HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-4-18, Page 1L l stablislled 186 , Vol, 52, No, 4.3 C L I V T O N, ONTARIO, THURSDAY A. p R I I., 18th, 1,»18 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. r, Soo. in Prizes -Clinton Spring Show, April TOth-Kverything ree wwwv~ovvvvvvwwwww wwwwvvvvvwvvvvvvwvww MAYOR DR' THOMPSON, Produce!!! Get 100 per cent results from your seed grain. Use Star Brand Formaldehyde. There is nothing better toe n r ve t smut. Please bring bottle. Sold at the lt.exall Store. W. s. R',..ittibiaVims Pim .13. .Mi"�WVVVWV1I��t�W1rWVVWWVVVVWVVVwWdhIoIWVVi%VVVW'd r e o a1 ':_,� 1 Pk OF OANADA Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized ' $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid•up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,564,000 Total Assets 335,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL 450 Branches with world wide connections. General Banking Business Transaobed. R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch .40 INCORPORATED 18557,,--, r:, =Y,; L s CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate H. R. SHARP,, Acting Manager ClLton I Ordered Clothing IRead y -to -Wear Clothing The K,+, , :.,: .,s• m roe eneasm. incoat Nothing takes the place of the RAINCOAT for its particular' service. The RAINCOAT is as much a part of a man's wardrobe as his overcoat. We have RAINCOATS of every approved fabaic—Rubberized or Waterproof. ' ' OLIVE PARAMATTA RAINCOAT Single breasted close fitting collar, strap on sleeves. While we do not claire it to be.per- ,fectly, wate., proof, We do say it will be. a satis- factory coat for iimd or dust. Ju*t the watt() carry in your motor car, Price $5.00 DARK GREY CHECK COAT Made from a very neat pattern, not all wont, hilt very serviceable. Price $7.50 • ENGLISH RUBBERIZED TWEED COACT Made from good quality tweed, all wool, seams sewn and cemeted, thoroughly rubber- ized. Price $10.00 THE BALMAROON RAINCOAT Made from .good ; quali#y English tweed, single breasted, oonvertable collar, two large patch [pockets,. lilted\l°oath; fancy -plaid material thoroughly waterproof, 'While miming a snappy spring and'overcoat. Price $13.50 YOUTH'S SMART RAINCOAT Made from an olive paramatta cloth, close. hitting calt;r, siraps on sleeves, sizes 30 to 35, Price $5.00 ' We- are showing,aii the Ne .v Si ;les In Trench, Motor, I3almacan, etc, i .•.�'. yap._ .r .. ,,, °he Mori fah C o R- ; T1 + 0� Agent tor 3'. P.'.'Ik. 'kn:'t'<; a,. tiftstre Deal for EwtT WIInn he New r Try for JobWork R n 171 APPOINTED FOR CLINTON Medical Examiners Named To Facilitate '.Voluntary Enlistment, For the purpose of glvinlg Increased facilities for the voluntary enlistment of then In the Canadian Exped'itiotary Force, who are not called under the ntititery.,servige act„ Medical exa.tnlners have been appointed in. the. MINK; cities, towel and villages in Military District No, 1„ Men ilpt called out under the twill• Lary serv(ee • act, who are desirious of volunteering for service in the C. E, F. rim apply to these medical examiners,. who ,well examine then, and if 1,hev are fpu)id I fit",.will supply them with trait sitprtatiot to the rpbilieation centre ;N the armories,. London, Ontario, where they. will be examined by a ntedieoii board, and .if found "fit" they will be at once taken on the strength of a C.. E. F., unit. 'l'hey.,wili be. given a choice to select any available sit, provided they have the necessary qualifications. If found "unfit" . these• men will be supplied with lodging and meals oath a tieturn train is available, and will be given return transportation and receive pay for lost time in coning to Lon- don. The medical examiners for volun- teers in the C. E. P., appointed are as follows. Other appointments are be- ing made: HURON COUNTY • Goderich—Dr. A, 11. Macklin. Clinton—Dr. C. W. Thompson Winghanr—Dr. J. P. Kennedy Eh:tassels—Dr. Fred T. Bryans Seaforth—Dr, F. J. Burrows Wroxeter—Capt, A. McLeod Exeter—Dr. H. K, Hy'ndntan Blyth—Dr, W. ,i, Milne. PRIZE WINNERS AT SHOW AT HENSALL tlensall, April 1 1. ----('he Ilensall Spring' Show was held here 'l'hursttuy, rite following is the prize.list:— Aberdeen Angus, aged bull—John Rawcliffe, Shortturn full, calved after Septem- ber 1. 