HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-3-21, Page 5{
r }PA LES'- 4n Goderich • Township,
„,+aar Sisndiy, Marbh l'a'th, Earl Bettison
eJ Aft e”, •son of Mr. Robt, Hanley, aged
3 yaia and 1•month.
Rvls—in Goderich Township, on
ttteeedtry, Mardlt 16th, Joseph Jervis,
h%x 49th year.
Ten will fetid it with us at Its
XiOfe have them for Man, Woe
Mean, boy, and girl, in Gold
+sd, Sterling Silvery, or Nick-
elk.all sizes, all prices, and all.
Gime Timex eepers.
.Wel are particular about one
iitktg,,.v'iz., to see any wateh.
hearing the name of HELLYAR
efts be a credit to us.
• trpuble wbi"
suffer `dl from 4
u i 4unao mount
Allactofe .',decided
i1'/,�1 through en
irati before 1
gild well.
11MY ., other, whit
bbe' helped by
L s t Finkhant e
liable Com,
advised mo
8,before sub
!i. f1ELLYAR
jeweler and Optician
ft maer ofMarriage Licenses -
,t'Iasr:Marriages & 'Deaths
J. 1'' - N. 1 Toronto, onMonday
� il'Nso n r
a' 't1Mr,and'Nlrs Harold
e to
18 'nth;
Jiiat.1Saa)lt, '124'6 Cdli.ege St., a son.
5;T,Vet1MAN: In Hayenmore, Sask.,
.C?(.Pl xch 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
;i1tti7xtt%°3n, anon,
3 '$tlJnee. Coat
R 1 i-lolioway reoeived a car of stove
• a7 rio 'Monthly. There are several
ittrare cars of various kinds of coal on
d e
way 'for our dealer.
tl�tfia �alsopere'
{'` �"relieveAms
fFon! >h tr'oublei}'
' so .I cast do my ha��' tif4%l�C'tf taut any,
d faculty. I advrfoyliiitia whip is
*filleted with fe`nigl6 troubios to Ivo
Lydia E. 'Pinkbitm's. Vegetablem-
., e.
p hdd artrfiil isri4tlt Will de it nine Jot'
them."—Mrs. MARIO Box , 1421 5th
1 St. N.E., Canton Ohio
ifoipetim,s thelYis aro isertOI i eendi-
t 'ons `where a: hospital operetta* is But
only'!ftltefrnative;xbut cretin' other hand
se many women have been cared br' this
f"japeass rootand•herb remedy, Lydia E:
Pinkhaarls Vegetilj$le Compound, after
doctors have Bald that an operation was
necessary—every women who waste
to ayold an operation should give it a
• fairtrial-before submitting to such e
trying ordeal
, If coinplitetione'exist; write' to Lydia
E. PinkhantMedicine Co., Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. The 'rebMit of'Many yeera
experience is at your service.
* * * n * *.
* *
w a
Everybody is cordially invited to
attend the Patriotic Tett given by lira
Misses Doan at .their hone on' Friday
afternoon, from three to six.
No meeting of the W. P. S. in the
Hall this week.
Penny Bag collection. Thursday.
March 28th
Chit a'ren CrY
Wliy should you, when' Clinton
stores can offer you better quality,
personal selection and lower prices?
Just figure out the cost of buying
goods by mail. The firm you do
business with generally prints a
large catalogue, which YOU' must.
pay for. They employ help to
select and pack mail order goods,
which YOU must pay for. They
tax YOU for express charges
Coil for' Soldiers
the Soli
Ottawa, March 15.—lits excellency, the Duke of
Devonshire, governor-general of Canada, is warmly in
:sympathy with the Soldiers of the Soil movement to
...enroll an army of boys to help in the production of
food in Canada during the coming summer and aut-
umn. Ile has issued an appeal directed to all boys in
Canada, He says.
• "Thousands of the best and bravest of our young
hien are now fighting on the battlefields of France and
Flanders, and thousands more would willingly be a-
longside them if they were old enough enough to join
the army.
"But if they cannot go overseas, they have plenty
of•opportunity here at 'hone. Food is badly wanted.
Providence has been generous to us. We have vast
tracts of land crying out for cultivation, Here is the
opportunity for every healthy, active lad to do some.
thing, Much good work was accomplished last year.
