HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-3-21, Page 4Page Three
Palley prices are'beilig paid for fancy
new LAID J3GGS at our Poultry, Plant,
.Bring your eggs'to us and get the
ready cash, •
High prices will be paid for large
quantities of live poultry that will be
required to meet the iucreaslag de-
mand du'e't' f he meatless flays,
Live Poultry Waned
Poultry taken the tir$t three days of
each week during the winter months.
Be good to your 'flock of hens this
year and help production, This is
Patriotic work and at the semettiue
helping your own pocket.
GODB-Lall, lhlS & CO., L iuito i
The up-to-date Firm
C1fnaten Brandt Phone £911
N. W. Trewarrtha, Manager
or Holmesvilie 4 on 142.
s ►
See and here our finest t
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
4 OrgailS, p
I special values in Art
• E�:49r's •
• M
• ►
qY*e'';r.,"!L'P•'xor?'r'YR' 91 \r "+, Yy V'ya •:r,y t'r'orr
Fididet lhF .P etote'v'. oo,Ar r .to, r armor*
Sr tJP
Pianos and organs rent
e3- Owlet: new Edison
1:)ographs, M usic &
v,iriete ;;nods.
MASSE,t' Ii`.Ellld)Cillali
C. Hoare
Coll or Phone for prices on
.Sap Pans and Pails, before
placing your order.
!Electric Fixtures & Supplies
Numbers and Electricians
Phone 7.
Better Pay
The Prate
At 50 years of age
',here 10 uo reason Why, when
n igen or woman reaches the
fifty mark., rte or she should
not feel full of energy ',and
happiness. It is true greater
10110[ now be taken to
awn the leaser LIlo
t if neglected, mn de-
' Proper
attention to
idur suggests
Ys su ala
ep p
At the first evidence that Kid-
are not working ro er-
that is you ou have nine
iv' the back or sides, twinges
eghea and restless nights,
aoroneu joints or urinary
troubles, take Gin Pills. You
will benefit almost from the
first dose. It costa notating if non arena benefited, fax the
deo sell Giu Palle on our
ot ms efie& tuoney barkif
o0 a box. or 1 boxes r
s 2�
fo so.
A jrre sample J yon wrik M
National Drug & Chemical Co.
o>' Canada, Limited . Toronto
U. S. Addreur N.-Dr..C... Inc.
lie 202 Ma)n St, Biiff.M, N.Y.
•'lalaotlAa'dN Ta'atiNYNvinD
Elephant Not Gooci Traveler.
The elephant cannot cover more
than fifteen or twenty miles a day with
Don't he tempted to cheese cheap
jewelery,'Ear better to pay a fair
•prise and know exactly what von
are getting,
Yon will paver be sorry—Por' as a
matter of money, it, is eaetly the
,neat economical.
Thal has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it, --and ee1C there is no
amenity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to stet personal—If you would
like to mina that sortlaltogether—
If you would like to hay where
nothing but high qunlitiea are
dealt in—COME IJERt
'..Arid even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
Wa leotrnter
Jeweler and 4)prtician'
' suer t)1 Marrls ze 1.,iI'4 1Se:
W. f3RYiO F1
ell Nice
H. T. R A N C E
Notary Public, Conv.•yeneee.
Finanot»I and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire Le
surance Companies,
Division Court, ®Ilice.
Phan Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishee to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do tine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive Drotnpt attention,
M. Vi. Contemn,
Barrister, Solicitor, Uor)veyanner, H te,
mit •0 on rl'heet Street, ncenpied ry
311, 1{sakes. le t'i't 5011 on weft'
t for tvh eh
- t 1 ( un Am" et V
i hill
'. , 4 i 11C
appointments, »1P. Pottle,
ftlP hon a
Finn] l..,u.TS. finTTI, in
connection ;Alb the 1 iltre Ufthue open
every W0l-k day, Nil r. linoper will mane
;toy appuintntlntafor Mr. Oauteron.
