The Clinton New Era, 1918-3-28, Page 2PAGE 2 • e Every dayj I . t•`Itiwrays 0y& �� 0j Something 1 Fashion Day I New PHONE 78 Easter Wee Find this Store filled with the Choicest of Spring Apparel 1 __e'rth c:aRr{:^aS $45.00. Every new Fashion in Styl's Material and color is shown in our wonderful display. Chin stocks are complete in readiness for the big Easter rush. You can Blake rout selection now from the finest assort- ment we have ever had. • A WONDERFUL SELECTION of NewSpring Suits at $28.00 and $30.00 In wool Berges and Gabardines in the latest spring styles in all tlic fashionable colors of Navy, Black, Brown, Green and Taupe. Other'Suits $21.00 and many ex - elusive styles at $35.00, $40.00 •and Lovely Faster The Soft Materials, Georg- ette Crepe and Crepe -de -chine• distinguish for their wonderful workmanship, their little in- dividual touches in the collars, cuffs and the neckline, color:, flesh, nlaise, cream, white, Black. ,Prices from $6.00 up to )39.00. NEW EASTER NECKWEAR ON DISPLAY meacc�.eeetee a eeeoaa=rmstmcxaate�na� 19®®®rosi1D®dw:;setseergeelmaaO Willis Church. *I The Girl's Club Tea on Tuesday was en W1'I'El TEM CHCRCIIRB, +s a decided success and over 525 - was a r realized. �es33303333333340 33333 Special ervices will be held on Sun - Baptist Church.day. Morning Service 1, organ Prelude; Psalm selection 79; The pastor's subject for Sunday Scripture lesson, Matt. 28:1-20; hymn evening will be "Easter's Supreme Mes- 135; Prayer; Anthem "Sing for the Day sage." lis Breaking"; Byrn 11 4; Sermon "With Special Gaster music. t Christ at the Grave"; Quartette "Christ Arose"; Hymn 334; Organ Pustlude. Evening Service At the League Meeting last Mon-. organ Prelude: Psalm selection 74; day evening, Mr. Norman Holland ieeripture Lesson, 2 Car, 15:1-21, 53» took the topic and gave a very inter-) ;g; Hymn 70; Prayer; Anthem "He is esting paper. The Misses Snyder gave an instrumental solo and the Misses Ullman sang a duett, Special Gaster services in Wesley church, Morning subject—"Consol- ation for the Bereaved." John 11:25-26 "1 an, the Ressurection, and the lite, he that believelh on rte, though he die, Wesley Church. Riser."; Ilynun 59; Sermon "Victory over Death"; Solo, selected; Hymn 64; Organ Postiude. The Girls' Club of Willis church per - Pose holding a series of entertainments the third week in May, following the Anniversary services un Sunday the 19. yet shall he live and whosoever liveth T11e object is to raise money to wipe zed belleveth on Me shall never• die.'' tint the church debt and at the same Evening subject2-"Hope for the time to give to the people of ''Clinton present and future." Rev. I:17-15. and the surouuling onuutry a rare "Fear not -I an; Ile that Iiveth and was tr•_ ti. The anniversary week will con. dead and behold i ani alive forever si,t of two lectures and musical pro- mote." linins, a high class concert, cremate Easter music at both services. - and war time supper. Besides focal Ltl- e111 :Mrs, May Rance McKinnon, will Ontario St. Church. assist and the following artists from out of town, ,Hiss 'Catherine Reekie The League Meeting on Monday (hold medalist at St. Alma's College) iron Ctitlon; Airs, L, lvesun, Guelph, vitginist, formerly Miss Eileen Hoover; 511;' L Iva 1lallingshead, contralta, St, Themas and others. The Children's cnntatla, -Queen C)' the 'slay" in which 4iss blest Wiltse gave a plant) duet 'iffv 1,:r sixty children will take part, is and the Church Quartette also sang. t;, be a hip; feature of the week, conning Miss Greene of Toronto will assist a; it will on 24th May. The pictures - Ontario St. Choir Easter Sunday. 