This year the'demand is greater than ever.
"1 confidently appeal to the boys of Canada to
make the best use of their brains and muscles and ,to
•.do their part in bringing victory to our cause.
• "Government Ilotlse, Ottawa,
March, 1918.
Enrollment of the boys in the Soldiers of the Soil
'Will take place next week at High Schools, Y;M.C.A.'s
and other centres; d • • • • • • • ' • . •
Over 25,000 boys are expected' to enroll • in' this
array of, the soil ;throughoutiCiiinada,
What such an army Can 'do in actual work! and.iii, • .
saving thetime of able-bodted Men VVifi amoiot,to alt.
ii?crease'.egpal',to upwards' df fdltr •bushels of
wheat, Arid it rosy be tls;r last ntUlioti "bushels of• • •
heat tlfatrtydl win the war,
;,eery boy.in daoada wfif lett �'p`efiu3l' to' PCs'nOh,.�j"y',
c povern r-ge1ea,appexi alto he1p 'orb dL
food ilitat naw couni9• ftir. sb'IntiCil ify' tltd'A$[ii"
ift.!tlte'! D'ttirs. •
TIRE C1.1ti
or postage, Of course, Ibey 4ets!i
put all these expenses on the' Gill
Wit don't forget they are lneiutie4
lin the PRICY:.
then you'can't have the satis-
1'aetiott of selecting life 'goods' pel'-
sonelly tike you can if you buy it at
laity of out loetll stores.
•Clinton dealers 1.,m sell yen' prec-
ticatIy everything you need for
yourself, yogi' family and your
The quality is always better, and if
you watch their ativertiseulents
The ,New' Era, you will soon see, by
eompari'son 1118 great saving you pad
effort' by buying at Moine, Keep the
looney in Clint0n--11. will employ
more' help,
at a: •af u w +t t4 a to w a•
At the last ,meeting .(Thursday) the
'election of officers fur the new, term
took pace` '
President Miss W. O'Neil
isi Vice Miss J. Scott
2nd Vice Miss tl Courti4e
Secretary Miss B Draper
Treasurer—Miss J, Robertson.
'Committees were appointed' to look af-
ter various lines of work and the young
ladies are hopefut'of snaking the second
term as successful as the first had been.
Meetings in the future will be held
in the Council Chamber at eight o'clock
All are asked to attend,
Word was received here last week
that Capt, C. G. Vanstone, late adjut-
ant of the 16Ist 1luron Battalion, is
now on the firing line in France.
-r..-. .
• •
Local News
a� tr
On His Way.
Pte.' Eugene Sheeley, son of Mrs.
ne i,
Sheeley, e }, Odtarn 5t, is now (miffs way
• i
overseas wthe Americany
'army, His
friends old end, hoP a he may crone back safe
and sound.
Former Hotelkeeper Dead.
Alexander Robinson, who was run-
ning the Rattenbury house' at the time
it was destroyed'by tire, died in Gode-
rich last Thursday at the age of 63
years. lie alto ran a hotel at Bayfield,
and Goderich. He is survived by his
widow and three sons, two overseas,
and two daughters, The funeral was
held on Saturday.
Recalls the Big Storm
A report comes from Bayfield that
recalls the disastrous lake storm of
November, 1913. 'Fish that, are beteg'
caught are found to Ila}ve oats in their
mouths, As several grain boats were
wrecked soniewhere along this shore
oh that occasion, it is conjectured
that this may explain where the fish
got the oats: Further investigation
may yield interesting results.
Mr. Kernighan at Regina.
Mr. J. N. Kernighan, of Beumilier,
is' at Retina attending an important
conference of the Canadian Council
of Agriculture. Mr. Kernighan is a
member of the Council as the sole
representative of the United Farmers
of Ontario„having been given the pos-
ition of responsibility at the annual
meeting of the U, F. 0. held a few
weeks ago. The 'Canadian Council 01
Agriculture is, as the name indicates,
the grand council of the organized
agricultural interests of the Dominion,
and Mr, Kernighan will have a• voice
In the framing of the policy of this
important body, Anyone who knows
Mr. Kernighan will agree that his dut-
ies as a representative will be discharg-
ed with ability and with a single-mind-
ed devotion 10' the interests of agricul-
Disci' t'Ct News.
neu000smeoscow, ems* exec o ao
Joseph Sproat, timber valuator, is
so serious ill that no hopes are held
out for his recovery.
