HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-4-11, Page 5t,f RAO .SAY ir a e I Jai Vatc For a birthday—or as a wedding gift—the best way in whicb you can express your good wishes is to "say it with a watch." A watch 171s1kes •a distinct lively_ per- sunal gift; it is both beautiful and •isof ul. Everbody needs a watch, tWeber a wrist watch or a pt:)ck4t watch, For man, wo- man or child you will find it - bore with us at its best. W. IL KUM jeweler and Optician suer or 'Marriage Licenses - (DAYLIGHT SAVING PLAN hole, therefore, while undoubtedly 11101.e have been cases of later closing daring the summer time period in n certain number of districts, chiefly among shops of the smallest class . sad therefore not always involving the h airs of an assistant), it is clear aha!- the tendency has not been a mar -ked one. The Alteration of the Clocks. 6. Considerable apprehension had '!seen expressed as to the confusion that tvuuld be likely to arise when the actual changes in time were made. As e matter of fact, the transitions •i`•rtryn ,,nr,nal to summer time and vice versa seen to have been accomplished 'vs./ out any public inconvenience of any kind, though we believe that sum- saary methods of putting back the time on. the September 30 (in spite ,of the official warning on the sub- lect) led to a number of casualties -•tnmio, striking clocks. • Foreign Countries trance. Judging from press 'reports sunme• time appears to have '.Been a great success in France, and there_ were advocates for a starting rate sa early as February 15 this year. • 0 THE CLINTON 'NEW ERA; fio1htnd,---According to Aceouuts 1)} the Dutch press, the offfeiitl attitude •I towards. swimmer tittae Is l,tvorabl - •b0, Gernrtny 'and Auat)iat .The Prussian Goverment have malt; elab- orate ingttirics amongst all the inter- ests concerned, and n nnmber of Der- 1055 and Austrian newspapers .have tilso beeii conducting researches on their own account. • The evidence from (rade, cotnnter- cial, and industrial souree5 and 'from n ioCvn Interests I,enertgy, scents (0 have been 'distinctly favorable, Strik- ing instances are given of -saving' in artificial .light and fuel in various district's of Germany - the agricultural opposition appears to be strung ' It appears to have been the intention of the Gernia) and Austrian Govern-- ntents all along to retain summer time for the period of the -war. Australia 1n Australia, daylight saving was Adopted by the Tasmanian • Govern- ment o n 1 the first tat. Sunday in'(7ctober last, and is apparently to continue un 011 the last Sunday iq•March. After a period of negotiation betweeen the otter- States, daylight saving was eventually put into force by the Com- mouwealth Governnment for, the whole of Australia on; January 1. - Conclusion, 84. Taking- Hie evidence we have received as a whole, w9 can unhesitat- ingly say that the vast preponderance of opinion throughoud•Great Britain is enthusiastically in favor of summer time and of its renewal, not only as a war measure, but as a permanent institution. As we have • already pointed out, some difficulties have undoubtedly been experienced, but not to anything like the extent predicted - by the critics of the scheme, and we have not heard of any that couuld not be overcome with good will and organiza- tion, Indeed, the experience of sum- mer time In 1916 has converted many of its 'former opponents into hearty supporters. Moreover, as, we' have pointed out elsewhere, any of those who still hold the view that summer Hine may be prejudicial to their own interests' admit that the general pub- lic advantages arising from it more than outweigh any inconveniences that may be caused in particular cases. In a few years we believe that what op- position still remains to summer time will have completely disappeared and that the whole nation will regard it as a wholly beneficent measure. We recommend, therefore, that summer time should be reintroduced in 1917 and in subsequent years, oca1 News.:: rs+NoNvwa+rwwewa•enontr 1r►*Ina, Improvements . ,• Sergt, 11, Welsh is .,re -Biding' his frame barn on his property, We Can Help. • . After April 30tt every grocer intuit have his license number, displayed on his stationary. The New Era. office can help out in this change, Out Early. An item In one of ..tlte County pa- pers state fhatt--Lizzie Ford is out 011 the ramble again this spring, • No Summer Price? A Toronto despatch