Weis now stetting °I'iluothy Seed
ielovertnnent ',d"tand•ewe.).
We :leo have on hand, Alfalfaa,.
Aleike; and Bed Clover.
We aleeleve leave on hand --Hoose
Wheat, mean, :Marley and Feed Coen
lilfgbeat Mfu•ket glees paid titer Hay
lanai sill' .Grams,
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Clinton, — Ontario
Office at Residence
Corner High and Kirk Streets.
Clinton Ontario
crown and Bridge Work n Specialty:
Graduate or C.O.D.S,,. Chiertgo, and 0,0,0.E
Knyticld an Mondays. May 107 to 0
Pelotas over O'NEIL'S store,
Special care tliken to make dente' tref'
'neat an parolees es possible,
Live stook and general A.unti0t1'e
IH15 I1OWO'Ii. ' 7S 6..
Ifs Is (Doing Grout Work With PIs'
• elle rged, Prisoners in Omuta.
"I slave' often thought of the OP-
portunity thele is for an association
that wonld have for its object the
protection of prisoners .and the aid
wisest can be given them on their
dischal'ge from prison. It would be 1
a noble work of Christian charity
and of social Improvement. This Is
the object which the kfonor League
proposes to aeeomplish, 1 am glad
to encourage it, reserving my official
approval fol' a final determination as •
to the beneficial results of its organ-
ization and workee
Archbishop Brucheai of Montreal
in the above words has indicated the
need of an asnooiation that would
have for its objeet the restoring on
an eeonotnie footing of the Individ-
ual who has brokers the lawand suf-
fered the consequence. iiaving.lost
hie character, reputation, and the
confidence of his fellow Hien, the
task of earning au honest living that.
faces the term expired prisoner 1s
gigantic, unless he is aided by friends
or relatives who' have still faith in.
hire. Unfortunately most prisoners
have no one to help them regain this
footing, and this is where the newly
created "Honor League of Carfeda"
steps in, It aims to restore the
broken man to his place in the so -
tial 'world, to prevent his again
breaking the law. In this work the
Honor League has the approval of
not only Arebhishop .Bruclhesi, but
also of . Bishop 1t'arttling and many 1
e-aer ;Moisten and men high in
polities and, public life, The Honor
League is a regenerative factor, a
mscion, of broken ' men. Its Plat-
form le: (1) The protection of so-
elet'y u, a.nst, erhne, (1) The reform-
ation of the offender, (1) Protection
of those unjustly et -nosed; (4) Pro-
bation of r`.,.xet c<readers: (5) 1110-
»foytuent, and wharf oeceasary, food,
tools, acd shelter tor discharged
prisoners: (P) New:weat'y aid for
prisono:y' !stulkie:1; CI) Supervision
for those on probation and parole.
The headquaatere or use Bono:
League are at 115 'e neon street,
Montreal, in a mou% formerly oto
copied by former :?.,.corder Weir. In
this buildlug wlilc:. :otght be calleei.
"The Door of Hope," for the ex -prise
oners are all the fee: ee'Wed 4d to ve-
sture him to r:r: r, (ability. Mx.
Thomas O. 'r9orn14. the General Se-
cretary of the Leeeee, is the chief
factor In this wont of human and
humane restorath.t'.
The man who ceea:es from the Peni-
tentiary or Bordeaux jail, cowed,
broken, and more er less a physical
and mental wreck after his degrada-
tion, according to Mr. Woods needs
rout, a period of recuperation after
his incarceration in order to regain
his moral, trental, and physeal
poise. He is gtven ail this by the
Honor League, free of charge - - for
nothing. Bed, medical attendance, if
he needs it, food and test. Then,
when capable, that hardest of all to
obtain by the branded man, "Honest
The techu.ical work of the League
is assisted by.•the chaplains to the
extent that they co-operate with Se-
cretary Woods in the inside prison
work. Any prisoner who enrolls fu
the Honor League inside prison
walls, signs the following pledge:
"I events,.dofaithfullynwitL•mnd's
1 ens curia sato; it apemen, lyrt:el 9 or r
Now BHA cites, Clinton, po,.' 1.5 estate
to, 'terms reasonable, Formers' wile ani
dtaooanted •
G. D. hic'aggar:t M. U. McTaggee
Kiera a e Bros
f113.RI+,ii`1' S.1'I1 , OUNT(»
Godes rat Banking Detainee;
NO'PP1t3 1.1 I SOO t11VPEE
ihafts (owed, Interest chewed e
The ' MeiCiliopt Mutual
Fire 1Instatoa£ice idky.
