyce .was operated 011 for
appendicitis on Monday by Dr,. Gunn.
Mrs, Rothwell, of 'Toronto, is the
guest of Mrs. Rattenbury.
Miss Nettie Fraser visited at the home
of her father, Thomas Fraser last week,
Mrs, Wrn, Hart is al present very ill
o' heart trouble
Among the young mea who .will
soon go for training from our midst
are: Russel Dallas, Percy Diehl, Scott
Davidson, W. Pinkney, Greg, Mc-
Gregor, Walter Moffat, Walter McBeth'
and a number of otheers. Such is the
cost of war.
The country i5 now looking at its
best, the grains are all growing well.
Messrs, Thomas Baird sr., and Mr.
1104 left ibis week for Ottawa with
the farmer's` delegation,
Wm Swan left this week for the
navy. He goes as a doctor's assistant
He recently took his final exam, for
medicine in Toronto Medical College.
An event which struck a deep
chord of sympathy among the peo-
ple of St. Columhan- took place ill
day; April 30th, when Mrs. Francis
McAleer, a former resident of this
vicinity passed from this life to the
Life Eternal. tier early departure
from this world while still in the
meridian of life, tine intelligence of
which reached here carte as sad
news to her many friends and ac-
quaintances. Deceased, who was a
daughter of Mrs. Mary Matthews,
was born on the farm on which her
mother •resides and wits united to
Francis McAleer 'after which they
settled on the 5th concession of
Hibbert some twelve years ago they
removed to Manitoba and settled at
Souris where they continued to
engage tri fanning, Mrs, McAleer had
enjoyed good health • until tt few
inonths ago when symptoms of dis-
ease became evident, she Wd5 accord -
where every ' effort was made to ef-
fect a cure 'but the disorder refused
to yield to treatment. The remains
accompanied by her husband arrived
in Dublin of Friday,
Mrs. D, Bell, Britannia road, was
dolled to IL•u11il5011 011 account of the
serious condition of her husband, Ser-
geant D. Bell, who was knocked from
his bicycle in Brantford recently by an
automobile, which passed over his
At the .meeting of the public school
board a resolution was passed and or
4dered sett to the mayor, requesting
a more strict enforcement of the cur-
few regulations. The curfew bell rings
at 9 o'clock, but "not much attention
leas llsen paid to it. A deputation from
-,the. teachers Waited on the board, ask-
nub for a general increase in salary of
$50 on account of the high cost of liv-
ing. •
,A fire probably origlnatilig from a
spa'1: froni'atpa1sln3 train on the C:p,
R. destroyed two cars of cedar. piles
and an enipty cer on the railway right
of -way ter655 ;the river Friday evening.
The loss'will lie about 54,000.
' Things' have been lively daring' the
week' here(` Over a million bushels of'
grain' have' been ,unloaded here Mace
navigation opened, l'ia)ing is report
;ed goad, and'. many Erie catches of]
perch and herring have been made re
cepily., Abibrosie Colborne, while fish-
ing witlj his fkther hooked s1 $empnund„
trIut•which Was finally landed.
At the' annual Meeting of the Wo-'
mutt's Institute, the fallowing officers
were elected for the ensuing year
President, Mrs. ileatty; 1st vice -pros,
,idem; Mrs, e• M
,tetcEwan; and vice-,
president, Mrs. Swanson sedrettn•y,-
trea's i'er., Miss M, E, Salkeld; auditors,
Mrs, Vibes. Young Arid Mrs. W, T, More
bey ; directors, Mrs. M. McDonald,,
Mrs, Charles 131ack, ,and,Nlrs; Fowlie. '
John, Stvailpws of Widder Street,i
received word that his son, private
Reuben Sailows, was: seriously, ill
with bronchitis in the 56511 General
Hospital Eta Iss having
beend ul
May 8. Private Saliows 11111 been
wounded three tunes,
Saturday evening the • lighthouse.