4u,. scenery depicting ;t May Picnic, in Moruing Service s:'li;E. the Queen is crowned; the Mas' Foie dance and drills, all add to the beet—beeete. of the ct ntatta. The concerts ho held in the town hall, the Lect- (ra anci.supper in the church. Further uouncements will be made later. Lel Id the proceeds of the contatta will '•a inn aid of the Girls' Patriotic Aux- ilLtry. evening last was a Social and Literary evening. Mr. J. A. Irwin addressed the League on "King Albert, and Trag- edy of Belguim." Mr, W. Lowe eon- tributed at solo. Mrs. Treleaven and Oragn prelude; Doxology; Invncttign Ilynut "He dies the friends of Sinners dies"; Prayer; Anthem "Break forth into Joy"; ilymn "Christ the Lord is risen today"; Lesson 1 Car, 55: 35-5a; Quartette "Our Laster Prayer"; Ser- mon "He is Risen''; Offetory; anthem "As it began to dawn"; Hymn "Christ the Lord is risen again"; Organ proces- sional march, Evening Serviee --------------- G)DERICH TOWNSHIP Organ prelude; God Save The King" Fernners were seen plowing on 'Tues. tiynin, "Come ye faithful raise the day of this week, strain"; Prayer; Anthem "What of the Air, Robert Johnston spent a few Night'; Lesson, John. 14;' Iiynut ."Re- days at F. Leonard's, cessiomtl"; solo, "Roll the Rock away" Miss Greene; Anthem "Awake thou that Steepest" Sermon "What great omen thought of death and immortality"; Offertory; Quartette "Jesus Lives"; Mitchewa, where he is going to lo - Anthem ' "To "flee Our God we fly este. He took a couple of cars of o Hymn "Come ye Saints look here and settler's effects and horses with hint, wonder"; Benediction; Vespers, George Jenkins took a couple of cars 3t. ➢yam's C%ftcaeln, of horses out West. The fact that a man working on the Holy Communion at 8.30 tient, farm for three or four months can pro - Morning Prayer 11x.01. duce enough food to feed 16 soldiers Processional Hymn 171, "Welcome, for that length of time, should encour" Happy Morning,"; National Anthem; age our farmers to greater production Full Chorai Communion; Hymn 158; than ever. Our farmers have the land Sermon by the Rector; Offertory Antl- and Machinery, They can obtain ehn "Awake up, 01y Glory";,Hymn 469.; money at speelai rates at the hank if Gloria in ,Exeelsis; Recessional Hymn they have not seed, The Department 630, of Agriculture can provide 11 ; if they Evening Prayer 5 P.M. . need help it can be Secured tihrough tfrnceSetonal; lytun 165; 'Proper the Labour Branch Of the Goverdfnent ?status 513, 1I4,,5 el let tenon, the. Speed tip :farmers and produce More odus XII; 2.9; Mn4gn!6cat'iu F ditti Les- titan ever, seri; John KK: 11,-19; Ntelse DHiitttis, fh +; Special Coll.edt3; Hymn' 16416• Prky'ers Next, Monday !s the 1st of April, E, Sp I y a. ri, p ityrltt 110; Sert»On by the, fi(edieY . Of Counts/ Council tltet lsei'e. ph `i rtes. 11 tori' anthetrl "0 Death, Where is,Thy day.:. , • . • elf; >". Vesper liv th' RecesSjaual , Friday is a public tial cat', opt V,. ,t ,i' • h:af6 i" ;,bce!at` Aert ices in ilxa' C>kldi:eli, Mr. 1., Churchill who has been teach- ing school out West has .returned home, Wilbur Buck left last week for Sas. THE CLINTON NI W 1R Thursday, Mare11 28t1], 44)411, News of the District �� 1119111111111111111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�tlI!lIINIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIII6Vh P e r s ort a l and otiter n dents of interest • front N• New Eau representatives, 1919111911f91I19911I1ii1911111111191191III11119i11111991I111llll919lllllll1111 HULLETT • Richard takerof t•2 ou Mr's.Ri at s ijc.nd�,, , has sold her"'fa m to her neighbor, Mr. hale who takes possession right' away for the spring work, LONDON ROAD. Mr. Gordon 'Waldron, of 'I'orontd, is visiting itis brother, Mr, Fred, Waldron on the Road. League meets next Tuesday al the home of Mr. 