HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-3-28, Page 8PAGE 4 Mmn7MDPONala .12USIVI.Nr.Wi AT7155 • THE .c.14;H.y.QH04w EA. "OlifillIMIEIMEIMMIIMMOINIMINEINIMUNIORONOSIONIJIIIIMINI1111011111111111M Localrrws imumilmommosommonamoo uoriaters.or Arose 148 Women's Store Next Royal Bank Phone 67 B R N 9 S Opposite Phone Men's Store Acinoroctosolgooloclog )100*wolgotiNcla 1 , irn • Only wo Days More Lit 0 mil Jig Saturday will be the last of our B 1 G % R E D U C T I 0 N in Photographs. ill( Let us 'take a Photo of you, in your new )1( O Easter Suit. /11( Al YO O WE GUARANTEE GOOD RESULTS X Studio open all day Friday. Photos taken Saturday will be delivered later at the Sale Price, `01 ROY BALL Ix X PHOTOGRAPHER PHONE 66 XXXIXXXOXXXXXX XiggiXXXIIMX '16.1n115, • .1" CI; COAL FOR CASH After some years of experience in the coal business, we have come to the conclusion that the only successful way to sell coal is for cash, and from now On all 'coal sold will, be for cash only. This will help to keep the price down as we are now lower than any other town of ik size. A. J. Holloway tws• • ra Spial Showing TO -DAY AND SATURD March 28th and 30t " '1 he last two days of this week we will • .11;1Vd ao unusual showing of New Ester Models A ffording )ou an opportunity or seeing the • latest styles in Spring Millinery. t WE INVITE YOU TO ATTEND E. CA NTELON 10 leo rl 174. Y )fx )31. 10)EltimiA 04--"-iiimi...1.1;1.17-Ingis.vit•:;.:-.i.--..,.....rxim-7-....-;;;:uin;n4Z,ZWi•iitti;ei.;;;;;;;:e"tei.e,;;;',;itoll-pwri"iwto,aoktitF4titirl-T. 11-9‘ We are inviting everybody to call and see our SPLENDID DISPLAY of Easter Shoes. EVERY WOMAN Will want Something choice and artistic in Spring Footwear to go with her Easter Gown. EVERYMAN Will want a new pair of shoes to go with his new suit and his new Top Coat, EVERY BOY AND GIRL Wilt want a new pair of Shoes to go with the Easter Suit or Dress. Every member of the family ha S been carefully thought of and cared for, at reasonable prices, The Rest Simetr at rattily anted price lis caw constant claim. .nro 12.110,11SON gi 1•9.,•• itai ate, g k`th T HS PRACTICAL SHOCMAN • 0 PHONE 3w ••••-)0 00 S0 Because of the urgent need of in- creased produetion and the shortage labor the Canada Food 13oard has atfecled the ab..ve organization. The The orgaeizatIon is for the purpose of enlisting the help of boys of teen age on the fames during the coming season. Thebuys of Clinton in school and out of it have been enthusiastic along this line in the past and their help tuts been appreciated by the people of the district, • Every manly boy wants , to do his share to help sustain our soldiers al the front and the 'civilian population of Great Britain and her allies They have demonstrated their use- fulness before and we are asking them enrol as a Soldier of the Soil for 1918. Boys of 15 to 19 are asked to euro!! They can either find their own em- ployment or the Town Director will assist them in securing suitable situa- tions, Boys of 13 to .1 5 are asked to find their own employment with friends or relatives. To every boy between the ages of 13 and t9 a bronze badge will be issued providing he completes three months of satisfactory service. can on the Town Director, Mr. A, T. Cooper or S. B. Stothers the Agricoi- fuel Representative and 011 out your applicalton. Daylight Saving Daylight saving on a provincial scale in order. to make it workable for everybody wilt be introduced to- day in the Ontario -Legislature by Major liartt, repently returned from France and England, where I the sYs- ton in Summer months is a complete success. The silccess of the scheme would be considerably, enhanced if it were continebtal" wide, and the United States Government has al- ready started to initiate the plan, HAP "Ti) GO TO BED KY S .S !Mg) COULD NOT :TIMM STRA14.14HT. Women .0101.1111 (10.81)11.itt it they are troubled With savers pains in the side or back, fald. not able to attend to their household dative, The ,kidueys of eouren, aro to blame nine times out of ten, but they 01(1 be promptly and permanent ly mail() 113' by the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. 