HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-4-11, Page 2PAGE 2- Wexl THE CL:INTON='NEW ER& Thursday, April 1' 10, 1918. Every day is Fashion Day 1 11 PHONE 78' .Always 1I Something Now of Wotllem's Suits, coats, dresses, and waists reveals the most stunning Styles wc have shown, Spring has brought to us a host of pleasing new effects in women's and misses shits. We nave assembled a stock in which all the newest fashionsof the hour have bean included. by .far the most attractive lines. 'k'e have ever displayed the new Spring Models are unusually beautiful. _You will like then] for their beautiful colorings and their rich fabrics. ttiT 'OADATS fir April owers We have a complete range of New Waterproof Coats from the best makers in Canada. Rail: Coat special at $5.00. A very satisfactory coat of paramatta cloth guaranteed water- proof. Light and dark grey °}Ays 0 Very Special THE STORE THAT SHOWS THE NEW THINGS FIRST a�scmvr: rrwwv,.va�iSGCl�-«:.tet-J}:lC:^.'i`7,.^,..,a HUGE CROWD AT SEAFORTH SHOW Choice Animals in Heavy Draft Brood Mare Class — Entries. Were Large — Tuckexsmith Township Wins the Special Prize for Horses. Seaforth, Apr11 5',- 1'he Spring horse and cattle show of the Seaforth Agricultural Society was favored by ideal weather end brought an immense crowd of people to town. The entries were large and the Nass of horses shown would bring credit to the best horse shows in the province. Seven ex- cepiiorallly tine 'animals competed In the heavy draft brood marc. class, 'r,J, Mc- Michael, llullett, taking first. and Snell Bros„ !lunette second. 'in Cicdesdale stalliotts,, T, J. ,McMichael Worn brat, and Min aMcGavif, McKillop, second. The single roadsteds also had seven en. tries and was won by Root; M; Laren, ilcns1l, and sectpnd by John Hudson, Tuckersllfith 'Township won the St 5 in Gold fiir the best three horses in any township. • About the best way. for some of the soldiers to get their jobs back after the war, is, in the opinion of one news- paper. to marry the girls who are hold - i :I: * * * it m t+ TIME CHANGES W'itll the sickle a man could) harvest halt an acre a day. With the scythe at Ulan could 1,n'vest, one acre a dal;. With the cradle 1r man could harvest two and a half :teres at day, With the first reaper (1531) a man could harvest six acres a day, With the binder ;t masa can Inu•vest 2c1 acres a day. With. the nlodiere 'trector aad hvo binders, 'any ratan can har- vest au acre, a day.—.Aianituba Free Pres.,. t; 3i * ur w4. * •x. * it K * PRONUNCIATION .OF "FOCH" New York, April 3 --The name of General Facet si0ltld be pronounced t0 rhyme with "Bush," according to Staphane Lsuzatnne, editor of LeMart;n ';1 Paris, and a F343311 scholar. The Oshawa Vindi3at1r has suspend- ed puublication, and the town is left witgl only one newspaper, 'rhe war has been hard on both the daily h end weekly'rag them press of Canada, • CeleeWeit rd'`,iU.is44,5 \'xi wawa re ate' News of the I)istric KIPPER. . Mass McGowan, of McKillop,- visited in the hone of her uncle this week. Miss Mellis 'spent the holidays with friends near St Gliomas, Miss Jarrott visited' friends in Lon - dos, W,.1.1, JOhnstoe attended the 0; E. A, In 'Toronto last week, Miss Nellie McGregor, of Wellesley, visited her friends here during the holidays. • Many changes have taken place in farm lands this year around here, 'A- mong the latest are R. B, 11'4 n who hes rented his farm to his sem, Jas. B, and Jas. Robertson, who has sold his farm of 150 acres to Mr. Green; of Hay township, for $1 1,500, Both these sten have had large and success- ful auctins sales of their farm stock and a u s All areerased t) 1 dimlme t 1, that p 0 p 31r McLean isgoing to still live in his l g house, all re to lose lair, 1 s and t sorry lose Robertson as 113 ,goes to Mensal! to live. Ile will be greatly missed in the Pres- byterian church where he has been an elder and splendid worker ;for manly years, • Airs. Jamas 'Chesney has been offer- ed $8.500 for her farm but site has decided