Mr. J. F. Daley has disposed of a
handsome covered one -ton truck to
Mr. Barber, of the Seaforth Creamery.
A "hard Tinges” dance, in aid of the
War Auxilliary, will be given in Car-
defl's opera hall, on Easter Monday
evening, April 1st.
Miss Helen R. Wilson, A. T. G M.,
daughter of Mr. J. A. Wilson, Inas
been appointed choir director of Vic-
toria Presbyterian church, 'West i'+1•
routo, in the place of Mr, Donald C.
McGregor, who Inas resigned.
Mr, James Hays, Goderich-st„ re
cently received from overseas the
medal of Isis son, Corp Howard Hay:
fur bravery in the field at the battle
of Vimy Ridge,
Mr, John A. Wilson has returned
from Toronto, where ile was attending
a hydro meeting.
Mr. Corcoran, of Ottawa, was Isere
yi ® Mother
Reserve strength for
motherhood is of two -fold
importance and thought-
ful women before and
after maternity take
It stipples pure cod
liver oil for rich blood
add =contains ,lime and soda
with, ,fnediciriai „,g�y.cerine,
all ifm,pl irtant ingi<edients
for Strengthening the tier-
vous,.systeat and,lurnishing
ab%xrdatltr iiouritonsil:;
It is Irgefttyblxt' drugs.
1nBilat "lytl'rthe, genuine.
erdfs & Dotvnc, t'atvhato, esok, J7-76
' Am!1Y6'
R`Ed11lla�trc �yr
eM t rerance L)rr a r
'7jr TRIAL o£ Labatt'c Old Londort Reato 'sv
surel;P,, pgottre to: you that in this new
Ltiba•.tt beverage you have all the i pular
table, •sparkling flavor and i wholesome
torte :quality you have always liked so well in
Lal a is brews.
Temperance pecjpjp .wip, never drank LabateS
brews wilt enjoy this brew, because fihey wr1Ni get
all .the gpod qualities of a malt beverage and a
hop tonic.
On sale at 'Easter time,
JOHN LABATT, Limited, Brewing Since 1832
LONDON, Ont.,, ,and No. 4 St. Helen St., MONTREAL
attending the funeral of his brother, ,
the late Rev. P, Corcoran.
Mr, Arthur Mason, of Saskatoon, is
visiting relatives in this vicinity,
Rev. F. 11, Larkin had for his sub
ject last Sabbath morning The Com-
plaint of Socialism Against the
Robert Laird, of the aviation corns,
spent la few days with his mother. Ile
Ilas'beeu training in Texas during the
winter. .
The Ladies' Aid Societies in connec-
tion with the Presbyterian and Meth-
odist churches here are holding a sn;
ceS f l series of block teasat the
homes of some of their members. The
admission fee is 10e. A musical a'ld
literary program is provided. No re
freshments are served. The ladies of
each block are included in the invita-
The Secretary of the Red Cross' So-
ciety, Mrs. Edna De Lacey, reports 294
suits of pyjamas, 36 flannel shirts,
252 pairs of socks, 282 towels, 30
trench caps, 36 butter -cloth handker-
chiefs, 1 600 surgical wipes, and the
treasurer, Mrs, Grace Mullin, reports a
contribution of $1,586.62 for the
month of February.
The funeral of the late Rev. Patrick
Corcoran took place from St. James'
Church, last Friday morning. The
service was a most impressive one
and the church was filled to its utmost
capacity with a large crowd of people
representing all creeds and classes
who had come to pay their last re-
spects to the memory of the dead
priest. The pontificiat mass requiem
was celebrated by Rt. Rev. M, F. Fal-
lon, D, D., Bishop,- of London. Dean
McGee, of Stratford, and the other
priests of the diocese were. also
present. The remains were interred
in St. James' Cemetery.
Early Pullet,.`
Lays the Ear1yE g '
And threarlyegg—snylate Novent-
ber and through December -coo-
mends the top price of the year. rg�
S,arl a d+
UC5 ,4„-h ,tt di:1
in March or early April; raise the
many chicks you'll hatch in a coal -
burning Standard Colony Brooder,
and this good money is yours.