'and Mes.,Roy Pktnsteel. Mrs. Jas, Nott has returned home af- ler spending the winter with her dau- ghters in town, While attending to her home duties Mrs. fi'icllnight, sr., had the misfortune to fall and break her leg. Her old friends will hope for a speedy restorat- ion of her usuel good health. League held a splendid Baster Liter. ;try meeting at tate home of Mr. George Layton on Tuesday evening, This will be the last Literary meeting of the season as the farmers from now 00 will be busy producing. . TUCKERSMITH. A number of the far:nets are engag- ed In making maple syrup. Owing to the flood on the Bayfield River, No, 6 school was closed for nearly a week, Miss L, McClymont of Kippee, spent the week end with her sister here, - Mr. Chas. Hunt has sold his farm to her, Volla nd, from near Zurich. Mr. Hunt intends moving to Clinton in April, . 'rhe auction sale of Mr, Montgomery Davis was one of the record sales of the year both in point of attendance and in prices realized. One cote and calf brought ;211; another with its calf brought 5200 and calves sold for 53 5 each. Three, sows were sold for 595 each ;Inc! one horse brought. 5273 The total amount realized at the sale was over 55,300, OODERICH. Sheriff' Reynolds :and i;onstnhie CI Murphy left on Wednesday for Kingston with James McCracken, who was sen- tenced at the assizes last week to a terns in the penitentiary. Misses Cuff Shaw and Shaeffer, grad- uates of Alexandra hospital, Goderich, are taking special courses at the Poly. clinic hospital, New York City. Rohl, A1el.ean shipped two carloads of horses (35 animals) to' Saskatche- wan last week. His son, Wilmer, ac- companied the shipment and Mr. Mc- Lean himself left tor the West tiie next day. Mr, ,lames Stewart, South street, on Tuesday afternoon, :at his home, in tripping on a mat and falling with the result that he sustained a fracture in the hip, Ai•, Stewart has suffered con- siderably and unfortunately it i; not possible to set the bones on a.cnuut of tate location of the fracture. AUBURN. Mr. G, 1'. Yuungblut shipped a car load of cattle last Saturday. The Uniin, Prayer meeting will be held in the English Church this 9 hurs- day evening. Rev. !, O. 1',:rde .•f the Baptist Church will give the. address, On 'Tuesday evening Dr, Weir ad- dressed the' Young People's tttectt.ng fn Knox Church. This is one of a aeries hegiventhe of addresses to gt e by l e Doctor on first aid of the injured. A large crated was present and a profitable and interesting time was: spent. Willie'.::u•ter of the lixhihithei Camp Toronto, spent Sunday with bis par- ents here. Alt, E, Raiiliby wh,., spelt t.a'ee weeks at the (1, A C:., during Jaid '. v toad February.relurned to Guelph last Alon- day and will spend ten day; tejitet a special 0011152 in tow' test;he. BRUCEFIELD. A number of the friends of Miss Elizabeth McGregor met at her home on Monday and presented Ise with a miscellaneous shower hi view of her m•trriate on Wednesday to Wm. Dietz, of Tuckersmith. Mr. Dalyrumple has moved jeto Airs. Mustard's house scantly ve.:Ited by N1a'. S. Taylor. Charles ilunt, of Tucle t t has sold his farm for 56,300 to a each' at Zurich, The, "Hard Time" dam.e or, friday evening to W'alker's Hall was a success- ful one, 54S.u0 was rea]'.t4 or the benefit of our village Bonner Airs, Nicholson of North, 1.rtae:;hu has been vision}( her daut,hter, Mrs. Mcintosh o1 the manse faits returned to her home. Mr. Thomas Fraser received a cable last week .tnuouncint: that his son, Pte Malcolmson Fraser (vas wanndea, and had been