to work it herself if she can get ai good maul. She is offering 550 a mouth to a suitable one. The following is the March monthly report of School Section No, 14, Stan- ley. Nantes are in order of merit:— rattle—Gladys McLean; Sen, 4th—R,V. Md,(,..y anent, Erna Hyde, G, I, Cooper; Jr. 4t11—Wilfred Ross, Walter Work- man; Sen, 3rd—Ted Harvey, Fred. Parsons. Leon Near; Jr. 3rd—Wallace Ross. Lloyd Workman; 211th Class— (a) Elva Anderson, Olive Anderson; 2nd (b) J. A, Mustard, J. E- McKenzie, G. Harvey; 2nd Pt. J, A. .Anderson, W. 0, McLachlan, 11, MCLamont. The best spellers in monthly spelling matches vlere Sr. 4th,- Walter Workplan; Sr. +rd, Ted Harvey; Jr. 3rd, Wallace Ross Second a—Elva Anderson: Sr. b -‘-Jas. :Mustard. CONSTANCE. Mrs. James Atom, sr.., is Yet)' poor- ly, at present, Airs, D. Sutherland returned to our village for the stunner accompanied by her grandson., Sinclair Kiudv of Toronto, Mr. Frank Scholes, of Algoma, was visiting old neighbors :and, friends for a while, Campbell Sutherland, of Sarnia, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Sutherland. Misses liatzel and Josephine Ber- wick were taken to Seaforth the other 4l11y sick with pneumonia. We huge they will soon improve. The funeral of tete late Mrs. D. Ati li111 was held on 'Tuesday afternoon 10 the Maitland Cemetery. Rev, Mr. Keine, of Londeslioro, took charge. of the services. Deceased leaves to mourn her less, 2 daughters. Airs. Bert McLean, of Buffalo, and Airs, Peter Lindsay and 5 sons, David, at home, Will at Cleveland, (lhiy, ,lultn. at Bothwell, Fred at Forget, Saskat- chewan, Charlie, at Cupar, Saskat- chewan. She was 7 7 years old. Iler children were all home for a few days before her death except Charlie. Among those who came from a dis- HENS/ALL ' W, J, 'Clark, of the firm! of Brown dQt t';lark, who was, stricken with paral3Sis )recently, is steadilyinlprcpin'g. Stewart. McQueen of the1)011nd:try 11ac1 111e bones lit his foot • so badly crushed by a horse stepping on him that it has been 1Ieeehsary to ,put the foul -in a plaster parrs cast._ :Mrs. 1111 - t11rs, A, Bolton has word that her nephew, Cyril Stewart, was severely wounded, recently -in lraulge, when, while (lying row andassisting-the Allies' tr00p5 ill 11 hetYy 11Cti111, be *AS shot.. He enlisted in a University sunt, 'Local union kings have large forces at work in preparing the onions for shipment, and the titins. from 'Toronto, who have warhouses 11e1•e, are busily engaged In nttkilhg.shipments to their customers In ,all parts of the coutltly. A banquet lyes held in the Methodist Ichurch this week,When Rev J esse 1 Arnie, of Toronto, foreign nllsison sec- retary, gave splendid discourse on missions v 'T11+ t.ulqoatwnshalduii- der the auspices of the laymen's mis- sionary committee and the W. Al. S., and there was a fair Attendance, Death came suddenly 10 William Stelch, aged 60 ,years alhis home near Zurich, on Sunday Morning. While sitting at breakfast he was taken ill 1111c1 died al few minutes later from heat't trouble. )n'Sundaq' morning also, Miss Hattie Dignan, aged 60, who resided four antes hest of 0ens1t11, was found dead in her bedroom, She Mild apparently just arisen when stricken with heart failure as she was 131111ng against her bed. Sihe was appl1rently in her us- ual health when she • retired the pre- vious evening. The annual spring stock show herd here 'Tuesday wits one of the most Suc- cessful to years. There .were more than 200 entries from all parts of the district, many of the best-known far- mers of South Huuron being represent- ed by their very tin251 horses and cat- tle. One cow, shown by Bert. Peck, of Stanley T unship, is valued at $3,200, The horses were an exceptionally line lot in all classes, James Cowan, of Seaforth, who- judged the cattle, and R. Welsh, of Exeter, and George Troyer, of Mensal!, viler made the awards for the horses, had a busy time. e At a joint meeting of the mdrlage35 and session if Carmel 'Presbyterian church it te25 unanimously decided to increase the salary of Rev, J,' A. Mc- Connell front 81,200 to $1,500. ;ince coating to Hellsall six months ago from Toronto he has done splendid work, and the congregation is ;vowing rap- idly. GODERICH. Rev. 0, M.. Holmes, B.A., 1,53., of Goderich, has received and accepted a -unanimous' call -to ilssingtou • Avenue Baptist Church, 'Toronto. 