Perm, and !notated Town prow.*
erty e,mly insured.
Head6 Iit:c=Hetttdlrtlt, Out
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Ja$.
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thee. E. Hays, Seeforth, Secretary -
Alex. Leitch, Pio. f, Clinton; Edward
Hinckley, Seaforih; Wm. Chesney, lig
snonziville;.1. W. Yeo, Gode)'ldh; R. G
Jaaxnuth, Srodhagcn,
:Rin, No. a1 Seaforth; John Boa.
newei1r... b' t Brodha ea= James Evani Beech.
wood; M. McCwan, Clinton/ James'
Clotandity, Goderieh; D._ P. McGregor;
No. 3, teaferth; J, 3 Grieve, Pio. 4,
VI•atto)); Robert ir4rtis, Pllario'eie; Eee:
MCCttrttie, No, 3, Seakittk,
Girlsi Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin.
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle and
tan lotion, anis complexion beautifier, at
very, very small cast.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white Inc a few
scute. Alaseage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the face, neck, arms and
hands each day and see how freckles and
blemishes disappear and how clear, soft
and white the skin becomes. Yost. It
is harmlese.
ursday, Massif 21st, '1 91 !!
will be the groat test of a life end death
struggle on tti0 Western front, In the
everyday walks of bile, it hi 'the spring
time that brings 111 health. One of the
chief reasons why the run-down man
finds himself in a bad state of health in'
March or April, Is because he has spent
nearly all los hours for the past lour or
live months penned up within the walls
of house, factory or office, 11 is the rea-
son for our diminished resistance—that
is, lack of out -door life, ecupled with
perhaps over -eating, lack of good exor-
cise, Insufficient sleep, and constipation.
In other words, we keep feeding the
furnace with food but donot take out
the"clinkers," anti our fire dose not burn
brightly. Always keep the livel' active.
There is nothing better for health than
taking an occasional mild laxative, per-
haps once a week; such a one as you
can get at any drug store, made up of
May -apple, jalap aloes (sugar-coated,
tiny, eaailyy taken}, which has stood the
test of fifty years of approval—namely,
Dr. Pierce's f.'leasent Pellets. But for
the "Spring Fever," the general run-down
condition, the lack of ambition, the
e blues," one should take a course of
treatment every spring; Ruth a standard
tonic as 1)r. Pieree's Hoiden Moines! Dis-
covery, now to be had lu tablet form to
fifty -cent vials. Watch the people go
plodding along the street. Where's no
spring, no vitality. Avitalizing. tontesuch
as this vegetable extract of Dr. Pierce's
gives you the power to force yourself
Into action. The brain responds tottbe
now blood in circulation, and thus yon're
ready to slake a fight against titasrta-
bondage. Tr
olds you in
tion which h yy
it now I Don't wait! To -day is the
day to begin. Gain a little "pap," and
laugh and live. Vim and vitality are the
natural out -pouring of a healthy body.
It docs not spring up in a night. Try
this spring tonic, and you gain the cour-
age that comes with good health.
„asp, and on my word of honor to
conform to the following rules of. the
Ironer League.
(1) To pray every morning and
(2) To read the prayer book faith-
13) To write home al the lint op-
(4) To reform from the use of
bad language.
(5) To bo faithful in the observ,
ante of the prison rules and dlsut-
pliue so as to become an example of
good conduct.