sty's: There will be no reduction.' II the price of coal this.:uulmero'aecordinjg to local coal I dealer 'h b st o say that ih • reduces tion of thirty cents per ton :authorized by the American Fuel Administra"tor will be offset by the increase in freight rates, bith here and 00 the other Side, Might Have Brum Serious Last Thursday 'afternoons, the team of horses owned by Paul t"vadeau, of tluilett, took (light at Pord"& Mc- Leod's feed store and raced down the the Main Street. .They thruck a buggy in' front of ,L; C,• Duunford's store and three young ladies, ' Miss Harvey and the- Misses" Grainger we're thrown 'out. . Miiss ' 1411rv8y " unfortu- nately, had her nose broken and her two wrists sprained: It was at narrow escape front. a worse' accident, ' • Pay For Own Arrest • Expenses in Making arrests of ab- sentees and defaulters are to he charg- ed to the account to man arrested. Canip orders direct attention to this regulation, which was issued some time ago, The $10 reward due to peace officers in such cases cannot be charg- ed to the individual ' concerned, but other expenses such as board, lodging, livery hire, etc., are chargeable. A Splendid Picture ' ,. In W. D, Pair's window was a splen- did picture of the officers of the t6tst Battalion of the 5th Division, after its re -organization in England. The photos of our Huron officers are ex- cellent, and- no doubt those of the other members are good ' ones too. The picture is to he presented to the Clinton Council to be ]rung in the Co, building. WHY NOT FLAX ? Minor Locals The idea is a good one, that the Council has in mind, that of plowing up the park and allowing the citizens to have a garden plots, but owing to. nearly every householder having a back yard of their own, and being used for the production of vegetables.I why not grow flax 00 the park ? It is a necessity now for the fibre is ' used in the aeroplane wings. The seed I 1 is also high in price. The Y. L, P, A.. , would he a good organization to let have it, as the money would be spent , for sear material to be used for our ' fighting boys and Flax will he a good blow to the Huns, 1 Musn't Boom Business, No soliciting or advertising is to he permitted the manufacturers 01 native wine, according to announce- ment of the Ontario License Board, Fine Spring weather. Come to 'Clinton next 'I'uesda'v, School Board met on Thursday. House-cleaning time is near at hand. See prize list of Spring Show on page 4 of this issue. Schools re -opened on Monday for the final term.. Everybody has their autoes out now, Many were at Seafurth Spring Slum, on friday last, An auto load of young people were at Hensal1 on friday 1115111 to a dance. The eight hour system is in vogue on many farms—eight hours pelt .e dinner and eight hours after, The constant drop of water, wears 8010' the hardest stone. The constant gnaw of 'I'ow•zer masticates the hard- est bone. The constant cooing Inver carries off the blushing staid, and the New Era advertiser is, the man wino gets the trade. .\ .a.Mi�C4:u t_a 9 .F':'ji'• �'lYiiwifw]L'W n . •.71%, ii. } 't:�1 - . •': n 1i al yt t , us an oting on the Nerves 0I•NG the same thing, in the same way, day after, day and week after week, means destruction to the nerve cells and collapse of the nervous system of the human body. Whether, in the munition factory or in the home, in the store or in the office, it is Monotony that kills. 'And it is because woman's work is more often monotonous than men'sthat so many women suffer from nervous exhaustion and prostration, nervous headaches, neuralgic pains and general run-down condition of the body. it is easy for the doctor to say you must have change and rest, but the expense of lung is so great at this time that few can afford to follow such advice. But there is restoration and health awaiting you in the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve rod. This great re- constructive treatment cures by Ayp- plying the elements which Nature uses in the formation of new, rich blood and the creation of new nerve force., If you are a regular reader of this paper you will find cures reported almost daily, and no matter where - you live you will find people who will 'tell you with enthusiasm of the bene- fits obtained by using this -great food ,etre.. . ;fit „.h0 .. erve F5:11 barite a box--cio not'tht nibre—at• all, dealers or Littmautso0( l3atelr 4 Go„ Toronto, Olt ovary hot b