The Clinton New Era, 1918-4-25, Page 3Like to Work in an Automobile Factory? Positions occur in our organization chat ofiee steady work, good wages and an opportunity to learn the automobile business. We want to get in touch wltil enterprising young men or middle- aged men who recognize the value of this oppor- tunity. Write or call in person, so that your name may he added to the list of applications with the idea of entering our services as soon as a position is vacant. GRAY- DORT MOTORS, Limited Chatham, Ontario 1 :; igI1r$da, April 25t11? 9'I8 7'i tIiD 'EGGS WANTED ices are being paid for fancy EGGS at our Poultry Plant tyl�p ?tllit alis to ns and get the 18117 sh, prices wilt be for targ i paid,i e St�i�84iizs t:1f five poultry that whl be itts# h e c8�*tatn meet the increasing a e ,. to the meatless days. Poultry i i. ,k, .. EOilr taken ihe first three days of veek during the winter months to your flockof hens this sd+ help production. This is ttc work and at the sometime l tint , y su.r own pocket, 1�l Leg & Co., 11 X111 The up-to-date Firm ' Riva isii BMW Cil Phoile 8'DO Tretwartha, Manager • or Noimesville 4 on 142. itt,liatili.a, aall,titita3 d4AA,mta e:Alle,A1taAdL® Ina 'See and here our finest •brx 'nw `$.y'l;sli designs of 'Iherty 1'''anus • and tQ: .41 wR -a , Organs, iaf values' Art Cases I:~1PaVr.13S and organs rent eA. Choice new Edison Eetztonographs, Music & Variety goods. USW Emporium ► ► t•• m ► ► The Trinidad vane farmer's' returns for 1)16-17 showed that the sugar crop was 111e biggest Trinidad ever had.. The total was 70,891' ton& compared with 64,23 t tons for the preceeding year. v. C ,O.10C O. ► a.P t C. Hoare s .. w NO ALCOROL IN GIN- 'ILLS litany have wondered how 1115 famous old household remedy, Gin Pills; dr- rided its name, since obviously there could be nospirits COU twined 111 1)111 forst, • Tile origin of (liu Pills can he traced. to -Gin, w11151) itas for a great many. yem,i beet. recognized for Its medicinal qualities,Farticntarly i le ben eiicial elfecte 00 Kidney cnmplduis. 11..1 in tihr l)rst place three are many who have cuneclentiops objections to t1't e: al(ho1, even as a lndiciiie. Gin 1 . a••SaFC � nruty u agent ,,: 1t/ t c b "1 10' be. n ; , , ;h a t1u:'alcub , 1 t be- ts a help to tlhecnre. Z;, 1- ,uouSwere '•rto,le to deter- mine in:awhat ttwa$inGin that 'tended t , r,•li._vc 121ummatsul, Lumbago, Sria- t Swollen J atit 4Cus a1t t lh..e,- tall disorders arming front tr.I:oh,ye,blailderand urinary system. This - tl a agent, separated(rom the 815411,1,9518 tihett combined with other diorietf55 aid given the name of (,inn Pills, for v.hieh a demand tins grown r )4.;lter 111221 for any Other 111mill.illn in 1010, (1 hi Pi11s have a wonderful record of success and anyone applying to the menu soarers can obtain copies of ivauy of the testimonials received, Gin Pills are sold' by all dealers every- where on a strict guarantee of satisfac- tion or your money hack. They are 50e. a box or 0 boxes for 1113..0. A freo sample can be obtained by writing to the National Drug 4C -Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, or to the 11. S. address, bin -Dm -Co. Inc., 202• illaith St., Bttftalo; N',Y, 12? PLUMBING, HOOFING TF0UGHiNG AND FURNACE WORK THE CLINTON NEW ERA CANADA FOUND HER - TO AVOID ASBESTOS BY MEANS OF FOREST FiRES Shur aceident, according to a writer in 'the Paper Mill, brought about a lis-. covert/ of 'Canada's richest asbestos dc. posits. The account runs as 1011005' 'Although asbestus was discovered itf Northern Vernn,nt as early as 182•I, its predose iu Canada was nor suspected 'until 1 111, when it t:•:3 found in the Province of ()lichee, about midway between the villages of •:+t. JI .epi and bt. Iran, 0,. 4488 effort t 4n 1 Plates Fiver. •1)s t 114 4 raise capital to 1)155,'iM p of sato] res of this 1 :olaih•.n fibre a ere exhihited „in London 1114, b4•+air year, and :rou•>ed such nt rest t tit a Rented amount of money a_: l1stt Unfortunately, l lto 4l +' tll vein 101 found was not exteesiveand mining operations did not yield til: results expected. this nest titteeu y5:c-:, 'the situation was virtually dormant, and the asbestus industry in Can- ada was practically forgotten. "The big discovery of 1877 in the now famous Thetford •1)1d Clderaile regiops revived hopes fur a Canadian asbestos industry which have been shore than realized,, There is no doubt that these enormously vain - able deposits would