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The Clinton New Era, 1918-4-4, Page 5
VMS ti. ' >: TH l Ll irEQTN SEW ERA' SAY 1T WITH Watch For a birthday ---or as a wedding gift --the best way in which you can 'ex12ress your good wishes is to "say' it with a watch." A watch; drakes a distinct lively per- sonal gift; it is both beautiful Rini useful. Everbody needs a watch. Whether a wrist watch or a pocket watch. For n1an, wo- man or child you will tind it here with us at ifs best. W. N. NUIVAR jeweler and Optician Isstter of 0larriaige Licenses - aysa,a„rRZxw,r V3/ IAT YOU {..MAY EAT W RESTRICTIONS ON BEEF, VEAL PORK, WHrfAT, BREAD • "Ottawa, March 28—A radical change Ira restaurant regulations has been ,aar'dered by the Canada Food Board, Beef aid veal :nay be served at ,:!teeing luteal only, Diet beef or veal may be served on '3ltyeen!day or Friday. Perk May be served at morning ,atre,el only. Perk may be served at noon meal tatsly tanMonday and Saturday. Port; vnay not be served on Wed- cresedaty or Friday at any meal. iYYo wheat or wheat products shall Tae served at the midday meal, Substitutes shall be served when - 'eater white bread is served, bio public eating house shall serve aat.ore.than one ounce of wheat bread, -ear any product made wholly or in 'arart of wheaten flour, between the 'Manes of 5.30 a,m. and 10 a.m„ 11.30 utad 2.30 p.an, and 6 p.m, and 9 Sarrdwictles ittad.e from wheat 'trend end pork, beef or veal may durst be sertatelt at railway lunch ©punter's, hitt only itt .any tune and at i all times to bona fid travellers, a Public eating houses other that railway' iunth counters shall not serve sandwiches during the laid-daY I meal, f'tib li c eating ho. uses shall noti serve sandwiches filled with beef, veal or pork during hvers and on days that these 1t sis are prohibited. Bread shall not het placed on tables' u' public eating houses turtii the iirst sparse is served. No more than two ounces of stand- ; and flour bread or rolls, Or,. any pro- . duct made from standard flour, shall. 'be ,served to. one person,' uniess on $peelsl request for second serving, No, melee, than .four ounces of bread or other proddet made from bran , corn, Oats, barley or Diller flour at any one meal to•oate person, unless on special request for second serving, 140 bread Tess than twelve hours baked , shall be sei•ve1 in publle eating houses lexcept in railway trains and'steaunships; Bread as a garnish,.except under poached eggs, 1y1 prohibited, . Wheat flour dtintpings air hot pies, meat stews or soups„are prohibited. 1 •CATEGORY B. MEN ARE TO BE SENT OVERSEAS.. ' WON'T HAVE TO FIGHT—WILL BE 1 IN THE NON-COMBATANT SERVICES. Ottawa, March 30.--Respondbi to a demand from ibe military authorities !the Military. Service 'Council has de- i aided to call up for service men in medical Category B under the Mili- tary,Service Act. Category B.men are •liable for overseas; but not for com- batant service. They are being called out because of the necessity of se- curing more men for railway con- struction and similar service. i I • DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS 'TIMETABLE ISSUED I'OR EXAM,. MATIONS AT COLLEGIATE. The time..!stile for the anntutl d5,. pfrtmental examinations lois 'Peen issued by the Department of Education, The time -table is divided into two sec, tions, one for 'the lower school and the other for the middle. and upper schools. The lower school examina- tions eOlnhuenee on June 14. 't'itey are as follows; June 14, 5,10., Ettillish gram- mar; t; p.n ., British and Canadian 15is- to rv, Jutta 17 — t,t i It arithmetic; '' h 9c• n 1 e p, m•, elementary science art; p.m.,spel- ling, June 19—a. m, book-keeping and Writing; p,rn., manual training and household science, ,lune agriculture and horticulture. For the model entrance and senior public school graduation, and for the senior high school entrance, the schedule Is the saute es above, except that it is supplemented by other papers up to June 24, as follows: June 20 --- p.m„ English. composition. June 2f— a,m., algebra and geometry; p.m„ English literature, June 