111 —1. Bert Peck ; 2, William Pepper. t.m. or heifer. neer two years—Win. Pepper, 1 and 2. Heifer, under 2 years old— "rri Peck, Special—Dr. Peck. Bert Peck. E. Rennie special—William Peper. Ort vein's special—John Roy. - W. C. Davis special—Bert Peck. HORSES Clydesdale or shire stallion, foaled hi 1915 or later—Wm, McAllister & Son, 1 and 2. Carriage or roadster stallion—.I. Decker, Sr. Heavy draft team—Alex. Sinclair. Heavy droit brood marc in foal— li, C. Snldan. Three-year-old heavy draft gelding —t, Alex, Sinclair ; 2 John Rowclifffe. Agriculture leant—'1, IL James ; 2, C .'I'rintner Agricultural mare, in fond -1. D. Potheringhain 2, J. Jeckel; 3, H. C. Snldan, Two-year-old Agricultural gelding or filly, foaled in 19t(i-1, H. C. Sold - an ; 2, John Rowcliffe. General purpose team—John Decker & Son. Carriage seam—t, E, Thiel ; 2, G. J. Thiel, Single carriage horse—t, 11, Neib ; 2. John Hoy, Jr, Roadster team—John Decker & Son, Single roadster—i. R. McLaret,Jul- ie( Kinney, No. 934; Vol, 20,582, A. T. R. Special prize, D. Urguhart--•Alex. Sinclair, Special ,prize, Cook Bros—J, Hoy, Special prize, G. Case & Sun—John Decker, Sr, Special prize, 'Thomas Sharp --ll. C. Sol'dan. Special prize, Sterling Bank—Alex, Sinclair, D. Fotheringham and Soldan. Special prize, Huron Weather C,om- patry—Alex, Sinclair. Special prize, T: 0...Joyiet—i3. Thiel. SpecIill prize, T. W. Perin-ler—ll. Nein, Special prize, George Scott—John • Reichert, Special prize, Bonthron Drysdale --R. McLaren. Special prize, Maisons Bank -1, R. McLaren ; 2, J. Decker & Son, Special prize, W, A. McLaren—Rob- ert McLaren, Judges of horses—R. Welsh and G. 13, Troyer. THIS WEEK FOR Pi'E 2 pounds of RAISINS 2 lbs Cooking FIGS tor 25 'CENTS 4� 1 ld e T. o"'L TH 131Th //` ••66 N.A1�� OCiTk Phonic 48 Hums Boys ib Casualty Lists KFf(LED IN ACTION Pte, Me I cty, Aub un. Pte, A, Cornell, Goderich. WOUNDED Pte, A, Riley, Goderich Fake, J. C. Craig, Goderich, Pte, W. G, .McKinnon, Brussels, Pte, ,J, 11, piggies, '3lintptt, Plc, W. M. Pinkney, Seeforth Pie, J. R, .Butler,. Westfield. Pte. 8, Holland, Winghant ILL Pte. fl. h. Vutlhek, ltensall Pte. A. 'I'hlel, Zurich Pte, E. Lowery, WA'roxeler, SEAFORTH SPRING SHOW PRIZE WINNERS HORSES Hackney Stallion—any age, Bert Stephenson. Roadster Standard Bred Trotting St« lion—lia rvey Hannon, John Pink- ney, Single Roadster—Robert McLaren, Ralph Hyslop, '1', J. McMichael and Sons. Single Carriage. Norse—W. Bscitaei- Rnadster Team --John Decker, sr. Carlage 'ream—Elmer Thiel, 11_ Neel), Speoat's Special—Best Single Road- ster in harness, Robert McLaren Judge—h, J. Darroch, Listowel. HEAVY HORSES " Aged Stallion—T, J. McMichael & Sons, 41. McG;tvint, ,Janes Murray. Staltrin foaled in 1916—'I'. J, Mc- Michael & Sons. Swea•pstakes—T, J, McMichael & Sons, Heavy Draught 'l'eant—Alex Sine cleft, Robert Broadfoot, Brood Marc in Foal—f. J. McMich- ael & Sons, Snell Brns., Broadfoot James Carling. Filly ur gelding foaled in 1915— Alex Sinclair. Filly or gelding foaled in let 10— Ale.x, Wright. Filly or gelding foaled in 1')17 — James .hurray, Snail Bros., James hurts,, - Filly or gelding, any age --T, ,l. Mc Michael ,; Sous, A. Sinclair, Alex, Wright. Agricultural Team -1 hunlas Hex, ,lance, liar. Agricultural Brood ,'hare in ival—D. Fo1heringhant, E:u•i Sproat, John Shorey. Agricultural Fill' ur fielding foaled in 1415—D. J, O'Reilly, \V. A, Mc- Kenzie 2nd and third. Agricultural filly or gelding foaled in to I u—Juno s Park, Matthew Coyne. Agricultural tidy or gelding foaled In (517—John Dale. ir., Robert Wright A gricultiral mare, filly or gelding anv