on the north pie', took fire. 'Phe
tug Fo' e5t itv5s i Ilickly'oni the Swine
•tlie',firemen .were taken across
then lud•bor in a fish lug and: •sotth'
li,td' the fire udder "Control The
Jigllt`is 4tr aeet:Oeu'e: ohne and, the
Jiglitltous'i± was batlty 1adiaged • lJne
fire ,was prolfttbly"duet'. to au 5aept15
George iiendersou, aged 30, whose
auto overturned Thursday evening
near Seaforth, died Friday. His neck
was broken and no hope was held out
for his recovery frau the first. Before
lapsing into an unconscious condition
he .lade a statement in which he ad-
mitted that he was to blame for the
fatality. In trying to pass n car that
was ahead of him on the road, he ran
into it and his 05811 auto overturned.
As the fatality was purely "accidental,
no inquest will be held. Mr, Hender-
son came here from Seaforth some tithe
ago, and had worked up .,good draying
business. Besides his wife and three
small children he leaves his smother and
two. brothers, James and John, all of
Seaforth. The funeral was held on
Saturday to the Maitlandbank Cemetery
at Seaforth,
Oscar Gorsalitz, of Cranbrook, has
gone to Bridgehurg, out, to take a
position as fireman on the Michigan
On Sunday evening Western Star
Oddfellows attended service in the
Methodist Church in connection with
the 99th anniversary of the order. Rev,
1V. E. Stafford preached.
The lady ininist'els will give their
entertainment for the benefit of the
Red Cross on Friday, May 24th.
Owing to a proposed extended visit
to Vancouver, B. B„ Miss Carrie Hing.
stns has resigned her position as leader
of the Methodist choir,
On Wednesday afternoon the funeral
of Mrs. John Askin took p11(80, She
was in her 86th year. Mr. Askin pre-
deceased her. Three sons and three
daughters survive,
A resolution of sympathy was passed
by the town council to the Leckie
Brothers over the demise of their
father, ex -Reeve John Leckie.
Pte, Allingham who was wounded in
France, visited friends here recently.
He was formerly teller in the Standard
Batik. Ile now goes to Regina to take
his old position 111 the same bank.
,Miss Muriel Brothers has graduated
in arts from McMaster University, She
took Honors in English and history and
moderns, Miss Brothers has been en-
gaged to teach in High Park School,
Toro. to,
Various Loans from the sinking
fund will be called in to meet an
the Cinisnlidated Loan, which
matures in the fall ,Brussels finances
are in excellent shape, and the town
will soon be free of debenture debt.
Farriers ali through this district are
following with the keenest interest
the visit of the Farmer's Delegation
to Ottawa.
At •t big meeting of the Farmer's
Club to be held on Friday a sptehtf
speaker from the 'Co-operative As-
sociation in 'Toronto will give an ad-
010',. Til
Bronchitis domM,es front a negluel.ed cold,
and st:itrte'wltj a"shot L, „1)1iilnl; ;dry''
Cough neeonlpeniedwithrepicl•wlneesilig,
and a f'erij i,i; of opjiresejon or tigiittiees
thioug1s the sheen:
You have, no dottlit, wakened up in .
hu fnorliinb and have had to cough',
several times 10 ;iiise the jilil?[rin from
the bronchial tubes, and hrtYefourid it.