taken to a dressing station. lir, has been at the war for s o11e time. l'ltis is his second injury. Jelin Swan and daughter Miss Mabel have returned from visiting relatives at Petrone. Alt's, hector Swan and daughter of the West are visiting; in this vicinity. They, expect to remain for some time, , ELYTH. Manager Carthew, of the Bank of llasillton, has been moved to Dundalk. Mr, J. G. P.tnigh and Miss Attie leave in a couple of weeks for a trip but west, Postmaster Sinus and son, Mr. W. J. Sinus, were in 'Toronto 011 Tuesday to say goodbye to Pie. Roy Sims who leaves shortly for overseas. Mr. Wnn, Smith, fornierl,y of the (Sank of Hanniltoo staff here, left on Monday for Hamilton where he Will report for military duty, Mt, Wm. Smith, Ft, Benton, Mont., and Miss Margaret Lillian Coward, only daughter of D. and Mrs. Coward, of Exeter, were united it; marriage by Rev, 'Colin Fletcher of Thames Road churn, on Thursday, February 28th, "1'Ihe young couple left oil the 5 o'clock train, Granion, .for Owen Mich,, to visit Ilia groom's brother, Dr, Snaith, before going to their home at FL Ben- ton, Both youlg,people are Well known (0 'Myth and 'vticinity as the groom Was brain oil the 8t11 lime, Morris, about 3 miles from Myth, going West. some 50 t'eat's ago, white tis bride taught school school at No, t3sMQtris far seyerai,ytars Making niahty✓.fr tills who held her 111 5;ery high esteeltf and •,rise „' •" : t many years .`f a" ' STANLEY. Mr, John Melanie' 'disposed of three fine horses last week one to Herb Sunili, one to triton Dawson, and one to John Hey, Jr. Harry Welton, of 13itylield, commenc- ed on Tuesday running his Ford on the mail route between Bayfield and Bruce - field, Mrs, Ralph Stephenson, of Parr (.Elle , gave a very interesting address at Gos- hen League on Sunday evening. 'Pte. Leslie 'Tough, sou of Rev, Chas, Tough, of Stratford; is visiting his un- cles Messrs. David and W, J. Tough of the Bronson Line. Ile was in active Service in Franco for sone time but was wounded and returned home last -Jan. BENMILLER Several people have tapped in this vicnity, The blue birds and robins are wel- come visitors, fienmiller church is undergoing re- pair. It is being repapere d. Many friends and neighbors attended Mrs. Fowler's funeral last Sunday. We are pleased to welcome Pte. Wakers hack from the front, lie ar- rived in Goderich on Wednesday even- ing. The 'Teacher 'Training chtss of Zion Church North wrote on the Old Testa- ment at the home of Mr, and Mrs, B. Cox, last 'Tuesday evening. ZURICH. • The merchants of town are making large shipments of sett onions at pre- sent Ate. A. W. Morley and family have moved to Glencoe, where lie has rent= C OLRO RNE Miss Mae Glen left this week for Als tyb Sask, Mrs, W. Jewell Is her Aldin Allin shipped one car hogs and J. O'Connor one car cattle to Toronto this -week. Mr. 13 B. Churchill and baby Norene, are visiting Monktou relatives this week. Bert Varcoe spent. a few days wills Itis sister, Mrs. T, C, 'Tretheway, at Guelph, • Geo, Feagsn left this week for Port Arthur to commence work on the boat prior to the season's sailing, ' Miss McManus and two children, of Milly, Sask„ left for their hankie on Monday. Mr, McManus left a week ago with a car of settlers' effects. Mr, 1. N, Kernlgtlu;t itas returned from Regina, where he was the delegate representing Ontario Farmers' Club at the farmers' convention held there, Quite a number of the Colborne people attended funerals in Goderich 011 Sunday and Monday of Mrs. Fowler, sr„ and Mr, Jas. Jewell, both old resi- dents of Colborne, SEAFORTH, Mr. 1V. hart and family have mov- ed into Mr, J. Brown's house on Cen- t 1,c -s t. Ural Murat', -sun of Mr. John Mur- ray, of 'ruckersmith, who enlisted with a S:askatnrn, Battalion and who has been its France for some time. has been granted n lieutenant's commission- in the Canadian army, Mies Hills has returned to her home in l gmoueh'ille atter a pleasant visit ,with her sister in 'Toronto. Airs, Robert Smith has leased apart- ments above the old post office on ed a blacksmith shop, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Main Street. Morley were citizens of Zurich for a- The Methodist Sunday Seltu01 will bout three years, hold their annual Easter entertain - Airs. Louis Jeffrey, of Chatham, meta in the Methodist Church on formerly of this place, has purchased Good Friday evening. the dwelling of tier. A. W. Morley and Itev, Father Harding has returned will move hack from Chatham to Zurich to London. in the near future. Mrs, MCC:lary and daughter are mew - The many friends of !19r, and Mrs, ing Into the apartments above Mr. J. F. W. Hess will regret to hear that they Watson's office on Main street. have decided to leave for Biggar, Sask., Miss Ida Searle, of Morris, has re- in a few weeks where their son George, ttw'ned 10 her house after spending tete has purchased a 640 acre farm with past two months with Mr. and Mrs. J. stock and implements complete, Mr. Martin, West Willtaln street. Wm. Rader, of the 1 4th con,. Hay, has Mrs. Westcolt has returned from purchased the fine new residence and visiting friends in Ingersoll. land adjoining from Air, Hess, The Mrs. Watson who has been the guest jewelry More, stock and fixtures has of Major and Mrs, R. S. Hays, return- hee!t purch;used by his brother, Mr, W, ed on Monday' to her house in Duluth, C. Hess. Mrs, McDonald. of Detroit, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. C. Taylor. Miss Hazel Morrow has taken a pos- ition as stenographer in Mr. James Watson's office, Aur, E. McFatti has returned from a trip to 5t. Thomas. Miss Isabel Scott, of Goderich, was a vista'r at the home of her father, 51r, John. Scott, Roxburgh, • ,Mrs. James Cowan has returned from visiting friends in 'Toronto. Mrs. Smith from Dakota was called here owing to the illness of her father, Mr. Joseph Sproat, Mrs. Wnn ingleton and two daugh- ter, :are visiting her father, Mr, G. Sntilher, in Toronto, A meeting of the Huron Presbytery was held in First Presbyterian church on Tuesday afternoon 1•o consider the ,.all to he presented by the t;ginond- ville congregation to Rev. Mr. Mc- Lean of St. Marys, Mrs. Higginbotham, of Auburn, was here attending the funeral of the late Mr ,tames Graves. The ladies' Aid Society of the Pres- i`;,tarian church held a re:y succes,- fu! social at tite hone of Mrs, T. LONDESBORO. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will he held in the Forester's Hall Thursday April 4th '"vegetables and how to grow them," taken by Mrs, E. Adams, T)iscussien on Salads. A pan cake Social ,will be held under the auspices o1 the Red 'Cross in the Townhi 1 hall on Fater Rlonady, April it, Lunch served from half past five until eight, Plenty to eat and a good programme are being provided so the success and big crowd depends on you. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Wallace Simmonds Wedding— An interesting event took place in i.•ondesboro, Manitoba on Wednesday, February 20th, when . Miss Harriet Sim;n oils was married to Wilfred Wnitice. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev, e,. Stook in the presence of tine immediate relatives and a few triends. The bride was given away t's' iter brother, Mr, James Simmonds She wore her going away eeiwn of brown cloth trimmed with fur. After i a delightful breakfast the voting cou- ple amid showers of confetti left for tshort honeymoon trip. followed by he ,good wishes of their many friends. The. invited guests included Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Watson ; Miss Marie White, Killar- ney : Miss Jackson, Eden : Messrs. Geo Sitnntomts and Ira White, of Witlnipee ; J, A, 1Valace, t.ovdtoinister, Sask ; Mr, and Mrs. A. B. White end Dr. and hit's. Ferguson. of Pilot \to' '' t. 11' ;and Mrs. Wilfred Wallace will take uI• their residence in Londeshsro on tlei- return where their many friends wish them long years o1 happiness I-IENSALL S'lear staking is now in full swing in this district. Weather conditions have been most favorable, and a splen- did run of sap is reported. Arrangements are well under 5585' Int lire spring :1nck show whish wilt t'e helm here, as many owners of the jest stuck and horses to thc district are coming, Robert A3ci.aeen is the owner of a thoroughbred driver which won to:any first prizes at big, 1Lultian and American shows. Pe will r :it'i'it it 51 the show. 'William Wilkinson had his knee so badly gashed by an 200 elippi141 than mane stitches were required to close the wound, ' Mrs. 11. A. Mellwen, wife of the manager of Ilia Sterling Bank, was rushed to a London Hospital after be- ine taken til suddenly with appeildi- Mits. Arrangements are being made by the Ladies' Patriotic League for a pat- riotic concert here on April 4. .The organization has just made its March shipn131(11, which included 156 Pairs socks, 35 flannel shirts end 4 feather piilo,vs, i Cyril St. Clair Atcheson, who went overseas more than three years ago, and saw much heavy fighting, Children Cry for Fletcher9s The Kind Yea 1, v 1'r.✓ 1 .eought, ;;:t•j v.,7.1.1;:'.1 has been .in 'use nor. 0';23 '1 . J 7F ^s l r r. 'e the t,;-tstur'e of 1,0,. n. Inks been ratte, tarda his per- '^' rsa:sa:t tittpervielon since its infant'. no one to tj ;'rein>e Jou this. Jos: -Oh -(;:fed 0 are 'b'et E:cpe i;11011:a It .'j.: t Lied 0:161ar'.: the beaitb of Ysefdrt'tu and C3. ,? l 11,:.`.'i,1,;8;0 agal:::t Experiment. h r . , n ilk i eg; i y ;st lbmp✓ 'r.eaw� [i ' radR FI. Cast,,t•i 5.5h C.sst:r Oat' .Paregoric, Drops a 1 %'„t;'.:i'.; ''"::17::. .3 1"1,31.32.1141. It contains neitherF,nhi:: x, T.,x. �.,': o:. c:1, t_ s„o.'.c 'abstance. Its age ,i't. '!3 ."J."y 4j of t . i' ;.l ti: rty ysara it has been Lt coetete .. :Lee 2 Ceire113Yatio7a, 1''lattllency, `SV)i:TJi CaL.c es eel i'rrvetlshnesti arising 7:7 !': .ln'ci5s3 r'., : tuli.wr.', a -ad Bowels, aids the :a.lo6'.;--11r19544 :.'.13-t''ry' &.td natuxai. sleep. Vats. u:t3-nC 4?•0yy .; ALWAYS' '{3'419 • as.te:antreixz rte,• .11 4 GENUINE 7 ? tri tv AA , V 0 e.1, The KGrod You Have Always "Iv3.9ht Ct'NT.•JH CON, FN N Y,N4W YORK CITY, g!.trTA%,,1 tui' :.,,``. SCHWHWERMI�l'' d�N'B.62'EM5Mrign grandfather, Mr, George Brownlee, sr. of McKillop. Mr, Nash, of Gheslev, is a visitor at 'Turnbull and McIntosh are disposing the home of Mr. and Mrs, 11. Livens. of their livery stock and fixtures hay. - Miss Allen, of the Colegiate staff, ing leased their block on Main Street was called to Winnipeg, on Saturday, to the Auto Sales Company of Canada, owing to the serious illness of her who have purchased the garage busi- brother. Miss l., Best is supplying Hess of Mr. ,James El. Wright. The during her absence. company have some twenty seven The many friends here of Lieut Ken- garages in operation in Ontario and meth Ian Somerville, eldest son of May- Quebec and it is their intention to in- stall an up-to-date and reliable repair garage for all makes of cars (vfth re- pairs and accessories for the sane, An old resident