51r..Holnles is moderator ,if Walker„tpn Baptist As- sociation, .111131 he. has. ,freed pastorates in Gcorl;etovyn and Goderich, tie opens his ministry in T'ornnto on the..lirst Sunday in. Maty. The fire brigade had a run last Frt- day 11ternoun to Air. Murray's o5 the Huron road. Some boys playing in the ,rays. set it nit tire ;old some dwellings were In danger, but the brigade soon had the blaze tinder control lance t•e the funeral were : Mrs, Bert • llodCens brothers, who have carried McLean, ni' Buffalo. N. Y,, :Mr, Will ,,n a dry god business in town for the Milson, ..1 Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. past 17 years, are having a selling -out John Allison, of Bothwell, sale. They P1 151 se going into buisuess Peterboro, k3,LYTH. Hiss Bentley, coulliy and local Suet oi meth] contests for the W. C. T. P.. hes received a handsome flag ;u a reward to Huron County for hav- ing had during the year the most -o1 there competitions of any county in the f'rrmlnee. Mr. Jos, I7. Brown, or the 8th of 13:111211. has sold his too acre farm to Al c, crier, of the sante Township. Miss Ethel porter, of 'Toronto, spent over Good Friday, guest of Mrs. Harvey Gidley. Miss Porter is eo n- neeted with the editorial staff of the Ladies' Home Journal, Mr. Jas, Barr returned on Thursday to Saskatoon. Sask.., alter spending a couple of months at the home of his son, Pie, Wm, Barr. Couneillul• Henry homey received the sad news on l'ri,lay that his only daughter, Airs. A. 11, Harris hada been admitted 10 an hospital in Saskatoon, to undergo an operation of a Critical, nature. 31i i1 c:• tt9',}'i!%VIS`r�ar:l. 'l1p$t,,t?, t,1•4ti.l !I Are Here. rold the Ikt sst Remedy l''. for Thenar Tr<c ublfs.L. , Freemont; 0,--'d1 :was passim' tha'ough the critical period of life, being iortt alit years of age and had all the symptoms incident to that change --beat flashes,. nel•vousnass, and was in a general rundown condition, *o i t, way hard for me to do my work, Lydia Ila. Pink - haves 'Ve 'ink-haves'Ve etable Compound was reeommoncled to me as. the best remedy for mytraubleamiltioh i t surely proved td lace - i feel better and stronger la every way since taking it, ,and the annoying a tuptoms have disap- peared," --Mrs. ]1i. Gouvlczs, 925 Napoleon St., Fremont, Ohio, • Piortli Raven, dorm.—•"Lydia H. Ptnlcham's Vegeta:. ble Compound restored my health after everything else had failed when passingthrough chane of life. There is nothing like it to overcome the trying nymptems." —Mrs, ]neat ateon 1831 1,s, nos 197, North Raven, 0511n. itcrit k,.eovT� Sid tlie moistest c ► *Atte tt"t 'Veto A t. it 14 KINE' CO: 111HaMASea1. • AUBURN. l hely. w;15 a large crowd at tete Red 1 res concert on Monday even- ine. The proceeds amounted to $50. The community was shocked on Friday morning ty11311 the newt was sent over the Wires that Lawrence Pleet;e.r hada passed away suddenly dor, Mg 1.11 .light, although he had suffered from asthma and heart trouble for some months, his condition was not regard- ed as serious. He retired feeling as well as usual but shortly aftervards had passed away. Ile was 51i years of ;tee. His bereaved wife and sun hart. the sympathy of g,large cird:le of friends and -acquaintances in their hour of sor- row. GODERICI-I TOWNSHIP Mrs, Albert R. (lake, of Toronto, is spending a month visiting her parents, Mr, and) Airs, Walter F, (lick, Huron' road. Mr. Ban Pearson has sold itis farm pre the 7th Concession and has pur- chased Mr, liewitt's. Parol On the Bay- field road and is now moving to • it right 'Maty. IMS, T. Lime and: family of Seaforth spent the Easter --vacation al• Mr, A. M,:GuIre s. • Seeding las commenced in this' l0- enli ty, • Quite n numberl:Weeded 'the Sea - forth fair, . Mr. and Airs. A,." Sloan, of Blyth,. spoilt. a, •few days in; th,1 nellgitborhood. Nov .that the snow is 1111 g0113' the cars are rimming agstin, • Mr, W. Weston s spending a ,l4 eek iu Bnyfleld. Godcrl3h Township Council—G.ode rich Towvfiship Council filet' April 1, 1918 with .1111 utetthbets .present Reeve i.obb in the chatf. Minutes of- last n eelin5 as .read 'mere confirmed. Mr. 1' W. Brock Field -Secretary 0f 'the 1111, ReiourceS Crmanittee wits n tfnd addresSed the Cquncil on t.:+. 