24 (graduat- Ion only) --shorthand and typewriting, senior high school eertance, Latin and French or German. The English -French model entrance examinations are as follows:—June 1d agriculture and horticulture. June 17 —a.01., manual training and household science; p.m, bookkeeping and writ. 1u g, June 18—a. to., elementary scien- ce, Canadian history. June 10—a.m., art; p.m., English composition. June 20 , am„ arithmetic; p.111., English, !literature. June 21—English gram- mar, spelling and geography, June 2— French grammar and French composi- tion, The pass matriculation schedule is: June 24—Ancient history and chenli' stry. ,lune 25—Algebra, English com- position and rhetoric. June 26— physics and history, British and Canadian. June 27—geometry, Enlg- ish literature, June 28—Greek au - hors, Greek accidence, July 2—Latin tailors. Cation composition. July 3 --French authors and French composi- tion. July 5—German authors and omposition. Honor and scholarship patriculattion chedule; June 20 --problems, June 21 —Zoology and botany, ,lune 24— hemistry. June 25', ---Algebra and nglish coanposition. June 26—phy- ics and modern history. June 27— eotnetry and English literature, June 8—Greek authors and composition. my 2—Latin authors and composition. my 3—French authors and conlposi- ion. July 4--trigometery and utedie- atl history, July 5—German authors nd Coln position. Middle school entrance into Nor- te! schools; June 24—Ancient history nd chemistry. June 25—Algebra and uglish composition. June 26 — hysics and history, British and history ane 27—geometry and English iit- rature. June 28—art or agriculture, rst and second papers. July 2—Latin uthors and composition. Upper school entrance into faculties education; June 207—mineralogy. ne 21 zoology and botany. June 24 chemistry. June 2S—Algebra, Eng- sh composition and rhetoric. June 6—physics and history. June 27— )metry and English literature, June 5—Greek authors and composition. ul,y 2—Lation authors or special 1glish literature; Latin composition or THEIR FIRST VOTE Women Exercised New Anglican Church' t Franchise on Monday Lost An innovation was introduced at the Easter vestry meetings of the Anglican s Churches on Mopday evening. Wooten exercised their new prerogative of vot- c ing, granted at the last annual meeting , s of the synod of the Diocease.of Huron, I following ananirnaited. and at tinges heated, debate on the subject, "Women to Vote, or Not to Vote.” The cause of voting, championed by John Rans- ford of Clinton, won out, with the re- suit the throughout the Diocese of v Huron woolen are having an effective say in the Easter vestry meetings. Easter, 1918, was ushered in by far the bloodiest record in the world's history. Be the spring early or late, we can- not hope to escape the annual visita- tion of bleak northeast winds. In the days of anxiety, take ex- ample from the soldiers and shout, "Are we downhearted? NOI" 'They shall not pass." They may break through here and there, but the British lines will - hold and l'lin- denberg will fail, g't Order your seeds ahead. Don't 2 wait until you want them, and then J J have to wait until you can-get,thent. Et 1 A t ,rri{ alb,!, These are Anxious Days VER in tete history of this old world have the people lived under such tremend- ous nervous strain as to -day. Millions awake each morning in fearful dread of what the day, may bring forth, and live each hour with nerves at highest tension. While many are falling under the strain, others have found one means or another of fortifying the nervous system so as to maintain health and vigor. The treatment most widely used is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, popularly knownas the food cure, because it ;feeds the exhausted nerves and stores up nerve force and nervous energy, Nothing breaks down the nervous system so quickly as worry and anxiety, and this is why so many people are suffering from nervous headaches, sciatic and neuralgic pens, nervous indigestion and gener- al failure of the vital organs to pro- perly perforin their functions. When you get so nervous that