of Seafortla passed 'sway in the person of Margaret Mc - Ewes Hallett. The deceased who was or C. R. Somerville, of London, will sincerely regret to learn that he died of wounds in France on Saturday last. Lieut. Somerville enlisted in the 33rd Battalion in Feb. tole, later being transferred to France The remains of the title Charles in her 82nd year, was born near 03 - 'Campbell! of MCKiilop, who died of taws. In 1 85 8 she was married to the dipthe.ria in St. Joseph's hospital, late Sergt. Hallett, a veteran of the London, were brought Isere on Satur- Crimean war, and the young couple day for interment. The funeral took settled in Egmondville, where they re- place on iManday afternoon from the mined for tour years and then cane undertaking parlors of W. T. Box ei to Seaforth, where Mrs, Hallett has Co. The deceased w'as an years of since resident. She is survived by a age and a sign -n, -law of Mr. 0. 11. Ross family of three sons and one da;ghter. C7 ping heat Se frMono .leil,•ec. The ;world demand for wheat in 19118 justifies the greatest pos- 11:, John Hooper has accepted a gittle effort totvalds increased production. The small acreages of Fall rnsitiun as manager of the lew•elery d,pu!'Uncnl in the store of J. F, Daley. Wheat put m last ('(ill wit! 111(4311 hlcreasod acreage in Ontario avail - Miss Haul Campbell, of Wingh:un, abi(4 for tipl'illg Wheat. The Ontario Government j3 Co-operating is e1 111:1s Mr. and Mr;. Jame; Arciti- bd•.t There is such a scarcity of houses to rent prose"( that some people with the tanners til order t1 provide seed. 1t has purchased 50,000 bushels ,:,f N:,. 1 Marquis Spring Wheat Seed through the Seed Branch of the Federal Depa'tnenit of Agriculture. More will be mar be obliged b, leave town. purchased il 11(4C(4sat, to 1111 reds, 1lie Misses (,doper, C4hur ch-st„ (Distribution.—Seel is sold only in 2-hustel hags. Carloads rloads w l t have purchased from Mrs. Rudolph, (lt i t113acedae(4rto points it the Province whore less thancarload the residence on John -sl t presenirdLr, cat be t1IFanners' dVhere Cl1S n, other organizations occupied by Mr. .John Henderson. Miss Bolyn left for the west recent- ly to take a position in Iistat':tn. Mr. ,A. George has moved into the residence in Egntondvilte, which he purchased from lir. Rudolph. ,bur. and Mrs. James McGee and f(un- hrjng in carload lots, the thrice at their local stations hill be the same as at distributing. point.:. Where to Buy.—Purchases may be made either in the warehouse at the distributing points, or orders nay be placed with the nearest District Representative of the Provincial Dcparthi]cnt of Agriculture llv 'Mt nn Wednesday for Toronto or they may Ile sent direct by mail to the Markets branch, Department where they will reside. i of Agriculture, Parliament Building's, Toronto, Miss A Thornton hay taken a poli- $2 7 bushel „ I Payment in �ctlslt.-�••-I'rice is$2.74 �t partt.hr.I at all local stations. In all cases, without exception, Cash must accompany order. Send remittance by marked cheque, postal note:, post office or express money' order, made payable to Ontario Department of .agriculture. Markets Branch, Order Early. -•-•hl -the event of the requirements of the Province. being underestimated, tlu:re may not he enough seed to go around. It is advisable in ordor to insure having their orders tilled that purchas- ers ers should place orders as soon as possible. All orders are subject to confirmation and will be tilled in the: order received. As seed. is delivered in 2-hushel hags, order should be for even numbers 01' hos- bels, and 00 ord::r for less than 2 bushels can bo accepted. lion in the Bell Telephone