411.'I,f raster production, On x, 1lou ,f p 1 toms Holland 9511 (Eau ala . t', l gave a grant. 'At ' i' ':✓. to the t 131111. Live • Stock' tilowv ' u '''tt1 n of 4o' t ' i,ts Vander- 1rt11„ 51') Gh'a1 the 111151.11.31 a.axilints 5Jei derail 'I bp pale; Ielbnl, 141)1 '.thers 6utti i,^a i,1.nm Pialtiutti River 52) n,) rtl„idtpal World Supplies , .0 .10 A I 4...mrt13 repo 30: C, o b Ortel Mt'lictpal 1- a1 1 Geo, Wilson, slheepkilled by d l;s, ., W Stu rtivv vat VLing 431811157,141) -Om m')tion of ,Coan„ilior5 Lindsay i111d '!10tlalld the 5.0(11:611 llljnur n'tl to meat Mendav' Nlal' (1111 a1. 2 0 eloek,. p: ft(' w • A 1.1.11 0aritetnrt i.. Cii.lPk... • • 45111s elsees like 11011,3.1id1' Alts• wee; Beeeuse i1 ee ou ...ems, .1•110111.M..1=16411101.1.1240. omrsquosikagamm.smarnatme WIN(( -IAM. Syrup making Is still in t'ull swing here, the last' few days beinaf'. .extra good.. Many fanners who have 11 353.1. before tripped 'a tree have this yell• gone into business, some having as tuany as -9130 trees, tapped, and not only the fanners, but a large percent- age of the town citizens. have tapped all their' maple, trees - around their homes, n great many hatwiffg made enough sy 1131- for their'0wn use, and will thus save considerable sugar. A great deal of maple sugar is also being made. 'Phase citizens who are not fs)rtimete '311053131' to !lave -aoy' maple trees of their own are purchasing large quantities from the farmers at $2 a gallon, - ZURICH. At , S t, Boldface church,. ""/.uriy:h, on Tuesday Rev, Father A, Struecler per- formed the cerenloity wllieli united in marriage, M u atn'et, daughter of Mrs. 11e1en Campbell, of this village, and Air. Ernest haute, of near Guelph. Ni r. J. J. Memel' 'and fetidly have moved to the Parol adjoining Eg- mondville, which Mr, Merner recently purchased, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bloch have moved) to liensadl, where Ate. Bloch recently purchased a Mitchel' busi- ness. . Air Ed. Zimmerman s received 33.1 r Cel ed the appointment as mail carrier of rural roNo.3, route out of Zurich and hasstare 1 ed on his ew duties 011 ;M'ondav, Mr, Herbert Kaercher has rented) the lo -acre farm on the Brunson bine prem his mother, Mrs. A. Kaercher, ;for a term of years. SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH. The London Free Press of Monday, re purls as follows of a popular. young Seaforth (adv:—Mystery surrounds the death of Mrs, Frances G. Parker, a history teacher at. the Collegiate, who was tonal dead in her xoouh at her boarding. house, 182 Oxrord street, at 6 o'clock last evening, with •t three - ounce bottle of chloroform, about one- third empty, lying beside her, Airs, Parker remarked to her tandiady about 2.30 o'clock that she was going up- stairs to read, Not returning in tete uusual manner for tea the landlady went upstairs to see what leas the mat- ter and founds her dead, Mrs. Parker had been taking chloroform for lier toothache. Mrs, Parker, who had taught history in the Collegiate Insti- tute for the past three years, just re- turned from Seaforth on Saturday, where she ,had been visiting rel,ttices over the Faster holidays, and was to have resumed" her duties at the Col- legiate to -day, Mrs. Parker appeatred. to he in the ver• best spirits yesterday, 'Coroner Dr, Robert Ferguson was call- ed and stated that an inquest was tin. necessary. .Mrs. Parker is survive) by her mother, Mrs, G03 1)10ck and little sun, Cray. The