To earnestly serk to cheer and en-
courage others in well cluing avid
right living, trying where it la pow
:Able to make hien Inetnimito of the
Honor Teague."
Children Cry
C A S,Je RrO R 1 A
I �
1 1. I will keep myself so well in-
Iformed i1the causes Ill
• 1 I may be a
I WILY that I he
world Yld
source of information and influence.
2. I appreciate so thoroughly tate
danger of i•titernal enemies that I will
report to the proper authorities the
name and location of every native
or ::lien citi: en whose conduct or ut-
texance4 indicate enmity to our c000- weakness until the heart starts to brat
try ur lack of sympathy with our irregularly, and they suddenly feel faint
3. I will do all in my .power to
encourage increased production of
On the first sign of any weakness of
food nraterix;s, the htiart Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills should he taken, and thus secure
•i, I will cheerfully change 1.11'5Vprompt and permanent relief.
habits of eating, so as to conserve . MYs. W. H. Ferrier, Rilhriek., Ont.
Wheat, meat, fats and sager, t
5. i will assist in writes:—"I was troubled with my heart
every y 1ulesible for live years, and was so bad it would
way to make all liorerunreut 1.arns send Inc into fits and smothering, 1
a success, could not do any work while I was ili-
o. 1 wil practice economy 3 I famed, but after taking three boxes of
deny myself luxuries so that I may Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I
contribute large slues to the various have regained my health,"
necessary war philanthropies. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
refs 11
7. I will help to stabilize 1 500. per box at all dealers or mailed dir'er,t
opinion by showing the reasonable- o0 receipt of Tioe by 'Che 'I', &ljlibtrrs
nays :and necessity of the govern-
ments demands and the baselessness
Angue Mit(tneer and 1•''a nc.". dee
left the,.. Canadian Pectus Nail •ns
mein line. tit Kamloops and we 't
north and west for six devil to eels
into good trapping and bunting ;eve
tory for t, wfuler's work. Thee mode;
several hips before the anew Piens 1
and shut them 1n. When t mita ohm'
down there was emit cold ttor
and not An ex,-essiye tlmetiet nt we;
The rabbits drifted north tc the
thicker beteh, and McGregor tied 11
dog extended their linos teensy u v
further.' lilg sues cause and rh.1
wolves found hard work to get a l'v '
ing, though the rabbits ant? earirldgee•
were fol mud contorted. nlefiregur1
took a lot of fur, intuit, lynx, marten
and fox,
One day while on the trail of a
Moose he saw a big black wolf looking
gown. The Collie sew It too and'
dashed to the conflict. The wolf i
of the unfounded rumors relating to
the war,
S. .1 will be a 'friend and cum
furter to the families of soldiers an t
minister to their needs.
9. I will try to meet all the varied
events of the war with patience,
calmness and optimism.
We 1 will work harder and inure
earnestly so that I may contribute
my part to make up the loss' due to
the withdrawals from industry i
large numbers of men for the army.
The shades of night were falling fast,
As down the street a thin girl passed;
She lipped and sat clown on the ice,
But she wore a shock -absorbing de-
—B. T. Longfellow.
Had Kers Treble
For 5 Years"
Through one cause or another, a large
majority of the people are: troubled, more
or less with some form of bears trouble,
Little attention le paid to the slight
and dizzy, and feel as if they were smother-
t,u•nm'l red fled, and wbrn t'•e rot*
tnri)ed the rise be dr'w his d•;g Periri.y
a half n)tla 1111,441' still flere•ely emsl•
rue; the 'golf "•blch had est. ee'ored
mouth of a sternly striped draw,
5'1 way up 'the draw the wolf e'er,
nod, end dnv'n tr'o") either rack
r T A
t r.\ o move snafu s. The 11 rd
ler i hod "^ted x5 cl"r.oy rr'' t"•e dr
1' .1' rnllle: r0allzine Ile den'• r,
beerier! and ran 1(1' art his n'••et• t,•
ntioniert by alt throe of the Werk, 1'1e,
le•: deem by a fee "aresand thre•v
ntrla"it' f)n5.1')' a adn01 13'x* feet o° 1+e.