age—Jas. Park, Breiadtoot Bros., U, Fotheringh:un. Special Township , t;umpeitiun — Broadfoot. Bros., A, Sinclair, D. Futh- eringhant, 'I'uckersntitlt. - Judge—J. Owen Fleeting, Milverton, 'CATTLE Aged Shorthorn hull --'J, W. Bea - tie. Shorthorn bull 2 years old—W, H. J;unieson. Bull one year old—Durrance & Son- Judge—John J. Biggins, Clinton. SHOWED SOUND JUDGMENT Lieut Wm. Proudfoot Wins His M, C. "For conspicious gallantry and, .de- votion to duty when intelligence offi- cer at heedqunrters. Owing to heavy casualties he volunteered 'to go • for- ward and take charge of a pletoo,ii and showed the soundest judgment on the placing. of his men to defend the pos- ition against repeated cotinte;;attacks. When the enemy gained a lotting,, iNt the trench, he personally led his men in driviwg them, out, end ttLthouglt wounded by a bomb, remained at ,x, duty 24 hours milli. '.all dost ground ac was taken. ile only left, when it became apparent that he amid carry on no longer. His pluck • w011 the adtniratirnt of all ranks" 'fhe above is the oftieiel „account of how Lieut Wm. ,Proudl,00t, , of- Goderich, sun of Mr, W; , Protidfoot,. K. C.. won the Military Cross, tient. Proudfoot, who has been four times wounded, went overseas with the ,3 3rd. COLLEGIATE CADETS' ' ANNUAL INSPECTION Successful STAFF , , Spring ShowCAP'T.AC.sAARCLAY, OF ,LONDON, B ci ise auHber ,oftheboys s will be leavtilg the school for farm service work shortly the min0111 inspection of the Collegiate Cadets. was held Tues- dayforenoon, Capt, A. C. Barclay, of the headquktrter staff, London, was the inspecting o•llicer. Gibpt, Barclay inspected the Ceders 'Tuesday morning; 'et 11.30, They were put through physical drill, plat- oon and company drill, extended drill, as well as marching past and rifle drill, The signalling corps sent and received messages, in speakinq.to the boys Captain Bar- clay congratulated them on their splendid st tu mg and told then the 'Conlon Corps was one of the best Ile, had inspected this spring. Ilse cont - mended the physical work very highly as well as (he'other drill. Mr. Graham in replyitag thanked the boys for the splendid &ntltusiasnt they bad showed In the work, Fred Lawrence had charge of the corps with S. Hanley and F. Wallis as Company Commanders, The section commanders in charge were E. Evens, H. 'Manning, 18, Evans and O. Murphy. THE DAYLIGHT SAVING Some people were an hour too early for church, some an hour late and others didn't make it at all, —0— Some autoes were running on the new time—an hour tun fast. €— Sonie people even missed the train on Monday morning, Everybody is w'enntering what foie other fellow is going to do with that extra hour. —0— The churches will observe the new time this coating Sunday. —0 There was little, if any confusion, resulting from the initial operation of daylight saving in Clinton aiid vicinity, -------0— (With apologies to Lauder.) Ills i1's nice to get up in the morning, •- !telt the so,, begins to shine At three ur four or live o'clock in the gond old summertime! But when no sun is shining Yat, and You know the cluck's ahead— u11, it's nice 1„ get up in the normo:: —hut much nicer to lie abed. r$ I+ C. C. I. NEVUS 1.1 he work at the C. C. I. has been rather disorganized since Easter on account of so nianv writing the farm exams.V uite a number have been ab- sent also. miss Sinclair, one of the members of the staff was unable to he present for the first week. of school. Last Saturday while a number of cadets were cleaning rifles George Green who y • assisting , t.sa shot m t,. w s the thigh. A rifle which was loaded was aceideaatly fired and the bullet glanced up from the ground passing through the side of his leg, Although the accident was not serious it might have been so, The Cadets have been doing extra drilling at noon and after four for the past couple of weeks in preparation tor the annual inspection which was about a mouth