,of a yellowish or gray;'greenigis soler,
and yoi have received relief tigtit away,
This is a form of. brat :hitis '' fc1 if'
hot, cured immediately May turn into
pneononia or Smite xnoreeierious troible,'
Cure the cold with Dr, Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup and thereby prevent brgrr
ohitie and, i'piicumotlia takrtfg hold on
your systeri; '
Mr, 111 Jarvi,New'tnlang,.Saek,,
wr te5;--"I was {,rabbi d, j1l' years, with
broseliltis and 08111tnet fled :tiny retial,
,I wlas,e5pf'einlly liad on a• I
went' to druggist, a da .ed ham for
-something to:stop 14o c ugh and con -
tickling lit my throat Ile Ove
rue tt bottle of Or.Wept is Nor% ay'3,ine
';S,yrup, }3v�hiclr I,found 'ggave Inc instant
relief, 1 think it, le' t, e' best thedicine
.f ro d i iS •I kith*"or o 1 take
.for alar w,.Nw
bare .t s1Wttys have abottle of it on bead,"
'10 'not accept a 'ettlJetltute; for "1)r,
Wntltlts," It as put up, fh ''a: yellow
*tappet; 3 'pine trees tiht trade tnark;
;pprirb 2fio, nird tibc,' maniiR0tut'eti 01(17 ,
1) "Ti'lu'T J4tilb r Clo Llbdited 'Parente
Mrs. Bernard Clark and children,
of Haggersville, a•e•visiting her father
Mr, A, McGuire for a fortnight,
r•. Albert Townsend was calling on
old friends in this vicinity.
This corner was visited with a heavy
wind storm last week, taking the roof
off Harvey Alexander's barn, besides
blowing over a lot of fruit trees and
Mr, and Mrs, Wilson, of Centralia,
returned home after visiting friends
in this neighborhood.
The peach trees Inas fared As bad
as the fall wheat es the hard winter
has killed them all. It is quite a
toss as there were quite a few nice
orchards that had got nicely into
Miss Ivison, of Klppen, is visiting
at Sterling McPltail's,
Miss Belson of the Collegiate' staff
has returned from a visit to her hone
in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Naylor-andfamily mo-
tored to Auburn and . spent Sunday
with relatives there,
' Mr, Thomas Genunell, of Moose
Jaw, is here attending the funeral of
his sister the late Miss Lizzie Gem
Mr. ,l J, Merner, M, P., canine up
from Ottawa to spend .the . week -end
at his home here.
Gunner Barry Grieve of the Card
13attery, London, was a week -end vis-
itor at his home here,
Mr, 0, Daley has moved into his
comfortable residence on Church-st..
Mr, Chsrles Stewart is moving into
the handsome residence, which he pur.-
chased'recentlq 180111 Mr, C Aberhart,,
Mrs: 1red'OSiss, of Brantford, spent
a few ,days with relatives here,
Se �ieast R. lotinstone of the
53rd Battalion, London; ,y.110.-hasre=
turned from France where he served
for three years .weir the guest of: his,
sister, Mrs G. D,. `Neigh, Main street,
Mr„Bradshaw, of Toronto, was a
town T visitor,
The ,lelith'occuirrgd .nary home. 11ear
Ehnrold:ville; •of Miss Elisabeth Gem
thea. She leaves ; two ;'brothers in the
w'est, Iuld,two•sisters, Mrs, S,,McGeoelt
of Egnioedvilie and' Sarah at bottle,:
Mrs, William Sppgtlt, \qhr/, died ,three.
Weeks ago et Kipp.en, Was a sister,
,Lettersof thaukg and acknowledg-
cknowleel -
r-eceived•by. the .Wo-.
men's War Auxiliary from the secre-
filry of tite Red•.ICtoss and Women's
War. Contin eiit 'of London for the
gift's sent fnonn, Seaforth 'recently for
the military 1ioslfitnl iii that` city, • The
butte• 155 amint 1V rilseleve [,1r'
racks tio18sp11a1 t0 se•Ise 'uto4c'o 157 tete very
sick men, who as the secretary says,
"do not gee very much, of this luxury
and will enjoy 1i. 'The' e s fruit
td e
gg ,
tic were divided among' 'the three
Me, Jl MCBritle, of Hamilton, spent
Sunday with Mr; and Mrs, i, ,Archi •
bald, at Silver Creek Parti, ,
Mr. and •1,lrs. George McKay have
returned t0 their Moore in Manceload,
Mich, •They cane to attend the funeral
of the late Afexaude' McKay, of Chisel -
Mr. John Muir, of the G.T,R„ resew-
ed 5vord''bit friday last ilial his'Soit;
The men on the lIrilig lice rufrree:Mt
the pick ,of ouraouutry,+e youth. Many
'were rejected' 1Lea e0 of physical, a1
f1iency,Many times She kidneys
to blame,
:lf ire wish to proy1131 old age muting
ou too aeon, cr if ae. want to increase
mar ehanoos for a long 'life, 1)r. pierce
of the Surgieal, Instituto 13uiyg>,o, 1S', X„
says' that:' you should' drink ;plenty of
lk4ter ¢daily be(Ween mends. Theo me-
cum -at 14 dctti; drove, Amalie (double
strength), ' This "Aruu•ric" drives the
-46,8'sold put and 'cures beekaph'e dad
1jf 'eve *1511 to keep our kidneys. in 1110
,110e11. ttondiklon;a diet.of ,tntik.and vege-
tables, with .only little meat once a day,
is the moet saitebie. Drink plenty of
.pure.:rtater, take •4,>Lurie three times a'
dtty•lor a month.