Orovor, while the well"s, go•Int,
hungry acid tinrsua'ly • 6rree carne
right on. and only swerved uside to
circle when the man yelled. One he
shot before the others fled. and a few,
days later, ha Plug planed out "baits"
he had the satisraetion of pfelri"g up
rho other two big, black bodies, --
1:. V. K. " f S''
!Zeal Cana
^awl]t7Sr nue have never bad the
Ri privilege of seeing a wild lax la
the tun glory of his winter gain-
ing rennet begin to form a conception
or the beauty of the dress. In Lhe
foothills and mo11ntttin5 of western
Canada these a»Lm;tls reach praetl•
tially the same perrertlan They do in
the bitter cold of the Arctic. Some
a more
sPeople )tpewee
showy coatheseist+
Owe better,
The ordinary dweller of the cities
pictures a fox as an indefinite red
creature something 111ce a wolf or a
dog, brat possessing a big tail, They
know a fox is called rod gonerallY,
but they do not know the shade.
Those penple who have seen foxes In
ditappreciatees also cannot
erenca betweeut
hecaptive and
te vast
he, free,
The true wild fox In winter is a
'Wonderful creature of soft hletlding4
of bright gold, cream, the purest of
white, the sharpest of black. 'Every
hair s'binee with life and vigor, and
the brush is a magnificent appendage
which would slake a true eroas•couit•
try fox -bunter kill au Irish hunter to
obtain, •
A splendid type of red fox trotted
up the snecl-covered ire of the head•
waters or the Iced Deer River in Al-
berta. He heard the sound of spite -
tering shell -ice and he paused to
liate% Far ahead 5010e Stoney lndt
ane, returning from their big ammo]
grime drive to the Clearwater and the
Saskatchewan were crossing 5011110
Ward, their ponies laden, with the
meat of bear and deer and mow
They were herald for their bottles in
Morley, thirty tulles distant, whole-
horethey waald sit In comfort to the
warm log cabins 6(11 the
' reintilmier
enly its
Ills win te',going pettet
feed their saddle horses or to p050 In
their blankets sift tate Cruladian
Patera; hallway platfernis for the
tienetit ref any lllttt"idt,4 who tlti115t be
1, p
The Thefe10.tcolt le •the brush. 11, wee
high 1160114 fitonde had r01104, dawn
i'roin ili)r eealet and soft view enew
.Wee toting. Crooning anothe) beta
'ot tate rives he Caine to a river ghat
whore tltc body of a dead horse lay.
1314 w►w ad et►utleula ao arty fox het he
Results SO Far in the Methodist
Church of Canada.
methodists in Clinton and Wester, ;
Ontario are following closely the vote
now being taken on the itinerary t
question 1n the church.
There are 2,074 circuits in the
Methodist Church in Canada and New-
foundland. Of these 726, up to Marsh
5, had reported the result of the vote_,
and on these 726 circuits there were
15,6)1 official members. Of that
number 8,152 were present at the
quarterly board meeting, and of the
8,162, five thousand seven hundred
and twenty-eight voted to retain the
present time limit to the pastoral
term. There were 2,435 voted for a
Numerous suggestions have b let
made for changes. Some prefer
three-year term, but there are ihos
who desire 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and even 12
year terms. Others again woul
eliminate the time limit entirely an
have the pastor remain as long ag h
Y I al
presence was eggscab e to the C
greation and to himself. Some ala
made suggestions as how to meet fid
situation when one portion of th
congregation desired a change, and ti
other faction \\ ed to cling to th
old minister.
Whhat the result will ultimately 1
may not eve» be guessed at as yet fo
less than 5u per cent„ of the circuit
have reported the pleasure of thei
Chiiciren Cry
A gentleman in town received the
following from a Toronto concern
anent his subscription to their paper:
Dear Sir—Can we have a rentitta»ce
for the enclosed statement? We have
written you before fu this connection
but for some reason or another we
have not succeeded in arresting your
�ea ,..�
attention. •
t Ni. We are now adjusting all accounts
tan ,ll��, . illi in arrears of I:hc first of this year sant!