earlier than usual this year. Owing to the fact that nearly all the cadets were inexperienced in rifle drill until this spring much time and energy was required on both their part and on the part of the instructor. Mr. Graham, who has, taken great pants to put the boys in shape for in- spection. London Battalion, but was transferred to a Highland Bettalion..,,i:14 is a graduate of Osgomde hall and Tcrinity i College ' f Only Seventy Per cent. Some ntisunderstandltg prevails 'as to the amount of coni Wilinit,dnay be purchased by the consumer muter the uety, regulations, The,order in••counpil allows the purchaser Iioly of Duly 7A% of the winter's supply, whether it is five tons or less. WW Enfotrce Act. Magistrate Andrews has 'recehsect a copy; of t)1e new act regtnrieg every()tle.' between the ages of e0 aiid 60 'to ;be :l untpiovcd en some; 010301,'occupatktn , The police will be asked, to•eideire,e tide ' the Man (vial .lHaat u act very shortly so 4,. out• work lead better 'Blurt' hutting for scone at once. Lore cif flap. Mr. Diehl, of'. Varna, who has .(tit'"; many years supplied Ciintoniene. w411 excellent syrup, had 725 trees lapped this year. He gathered front tate 1 8th of March .ta the 14414 of April 6,6,ar0 gallons hs of sap,but tr am this big Anio,n 'rri . The he got 177 ga110s►s of •sy p OP did [tat have as mucic body as outer :nal'1. VICTORIA CROSSES TO 29 CANADIANS UP TO PRESENT * Ottawa, April 11.—A relent tiibleel in Parliament to -day at. the request- of Mr. W. S Middle- bro, chief Government whip, shows that up to the present ,tune 29 Canadians have won Victoria Crosses for deods of valor op the bade, field, 'I`he mantes 'and partkgl urs 'of the individual acts of, hero• iso) included in. the return, are the seine -as •at'eady published in cable dispatches, IX• sb •>f ah Ye i* at •x• 5, "THE ENEMY ff • 'A'n extrti good Vitagrapit, 7 --heel drama faaturlatg CHARLES KENT, EUART QVAR'TON •and dainty PEGGY HYLAND. Al o a 1—reel with BOBBY �ONNtLLY in (OBI', • ") COUNTRY ADVE'NT'URE in the PRf''rtCESS THEATRE un ti if; . ,,�, .�O ',SATURDAY T I DAY t '11131„ 26th & 27th performat(ces at 8.1 t art ,i'J i eeSI0N— 7c, I Se And 205 Peel of Proceeds for ttr iotc. At Clinton, LARGE CROWD DELIGHTED WITH EXCELLENT QUALITY OF STOCK. —THE PRIZE LIST. The annual Spring' show held on Tuesday brought a.large crowd to town. The -slow in itself was a success al- though the entries were not quite .55 epunterous as last year but the stock Shown was all of good quality and many animals carried away special prizes, The following is the list of those who look prizes:— HEAVY HORSES Clydesdale Stallion, 3 years and over, 'l', McMichael & Son, Seaforth. Clydesdale Stallion under 3 years T, McMichael & Son, Seaforth. Sweepstakes, le McMichael & Sou, Seaforth, Heavy draught team, Alex. Sinclair, Brucefield, Wm, McKenzie, Lucknow, Heavy draught brood mare 3 years and over, Broadfoot Bros., Seaforth; T. McMichael & Son; Snell Bros. Family. of :1 colts, Wesley Marquis, Clinton; Joseph Pope, :P. Reynolds, Huilett Township. Horse colt or filly, under 1 year,— Snell Bros., Seaforth; Wesley ;Marquis Minton. Sweepstakes, Broadfoot Broe., Sea - forth. Agricultural brood mare, D. Fother- Ingltaun, 13rucalield, David ,Milson, Sea - forth; 1'. Reynolds, Clinton. parse colt, or filly under 1 year— Sweepstakes D. l otheriltghatn, Bruce thele. General purpose Team In harness, \Vet. Decker, Zurich, Earnest Rstzell, 'Clinton, Jos. Colcluuglt, Clinton, Sweepstakes, Wnt. Decker,'/urich. Tewuship prize wept to '1'uckersntitli —.Alex Sinclair, D. Futheringhan, and Brn;tdtuut Lest matched team, \\'m. Sinclair, Ilrucetield. .fudge for heavy horses—J, F., Pollock, \Voodstock. LIGIIT' HORSES • Standard bred stallion. J. J. Mc- Caughey, Clinton: Jolnt Brindley. (1 'derich. Carriage hur'r in harness, V✓nt. l',uch,tnan, ltensall1 .Las, V:tnEgroond. Clinton. Wnt. \lille,f, Jr., Clinton, I4oadaier horse in harness, '1'. J. Berry, hensail, Win. Edwards, Gude- rich. Roadster team in harness, Win. Deck er, Zeric:h. Lady Driver, MD's, ,las, Van Egmont!. Clinton, Mrs. Fred Nott, Clinton, Mrs. Wesley \i.r tis' Clinton. Judge it light horses.