We hnow the Buckeye lacubator and
the Standard Colony Brooder wal do
exactly what we say, We guaranteeit,
and our guarantee is backed by ills mnuu-
lecturer. Everybods the x gets a square deal.
tan lard Colony Brooder ehias no equal,
Come to and see them,
8 -roomed house, modern convenien-
ces, electric light, furnace. A desirable
piece of property. Apply at The New
Era Office.
in the Estate of Samuel Barr, Deceased.
On corner of Townsend and East
Street, 8 -rooms and pantry and wood-
shed; gooll cellar, electric lights; town
water and soft seater. Apply on pre-
mises to Mrs. F. French.
Of farm stock and implements. The
undersigned has received instructions
to sell by public auction at Lot 19
Con. 15, Goderich derich township, on nuts -
day, March 28th, at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following: Horses -1 general
purpose mare 8 years old, 1 mare 11
years old in foal, 1 draft filly, rising 2
years, 1 driving gelding rising 2 years,
1 driving mare in foal, 1 draft colt ris-
ing 1 year. Cows. -5 cows newly
calved, 1 cow due in April, 1 farrow
cow 5 rears old, 4 heifers, rising 2
years, 3 steers rising 2 years, 9'calves
t year old, 5 spring calves, Piga-1
extra tine brood sow in pig, 5 pigs 3
months old, Implements—Massey-
Barris binder 6-11 cut. Deering mower
6 ft. cut, manure spreader, hay rack,
hay rake, disc barrow, 2 sets iron har-
rows, scuftier, spring -tooth cultivator
cutting box, seed drill, root pulper,
riding plow, walking plow fence
weaver, fanning stili!, 100 feet rope,
lumber wagon, set bobsleighs, cutter,
2 -furrow plow. buggy, democrats
grindstone, 2 sets double harness,
milk can, 60 bus, seed barley, 3 bar-
rels salt, quantity of barley and oats
mixed good seed, quantity of oats, hay
and potatoes, forks, chains, barrels and
ollr articles too numerous to mention'
Terms—$10 and under, cash, over that
amount 6 months' credit on approved
joint notes, or 4% per annum for cash
on credit amounts. Hay, grain :and
potatoes cash.—John J. Smith, Pro
prietor; G. H. Elliott Auctioneer.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Samuel Barr, late of the town
of Clinton, in the County of Huron,
Clerk, deceased, who died on or about
the twenty-third day of February 1918
are required to deliver to Barbara Mc-
ivor, the adnrinistratrix of the said
estate or her solicitor on or before the
tenth day of April 1918, a hill state -
anent of their claims together with par-
ticulars thereof and the nature 61 the
securities, if any, held by them duly
verified by 'affidavit.
AND 'TAKE NO'r1Ce that after, the
said last mentioned date tate .said, ad-
ininistratrix' will proceed to, distribute
the estate of the said deceased arnosget
the pe ,nus entitled thereto leaving re-
'gard only to.soclt claims as she shall
..have received dire, notice and fin ac.,
'ew itll.
corilance therewith. ,w , ,
DATED at Clinton, thiTi,a0tlt'day of
INarclt, A. ., ;
Solicitor for 1114 lista, Ad,lzjytlsfrltirl's
O1 farm stock and implements. The
undersigned has received instructions
to sell at public auction on Wednesday
March 27th, at Lot 28, Con. 5, Mullett,
the fol@owing: Horses—Matched bay
team, gelding and fitly, rising 4 and 3,
sired by Glenrae and Prince of Action.
t bay mare rising 4 year' sired by
Lord Ronald, 1 Percheron ee,.iing ris-
ing 3 sired by index, 1 bay gelding ris-
ing 2 sired by Prince of Action, 1 black
Percheron gelding rising 2 sired by In-
dex, 1 bay driving colt rising 2 years.