funeral of Mrs, Wortley teats held Monday to 1"ranbruuk Cemetery, nilere she was buried beside her hus- band. Airs. Wortley, W1111 will 70 years old, came to Seaforth ;four years ago from near Walton in Grey Town- ship..'rye, ntarri.d daughters reside in Sefort1, a son at Woodstock, and another sun is nn the homestead. G. W. Holman. who has been ap- 3' 3)11ed clerk u3'' the C5enty of Huron, with headquarters at Goderich, has sold his residence at Egntundville to William Chapman, who i; 12/111114 teen his f,la•n1 near 0rucetield, A`iss Add lin'-enrol;,, third eldest 13 u tiler ni .1. F. Govenlock. has lett for 12a1•;ary, where she will be married shortly. 5, A, \YIIs„n, son el I.ient.-Col. Wil- son, commander of the old 33rd Batts., will go to London, England, shortly as Brit!ch representative of the New York Sun He was ntTerel the position re- cently and of once accepted. Ile will leave for old London shortly, Mr, Wilson has been a member of the New York. Sun reportorial stat` for some Hew, Air. and Airs. Roe, of Brussels. spent Faster witli Mrs, Abell, Airs.Mul121y, of Kincardine; was it visitor in wee), 11r, and Mrs. James Marlin were in Wingham attending the funeral of their cousin Mrs. Henderson, Airs, Fulton and children of Gran - brook, are visiting Air. and Mrs• lohn Gillespie, Mr. ,hones lltly's and Air. W, 0. 'Chapman, who have- been conducting tha marble works. stere have dissolved pat•.tnership and the 1)3535 ss.l'rili here- after be called on by Mr. Chapman. Mr. Harry Grieve reported for mili- tary service at London on Tuesday, On Sunday afternoon a large number of his brother Ud1ifellowat gathered in 'their to bid hint goodbye «3111 also hal.5ented rlim • withan emblematic rung accompanied by an address. Dr, and Airs. Davis, of Manitoulin, were here attending the funeral ' of, his father, the hate David Davis. Miss Ada--Govenlock, wile has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ft, Goventock, North Main -St., left on Friday afternoon for Calgary. Mr. and Mrs, F, Baxter, John -St., spent a few days with relatives near Machell. A1rs. J. 5: Roberts left on Wednes- day for Toronto, where 9113 will in..fut- ure reside, She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Francis Roberts, who returns to New. York, (Ir. A, A, Naylor, principal of the public school attended the education convention in. Toronto last week, Miss N, Robb of Toronto, is visiting her parents, M6. and Mrs, John Robb. The indectloii'services in connection With the nevelninieter, the Rev, S. M. MacLean, wl. he held in the hgnlond- ville clutch oh 'Thursday afternoon, April 1115it .3 p.m, Mae Kityl' of Stratford, spent Friday 1 h her friend, Mrs, J. 11. Broedfoot, hla., elurlel Willis, of bet'oit, is a v7eil.1T at 1141' llama heft., 11:3 label Beattie, of Toronto 13141- er ay, is home for the holidays. Air. and Mrs Prod Lang, 'Of Guelph,_ 1 a t toe: ter whin i 8iattl ns'ltere. Ail mid Mrs, 'George' Seip have 're - fu it'd front.visiting friends in G,elt: vt: -Jahn 0tlttirrilne has pub3htie;d- the 1a3os'4ulock ,•oltl5o "11 '1151„ 41,, •11t prewar occupied by Mr, ( I-1 t,in ASiss MitrglIemilit Doi to ' •)+,r,• lr l,1.'l4'_ t3t53l5'• % 1,, )t1Fmjl05 5 1 ki'ylr,t' lIiIlII,IIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIiII,;IIiIIII@iIIIII:i II llidll PerSollA1 and other items of interest: from 1” �New Era representatives, Illl'!I;lflluilllllllllllllllll�llllllllulllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIII!II1111111111111PVIIIII � ,ati,eltt' lie.'„• t.W+-•s °r. t see 3 F7Fin^Mnirr • TheproFictatyorpakint Icatmeatt• A'V 4C''t1iblePrcptumtatfsrAs•', similal ingtfieFoodbylleg ata (iL' da els 9i' 53n n tCh. " (te 5t91 - tin l . 5 h. u nj$ Dtl G � a� Ther'eityl'mm Cheerfulness andltest.Gestag neither Oppi�um,''klrphinen°t Mineral. 'NOT Milano () Ti iitcpeatiNdBaftiraruliaM Paripki1.r'n4, ifitacnce JMrkrlte Salts Ado Sxl' RlrSd3rf !gar er ,Ahelpt'utRemadi rhoea, Gt,t.stipaiion Osid Feveris;ntess nntl $,psJs'f17'cJ'i$SiP I reSaltin�thereSrom �l'Enney :ac______;.al-Sindile,"5.yirtialn,e_tati;�u1 3q haCtn 1OIn/aY,.iTREAL F•, NEWax ON1S. 