The Clinton New Era, 1918-4-18, Page 5ff Ai lit .4 SAY . 1T WITH Watch For a birthday—or 'as a wedding gift -the best way in which you con express Your good wishes is to "say it with a watch." A watch makes a distinct lively per- sonal gift; it is both beautiful and useful. Everbody needs a watch. 'Whether a wrist watch or a pocket watch. For Man, wo- man or child you will find it here with us at its best. W. 11, 1ILLLVAR .lewder and Optician -Issuer or Marriage Licenses se 4 Y -Y. * w * * * tt ' * t, AN APPEAL TO "SCORCHERS" Quite a little 'gem in its wey is the following sentence from e talk on aiatomobiie driving by Mr. W. A. McLean, Deputy Minister of liighways for Ont - thrice "Tire majority of fast driv- ers have nothing to do when they get there. They are a menace to themselves, to those whom they pass, and a nuis- ance to those who reside atkng the road." This would be a safer and much More pleasant world if every motorist would keep this truth In mind. A x t: a• 4 1, a tr 4,r w it & it• * •W ,F •Yr * +k * Announcements for churches, socie- ties, clubs or other organizations for 'future events for which there is no ad - !mission fee made, wilt be inserted only ;as advertising and charged for at five .cents a line with a, minimum fee ,for 45c each insertioh, GO SLOW) YOUNG MAN T 1'i E gverirge nukoist, who takes • the view that he has 111411y rilalits, shad means to stick out for them, is a 4 911x99 on the public thor- oug1fm9s, bet'ause he is Bot to 14,9204119 too tiering. g tet' s f Public i !n the in e. is 0 p I Ii safety kis necessary that mo`Foriste should et all tt acs exercise t9gsotile pr e2ai and make a point of obServing the rules of the road, ' Of Bourse, pedestriansare not free from m1y responsibility with regard to street accidents. They, too must re- member that by thinking of "safety 'first" they can avoid many near, and. , real accidents, .130 the utain factor in avoiding ac- eid'ents on the road is the careful ' driver, The 5010 driver who ream'/.ee his or her iediv?dual respot$ibilitt to avert accidents rarely has one, It is Invariably the reckless drivers, who Fact as road hogs, that cause trouble. ',act owners should exercise increas- ing care and vigilance for with the rapid addition to the ranks of the gaso- • line car owners tate liability of acci- dents increases an(' ,the importance of ' avoiding them multiplies, ' • TI E CLINTo? 1iEW ERS, , square nlile:s, and the Teutonic 1,222- 10011 12500. q Population. 'I'ltc Entente 47:1,- ,009, iutd tlic Teutonic 147 000. 000. 6 What pet cent, 0f the total IoM area 'evolving btltungs its the Enteutej Alit*s?. 94.1 per cent. To the rent. 0111C Allies? 5,9 per cent. 1 7, What per cent, of the p0pltlntton involved? Entente 70.3 per emit, Teutonic 23.7 per carat, 8. What is the strength of the army and navy of mil side? '1110 Entente Mlles have 21,400,000 figitin men and their opponents 41,000,000;: that is, sixty-six per cent, of the total arntl(s are Entente and thirty-frtgrper Mit. 'Teutonic, 9, What is 41e total mon power on each side? Entente, 91,700,000; Teu- tonic, 25,050,000, or 78.5 per cent against 21,5 percent: ,i0, What Is the difference in na- tional wealth? Thal of the hnten4e Allies is $553,000,000,000, of the Teu- tonic, $134,000,000,000. 11. War debt? Total national debts of the Entente, $83,960,0Q0,000 or 14.7 per, cent of their wealth; of the Teutonic, $38,500,000,000, or 28.7 per pent, of their wealth, .12. Total income? Entente, $82,- 100,000,000; Teutonic, $16,600,000- , 000. I 13. What has the war cost so far? I Estimated July,. 1917;• Cost in nnoney to the Entente Allies, $70,200,000,000; 20 the 'Teutonic, $109,500,000,000. ' Cost in meta killed, wounded and miss-' •'ing, to the Entente, 8,992,956; to the ; Teutonic, 6,301,773; total on both sides, 15,294,729. Great losses since this date, but tigures not available. 14. Note that .the combined debt oS the Entente Allies is 14.7 par cent. of their weal l>, while that of the Teu- tonic Allies is 28,7 per ectal-, of their wealth. 