11. M. Jansen, Pathlorr, writest--"9 feel it, my duty to rocom. • mend Doan'e 'Kidney Pills to anyone having weak kidneys, 5•5 LIMY htiV(' been, 8 great help to me. A mouth ago my kidneys were so 1.nd. that 1 had Aturern Intintt in my aides and beets, and it was nupesaiblo for ine to steral straiblit. then got so had 1 bad tO lo bed, eaad ss that, way for a Week', We sent for einno Donn's Kidney IMF, and have taken lust h, ono box, mid now I ain 'able to be up turd tio oWn work, eertainly e;mtefitl for the goad dory have done nae.1' . ntisture gotii.hip1 1.3onn's XS Tony Pills *hen yAri riels for Wein, See that they are ipittuptii oti oblong grey iwitholirtrafte If it 11Miljild 3 ,caf" on .tho lubel, . • pule Apo!, per,hmt,. ot dea.lets Or littallea itheloti nf'118900 The lYtilIntrit .000 T.,11'nitatt 1'i:iron:if) Mit, t 1 ,,• Friday, A Poi)xlio Heliday ' His Anoi1 Paso A: prickly is Good !'los' ft will be 'Mr. Wm, Sneath, baggageman of (he 0, 11, & 13., has received his annual 95(15 On the Grand Trunk Rail- way, gralited for fifteen years of con- tinuous service with the conmany. Money in Beans. 9tt nd holiday and the uSual holiday hours et the post office will preYall, Council Meets Monday The reguiae ineellog of the Colmi:il will bei6lptiooDuirinoMt.l:Ivacyter: New Tevening at 8 o'clock, There are several sPedill restores tor this meeting, • . . • The new February l'elephone Dirac. tory was delivered last week 5011 Clif. 1011 Celitit51 105. 1 72 town -phones be- sides the hold connections. Mr, George Holland, of the Bayfield Line, said Part of his bean Crop to JenkOs & Sun for which he received a cheque Of 85,218. He still luta 100 bushels 'still left, You bo,,, Help The New Era is always pleased to receive news Items from the public, Gassed • if you have a visitor or If you are go - Mr. 8. Stothers, Huron's DIstriel ing awaY Oa a visit let us know a - Representative, received, word that his boue - We do not knoW everything brother, Pte. J. 0, Stothers, who went that 9045 151 and the co-operation of the readers of the paper Is a valuable al.0 in getting the news, overseas with the Highland Battalion of Toronto, was gassed recently, Purcinksed. House A Corntction. ,..kormatos • Mr. vym. 10 CalwIll, Who last - returned from • •the .Wet, has pur- chased the 'East residence. on Kirk street, . which has been occupied by Mr. Cleitient; of the 0, T. a. Urges Production The Bishop of.Huron. has issued a pastoral on -the subject cif greater production, which Will be sent out to all the clergy of the diocese, asking them to endeavor to enlist the.mein. hers of their parishers In the 1918 greater production campaign., The pastoral is a call to agricultural ser- vice. Hebrew Passover The Hebrew Passover is ob- served by every Jew this week. With Ole setting of the sun on Wednesday, March 27, the feast of unleavened bread will be ushered in, and will extend over a week. Among the Many . characteristic features, the santificalion of the holiday over a goblet of wine is one. During the home service every participant is expected to drink four cups of wine. corresponding to the four expressions of redemption from Egypt found in Exodus vi., 6,. 7, Viz.; 1. I have brought forth ; 2, I have redeemed ; 3, I have delivered ; 4, 1 have 'taken. The Greyhound Trip The annual White Star Line excur-' shin from Goderich to Detroit and re- turn will leave Detroit for Goderich Monday, June tOth, 830 A. 91., East- ern time' and arrive Goderich • 5:00 P, The annual /Moonlight to Lake Huron will be run under the auspices of the Goderich Band 500 9, m. The boat leave Ooderich tor Detroit Tuesday, June itth. at 9:30 A, Al.. stop at Port Huron and arrive Detroit 5iou P. M. Returning will leave De- troit Thursday, Ju»e 13411, i P, 93, and arrive at tiodench 9i3() P. This will give the people of Goderich mid surrounding country au oppor- tunity to enjoy a delightful ride 5- 55)55 Lake Huron arid down the beaut. Cul ' St. Clair river to "Detroit the dynamic" which .91 account of its giant industrial establishinenk and financial standing has become the mar - V4,1 of America. Almost every rest. dent ,,t Huron and Bruce Counties has a relative IW friend in Detroit and this excursion gives au exceptional °prin.'