—J. A. Kelly, lislnwei, CATTLE Polled Angus cow 3 years and over, Chas, Lindsay, Clinton, Arthttt- Dade, Clinton, Heifer under ? years, Ches. Lindsay Clinton, Arthur Dale, Clinton Dairy cow, Arthur 'Prick. Clinton, John Walton, CQiatolr, Tont. Cook, Clinton. 14tt heifer, Arthur Dale 1 and 2. Fat steer, Arthur Dale 1 and 2, 'Iyo stool: steers, Arthur Dale. Two stock heifers. Arthur Dale. Best collection of cattle, Arthur Dale. Judge of cattle—.lances Cowan, Sea - forth. FAIR NOTES The Kittle Bend led the Stock parade before the judging started. A rain nu Monday night would have helped the i'air at lot, as it would have kept nutty farmers off the land Tues- day afternoon. A bad feature of 'the afternoon was allowing autoes and ether rigs to pass up and down, during the time of 3udg- inr. 'Clintonseem to �o t t lcln't ,eve ,iFair wa I C riglfl it "Bob." Mclean, elf Goderich was not here to see that everything went aright. No accidents Natured the day, but there was one mighty [sear one, in front of Jlunnif.tn:d's store. Some of the classes were a little shy of entries. "A gond bunch of horses" was the comment heard on all sides. Many of the younger people took in the matinee of the "Amman" in the town hall in,tlae,afternoon. . Some sales were made during 'he day. The general ptarpose tear) of snares, owned by M'r. Jos, Colclouglt, were sold. for $400 to a Mitchell bey- er. FUNERAL HERE SATURDAY The infant daughter, of the la,e'br, Bean, and Mrs, Bean, of Goderich, aged 21 month, passed away In the Sick Children's llospiaad this Thursday morning, The fuierai will to held MI Saturday afternoon onthe arrive of the 3 o'clock train nt'Cline'au, HOW SEAWEEDSJARB NOURISHED Seaweeds obtain their nourish .t,.,, Froin the water in which they vi. 4 „not from the ground in which' they inay be rooted. provision.is 'now 'or may iter:::` be Made tl,e .subjbcts of c Government oy the citi7(ts of '... a county resident in Canada nee, li1ble by law 10 military se such stlhijects or cittrens of a tr Government. or Cann y int ,v called out by proclamitlon • :a 1 shall report, be liable to i»ilit,u; law and be placed an active may serv- ice eeifd sold ice as ay 'be p to ; t t 1 proclamation of in the act or the regulations thehetlnder." TEXT OF THE ORDER AMENDING THE M. S. A. Ottawa, April 16.—The following ,m the order-in-cbuecel .:af the Govern- ment smoking the Military Act, and which w111 be introduced in the Com- ..ons and ' t I 1 ttxsd. a solution:,-- m 1y sure. "Whereas there is an immediate and urgent need of reinforcements for the Canadianexpeditionary force and the necessity .for these reinforcements admits of, no delay; "And whereas it is .deemed es- sen;dal that nolwilhsta1nd$ng exe eniptions heretofore granted a sub - :dentia) number of men, should ba withclrawn forthwith fron civil life for the purpose of serving in a mill•. Wry Capacity: And whereas, having,.t4sgard to the number of men immediately re. quired and the urgency of the demand. time does not_ permit of examination by exemption tribunals of the value In civil life pr the posi- tion, of the individuals called up for. duty. "Therefore, His Excellency ('he Governor-General-bn-Council, on the recotnmeadatiot of; the right honorable, the prince minister, and under, and in virtue of the powers conferred oe the governor -in -weep- cil by the War Measurers Aot 1915, and otherwise, is pleased to make the following regulation's which shall some into force as soon as a,p•• proved • by resolution of hath. (;louses of Parliament and the same are hereby made and enacted ac• cordi n giy, REGULATIONS "t --Ln these regulations, (ay 'minister' shalt mean the Minister of Militia anti Defence; (b) 