HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-4-11, Page 6•9 ,Mm.n.rm._ vA ,.., 4 H J.. C L I i Jt" d N N L'r r!l .ERA, Women's Store Next Royal Bank Phone 67 OWN'S e a+osilem10.11os1av6:611M rel Men's Store Opposite Library Phone 103 Ask Ontario to Grow Flax. .The Provincial Department of Agriculture is sending out pamph- lets to Farmers urging that they grow flax, of which there is a serious short- age. To Stop False Advertising'. Among resoultions passed. by the automobile and automobile accessory dealers' convention was on calling upon the Government to stake false advertising a criminal offense. Must Have Licenses. Ottawa has issued a warning that :ell bakers who use five barrels of flour per month -must take out their licenses, otherwise they are liable to heavy penalties. The onus rests on the bakers to show the license for the conduct of their business. Had a Bath, While workmen were absent, while filling up the water lank on Mary St, little Dug. Kennedy, son of Mr and :Mrs. Will Kennedy, fell in and had a narov: escape from druwuing. mo( rai mix 0 dA sy 1, E',91 Yo'uY. Photo On a Post Card At $1.25 PER DOZEN. ��II fit,}, �1't Y7. We have just received ars entire new stock of everythingVit in our line. Call in and look them over. Prices from $3-00 141 per doz. up. • IfGy�t--. Let un develop and print a roll of films for you. We guarantee good results. • .o see, y PHO'T'OGRAPHER PHONE N.6 CG > Springy,.•Shoe. The Shoe Models we oiler our Wonaen Patrons are not "just Shoes" or oven "just this season's styles" -They're morel They are Shoes of particular merit -Shoes of distinction -Shoes that tower way above the level of mediocrity. Some Women have learned the excellence and superiority of our shoes by testing them, Others are learning by .hearsay. There is no Store like this for Women's Shoes Leathers of Black 'Vivi, Pecan Brown Calf, Nut brown Calf and Kiel with high tops, both high am! Bast heels. $9,50 $6.00 $7.00 $9.50 Remember that its Quality that counts aavad that taU shgo p&'ictes sewed alike. WE WOULD LIKE TO SHOW ,i'OU 8 i R DCI! S e:)N CAL. SIll4 EMAP',] THE PBACT DIST RICT T NEWS Nye**0J'4 i+'++F-3VV BRUSSFi.` five-year-old Norman Thompson had nt narrow escape from instant death 011 Thursday afternoon. Ile and a number of other boys were riding on a large steel land roller which was being haul- ed through town, attached to the rear "f a wagnn, when in some way he fell off and the roller passed over him. which required 15 stitches, besides be- ing badly bruised about the chest and .1'1115. BRUCEFIELD. The heti Cri.,ss Society. sent 139 pairs of socks; 11 set of pyjamas: o trench caps; .5 pillows and 2 pillow cases. Mr. Welsh and wife, Stanley. attend- ed the funeral < 1 AIN. Jackson, wife of S ergt, i acksun last week in London. Aire left a sorrowing husband and 1 nrtli children to :mourn her loss, A. i'. Scott has purchased a latevrolet 9 111. '('h:pnlan' who recently sold his farm for 58.500 to Air Morris has I '•ought a rouse to LEmiwdyille far $1,800 It is the Holman property on .Agin street 11,115 Kaiser itis eha39e of the village library wwlri-1, has been proved to his place. A suet>ssful dance was held in cmr village last wreak in aid of the Bruce - held