tlttl tttltf11tiie gaua will fled the portrait and signature of A, W. d ase,• M„i)„ flie•'famott8 t ted'sti t°Book .931611 or, • 8 The First Of The Season The Street, watering ca• rt (made its first. appearance trt CE 0) the Mn a Street list Tursday afternoon and has been used since then to stop the dust nuis- ance. 103 % Profit. A statement just issued. by the Rlor- dan Pulp and Paper Company shows that concern- to have made it profit of or 103,0, on its preferred stuck lariat; 1917. The net etuuutg's were $1,943,- 65 1, 1,943,-651, .A large allowance waS it,ade for depreciation, More. 1'11;111 2$% was earned of its common stock, The com- panyPany made •9375,364 in 191.4, 11 is safe to nuke the as-sertion, in view of this showing, that In 1917 this Paper compa9y Made . more money 'than' all the newspapers in the Dominion put together,—London Advertiser; - Direct Tax On Farmers Plans fur The taking an agricultural census, 0111011 the Government cos tem- ilates in co-operation with the Prov- incial Departments of Agriculture, ap- parently have ultimately in view so -ie measure ofdirect taxation on the farm- ing community. So far all burners are ivracticallyr exempt from war 'taxation on incomes or other forms of direct Federal, taxation. But with the im- perative need of increasbd revenues to meet: the burden of the war and its aft- ermath, the Government realizes that everything must conte. Pigs is Pigs! There was considerable noise a- round the •Rattenbury House stables -on Saturday. morning last when the distribution of. pigs was made to -the members of The Maisons Bank Pig Club. About 30 boys and girls were on hand to receive their pigs and Mr, Thomas Mason, who was in charge, had his hands full. The Bank is sell- ing the pigs to the children at cost and will buy them back about Oct 1st at the market price or better. Prizes also will be given for the hest results, and to encoura ep the children to in. crease production. Another distrihu., tdou will he made next Saturday. , Putting On The Lid Of the grocers and druggists • the latest to come under the amendment 'lo tine Ontario Temperance Act whlo8 certainly puts the lid on tight. Lemon Essence, Vanilla Extract, and all flavoring extracts. which contain alcohol wil he as hard to get after this as a drink of whisky at a drug store. Extracts must be sold in bottles not larger than 2!.. 0z, and the grocer must write down in a book kept spec- ially for the purpose the name and address of every purchaser and the date. The extract of ginger which has proved a -great "joy producer” since the O, '1",.A. was passed, has been hedged ;around with regulations which make it hard as possible to get it as a beverage. In the lirst place no one can sell it but druggists. In the second place, the customer must sat- isfy. the druggist that -he wants the ginger root for a legitimate purpose and in the third place the customer must take his oath before a magistrate that he requires the root for a legiti- mate purpose and that it will not he used as a beverage. 1f he can fulfill all these conditions, he can pay his money and get two ounces of the pre- cious substance. Return Delayed by 'French Fever Attack, Tuesday's London Advertiser makes reference to a former Clintotlinn in the Person of Lieut. Col, John N. Gunn, who, was in partnership with his uncle Dr. W, Gunn, here prior to gnine out West•—airs, .1. N. Gunn has received word from her husband, Lieut. -Col. Gunn, of the A.MLC., that his return to:Can::1a ,after three rears of overseas service has been delayed. owing to the fact that the has been in the hospital in England, suffering from trench lever. Some weeks ago Mrs. (3unn, who has been making her home with her par- ents, Rev W. M. Martin and Airs. Mar- tin, South London, in the absence of her husband, was notified by cable that he was returning home immediately. .4 letter which came Saturday, dated March 17. Stated lie was still expecting leave, and hoped to be in 'Canada in another month, He had met for the first time in the hospital Manor W, J. Beaman, of ,Exeter, son of Williams ilea - man of this city, who reverted to the rank of captain to get to the front, af- ter going overseas as a major with the tGist Battalion. 'Major Heaman is a friend of Airs, Groin's t:uniRev, W. M, Martin having been the Presbyter- ian Minister in Exeter for a number of years Lieut.