'acf' shall mean the Military Service Act, 1917, "2—Class 1. under the act shall, in addition to the Wren included therein as In the said act mention- ed, include all men who "(a) are British subjects ane "(b) are not within the class es of persons described in the exceptions mentioned in the. schedule to the act ;and "(c) have attained the age 19 years ; but were born on a' since• the Lith Ucl ml'er, unit "(d) are unmarried or widow.. ors without children 1 and '•(e) :tre resident in Canada, The Second Class "l• --Class 2, under the \lilifar, Service Act, t'rt7. shall in addition. to the men included therein as ir+ the s:rd act mentis s 1, 11clude ofd nae' w•ho •'(a) are British subjects. and. "(b) are not within the class- es of persons described in the schedule to the said act ; and "(c) have attained the age u1 t" `ears, but were burn on r,T. since 13th t)ctober, (5ot7, and "(d) are married or widowers with children ; and (e) are resident in in Canada '• "4—Thai words "in any theater of actual war" in the fifth exception in the schedule to the act shall nod' include the high seas or threat Britain or Ireland and the said ex- ception stall be interpreted ac- cordingly, t. !. ,.'=fhe governor -in -council only direct orders to report for duty tc• issue to men in anv class under the act of any named aged or ages: or who were born in named years or anv named year or part of a year ,tinct any exemption thereto- fore granted to any man of any such named age or year of birth steal cease from anti afkr noon u the duty upon which he 0 ordered so to repro•t and no claims fur ex- emption by ur in respect of ,toy man shall he entertained or considered after the issue to hint of such or- der, provided, however, that the minister may grant leave of , alt-• settee without pay to any man' ley reason of the death, disableitertt;-. or service of other members of His;. sante family while on active serv- ice in any theater of actual war Must Prove Age "6—The age slated in any claim for exemption nude by or on be -- half of sully man or in any duce- moot signed by the man shall be conclusive evidence as against him of his age and year of birth. "7 --=The minister may, from time to time direct that no urdea's to re- port for duty be Issued to men who have been exlnnisied by military medical boards -and placed In such medical categories as are specified in such direction, "8—All men included in Glass 1 by virtue of tine provisions of these- regulations heseregulations shall report to the regis- trar or deputy registrar under the act as required by proclama't'ion they shall be subject to mitten: law as O such proclamation set out, And shall in Ole event of their fail- ing to report, be liable to the penal- ties specifded in the, act and the reg"lettons thereunder. • et-•:wi'1+*. On Becoming a'Widows* "9—(a) Any Loan now unttsarrted, who at any time hereafter attain isthena • end tteae of t 9 ears 1 I Age Y British 'cul ec resident in ( anoxia and 'not within one, of the excep- (ions its the schedule to the aet- shell, and "(b) any person who havlatg'dt-- tained the age of 19 years 'tieing then a British stdi3ect resident a.s aforesaid and not withltt one df ,the 'xcepti0its in the schedule 1:1s the 'Or tt,'iopes a widower without 'ioclren, shall, if the class Within .'itch he then falls has been call. r tcservice for b - c,: .out ..n s hoc. t t: became subject to tuiiitary 'i: and ;hail,. within ten (10) stays -+F+r'r,aftc.r report to the regis(rar•o, 'pity registrar under the Act fug' 1a. Province or the part of a pros - :e in which he resides „lie, sltaln placed on active service< t arse-. vded by the act, by the eeeaela-, tiara, thereunder, or 'by these ri.gir ler:t555, and shall, antal'sa placed on act v sett/ice b 5 e s ie r e deemed d to be n]' r ere f absence without t , v ' 10 Wls.reender or pieteu:int'tet airy treaty, or convention with- tots foreign Government .03 any cOthittye.