15. Sinoe the war he$an the En- tente Allies have lost about nine per rent, of their original luau power, and the 'Teutonic Allis have lost twenty percent. The Motente Allies have spent twelve per ceet, of Moat leealth, the Teutonic twenty»nine per omit. Ire Japan lois 1211 army of 1,500,- 000 time and a mail power of 10,500, 000, which may be reckoned as a re- serve force. Russia has 5,000,000 men in the army and a ratan power of 30,000,000, but is an un'oertain quan- tity at present. 17. As Russia drops out, however, the United States of America comes in, having 22,000,000 men to draw upon, $225,000,000,000 to weuith; and a national income of 540,000,000,000. 18. .Against all the men and ,money advantages of the Entente, however, Germany had the advantage ,of being thoroughly prepared, organ- ized, and unified. The Entente has clone most of its prepas'ng since the war broke out. It is Safe to say Germany would have triul'r'1'phed quick- ly if it had not been for the British fleet It alone, was ready. ,The figures in this article are taken from a pamphlet, published by the Banker's Trust Company, New York, Had Heart Troiib e For 5 Y ears. WOULD GO INTO FTS. Through one cause or another a large majority of the people are troubled, more or less with some forna,of heart trouble, Little attention is paid to the slight weakness until the heart starts to beat irregularly, and they suddenly feel faint and dizzy, and feel as if they were smother - On the first' sign of any weakness of the -heart Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ,should be taken, and thus secure prompt 'and permanent relief. Mrs. W. '11. Ferrier, Kilbride, Ont., writes:—" 1 was troubled with my heart for five years, and was so bad it would send me into fits .and smothering, I could not do any work while I Was af- fected, but after teking•three boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I have regained any health," Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are SOc. per box at all dealers or mailba'd irect on receipt ,of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, STATISTICS Now, said the teacher one Friday afternoon, I am going;to give you some statistics about the "war, it is a good plan to have a review of things you think you ksbw—and you do not know, 1. What nations are at war? The Entente Allies on the one side, and the Teutonic Allies on the Other, 2. Name the Entente Allies. Great Britain (including her colonies• --Can= oda, Newfoundland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa), France, Italy Japan, China, Portugal, the United States, Russia, and a few minor count- ries. 3. Name the 'Teutonic Allies. Ger- many, Austria, Turkey and Bulgaria. 4. What are the land areas of the two forces? Tae Entente 19,126,000 Nearly 20,000 Ontario boys have been enrolled among the Sons of the Soil, and it is hoped that the total for the whole of Canada will antfitunt to 35,000. The vigor and enthusiasm of youth cannot help but prove a most important factor in the increased pro- duction of food made so vitally neces- sary by the exigencies of war. Y% r it, :, een �,. ,, ,ti f`''ir te -Agro '7 e•salle It.. A.TURE gives warning of approaching disaster, and backache tells you that the -kidneys are deranged. As soon as the kidneys fail poisons are left in the blood, which cause aches and pains, rheumatism and lumbago. The digestive system is inter- fered with, and there is gradual loss of flesh•and harshness and dryness of the skin. There is often headache and dropsical swelling of the limbs. The most effective treat - 4i; • ment is that which awakens the action of the liver and bowels, as well as the kidneys, for these organs work to- gether in removing the poisonous impurities from the system. This is the reason�why* Dr:Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are so successful •in the treatment `of diseases of the kidneys. This is why they frequently cure when orclinary'kidney medicines 'fail: Just put