office N,:,,' York's most sensational drama `Within the Law'," which was to have been presented here on St. Patrick's Day Inas been postponed till. April 5th, 1,'n 50(ouot of the death of Rev, P. (.'urcol•atn. Air, Williams, of 'I'nte'nt',, is than (neat of his son, :lir, C. L. Williams. Mrs. W. Hiles, of Dublin, visited friends here, 'sir;; ,has. Shea, of Dahlin, was visil- utu friends Is town. Willie Hays Inas accepted a position in sir. 11, R. Scott's store, I Nantes of Distributors are as follows:Mr, W. 1', Pluvis, who has been Chatham—'!'he Canada Figur Mills Company, Limited. visiting !Mr, and Mrs. W. Stoddeet; has London --Rout Bros. LtCi, returned lo his home In Anasanul n Woodstock--•-,fatntes Cullen Saskatchewan, Airs.1§'esiattt is ,visiting relatives Hamilton—Wood Milling Company In Ingersoll, 'Toronto, West--E'he Campbell Flour Mills The. Annual Spring Show of the Oshawa ---Hogg Sc (..vile Sea forth Agricultural Society will be • , , held un Main-st. on Friday, April 5Hi. bort E et't'y—Hogg tett Lytle Mr, G. T. 'Turnbull has returned Fort Elope --H. Scultliorpe from a business trip to the Webi. Peterhoro—'Che Campbell Flour Mills Mess's, J. Beattie, C, Aberhart and Lindsay --Sprats & Killen (3. A. Radler were in "Toronto this Barnjc—tli'owti & Company Orillia—L). C. 'I'hc'inpson Newmarket ---W. H. Eves. 1 ill:owed—Hay (.Brothers. Ci,.ageville---E. C. Clark Durham—Rob Roy Cereal Mills Company Simcoe—Norfolk Co-operative. Association Welland --Maple Leaf Milling Company Kcnlptvilie--Kemptville Milling Company St, Marys—`;t. Marys Milling Company - was Weuk on hsaues, ting Mrs, J, id. 'Thom tson was in (.undo given a rayal welcome this "sen n when lie arrived home on furlough. thls weed( vyisiting friends. In spite of all he has been through 1,e Rev, S, M, Mclean, of SI. Mau'y's, escaped unhurt. When theta'uin ha, accepted the call extended by tire j pulled In Monday scores of citizens Lignu,odvilie Congregation, The in - and the 1Tensall brass band were 00 -duction will take place sometime 141 band and escorted the young soldier Aril. to the home of his failter, Weir Atche- 1'Rev, Father Harding, of the oath - son, proprietor of the Commercial one Seminary in 1.ondnq, preached Inst Hotel, Addresses of welcome were Sabhatit in St, James' Church. i made by Rev, J. F, Knight of the Meta- Miss Lois Trow, of Stratford, is the °dist Church, and Rev. J. A. MCCon- 1 guest of Miss Evelyn Greig.l3rantfol'Ci--ll(1lttitlioi Flour Mills Heil of the Presbyterian Church I ieut..; Rev, Hugh Ferguson of Stratford, , Alliston—f... Coffee &Company $tpttffVtlle--• Coff Atcheson went over with a machine • conducted serviers in ilio 15etninedviile t Bros. ' faun section lir which the enlisted in Presbyterian r church last Sabbath, eria u Toronto. Prior a to. dial the was a iditrd Mr Ti Gibson entertained her Sun. • ooClltridge —W. D. Mathews, St Company, Mrs. ,year law /student at i ttrolito . 11141'01- ' any settee! class on Friday avenins;. Bolton—A, A. `McT�all sift', Atter:servin.g for sghhe tltne' 11 • yNrs Cochrane of Win hang was a' Guelph—Jas. Goldie & Company, Lid. the Handles he transferred to thehet,g t latterly has bean vlatcnr at the home et taiga u, Mrs. yi, C,aiharilles-�Nt f ile Lea, Milling Company aviation corps,. and y, ., Bollen McGee,. Matra ;;fleet, in Tanrtattd doting as mstrwctor.. lie k i 'of' Goderich vat y� .5tot.hi Oteteetito Department of Agracuilture, E, iiva$'. Kate tt e1, �` ,�, t •!a1, i tray he al. : ' - ^'t' ' retnrnw 'Sautlftfl Soto '10 'First I?reSIatdrht;4 VII,oVerscas 0 wa ' ' vtr::'thtJ''. l Representative, Mnaket,l3raltC[t "x-.+ Parliament 1311ildings, Torontq. or tit)E ,