,, v: r, ^,.><=;..1 >:.:lr; your subscription havng expired last
year, we have to impress on you the
desirability of a remittance,
Will you be good enough to send us
vuur cheque to -day? Our Auditors
insist on all accounts being adius'tid
was confident thea no Harm lay In the
meat of this tarl'allN because on the n
Preceding night he had slunk by
white ru,yototl made the darknoefi ling
with thete ttupleaslUtt bfelte,rini s Over
dlte feast.' So, }Sicking nut a choice
part of , lhe Week he ate, and then
wellt, eta-.
ltrlt si0utet.l1114+ during 1.hat. Irtnt'0lu
5..1111 ter in trio district. 11511 Walled',
portions of tate dead 'aniittal, 31st.
had litiarti tete coyotes al 11 Mel he
had 'been Waiting for just that dcvet-
eratim11, knowing that nitre their
caution had Neral blunted by one fend
ttijty wmrirl',bb bade rt(5tn nn„tl lie.l
would e.ahl*1 to harvaat sear() rue
Dy, gild by ho Nuke ,tp ihapeet 1114
tfait" 110 -OW 1111 fox,traelto lel the
fresh anew and be followed, Inst Itot
far, in st woodedwoodeddell -where the
spruces and Myrtles gloomed and
sparkled, at the toot et nn open SLOW
Oiled. eodlro hal motel hie estch. tt
VMS ,bled, its toes owned up 55 is
usual with the victim' ot sh•ychnbte.
Its 51)111111£, reel a1lfl white and Matti:
Boat, 110 huge:, sett brush, were Mt
stt'ikitig fiolote or beauty as anytltiufi
('1tl7 int, theft Online CCVCred, grant
and silver slutldecd spot of northern
hetet y, Ilet t1)o home' was'htattortal,
310 wait ;stressed b0c0uae,ile 1101 prom.
deed 110111 i11 New York thAE whet; 10
returned hfitne ft'om bis beliday in
the foothill ltnntlhg country ain wotilct
brie;; her some real C;.an)ldiliar force
,�pp . 3 r 1 OS
Bronchi the comes from a neglected cold,
and starts with a short, painful, dry
cough, accompanied with rapid wheezing,
and a feeling of oppression or tightness
through the chest.
You have, no doubt, wakened up In
tin tcaorning and have had to eough
tt61dei6'yi,#i,imes to raise the phlegm from
the eiYi' iiuliial tubes, and have found, it
of a yelli)wish or gray, greenish color,
and you have received relief right away. j
This is a form of biome titin, which if i
not cured immediately may turn into
pneutnofiia or 80101n more a01401.18 trouble.
Cure the cold with Dr. Wood's Noway
Pine Syrup and thereby prevent bron-
oltitis and pneumonia taking hold on
your system.
Mr. E. Jarvi, New Finland, Sask.,
wrtes "% WAS troubled for woe, with,
bronchitis curl could rot find any relief.
1 was especially bed en a slump dnyi'
I wont to a druggist, and asked him Imo
sornetd)!itg Lo NLop t1w cough and eon.
emit tickling in my throat. ale 100
mo rt bottle of Cr. Wood's Norway :fine
SSyrnp, gvllittA }; fn'114 love mr instant
eerier, 1 libi3k:3t icy the hest endieI'd-
ter hlnttchtttb ). 1110,00 cif. NnW 1 take
raro•I a1\ya )rs)11ar;e a•bottle of it 031 hand."
clo Trioti R117ea 11 ti iat340ittute for "Dr':
Wood g.' It is put up in a yellow
tgrnpp yt:13 pato itecr'i thh trade 5010041:
]n,lott Elie. and tidal m uutlaoiured only
byThejl',IMMel nCo r'kiddie()i.r TeireAttet