have been lost to the present' generation, and per- haps the present century, had it mit been for forest lues that swept this region, burned otT the undergrowth and denuded the surface, exposing the fibrous rock 'to view. . Na- ture, in a moment of fury, removed the covering that for centurieshad hidden one of Canada's richest treas- ures," Children Cry FOR FLETCHEft'S OASTQR!A - A French horticulturist has been ex- perimeihting with the stem of spinach for the purpose 0f 'making. paper, and has produ,ce(i satisfactory specimens something like Japanese paper. W. BRYDONE BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO CLINTON H. T. RANCE Notary Public, ancial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT-Ropresentlne 19 Sire In 'nuance Companies. Division Court Otiice. Piano Tuning 14 Ir. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and; repairing. Orders telt at W. Doherty's 'phone el, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, K C. BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Toici by Mfrs. Lynch F?con Own Ezpesie race. Providence, R. was all run down in health, wastnerveosus,lnhad head - ached all the time. and d had I was t no unbitialforany- wing. ny- uin ,. I had taken aral inberofmdi- G eines which did me no good. One day sad about Lydia lr Y 14, I initham a'4 age- t)ih11 Clompolmdand what it had done for women, so 1 tried it. MynorvoUsness and backache and headaches disappeared. I gained in weight and feel fine so I can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vogl - table Compound to any woman who is suffering as I was."— MM. ADELINE B. L'YN0ra, 100 Plain St., Providence, R.I. Backache and nervousnesa are symp- tome or nature's warnings, which in- dicate a functional disturbance or an ; unhealthy condition which often devel- ops into a more serious ailment. Women in this condition should not , continue to drag along without help, bat profit by Mrs. Lynch's experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham'a 'Vegetable Cora - ;i - pound—and for special. advice write to 1 Lydia E. Plnkham Med: Co., Lynn, Mass. 1 I IIIll1l1'I!,V�I t WHAT YOU MAY HAVE TO EAT WHEN YOU GO TO A RESTAURNAT The following are some clauses of the new restaurant regulations which rune into effect this. week, when many people taking their -meals in restaur- ants and hotels will find that their favorite dishes are now forbidden. Beef told veal at evening steal mutton ante• iamb, 6 ounces I. fresh pork, 6 ounces ; pickled port:,' 8 Ounces] venSion „ and other wild meats, 8 ounces ;,bacon, 4 ounces; hon, <l anew. . • Only one serving of meat or other flesh or fowl per person shall be served at any ureal, Not more than ()tomes of butter o' oletilargarine May be served except .upon special request, and then not mare than ' % ounce may be given. Sugar re,ieptarles still not 'be left on dining tables or counters except in railway, trains or steanwships, No more than two Teaspoons of equal weight of can sugar shall , be setvad tor the purpose +'t' sweetening beverages. purpose shalt I c Sugar forany ,u• tt 50 -vett only when called tor.: ) R From and attar April 7 1. 1. printed cards must be prominently displayed in public eating houses, S 4 •'a tl roc t t ih' roadall w to he 4 i by I s t bearing the following i 41 s-^ i ice4 "All ; er ons hi ordering then fund ought to consider .the needs of Great • Britain and the allies for wheat, beef, bacon and feeds, and Ca that the nada Foot] IBoard. desires the public lo do everything in their power to make these commodities + l , available for export by eilhl 6 d5. hill,. as possible of thea,, and by', staking use of substitutes and avoid- ing waste." Or, in lieu of such Prominent no- tice, same shall' be printed Ivrea on all menu cards. • ,111 public eating houses until the first course is served. No more titan 1811) 0111uee5 of stand- ard flour bread or rolls, or any pro- duct made Groin standard flour, shall be served to one person, unless on special request for second serving. only, No more than four ounces . of No beef and veal oa Wednesday ,1r bread in other product evade from bran, corn, .oats, barley or Miter flour at toy one ileal to ane person unless on special request for seco» d serving. No bread- less than twelve hours baked shall be served in public eat- ing, houses, except in railways trains ani steamships, Bread as a garnish except under poached eggs, is prohibited. Wheat flour demplings is hot pies, meat stews or soups are prohibited. On and after April 7, 1918, no Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer; Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied ty Mr. Hooper. In. Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Gfiice hours from 0 a.m. to 0 p m. A good vault in connection with the office: Chine open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any op'poiutmentefor Mr. Cameron. AIX RINDS OF PUMPS ON .HAND Y1.1. :11*3C'WIRING AND FIXTURES' CA wsr ,Phone for prices & Sutter Plan„ J;1aes and Electricians ]'hone 7. ei ertee1 tearee vwwwwdvvwvw Better Pay The Price Cron the tempted to choose cheap j;ewelery. Far better to pay a fair 1at,t.P, .and know exactly what you =vs 1tting, Yon will never be sorry—for an eaatt,e9` 4Zmoney, it is easily the roost economical. `khat has bean •said so often that everybody by this time should knew ft—avid vet towelere is the ' ,scasi'0ity of cheap jewelry i tend' New to get personal—If you would Mote miss chat sbI t.altogether-- • eJtl'ltfv HERE t'l'„ you would like to boy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in—OO141L75CERPt And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Friday, Pork at noon ileal only on Mon- day and Saturday. Pork may not be served on Wed- nesday or Friday at any meal, No wheat or wheat products at the mititlay meal. - Substitutes shall be served when- ever white bread is served, No public eating la8tese shill serve more than one ounce of wheat bread or 11113r product made wholly or in part of wheaten flour between the bakery operated in connection with hours of 5.30 a, m. and 10 a, m., bakery products from wheat flour 11,30 a. nl. and 2.30 p. m., and 6 other than the standard flour, or m from flour containing a higher per - Sandwiches made from wheat centage of extraction than sten- p. 111. and 9 p bread and pork, beet or veal may Bard, without written permission only be served at railway lunch 1 from the Canada Food Board, counters, but only at any time and In bakeries connected with public at all time, to bona -fide travellers I eating houses the regulations goy- P'ubiic eating houses other than 1 ening bakeries shall apply. railway lunch counters shall not ' Meat and game shall not be served serve sandwiches filled with beef, I in larger amounts per person 1115111 veal or pork during hours and on the following portions weighed after days that these meats are prohibited. cooking, not including bone: Bread shall not be placed on tables : Beef, 8 ounces, veal 6 ounces ; pro Medi..aI' Oftice at Residence,' Victoria Street Clinton, — — Ontario DR. W. GUNN Onice at Residence .Corher High and Kirk Streets, Clinton Ontario Ra !eoulnter ''• J'eweler mid Optician: ,' Seer of Marriage Licenses DR, P. A. AXON DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work 8 Spectsidy. Graduate of 0.C.15$..' Cblon'0. and -11,0,118 Toronto. )tar field on 'Mondln•+, May 1st 1059 . FORD .tilt .111eL1110111 We're now selling .'Timothy Seed `11overnilsent Stanrlerei,). Wt. 11. VOW LEK, . DENTIST. • Oftioes over O'NEIL'S store, , • Special care taken to snake dental teens ment se painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRV Live stock and general Auction 'e' GODE,RJOH ONT &ci0onaNEWERAoff e,, 0l� D1.m ate ena to. Terme reasonable, Framers eel* net discounted We iso have oa hand, Alfalfa, • ,"2$s -Tike, and Red clover. +fire sil.w'a0J's have on hand e -f ooee 1ijfyesit, 'Peas, Barley and Feed Coen 'itlfigiteet Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains, G. D. MaTagga0's M. 1). Mo:Caggar 1011,1) LEO McTaggart Bros,' BANNERS ALBERT ST., • CLINTUF General Rankling Business (transacted .30TEB DISCQIJN71171) Drafts issued. Interest allowed r deposits, The McKillop. filtidual Fire Insurance Go. Parra dud Isolated 'Town Props erty Only Insured. Read Office—Sea Out Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, Presides,; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, ' Vice -President; 17hos, B. Plays, Seaforth; Secretary - Treasurer. - Agents Alex, Leitch, No. a, Clinton; Edward liindfley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney, Eg mondville; J, W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G Jarliiuth, BrOdltageu. Directors' Wm. Rtnn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. MCBwan, Clinton; James. Connolly, Godericit; 0..lr. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G; Grieve, No, 4; Watton; Robert Perris, oarlock; Geo, McCartne, No, 3, Seaforth, • 11111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111 Telephone Economy! .o IIilllIl111111111111111IIIIIIIWllil1111111111 Do you Practice it? Take Care of Your Telephone ! . MANY repairs to telephones are made necessary by careless handling. 1�Qt telephone' iiiitrunient has more than a hundxed parts and is builtlike a watch. Rough ]usage impairs its efficiency.' 411 Help us to conserve the supply of telephone material and skilledlabor by always hand-' ling' your telephone .carefully Li avoid costly breakages and repairs. The ell Telephone Co. of Canada rt/'/ 1 ..11,11", 1 iflIllig1UptIIIiIpllllllllllj]liltll111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImllllIlljlll t s1%ott> 1." iif At 0111"111#1/ 10'., 1)-') 6*341dls 11(51 •15211' • t0`t150W,s: GIRLS! LEMON ,!AGS: IS A SKiN WHITENER How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents, IX OTM, DEVERIBE The ,juice of two fresh lemons strained into 11 bottle containing three ounces of orehnrd white mtileea is whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautilcr at .about the test one must pay for ,t small ,jar of the ordinary cold cr,•„n)w. Care should. be taken to strain the lemon ,juice through. a fine cloth so tui lemon pip gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every wnmiml knows that lemon juice is need to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is tho ideal slain softener, whitener and h(aeutiiler. Just try ftl Oct three ounces of orchard white at arty drug 'store and two lemons from the•g1'ocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly 101g -sant lemon 10(11)11 and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hauls. TEA 8H THE CHILDREN In the spring we omyhn attacked ab any mun2lll,. Toxin poisons pile up Within us after a ]mrd ]tinter, 1111we feel ]'run -dawn" tired out, blue and dis- couraged. Ude n the time to put otlr house to Order—clt 111 e 1110 rvsll111 and I> ut fresh blood. „t a t (Ties.es Yon can obtain a t e \tl .l 4 Coma Blood root, (to111(.n „tris Stone and Queen's root, Cherry y bar18, rolled into a sugar-coated tablet and sold by most drnggists, in fifty .cent vials, ae h., L'nru e R Golden et Di i.unlPl SeeVGT Y .11iis blond tnuia, in tablet. 11Tliquid form, 1e 111411 what 7(11 need for"t4pring Fever,,, for that 1(1(115 of ambition. 'It will illi you full of vim, vigor and vitality. LINDSAY', D1t'rAItro,-t0 When my little daughter was live years old lie. liver was s'slttKislsh that h feared trot? bled with sit 41. )uti001eon- 11 O I 11ad1 read a ;'1 great doal about - ". ,Iluctor Pierce's Golden' Medical Discovery and • deckled 'to try .11 with her, 'giving her small % dosgs,ped1 found that it not.ouly llel'hor livor but also' roved to be a' splendid tonic, as Well, It was such tl splendid .medlehlo that 1 wopld lover hesitate to give it to her again If she needed -'it, and 1 take pleasure in recommending it to other mothers whose little ons -seem to need a liver'r'ngulator and blood maker."—MRs. LOUisr klaueau, ilos 7135 Tiu1t it does not take tong to be careful. That fire and matches are not play- things. That rusty nails in old boards may cause blood -poisoning. That swimming in unknown waters is dangerous. That they should Stop, Look and Listen before crossing any road- way. That the roadway ,15 an unsafe play- ground. That fallen• or hanging wires may be "live" wires, That they should never get on or off a moving street car. That bicycles should not be ridden] on busy streets. 111111III11111111111111111111811.IIIIIIIf111lilllI1111111111111 .li! 1lQijuU Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WORTH KNOWING • at If i► tt 4, 0 * 14 *• 9F MEN AND EVENTS :I a1 a 0 sr 1) 5l IS THERE FOUL • AIR IN THE SCHOOLS OF CLINTON ?' i'10N. C...LIE•-1U RC;'DT Chairman of the Executive of tha ilar- negle Corporation W11.1511 has ),,rant• cd a million dollars to iltGill Univer- sity. Dr, W,lllianh Brady writes' in • the Brooklyn Eagle on . "The Foul Air Schoo,1r00nl." Ile says that the child-.: ren oP Neat York who were lucky to ' be sack 'enou'gh' to gain attmiss;un to the open air schoolrooms last winter showed a noticeable improvement in scholarship, tt gain in weight and gen- eral improvement tw health. Most 'IT7rentlet{i 1455tiu'y 00111nnin.itles now have open air schoolrooms at least for the delicate and physically