- Cot. Gunn, a Prominent young physician of Calgary, Alberta, event overseas in 1915 and has been nn duty right at the front in Prance for two yea's, 1) 0 15 t} 0 0 0 .5 8 15 * 5 C, Y. L. P. A. :. 0 t. e, 0 a, 0 a} , e, •'., Collectors of old rubbers, .newspap- ers, magazines, books, etc, wll'I' be (51148 about May 4th. Allplease keep this date do mind. —0,— On Show Day, April 111th, the Head- quarters of the Auxiliary will ha tit. Mr. .1 red Jackson's old. store, next to the Hub Grocery:;: A 1)01 dinner will be served there, while candy and pea- nuts will be sold from this sf'and during the day, • —0— "Production" being the slogan of the day, Mr. 1.loliand generously offer- ed for production purposes, 10 awes of land which have been taken over by the Y, L. P. AThis Sumner will see the mentl)ers o,f the Auxiliary united as the "Fara) Brigade". • • Marguerite Clark, the fascinating movie artist, needs no i'nh'odnction tq thd,;'people 01 Clinton, and those who sat`Cir her f0t the first time in 'rile Yak wipe Girl" presented by the 3' L.5,A. last winter may further their 8090)i )!-. tance by patronizing the entertainment to be given on April 15111. and 16th under the joint auspices of, the Y,L,P.A, and, the Huron ,Stock Shgtv,vyl i he•4bd11 on his acc5si0n offers a 5• re el PitY =— "h„ e Amazons" which pr:EiY Mar- jnerite appears 111 a novel but eharil- 1ng light and cj which will prove an ilter•- estlang firm throughasut. 13esitles 088 above Bobdiy /Connolly, the popular boy•actor•, 'torn appear in three short skbts as atfi adtiVe as Bad)), ds' rh'i0iSelf Doti't fail to get yeul,seats early fqr this e11"e tettaitilsselt Ott trio evening or MONdity and 'Iaresday, April 1518 and 16th with a special 05tdnee 0)1 Tuesday after- noon., Plan open at Fair's store, Re, serve your scats 'early, Thursday, A;pi:il'i ''1iji, '1.9 X18. Erected Puntp, MI', Bartl.-nvts has erected a :gaso- llihe pump in Trout of his faNce 011 Isaac Street for use of iauto owners land has ;0156 ilad an elCcit'ie light pitted above the ttnorway of his Chevrolet garage, Other inmprovenleals will be made to the building, Have You Renewed ? We ask all our subscribers to look at the label of their paper and see ]low it reacts, Dues it read (R, Blank Dec 18.?) 1f so, you are paid up for the year; if not you are owing us, Our rate Is naw 91.50 in Canada and. England and 92:00 i8 the United States. Look to -day and send your stoney if ynn°owe 55, SPRING IMPURITIES BM q U THE qNt CIA �IOB, 3.���n A Tonic Medicine is -a Necessity at This Season. - Dr, ,Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an all -year- round tonic, blood -builder and nerve restorer. But they are especially valuable hi the spring when the system is loaded with Impurities as a result of the indoor life of the winter Months There is no other season of the year when the blood is so much in need of purifying and enriching, and every dose of these pills helps to make new, red blood. in the spring one feels weak and tired— Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give new strength. --••in -the spring the appetite is often poor—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills develop the appetite, tone the 001111(08 and aid weak digestion., it is in the spring that poisons in the blood find an outlet i0 disfiguring .pimples, eruptions and boils—Dr. William's Pink Pills speedily clear the skin be- cause they go to the root. of the trouble in Ole blood. In the spring anaemia, rlieumatisni, neuralgia, ery- sipelas and many other troubles are most persistent because of poor. weak blood, and it is at this time, when all nature takes on new life, that the blood most seriuosly needs attention. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills actually re- new and enrich the blood, and this new, blood reaches every organ and every nerve in the body, bringing new health and new strength to weak,' easily tired men, women and children —dere is •t bit of proof:: Miss Anna Patterson, R. F. D„ Nu, 1, Thoroold, Ont , sap's:—"My trouble was one of general weakness, which thinned my blond and gave ate at times unbearable headaches, doss oil appetite and also loss in weight, i tried several med- icines. but without s.uecess. Then I heard of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and decided to give them a fair trial. The result is that I feel like a new per- son. Aly appetite improved, I gained in weight, my blood is thoroughly pur- ified. and my