this medicine to the Lest when youhave' backache, headache and other indications that these filtering and eliminating organs are sluggish in aetion,tafiel sec how quickly they will respond, Prevention -,is tlways tate wi:,et t•nut:l e For this reason it is well to keep Dr. Chase's KidniMii iver Pills at hand, and by regulating. these organs forestall serious disease. A r. Chase's rerotteragi PM MT NEWS LONDESBORO, ftev, 1* Abery 1ttd charge of the servlse tit (15.9 Melllodlsl Merck fsl'th ' u y t last Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs, dile~ spent afe days Mel week with S9a1'.orth frienw ds, Mrs. Webb, of Seitfot'tlt, who spent last week with her daughter, Mrs, Stier- brooke,returneci Moanday, Mrs. Cedntore, of iloimeeville,`spent the week end with friends here, Mr, E, Adams was appointed by the Foresters as delegate to attend the Grand Lodge in Toronto, Mr., Sh tddick spent last Monday wttli I'rbiniesville friends, Mr. C. Watson has bought Mr. M. Braithwaite's farm. Mr, Loundesberry is having his house reshingled this week—also Mr. J, Garrett. Mr, J. Msunting has bought Mr, E. Brown's car, Mr, Wm. Brigham t00ktin the i'air In Clutton on Tuesday, ' Miss Manning, teacher of No,' 9, school spent the week end with her parents. Mrs, C. Adams and Mrs. W. Brund- J, souTaspyloenr't s. Snnday at the hone bf Mr. Mr, and Mrs, C, Manning spent Sun- day with Mr. C. Weymouth. The Woman's Missionary Sogiety an: pointed Miss Lavinia Brigham as their delegate to the branch meet* at St. Marys. , 4n 11 Y, L, P, A, NOTES g 0 a: .. •r s4, <o- Last Tuesday, Huron Co., stock show day was a busy and profitable one for the Young Ladies belonging to the Girl's Auxtiiary. They made their headquarters at Mr. Fred Jackson's old store, where (under the management of Mrs. Seeley with several efficient helpers) dinner and supper were served, the proceeds amounting to a- bout $65. All afternoon homemade candy was sold, and the sweets of all kinds and descriptions'whith were dis- played in the window prover( very tempting to the passertsby. —O— "Victo " the Patriotic Pig, who was sold by raffle, was dis,piayed on the streets in a crate bedecked with flags. The sale of ra'ftle tickets for "Victary" amounted to about $40. l'lt new owner being Mr, Wm. Cudnnore. The clock presented to the Auxiliary by Mr, Morrish was also rattled, Mrs. Seeley, holding the May ticket. By way of entertainment, Iiioeing' pictures under the joint ivauageunedt of the Girls' Auxiliary :and the Stock Sinow Co„ were presented during the afternoon and evening, 'These were a repetition of the pictures shown on Monday evening 'Though the crowd on Monday was a little disap- pointing, 'Tuesday night found the hall packed and all who saw the filers de- clared then exceptionally good. The ohief attraction was the play "The Amazons" featuring Marguerite Clarke whose clever acting alt through her different amusing escapades made her more popular than ever with Clinton movie enthusiasts. Candy and peanuts were sold by the girls autongst the aud- ience, this helping considerably to swell the amount for their treasury. The young ladies have on hand a nj ce little sum, about $100 as a result of their day's work. Talent Engaged • The Girls' Club of the Presbyterian Church, are to be congratulated upon securing Mr, Grant Milligan, violinist for their Anniversary the third week of May. Although Mr, Milligan has never been in Clinton, he is well known in all musical circles as "The Boy Violinist of London". Miss Cath- arine Reekie, from Dutton, a former Clintonian and Pianist. Miss Elva Hollingsitead, of St. Thomas, contralto and Mrs, May Ranee McKinnon will also take part in this high ciuss con- cert, The following press notices have appeared about the first three artists, Mrs. May Rance McKinnon needs no iujroduction to a Clinton audience. This concert on May 21st as announced before is to he one of five consecutive 'entertainments of Lectures, supper and cantata.' Keep the dote in mind. The effort. on be - hall of the girls is a worthy •ohe to pay off the Church debt, and 'assist in Patriotic work. 111�11B111111I111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 ti111111llll111111lill 1111i1111111111lllll MEN and EVENTS 'II�IIVIIIVillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllilllllillillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll6 011e pill a Close, 221 'mate a box„ all, deal ee, or Lefort.tnsov, Bates & Co„ Ltd„ To- ronto. Do not ite talked lsito ateoptiile, a substiteto, %illitattohs only 'disaltpoitt. 