Lted Crus., Society. Carl Kaiser has taken a position in 1 a•,uttr s garage. Clinton. A doe:d e6,tl of spring wheat will be sown in our nei;rlrhurhood this year and less acreage or beans. G00. Watt of 1 make rsmith has rhn'- '>ri. to Clinton, where he will now re- side Mr, Walker of our village had a ser- ious operation performed. LONDESBORO. The following is ;the report of the Red Cross Society during the month of December, Januarjia February and tMarch:— Receipts` Balance on hand $ 17.91 Grants from flullett Township Council » 120.00 Receipts of Concert given by '• ' School Sections Np 5 and 8 $ 9.35 Receipts of Concert given by • Miss K. Reids school $ 5.25, Proceeds of Bazaiu' $;30.16 Collected by Mrs. C. Manning and Mrs, B. Crawford on 13111 on,. ' Huilett.. , , 45,5 .5 'Coilected by Mrs. Fingland and Miss Abrey on the 9th Con„ of 11 lett 21.00 Collected by Mrs. 1•I, Moon turd Mrs, R. Caldwell on the 1011 Con, East of village 53.50 Collected by Miss Abrey and Miss Finland to the village. 25,75 Dsnetians Miss Lillie Brunsdon $ 2,00 Mrs, Chas. Weymouth 1.00 Mrs, Win. Biles 1.00 Mrs, S, iltltton 1,00 Mr. J, Grainger 5.00 A Friend 3.00 Mrs, Susan Crawford 2,041 Mr. Adams Sr., 1.00 Mr. Abrey 1.00 Mrs. Chas, Watson 1,00 Airs, Geo. Crawford 1,00 Miss M, Scott 1,00 Mr, Win, Webster 6.00 Smelt sums 20.19 Members Pees 20.50 Total Receipts 5 100.59 Expenditures Yarn' ,.,,,. $906,40 Flannel . 35.99 Supplies F4•1 1':. 11.57 Postage on 't'1 i.1) Pca.tee.. 13,04 i)ostsTMe of 1 1,,'_s to s,hldiers 21.3 t: TySr, Askwi.lr 1.0 iellittirr(i. , .. 6.00 $ 290.75' $400.59 The Sons) y r,+as Rippe 1- 5t)2 pairs of 1 51 d'y shirts; 28 trench cap.: n Ste coats 1 p:,ir wrist' 5. 'was of oats In s1>fdiers 131,1a6• .1t ire;t Aid knit (r0 The D 1 M. li, K„ Club; --2 t 5 011%4 of So'k:., '1 sweater 1051s, 1 scarf,, ]OIIV➢gIIllUll@➢imipIIIIVINIsupIIIIgppIiN•�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIVIIIWI�NNUNINIIINIIIILI�pVppldlV� III�Iu�I��tUIIIIIiirIVIIIVIVIIiIIrUIII�VIIVIUmiUIIiUihlillii�l R7, °cal Ne ¢ IIIC✓IIIIUIIII0llllllllllllllMilll11ifliIIiiNIIIIIIIIIINIIIflI(Nlltllllli(iIIiIIIIINIIIIIIIIIII illiiiii 1111llllll!IIIiIIIIIiIIIIIiIpVlll{IIIitio l(NIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII!II)IfIIIiIIIIIIII111V11111(IIVIIINr Another Hydro User, L 0, L', Meeting Mr, J. Schoenhals huts had a. 50 11.p, 11)5 regular 150011118 of Murphy electric motor placed in the flute' mill, Lodge L, U, L„ C11510)) wail ha held oa 51151 10, the high cost Of fuel. The 0)1 1'1'iday evening of'(his week connections are being made this week 1 f#rrwlers. Movings The alulut4.nleellattnf the `Ctintori A4rs. Edgar PatterSml willprove to Bmvlers will be held in the Clausal l.ha brick euttage 011 Ontario "St„ Cluunber oft Moiday evening next aft when Mr, R, TlPllydy stoves to.laIs own 8 u'cloek. hums. 20 Years Ago, The 13Iy111 Standard last week under the 'above heading had the -following ileal:—A rapid horse dead took place '011 I'i'ide , when Mr, 1, 0, Chfuhlber- Iain's well-known black charger was purchased -by Mr, Wm, l:migh for 825, and 11> fess than two hours afterwards Capt, H, 'Torr Rance purchased it from Mr, Enhigh for $40. - Former Residents Wedded. A very quiet wedding look place at the home