face cleared of some un- sightly pimples which had troubled me. If one good turn deserves an- other then I have much pleasure in recommending Dr, William's Pink Pills " if you need a medicine this spring try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills—they will not disappoint you. These pills aro sold by all medicine dealers. or you can get them by mail at 50c a box or sic boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liam's Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SEED BE¢.NS .4 limited quantity of seed beans, lakes in last fall before the rainstorms. Price on application. Also good "White Tartar" Seed oats, J. R. STERLING, Beyfield P. 0„ Phone 4 on G00 R, R. No. 2 AUCTION SALE The undersigned has been instructed to sell by public auction, at the pre- mises, Ontario St. East, on Saturday, April 20th; the following:—t driving mate, 9 years old, will snake •a good third horse; 1 cow, freshen last of 'April, 4 years old] 1 rubber tire buggy, near new; t, 2 -seated democrat; 1 cut- ter; 2 small cutkrtlir hexes; 1 pr, woolen horse blankets;.` t dux ,grain hags; 3 dozen 'hens: 1 Saskatchewan robe; 1 set oi' light harness, with collar and Names; t set of light harness; 1 plow harness with collar; •lad other articles to numerous to mention, 'Terms—All 55)115 of 510 5nd under cash; over that a 1101)51 C, months credit will be given :on furnishing approved joint notes, 3 % straight for cash or credit amounts. Hens cash, i:ddo Crich, Prop., Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer, The Food Althoigh'the American Government placed an embargo on their fertilizers, and while.it took a. considerable amount of pe•s'uasfoa to 'get them to realize than BUFFALO BRANDS were ab- soletelyanecessary.in greater food pro- duction for the 1)11155 and the eventual winning of the war, sue have succeeded in having it lifted, and. now have a complete stock on hand for your Var- c lous'pps, and at very low aw pronortios- ate prices. Of all yearsthis is your golden op- `p0ftumity, 10 1115rease,pro.tifs.as well as foodstuffs by applying a liberal supply of BUFFALO BRAND FERT1LI ERS. . We also have a fresh supply yoP the 'geulssine'CA.NADA GEMhNT, the: (8c0,g- nizect standard,, Give us a call when int the market. for e Ltiniber, Shingle's, 0r am/ .of .our various lines, as wewill be pleased to' meet your wishes, - J• oi' 1Vlustatd ]shone ft on 6038' 1'3rnceifield, Our now set of samples for ORDERED CLOTHING for' Spring is now here and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest sel- ections of ]'nigh Grade ` Woollens we have ever shown, . Out; Styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. •- Come Pit and look them over and get one of our new style Books. We are'. also showing some new Natty Styles in Men's.'and Women's Boots, Men's 'Hats, 'Pies and Shirts.• • See our Table of Men's Boots at $3.50 a pair. aw -*2Mc mm s =1100 a 14.04 .=.0195 lnmrxam,r401WLI nbs1 lust r to 1 .�. 1411/5211 Profits Phone 35, Moro Linsiuebs '!1115• STORE 'I'IiAT SELLS FO19 LESS us ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF LAND By instructions from the inspector's of the C. B, Ilale Estate and other owners, 1 offer fur sale by tender the following parcels of lands in the 't'ow'n of 4 Linton. • PARCEL 1—Forty seven lots in a block, bounded by Rattenbury Street, Erie street, Newton Street, and the London], Huron and Brace Railway, con= tainting about 1) 5 acres exclusive of the Street and other reservations which are enclosed with £hese lots making a total enclosed area of 14 acres or Ihere Omits. •'These lands were 01158 known as the Golf Course, PARCEL 2—Ten lots 80)0)4ed by Milton, Newton, North and College Streets, about 2} acres more or less. PARCEL 3—Six hits bounded by Erie College and Milton Streets and (on the North) J. A. Carter's lands, about 114 acres, PARCEL 4—Eight lots bounded by Erie, College and Milton streets, and (on the South) W. Gunn's lands, 2 acres more or less. PARCEL 5—Two lots on Cowper street, South of W. Gunn's Lands %_ acre more or less. PARCEL 6—Four lots on Cowper, Milton and North Streets, lying South of W. Steep's lands, 1 acre more or less. PARCEL 7—Parts lots 7o1 and 703 on Rattenbury street, Parcel 8—Lot 608 on 1luron street. PARCEL 9—Twenty-eight lots and parts of lots, Known as Ole grove lying West of the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, containing • by estimation over six acres exclusive of about acres of streets etc , reserved 011 tit_ I Ful but en010Sed with the lots, PARCEL 10—Parts lots 05I and 955, East of Juucition of L., 1(. & B„ aud•13., & L, 11, Railways, PARCEL 11 --Park nut ''C” acres, PARCEL 12—Park lot "G" to acres 2 roods and (5 per. TERMS—The sale is subject to re- servations which (except as to price) will be made known on application to me, 'renders will be received up to noon of2oth April, instant. No tender necessarily accepted. For plans and terms inquire of W. BRYDONE, April 101h, 1918, Clinton. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Thompson Hamilton, Deceased NCPf1011 is hereby given that all per- sons halving claims against the estate of Thomas Thompson Hamilton, late of Townhup of Hallett in the County of 'Huron, yeoman; deceased, who died on or about the seventeenth day of Jan- uary 19)8, are required to deliver to ]antes Hamilton, the administrator, of the said estate or his solicitor •hn or before •the 201:11 day day of April 1918 a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof -find the nature of the securities;- if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among- st the persons entitled' thereto having regard only to such claims as iie shall have received due 1101100 and in accord- ance therewith. DATED at Clinton, this 2018 day of March, A, 1): 19 t 8, W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said administrator: BUY YOUR Seeds Early • We have a full stock of the fol- lowing seeds and grain; Red Clover, Atsilta Clover Alfalfa Clover 'i'imothy Blue Grass Orchard Grass .. Marquis Spring Wheat, Seed Oats (diVerent varieties) Huck h' tv eat Siive• ]10)11h i` c tare Barley, e 2 and 6 row. , • • We are always 1)1 the market 1,,)' grain 811d will pay highest njartel price, ' • .Jenkins(.( OFFICE BOY WANTED immediately, 'apply at Office of Doherty Piano Ltd., with ree0nnmeuda-' tions, LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE 'three litters of little pigs for sale. Ready for delivery the first week of May,, Also about 200 bushels of Amer - lean Banner seed oats and lifts bushel of potatoes. LEWIS CRICH, Huron Road, Clinton P. 0, Calves for Sale The undersigned has made arrange- ments to handle a few Shorthorn -grade calves. March and April is the time to secure them as the supply is limited later. W. MARQUIS ' Phone 14 on 166 Clinton • MIEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment un Munition work. Apply to, The Robe. Bell Engine Sc Thresher Co., Seafurth, Ontario. 1000 MUSKRAT SKINS WANTED Open season 1st of March closed 21 of April. Market price. Strangers send them in by parcel post we wII8ipe- m1i postage and express order by re- turn Until. Jas. Steep 84 Co. Clinton 5.0, Box 192. Phone 126 BARRED ROCK EGGS From Park and Guilds -210 eggs bred to lay strain eggs mostly from yearling and two year old hens. $2.00 per 15 unfortile egos replaced free, H. A, HOVEY, Clinton For Sale A good frame. barn 2SX 10 _Apply to C. J. Wallis. 14:RTE a ai rHE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT '`.: u; •• an -,.. CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on night trains and arlor cars on principal day trains Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or 0. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ..,.•1 John ltun:,t(rd &Son, city passen- ger and 'Pickot Ageute, phone 157 A.O Pu WWII) ,n elation ,15r111 HAD WORST CASE OF, CONSTIPATION DOCTOR EVER KNEW. Although generally described as a disease, constipation can never exist 9)11555 some of the organs are deranged, which is generally found to be the liver, 18 consists of an inability to regularly evacuate the bowels, and as a regular action of the bowels is absolutely es- sential, to general health, the least irregu- larity should never be neglected: Milburn's taxa -Liver Pills have no equal. for relieving and eurdng conetipa- tion,and all Its allied troubles: Vire, T',a •` M Fria, Primp Albe.'rt,, Sack, t rr wr — X load one of t ore los, I w t czt�a F AS 9.01 constipation my doctor said he lutd ever knelt n., and M.ilbsnYs T,LXit l;jvcr Pills eared me of it. My father-iw-la4 hark- used them, in fact fun was the one onto gave, them to -ane. , A c9ltnber of pedple aretmil berb dee 1Xu111, .and they all any t1M1, they are the best pills they bvor wed," Milburn's 'henna -fiver C'i11s era Die.' ...• t ,.. ori r�r`rvlpTq nr to gin (linnet Ott