7 ,r4.,� +ctryt t WeVtoreer, esti~ •Rhasex' - TUSSOCK MOTH Ontario and the Maritime provillece are threatened with a severe outbreak Of tusso'ek moth ails stintnter, elle in order f 1d r 10 2ontr0l its, ravages tl useful 'ant h d nstructl � I~<<r , y, 4i en. N( 1 4 t ( has ) been issued by the • ntouologieai' branch of the departmenit of agrieule tore, written by J, Al. Swathe and G. I' Senders. liv2ryone is fanililar watt the ex- tensive injuries to shade trees wl'otlght by this little pest, and it is also meet destructive to apple trees, The mogt effective method of controlling ke evil le lodeal with the egg masses, which are most conspicuous at this season 01 the year by reason of their white color, they may be killed by an appllcakion of • creosote- used on a brush, Rubber -set paintbrushes at- tached to poles about sixteen feet long will be found the most conveni- ent, and the creosote should be dark- ened with lampblack so that the paint- et - paint - etidigegig•htendi,sses TIno qrebueo'v05e02eeegabs-masdsiess entirely a wire brush, five incites long and one high, wide, is best • ora hoe - blade six inches long andtwo inches wide may be used, The brush or hpe- blade is attached to a long handle, either ten or twenty feet in length, When the egg -masses are removed some of those which hove fallen to the ground may survive if not de- stroyed; This is obviated by spread- ing canvas sheets on the ground be- neath the trees so that the eggs may be collected, or by handling the trees before the hatching time of the eggs in the, following season. The cocoons which do not contain eggs, easily rec- ot;oized parasites, : by their darker col . or, should net be removed, as they harbor useful After the egg -messes have been de- stroyed the trunks of the trees should be"handed. These bands should be ap- plies' before the eggs hotel], at the lat- est by the middle of June. The best band' to use is the "tree tanglefoot," for which equal parts of castor oil and resin boiled together Is a fair substi- tute. The tanglefoot Is applied with a wooden paddle in the form of a ring four inches wide around the tree, from five to eight feet from the ground. The surface of the. trunk should be scraped before applying the mixture, unless it is already suffi- ciently smooth. As the tanglefoot is inclined to harden, it is adyisable to break its surface every ten days or two weeks by scraping it over with a coarse conch, There is much additional informa- tion as to the life -story and habits of the tussock moth, and a special section relating to the spraying of orchards for the elimination of the pest, given in the circular, which may be obtained post free qs application to the Pub- lications branch, Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa. Ali Oklahoma nnan dropped dead while iti the act of banding his wife sohie stoney. G/RL WANTED For office work at the Ford Garage. Apply to BERT LANGFORD WANTED One Vest Maker and one Pant Maker. Gond Wages. Apply to STEWART BROS. Seaforth, Ontario SEED BEANS A limited quantity of seed beans, taken in last fall before the rainstorms, Price on application. Also good "White Tartar" Seed oats, J. R. STERLING, Bayfield P.O., Phone 4 on 608, R, R. No, 2 AUCTION' SALE The undersiigned has been instructed to sell by public auction, at the pre- mises, Ontario St. East, on Saturday, April 20th, the following: -1 driving mare, 9 years old, will make a good third. horse; t cow, freshen last of April, 4 years old; .1 rubber tire buggy, near new; 1, 2 -seated democrat; 1 cot- ter; 2 small cutting tses, 1 pr, woolen n horse blankets; 1 doz grain bags; 3 dozen hens; 1 Saskatchewan robe; 1 set of light harness, vrrith collar and hantes; t set of light harness; 1 plow harness with collar; and other oracles to numerous to mention. 