of Rev, Newton Powell, pas- tor of 'I'riltity Methodist church, Tor- onto, at 6 p,m, on .March 16, 1 91 8, when Annie CIrrinne Cu>'rrul,of Ripley was nnit.cs in marriage with Gunner John James Weir, of the 67th Battery, in the presence of C.W. Curran and Dr. W. W. Weir, brothers of the bride and groom,—The bride was a former student at the Model School, while the grown was formerly connected with the Royal Batik here, and a brother of Mrs. John Hartley, DOW of Vtutkleek Bill. Good wishes got to the young couple from old 'Clinton friends, Died of Injuries,. Last week Mr. Win, Rutledge receiv- ed word that his son, R, J. Rutledge had died of injuries in the New Ken- sington Hospital, Penn, on Tuesday, and left to bring back the body, The .funeral was (held on Sunday afternoon from the parental hone, and the ser- vices were conducted by Revs Agnew and llctgg. The pallbearers were old friends of the deceased:—P. Couch, M. 1McEwai, R, Graham, L. Ifarlaud, W. Johnston and A, Mitchell, , The body Was laid to rest In the Clinton Ceme- tery. Deceased was born in Goderich 'rnwnrhip and. about 6 years ago went to the States to work. tie was home In January for a visit and on This return took up braking 011 the railway and was crushed on March 30th while per- forming his duties. He was taken t,) the hospital, and every prospects were held out that ire would recovery as he was able to converse With the nurses and his fellow -employees, up till early Tooda5' nun'ning when he took worse. The symlpathy of the e0nhamiti' is ex- tended to the parents and family in the hiss they have sustained. Mr, and Mrs, 'Rutledge wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the sympathy expressed to them during their recent bereave- ment, An5,tlg the floral tributes was a sheaf r1 roses from the fellow work- men on the Iron, Itaik I) and pillow from the teaehehs of the School of t.1' lnlneret'. LONDON ROAD. i'all wheat an"d 1: r,iss has suffered from lis ceveri Frost the rant The 3'•(151 Season is 'ver, and the run has nut hien very hang. •1r ; nd Mrs, Arthur Willingham 5,t'.; returned (home atter spending the •r, i1slut in London. The Loaner; are heeding the call of the 0 'ernment 1' 1' more wheat and there will be more .spring w h.at sown this spring than in the past :.o years / IVA ist.'sd 1 e Early Pullet inlet Lays the Early Egg And the earlyegg say late Novern ber and through December—com- mands the lop price of the year. Start a BUCKEYE INCUBATOR i❑ March or early April; mise the many chicks you'll hatch 1u a coal - burning Standard Colony Brooder, nud this good money is yours. We knbw the Buckeye incubator en the Standard Colony Brooder WM ed exactly what we stn'., We guarantee 11, :Ind our guarantee in backed by the mnnu- hlctorcr, Everybody gets n square deal. Nothing (meta the '13uclteved and the 6Utndnrd Colony Brooder has Ito equal. Come In and see them. SOLD BY JABEZ RANDS, Clinton grostaaanVninigasyn*autttaninnzt. Gone Overseas. A1r. W, '1', U'Neif received a cable- gram this morning, that his son, Lieut. Earl O'Neil, of the 1G1st bait)„ was leaving for overseas, joining the 47th Battalion, In which a great many of the Huron boys are atlaeherl. Property Changes Mr,.leIdo Crich 11115 purchased