. tunity to renew friendships and at the same time see the busiest, the most prosperous and thr. most bemitiful eity th, cominent. coming t.ti botrint for a temporary stay are not required to pay a head tax or make a deposit. liming' ,tion officers will be on board the steamer for the purpose 10 ••,:tssing all excursionists. MAJOR WILSON BACK l'he London Advertiser reports an Interview With Major Wilson, grand- son of the late Al. C. 'Cameron, of Goderich:-Major Cameron wilson, 9. NI. 0., is home.from overseas, lie by wife, who has been nursing in arrived here Thursday, accompanied England while her husband was on duty in France. Dr. Wilson is home on sick furlough. Ile says he IS glad to get the rest. Ile left France in February, and was 111 England up to the time of his departure, for Canada. This is Major Wilson's second fur. lough, After coming back the first time, having gone with the tst Con- tingent, he returned as junior major of the Western University Stationary Hospital, Ile was then stationed at Calais,and saw much of the Allies' preparations for the threatened Ger- an a recent hue in reference to the hockey match between the C,C.I, and Pattime Club stone people were under the impression that Mr, Fred. Wallis had had his nose broken by a Pastime player; this was not the case, as one of the 0.. 1, boys caused the den -lege, which- was purely accidental. Manager Arrested Frederick M. Holland, general man- ager of the Dominion Permanent Loan Company, of which there are several stockholders in Clinton, was arrested' in Toronto last week on charges aris- ing QM of the bankruptcy of the com- pany. It is alleged that for ten years dividends were paid out of capital. Service Stripes Service stripes, a red one Showing six Months' service in France with the First Division, and a blue one for every subsequent six months of service, have made their appearance among the troops now arriving home Stripes are similar to Hie U. S. chevrons, and are worn on the right m, Broke Bone In Foot (Stratford Be.acon)s-The mauy friends of Miss Aileen Roffey, 'Cambria street, will be sorry to [earn that she •is confined to her home with a broken bone in her right ankle. Miss Rolley was on her way to work when she slipped and .fell ou the icy sidewalk. Dr. Deacon dressed the injured foot and it will be a couple of weeks before she will be able to be about agaie - Miss Roffev is well known here beim; the fast little center player on the Stratford Ladies' Hockey team. Temperance Secretary Occupies Pulpit Exeter Tilnes:-Mr. A, T. Cooper, of Clinton, occupied the pulpit in the Main Street Methodist Church on Sab- bath last in the interests of the Huron county Temperaee Alliance Of which he is the Field secretary, Is the morning he_ spoke principally to the young people ot the congregation delivering a message that Iva,: an in- spiration to his hearers. In the even- ing he also deli erect an address that was greatly appreciated. Collections were taken lip on behalf of the alliance. The pastor Rev. S. W, Aluxworthy conducted services at Wyoming dur- ing the day, . Thursday, March: Vith, 199 8, • SOMISDneatilMSOMIVetaleinerantrtereelfarrOnarratiMierana enignoteisootio 015.51rAli51 50551P DIP eiara.5t84 Zoloidlaide THE EST WRITING INSTRUMENT MADE The W. D. Fair Often the eheapest-iliways the Besa aellareentlaten 0550555155.1y A Tested Lena -- An Accurate Shutter -- Simple Operation -- Good Pictures -- All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show yon how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results LMatitZ411=a4RattIMMISIEMMIMMYLUEZZAMMEMEEMOMmlasselmagavanker,. ,...:,1,.52,7.,.70.1..?..unmeagr_loonts72.2terstmlossmoran70.canardwkoczt.z.-mwmansalwampocrawrzacurauelalvo!tii!":‘,„,„, - - '-' i 011r ,5 The Features eaT Chlr J.. :M. 13:07.1'7'" Deapensing Chemist Furniture t. To which we itt Trite arterial ,Lt.t91.5ier are its beanty, its 5.55UPeii ,int(,:,,. solid t81061111Cti013, and Its t. elnw the, DEVVII prices. Any one or thesi? pultatz would be teellivient to earn it yetx.e preference, When they are ail r ; hined we feel rare you will n:41,7k lh't this (5 a furniture buying op .s' YOU 55111101 4(5,5)1 to ignore, tro) AA ''(' ";tr) D Uri 1 Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 294, 1 I'litght and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store 1 ' iiinial.