'terms --All sums of $10 and under cash; over tient amount 6 months credit tvi11 be given on ferte"-',:mg approved joint notes, 3 % straight for cash or credit amounts, Heats cosh. lddo Crich, Prop., Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. The' Food Although the American Government placed an embargo on their fertilizers, and while it took a considerable amount of persuasion to get them to realize that BUFFALO BRANDS were ab- solutely necessary In greater food pro- Atiction for the allies and the eventual whining of die War, we have succeeded in _having it lifted,. and now have a complete -stock on hand for your var- ious crops, turd Itt very low proportion- ate prices, • Of .all years this is yoer golden op- portunity to increese profits as wen as foodetuffs by applying a liberal supply of BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZERS. We -also have a fresh supply. of the ,gemilne CANADA 'CEMENT, the recog niihd standard. Give us a call when in the market for Lumber, Shingles, or aily of our various lines, we will he pleased t nieet your wishes,: Jim .Mustard JOHN A, AYEARST—The ,C31,terio License Board will not al;}}f,liit successor to R. S, Burrows, who re- cently resigned as Chief Inspector for Toronto, Instead another In- spector will be apposttad but tine Toronto inspectorate will be ntet:ged with the Provincial organization, ander 'Chief . inspector John . A, A;yearst, - 1d nearly ever}' street of the cafes of Japan there is a puhlie oven, where, fee a into' fee people may have their t8fn y hers cooked, Tho'rsday, A at.1 i $tb, 191 L ecial rder Clothing Our new set of samples for ORDERED)) CLOTHING for Spring is now here and.in spite of war conditions is one of the finest sal- eptions of High Grade Woollens we have ever shown. Our Styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come in and look them over and get one of our new style Books. We are also showing some new Natty Styles in Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats,Ties and Shirts. ritu See our Table of Men's Boots at $3.50 a pair. Plurnsteel Bros. Small Profits Phone 2 ►. • More Business THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF LAND ermeortere By instructions from the Inspector's of the 'C. B. Hale Estate and other owners, I effer for sale by tender the followieg parcels of lands in the Town PARCEL 1—Forty sev'en lots in a block, bounded by Rattenbury Street, Erie street, Newton Street, and the London, Huron end•Bruee Railway, con- taining About 934 acees exclusive of the Street and other reservations which are enclosed with these lots making a total enclosed area of 14 acres or there abouts. These landsetvere once known as the Golf Course. PARCELs2—Ten lots bounded by Milton, Newton, North and College Streets, about 214 acres more or less. PARCEL 3—Six lots bounded by Erie College and Mtltun Streets and fon the North) J, A. Carter's lands, about PARCEL 4—Eight lots bounded ley Erie, College and Milton streets, and (on the South) W. Gunn's lands, 2 acres more or less. PARCEL 5—Two lots on Cowper street, South of W. Gunn's Lands acre more or lees, PARCEL 6—Four lots on Cowper, Miltgn and North Streets, lying South of W. Steep's lands, acre more or PARCEL 7—Paris lots 701 and 702 on Raitenbury street, Parcel 8—Lot 608 on Huron street. PARCEL 9—Twenty-eight Iota and parts of lots, Known as the grove lying West of the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, containing by estimation over six acres exclusive of about 4 acres of streets etc. reserved on the plan but enclosed witli the lots. PARCEL. 