the holm owned and occupied by Mrs, French, The latter will move into her other house. Mr Quigley (las purchased Mr. Cricitts placeon Ontario Street, rad days m Comity Lists KILLED IN ACTION Gunner Prank Fair, formerly of Clinton. DIED OF WOUNDS Pte, W. H. Forrest, Varna DIED Pte, W. Grey, Goderich WOUNDED Pte. C. Pope, Brussels Pte. R, W, Savage, Wroxeter Pte. S. ft, Gibson, Wroxeter, aotseetse•cotaticrrt.esserlessie • sa a Fi'I'Cli '('1311 C13CTRC11139, e+ s weesC3Q"FJeco an ec 1)) l to foe WV ISnptist church, The Pastor's subject next Sunday evening' will het—"Will the World Grow Better Before Christ Comes." This is the second of a series 011 "Christs Second Curring'," Ontario St. Church. Rev. '1'. R, t'uurttce, D, 0., of tail City Penn, will 51(555h in 1lntarin St, Church Sunday evening, At the Ontario Street league un Monday night, was a Coosecreatloft 31leeting. .Mrs. A. J, '.15:Hurray took up the topic. ;ars. W. Downs sang a srdu. Three new members joined the League. Roll call to which a goodly number responded. Wcsh^y E'lutrell, At the League ,Meeting; last Monday evening; the: League mrtubers 10.k up a bible Study 1.,ntest by answering a nwnhr•r nt queidions The contest be- ing between .Miss Leona Nediger and Miss 5Loion Irwin. Miss Nediger's stile wit,ring by two questions. Next Monday in ening it t expected that Wes)': l.a9uc melshers 1'.111 enter- tain rhe menh.11's ,+1 Ontario titres( League to a social evening. PATRIOTIC NOTES f . Rrl,uhtr 13 5513113 of the W, P. Friday allernl'"11 at three o'clock. `l'lfln'sday, April 11th, 191ft„ hgaissmshassitromatatmatmehosttremussm=thqt=4 .$0440100tolor'404 NexiManOillOoiOnneteorOl T. t,, WRITING INSTRUMENT MADE • The W. D. eifte'111 the Cheapest—atwaYs th ht. A Tested Lens- -- An Accurate Shutter— Simple Simple Operation. --•-- Good Pictures- 15 Sr`13 e3 ss$ aerrd towel All these are assured when you purchase aKodlala Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Browne.. V12. have them from $1.00 up. Colne in and let us show yew how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and guarantee good results—, Despensing Chemist r nmcs:l>•'au'q.,;Urnaa n :TN:,5,,.urT ` - armr_useszr-uss n arulwuuMr The Features el elitk r l a Lure.. To '‘,111,11 w/' iuvita' special attentioe' nt'e;1s l e:ufy, its v+sured ro ul .lr 18 :01111 Itt Sttu011.1i, ltt>d 111 t .3v 11)e 1,51111 rair..'d. Any one of ah sl - 3 5515 '.5 1)6 111. „1,111e15115 10 earn 5".)11,1 pr1•f'•) er er, 1t h 111 they ere 11(170• i,noel wr f•r, uae ;1/m 55351 .=.a:.te th:,l. this iia., 11 unit.rre buying. .foot. l metity wOU ^.J ono> 117,..1"1(01;,._,,, . Undertaker and Funeral 55(5513311". Phone t+ Night and b,i1nefay calls 51)155~ eri'ci act Afe.sids'ltce over s#5, ., tetrar.+c-•-r.,ae>s.�.....aumv,-->an,mm.�..m....nsax.examvr.. s.,v.-,.axw..,,amwh. cav,-wcr., :r. ""''SHOW+AY SP E,CI. .w,� Everybody is urged to come to the `ea G. be served b1 the Ladies of the South) land 1)f the fowl; Friday after- noon 1(1,111 five to seven in the Connell Calttni'er. Prices of tea 1;5 and 1;5 Please bring finished work lo this meeting for the shipment. The So'ciety beg 10 acknowledge the following donations for March. Ontario Street Ladies' Aid. , .. $52,00 misses In/an's 'lea 5121.60 vtiss Mounieastle. • ...... S1,1m1 GOAL FOR CAS After some years of experience in the crash business, we have envie 11, the conclusion that the 1)511' successful way to sell coal is for cash, and from now. on ;id! coal sold will be for cosh only. 