back - Ward children. Dr. Brady says that a schoolroom heated up to or above 70 degrees Fahrenheit in any part of the school session may be called a foul air schoolrov, according to 0,95 present conception of what constitutes foul air. It matters not at all what method 14 germinates in from Grass seed gel to 18 days, Motorcycles and bicycles fare be- coming popular throughout Sian, A part of the army' of .Madagascar is a cavalry regiment mounted on oxen. •Woodrs PhOsphl i The Great poglistP 5tmed Tone nervous systeand m,rmukbe tes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry. Despon- dency, Loss of lt)ner s, Palpitation of the Heart, trailing Memory. Price 51 per box, six for $8. One will ploans, lux 45(11 euro.r0old by all d lits or mailed in plain pkg. en receipt of TI1E.LATEST AUTO JOKE • Three motorists reached the gates of heaven: where St. Peter stood with the keys The first drove up in an expensive limousine, Peter unlocked the gate. "Come un," said he, •'Yon belong to the artstOer:tts." The second arrived in a light six. "13ack Enteance," said Peter, "with the tradespenple.'1 • The third toddled up in a Ford. "Ahf" said Peter,"secuud gate on the the left, and you'll see a S1011?“ 'TO t•1—.' You're one of the Christian Sience bunch; you only think you have a car." A GOOD DIGESTION • Depends Upon Keeping the Bloom Rich, Red and Pure. To be able to eat what you wluit. and to 'digest it properly is.. a priceless blessing. Hood dtgestion is sol ap- preciated until you lose it. Then you cannot afford to experiment, for strong medicines are hard on weak stom- achs, If you !save indigestion do not be persuaded into believing you can cure yourself by the use of pre-di- gested foods or so called stomach tonics. 'There is no tunic for the of so-called is employed it stomach that is• not a tonic for every the warmth be such that its effect is part of the body, it is through the blood that the stomach gents its power to assimilate and digest food, and as the blood goes to every part of the, body and improvement in its condi- tion not only results in streugtltening the stomach but every organ ;n the body. Rich red blood is absolutely necessary to good digestion. if your stomach is weak and you are troubled with sour risings in the throat, a feel- ing of pressure about the heart, or nausea after eating, try the tonic treatment with Dr, Williams Pink Pills. So many dyspeptics have been cured by this medicine that every suf- ferer from. stomach trouble should try iL You will soon know the joy of good digestion and enjoy better health in other ways if you give this medicine a fair trial. Mr, Fred J. Kendall, Darling Ave., Toronto says. "For up- wards of five years 1 was tl great suf- ferer from indigestion, which gradual- ly undermined my general health, ethic • weak an amu leaving ole in a V condition. 1 spent considerable,moiiey depressing) and when the temperatu is artifically raised above 68 degrees the. warmth .does begin to be depress- ing. It is a great comfort to an intelli- gent ntelli gent mind to observe the steadily de- creasing prevalence of alleged "colds" and of the .alleged "chlldren's dis eases" In schools with open air rooms. It must be 'discouraging to the molly- coddles. For generations school chil- dren have been. kept good and warns, and thus ripened for adenoid opera- tions. Even the doctors, until recent years, have just advised and per- formed these operations without a thought or a word about the condi- tions which made then) necessary, The times change. -here and there you will find a board whose members do not unlulintotisly• feel that they know more than' the doctors know about sanitation, ventilation , and personal rea$ln ..constantly tic ]; - netts ' The cons a Y h yg standard of heitith among school chit- ' u enGglitehe 4.