'A t.ffln'l',fM and Children new That C-astoria Always Bears the � Signature of a 1 Use For 'YmAz; v r Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, TNC C NT,1UR COMVANM, 142p YO.,N IYY. residence on John-st., in which Ile1t2red upon by the chairman and Sec - has been living for some time from retail, of the Association, and also by Mr. Charles Soule, Mr. 'Clifford Bell, of Toronto Univer- sity, is spending the holidays at his home here. Messrs. 'Turnbull and Mctntosh's auction sale of livery horses and equipment field at their barn, was veru largely attended and good prices were realized, many buyers from out- side places being in attendance. The bus and transfer business has been purchased by Mr, A. A. McLennan. of the Commercial, who will operate it in the future, and who will also take over the mail contract. .firs, Il, C. Box and daughter, Helen. are visiting her parents In Strathr,y. Mrs. George Weir is • visiting her daughter in Nen' York. • Mrs Alodelmld, of London, was an Easter visitor at the home of (Mrs. John Kerr, lir. Bazin, formerly of tate Bank el Commerce staff here, spent a few days le town renewing old acquaintances. The meeting M tate Seaforth food f'roducliun Association held in the auditorium of the Carnegie Library. on Tuesday evening last, was attended with ere:at success, inspiring ad- dresses along the leu,; of the ever-in- creasing 110cessity of great fund pro- jection in defence of the Empire were delivered by Mr. Brock, of the Ontario Resources Committee ; Mr, Struthers. the new(, at1'peinted repreSel:Ltti5e of the Department of Aerioulture ter the County of Huron. and Air. Race, a rep- reeintati\e. of the 1' 11)310 S,tn:tar:unl. :1 resume 01 the work - aeannplished by the nseociatiu11 during the past year and the objectives sought to he oi7tein- ed du rine the coming seat5Y11 \yes en. the Mayor. Quite a number of our most progressive men were present 50(3 showed great interest in the di$- eussiou. The slogan of the aseocia- tiou is "Conserve food, produce food save money, secure farm help and develop our resources." 14llirO'!EY s SOB WOULD FAg NT AWAY TIIAT WAY FOR TING YEARS, ' 1)0,49 who have never been troubled with kidney trouble do not know the suaferine mud 1.11167.1ry which those afflicted 1 teder3o. The dull pains, sharp paps, and quick twieges, all point to the .fact that thg kidneve require attention. Dos it's leidney 1''ille are a specific for all kidney troubles, Agra, Albert Williams, Edam, Sask., writes: --"1 have the ereatee0 pleasure in telling you whnt I)oan's Kidney Pills did fin pie. Ten years ago 1 was so bar) with toy kidneys that .I would faint away01111 ('1)1113511(13.34111)11!!)) do ai'i1uiig. I had been thnf, wiry for two years, and had done ell 1 eouldi, but did not get any irt!er until one dey some rnr slut a tat!,• 3111.74 in our cl:aur, 11,51 1 0111 (IOW 31310th,•!' young girl 1md Snfferrd like $ was a 11, 1") 1 titetigll1,4w0u11 tit• (hem, nodi 1 me glad to Cary that after taking four 1 raar, J. 3)554' never 13,31 the same thine ;'zein. 'Thanks to "Dean's.,, When asking for "Jh)mn's Pills" s+"e 11at yre get the oblong grey box with the to ele murk of a " SIaplc 3maf." Price 311:•; put up by The '3. Dlilbuz'e Co,,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. tilflillll'll' iiiim illillllt ilinlll • 'telephone Economy t 111111111111111111111111t 11111111111111111111 Do you practice 0' Take Care of our Telephone! ! ANY repairs t0 telephones are made necessary by careless handling. A telephone instrument has more than a hundred parts and is built like a watch. Rough usage impairs its efhciency. J I-ielp us to conserve the supply of telephone material and skilled- labor by always hand- ling yosr, ,t8elephone carefully to aboad cosy b ieiTkMges' and repairs. The Bell Telephone Co. t Canada 11 11!1'11111r111°1111111141,!� !P"1111414 11111,11111111i111iParlll ;IIhIC111111111111111