10—Parts, lots 951 and PARCEL 11—Park lot "C'' 9lO PARCEL 12—Park lui "0" 10 acres 2 roods and .15 per. TERMS—The sale is subject to re- servations which (except as to price) will be made known on application to me. Tenders will be received up to noon of2Oth April, Instant. No tender necessarily accepted. Fur plans and terms inquire of W. BRYDONE, April 10th, 1918, Clinton. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Thompson Hamilton, Deceased OFFICE BOY WANTED Immediately, apply at Office of Doherty Piano Ltd., with recommenda- LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE Three litters of little pigs for sale. Reedy for delivery the first week of May. Also about 200 bushels of Amer - lam Banner seed oats and fifty bushel of potatoes. LEWIS CRICH, Huron Road, Clinton P. G. Calves for Sale The undersigned has made arrange- ments to handle a few Shorthorn -grade calves. March and April is the time to secure them as the supply is limited Phone 14 on 166 Clinton MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION A number of good reliable men min secure steady employment 00 Munition work, Apply to, The Rein. Bell Engine 8c Thresher Co., Seaforth, Ontario. 1000 MUSKRAT SKINS WANTED Open season tst of March closed 21 of April. Market price. Strangers send them in by parcel post we will re- mit postage and express order by re- turn mail. . Clinton 1 BARRED ROCK EGGS 1 From Park and Guilds -200 eggs bred to lay, strain eggs, mostly from yearling and two year old hens, 52.00 , per 15 unfertile eggs replaced free. H. A. HOVEY, Clinton NOTICE is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the 'estate aof Thomas Thompson HentrIton, late of Townhip of Hullett in the County of Huron. yeoman, deceased, ivlect died col or •about the seventeenth day of Jan- uary 1948, are required to delivet to James Hamilton, the administrator, of the said estale gr his solicitor on or before the 20th da,y day of April tele fuli statement of their claims together with particulars thereof andithe native cif the securities, if any, held by them all duly verUled by affidavit AND TAICE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said ad- ministrator will_ proceed to distribute the estate of the said 'deceased among- st the persons entitled thereto having rggard only to such claims as he shall liave received due notice and in accord - acme therewith. DATED at Cliuton, this 20411 day of W, BRYDONE, Caton, Ont., Solicitor for the said administkator. PI10110 21 on 618 For Sale A good frame barn 28540. Apply to GRAND TRUNKTV THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between , MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars onialpht trains and arlor cars ort prilltipal day trains Full information , from any Gr.and Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E, Horning, DIstriet Passenger Agent, Toronto. ger and Ticket Agents, phoue 67 1.0. Patriertn, sthtion agent Seeds Early and PIMPLES We hive a full slink of .the fol. lowint Seeds arid 'oath:" Red Clover, Alfalfa clover Timothy • Blue Grass Orchard Grass Ilk beed Oats (different .varieties) „,,ipkickwheat, Silver Hall, ebolee We are always in the Market Le grain and will pity highest tnari,ct W FLO:UR 'AN .5 FEED smooth a,s any baby's emild be." Enrdoelc Blood Bitters has beet. cm the expeeimenting when you buy it, Atelne 408. Readout* 5 ogi Id bum Co., Limited, Poem% Ont• .... - ON FACE AND BODY. Boils and pimples are simply evidences of bad blood that is circulating in the system coming to the,surface. The only way to rid youreelf of there painful and unsightly blood diseartes is to have your blood purified by Burdock Illood Bitters, It removes every par- ticle of foul material from the blood, and the skin bedtime dear arid smooth, and free from all emollients, Mr. Roy A. 13ovey, Trenton, Ont., writest—"Two years ;ago . was very much troubled with bode rd pimples on my face and body. A friend advised me to take Burdock Blood Bitters, I got three bottles, and haforo had fittished the third one, my boils and pimples bad' all disappeared, and my