-MaCcoile:eiicariu‘x.---7---- TEACHER'S INSTITUTE SPRING DRI v ThiS Year's Convention Of West 1 AMONM POWDER . BON AMI... . • . . ... , • .. • • , • • • . • ETC., ETC "ro add /est to Appetite imr CATSUP, PORK and BEANS, CANNED GOODS, SWEET or MIXED PICKLRS. SALMON, all' shown in tun wiudiv,.; will assist you in preparation mt. “ meals. Pfi -Try our rot sh•aring systm e cash Purchases at our Store. Satistact ion guaranteed. Huron Teachers Will Be Held In Goderich, • EXe0.111VO 0,,mmittee of West Heron Teachers' Institute met at Exeter on Feb. 23rd and at iloderich on 31itrch It was decided to hold the 1o01 institue meeting in Victoria school, Goderich, oh the Thursday and Friday preceding Thanksgiving Day Dr. Silcox, Prineipal of Stratford Nor- mal school, was chosen as the Depart - Mental Representative. A good pro- gram is being prepared. Those Present were Miss Medd, president 1 W R. Johnston, secretary Miss Leirou- MiSS ChriSteila J0111).31011, Miss Sharman, and Inspector J. E. Tom, The Teachers' Library Committee met at the. same time and selected a number of books for their new library from the Departmental catalogue and from lists sent in by teachers. The method of distributing the books 1,, the teachers is a difficult problem which wilt be definitely solved at the next Institute meeting. The subjects selected for the program will be sent man offensive. These preparations , soon to the teachers who were selected left no &Uhl 15 his mind as to the ab. to Introduce each sithJect ility of the iklies to meet any enemy assault. 'Everyone is cheery- over there," he said, i i giving his impress- This is about the proper time to iotia of how: the people overseas are remark that "We'll pay for all this fine Standing the conrliet, weather in April." . ..,._., ....s: ;I' ': Easter. 1'17 ts co P' E-7.--4 R,-- El; of style. Stunning Dress Creations Snappy Sport Models 0 are Nodding 1t Happy 'Welcome to their New --t_ Owners, Our show room is a veritable theatre l,s, A special showihg of Latest Styles and Shades. We extend t you an invitation to attend. tisk Easter showing , f.7p rf-1, • M SS ILA BAWDEN • . NORMANDIE BLOCK T OLD I' AND SA T bRDA • 11e time of year is approaching that husv 110w:ow:yes are getting ready for the Annual Spring Drive of Dust and Dirt that has accumulated during the mist strenuous ein'ler and, must get t ,111di i iri, sc t ri.sd....,1.11al. chase the. dust 11 BROOMS, ... • ... • BRUSHES . . „ • ... • .. • • ,. SMOOAPPS . • . CPORLIDE OF:LIME •, , . • • DUST BANE ... . • . „ • . ..... HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE CASH or TRADE • 014 • Pitons.) 111 SY UP SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE, BE READY BY ORDERING YOUR PANS AND BUCKETS NOW. ',.•••••••••••••••• - ••• • Thos.11awkins VIDCAI., AGENT Pill/Ale 53 PLUMBING HO BENING 1 Second hand Wood Furnace fol sale cheap. ) N 8e e Phone Promptly Attended to The Corner Grocery "IR AND LET ME" I BUSY AT HOUSECLEANING It 3011 are, let us help you save tabor hi: cooking, We have a delicious atm of Cooked Ham -All ready, for the beble.; tliat the entire family-. will appreciate. And, if you prefer. you can haye choice of a number of other lines tint are easily made ready to serve, Read this Bit: - Cooked Hare, Canned Salmon, Kopper.. ed Herring, Canned Tomatoes, Corn or Peas. , For quick dess'erts we Would suggest Jelly Powder, tapioca ready to semi l55 a minute, Jams and Marmalade. --Butter and Eggs wanted, The highest market prices. E. ti nniforci ilarcivrare b 'Pining And Fittings Alivatys Ott PHONE 413 CLINTON MARKETS DiEW SCHEDULE tri90 40 to 4'4c " rrive 40, to 4?, Erive, tio::s 12m, ter "ets 312.10 to 2.15 Or,t's 80 10 92,10 1.11dn , 9615 Stun ts ... ... , . . , . 945.00 Hsy 940 to 3112 Barley $1,40 to 9(45 ck wheal ..... . 91.4 0 (o $1,60 • ---- Trains (men Ileal, 11.10 13,91. heave 11.1711R: 5.33 p.nt, Leave 45.4S 111.18 p.m. LeRVe 11.18 tpuk Trah.s how W,sM rtive 1.33 a M. leave 7.33 2.411 rrive 2,58 p.10, Leave 2.58 ip.tn Tire1ma from Staab rrive 6.40 p.m. Leaye iv4S ip. It4 Trains 99010 Nettle rrive 1.33 g.M. Leave 7,80 •