't'his will help t0 keep the price down, as we lire now lower than any other town of its sire., A. J. Holloway PHONE 3w Pt" 0 1 "=-�'o".'.�_..-.-.- 0 0 AK .1115 Urie1,1rwarailded Jspay Of 5S1ffga TITLES that portray the most recent fashion de- velopment • beautiful caeations that are sure to appeal to a!l fastidious women.. It is a unique Ahowin6—one that embraces all the nobbled of the new models. There isn't one we cttxrtt please with ottr new anodes 1..' there's n becoming stye, colitis and ''.aeics for• emery woman in Clinton and vicinity.. No scatter r4s..,:“. :: look or how much 'you pay ytii will flnacll our r,"istpl yls the , .r; ', it,'issina'g to you. d S NORMANt1111 !'I wC:ii 0» l Clinton's Annual Gig Stock Show will ' 1('s 55tr5 Si.lul Rice . be held April 16th, Tuesday nest i lame bar 1 .tsule Soap .... ..,25 1(Hain of shine). -.' 11.0rg Pure Laundry St•ac: .51 3.09; As we have always given extra P'Irek or :Mined Te,1 regular c;...5 5eeitrl prices other ye.us, we will do 555 per II' or 51b: for .....8.7L611 w this year. We mention a few —" SPECIALS—Cash Price.. Now i:' the time to get 5. 141 Seeds. Full range ''i the nese Va.r•<:•:,;,ug, pkgs (tr, o1.) Seeded Raisins for..25 Otar Aluminium ware is oC _ .1513 1 lh Seedless Raisins .15 known Brand and every piece 1 l5195 San Pumpkin .22 anteed, .Ask how to get it free HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE CASH or TRADE Phone 7 7 It3tic•' Ty re.xa, Phone Promptly ;attended UP SEASON WILL READY PANS SOON BE HERE, BE Teas~, The Corner Grocery "ERIE AND LET LIVE" SPECIAL FOR HORSE SHOW DAV TUESDAY, APRIL lath,, 11935: BY ORDERING YOUR AND BUCKETS NOW, ' 'Peas are good buying as the e-'#..eg are tidvaucingl Black or Mixed >t 550c value, 5 lbs for Thos® Hawkins C1oc value, 5 t1s for ll tt.s' A � SES �V" iia• �Aro»v Soaps are good value at uc pe„.'rr: y, I but we will give you 13 cakes for 1t+ -t or the following Comfort 9 'Ctt, I Surprise. Gold, P. & G., Napttu„ Victor or Taylor's Baron, FOR ONE DAY LOCA .51l,GEN'T' Phon('. 53 PLUMBING AND HEATiNG 1 Second hand Wood Furnace fol _,Butter and Eggs wanted,. The highest ,market prices. sale cheap. !Piping over t sI and's14JlleI'th, 51911 •� Wye ..... ,,--p n� gg ��1 rt��5F• .:t.,�.1. 1 3 y r o L U Fl N t 4 q ff �.L SlhHnl. 0!.".1.47“! ACs+me.lkfrn,.riC':N.4p{'iwkamM.>ivtc•De'rMmrM NVNNAQLpA,BaSN,o CLINTON MARKETS larfibONiii 45 revwqu-levenxu.,.an,u.+wnmxmrvr• NEW SCHEDULE Trains from Est. Hogs820,0o . ; Butter . ...... . .. . . ........... , , . , , ,, 40 •lO ru 475 1)155 11.10 A-11. Leave 11. ~ rive .53 p.m. Leave 111 Eggs . ... . . . ......... . . 37 fn 3 S; rrive 11.18 p.m, Leave 15 4. Wheat Outs Peas Kral) Shorts .,.. o+ .. Trains from West ,its to 85,1 sa 50 rriva 7.33 a.tn. Leave ; s, a•lu trlve 2.58 p.tm. 1.54. , $45.01.1 ' Trains frr'rn So,. _'.. Hay $10 to $12' rrive 6.40 p.m. Lem. Curt ,'.exi Barley ...... , .. , 4140 to $1,45 Trains from North 3nekstheat 511,40 to $1.60 rrive' 7.33 1,)5. I, ,ave 7:5 :.,et.