you do not rest and sleep well nights it is time to be alarmed, for it is very much easier to prevent nervous pros- tration, paralysis and locomotor ataxia than it is to cure these dreaded diseases. After years of testing under the most severe cir0'uinstances Dr. Chase's Nerve Food stands in a class by itself as the most successful nerve restorative to be had. This is being proven every day by new evidence. Ask your neighbors and .friends about it and read the reports in this paper, from time to time, :from per- sons who have been cured, erve all seats to hog—do net pop moria of dei'de0.lbiis'or Ilydntanson, a"aatett &'Coq- itel., Trif"onto, Oil &Tory bots of, tkb tri«]tttlj11t yott,'Itill. flttii,tho pfirta.15 and sigttt�tnt A rrs li, -;9 f, !IPA**,1lil.L+, the &Matta R44celpt *Kik attut4orr. ✓s special English lrtetature. July 3•* French authors and composition, dilly 1-"-trigouom3ry sand ifltsi'ory, firs course, July $•- Gertnuh'ttuthors and composition. Patriotic. Notes -11 Ons1109Y008M teal 001001N10A1 111000 'Regular monthly business Meeting 'Of the W. P. S,• will be held Friday after- noon at three o'clock, The President requests the ladies of 'o the South f lb el i tt o the town to meet Iii 2.30 tt, at, 1110001111100000111111100001111111111101111000 District News ° oeostossiiMNinsoo as oossetke000 • LONDON ROAD. Mr, Cecil Cooper has moved to the house of his late parents, Misses'Mery and Ida . oher, of !'fes. peter, have been visiting Mrs, H, Livermore during the past week, They Fere now visiting tiullett friends, Mr, Hunt !sad a splendid sale on Good friday. The figures ,ran up tui $2300, Mr, Hunt is moving to Clinton Sugar season is about Over. HULLETT Death Of Thomas Fear:—An old resident of this township passed away on Monday in the person of Thomas Pear at the age of 95 years and t1 months, Mr, Fear was a native of Devonshire, England, and came to tats country with his -father in 1849, That was the year the cholera was bad in Canada and Mr, Fear sr., contracted the dread disease while passing through Kingston, where it was epidemic and '!where terrible sights met the eyes of the newly; -arrived 'tavellers, and within tett days from the time he landed in Brampton he was buried This left his son a stranger in 0 strange land. The subject of this sketch en- gaged with a farmer in Chingchnusey township for a year at a wage of 525. The following year he came up to °lurnn County and took up a farm on the 8th of Hallett, to 1864 he traded the farm on the fit11 for the one he now occupies on the Gravel Road and there Ire has resided ever since, The fun- eral took place on Wednesday after- noon and interment was made at the Clinton Cemetery, BRUCEFIELD. Special Easter. services was held in our village on Sunday. Mr, Duhtlop and fantily, of Zurich, spent the week end' at the home of Mr, Rattenhurt'y, r. McQueen, of Loddon, spent Easter at the home of John Foote Bannockburn, Stewart Knox of Woodstock, spent Easter at his home in Tuckersmith. Andrew Foote has sown it acres of spring wheat. This is the first sown in the neighborhood. Telephone numbers have all been changed in our neighborhood making much confusion among the tines. Mrs. 11, Reid. Of Manitoba, son and daughter, Miss Minnie are visiting at the home of Walter MCBeth, they in- tend to reside in Ontario in some of the towns of our neighborhood, They formerly lived on a farm in Stanley, Wrn. Chapman. of Tut: kers [id th, has sold his farm to Mr, Morris. ,41r, Chapman expects to go to Sea - forth to live. ile leaves the farm in at short time, Fred 'I'omlison whc' has been Ili is now' going about the village. The sad news reached here on Moil - 0, P, Nr it• 2t 0 WILL J3E NOTIFIED WHEN TO REPORT, Ottawa, April 2-11 is an- nounced tottay that Category 13 'a " tip who wilt be sttnvolOited to 41 the colors for noir-combatant it $elute will be duly notified of 511511d455 of reporting by regis- r, tear's of their respeetiv5 alis- ur trlets, it• * 7t tr. Ax # iC 5 ri 0 it 0 ri ar ss 'day of the dealt of Lieut, Henderson t t?rrest, of -spinal mengiltts in an has- pJfal in $'suede, Fle has been to the 'front tor Seine 1! me with the artillery, fie was one 01' Ou - t Canadian lid l,.n hfalve boys, fie left teaching school to enter the ranks, with every Prospect before hint. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents, Mr, stud Mrs, For- rest, Of Stanley, and sister. ITEMS OF INTEREST � Fishing tackle is arriving at tate local stores, Another sign of spring, 'i'he ash piles look untidy but they represent a heap of.tnoney, work and worry, An old bachelor says that an nptlm. ist is a married man who says that he is glad of It, Billy Sunday declares that he will never buy to article with the "Made in Germany' stump od it, Banning of that book,. The Parasite, by the Canadian censor, includes the banning of some hunian parasites at the same tine. Our brave • Canadian boys will take a manful part in the present great battle, and are certain 10 give a good account of themselves; but it will mean many more sad hones 01 the land of the maple. Up to the present, 196 English wo- men and children have bean killed by Una stir raiders, and 595 wounded, What have they -on their material cre- dit side to balance up this horrible deb- it against their morality or "kultur?" Early Pallet Lays the EarlyEgg Audthe early egg—say lale h ovent- ber and through December—corn. naands the top price of the year. Start a BUCKEYE INCUBATOR in March or early April; raise the many chicks you'll hatch in at coal - burning Standard Colony Brooder, and this good money is yours. We know the Buckeye incubator sod the Standard Colony Brooder will do exactly what we soy. We guarantee it, and our guarantee is backed by the menu. Incturer. Everybadx gets n sctaare dent. Nothing beats the Buckeye,' end the Standard Colony Brooder has no equal. Coma in and see them. SOLD BY JAiEEZ .RANDS, Clinton as',•.�K,c•a,•i51. Will Be held in Council Chamber Friday Evening, April FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE Gr .ate. sti n Citizens a:reearnes'tly urg- ed to attend. 1 The Town Council pro- p se o- ,ptr;se ranting permits for por- tions of the Park and other vacant lands. YOU are invited to come. dt et, t;tr st Thompso! .Mayon. �C�I 6 9 rder :.Clothing Our new set of samples for ORDERED CLOTHING for Spring lis now here and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest sel. odious of High Grade Woollens we have ever shown. n Our Styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come in and look them over and get one of our new style Books, We are also 'showing some new Natl.y Styles in Men's and Wonsen's Boots, Men's (fats, Ties and Shirts. See our Table of Men's Roots at $3.50 a pair, PIumsteei' Bros. Small Profits Phone EN. More linsincss TiHE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS .A spring ode on "The Old Sap Buck- et" is now in order. LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE Three litters of little pigs for sale. Ready tor delivery the first week of May. Also about 200 bushels of Amer- ican Banner seed oats and fifty bushel of potatoes, LEWIS CRICH, Huron Road, Clinton P. 0, SEED BEANS ' A limited quantity of seed beans, taken in last fall before the rainstorms. Price on application. Also good "White "Tartar" Seed oats. J. R. STERLING, Bayfield P. 0., Phone 4 on 608 R. R. No. 2 FOR SALE 8 -roamed house, modern convenien- ces, electric light, furnace. A desirable piece of property. Apply at The New Era Office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Thompson Hamilton, Deceased NO'I'iCE is hereby given that alt per- sons having claims against the estate of Thomas Thompson Hamilton, late of 'l'ownhip of i-lullett in the County of I'Iurofn, yeoman, deceased, who died as or about the seventeenth day of Jan uary 1910, are required to deliver to James Hamilton, the administrator, of the said estate or his solicitor on or before the 20th day day of April 5918 a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND 'TAKE NOTICE the! after the said last mentioned date the said ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute tite estate of the said deceased among- st the persuus entitled