'.Nattle-1 large Durham cow 8 years
old due about time of sale, 1 Durham
cow due 1st May, 1 Holstein cow 5
years old due to calve in April, t
Durham cow 3 years old due to calve
in April, 4 Durham steers rising 2
years, 4 Durham heifers rising 2 years,
1 Holstein heifer, 1 year past, 3 Dur-
ham steers rising 1 year, 1 last fall
calve, t well bred Durham bull. Pigs -
1 .young sow due June 1st. 6 York
pigs 5 weeks old. Implements -1'
Massey -Harris 15 -hoe drill 1 Mann
cultivator, 1 set of iron harrows, 1
disc harrow, 1 Adams wagon nearly
new, 1 Greer buggy in good condition,
1 Grand Garland cook stove, 1 car and
slings, about 200 bushels of white
Marble seed oats. Proprietor will feed
cattle good cut straw until May 1st at
the rate of one dollar a month. Terms
—All stuns of $10 and under cash;
over That amount 8 months credit will
be liven on furnishing approved Joint
notes. 4% straight for cash.—George
Elliott, Auctioneer; .A, Townsend, Prop.
The Town Council asks for tenders
for street watering for the conning sea-
son. State price per hour.
D. L. Macpherson, Clerk.
Executors' Sale of House and Lot
There will be offered for sale at
public election on Saturday the 16111
day of March, 1918, at 2 o'clock p.81.
at the premises, North half lot No. 396
on the East side of Queen street, Clin
ton, containing f. of an acre of land
more or less. On the premises there
is a 1 ;a storey dwellhig with 7 rooms,
The location .is Very central and de-
sirable in every wey and the property
will' stake' a comfortable !tome for a
small family. Terms -10% cash, the
balance in {hirty days.
1. S. Miller and W. J, MCBrien,
Geo, Elliott, Auc. Executors,
For this week we have picked out a lot of ibroken, lines of
calf: Kid, and patent leather, and you will, find them on our,
Men's fine shoes, . Just a pair or two of any one kind, in Box -
tables all at one price to clear
Our stock of shoes for the coming season is heavier and
'better assorted than ever before and although prices are still
advancing you will find our prices even lower than last season.
Men's fine shirts, slightly soiled
Lot No. 1—Your choice 70c
Lot No. 2 --Your choice. , , ... , . , 85c
Lot No. 3—Mixed lot of 'fine and wol'k-
ing shirts, your choice 50c
A few ties to clear at, 2 for 25r
Another lot of better ones at, each ..19c
Week Announcement
Plurnsteel Bros.
Small Prolits Phone S.':i, More Business
Tenders for Wood
Tenders will be received up to
March 14111, for cutting two acres of
bush into 4 foot wood, State price
per cord, Bush is on Jas., Snell's
farm, Mullett Twp. Apply to
R. J. Miller
or Wm. Grant, 0110ton.
House on Lot 624 Mill street, 5
rooms,; stone cellar, pantry, and hack
kitchen, waterworks connection and
garden. Cheap for
t cash
sale.Inquire of WIBeydone
1 have on my list of houses for sale
a number of very desirable properties
for those who wish to purchase a neat
comfortable cottage, suitable to a re-
tired couple or a small fancily of mod-
erate means. They are snug, coin-
fortable houses and can be had at
reasonable prices.
• Parcels 1 and 2 are two brick cot-
tages, each with a garden, located on
Ontario Street, next West of the Manse.
They have been held at 81000.00, for
quick sale I will accept $900 for either.
^•+! "09;"„t.t,o.. r""..".'.,'�n...stlr�r�t%.7RG'16i9{'.-' •'.
Open season 1st of March closed 21
of April, Market price. Strangers
send theta in by parcel post we will re=
alit postage and express order by re-
turn snail,
Jas. Steep & Co,
P.O, Box 192. Phone 126
For Sale or to Rent
The brick house on Raglan street,
now occupied by J, B. Doherty, for sale
or to rent. Electric light and to
water; 2 acres of land. with stable.
in good repair. ,,_,,,,_ t
Apply to David Cantelon 41.141.
Farm for Sale.
In Goderich Twp., Lot 77, Maitland
Con. 55 acres, good clay loam, suitable
for agriculture or pasture; 5 acres of
choice hardwood maple. Never -failing
spring creek running through it; 15
acres ploughed and rest under grass.