Send Dr, :fierce 100 for trial pkg. An,
uric -many times more potent than little,
eliminates uric acid as hot water melts
:sugar. A. short trial will convince you,
Preston, Orst,-"L amleased to ex-
bress rh experience with Auntie. 1 have.
een troubled with rhownatie1u in right
limb and hand for several years, and '
lately , in left shoulder. The only way
1 could Ile wile onmy . back. I
had great difficulty 'to sit down
and more . to get' up. ,Lately 1 1141
'-a very severe pain inmy back. I have
taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery soveral.times with the.inost satis-
factory results, se I concluded to give his
.Aannrio :Cablets, a trial. Tlfe pain in limb
and shoulder bas stopped entirely and in
right' hand it as very slight and getting
less .an the time. I can now sit orlie
in any position I wish without disown.
fert'or pain.' '1' rbconunenEed,theAmalie "
Tablets to two parties and they both
claim. decided improvement. I certainly
will recommend thein to any one troubled
w1th, the kidneys; there is nothing nearly
so good; 1 tried them all."-Geortaz
Boos, cor. Duke and Waterloo,
Bert Muir, had been wounded in Fr-
ance. This is the second time he has
been wounded, since going to the front,
with a draft of the 161st Hurons.
Mr, Thonits Johnston has purchased
the residence of Mrs, Habkirk on 115.
Main-st„ and the house he vacates
has been Teased by Mrs, T. R. ,Thomson,
Huron Hos iii
rr'as uult9 Lis
Pte, 13, Buchanan, liensall,
Pte, Wm. Greig, Clinton
Pte.,J. W. Good, Auburn.
Nursing Sister, B. Maude Hanna,
Pte. R, Sallows, Goderich
Minor Locals
A frost last Friday night
Lots of rain and add days during
the past week,
Go,darich to Detroit and Return
Leaves'Goderlch-TUESDAY, June
at 1000
a. 111, 6 T.•
Returning leaves Detroit, THURSDAY;
Jtine 13t5s 1:0'0 ' p. in, * (net roii"
(511114). .
$2„Round Trip $1.50 One waif
9 be only boat trip from Goderich (1)
'Deficit this season.
No passports •required for, .males Q�f
'age, f;c ''on this trip. Sitra l
p y
sign your nacre for the inttnigratiAii
Officer who will be on duty on boatel
steamer at tithe of departure: •
"Except: It hien belong to Class 1;
now called, 0 will be necessary for.
then to show that they have complid1
with the nmilita•y, service regutatiods
and have the consent of the Registrar
for their military district to be absent
from Canada,
applies of course only to anile
British subjects between 20 and 3l,
inclusive, who are single or are widow-
ers without 'children".
Canadians coming' to Detroit for 11
,tenuiorary stay are MA 'required t0
pay a head tax or make a deposit.. b.
S, 1nniigration officers will be on t 'e
'steamer to.pass excursionists. •
Out of Goderich MONDAY evening,.
,loin loth, al 8 p.m. .45 c onto ,
and dancing in Greyhound' '• 4
hall room " k