• d 'o111t17tn1ties is ruga prtee. Nears •pataphiettnai(e4tfret. THE WOOD MEDICINE OO..TOSonTo.ONT. LFNatrli Wlsibtr' 'China sends th.ousandr of ts) does tons of peanuts abroad each y,: In high or rough water, in a1:g11ng for black bass, light-colored and bright flies are most effective. ' The book of file Bible called Le- viticus Is sty dirtied because it relates pl'i9Tcipally to the Levites and priests. A rusty grate call be cleaned -with black lead; allowed td, remain on the ,petal for a day, or two to absorb tite dost before tine metal is.9elielied. In the north of Quebec there are still 250,000 square miles of unex- pl'ored country, ' The tiger is not mentioned in the Bible and 1va5 unknow(i1 in Greece be-, fmr'e the tints of Alexander the Great. Japanese u1l4Izes.Ole hides of sea lions far the roannfacbtue of a water- proof leather which, has various uses. Virginia, now the only state pro- hibiting women from, practicing law, has taken IegislatiVe 'action to lift the ban. with_onedoctor and another, but [ail - Hon oftable l . this belated, Capitula- ed to receive arty' lasting benefit, and Hon school boards. had- ilac03115_ quite disparaged. One flow about ft? Do YOUR ehitdreu day (118 Wife urged me to try Dr. Wil - room? languish {n n fool •. air. •schoodl- Hants' Pink Pills but t thought it would uoorn? is YOUR school' conducted be the shine old story. But she had upon NinteenthndoCentury prinealed? Are the windows hermetically Sealed ? so much faith in them that she got rue Flute a look at the school room atter-' a box, and to please her I began ttk- nhonfeter at 2 o'clock of an afternoon. lug then].• By the time the box was If you find conditions unsatisfactory, finished, i noticed a slight improve - send the teacher a set of clothment,and I continued taking then] scrams .,-vary ;n •and soar found myself gaining, could sleep Netter and no appetite ilmpreved , Without the distressing symptoms that had Previously follow- ed eatpug. 1 11)121 t 1 funk in all 1tbnnt n do•/.dn boxes, and day 1 any 0 stronger noun than 1 ever was in sty - fife, When 1 began the use n1 the pills I weighed 143 pounds while now. 1 weigh 167. You may use this let - ler as you choose, hoping it may reach some poor, discouraged sufferer as I 5125." You can get Dr. W'illiants' Pink Pills. through any dealer in medicine or by 11)1dl at 50 cents a box or 5111 boxes for 32.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Ca, Brockville, Ont, ALL THE INGREDIENTS Canteen Barman (ufl'ahly) —Looks like rain, don't it? yes, and Private (sarcastically') ittstes like 11, loo.—Casseft's Saturday Journal' such as have proved so sattsL other schools where foul air had im- paired everybody's efficiency. TEETHING TROUBLES Baby's teethhtig time is a time of worry and anxiety 10 most mothers, The little ones becomes c1Oss ; p(v+.v- Isli; their little stomach becomes de- ranged and cOnstillatien and colic Sets in. To slake the teething period easy on hrlhy the stomach, and bowels must be kept. sweet and regular. This can be Tablets—ty he etllideale eof laxativveil for little ones. Concerniti'g then] Mrs sn Henry Bernard,' Si. Emile, Que., y:— "Baby's 'Own Tablets cured ,my baby f constipation and made his teetlt- iltg painless." The Tablets are sold 1)y .medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The • Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock:vitIe, •,Ont. CASTO' RI'A'. Fr Infants and Children • In IfseForOver3OYears Always bears the y-ittfiaturn`of The ,green ink with which American bank moles are printed. Cannot be sue- cessfully photographed, its composi- tion is secret. in some parts: of northern Arabia tate Jlllls are so well stocked with bees that no sooner are hives placed than they are occuq)led. Portugal's vineyards contain nearly 693,000,000 vines and the wine pro- ductiobI last year is estimated in excess of 109,000,000 gallons. ' Swedish physicians have perfected a cellulose dressing for tvouttds 'khat is made in thin sheets like ti.ssue Paper from chemical wood pulp, One of the largest electric plants in the world is being planned to supply power for nearly all the mines around Johannesburg, South Africa, Cle:ldren Cry FOR FLETCHER'SA5..•+1LE-O'6•-t I A 111 Nie southern part of 1-10112ed a 5119105.r is being manufactured with a wooden • sole, and with the uppers 'MI, v,atious materials.Sr he slippers fpers aree said to be' usable occupations, and sell for about St a onions without; shedding teat's. - A N`, ralf Fortff tIoi' If you catch colds easily, if troubled with catarrh, if subjoct to headaches, nervousness s or listlessness, by all means start today to build your strength with which is a concentrated medicinal -food and buildings tonic to put power in the blood, strengthen the life 'forces and tone up the appetite. No harmful drugs in SCOTT'S. 1T la ac 'tomato, Opk. t9. • �.. e1t� "Why does Mr, Bruin hibernate • every winter?" "1 suppose lie finds it too old out of doors in his bear skin." • Massachusetts men In France, is using his gas 411a'sk so he caul peel -