thereto halving regard only to such claims ;as he shall have received clue notice and in accord- ance therewith. DATED at Clinton, this 20511 day of March, A, 0, 1918, W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS —. In the Estate of Samuel Barr, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons hating claims against the es- tate of Samuel Barr, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Clerk, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-third day of February 1918 are required to deliver to Barbara Mc - Ivor, the ad it)inist'atrix of the said estate or her solicitor on or before the tenth day of April 5918, a full state- ment of their claims together with par- ticulars thereof and the nature of 1110 securities, if any, held by them duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICF, that after tire said last mentioned date the said ad- anintstratrix will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims as site shall have received due notice and in as cordance therewith, DATED at Clinton, this 20111 day of March, A. D., 1918, W, BRYDONE, Solicitor for the said Administrable BUY YOUR Seeds Early We have a riot stock of the fol- lowing seeds and grain? Red Cinver Aisika Clov,er Alfalfa Clover 'ri motley Blue Grass Orchard Glass Marquis Spring Wheat, Seed Oats (different varieties) Buckwheat, Silver Hutt, chelate Barley, 2 and 8 row. We are always in tine market far grain and will pay higlteslt mari,ef pxit:e, . .WHJenkins&Son FLOUR Mil) FEW ihorle 1.Flis, Restdaa1c1 $lid HI Calves for Sale The undersigned has made arrange- ments to handle a few Shorthorn -grade calves. March and April is the time to secure 1hen1 as the supply is limited later, W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 Clinton MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition work. Apply to, The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforth, Ontario, 1000 MUSKRAT SKINS WANTED Open season 1st of March closed 2t of April. Market price. Strangers send them in by parcel post we will re- mit postage and express order by re- turn mail. Jas, Steep & Co, Clinton Phone 126 P.O, Box 192, BARRED ROCK EGGS from Park and Guilds -200 eggs. bred to lay strain eggs mostly from yearling and two year old heals. 82.00 per 15 !infertile eggs replaced free. H. A. HOVEY, Clintole Farm for Sale. In Goderich Twp., Lot 77, Maitland t; on, 55 acres, good clay loan!, suitable for agriculture or pasture; 5 acres of choice hardwood maple, Never -failing lvou 'teresspring ploughcreekedruandlin restthrundergh grassit;t5. Possession can he given at once. Ap- ply to Wm, Bedour, P11orte 12 oat 143; !Mt, No. 2, Clinton For Sale A good front.: barn 28x40. Apply to C..1. Wallis. .111.154, FHE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL ;` + TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on night trains and allot cars on principal day trains Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. llornintg, District Passenger Agent, 'Toronto, ton, ttant.tord uBon, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 69 1.5) Pattiann $moan tigers' Dizzy and Faint Spells Are Warnings of Heart Trouble That Should Be Heeded. Those feelings of weakness, those dizzy spoils and "all gone" sinking sensations, which come over some people from thtto to time are warningt, that mast; not go unheeded. They insiente an extremely weakened condition of tho heart hid A disordered state of the nerves. Those who are wise will start taking Milhtun's Hata'; and Nervo Tilts before their ease oecnmeo hopcleta. They have no equal for strengthening the heart and invigorating the nerves. Mrs, Emil Brooks, Upper Gagetown N.13,, writes:- `ill last summer and winter 7 hard dizzy and weak spalls, headaches and fainting and blind spells, A friend recommended Milburn's heart and Nerve !?ills to nln, 1 had only take.!t two box!% whorl I routed groat 113• lief. I highly recommend them tui toll Who suffer from heart trouble." Milburn's; Mart tied Nerve fills Oro 50c. per bort nt all dealers or moiled rerigi ' x'0'0)55 no by'hhe'r, Milk - bora tae . 1