Possession can be given at once. Ap-
ply to Wm. Bedour, •
Phone 12 on 143; R.R. No, 2, Clinton
Parcel 3 is on Princess Street in
rear of Presbyterian church, a frame fir
cottage very commodious and well ar- '• Main *holed for farm work, Married
ranged suitable for a family of 2 to 6. mei preferred. Personal applicaiioti
Has been held at $900, Will sell for' is'desired, Duties to begin about :5th
of March.
8500 cash.
Parcel 4 is west of parcel 3 and is a
brick cottage well built and with con-
venient appointments, It is worth
5950, but will be sold for $850 cash,
For inspection or particulars apply
at my office. W, BRYDONE.
A noon etlesat servant wanted. Ap-
f g
ply to Hellin 4. D..KeTaagart.
Shorthorns for Sale
'1 :fur' ill t hilfuitis -iii, .
v la�.l 1 r� d {
Stainfot'd; ,•jiesl o ' `d,1lality. A's1f it,
good z yearn' bid heifer ' +
Hil ,
i9 stern!
90n t55'
No I.
' phos I't
g, s, e
Calves Inc Sale
The undersigned has made arrange-
ments to handle 'a flew Shorthorn -grade
calves, March and April is the time
to secure theta as the supply in limited
Phone 14 on 166 Clinton
A number of good reliable men can
secure steady employment of Munition
work, Apply to,
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co.,
Seaforth, Ontario.
I offer for sale my farm, consisting
of Lots, 21 and 22, 11, R., Con, Town-
ship of Goderich, containing about
205 acres; on it are two comfortable
dwellings, two large barns, with stab-
ling for 100 cattle, 8 horses and 100
hens; two silos; two windmills; and
abundance of water, 415 acres are
newly seeded to clover and timothy;
80 acres fail plowed; 70 in pasture and
25 well mantlred last fall and present
winter. This faro, having been, for
many years, used as a stock and graz-
ing farm is now in a high state of fer-
tility; it adjoins the town of Clinton, Is
within 15 to 20 minutes walk of Post
Office, Collegiate, Public School,
chprches or G.'l'.R: depot. Will sell
jointly or separately. Possession as
may be agreed upon. '
D. A. Forrester.
Seeds Early
We have a full stock of the ;01 -
lowing seeds and grain:
Red Clover,
Alsika Clover
Alfalfa Clover
Blue Grass
Orchard Grass
Marquis Spring . Wheat,
Seed Oats (different varieties),
Buckwheat, Silver Hull, choice
Barley, 2 and 6 row.
We are always in the market for
rain and willpayhighest marl. et
g k
.Jont J. a
*gyp par� �;ry -•,
;. f'� Y5 1'itlt'l4'isOUlt.'tAt€sigt"l�F•ify. w' f,l.
VbCine 181, Rteaiden* R oat 114
D. A. Forrester.
For Sale
A good frame barn 28x•10. Apply to
C. J. Wallis.
For Sale.
One of the most desirable residentai
properties in the town of Chilton,
known as the 'Taylor cottage. Apply
to Geo. McLennan
Would you like 81 to 52 daily at
home, knitting war socks on auto knit-
ters? Experience unnecessary. Send
3 -cent stamp. Department 451 'C.
Auto Knitter Company, College St„
Unexceiied Dining Car Service
Sleeping cars on night trains and
arlor cars on principal day trains
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
John Ransford .Son, city fnussen'•
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57
t. 0. Pa.rtisno station agent
Whiffler, BEFORE MB
They stimulate the sluggish liver,
demi the coated tongue, swcoton the
breath, clean away all waste and poison-
ous shatter from the system, and prevent
as well as cure all sickness arising from
a dlisordered, condition of the stomach,
liver and bowels.
Mrs, Tnseph H. 'rhurleau, Strainer -
vine, N$., ' tytnites t --"t was troubled
Witt n soar atoirihch, and took five vials
Lone -Liver Pills, and they
cured tae.,.; •
my mother also used thein for floating
specks hoftird the eyes. 1.1scy cured. leer
also after havingtidiest 'four vials.' IVe
ltotlt: highly ireolutnit'nd them to AR
sufferers from diver troubles,"
il}5lrtittt Ln$h.4 ivi r Pills are 28e.
per vial at, ail tlealtr4 or mailed direct eaInti l rAitintencbtiti,V, )ithattn a✓a s•;
Limi.ed, ' orosito9 Ona